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Everything posted by Changed

  1. this is a heated topic and to brown suga sis do whatever u like u seriously dont need anyone consent on this subject......ur family already did so why ask for these people's input....u can educate them but as far as am conserned they praise saudi arabia the stupidest,dumbest country inda whole world some one posted that there are no prostitudes in saudi arabia nigga all i have to say telya is read books and go live there. tha suadian guys go to egypt,come to america to do zinnah they rape kidsss.....u dont believe me ur reasearch.....any who! somalis will be somalis best friend is african america and she is dating a very hot somali guy...hmmmmmm and am happy for her if a somali girl want to date someone of a different decent well good for that girl.......but to be honest it not something i would do(am to culturaly oriented i would not undertand any guy who is not somali)......please people dont use aduun its too harsh
  2. yoooooow i was at the shego band and skyhigh family toooooo. but i did't like it so left early...i was at my moms and i had a great family time....went to the movies saw 007 of the rime was meeting with long lost eid was great alhamdulillah.......
  3. yoooooow i was at the shego band and skyhigh family toooooo. but i did't like it so left early...i was at my moms and i had a great family time....went to the movies saw 007 of the rime was meeting with long lost eid was great alhamdulillah.......
  4. yoooooow i was at the shego band and skyhigh family toooooo. but i did't like it so left early...i was at my moms and i had a great family time....went to the movies saw 007 of the rime was meeting with long lost eid was great alhamdulillah.......
  5. yoooooow i was at the shego band and skyhigh family toooooo. but i did't like it so left early...i was at my moms and i had a great family time....went to the movies saw 007 of the rime was meeting with long lost eid was great alhamdulillah.......
  6. originally posted by LATEAFHA Believe that a Mother can Love her childs sOuL more than anything else even her true to dat and if it come relationship like cambaro said cilmi botari has done it.........would i do it...........hell no....i would sacrifice my life for my child at any time (if i ever get a child)......insha allah.....
  7. originally posted by LATEAFHA Believe that a Mother can Love her childs sOuL more than anything else even her true to dat and if it come relationship like cambaro said cilmi botari has done it.........would i do it...........hell no....i would sacrifice my life for my child at any time (if i ever get a child)......insha allah.....
  8. originally posted by LATEAFHA Believe that a Mother can Love her childs sOuL more than anything else even her true to dat and if it come relationship like cambaro said cilmi botari has done it.........would i do it...........hell no....i would sacrifice my life for my child at any time (if i ever get a child)......insha allah.....
  9. originally posted by LATEAFHA Believe that a Mother can Love her childs sOuL more than anything else even her true to dat and if it come relationship like cambaro said cilmi botari has done it.........would i do it...........hell no....i would sacrifice my life for my child at any time (if i ever get a child)......insha allah.....
  10. brotha blame no one .........cuz all this has been writen in the stars before we were born has been planned by allah subxanahu watacala but our politcian are not the best inda world but u will have to agree with me on this they are smart all they lack is education sad hah.......we as the younger generation need to worry about how to get our country back on track and how to be a nationalist and not worry about who to blame.......... am not condeming ur idea and i dont want u to take me as a hater but that is i think we should be handling the situation we are in ....... peaze 1luv
  11. LooooooooooooooooooooooooL that was wicked bad!!!!!LOOOOOOOL keep it coming
  12. i totally agree with cambaro luul....i hated somali music now i actualy own one cd....funny hah...... but i wish i was in my twenties like everyone ........i still hate somali aroose's they give me a thing that made me notice that i was a grown as* woman when i saw me acting like my olders sister......looooooooooool ........i never though i would be like them what a bomer
  13. LooooooooooL ORIGINALLY POSTED BY WADAAD OF COURSE THIS MEANS WAR MY FELLOW NOMADS PREPARE FOR JIHAAAAD FIISABIILILAAAH... Looooooooool JIHAAD LOL This is my say in this topic: if they come to somalia they are going to treated worst than the way the americans were treated :mad: ......i bet they still remember black howk they will not mess with somali's are brave and couragious.
  14. i agree with jamal old people could take care of themselves and their kid how could they take care of us and our kid ..........they are too dumb and ignorant and part of that is they are un educated jahiiliin..except for everyone parents am talking about the politicians when i say jahiliin...
  15. loooooool the rajabeeto one is hillarious Syphallis is not waraaboow and it cannot be picked from anyone
  16. loooooooooool looooooooooool looooooooool gosh she tricked him loooooooooooooooool
  17. please listen to this journalist and how he explains how he was attacks by the afghanis and how he tries to understand them click on it
  18. ala i did not he was dead allah o naxaristo am soo sorry
  19. BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHIIM i hope its not the truth and if it is the truth the guy must have been under alot of pressure to do what he did :confused: ........may allah forgive him and bless him with a better brain cuz he calls him self a leader when he needs to be lead .........adios to samigrl question sister they hate all muslims not arabs that is were u are wrong ......somalis are not negros so i suggest u apologize to all somali in this forum for calling then negroos........i know the word nigga is not bad but i also know ur intention u meant it in a wrong way and u owe all of us and apology.. 1luv
  20. loooooooooooool mob deep u are right..... samigirl i will tell u how to open a new post click add a post aight .... and dont give us the " i have a dream" speech :rolleyes: ..u dont even now what kind of somali we are so back offff about us somali's aight :mad: i will not even argue with ya cuz u sound ignorant and i wont give u a minute of my time but a little reminder will help u.....look at the topic everyone is talking about den reply and if u need help in buying ur self glasses u can ask for donation cuzz u are lost sister ....
  21. loooooooooooool true true but i dont agree with only this part Girls are attracted to boys, even at an early age. At an early age, boys are attracted to dirt. i was not attracted to boy until i was 13 for real and i can say for all girls 9 will be the youngest age........
  22. loooooooooooool true true but i dont agree with only this part Girls are attracted to boys, even at an early age. At an early age, boys are attracted to dirt. i was not attracted to boy until i was 13 for real and i can say for all girls 9 will be the youngest age........
  23. loooooooooooool true true but i dont agree with only this part Girls are attracted to boys, even at an early age. At an early age, boys are attracted to dirt. i was not attracted to boy until i was 13 for real and i can say for all girls 9 will be the youngest age........
  24. loooooooooooool true true but i dont agree with only this part Girls are attracted to boys, even at an early age. At an early age, boys are attracted to dirt. i was not attracted to boy until i was 13 for real and i can say for all girls 9 will be the youngest age........
  25. i am just disappointed at with samigirl u seem to seprarting our little country into pieces ........somalilanders my gosh girl get over it ......i know the little dofference and that somaliland want to become its own state but as far as i am concerned i dont give a shiit........ and i dont think u should and u dont have to right to debate about it.....please dont deny u are gabyaliste to the core.....i agree with nasra now and i understand what she was talking about...the sad part about all this is u seem to think u are right.....well girlfreiend someone that cares give u and advice and this is my advise for u look before u leap am serious cuz if u open ur mouth were there are alof of somalis they gone hurt u or else there may be argument u would wish never happened.. any who i still dont see why somali people would harras a six year old so please come up with a better lie.. adios