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Everything posted by Changed

  1. maskiin macruuf it was funny.....hadi la isku dufto kuyiri loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  2. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool shud up am going to kill u kuyiri.loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool am still cracking up over this.....
  3. ala sup nayaa wiilo kutiri yes u got me right ......hey u was preparing for something the last time i saw u..say hi to her for me is going fine i hate summer school but i cant escape it ......well hola back macda....good poem did i say that earlier :confused:
  4. u will know u will just give u a tease .for a while is the MCAT test e ......or was it another test not sure but i hope u did good .......should i give u hint ................adios for know i gota bounce me got class ya know <=== that is ur hint gues again.....
  5. masha allah xafsa :say hi to ur sis and ur mom.......gues who this is ? u exposed ur self in hibo take ur time to gues who this lovely lady is ?.... ....u expose me in this forum u know i will dacas slap is mnplz by the way?
  6. muslim sister masha allah sister never been said better ......insha allah that answered ur questions exdane
  7. here goes another one ....(NOT MY POEM) big up to sister nura..... =============== The Scarf By: Nura Alia Hossainzadeh They stand there with shorts, so short, excessively short, shorts that so deceptively capture from them all they know of modesty... ...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair They stand there, face lost in a sea of make-up, make-up that so ruthlessly captures from them all they know of freedom... ...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair They stand there, hair raining with gels, colors - chemicals that so menacingly capture from them all they know of purity... ...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair They stand there, so close, so very close to their "lover", devoted to them, the devotion that so mercilessly captures from them all they know of individuality... ...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair And they stand there, talking of getting new shorts, new gels and colors, new boyfriends, materialistic things that so wrongfully capture from them all they know of God and love... ...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair For my scarf is my protector, my lover, my devotion, my pureness, my beauty, my rememberance of God, And I proudly pull it over my hair knowing that when I wear it, I so rightfully thrust away all the things that the devil brought about, And when I put it on, I am Free...
  8. I saw this poem on a website thought i should share it ....... ============ I am a Muslim ============== I am a Muslim And God I praise For all His blessings My voice I raise In one God I believe No equal has He Lord of the universe Compassionate to me Muhammad the prophet Taught me the way To be honest and truthful Throughout every day The holy Qur'an To life is my guide It's teachings I follow By it I abide Islam my religion Preaches good deeds Mercy and kindness To the right path it leads Upon all humanity God showers His grace Regardless of colour Nationality or race Through working together Our hopes increase To live in a world Full of love and peace I am a Muslim And God I praise For all His blessings Myvoice I raise.....
  9. insha allah go to heaven of course do pilgrimage graduate and get my dream job...insha allah
  10. OG_GIRL is my nominee for Nomad of The Month ...why ? cuz she is one of the most active nomads in SOL........ :cool:
  11. asalama caleykom raxmah..........WLC to SOM....make ur self at home sister........the cup of shaax will be delivered to u in person
  12. one thing i know for sure is they will miss me and reminisce about me 24/7 ..the house will go quite..there would be no one getting into trouble and i wont be there to mess my sisters clothes and run to hooyo and say "hooyo gabadan iga celi and knowing hooyo would say "naa ciyaal wala dhashaaye dala gabadeyda gabanta aah ii daafaa" man i love that when she tell them that cuz it a way of saying u mess with her i kick u out to be honest i think they will move on with their lives and as a memory one of my sisters will name her daughter after me ....y'll know that all that is what am hoping for ......who knows what they would do if i was dead :confused: :confused:
  13. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac :eek: ala hoyooooooooooooooooooooooooow :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ya allaaaaaaaaaaah save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :eek: .....after all that screaming i would run and knock on my neighbors door ask for them for help if am alive? :confused: :confused: ..
  14. loooooooool@ beenta daa i saw u online u just did not say kidding u know that ........ .......
  15. OG.......nayaa havent seen ya these days u disappeared eeh.......LOL.......26 is old that is why u dont want it for ur self but 15 is not that old .......she actually older than him before he passed out allah yarxam.but women mature faster than men that is why we need age difference and i said maximum of 15 years .....anything beyond 15 is too old...why am i thinking OG is going to married to a man that is 20 years older than her :confused: :confused: i dont know but its just a gut feeling .nayaa stop hanging around those odayal's love me
  16. xayaat masha allah i would agree with u on the mom thing did my mom......... charismatic ausie......well depends on the age cuz if the man is max of 15 years older i would say its an ok age cuz my dad was 15 years older than my mom ....... about arranged marriage it depends like Entrepreneur said if its consulted its aight if not and u are being forced like " far duco and far naar" then its not ok......... parents have the right to consult with us about anything at anytime ........personally i would not say no ...i would ask to meet the guy and get to know him..if i like him i will say yes if not i would say mom i cant and then give her my reasons ..u cant just refuse a person for no reason...well that is my philosophy.
  17. Changed

    Who am I?

    am back yes .u are right sis and i knew it right away ....safi is right ...answer i am sure
  18. calasay u missed that name ........ the old names are unique .i think ..
  19. call me a lier cuz i lie to them and say sxb am in a relationship..if it does not work out i will hola ..and never hola back.. ...
  20. Changed

    Who am I?

    who am i? 1st clue: am female 2nd clue: am deceased 3rd clue: am one of the somali hero's i bet this would be easy to answers ...but that is the best i could come up with ...
  21. i would agree with Entrepreneur ....there is not a way we will avoid being slave's to the work place where we work at even if that is owning my own busniss....on the other hand am still working toward my dream job.......
  23. "naaso dheer" ('big breasts') ahahha u just pictured that in my head and am laughing crazy....she covers her hair and she cares about the color of her hair...... and i wonder how henna turned her hair yellow :confused: ? sad but funny
  24. walaahi it amazzes me to see people action and when i do listen to them they are kinda right .... samygirl eccept my apoligies i had no right to get mad at u...but arent u thinking they way those people provoked u and insulted u the same way u are insulting me and the other somalis in the forun the some way too .....look i dont think somalilanders and somali's are different in a way and i would never be cought saying $hit about somalilanders and those that did say stuff deserve to be ignored and hanged around with. and if u do know what it feels like to be dissed, why do the same to the people ..revenge is not the answers and remember all somalis are not the same, if something y'll are traitors there are some that think y'll are keep ur cool and express ur opinion, rubbing out mistakes in our faces and creating chalenges is not the solution....i bet u did not want the forum to turn the way it turned out to be .all attention on u. u wanted both landers and somalis to chalenge well that did not happen and i hope u did learn ur lesson from this incident that u created..and remember there are good and bad somalilanders and good and somali's ...dont judge and entire nation just because u have met few of the wors... peace and love...for all those that i offended i apologize....
  25. wa aleykom salaam wa raxmatullahi wa baraktu... 1 years .dang.......yeah u really do need to get a life :eek: .......just kiddding .....congrats nice to have u around ..hope to see u more in SOM.... peace and love