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Everything posted by Wiilo

  1. They (Trigee Troops) must be killed wherever they are, and whomever supports them they too must be killed period. This will be the biggest MISTAKE that the regime in Addis ever make, and they will see the results of it soon. Go figure:..........
  2. Sxb can you tell me waxa adiga aa qaylisiinaayo? Dadku waa qorax waxay doonaanna way ka sheegitaa dowlad isku sheega baydhabo joogta, haddii aad marka adigu leedahay yaanan wax laga sheegin then let me tall you something, raga baydhabo fadhiyo waa bunch of warlords qofkastaana oo soomaali ah ayaa wax ka sheegaayo, so please, don't try in aad dadka caburiso.... Go figure:............
  3. At least qalbi nadiif ah ayay qabtaa gabadha unlike dadka cudurka qabiilka ah uu hayo... Go figure:...........
  4. Sxb waa ku fahmay, balse sida uu qoraalka aad ku aragto aniga ma'aanan qorid, balse waan ku raacsanahay dhammaan aragtida qoraha. Meeshu dowladi ma jirto waxaa isku uruursaday Warlords iyo ku 17th hundred jaamacado oga soo baxay sida xoolaha oo daawaysto iyo iwm. Go figure:..........
  5. Ethiopia's policy towards Somalia Continued... c) Policy Direction Our proximity to Somalia would be beneficial to our development if there were peace and stability in Somalia. Peace can come to our region if a government committed to fighting disorder, terrorism and extremism in cooperation with its neighbours is established in Somalia. Some circles say that the establishment of such a government in Somalia would once again resuscitate the ideology of "Greater Somalia" and that peace, democracy and development in Somalia would, in that case, not benefit Ethiopia. This view is fundamentally wrong and dangerous. First, of all, from now onwards, our country safeguards the unity of its peoples not by denying them options but by helping them recognise and confirm in practice, the option based on equality, mutual development and democracy. As a result of this, we have created the condition whereby Ethiopian Somalis, no matter whether the ideology of "Greater Somalia" is revived or not, would choose to live in equality and unity with their other Ethiopian brothers and sisters. As our development and democratisation process gains momentum, our vulnerability to the effects of this and other similar slogans will be much reduced. Furthermore, it should be underscored that, since it has been the cause of much suffering first and foremost to the people of Somalia, this slogan of "Greater Somalia" has been discredited and its chances of revival are indeed very slim. In light of the encouraging political and economic situation in Ethiopia, the fact that Somalis live in both countries would actually ensure that they serve as a bridge that creates strong connections between the two countries, rather than as a factor of suspicion. On the contrary, if Somalia enjoys peace and democracy, we will have the opportunity to use the Somali ports extensively and continuously and this would contribute to our development significantly. Such a situation would make it possible, in alliance with the new government, to stamp out anti-peace activities originating from Somalia. Both countries can work together to jointly develop river utilization plans. The way would also be clear to promote strong educational and cultural ties and interdependence in light of the educational and other related activities that are carried out in the Somali language within the Somali Region of our country. By creating strong relations between the two countries regarding the use of ports and rivers, commerce, culture and so on, and seeing to it that the two peoples are benefiting from this, one could be sure that the peoples would resist activities designed to harm the relations that are proving to be so beneficial to them. Ethiopia would also gain direct economic advantages from this situation; in addition, when Ethiopia's eastern border ceases to be a source of threat, overall economic development would be enhanced. That is why, at this time, our major objective in Somalia is to see the establishment of peace and democracy, and based on that, the development of strong economic, cultural and political ties between the two countries. This may be our wish and policy, but peace and democracy cannot be realised through our efforts only. Although we will do all in our power to contribute to the peace and stability of Somalia, as it is in our interest to do so, the responsibility to establish peace in that country principally rests on the Somali people and the political forces there. In addition to this, those external forces which can influence events should see to it that they use their authority to contribute to bringing about peace and democracy in Somalia. The events of the last ten years in Somalia have not been encouraging, but we should not give up hope that peace and democracy will eventually come to Somalia. The country has disintegrated into different areas, and while some are comparatively, calm others are in continuous turmoil. Those who reap benefits from the absence of authority - a number of Somali groups, some traders, religious extremists, and their foreign friends - are bent on sabotaging in one way or another any effort aimed at bringing about peace in Somalia. Although the Somali people long for peace, they have not been able to break out of the web of obstruction put in place by those who oppose peace and change. Although the international community wishes to bring about peace in Somalia, it is evidently not ready to exert all its efforts to realise this. Thus, it appears to us that the condition of instability in Somalia is likely to persist for some time. Therefore, our policy should not be limited to contributing to the emergence of peace and democracy only and, based on that, to forging strong ties; rather, it should also address what we should do if instability and turmoil persist. Our fundamental policy remains to persistently work towards the birth of a peaceful and democratic Somalia. But in light of the continuing instability, the policy we pursue should essentially be a damage-limitation policy to ensure that the instability does not further harm our country, the region and the people of Somalia. If the instability is not stopped, the only option left is to limit the damage that may be caused. There are three main options to limit the damage. First, we have to try to help those regions which are comparatively stable and do not shelter extremists and terrorists in order that the relative peace they enjoy is maintained and even strengthened. Those that can be mentioned in this regard are the regions known as Somaliland and Puntland. In the spirit of damage limitation and to assist these regions maintain their stability, it is necessary that the links be strengthened in such areas as trade, transport and the like in the interest of our country and the people inhabiting the region. The question could be raised regarding the recognition of Somaliland as an independent state. Taking this initiative is not preferable to Ethiopia because it would create negative feelings on the part of Somalis living in the rest of Somalia and others would be suspicious of our intent. Therefore, our cooperation with these regions should not include recognizing the regional administrations as independent states. But we should continue to assist these regions in maintaining peace and stability, as it is to our advantage and the benefit of the peoples living in the area. Secondly, we shall certainly continue to be exposed to various dangers as long as peace and stability elude Somalia as a whole. In recognition of this, we must create the capability to defend ourselves and foil any attack by forces of extremism, terrorism and other anti-peace elements originating in Somalia. In this regard we must always be vigilant. Thirdly, we have to work in cooperation with the Somali people in the region, and the international community as a whole, to weaken and neutralize those forces coming from any part of Somalia to perpetrate attacks against our country. Obviously, the solution to all of this is the prevalence of democracy, and everything must be done to assist in reaching this solution. At the same time, however, we need to receive the understanding and support of the people of Somalia and the international community regarding what we are facing. While maintaining the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of Somalia, we have to ensure our right to safeguard our peace and defend ourselves.
  6. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy. Ethiopia's policy towards Somalia. a) Historical background of relations The relation between Ethiopia and Somalia has not been a healthy one. In the recent historical period, one major and one lesser war were fought between the two countries. The empty dream of the so-called "Greater Somalia", an expansionist policy, had brought to Somalia nothing but hostility and conflicts with all its neighbors, especially Ethiopia. Moreover, Somalia had always allied with all groups and countries it believed were anti-Ethiopian and had disturbed Ethiopia's peace. On the other hand, Ethiopian Somalis had resisted the oppressive system in Ethiopia. Related to this, Somalia had succeeded in mobilizing a large number of Ethiopian Somalis as allays in its attempt to execute its expansionist policy. In this regard Ethiopia has been exposed to threats emanating from Somalia and other quarters. Ethiopia, for its part, rather than responding to the threat by respecting the right of Ethiopian Somalis and by fostering brotherhood between the peoples of Ethiopia, so Ethiopian Somalis could live in voluntary unity with their other fellow Ethiopians, resorted to dismantling Somalia to the extent possible. The policy was to respond to Somali aggression by taking the war to Somalia and, along the way, aggravating the contradiction between the Somali clans. The situation has now fundamentally changed. The "Greater Somalia" ideology has been discredited. It is now over ten years since Somalia has become stateless. On the other hand, in Ethiopia, a constitution in which peoples' rights are guaranteed is being implemented. Ethiopian Somalis are living in brotherhood and voluntary unity with other Ethiopians in a newly defined, inclusive Ethiopian identity. Together with other Ethiopians, Ethio-Somalis are, in the spirit of equality, democracy, development and an Ethiopian identity, resting on strong foundations and contributing to the building of the country. Ethiopia's vulnerability to the "Greater Somalia" ideology has been greatly diminished. On the other hand, the disintegration of Somalia has in itself brought ever-growing danger. The crisis in Somalia has allowed religious extremism to take hold. Somalia has become a haven and conduit for terrorists and extremists. Anti-peace elements are using the country as a base and place of transit in order to threaten Ethiopia's peace. Somalia's disintegration has brought danger to the peace in our country. b) Significance of the relations There is no condition whereby Somalia could contribute as a source of investment and financial development or as a significant market for Ethiopia. After a process of some length, followed by peace and stability in Somalia, there is the chance that it could become a significant market, but this is difficult to imagine in the short and medium term. Regarding natural resources, all the big rivers in Somalia flow from Ethiopia. The irrigation schemes in Somalia which effectively served the people are in a poor state. On the other hand, as our country steps up its development, we will have to dam the rivers for irrigation purposes. The harnessing of rivers in Ethiopia can help Somalia resist floods, and so the benefit would be mutual. But on the other hand, these rivers could be used in Ethiopia - mainly in the Somali region - for development purposes. This could create a minor conflict but the problem can be tackled by the principle of give and take in a way that takes into account the national interests of the two countries. As can be understood from the above, in the short and medium terms, Somalia does not have a positive or negative influence of note in the development of our country. And yet, in Somalia there are numerous ports that can provide services to Ethiopia. Starting from the port of Zeila which gave services to Ethiopia during its long history, all the way to Kismayo, there are no less than seven ports in Somalia that can be used by different parts of our country. These possibilities could significantly contribute to our development, but due to the "Greater Somalia"-driven conflict and national oppression in Ethiopia, they were never seriously considered (not to forget that Ethiopia had ports of its own). The current collapse of the state in Somalia makes it unrealistic to think of using the ports at the present time. Even if the chances to use the ports were to arise, and though that would increase Somalia's relevance to our development, one cannot see a positive role that Somalia can play at this time. On the negative side, it is worth noting that the disintegration of Somalia has posed dangers for peace and stability in Ethiopia. This situation has spoilt the image of our sub-region, and the Horn is now perceived as an area of conflict. Our chances to attract investment have been reduced and the "Somalia effect" has contributed to the uncertainty about regional peace and the lack of economic linkages between the two countries.
  7. Sxb sida aan horayba uu idhi adigaa hadalka sidaa markaa doonaysay ka dhigtay so you could make your point.. Go figure:........
  8. See, the thing is, he never said that, what he said was, if they want to talk we (UIC) will talk to them, but if they (The Mele's Regime)want to fight we (UIC) fight, that is wat he said. Sxb, hadalka sidaa doonto ha u dhigin to make your piont... Go figure:.........
  9. Sxb, wax iska badalay mowqifkii UIC-ka ma jiraan balse waxaan filayaa sida aad adiga hadalka u dhigtay ayaa yara muujinaysa is badel, taasina waa sida aad hadalka u qortay adiga... Go figure:............
  10. [ Hadalkuba hiil buu galaaye maxaa aamusiyey dowlad ku sheegtii BEYDHABA?] Waxaa Qortay;Ikraam Cali-kaar Gothenburg- Sweden ikraam@journalist.com Layaab iguma ahan Soomaalida qaxootiga ku ah Koonfur Afrika ee maalin walba midba mar la gorwacanayo cid ka hadashaa oo tiraahdaa dadkani waa bani'aadam mudan xaquuqda insaanka leeyahay ee sidan yaan loola dhaqmin. Balse waxaa la yaab igu ah in dad sheegta siyaasiin iyo madax dooneysa iney Soomaaliya masiirkeeda ka taliyaan hadana aaney jirin maalin qura ruux kamid ah shaqsiyaadkaasi oo aan dhibka ummadda heysa ka hadlin, hadey hadlaana ee ay ka hadlaan siddii ceyshkooda bisil u sii cuni lahaayeen. Intaan la gaarin dalalka fog ee qaaradaha adduunka shacaka soomaaliyeedna ku dhibaateysan yihiin, dowlad ku sheegta BEYDHABA Tigreega ugu taliyo maalin qura maxey ugu hadli weysay dadka masaakiinta ee webiyada ku soo fataheen, halka ciidamada Tigreega ee cisbitaalada beydhabo kaneeco xun looga daryeelayo. Dowladaasi meyey ilowsan tahay shacabka dhibkaasi heysto kuwey dooneyso iney hogaankooda qabato. Mise shacabkaa waxba ogeynoo musiibooyinkii ku habsaday hadaaney ugu soo gurman dowladaasi maxey tahay waxey ka doonayaan iney u qabato dowlad lafaheediiba u dhiban. Bal shacabyahow gareyso oo eegg dowladaasi dhibaatooyinka heysata ee xallin karin weysay. *Aqoonsi caalami ah oo ay heysato ma jirto, marka laga reebo in maamulka Tigreega ay aqoonsan tahay. *Awoodoodi oo aan dhaafin JOWHAR iyo BEYDHABO oo hada ku tahay go'oon, hadeyse tahay dowlad awood leh maxey u tegi weysay Hargeysa,Muqdisho iyo magaalooyinka kale ee lamidka ah. *Shaqsiyaadka dowladaasi oo noloshiidaba halis tahay. *Wasiirada oo aan heysan xafiisyo ay ku howlgalaan iyagoo dhamaantood daadsan kabarada ay jaadka ku ruugaan. *Xorriyad xitaa fikirkooda ku dhiiban karaan oo aysan heysan wasiiro ku sheegtaasi. Dowlad ku nool tuugsiga hey'adaha caalamiga ah ee shilimaadka bixiya. *Baddi iyo berrigii oo ay raali ka noqotay dowladaasi in la sumeeyo si ummadda ka badbaaday dabanidooda ay ku dhamaadaan. *Diintii Illaahey oo ku noqdeen cadowga koowaad, iyagoo aysan ku jirin mid sameeya waxyaabihii Illaahey faray. *Mas'uulkii ugu sareeyey oo diyaaraddii uu raaci lahaa horteeeda lugu dilay shacab masaakiin ah meydkeediina uu ka taliibsaday wax ka badan ee laga sugayo maxey tahay masuul qabiileedkaasi afkuu kala furo dhibaato mooyaane aan ummadda isku keenin. *Intaas iyo in ka badan oo aan qoraal lugu sheegi karin iyadoo ay jiraan ayaa hadana shacabkaasi mudan yihiin iney isweydiiyaan waxyaabaha aan kor ku soo xusay dadka leh waxa ay ka sugayaan maxey tahay?. Dhibaatooyinka qurbaha muwaadinka soomaaliyeed ee sharafta leh caalamka dacaladiisa kala duwan ku heysata ma jirto maalin qura cid isweydiisay, waxaaba qaarkood dhacday iney lacago uga qaataan sidii dib loo soo celin lahaa. Mushkiladaha ugu weyn ee soomaalida heysato ayaa ah mid maanta ku heysata Koonfur oo damiirku diidayo intaan la gaarin kuwii kale ee ku silicsanaa Yurubta iyo Dunida inteeda kale. Waxaa muuqata dadkaasi aan u doodayo ineysan laheyn dowlad, dabcan "DOWLADI" maba jirtee yaa xaqa ay mudan yihiin u soo celiya kaasoo ah mida qaxootinimo. Soomaaliya waxey aheyd dowlad kamid ah dowladaha xorta ah ee Afrika gacan weyn ka geystay siddii dalkaasi midabtakoorka ka jira, iyadoo taasina uu qirtay madaxweynihii hore ee Nilson Mandela. Hadaba waxaan fariin u dirayaa walaalahey Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Koonfur Afrika, waxaan leeyahay walaalayaal Illaahey mooye cid idiin maqan ma jirto, mana muuqata mustaqbalka dhow iney xitaa iman karto cid dhibka idiin heysta ka hadasha iska daa iney wax ka qabatee, sidaas daraadeed waxaan idiin farayaa Samirkii Eebbaheen Quraankiisa daahirka ah noogu sheegay. Waxaad ogaataan iney iman doonto ayaan aad ka sheekeysaan dhibkii idiin soomaray, balse inta taasi ka imaneyso dowlad caadil ahina ay soo baxeyso waxaa laga maarmaan ah inaad ku dhaqaaqdaan siddii aad xaquuqdiina u soo dhacsan laheydeen, iskuna difaaci laheydeen iyadoo arrinta ”difaaca canil nafs” oo ah in qofka naftiisa difaacdo ay waajib tahay ayaa hadana idiin leeyahay ogaada, ”Dal aadan laheyn waa Dareen ku joog” Annaguna hadaan nahay ummadda Soomaaliyeed waan idiin soo ducenynaa in dhibka idiin heysta idiin ka qaado idiina soo dirro Malaa’ik idiin kaalmeyso. Waxaanse qoraalkeygan waanada iyo guugaabada ah ku soo koobaya, ”Hadalkuba hiil buu galaaye maxaa dowlad ku sheegtiii BEYDHABA ku dhacay oo aamusiyey? Mise waxey awooda dowladaasi hanjabaadaha Tigree injirta ku dhamaatay ee ku wajahan dalka iyo dadka iney tiraahdo ”NABI BAABAH”? Dabcan waa awooda keliya ee ay leedahay, iyadoo weliba la ilaaweyn in awooda meleteri ee Tigreega injira badan ka wado gudaha Soomaaliya, ”(difaacista dowladaasi taagta darran). Adduunyada lama maqal lamana arag dowlad la leeyahay dadkeeda laga difaaciyaa iyada ka hor. Waxaa Qortay;Ikraam Cali-kaar Gothenburg- Sweden ikraam@journalist.com
  11. Marka horre wuxuu hadalka ku habboon yahay in loo qoro sidii loo yidhi, balse dadku qaar ayaa iska jecel inay baddalaan sidii loo yidhi hadlka. SXB you posted something, and i posting something, ppl would read it and make it their judgement. Go figure:........
  12. Ujeedadiisu waa inuu iska leexiyaa tooshka ay caalamku to hayaan his regime, asigoo ku marmarsiiyoohaaya in uu la dagaalamayo UIC-ka. Tanina uma suurtagasheeyn haddii aysan aheyn dowlad isku sheega fadhida Baydhabo. Balse waxaa hubaal ah haddii Regime-ka fadhiya Addis Ababa uu dagaal ku soo qaado Soomaaliya uusan joosan doonin ilaa Mele's regime la cidhibtiro.. Go figure:.........
  13. The war with Somali Islamists is TPLF's own making: Isn't Meles the one who was operating from Mogadishu at the time when Siad Barre was fighiting us for his greater Somalia dreams? Nebiyou from ER Forum Nov 24, 2006 Just three days ago, the US said it would push for lifting the UN arms embargo and deployment of 'peace keepers' in Somalia. The EU rejected the proposal on the ground that it will open the door for a new regionwide conflict. Two days later, Meles says he has comlpeted preparations and is ready for war. I don't think this is a coincidence. Meles acted instantly upon the order he was eagerly waiting for. I don't think I have to tell why he badly needs the war, as everone knows it. A possible new reason, I suppose is, the recent Inquiry Commission Report, because of which his standing in the face of his masters is at an all time low. The Somalia war is an opportunity to divert the attention of the Ethiopian people and the International Community. No doubt, we cannot sympathize with the UIC for equally obvious reasons. However, the threat of their success is not as big as Meles is working hard to convince us. Isn't he the one who was operating from Mogadishu at the time when Siad Barre was fighiting us for his greater Somalia dreams? Of all the people on this planet, Meles should have been the last to pick this line of argument to cry in the name of Ethiopian nationalism. By the way, this is the kind of argument that amuses me when I hear from Meles! On the greater Somalia issue, if the threat is indeed serious, why don't Kenya and Djibouti beat the war drum like Meles? Where are they standing now? Have we ever heard anything similar even from Somaliland? Other than that, the rhetoric of greater Somalia is not equally entertained by all groups of the UIC, something that will not materialize, as Ethiopia is not the only party to be concerned with. One more thing: who said the ****** people will consent to this idea? We should be careful not to mix up the fight for self determination of the ONLF and the question of the ******i people with Sheikh Awey's rhetoric. As it is now, the war is TPLF's own making to win external financing to lubricate its repression machinery, cover up the massacre it committed, keep the leaders and political prisoners in its notorious cells, drag the mockery trial indefinitely, and finally, justify more repression using this war as a pretext. Therefore, I can hardly find any reason why Ethiopians should die in this war.
  14. The Ethiopian dictator drags the country into a regional war. Ethiopian Review Nov 24, 2006 We Ethiopians are proud of our rich culture, long history, 3,000-year civilization, and keeping the country free of colonialists. Ethiopia is also known for not violating the territories of other countries. When Somalia had invaded Ethiopia more than twice in the past, both the Atse Haileselassie and Derg governments chased them out, but refrained from following the retreating invaders deep into the Somali territory. One time, a frustrated field commander had ignored Haileselassie's orders and followed Somali forces into the hinterland. He was severely reprimanded for it. Under the Meles dictatorship, this long-held principle has been put aside. An Ethiopian regime for the first time in Ethiopian history has invaded another country--Somalia. There is no valid reason for the arrogant dictator to pick a fight with the Somali Islamic Courts Union (ICU). The only reason that comes to mind is to divert national and international attention from his regime that is falling apart by the day. Dictators thrive on conflicts and wars. In fact, they depend on ongoing wars to remain in power. With his military in turmoil, the economy in shambles, and rebel groups springing up through out the country, Meles seems to think that he can divert attention away from him and on to the ICU by accusing them of being Islamic terrorists and having affiliations with Al Qaeda. Some of the recent actions the ICU took, such as shutting down private radio stations, shooting at protestors, and banning chat (khat) is indeed worrisome. (By the way, Khat is banned in the U.S., too). But is the ICU worse than the TPLF regime in suppressing freedom? What makes Meles more acceptable to the international community than the ICU? Meles has rounded up ALL independent journalists in the country and threw them in jail. He has gunned down, strangled and beat to death unarmed protestors, as reported by the Inquiry Commission that was created by his own rubber-stump parliament. Every legitimate human rights organization in the world has condemned Meles as a brutal dictator and described his actions as state-sponsored terrorism. The European Parliament and the U.S. Congress have also condemned the brutal repression in Ethiopia. On the other hand, what did the ICU do to Ethiopia? They didn't occupy Ethiopia. They didn't create concentration camps and detained tens of thousands of Ethiopians. They didn't loot the country's treasury. They have not done any thing other than trying to bring order back to Somalia's state of anarchy. For Ethiopians there is no worse terrorist than Meles. He has been certified by the parliament-appointed independent commission as a mass murderer. In the past 15 years, he and his ruling family made Ethiopia a living hell for millions of her people. Now, he is leading the country into an adventurous war, in the process sacrificing the lives of thousands of young Ethiopians and spending millions of dollars that the country desperately needs for social services. The world, and particularly the people of Somalia, need to know that this war Meles has started is a war between his Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Somali Islamic Courts of Union (ICU). It is a war of convenient intended by the Meles dictatorship to prolong its grip on power. It has nothing to do with protecting Ethiopia's national security. It is terribly important for opposition parties, civic groups, religious leaders, and every Ethiopian to communicate this message to the ICU and to the world as soon and as clearly as possible in order to minimize the long-term damage this adventurous war could cause to our country. http://www.ethrev.com/2006/nov/11242006_meles_drags_ethiopia_into_war.html
  15. The war with Somali Islamists is TPLF's own making. Isn't Meles the one who was operating from Mogadishu at the time when Siad Barre was fighiting us for his greater Somalia dreams? Nebiyou from ER Forum Nov 24, 2006 Just three days ago, the US said it would push for lifting the UN arms embargo and deployment of 'peace keepers' in Somalia. The EU rejected the proposal on the ground that it will open the door for a new regionwide conflict. Two days later, Meles says he has comlpeted preparations and is ready for war. I don't think this is a coincidence. Meles acted instantly upon the order he was eagerly waiting for. I don't think I have to tell why he badly needs the war, as everone knows it. A possible new reason, I suppose is, the recent Inquiry Commission Report, because of which his standing in the face of his masters is at an all time low. The Somalia war is an opportunity to divert the attention of the Ethiopian people and the International Community. No doubt, we cannot sympathize with the UIC for equally obvious reasons. However, the threat of their success is not as big as Meles is working hard to convince us. Isn't he the one who was operating from Mogadishu at the time when Siad Barre was fighiting us for his greater Somalia dreams? Of all the people on this planet, Meles should have been the last to pick this line of argument to cry in the name of Ethiopian nationalism. By the way, this is the kind of argument that amuses me when I hear from Meles! On the greater Somalia issue, if the threat is indeed serious, why don't Kenya and Djibouti beat the war drum like Meles? Where are they standing now? Have we ever heard anything similar even from Somaliland? Other than that, the rhetoric of greater Somalia is not equally entertained by all groups of the UIC, something that will not materialize, as Ethiopia is not the only party to be concerned with. One more thing: who said the ****** people will consent to this idea? We should be careful not to mix up the fight for self determination of the ONLF and the question of the ******i people with Sheikh Awey's rhetoric. As it is now, the war is TPLF's own making to win external financing to lubricate its repression machinery, cover up the massacre it committed, keep the leaders and political prisoners in its notorious cells, drag the mockery trial indefinitely, and finally, justify more repression using this war as a pretext. Therefore, I can hardly find any reason why Ethiopians should die in this war.
  16. The November 2005 Massacre in Ethiopia The shocking atrocities of Meles Zenawi and his henchmen Photos complied by Yared Hailemariam For presentation to the European Parliament on May 15, 2006 These are some of the Addis Ababa residents who were gunned down in November 2005 under the direct orders of Meles Zenawi. As the photos indicate, the victims where hit with heavy caliber bullets and sniper rifles. The photos were taken by the Federal Police and Addis Ababa Police Evidence Collection and Documentation Department. The police officers who sneaked out these photos have expressed willingness to testify against the Meles regime, according to Yared's testimony to the European Parliament. PLEASE SEE THE IMAGES: http://www.ethrev.com/2006/may/001NewsMay19_2006_atrocities_of_Meles.html
  17. MUQDISHO: Maxkamdaha Midoobay oo ku baaqay inay jihaad la galayaan Ciidammada Dowladda Ethiopia Posted to the Web Nov 24, 07:21 Muqdisho (PP) - Maxkamadaha Midoobay ee ka jira Magaalada ayaa waxay daboolka ka qaadeen inay jihaad la galayaan Ciidammada Ethiopia oo ay sheegeen inay ku sugan yihiin gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamdaha Midoobay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in Jihaadka ay la galayaan Ethiopia uu yahay mid ay ku doonayaan inay ku xaqiijiyaan awooda ay ku leeyihiin gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. "Waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan dagaal la galno Ciidammada Ethiopia ee ku suga gudaha Somalia, waana mid naga go'an, waayo wax walba waxay u baahan yihiin isku tashi iyo kalsooni" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo intas ku daray: "Waxaan haysanna awood nagu filan oo aan isaga caabin karno Ethiopia iyo xulufadeeda". Sidoo kale Sheekh Abuu Mansoor oo ku xigeen ka ah Qaybta amaanka ee Maxkamadaha ayaa u sheegay Warfidiyeenka inay dagaal culus la galayaan Ethioipa isla markaana ay rajeynayaan inay ka guulaysan doonaan. "Waxaan dagaal xooggan la galaynaa Dowladda Ethiopia oo ka soo horjeedda ku dhaqanka Sharciga Islaamka, EEBBENA waxaan ka filaynaa ballaqaadkii uu na siiyay haddaan Muslimiin nahay oo ah inuu guusha na siinayo" ayuu yiri Sheekh Abuu-Mansoor oo sheegay inay wax walba ka hormarinayaan dagaal ay la galaan Ethiopia. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu E-mail: puntlandpostmog@hotmail.com
  18. Sheekh Shariif waxaa uu muujiyay in Maxkamadaha ay doonayaan nabad iyo daris wanaag balse Ethiopia aysan dooneyn arrimahaasi,waxaana uu intaasi raaciyay in wada Jihaadka kaliya ay noqon doonto jawaabta ay ka bixinayaan dagaalka ay ku dhawaaqday Ethiopia. Guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed ayaa si kulul uga jawaabay hadalkii shalay ka soo yeeray ra'isul wasaaraha Itoobiya Melles Zenawi ee ahaa inuu dhammeystiray qorshe dagaal oo uu la galo maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah, isagoo sheegay in ciidamada maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay diyaar u yihiin iney iska difaacaan dagaal jihaad ahna la galaan ciidamada Itoobiya. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo xalay shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xarunta maxkamadaha islaamiga ah ee magaaladan Muqdisho ayaa intaasi ku daray in cadowtinimada Melles Zenawi aaney aheyn mid cusub balse ay mar hore soo bilaabatay “Markii la riday dowladdii Maxamed Siyaad Barre, 16-kii sano ee ka dambeeyey Itoobiya waxay hubeyneysay hogaamiye kooxeedyadii si xal looga waayo Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan caasimada, Isbedel wuxuu yimid markii ay magaaladan Muqdisho ka xorowday nimankii xoogga ku heystay ee iyada wakiilka ka ahaa, waxaa qasab noqotay hadda in wakiilkii uu hadda howsha u istaago markii meesha laga saaray kuwii isaga wakiilka u ahaa ee uu ku adeegan jiray, wararkiisana waxay ku socdeen maraaxil kala duwan, markii ugu horeysay wuxuu ku dooday inay u joogaan gudaha dalka ciidamo tababareyaal ah, markii dhexena wuxuu sheegay iney ciidamo rasmi ah u joogaan, hadda oo ah markii u dambeysayna wuxuu cadeystay inuu qorsheeyey duulaan uu ku soo qaado maxkamadaha Islaamka oo loola jeedo Soomaaliya guud ahaan” ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Axmed oo sheegay in umadda Soomaliyeed ay ka guuleysan doonaan cadowga, iyagoo ILAAHOODA kaashanaya. “Meesha dagaalku uu ka soconayo ma ahan Addis ababa iyo dhul Itoobiya ka mid ah, waa Soomaaliya gudaheeda maxkamadaha islaamiga ah waxaa waajib ku ah iyo dhamaan umadda Soomaaliyeed iney difaacaan dalkooda Jihaadna la galaan cadowga soo fool leh, Melles Zenawi wuxuu sheegay sababta ay u dagaalamayaaan iney tahay maxkamaduhu iney Jihaad ku iclaamiyeen, jihaadkuna waaa dariiqa rasmiga ah ee muslimintu isaga difaacaan dulmiga, haddii Mellez Zenawi ciidankiisa oo dhan uu soo geliyey gudaha dalka dagaalna uu ku iclaamaiyey Umada Soomaaliyeed wax kale lama gudboona oo aan ka aheyn iney iska difaacaan cadowga” ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo intaa ku daray in Melles Zenawi uu haatan dibeda si dhigay cadowtinimadii uu muddo dheer qarsan jiray. Hadalada kulul iyo hanjabaadaha ay is dhaafsanayaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah iyo dowladda Itoobiya ayaa laga cabsi qabaa iney keento dagaalo lagu hoobto oo labada dhinac dhexmara, iyadoo dhinaca kalena weerarka uu Melles Zenawi ku hanjabay ay dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed u arkaan mid daandaansi ah, bacdamaa ciidamadiisu ay yihiin kuwa xiliggan ku sugan meelo ka mid ah gudaha Soomaaliyeed oo isla markaana jihaadka maxkamaduhu ku dhawaaqeen uu ku siman yahay oo kaliya ka saarida ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan gudaha dalka oo weerarna aysan ku aheyn ciida Itoobiya. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan, Muqdisho, Somalia cabdishakuur48@hotmail.com
  19. Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo jawaab kulul ka bixiyay hadalkii kasoo yeeray dowladda Ethiopia. Novebmer 24, 2006 Markacadeey Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamka Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ku baaqay daagal Jihaad ah oo looga hortago dowladda Ethiopia iyo ciidankeeda kusoo gar ******ay dhulka Somaliya. Sh.Shariif oo xalay shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho oo uu kaga hadlayay hadalkii shalay kasoo yeeray R/Wasaaraha Ethiopia Meles Zenawi ayuu shirkaasi jaraa'id kasoo saaray qodobo dhowr ah oo ay kamid tahay in lala Jihaado Ethiopia. ''Hore ayey Ethiopia u sheegtay in ay Somaliya ka joogaan Ciidan,maantana waxaa ay ku dhawaaqday dagaal ka dhan ah Maxkamadaha,oo la micno ah shacbiga Somaliyeed mid ka dhan ah''ayuu yiri Sh.Shariif. Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamka Sheekh Shariif waxaa uu shaaca ka qaaday in shacbiga Somaliyeed ay diyaar u yihiin Jihaad ay la galaan Ciidamada Ethiopian-ka,waxaana uu ku baaqay in dagaalkaasi loo diyar garoobo. Sheekh Shariif waxaa uu muujiyay in Maxkamadaha ay doonayaan nabad iyo daris wanaag balse Ethiopia aysan dooneyn arrimahaasi,waxaana uu intaasi raaciyay in wada Jihaadka kaliya ay noqon doonto jawaabta ay ka bixinayaan dagaalka ay ku dhawaaqday Ethiopia. Maxamed Carab Xafiiska markacadeey Muqdisho
  20. Raga noocaan u hadlaya ayaa dowlad Soomaaliyeed sheegayana, runtii waa ayaan darro wallaahi.. Dowladda Federaalka oo soo dhaweysay dagaalka ay ku dhawaaqday Ethiopia ee ka dhanka ah Maxkamadah Novebmer 24, 2006 Markacadeey Wasaaradda Gaashaan dhigga dowladda Federaalka ayaa soo dhaweysay hadalkii shalay kasoo yeeray xukuumadda Adis Ababa ee ku wajahnaa dagaal furan in ay la galeyso Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka. Wasiir ku xigeenka gaashaan dhigga dowladda Federaalka Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa shaaciyay in taalabadaasi ay tahay mid dowlad Ethiopia ay isku difaaceyso,isla markaana ay ku dooneyso nabadda dalkeeda. ''Dagaalka ay ku dhawaaqday Ethiopia waxaa uu yahay mid is difaac ah,maxaa yeelay Maxkamadaha waxaa ay dagaal ka wadaan gudaha Ethiopia,waxaa ay Ethiopia u diraan Oromo,Eritrean,iyo Al Qaacida''ayuu yiri Jeelle. Jeelle waxaa uu muujiyay in dowlada Federaalka sida ay u garab istaagsan tahay Xukuumadda Zenawi ay dhankeeda ula garab istaagi doonto dagaalka ay la galayaan waxa uu ku tilmaamay Al Qaacida. Hadaladda kasoo yeeray labada dhinac ayaa keenay in dhaq dhaqaaq xoogan laga dareemo goobaha y isku hor fadhiyaan Ciidamada Dowladda FS iyo kuwa Maxkamadaha Islaamka. Maxamed Carab Xafiiska markacadeey Muqdisho
  21. "It was totally the law of unintended consequences in the extreme." - John Prendergast 6,000-8,000 Ethiopians and 2,000 fully equipped Eritrean troops are inside Somalia prepared to face off in a violent regional conflict, the UN recently warned. Ethiopia is backing the weak Somali Transitional Government near Baidoa that holds no real power in Somalia. Uganda and Yemen are throwing in resources to Ethiopia's side. Eritrea is backing the Supreme Islamic Courts Council which controls most of southern Somalia. Libya, Saudi Arabia and Gulf states are supporting the Islamic movement. Clashes have already erupted between the autonomous region of Puntland and the Islamic Courts. How did this approaching disaster happen? It started in the mostly unlikely of ways - a fight over a worthless patch of scrub land just outside of Mogadishu by two clan warlords on January 13. It required the complete incompetence of the Bush Administration to turn this nonevent into a war that could kill tens of thousands and destabilize the entire region. READ THE WHOLE ARTICL HERE:.. http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/4335/43/
  22. C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Geeddi oo qorsheynaya in ay xilka ka qaadaan Gudoomiyaha. source: Somalitalk.com http://www.somalitalk.com/2006/nov/06nov026.html