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Everything posted by Changed

  1. Changed


    angel ayes dang he is fine...
  2. Originally posted by Grinov: but never the less i loved how he wiped all the SSDF, SNM, AND USC. may allah bless him. people that agree with him just read what he posted ..........wiped out aa acuuuuuuuuuudi biilahi minaa sheeydaaaaani rajiiiiiiiim..... GOD BLESS UR SELF CUZ U NEED ALL THE BLESSING SXB :rolleyes:
  3. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Paltalk must resign from SomaliaOnline. i dont think one should make such a decision like that .its up to the admin paltalk ......why should somaliland comply with somalia what are ur reasons? :rolleyes: i personally think somaliland has it freedom
  4. Paltalk.. keep breaching ur words are being heard naa angel eyes i gave it not time for u to give up... i do think.......he is teaching us a lesson because u would have to respond to people that argue like him...learn a lesson from him and next time we should come up with a better arguments , u have to know what ur opponents got for u to be a good arguer
  5. Changed


    i was hoping u was gona say something about it .....i thought ur brother took over ur name and u was lying down some where with ur head hanging down and screamin live my name :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  6. lol xafsa.........i know u are getting married to that taxi driver dont lie :eek: and i still got my red dirac and red lipstick and my red high shoes and my red garbasar so hola when u decide to tell the truth imperial log out when u get done am tired of posting in ur name and editing :mad:
  7. waraa OG_Moti she probably wanted u to offer her a strawberry
  8. OH, hell no u did not say how he wipped out the ***** kalay is it me or are we having more attention loving people coming around :eek: :mad:
  9. want u to be Atirisho nooh ....u got the features of atirisho 2 and movie .....i bet ama win an oscar for this one too :cool:
  10. oh my god! that was soo nice of them i would want to adopt that kid hmmmmmmmm he is soo cute and he look happy alxamdullilah
  11. Malaika ofcource we gota teach her how to do it or else she would feel left out when we Niiko Niiko around her .........Xafsa now tell me who the Wiilo is ....Wiilo knows how to niiko starting to feel like am not the Wiilo type anymore and gues who is filling the empty seat that i left
  12. oh pooooooooooh lease OG_moti
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hahaahhaahha hahahahahaahhaaha haahahahhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaahhahaahahahhahahahaha hahaahhhahaahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha ya Allah walaahi u cracked me up......i laughed with all my might
  14. Changed


    abortion is illegal when it comes to islam and its the killing of a child. below is a hadith narrated by Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba 'Umar bin Al-Khattab asked (the people) about the Imlas of a woman, i.e., a woman who has an abortion because of having been beaten on herabdomen, saying, "Who among you has heard anything about it from the Prophet?" I said, "I did.'' He said, "What is that?" I said, "I heard the Prophet saying, "Its Diya (blood money) is either a male or a female slave.' " 'Umar said, "Do not leave till you present witness insupport of your statement." So I went out, and found Muhammad bin Maslama. I brought him, and he bore witness with me that he had heard the Prophet saying, "Its Diya (blood money) is either a male slave or a female slave." (diya is the money that is paid when someone kills someone to save themselves from the wrath of hell) Abortion = murder ..........murdering is xaraam And the talk of teens performing abortion am gona assume the worst which is they are having a none marital sex which is why they are having to go the clinics and do it and bismillah we all know that non marital sex is illegal...... ladies keep ur legs closed ..if u think that wont help get ur self a chain and lock ur legs with the chain bismillah that should show how extreme having a none matital sex is :eek: Imperial lady tell me if u are pro choice
  15. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that me sceaming with excitement @ xafsa cant wait to shake that boooooty bogy bogy bogy boooootyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  16. Lexus masha so proud of u what do u want for u birthday ? dont ask for anything i expensive keeping jokes on the side ..masha allah sis and i hope u continue.....ameen take care girl
  17. i agree with xafsa on this u call me nayaa expect to be dacas slapped i kid u not :mad: called u waryaa :eek: waraa is okay if u ask me but not waryaa ... girls can say naa heblaya(name) and for men they can say abaayo , walaaalo or else call her by her given name for goodness sake's
  18. lol......mizz lexuz hate it cuz u dont know it ..... what is up with belly dancing a bunch arabian eeh i cant move my calool at all xafsa ama have to teach u how to move the fuuto with out moving the luuqo ahahhahahahahah
  19. i cant stand chocolates! but i like white more than the black one ..
  20. ALA where is mine .......waryaa OG_MOTI get to work u promised me long time ago remember we had a deal
  21. i was here all along but i had to wear my niqaab to hide xafsa school is going as usual cant wait until its over its almost time for my vication :cool: .....7 days to go ! ...and am dancing with joy
  22. july 16 i went to class @ 9:00 am sat there while he blabed about mass media..had break fast and now am back to my room doing nothing..i plan to do somehome work and take a nap and then sleep....booring day
  23. mzz i was being asked all the odd question :eek: .....i havent seen ya in my dream so on and forth so i stoped being a the dream girl him bal sure he is reading going to run to ur post and he is going to know i got people that got my back