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Everything posted by Changed

  1. waaw...magnoona girl thanks so much for sharing it with us.satan is everywhere and is doing his best to take us with him to hell and we really gota be watchfull ..this showed us some of the things it capable of ...whoo ya rab :eek:
  2. sofia masha allah......kafi i know i did not give suggestion but thanks for naming her after my mom my first daughter insha allah will also be named after my mom and she will be sofia
  3. subxana allah........bismillah am crying walaahi ..and i cant imagine what i would have done ..i have a three month old nephew my self ...and i feel her pain. ..... may allah bless him with health ameen ameen ameen...Conscious Manipulation thanks for bringing it up the more duca he gets the better ...god bless him ameeen ameen
  4. ahahahhah ahahha it was my first time seing it ...and it really cracked me up
  5. these are my picks 1: y tu mama tambien.....(loved it was recomended to me by a freind ..twisted story but quite a mind opener) 2: like water for chocolate(the movie is great even though i thought the book was better ) 3: CHOCOLATE......AGAIN A GREAT MOVIE,LOVED WATCHING IT 4: PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN.....I LOVED IT ..somealien i know u seen it but this is for those who havent seen it .. 5:when hally met sally:(hope i got the name right) classic old movie...i loved watching it 6: U got mail:(meg ryan is one my favourites so i gota recomend it ) a romantic movie
  6. Changed


    naa kalay somali school ma no digoysaa ...i could not read it cuz my glasses are broken secondly i felt $tupid reading after the first line .....the somali is hard..i love cilmi bodhari songs i cant write my fav song in somali but ama write the first few verses i dont know the singers name too huwaneyso baroo , barkaneyso qaro igu beerdilacsee and it goes on and help me out with the singers name please P S: i loved reading poetry by the sayiid even thought he is kinda rude with his peoms but he was good at it (hooyo made me read it and i never got around to reading it the right way )
  7. i dont tell peeps of my age cuz most of the my friends say u are too young that considered hidding ..someone tell me what the hell is wrong with being in ur late teens and having friend in their 20's
  8. OH MY GOODNESS.......and i wanted to get married after i turnded 27 :rolleyes: sis no biggie ......u did not find a guy yet well there is tommorow and walaahi trust me i dont plan to get married anytime soon the soonest i can picture me married is when am 26 and above and u are 26 and considering ur self old please girl u got the world to ur self and enjoy before its to late......
  9. QURAAN HA LA SAARO NAAGTA that is the only way she can heal......and then read some verses of the quran and hadith on her she will feel better
  10. ama have to agree with Shayma... ....she is on ceyr(welfare) if she want the man to clean and cook with her she should have taken the first step and gotten her self a job now that is a western view we all need to follow....she wanted to go around and gossip while mr cali did th cleaning and cooking.. i think men should help with cleaning if its required but in her case its not required .if she would have gone to school like she said she wanted to it would have made sence but the article did not say she was a student..and where does she go around calling herself a feminist :eek: ..feminist dont say women should gossip and make the men clean.she generalised all men dad did not like cleaning but my uncles clean and cook for us and their wives , i think it all depends on the persons personality there is nothing wrong with cooking for ur husband and kids he was wrong to hit her that is one tradition we should not keep
  11. Changed


    ^^^ masha allah.....22 u should have 10 of them by now i seriously cant picture me in 12 years..if am alive i would be married with kids and probably working as a pediatrist :confused: allah aclam
  12. ** walks in feeling the mood ** ** walks away freaked out ***** :eek: p.s: Asraa dont give up on ur love
  14. 3- Scrounge :to obtain something by begging and not to refund it need i say me is a female
  15. OH MY GOD that a good job done MOTI
  16. Changed

    Four Wives

    NUUNE o m g .......nice sheeko...
  17. okay i seen this kid before and yes i could not keep a straight face ......he freaking cracked me up again :eek:
  18. is in mogdisho xafsa i remember yaqshiid, we lived right between suuq jungal and hurwaa in the middle but we were considered part of hurwaa..... my sister told me that in the suuqa jungal there was this mad man called cali dheere who u used to chase kids :eek: i wish i had all the experiences they had ... ..did u ever hear of cali dheere
  19. all this talk about hurwa reminded my of my home ....nayaa xafsa where in hurwaa did u live in ..... from what i hear.......hurwaa has been messed up for a while but its getting back to normal ......
  20. am bored again .....and ama come to this thread every single time i get bored
  21. YES WHICH ADDs TO MY stuck baby sitting
  22. ^^^^^ nayaa trouble aa :eek: ....... i did not say quran sis , and i meant to say islam instead of allah for some odd reason i think i was thinking faster than i was writing and i wrote allah..ON the contrary my islamic teacher once told me the man had TO inform his wife of his wish to marry another woman and her feelings had to be put into consideration....and that is were my argument comes in ...IF AM NOT HAPPY WITH HIM HAVING MULTIPLE WIVES THEN AM GONA ASK FOR DALAQ AND IF HE IS DESPERATE TO HAVE MULTIPLE WIVES HE WOULD GIVE ME MY DALAQ IF NOT HE WOULD HAVE TO BE HAPPY WITH ME
  23. what is wrong with men having four wifes :confused: if they can support four wives physically, emotionally and financially then let him have for wives .. p.s: i would not let my man have four wives ...and remember allah said he can only marry other wives if his first wife allows it .....and i will say no and if he refuses it then i ask for dalaq ..see i will win the case with the emotion part ....i wont be emotionally stable if he had other wives ladies think about it ..its a personal issue each one of us has to decide on her own and i dont think we should decide for all ladies after all ..allah gave them the freedom
  24. if the man wants to have four wives let him be ....u are not going to be his wife so why bother with it ......war soco 20 naag so aroos .......make sure u feed them ...i would not care if a man wants to have multiple wives if he is not man