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Everything posted by Changed

  1. Your name of siteey-manoogto makes you very idealistic and generous, with the strong desire to uplift humanity leading you into situations where you can express your desire to serve others. You want to assume responsibilities and to look after people; however, you can become too involved in other people's problems and tend to worry. Your name gives you a natural desire to express along artistic and musical lines. You desire a settled home and family life, and are expressive and attentive to your loved ones. You must be careful not to become possessive and jealous of those close to you, however, as you could attract losses and unfortunate experiences. If you attach an ideal of service to your life, you could find great happiness and could express a very beautiful, happy, responsible, artistic, and generous nature. bulsh! no jelous <== this green thingy aint helping is it :confused:
  2. my home girl is back......dang...... **does the happy dance**** wlc girl
  3. Consistent Companion By and large, you're a giving and thoughtful pal. Occasionally, however, you put your interests first and your friends' interests second. That's appropriate some of the time -- the question is: How often are you really there for your friends? Read on and see how you could be an even better friend, in bad times as well as good. i thought i was better than this :rolleyes:
  4. ^^^ ayeeyo and u ....shoo girl i thought u never join this site.....wlc and gues who dis is ... twisted ayeeyo kutiri hint to who i would be : i thought u would be innocent and sweet not twisted and old ...ayeeyo hola at ya grandaughter peace and luv y'll
  5. Changed


    dont stpaul...u was enjoying the men they stared at ya .. i know mine soda people stare like woooow :rolleyes: but i love me da attention ... ps: naa ilhaamey....this avators is for u nooh.....doqonti madax ka xanoojisay aa ka badalay
  6. ^^ lol....he@lol..juxa is a female i think OG_MOTI....wlc back ...good to see ya back... missed ya a million
  7. Originally posted by Paltalk: TO: Imperial_lady First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq standed alone,because it gathered the most serious dangers of our age in one place. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward the United States. . paltalk could u please provide a proove to ur point...if they had weapons of mass destruction where is it now ? why didnt they use it agains the united states during the war? and talking about dictatorship, ever thought about china and tibet? cuba? north korea? india with kashmir?(they all torture and kill y not them y iraq ..well maybe cuz all the countries i mention are non islamic countries ) ........ we all know saddam was not an angel ..he killed and tortured , and the united states did not give a Flying F*uck about it when he was their ally...why now? hmm let me think :rolleyes: there a chance that the iraqi regime now was a threat cuz they were not allies with the unites states anymore . united states provided the anthrax to iraqis during the iran-iraq war..aint it odd they gave him weapons to kill his neighbors the iranis :eek: ..but y did they gave the weapons ?..cuz he was in war with them and we all know its okay to kill ur enemies but why make an issue out of it when they uses the same weapons he used for iran for the war in kuwait.. why is it immoral all of a sudden :confused: .. correct me if am wrong but didnt the CIA director say he gave out the wrong information about iraq selling Uranium to african ..correct me if am wrong again ! was the war on iraq not bassed on it selling(besides owning) weapons of mass destruction? they have no proove of him having weapons of mass destruction.. they also have no proove of him selling weapons of mass destruction..they just went to war for all the wrong reason which is to get oil from iraq
  8. wooow.....interesting article thanks for sharing it with us
  9. Changed

    Body image.

    Originally posted by flying-still: " naayaa baruurti baa kaa badatee maxaa dhacay?" ok? caqli badana aniga kab hadeyso ina iga dabakentid ma rabtaa i will just say " girl u gained some meat"... who are we kidding i will tell ya "futacay bana ooliyo calool buur" that if i see some fat ..and that is a big if
  10. Changed

    Body image.

    xafsa kalay summer conta badan iska booxisay miyaa? to the question at hand: I hate skinny women..women should have some meat in their bodies by meat i mean not more than 145 -150 pounds for a 5'7 not talking fat :rolleyes: ...... i will tell ya if u is fat tonight
  11. mid nasiib roon meesha ma joogin :eek: ...... .........i feel bad for the man the xaared on himself :eek: waraa jamal somali jilci nooh.....i swear i had to read it twice to understand their problems ........
  12. bisharo........hands up to u...i could not have put in better words my self ....well said my sista
  13. Changed

    My Marriage!

    ^^ twinny i did not expect u in SOL at this Hibo ......... i came in to say congrats ...but i gues u aint married.....shoo the title is misleading....hi sis are ya ......MISS US YET :confused: ....just kidding ..i know u think about us 24/7 ........ much luv and to all those spreading the rumors run before i find ya a$s out ama dacas slap u like wooow :mad:
  14. Registered: September 27, 2002 it will be a year a month and six days from today.....
  15. asra.....if she thinks she wont get along with him she knows what is best for her ....... when it comes to knowing the person in little time......there is a somali mah mah that goes like this "ninka sadax bari ku baran weysid halsano maku baraneysid"(am not sure i used the rigth words).....i seen two of my sister marry men they known for less than a it aight in a sence ..i mean they happily married but i think they liked their husbands personality before they said okay to the wedding :rolleyes: ......
  16. it got me relaxed......and it made me happy ....i did not get any shivers .......but it made me think about allah almightly and how great he is ..... thanks for the quran .
  17. is that a real Hindu or a broken one ?? shid i got busted ...
  18. dayammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,, :eek: :eek: :eek: i will be back to give my comments letter adios for now
  19. this is what my dad used to say when he was pisssed ... qarjaf ku dhishe or ku dil..something like that hooyo upto this days uses: daga adagaa daga dinbil naara lagaga shob...she takes back after she says it but its a habbit she will never break...(for my sister) madaxay iga xanuunisey madax xanuun kugu dac .... :rolleyes:
  20. arul doss namasta bhai ...aap kai se ho? welcome to somaliaonline ... yaha ham family hee agar aap familke member bana jahtaho to aab bil kol welcome ho...aur aapne sahi kaha ..samana eesahe ke sabjise computerse jelahe .... anywayz my hindi is messed up it has been 3 years since i decently spoke hindi...wlc to sol once again
  21. Changed


    i love ur idea@runaway ....... good luck bro........ mine is kinda wack make sure her friends take her out...u on the other hand go to her house....fill the entire house with rose petals, and candles light...make a romantic dinner(dim the lights), dine togheter and pop the guestion after desert ***that is if u can cook and u are willing to clean a house and fill with petals and candles ....and yes doing the dished after y'll eat... :rolleyes: best of luck......once again i think flying still got a point.....dont drag its booring .......
  22. Originally posted by Shaqsii: Why is it that Most of our brothers/sisters tend to be FOLLOWERS other than leaders in this world? . agrees with opinionated .... isnt that the case in somalia now ....everyone wants to be the leader :eek: . Even the ones who ever get to that middle position tend to cut off from those who are still struggling? :rolleyes: Why can’t we get along? that cuz we are envious of eachother and we jump to conclutions rather then listen to the person..basically we dont trust others and we tend to be quite critical . we dont eccept people for who they are ...(am talking about somalis )..sad to admit but i am judgemental at times Why is it that our worst enemies are the same Somalis who smile at you and have a dagger with the other hand? ...we too fake ..we dont express our feeling and if we do there is a big fuss over it the entire community would find out about it ..they just dont want the hassle How come we drop all our ideals, culture and embrace cultures that are themselves lost and trying to reinvent themselves. . basically one has to discover who they are to feel secure and to act on indivitual need..we somalis tend to do what the society we live around wants us to we act like a typical somali around somalis .. act like gaalo around the gaalos ..indivituality is very rare .. Why is it that we pretend to be true Islamic believers and as soon as one steps out of the Mosque change into a horrible person? ALLAH aclam warasuluh How do you walk this earth knowing that you don’t give a damn about anything but you as an individual and are never looking to ever go back to your homeland? personally i would go back to somalia if my life was not at risk
  23. ala captivating soul......u are here :eek: .......girl ama see ya this weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,aight ....girl i give u a tour u will never forget ....... ( if am not confused ...u cousin with my girls right :confused: ..if yes i know where to find ya ) flying still school ku dille coming down this weekend....seriously i want a get away before i go back to school...stpaul cant wait to meet ya , same goes for asra, malaikah and angel eyes be there or be squire....... and for places to check out ..... have u ever been to duluth minnestoa i was there for a weekend girl that was the best .........lake supperior ....check it before u leave its an hour away from grandrapids (dont know if i spelled it right :rolleyes: ) ameenah have fun in t-dot . ........i can see u walking around farax town and freaking out ....... to all the british folks....better be ready for me in coming down there for chrismas break