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Everything posted by Changed

  1. hafsa.....i think people need to think and the man is thinking.its not about xasiid nimo.. am sure the first lady is still thinking about the offer .. ..... any wayz.....girl am just bored and responding to every forum i find interesting paltalk nice advice ..
  2. this is what i do am bored too........
  3. yeah talk to him tell him how u feel sis .......and if he continues his little act then dumb his fuuto....
  4. u cut he off :eek: she was educating u moti make freind with her ..she sound smart for real
  5. ^^^ u reminded my of the speech i gave on FGM ...... labia minora and the labia majora is stitched together leaving a tiny hole allowing the girl to urinate. that cracked me up and yet reminded me of pain
  6. my advice would be dont pray just because u have a test .....walaahi even if u memorized the entire book and thought hey let me go and ask good to make it easy and prayed ....u wont remember a thing when it comes to the test ..My point is dont pray to pass a test ...pray to be closer to allah , pray for u aqirah ...... STAY AWAY FROM SOMALIS: that sound harsh but u have to really, or else we all know what we nomads do, gossip they will tear u into peace with those rumors of them , what am trying to say is: Hang out with them but then u have to have ur own live with out them...the casual hi and hello and once in a while get togheters is where it should stop go to the islamic lecture if they offer some cuz its always good to have a reminder of allah .. make sure u atleast have one muslim friend cuz like they say " badi ka badan wey ka biya badisaa.......i think that was the proverb i was looking for that is all i had and i gave to ya
  7. Originally posted by king_450: i see you are being watched lol. i wonder how u figured that out? have u been watching my post too.......i dont remember asking u to define the word stalk, LET ME BREAK what i said in my last post down for u ADEER............dont f***king interfare :mad: .. and ur answer to figuring out how i was watching x7 moves was invalid .......allah manajinak..what part of my explanation of cyber watch dont u get ......I swear to GOD common sence is not very common......just answer this answer cuz am gona repeat my self to ya for the 10 time :eek: HOW the f*ck did u figure out i was watching the lady.? u must have been watching her and my moves then and like i said i call that cyber watch aka cyber stalking :mad: ....and i marely suggested u stop......i hope u got it this time cuz am not ready to repeat my self ...i dont have the patience and time to explain and deal to senior citizens :rolleyes: ps : OG girl walaalo i tried but this thing is getting to me sabr has given up ..ya RABBI...people i dont know jumping from all around
  8. PALTALK well i was not discouraging him .....i was marely stating the facts ....i dont like giving out fake hopes ......i hope she accepts but them lets face it ,if she wanted him she would have said yes since she is not giving him the benefit of the doubt the only logical solution to me (emphasising on me ) is she does not want him and he should get over it .........this is my personal opinion am giving .. i wish him all the luck out there cuz he will need it
  9. oh well is it not a suprise that u are interfering , i responded to her comment and like u said , we all have the rights to give our opinions out ......and what is this someone being watched talk u talk about . are u saying that u been cyber observing my repsonses to xalimo7.......well i call that stalking :eek: i suggest u not do that :mad: and there is a famous somali phrase that will get my point acrossed which is naga shaneye shan *** dont be that cuz when two girls give out their opinions and u interfere well u are officially the fifth wheel and the shan ********
  10. MOTI .........i heard about it ........but funny one
  11. Originally posted by Xalimo7: All i see is corrupted minds,what on earth you learn from reading Potter, i guess Magic. atleast we learn......unlike some folks :mad: this negativity is starting to get on my last nerve :mad:
  12. L_P girl waw u got mad anger eeh OG_Girl, adree 7abebety , mra7 nakalemhaa b3ad , 5alha twaly , malt 3aleha people in here need to stop the personal attack
  13. since people be editing i gota edit my comment nayaa og leave my husband (saddam) alone deee saddam is my fiance and the man who my mom will give my hand to
  14. ^^^^^^^^ so u expect us to rush up and say hi ala we love .........its takes time for people to respond i suggest u not jump to conclutions
  15. Originally posted by Xalimo7: Why play good samatarian, when you know for fact most of them are Deaf and Dump. Keep your ideas, let them find out the hard way, i am not mad at them, but don't give the cooked potatoe, let them find out their own peace of ideas. Rest in peace bro and never give ideas at all. They don't appreciate. see you what was all that about :eek: and when did anyone say they did not appriciate from what am reading everyone is thankfull.......acuudi billaaahi ..i gues it that time of the month right :rolleyes: malaika girl dont belittle ur self i know u can make just apply and KING will see u there
  16. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Oppiniated, naa xishoo walaal. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Originally posted by Opinionated: Adhi isku xishood...mispelling my name like that :rolleyes: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: haye yet i laugh more
  17. ohmmmmmmmmmmm that is nice peace ...
  18. ^^^^^^ true that but what i can figure out is how he got (he who must not be named) of harry with out harming harry......dumberldore does have alot magical power ... are u going to buy the books cuz i can give ya mine if u want ...i read all book and i feel childish admitting to it ..
  19. nayaa og girl ....u worst than me ..... we gota leave now see ya when i get to my room
  20. its for me nayaa it will pay for my college ps: this comment is for the comment below me and my foundation is not fraud that is an insult right there :mad:
  21. ^^^^^ LOL u are so $tupid walaahi where are u going to get all that money from :confused: since are wasting money give it to mizz unique foundation
  22. OH MY GOD .....IS that what is left of somalia :eek: ....the picture i actually preety :rolleyes: cuz i imagined it would be worst ....... MMA thanks for sharing the pics with us
  23. ^^^ the pain somal girls go through got alot to do with fgm...the sunni is okay but most somalis do fircuni and that is when it creates more pain ..FGM on the contrary does not effect mood swings and crambs .what it causes is back pains and and some bladder infection what react everytime they go throught the menstruation cycle ...