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Everything posted by Changed

  1. Changed

    Why Islam...

    Raxmah.....jaza kallah........xafsa u did :eek: its so true and yet its hard for us to think about it in a daily basis!..we have it better than the kafir women yet we envy them aint it sad :mad: ....
  2. Raxmah jaza ka allah...........sis ....
  3. ^^^ i remember that weekend ooh those were the days ......we should do some of that shopping now that we start school in three weeks.... I seriously cant wait for school ...if u know what am talking about ps....lerners in mankato is closed ...i had to break it down to ya since u was suggesting it! am guessing it was ur fav! :confused: i guess they ran out of business
  4. Originally posted by Gemini_chick: MIZZ-UNIQUE BEFORE YOU START INSULTING SOMALIS LEARN HOW TO SPELL.............APPRECIATE .....u got issues sister .....people mispell stuff all the time ......i wonder why it got to u though its not like u are the only somali in here :mad: are ya :rolleyes: ... if u aint sudi (plagiariser) why the heat from ur side :eek: ...... suggest u find another dhocil to arque with and teach how to spell
  5. opinionated ....i switched from biology major to political science major ......upto this day my mom is not happy with me , well she acts like she is happy ..this is the question most of the somalis ask what are u going to do with it? i know this guy who got a PHD on PS and he has nothing ..he is on welfare.......and? its hard to explain to long as its not the four majors they are aware of ......they will have zillions of question :eek: angel eyes i gues we will be having some classes togheter
  6. opinionated ....i switched from biology major to political science major ......upto this day my mom is not happy with me , well she acts like she is happy ..this is the question most of the somalis ask what are u going to do with it? i know this guy who got a PHD on PS and he has nothing ..he is on welfare.......and? its hard to explain to long as its not the four majors they are aware of ......they will have zillions of question :eek: angel eyes i gues we will be having some classes togheter
  7. Originally posted by exceptional_by_nature: . What gets me angry now a days is women/girls who wear the hijab to the back or inproper. If you gonna wear the hijab wear it the right way in the first place. Or just don't wear it at all. Because covering only the hair is not whats needed. Its also the neck. Thats my two cents!!! .:peace n luv:. i would love to agree with u ,but its not the case most of the time,some of them are not used to wearing hijaab and when they start wearing hijaab they do it the comfortable way at that time u dont expect them have a perfect start do u ... ameenah i would agree with u.. i kid i never wore hijaab and as soon as i became an adult i had to cuz it was a part of me .....the hardest thing i did and still do is to keep up with my hijaab and i will have to admit up until two months ago i used to have my hijaab cover my hair only its totally a new story...hafsa give me my probs
  8. jasmine u would love the movie will make u cry esp when the girls(forgot her name) lover is married to her sister... another movie i forgot to mention and is a real story that happened in mexico is El Crimen Del Padre Amaro ..........about a priest that falls in love with a girl(the movies has been banned in most of latin american countries made me want watch it i bet it would make u want to watch it too ) Run^.......loved dirty dance...
  9. hobbies are reading novels writing on my dairy dancing/kick boxing ...(relieves tension) .......out of ordinarry............. I love to take a walk by my self and just think and be alone...
  10. libin...i either watched or read the infomation u gave us on stem cells. am not so sure if the united states GOV went along with new experiment on kids embryos ..the church thinks it morally wrong to use it, they just think embryos should be burried, i think it was being used to as a threatment to disease like alzheimers or something ........ thanks for sharing the info sis
  11. libin...i either watched or read the infomation u gave us on stem cells. am not so sure if the united states GOV went along with new experiment on kids embryos ..the church thinks it morally wrong to use it, they just think embryos should be burried, i think it was being used to as a threatment to disease like alzheimers or something ........ thanks for sharing the info sis
  12. NORWIGAN......that is few i learned from some old friends of mine Hei. (hi) Er De hvordan?(how are u) De ser beaufifull (u look beautifull) boks som jeg tar De ut for middag? (can i take u out for dinner) jeg elsker De( i love u) french je vous aime/jotiam...(sounded like that ): i love u
  13. NORWIGAN......that is few i learned from some old friends of mine Hei. (hi) Er De hvordan?(how are u) De ser beaufifull (u look beautifull) boks som jeg tar De ut for middag? (can i take u out for dinner) jeg elsker De( i love u) french je vous aime/jotiam...(sounded like that ): i love u
  14. this is what works for may work or it may not work for u...right after u pray cisha , just say to ur self in ur head am gona get up early in the morning tommorow (tell time )insha allah to pray fajr..insha allah u will get like a charm for me seriously i feel like someone is telling me to get up everytime i do it
  15. Changed


    flying still afkaada cajal heesa lagu qabay... tats my gurl ...i was looking for his name ...xassan adan that is my fav song thanks to u i remember his name here goes my somali/ingris gabay i know its wack but hey dhibaato igu falan faraqan ku heestaa Ee alahayow ii gar gaar ameen ameen what ever happened to me i was told to be strong i was told not to share personal issues the same time u told me to make him understand murugbaa i haayow majiifsan karo allahayow arimahan igu furan xalintoti isii adoomahan lajooga ima fahman adaa ug xaladeydee ee alahayow ii fududey its easy for him to say all that he wants but it aint easy listining to accusations my heart yearns to yell walk in my shoes before u jump to conclutions u a$s but then the saying do as u would want to be done to u hits me hard i walk in his shoes to find out ; i would accuse me too keeping secrets was not in my plan but who am i to break my families trust *please be there for me i got problems* *what problems* *iska daaf walaalo* is the closest i get to sharing the my pain how can i tell him? i will be a betrayer of my word it was the first secret i was told and now i wonder Y i insisted on being told shoo but i was tired of being wiilo the irresponsible i wanted to be mature i wanted to fit in the family circle i wanted to share happiness i wanted to share the pain who it to blame? wiilo for keeping a family secret :confused: or her lover for wanting to share the pain :confused: funny how it ended up heeh stressed out of nothing it was a F*ucking test he chipped in to help i felt betrayed by his love yet am paradisiacally dancing happiness never felt this good trust never felt this good and his betrayel never felt this good i know its not all somali but i got some somali in it right :confused: that was my so called somali/english gabay
  16. okay i was thinking to think about nothing but then i was thinking about harmoney angels point so that made kinda imposible ...bottom line i thought of something and that something was nothing.....harmoney good point kinda messed up my imagination line now
  17. ooh kaafi and scorpion sista cute masha allah
  18. i would have to agree with u shyma, most somalis dont take time to get to know eachother before marriage, since shuukansi is considered a taboo, they just marry without knowing the person they are going to live the rest of their lives with, that is not the only reason that leads to them jumping to marriages but it is one of the main get married to someone is being with them "till death do us apart" and that is not whats in the mind of most of the couples that get married these days ,they actually inform their freinds cheerfully before their they get married if i dont get along with him well there is courts,(what happened to working out problems) and since we are in the western countries patience is something we have forgotten...i have seen old somali couples that had their differences but worked it out cuz divorce was not an obtion.and when i say differences i mean the man used to brutally beat the women, or he never gave finincial support, or had other wives and spent most of the time with other three wives and not her, or just being there finincially and not being the phycally... i do believe that people have to right to ask for divorce on exteme cases (ex..when beating is involved )but making it casual thing is wrong advice would be know the person u are marrying atleast 1 to 2 year prior to the time u move in with them and u are their wife(being a wife comes with responsibilities). As kid when marriage was mention and divorce came up i used to blush and cry (trust me am not making it up), now i say like most of us ladies do if i get marreid and i dont get along with him i would ask for divorce (hopefully that wont be the case with me )
  19. okay....jasmeen i agree with u 110% girl ...walaahi nimanka naagti isku dig digta weey ku kor sucdaad and trust me people am not referring to u too lovely couple (may god bless ur love ) but i am just talking in general...most of the men am not saying all of the men when shown love are Dabaalo dhaba latusiyey..they will take u for granted and walk all over u... i seen my cousins do that .."oh that gir she is easy to get", "she asked me out, i like a girl that is tuff namean" and i quote them when i say that ...... i wonder why our brothers get over prottective when they find out we R dating ? well that is cuz they are afraid what they do or say about other girls is going to be done or said about u and that kill them.........that is Y i take my my precious cousin advice, he once told me never ever isku jilic jilic to a man i still haven figured out why u men are advocating for it :confused:
  20. loooooooooooooooool@somealien holy smoky.....i dont know what i would have done...i would jay walked i gues ... proud sista ...i saw the mens bathroom....its not that interesting .... originally posted by athena Originally posted by CLOWN: 19-Why are the girls so obsessed with a man's butt? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought it was the other way around. I cant understand the obsession men have with @$$ i thought so too :rolleyes: .....
  21. *SILVER* You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever am silver and am proud this say alot about me eeh......i hate those that break my trust ...i wonder why they did not mention that :confused: ... stpaul i saw this a while ago and i loved it thank for sharing with us
  22. Ameenah thanks for sharing it with us.. seriously i think its just another reminder to those who dont wear their hijaab and want to be sexual objects and those that have doubts their hijaab....masha allah
  23. Changed

    DO U KNOW?

    RaxmaH thanks for sharing it with us i think nin yabaan has a thing against women :eek: Raxmah nice way to bring back to his sence
  24. okay this is the most embarassing moment of my life and i will never forget it .. well my family was moving and i was helpin with the moving i was in the truck and i was pushing the little botton to lift ...i been scaring people who went on the lift by pushing it up and down to freak them out and it was preety funny...well i while letter my brother in law came in and he was crying the tv and he got in the lift..$tupid unique thought why not mess with him so i push it up and down and up and down and he started screaming it was so funny ** i suusud in my pants :eek: ..and to make matter worst i kept laughing so i kept going in my pants ...goodness gracious am glad he did not see cuz ran and and sat on a chair and right after he left i called my girl and she bought me baati to rab around my as$...and yes my friend joke about it upto this day...i learned my lesson though am never playing a joke on people