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Posts posted by Kool_Kat

  1. ^I've contacted the founder of SOMCARE, he adviced me that there are a lot of people working on this case...He said to give it about a week or so to see what could be done for her...In the meantime I guess it wouldn't hurt to raise money from the local Somali community for her and if they Somcare can help, the money could be donated to their organization...


    Or you can always call the number provided in the video and speak to her directly, hopefully!


    The saddest of it all is that there are apparently about twenty more girls in the same situation...Some even cut their arms/hands, as I'm told... :( Ilaahoow usahal iyaga intii muslim ohoo dhibaateysan...

  2. WTH! I was just talking to my sister about tomorrow being Dec and how 2010 is almost all done! Aaliyaay ma maskaxdeydaa aqrisay? Teeda kale, adigu 2 cents kama badisid miyaa sheekada? Waa 2011, almost, at least a nickle dheh dee walaalo... :D


    2010 has been an eventful year for me, specialy the month of November...Alxamdulilaah, I am ending it with a smile on my face...Insha'allah 2011 will be even better...

  3. I am saying there's no price tag on men, they're for free! lol


    Malika, it is society my dear, not I...We can exchange posts for the next ten pages and reality on the ground isn't gonna change...As soon as a woman reaches her late twenties early thirties, the pressure to marry that is put on her is far greater than that of a man...Mid thirties is a whole new ball game, some even go in to depression, hence my earlier comment "woxooda isku duub ku qaadanaayo"...This isn't something aan iska leeyahay, but I've seen happen to many well educated, hard working, open minded sisters who otherwise wouldn't give a rat's a$$ what society dictates to them...Sad reality...

  4. Originally posted by Juxa:

    CH lool, KK yeysan kuu dhuuman, she deeply believes jacayl and hates fajaq-fajaqda badan ee malaha sheeko xariirta meeshan ka socoto ee la yaabtay

    Sidey ii fahantay bal eega! Women these days put monetary value on everything, even kii jeclaa oo ey guursanaayeen gurigii uu geyn lahaa...Maansho wiilashii naga dideen... :D I joke, I joke...On the real, I am a true believer "jaceylkeenaa ka weyn"...Aduunka wax kamacaan maleh jaceylka dhisidiisa hoos laga soo bilaabo... ;)

  5. I never said meher is or isn't mandatory, I just said it should be based on his ability to pay...Maqaladbaa taa? Yacni, she shouldn't burden him with wax/lacag aan maskaxda galeyn ama uusan awoodin...


    Who said men aren't judged? Not like cars though! In my books, they are judged like animals...There're the lions, and then there're the sloths, and then there're the monkeys, AND THEN there're the dogs! The reason I say animals is, in most cases, animals can be trained nooh... :D As for age, that's a whole new thread... icon_razz.gif


    Duceysane, siisow majiro, laakin Hummer aa jiraan...

  6. ^Are you saying Tuujiye's comment is "dumb"?


    Bob, iska dhici waryaa ma labo jirkaagii buu Kismaayo luubaan kaa baadi jiray?


    Nuune, Facebook gadaal gadaal loo aqriyay ma'aha Koob Cafe...Indhaha maanatiree...Waa Koob-e-Caf... :D


    Tuujiye, ani FB meelahaan camal markii looga hadlo waanba iska cabsadaa...As for late, FB naftikiisaaba iga cabsiiyo...Meesha waxa kasocdo macbuudka!

  7. I'm on the same boat as Khadar! A friend of mine said she'll be setting up an account at Dahabshiil, but still...N'way, allaha usahlo...Insha'allah will try her direct number...


    I think this topic should be moved to the General section, si eey dadka badankood u arkaan...

  8. People! PEOPLE! PEOPLE! Sheekada gaariga foregsaambol lee iga eheed, ha'i xagxaganina! Mexey tahay dhabaaxo iyo fara garaacid, wah meesha subcis maa ka jiro? :mad: :D


    Ducaysane, why of course not all girls are the same, just as all the cars aren't the same...There's Hyundai, then there's Honda, THEN there's Volvo; well you know where I am going with this right? :D


    Seriously, if I speak the truth, which some seem to iney ka leex leexdaan, gabar iyo garoob isku mid ma'aha...Even gabdhaha dhexdooda aan isku mid eheen, you have the 20somethings kana siib kana saar (yacni choice badan ee leeyhiin, they hold the cards), then there are 30somethings oo woxooda isku duub ku qaadanaayo, AND THEN there are 40somethings dhahaayo kan waa alle kusii...


    Ar aan bas iska dhoho intaan safaleetiga la'iga dafin oo ciida la'igu rafin...Raali ahaada...

  9. Originally posted by Tuujiye:

    Where is KK when I need her man... K, usheeg yariiseydaan yaaqee..Facebook in uu hool badan qabto hada lool...

    Reporting for duty SIR! Ani waxaa ka hodloyso wax kama ogi, wax aan xan-xan eheen (yacni xan lee ku maqlay)... :D Af dabolan dahab...FB qaasiir maka suubsano camal...loool


    The knife example is very bad! The wadaad could've picked up a steak knife or something, hell even fork, but BUTTER knife? Xaasidsanaa odayga?

  10. Interesting speech from the gentleman at

    Madaxweynaha, wasiirka arimaha dibada iyo kuwo kaloo badan qosol gariir buu ku riday...Wasiirka arimaha dibada wuuba is celin waayay, maruu ookiyaalaha siibo iyo maruu bidaarta salaaxdo! Talk about biyo kulul dad lagu fariisiyay...Agah...






    "Ubaamaa timiha loo xiiraa, idinka iska daayee"...Afkiisa caano lagu qabay...

  11. Subxanalaah!!! Ilaahay ha'u fududeeyo maskiinta...Maseerku waa cajiib...


    I've seen it earlier on FB, a friend is setting up an account for her through dahabshiil...I'm sure anything, however big/small will help maskiinta...Ilaah ha'u sahlo...

  12. ^Plastic butter knife will do...


    Malika, from what I heard, with garoobnimo the value of the meher goes down dee...Of course you wouldn't pay the same amount for a used car as you would a brand new one...*I feel so bad typing this, oh well*


    Daud, first and foremonst, WELCOME! Second, dowry should be based on your ability to pay...If she or her family come up with an outrageous amount, put your wallet in your back pocket, and as they say "cagta wax kaday"...Good luck...

  13. Every Somali man's

    Aside from kuwa dhoociliinta ah, of course...


    Looking good in xijaab

    That's the Somali swag

    She shining like a star

    Like the star on my flag

    And I ain't trying to brag

    But Somali girls are beautiful




    Meelkasto aan fiiriyo

    Adaan ku arkaa

    Adaan ku maqlaa

    Oo adaan ku rabaa



    Ps, ar tan funaanada cagaarta wadato yaa meesha katuuro...Agah!!!!!!! redface.gif



    ***Leaves thread moving like shaati cagaarleey***

  14. Horta hore let's get something straight, it really irks to see fools (certain men) comparing girls/women who live/grew up in America/Canada/Europe to those in Africa!!! WAR HEEDHE THOSE IN AFRICE SEE YOU AS THEIR MEAL TICKET...Regards of the life they live, people in Africa wexey moodaan meelahaan in Jano on Earth tahay, and everyone wants Janada nooh! Duh!!!


    Laakiin, I've noticed girls in Hargeysa are way too advanced...Kuwa dheelaya ma'aha! :D

  15. Sugbo, sugbo adi! Soo waxaan kuleeyahayba ma'aha, maxaa bus keenaayo iyadoo lahelaayo koo gaarigiisa lasoo xiimaayo? Dambi iyo qaboow isku darsaa? Nuune, it is 2011 sxb, get with the program...vruum, vruuum...Certain cars xataa kuwa wato la'isku ceebeeyo ayaamahaan baan maqlay...


    Ar bas bas...Shib aan iska dhoho...

  16. Wiilsha Soomaalida bal soo yara dhowaada, hadaan idiinla hadlo sida gabar walaashiin ah oo idinka weyn, intaan iga qaata:


    1. Hablaha Soomaalida ee ku nool Mareykanka iyo Canada, qaasatan kuwa dhinaca qabowga dagan, wexey fahmeen baabuur la'aan iney la mid tahay lugahoo kaa barafoobo, dhagahoo kaa qaboobo, sankiiyoo biyo kadaataan...2011 ayaa lagalayaa, labo ama sadex iskaalso in la'isku xirto ama ear muffs laxirto qabow awgii kutubada laguma qorin...Wax indhaha uroona ma'aha naag weynoo duufeysa! Yacni, gaari gado ama gurigaaga joog!


    2. Hablaha Soomaalida wexey fahmeen kaan shaqeysan ee jaceyl baan kuu qabaa meel lasoo istaago, inuusan jaceylkaas biilasha dhiibeyn oo meesha shaqo lagac laga keeno loo baahan yahay...Yacni, laba qaawan isma qaado, ee afkaaga uraayo dadka ka leexi!


    3. Hablaha Soomaalida wexey fahmeen kii wax baranaya, dee danahiisa iyo howlaha maraakiibta inuu wax u baranayo...Isagoo shilin heysan markey intaasoo sano daba joogaan, bilow biri markuu wax barto dhaqaaji...Marka maxaaba is wareeris keenay, mid already wax bartay oo gaarigiisa laxiimaya baa la helikaraa...Yacni, iskooleey haduu yahay waqtigiisa waa inuu buugaagtiisa ku ekeeyo...


    4. Ugu dambeyntii, hablaha Soomaalida wexey fahmeen kii is mooda inuu quruxoon yahay amaba qurxoon, hade ishaa kubadaneysa kaa...Yacnii naag walbaa eegeysa, marka maantoo dhan lama ilaalin karo...


    Marka kii wax baranaya, markaad wax barashadaad dhameysato usoo jeeso naag...Kii shaqo la'aan heyso, markaad shaqo hesho usoo jeeso naag...Kii lacag la'aan heyso, markaad lacag hesho usoo jeeso naag...Kii qurxoon, ummm, ok adi xoogaa indhaha halaguugu nuursado, laakiin qurux kaliya hala soo shirtagin... ;)

  17. Originally posted by Libaahe*:

    And honestly i don't understand why it's only ladies that are attacking her. While the men are appreciating her beauty.

    What is there to understand? Who attacked her? Only two ladies commented about her...I didn't know looking like a typical Somali lady to be considered as an attack! Attack ku yeh...Xasha!


    Indhaha halkan ku nuurso... :D