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Everything posted by Changed

  1. I will switch lanes and go into female writers(non muslim) whose work i admire. Amy Tan : The joy of luck Fatima Mernissi: Dreams of Trespass Nawal El Saadawi: A Daughter of Isis, women at point zero. I didnt read her books yet but i heard she is a contriversial writer. insha allah i will read and inform y'll about it
  2. nafertiti.......thanks for the camel..god i never tought a camel would make me this happy and dance this way **wispers to nafertiti *** get over here.....bring ur ears close ***(wispers the name)*******
  3. XAFSA kir mataqanaa......sheeg ee shandooso kataba geey nooh ....... aniga queen of qarxis aa la i dhaha backing away so when am i gona get the invitation card....i been checking the mail endlesly ..or u plan to invite me in person that case i wont qarxis the groom until the wedding day .....
  5. ceeb eey tacaaal shayma no it was ur topic and since u were talking about it i wanted to give u my probs and encourage u to continue ........i didnt think u was a single mother i did not want them to lie i just wanted them to express it in different way .... :rolleyes: ..esp words with the words they chose to use eg: used good but anywayz keep on rocking
  6. hmmmmmmm let me think....... **start thinking ,what does she have on me **** naa firi i dont think u have jack sh!t on me ...u just trying to cabsi me ..but aniga no cabsi nooh now just give me hint to what u know i thought i had a clean record shoo
  7. ASALAMA caleykom! what a jooly good morning to backmail XAFSA now xafsa i know u got that pride but lets put it aside girl..and get on ur knees and say wiilo please dont tell them who am getting married to.......(u have to have more words ) nafertiti...i did not like what u offered ..increase the offer please
  8. ahhahahahahah yahooy joog .........if i was u i would be begging me not to say a word ....... ..iska keey tokh nooh ......i love it when u say abaayo pleash iga qalay.......... remember me is the teacher of qarxis 201
  9. wa sheega........shan ka lax lax ..........flying still ama bust ur a$s .........ladies and gents she is getting married to **********************
  10. Changed


    ^^ i been undercover for so long ....i thought i should qarxis my self a while go ....i think only few of SOL members know that by now
  11. lovely me .........muah muah .....congrats girl.....wish u all the best ........and here goes my fav quote hope u get wiiil iyo caano i always wanted to say that to someone............ (but i cant remember the entire saying in somali) girl i wish u all the happiness in life insha allah
  12. if i was a single mother i would be offended y'll are being rude a little compasion..dont just say it bluntly ..keep a little of those feeling u seem to be expressing on the inside shayma...u go girl
  13. i nearly cried laughing .......walaahi fav song they cant stop islam.........fot the first time i felt like screaming horey.....yet i had to close my window so my neighbors dont hear it ...... why are they rapping? :confused: i also love the plegde of alligance
  14. blush.....tell me about the lecture last year after i graduated from high school , i was given a three month long lecture since i decided to live in the dorms(hostel) ......girl my lecture included long phone calls from holand :eek: (granma), london(sister :rolleyes: ) dubai(uncle ) well and it went on and on and on..i feel ya on the pain.(this year its totally different..they finally take me as an adult no advices given..i actually give advices preety cool eeh :cool: ) ....well ama stop blabbing now ...and get to the point ..dont make no physical contacts with the for emails...writing does not harm...... by the way ..... wlc to somalia online were the nomad roam, out of curiousity: is it ur first flink ever :confused: (u dont have to answer it ofcourse) u remind me of me
  15. ^^^^^^ ooh hell yeah.............when we got there we gona mess some folks up girl@imperial....... nayaa imperial u are under my watch since we are gona be roomates and ama bust ur **** up in SOL.....knowing u ...u cant stay away from men in like what 2 days ..u know me i did last year, and ama do it this year watch us SOL ladies busting time is about to begin........ horta imperial u were supposed to be here an hour ago :mad:
  16. Changed


    Originally posted by Ameenah: Mizz Unique, Lucky and Magnoona... Check out Jubba in the Riwayad 'Masiibadu Aduunyada Ayadaa U Maclin ah' and tell me that he don't look sexy with his go' macawiis and afro .. man, he looks adorable lol. I think its cute, if you have it good like jubba Laakin, its got to be said, most faaraxs mis- wear their macawis :eek: ameenah ahahhhahahahha.........what in the world is sexy about fall right out if he rans like i said dirac is to be worn at home and so is man can show case his a$ on macawis at home .....not out side ...that to wack boys : good luck with abu serendi..... i remember when my uncle came to visit us for vication mom bought him abu serendi, and he wore it as a pajama , mom told him that was the macawis men wore to parties and she was shocked he wore to bed :eek: :eek: i remember i laughed at her, and he told her people would think he was G*AY if he had a macawis on on the streets :rolleyes:
  17. i suffered........this is what happened to me : i was typing something on my msn when hooyo screamed from down the stairs and said naakalay internetka ka bax, ee hoos imow i do as am told and she made me watch the news and translate it in somali..... :eek: :eek: thats all folks if was there : i would robbed banks for sure
  18. Changed


    Girls, how can you not find men in macawees sexy? I imagine them all with their hot pink, green and multi-coloured shirts and those macaawes + sandhals, walking in a file, like they did in the movie, FULL MONTY, y'all seen that? Now, imagine that with Somali Men! Yeah....*floats off with a big on her face* lmao .........girl walaahi i was off to bed and u put a smile on my face right before i hit the bed .... i find u funny *** walks out laughing like a pig(unlike naferti)** i dont even know if am spelling stuff right..that how bad am laughing ... multi colored shirts ........ahhahhahahhhhha this girl is funny
  19. if i get a gun how am i gona use it :eek: :eek: i will turn loco man start shooting and shooting till i get all the freaking galoying killed seriously from the ways things are going in here ...people need guns.....and since the concealed gun law is passed i think somalis in the cities need it ..... i personaly aint getting one :rolleyes:
  20. nin yaban :eek: :eek: :eek: comon lets be real..most of the mali men are sexually active now a days getting them tested is not a bad idea :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ........ sorry to break the chain ladies but i personally would not get him tested
  21. ^^^^^ thank so alot sisters got a lawyer i think and she is a shariah law graduate she handling it ....... but i am in minnesota so u can still hook a sistah up with a lawyer (wink) jokes
  22. DP........i love the word dacas slap walaahi....i would be a millionare by now too........nin yaban that i gues ...
  23. Changed

    Diraac is wack wearin outside walking around half naked.......i dont think so :mad: macawis a turn on :eek: :eek: :eek:
  24. some........beating to me is hitting a kid with a dacas .......and a slap ..