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Everything posted by Changed

  1. somali never cease to amaze me walaahi who ever said she would be punished is wrong like opinionated said there is no country that follow the shariah of islam so her only way out is to repent and never do it again and trust me i asked a sheikh and that was his respond ...... i wonder why some of y'll are being harsh .......what do u y'll want to do with all the men that are commiting zinnah almost everyday ... Saddly Zinnah is a way of life to somali teens these days and the ONLY way according to me is HELP THEM BY BEING SUPPORTIVE ....if we tell the person they did the wrong thing they are just going to retaliate and that wont help them , to be a good friend u have to try to get to the person and attacking them would only bring they deffece machanism to ACT....Walaalo be there for her and TRY to persuade her not to do it again i know that is hard but remind her of allah, tell her the punishment that given to adulters and then tell her how she escaped that harsh punish cuz there is no islamic country that follows the shariah remind her that if there is a country that follows the shariah she will have to be punished with 100 lashes (this may sound harsh but it may help in some cases u will have to decide if it will help) , tell her this is the world we are being tested on for the world we will live in for eternity and if she wants to have a good life in heaven and not hell she has to work for it ..Tell her about hell and heaven tell her about allah and how great he is ..TEll her allah is GAFUUR RAXiim..BUT then remind THAT he is shadidul ciqaab too so she gota stop for once and for good and if she really wants to have sex that bad suggest marriage that is the only way she can escape without a sin<== all those are my opinions u can either take it or leave it .....i had to express my self aalto. what kind of question was that ......u doubt the sisters now eeh :confused: :mad:
  2. The best Movie I seen this summer has to be Pirates Of the Caribbean :cool: for Johny Depp's first PG13 movie he did a fabulous job and i think he did one of his best performance's ever in the Pirates of the Caribbean ...... P.S...someallien....dont u think HE looks sooo hottt as a Pirate hmmmmmm
  3. BISMILLAH ......ACUUDU MINAK.....holy shit :eek: dump him and show him the pic and say nacalat na kugu tale ganisyahow is fiiri......simple qaniiska ye aroosin please....uufay that is so freaking grosss :eek: :mad:
  5. shayma i knew somalis were copy cats :eek: ......nothing new about it is. :rolleyes: ....its just that they dont get appriciated and in order to get appriciated they go to extreme by copying other people just to get appriciated ps....the poem he wrote for his girl was cute .......masha allah
  6. mizz unique...july 22. waxaad isku malay saa ina taqanin u have no idea after class i took a long a$s nap and woke up around 7 pm did some home work called mom and now i got nothing to do and i cant sleep since i woke up at seven pm i bet ama do the same thing over the week.. :rolleyes:
  7. ^^^^^^ nah i told hom gafuur tag was ur name ...and he dedicated the movie to ya ......yeah u can send me the thank u note with kucci hat ......
  8. i would chop it too ........but before i do that i will make sure i burn it with hot oil .... :mad:
  9. Originally posted by Bachelor: I am curious exceptional_by_nature, would you let your brother or someone you care marry this girl? U ARE BEING JUDGEMENTAL :eek: JUST PRAY FOR HER TO TURN TO THE RIGHT BATH AND CALLING HER DHILO WONT HELP PEOPLE FOR ALLAH SAKE GIVE OUT ADVICES NOT DISSES
  10. Just talk to her about it and tell her she did something wrong but god is forgiving and if she repents she will be forgiven :confused: :mad:
  11. Changed


    I go to Free Kick boxing class every wednesday and thursday.......XAFSA tapes aa ...heheheeh
  12. OG_girl.......u guesed it hodan ayan and deeqa wink wink wink
  13. Oh My God.....i wanted to guest ur name maryam sumaya shoo i wanted to gues ur name to (to bad i was gone for the weekend) my name is somali and i still dont know its meaning ....well i know the meaning but its hard to i will let either Sumeya or Maryan give out the hint (wink wink) well this is the hint from my side **giver stpaulchick i dont speak arabic but this is the best i could come up with am not sure if the name is arabic but ama give it a shot...rajah( i know am wrong ) :rolleyes:
  15. Ya is sad i wont waste food no more
  16. khayr.....dont judge as u would not want to be judged ....bro the guy may have come from UAE and probably did not know english at the time butu did not clearify if he spoke somali or not :confused: .....he may have been born there and the only language he knew may have been arabic and now that he knew english he was trying to communicate with u with english... dont assume the worst:assume the best ... yes i will agree there are some somali who loose their culture but that doesnt have anything to do with being somali it basically comes done to personality and weakness..alot of africans, asians,arabs,somalis assimilate with the people they associate with and that is not newly discovered phenomenon it is something that has been happening since Adam and Xawa and please dont blame it on university cuz like u said:u did get tempted yet u didnt go for it that is cuz u are strong and u are not easy influenced while some poeple may be of a total opposite and the society they live around may have a huge effect on them..What is this culture that somalis have and we talk about and how do we know of it ? :confused: it is something that has been set by the somali society, and we are following it in some way we all go in circle and those the leave the circle are looked at differently .i think we should eccept them and if we see them doing wrong , we should advice them and incourage them peace
  17. i loved the opening fight .......that was the felt so real the blood and stabbing .oooh.....and it was great movie .and leonardo looked hot in the movie i loved his ruggidy look and i expected more out of camerom diaz she was fine but that was not her best ! .... p.s> ama have to agree with tahmina the movie was long and it felt like i was sitting in my butt for hours roomate and everyone around me fall a sleep on me
  18. well i cant get into the website but its not a surprise at all......somali's moved around then...i just wonder if they still here and know where they are from or they have forgoten they country and nationality. :confused: :confused:
  19. Originally posted by MALAIKA: MY FATHER WAS INPRISONED IN THE LATE 70'S FOR NO REASON..U COULD SAY HE WAS 1 OF THE LUCKY ONES THAT SERVED A 4 YR SENTENCE COMPARE TO HIS OTHER FRIENDS..SOME NEVER GOT OUT .. 1 OF MY UNCLES WAS IN PRISON FOR OVER 20YRS... that is why this forum got my attention......oday gii walnaa bay u u jibinayaan bal....Naa Malaika welcome to my list Dad was arrested over four times by khadiijo kastuumo weyn and her husband we all know who! so dont feel left out ......remember he is dead so need to critisice him.......Allah is Dealing with him As we Speak :rolleyes:
  20. i wonder why he as question of how many wives one should have in a women forum :eek: :eek:
  21. Changed


    to much harry potter for u mizz lexus ....i reckon kutiri