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Everything posted by Kool_Kat

  1. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: "But she is so interesting looking and so bright. That will always take you farther. When you?re a great beauty, it?s always downhill for you. If you?re someone like Mrs Obama, you just get better with age," she said. She hit the nail on the head with the above statement...
  2. WTF!!! WHO IS THEIR STYLIST? S/he needed to be fired 15yrs ago! :mad: :mad: Nacalaa tin bleach gubtay kutaal? Waa iceebeeyeen...War wuxu qaab darnaa? Surgar Rush? You mean Sweet Rush? Meel ha'uga dhicin...They at least present themselves well on any/all of their videos/interviews... Kuwaan aad moodo inee jidadka kasoo keceen hala barbar dhigin! BTW, why the need to authenticate whether or not they really are from Sland? I thought the fact inee Soomaali yihiin uun inaad kagubaneysee, what's up Marx? Sland malaa'ig lee maaka dhalato? Hot Dog Anyone?
  3. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Horta wali meesha naaagihi cad cadaa majoogaan waa magaalada kaliya aan naag MADOW ka waayay ..... Caku iyo naag iyo cadaan raadis! Ar iga wad Keenyaati shiirkooda iyo dhidid kooda meeshooda iyo meel dheer ha'iga joogo...
  4. Let me see, from 416 to 415 to 651 ( ) back to 416 then recently moved to 905... MMA, 647 gadaal kagaarayaasha aawataan! How I hate my cell is 647... :mad: :mad:
  5. Originally posted by ADNAAN: much support for these brave xalimos, they are the backbone of the community. Ar Xaalimo iyo caruurteeda cadaadeenaa xaa ku dhacay? Believe you me, since I've returned to work, the only thing I thought of for the first couple of weeks was 'how in the hell do single parents manage home and work life?'...Walaahi I now have a newfound respect and admiration for single parents!!! Ilaahayna ha u fududeeyo... Ps, notice I said 'single parents' and not single mother! Although not many in our community, single fathers do exist and they should be commended for their hard work as well...
  6. Kool_Kat

    Bald Heads

    It is either bidaar or basaxiir, a latter is a bit xaaxer... Ilaahaa nalehee nin sadexabo tin fooda kuqabo ama tinta dhexbantarkeeda aad moodo iney daawo kagoysay intee la geynaa? Akhas!!!
  7. Originally posted by IsseRiyole: Balo war Kool Kat halkeed ku dambeysay, i know someone will jump over me and tell me to go private,i hate private conversation.Bal soo hadal Wixii laqariyo qurunaa kujira! Waan faaya, seetahay adi? Waan joogay, nolosha uun baan daba cararayaa...
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Those wadaado are the problem ... they will be dealt with. Why am I not surprised at this comment coming from a Somalilander?
  9. Yaroow Bob magaceyga afkaaga kasaar yaah, haku shukaansi doonan! Sheemo iyo nus wilibo! :mad: About the classic KK scene you described above, hadaan lacagtaas heesan lahaa may be saas waan isaga madax yaraan lahaa...Laakiin meeshaan reer Buulobardo aa igu xiriiro, oo shilinkooda u xisaabsanyahay, laastiko iyo sharootona ug duuduuban yahay! Besides, Somalida (most guryo aan arkay) isku style manihin, iyagaan udeystay guri sharaxiisa iyo furniture aad moodo in mansion ey daganyihiin iyagoo guri dowland laba boqol kabixiyo...
  10. Kool_Kat


    Alaha unaxariisto, idinkana samir iyo iimaan idinka siiyo... Aamiin to ducooyinka...
  11. O'Lord! Eesh calaa sankagalis...Waaba kuwareeray, puzzloow xaal qaado...
  12. Ilaahoow haduu ciridkaas iyo daankaas iyo indhahaas godka galay toban iyo lix jir yahay maxaan dhahaa! 16 lagu yeh, mayee toban iyo kow!
  13. War adna A&T aa kuwaalatee naga leexo! I think he is right next to SL!
  14. Originally posted by *BOB: wiilashu waa wax xun oo belaayo dhib badan ah oo hadana waa araajo shiir badan oo hergab baa kugu dhacaya mar hadee dhanka hawada kaa maraan belaayada dhogorta badan sida ari carbeedkii marka adeer markaad aragto wiil soo socda sanka iyo indhaha labadaba ka qabso oo dhulka eeg sheydaankana iska naar waan kuu duceyne...haye dheh adeer...weey sheeko macaan yihiin waan ogahay...weeyna hadal badal yihiin oo cajalad iyo cd waxaan loo kala aqoon bey liqeen laakiin dheg ha u dhigin sheekadooda... Qaarkood wiliba dhabarka timo kuqabaan sidii werewolves iyo meelo kale oodan waligaa is oran karin timaa kasoo boxo - yuck *shrugs*... I wish someone had given me this advice when I was 15... hadaad sheeko rabto aniga iikaalay Markuu intaas yiri baan ana shukumaan aan banka ku tirtiro raadiyay - mexeey tahay waxaa daadisay Boboow? Talk about qof soo kala fireeyay!
  15. ^Oo tumaad eheed adna? Magac Somali ah walba maxaa ula bixi weyday sida Qalbi Nuura, Maan Deeq, Quruxleey, Qalanjo, Gowsa Weyn, anything but carabi? Bal ii sabar hee, islaan baan ehee...
  16. Awguuryo Aabaha iyo Hooyada...Insha'alla h caafimaad for Hooyada iyo Gabadheeda! Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I'm just thinking of his temp wife ,,, You mean you are concerned about her :confused: Concerned aa? War mayee isagaa mid rabay, so I guess wuxuu is leeyahay 'toloow kii temp wifekii miyuu cakisayaa?'...In other words JB jiq eekutahay isagabo...
  17. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: No wonder that dude who ku heeso that song bought his green polo shirt in that video from H&M. I saw it at an H&M store last year. Stalker!!! Cunuga ishaada kajeedi! :rolleyes: And what's wrong with shopping at WalMart? I'll have you know their styles are pretty IN, and costs fraction of what you would normally pay at other dukaamo! George linekooda aanba ka helaa... YUP, KK rolls like that! There used to be a time when dukaamada magacyadoo wax weyn ila ahaan jireen, now it is all about what looks good and fits my budget - nothing to do with the credit crunch yaah! I guess dadka meeshee kasoo ilbaxooyaan, ani waa sii ilsiibanooyaa... Toloow dadkiinaan hada H&M and Zara sheeganaayo, I wonder intee laga adeegan jiray pre-2004?
  18. Adigu every May, inta (politics sectionka) kusoo dhaji abkey Rubaayad, MMAna xaga (general sectionka) uun ha'ula sii cararo! I am starting to think inaa isaga ula danleedahay...
  19. Originally posted by Malika: Do married couple actually have an intelligent conversation? I would like to think we do! Though, many (married couples) may not remember the last time they had one...
  20. Originally posted by Malika: What will be the joys of being pregnant without going through the morning sickness,the cravings,the back pains,stretch marks, the kicking and the leaking.. I dont mind the pregnancy,but raising children is a whole ball game wallahi! Cravings I can handle, back pains no problem, stretch marks - who's to say I didn't have them before pregnancy, the kicks - I actually enjoy, the leaks - I better not comment on this! BUT, effing NAUSEA is the only thing I cannot tolerate during pregnancy...You have no idea waxyaalaha aan ku fikiro - istaqfurulahda uun baan guraa... :mad: HURREEEEEEEEY for sperm ADAM!
  21. Qiima beeshadaan nimanka wexey uga cararaan macangag bay ku noqotaa malaha baan is iri ani! Akhas caleek, ilaahaa na lehee yaa nin raaraadin kara!!!
  22. Thnx Bob & MMA, Aamiin... Bob, on the very few occassions I thought to change my nick, I felt like inaa part of my identity badalaayo...Beats me how some change their name, for what seems like, on daily basis...Sheeko hadaan soo gaabiyo, magacaan meel ma'u socdo... :cool: MMA, magaca waan u wada simanahay, ducana waan kugu daraa - laakiin - waa inaad qof worthy of the name ah siiso...
  23. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: who could say these kids won't go on to do other drugs? this little 'harmless' puff (LOL u serious KK) could be their gateway to a 'harmless' sip here, and a puff there and maybe lil snortin' too to complete the experience. Once the experience is completed then what? Dadku qaar bahasha wey la tagtaa, while others is just wax dhalinyaranimo iyo maangaabnimo ugeysay...Who are we to judge them? Iyaga iyo ilaahigooda iyo jirkooda bey utaal...
  24. Yaahoo dheh, hadaan larabin ma dadkey inkaari? Najeynaa! The fine line between love and obsession bey san kala aqoon...Telephone hala'igu raadiyo kuteh, iyaah!
  25. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Am I the only jaamac who is a bit extra fond of this store and its brand? All thanks to whom? And no you're not the only Cabdi who just recently started shopping there, methinks...Cabdi yaashii waanagu ilbexeen... I don't know, their men's section nowadayz is little on the jiljileec side, haven't seen any manly dhar, mise ragii hada sida naagaha bey iyagana is dhuudhuubaan? :confused: