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Everything posted by Changed

  1. i will call my entire family and tell them the news( i want to die with my family by my side , i dont want to die alone) i will ask them to be good about it ...i want happiness in my last few hours not tear i will pray and ask ask everyone forgiveness read quran call my best friends and ask them to come over and have fun with me during my last moments pray over and over again and ask god for his forgiveness for all the wrong deeds i did and i will make sure i make the best out of my last day on earth
  2. ^^ sounds like u know alot about us girls, Most of you girls never went on a date to begin with. Now you acting like you've dated OTHER races! how did u figure that out:eek: now can u tell us what our fav meals are ? which movies we adore , how many sibblings we have.. back to the topic; the sisters said it all,its a matter of choice and tell me once more why it is a crime to date men of other race and why a farah should have issues with a halimo dating a non somali guy.. some farah's never cease to amaze me walaahi :rolleyes:
  3. R^V y'll arent allowed to have toaster in y'lls rooms? what kind of fire hazzard is that ? :eek: so that takes my idea of baking in the dorm kitchen of the picture... i still cant beleive this y'll dont have a kitchen in y'll floor :eek: ? shiiid waa dhibaate... and i had issues with the no candle rule..i gues y'll have it worst...good luck sweets ...
  4. aight time to hook a sister up with a jacket and some shoes ...zank u feery much
  5. good luck sweets does seing pigg getting dissected count...i saw one it stinked but i havent seen dead body yet ...u will have to tell us aint it
  6. good luck sweets does seing pigg getting dissected count...i saw one it stinked but i havent seen dead body yet ...u will have to tell us aint it
  7. ho GOD! ew cna od tihs all teh tmie!lol....serisouly my profesfors aer gnoig to hvae a blsat alups oogd jbo rob(laughs at rob)
  8. ooh runway poor u ...maskiinad no somalis :eek: ..where are u going to school to u want me to mail u canjeelo ...jokes ...ok..i love me a canjeelo so this is what i did last year when i lived in the dorms ...cooked me me the cafeteria's menu never switches from pizza,hamburgers,tortilla,and sometimes pasta..etc..and dont be shy to cook cuz the indian we had as neighbors cooked the entire hall smelled of masalas and when the chiness cooked it smelled like rats good luck
  9. Originally posted by Athena: Walaal...maxaad maantaleel iskula hadlaysaa? loooooooooooooooooooooooool looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  10. ^^^ ala adiga......i told u never ever mention my age to anyone.....u talk like 30 old but u are only ** kutiri the word **only** would tell all these people my age :mad: (jokes)..girl i have come to eccept my age...nafisa remember when i lied to u and said i was 2 years older than my real age and maliakah screamed no u arre only ** i laughed at my self...ladies itz my birthday in a month so i expect my gifts am officially going to be (number*teen**insert the number ur self) hmmmm i cant beleive y'll went to a ruwayad..was it this weekend cuz if it was this weekened i would have been able to come and y was i not invited..i know i didnt have phone for three day but that aint no excuse...(jokes..i wouldnt make it with that car anywayz) i hope y'll had fun...and is the ruwayad that had the bad scene in it ..i heard there is one in mnplz.. come here to mankato no need for u of reeks it sucks malikah please(has the cuttest smile on her face...looks all innocents )common girl.
  11. Originally posted by Jawahiir: 1.Father calls for shaah to be brought in. 2.My mom hands me the shaah and halwo, or to whatever sister is present..( it was never the maid I dont know why?) 3.I take the shaah+halwo in 4.Salam whoever is sitting there, get the usual compliments and leave.. But sit and listen into thier conversation..hasn't happened yet.I would think it to be uncomfortable if they were ur Father's age and male...rite? Anyway dont bother adivce i never had to sit either but i had to take the shaax....the worse part was my dads freinds used to come over and i had to get them the shax and qaxwo and the doolshe and stuff felt like forever cuz they would stare and i had to say adeer caano maku daraa...and i would have to listen till they make their minds up..sometimes dad used to keep me with him cuz i was the younges and he just loved my company...habro are okay with me..i basically know them so i just say eedo hoo and leave... about nimanka weyn not wanting to be called adeer i seen few who say aint ur mom husband :eek: :eek: or aint ya momies brother..and i seen some that say sweetie call me adeeer am older than i like those that ask me to cal them adeer cuz adeer is respect..and honor..i dont know those who ran from it
  12. ^^^ kalay why tell everyone about car issues (pretends to be mad),,,,,,girls u wont beleive this all we had to do was giggle the wires that is all the lady that hit on imperial did..the wires to the battary were not tied enough and all we had to do was screw the wires and wallah..... stpaul it was great meeting u..even thought i didnt get to tease u as much as i did to captivating soul... asra....masha allah..sweetest girl i ever met.. love to maliakah ...lovya more than u know (muah) angel eyes .......eheheheh(that is all i gota say) aliyah" hopefully u will forgive for all that i call it tough love...and u do look like that chick from bend it like beckam and can i add u and imperial look alike :eek: thanks y'll for getting my sence of humor cuz most of the people think i aint funny.. nafisa mad love for ya macda...and yes u was right about the guy. he goes to our school its just that i didnt know he was the person that uses SOL..hmmm captivating soul,...gues who am dying to meet ... unique
  13. kalay adiga sideey igu cant beleive u remember that story of beerta u wlc sweetie ..... u met tahmina and malikah ..y did school have to start ..girls i wish met y'll... two words for u nafisa keep up the good job.(i know it aint two words) ..girl u still gota tell me about the school that admits people with out the mcat ...u know me am dameen numero uno i want the easy way out that was a night i will never forget i never laughed the way i laughed that night esp when we poured bisbas in maliakah plate..angel eyes adiga u had the biggest joke played on ya too bad i was not a part of the joke nayaa captivating good job macda ...hopefully u are back with ur gang members in ur town ..make sure those gheto people dont kill ya .(am doing this cuz i know u think ur town is save and i disagree) am in my geography class and everyone is staring at me cuz am smilling at the pc ..they think am doing some ****** research .. peace and love to all.... MIZZ_UNIQUE...aka MANOOGTO for the record first week of school sucked but school fine today
  14. this article is long but enriched with information i had not clue to how the zamzam water came along.... jaza ka allah shujui...
  15. i had my first week of school and it su*cked big time. :mad: good luck to all those who will start school...make sure u take school seriously , dont mess it up just cuz its the first week or the first month
  16. ^^^ so i dont know much about her..very out spoken,smart and charming..
  17. Originally posted by xiis: We are enemies in this life and the hereafter. And don't worry there are plenty of my bros and sis who feel the same way. C u on the battlefield someday. No Justice No Peace! Are u afraid of the truth why are u crying to admins? talk for ur self sister .......dont talk for us..... :mad: :mad:
  18. if my husband came home late everynight...he would not have anyone to come home to ..i would respectifully give him two chances to come clean and stop his evil acts of roaming around and eating khad .if he doesnt stop i will respectfully ask for divorce ..nac nac haduu keeno ..i will viciously divorce him :rolleyes: (remember its a huge if cuz i wont get me in that situation ever) insha allah
  19. looks like we got students of critical thinking 101 in this thread :rolleyes: barqwaqo afkaaada caano geel lagu qabay
  20. asalama caleykom i sence jelousy in here! aint nothing wrong with showing love and if u guys are saying the hadith he gave is wrong then proove him wrong ..dont jump on him...acuudi billah
  21. ^^^ lool..i don have any kutiri i watch it ocasionally but i aint addicted
  22. SUNDAY(Axad): axad alloow na barakee,waad duceesantahay adiga,mid yeel,dadka aamin si ay kuu aaminaan,shakiga badan iska dhaaf,aamusnaantu waa dahab laakiin mar bay dab noqotaa ee hadal oo dadka lasheekayso waxa adiga dantaada ah iyo kuwa kaleba,caajiska iska saar si aad mustaqbal fiican u heshid,inkastoo aadan balwad laheen,isku diyaari aakhiritaankaaga inaad noqon doonto engineer rab ama ha rabin waa lagu rabsiin... i was born on 24 october on a sunday noon and i mean right on the dot 12:00 noon and from what my mom tells me they were celebrating the presidents something ..i think it was the week he got he got elected and they had weekly long celebration... ..someone explain the last sentence ..........are they emplaying i will marry an engineer :confused: ama ma balwad aa yelanee eey daheen :confused: ..