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Everything posted by makalajabti

  1. I am wondering if Saudi Women feel like they need to be liberated from all the restrictions upon them? They are not even allowed to express their opinion!
  2. Jimca Lee is so vain! :eek:
  3. Ways to liberate women: -Empower them politically (let them run the country), in work place (let them apply for high-paid jobs/ executive) -More rights: the right to choose their husbands or divorce them without the husband's permission, right to not wearing the Hijab. - Education: encouraging girls to study and go to Uni. - A Break with the negative sides of tradition of patriarchal society eg: sexism! That is what I think about how to empower women! Any question?
  4. Khayr wrote just the other night, my wife went to a somali gathering and everyone's favorite Poet-TOGANE was present. Well, Togane was spewing a whole lot of Confusion about Muslim Women and he said something like 'We need more Muslim Women Presidents etc...'...needless to say everyone was clapping and yelling Amin. My wife yelled out 'IstaghfurulAllah' infront of the crowd and told him straight that it wasn't in the Islamic Tradition saxib and that what Togane was saying was nothing but HUBRIS. I wasn't there, but needless to say, it was a proud moment for me-Alhamdulillah! What have you got against women Khayr? Do you think they can't be "president"? Shame on you Mr Taliban :cool:
  5. Muslim countries (arabs or not) have the WORST RECORD OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS?. And you dare talking about how westerners treat their women? :eek:
  6. Everywhere in the World, women are suffering from a wide range of abuse. Their rights are limited in the Third World, like in Muslim countries. But here in the West, they've got every rights, and among them, the way they can live their lives. They could be prostitutes, battered wives, stippers, but they chose to lead these lives. If abused by their partners, family, strangers, they can obtain justice and see the perprators brougt to justice. Can we say the same for women living in muslims countries? Those women suffering from honour killings, female genital mutulations, arranged marriages? I am watching right now a program on philipino women working in Jordan who are subjected to all forms of abuse from their arabs employers and who cannot seek justice in Jordan. Are they liberated women? In the West "liberation" means freedom and rights and in that perspectve, women are indeed, Liberated!
  7. Everywhere in the World, women are suffering from a wide range of abuse. Their rights are limited in the Third World, like in Muslim countries. But here in the West, they've got every rights, and among them, the way they can live their lives. They could be prostitutes, battered wives, stippers, but they chose to lead these lives. If abused by their partners, family, strangers, they can obtain justice and see the perprators brougt to justice. Can we say the same for women living in muslims countries? Those women suffering from honour killings, female genital mutulations, arranged marriages? I am watching right now a program on philipino women working in Jordan who are subjected to all forms of abuse from their arabs employers and who cannot seek justice in Jordan. Are they liberated women? In the West "liberation" means freedom and rights and in that perspectve, women are indeed, Liberated!
  8. I did date some non-somali guys but I think in Love ethnicity is not important!!! Love knows no color, no qabiil.
  9. Caption: What do you mean the Home Office is gonna ban the Qat in UK?
  10. Rana, I will marry You but You have to come to London. I am not going to Sweden not even for a pakistani husband.
  11. Caption 4: "Now you know how Europe feels about Asylum Seekers"
  12. Where can we see the pics? :confused:
  13. Why do somali naago like whiteys? Because they are nice, they know how to be kind and gentle
  14. I am a girl and I am against this bloody Hijab. Every little somalia girl as young as 4 is forced to wear a mini-tent. Let's be honnest about this, parents pressure girl to wear. We all know that so let's not beat around the bush, those girls did not choose to wear it, they are obliged. We can be muslim and be against it because it shouldn't be a priority in the deen it's just clothes which are ugly buy the way. Somali parents think that in that way, their daughters will not fall into "vice", ah ah!
  15. I am from Djibouti and I noticed that somalis people from somalia are more judgemental than us. Most of them are concerned with Qabiil crap and seem to resist to integrate into "white" society. I am not generalising of course they don't behave in the same way especially the younger ones but I definitely have no hope for the older generation.
  16. wowww this subject ran three pages and it's not finished yet. What can I add to it? First of all , Lexus has right on a lot of points: -Yes, most somalis people find that light-skinned girls or boys are beautiful and near perfection. Some people would say "your children are so beautiful" to a mother if her children have light-skin and would say nothing to a mother of dark skin children. This is ****** and sad but some somali people react like that, that's it it's more to do with thier upbringing and usually they are old people.You understad now why some girls are bleaching their skins, don't you? -In the past, brideprice was higher for light skinned girls, check with ur granny she'll confirm it. Nevertheless, a minority like me and some people here think this is ridiculous: beauty has nothing to do with skin color. I undesrtand Lexus, she's just repeating here what she has always heard in her entourage, she never challenged it because she is light skinned therefore she is satisfied with the problem: it's not hers and she's not concerned by it. Secundo, africans did not start the bleaching industry, at the begining cosmetics companies targeted asian market: Japanese women disliked their yellow skin and wanted to look more white (like geishas).Same thing for dark indian women... Bear in mind that all this has nothing to do with colonialism, before europeans set foot in Africa, light skinned girls were seen prettier, so this problem can be traced back to thousands years probably. However, I notice a trend , more and more dark somalian girls are proud of their skin color, they are branded as ugly by people like Lexus, but eventually they are admired for their courage. Women's world is hard sometimes. There is a somali saying : doqon iyo habeen ba madow, which someone replied : dhilo iyo dharaar ba cad. You know what's ridiculous in this problem: Guys don't give a monkey *** whether you are brown, chocolate or light skinned.... If they fancy you, they think you are pretty whatever skin color you got.
  17. My first job was waitress/glass collector.It was terribly exhausting but my co-workers were nice and friendly. It was great fun until after few weeks my manager who was a white chick decided to make my life a little less easy. She was mean ans verbually abusive with us. I lost weight and decided to quit, I've done a lot of ****** jobs (fast food, factories)but most of them were cool. It was a great time definitely
  18. Hello Folks Yeah , the truth came out this week, only 12% of somalis work in UK. It's a shame but they forgot to mention that somalis were new immigrants, there are lots of problem: language barrier, un-educated parents, expensive city (London) and a Generous benefit system. They decided therefore what was best for them: stay at home and get paid doing nothing instead of doing low-paid jobs in a stressful city. Most of somalis are benefit scrougers and virtually few somalis girls work. But things are changing and somalis are catching up with zimbabweans or bengali. I live in London and it took me 2 years and half to get out of the benefit system. I 've learned english and got at last a decent job to pay my rent and my bills. It was hard to overcome the lack of qualifications however when you are out of the benefit system, you never got back......
  19. The author is a crazy woman called "Margaret Sanchez", she is racist against muslims people not only from Middle East but also from North Africa (I just finish reading an article she wrote about anti-semitism in France). She is so dishonnest and see the world through an opposition : Good versus Evil. Or good America versus Bad Muslims. For her, every muslim is a potential suicide bomber who "had been enlightnned by the West " and is ungratefull now. She's also confusing ISlam and muslims. Just because most muslim countries are being ruled by dictators doesn't mean that the religion is to be blamed. I can't blame Hinduism or buddhism for poverty and child labor just because in those countries millions of children are working as sex slaves or doing adults jobs. She is doing this deliberately and she knows what the truth is, No one says Christianity is backwards and dangerous because there are some pedophile priests.
  20. Do we have a culture ? hmm let's say yes but somalis people's culture nowadays reflects the country they live in : westernized or arablike. is that a problem ? In my point of vue Not really but since language is essential to culture as long as somalis speak somali language, everything is under control!! We shouldn't be worried, all societies are changing and we are following the trend like everyone else.
  21. wooooooooooooooooooooow This is incredible you are so paranoid Firstly: I live in London in an area where live a large somalian community. I have never heard of somalian kids being stabbed on regular basis : there was a case 2 years ago in another area (East London) but that's it ! And my conclcusion is that those kids are killed cos they got mixed up in the wrong crowd: somalian families are poor (they are in majority on benefits) and they live in an impoverished neighbourhoods hence these unfortunate events. It's no one's fault but their bloody parents: they should look after their kids when those brats are not in schools. The person who started this topic had written "waiting to be cut down by some effing timojilic or madow fool xun. Istaakh furalaah. I just get so angry everytime I think of about it" Madow fool xun surprised me :eek: why does she/he thing that black people (other than somalian) are ugly ???????? That's racism !!! ouch !!!
  22. Why africa is in such state is their greatest mystery of our time. We cannot accuse the past/whitey/colonisers. We don't know that's it. Maybe it's down to our heads of state and their inability to govern. But I know one thing: africans don't lack assertiveness or self esteem. It's just that the sitiation is impossible now but we will overcome these tragedies. You are looking at 60/80 years of African History (1920-2005) it's a relatively short time,we need more than that to declare the failure of Africa. All countries encounters some dark period before achieving political stability and economic miracles. We will. About African civilisation, frankly I don't give a damn whether my ancestors built pyramids and conquered lands or were too lazy and hadn't achieve anything. This fact is not gonna feeds me today. Look at Turkey once a great civilisation that reigns over Europe and Asia and now obliged to beg in order to get into the European community. We must not compare our continent to Europe/America : we have a different history and cultural differences. If we succeed individually, Africa will follow the steps.
  23. Polygamy should be banned. It's unfair for women and an insult to Love. Polygamy came at a moment when men were dying in wars and women's status was low. It's not the case anymore. Polygamy is a constant humiliation for a women and bring many problems to the husband. If there is a woman out there who is not against, she is probably ignorant and dumb.