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Everything posted by Ismahaan

  1. Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis: "Is Borana language similar to Somali or?"/ Nope They are different.. What the Borana language sounds like then to Somali people who don,t speak Borana? I hope it doesn’t sounds like ZULU or having some hot potato in the mouth.
  2. I have been in puntland and Somaliland lately; the houses in mogadisho have a lot of Italian architectural influence while those in Somaliland and puntland regions have Middle Eastern and Indian influence. Here are a variety of pictures taken in puntland region: Pictures
  3. Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis: ohhhh ismahan...Caloosha i xanuuntay--mar hore ayaa sabarnay............ Noo don,t sweetie Never give up hope! our country has been through very challenging times but I believe little by little we can and we must rebuild our confident and country. I believe that with the help of Allah, we will get together and rebuild our nation.
  4. Hi sis thank you very much for your comment and for wishing me good luck. There is less “information” on this subject but i will try not to stress over this. :cool:
  5. Breathtaking, fascinating and speechless. I have never been to a single one of these places. Corruption, corruption, and clan have destroyed completely our nation. Our country remains the most dangerous place in the world. The capital city is the worse place in term of peace, security, and stability. I think the time is right to stop fighting and killing each other. What we need is unity for the sake of our country and our people. The land is big enough to provide for all of us, so let's reason together and have some dignity. Every nation has its own flag Ours is as blue as the sky On a cloudless day Let us fall in love with its beauty O white Star
  6. Hi guys, has anyone of you done any research on peroxynitrite? peroxynitrite production are considered the most relevant mechanisms leading to motor neuron degeneration. Of the numerous RONS present in the body, peroxynitrite is believed to be one of the most toxic agent. It is associated with the initiation and a progression of a number of diseases characterized by inflammation. I am actually doing my research on peroxynitrite and was wondering if anyone here knows or ever done research on this subject? I will greatly appreciate all constructive comments
  7. The essence of globalization is both spatial and synergetic. In my opinion, globalization may well be one of the most serious challenges ever to the integrity of human civilization. The essence of globalization is the shrinking of the globe through technology, and the subsequent merging of modes of life-including economics and beliefs. As we all know, the speed of globalization has been accelerating, particularly in financial markets. Apparently, this is evidenced by the significant increase in foreign exchange transactions and international bond problems over the span of the past 8 years. the world will be as one village? No doubt, the statistics are both irrational and daunting. The share of the poorest fifth of the world's population in global income has dropped from 2.8% to 1.7% over the past ten years. The percentage taken by the richest fifth, on the other hand, has increased from 75%- 90%. In the third world, over 30 countries have lower incomes per head in real terms than they did five years a go. In many less industrial countries, safety and environmental regulations are very low or almost fictional. Some trans-national companies sell goods there that are controlled or banned in the developed countries - poor quality medical drugs, destructive pesticides or high tar and nicotine content cigarettes. As S .o.l_AnalYst put it, rather than a global village, this is more like global pillage. Globalisation thus is a complex set of processes, not a single one but in the end, we cannot avoid the challenge of globalization.
  8. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: bala ka dhacday.....lakin if the guy is mixed race ma wuxu noqonaya "black".......? Yes black lee isku noqonaa :confused:
  9. Originally posted by Awlugeeye: quote: Garam garam waxay?? It is a demeaning word.I don't know why the brother/sister used the word.This is one form of intolerance.The word points to a language of a people called Borana.It is one thing to name a language of a peopl-in a respectful manner-but it is something entirely different to call people's langauge with a superiority undertone. Thanks very much walalo for the explanation - its very interesting information. Ps:Is Borana language similar to Somali or?/
  10. 1) Swedish 2) English 4) Norwegian 5 My native language *Somali* 6) Broken Amharic Also I learned some france in hight school, and studied Arabic in college but am not yet at a high enough level where I feel comfortable saying I speak them.
  11. Originally posted by I_will_come_up_with_new_name: Langauges i speak: Kikuyu Garam Garam Urdu Bahasa Garam garam waxay??
  12. GJ i feel sorry for those people. Gacan ka xaqdaran baa dishey only 2 person were non-muslim. May Allah bless their soul amiin.
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Whethere they have issues or not they are part of the community and they are counted in these issues. Aa kula tahay
  14. Originally posted by underdog: I'm going to leave you to it before your bodyguard layzie comes growling in. Saas maa uga cabsataa lazyie i tho u was geesi
  15. Originally posted by Modesty: I don't like the majority of Somalis as well, they all suck in my opinion...they have no national pride, they have issues all of them, they are evil, they are xasiids, they are always being jealous/haters of people. I think I'll do another topic on that in the future...insha'ALlah. Hi modesty! I have a variety of friends from all backgrounds and for me I don’t pay any attention to what race people have, because in my opinion race has nothing to do with action or any certain lifestyle. However, some people have issue with other races, but mainly their opinions on other races comes from their parents or the people they hangout with. Let’s face it, whether it’s a conscious thing or not, we all put stereo-type on people based on race, religion etc. It is not right but we do. Thus if your attitudes are based on experiences you’ve had in your lifetime or if you had bad experience with someone of certain group/race, it doesn’t mean they all are like that. The best thing to do is to surround yourself with people of all different races to give you a new perspective and help you realize that race doesn't define a person. Also you are generalizing and making value judgments on Somali people into one category. In my point of view, no one, no race is ever purely good or purely bad. There are no moral absolutes in a complex world. There are good people and bad people everywhere. There are good Somalis as well as bad Somalis. Thought most Somali people consider themselves good but make mistakes out of ignorance, lapses in judgment or just a lack of experience. So please stop generalizizing because all Somalis are not xasid etc as u said. :cool: Ps: I love other races but I really can’t get myself to like Indian and Jamaicans. Don’t get me wrong I’m not white myself but I don’t like their attitudes. Does this make me racist? :rolleyes:
  16. subhan allah she suffers from enduring mental illness I think. she needs urgent help. May Allah help her.
  17. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ismahan, This can be interesting in your case: READ THIS JB I know everyone is entitled to their opinions but please don,t give me afnugaal as a source. Bro that website has a real issue anyways I have much better source for you'. Here: Puntland and Somaliland Clashing in Northern Somalia: Who Cuts the Gordian Knot?
  18. It is good to see so many familiar faces, dad badan waa ii qaraxsan yihiiin already
  19. my dearest friend, please come forward [ February 08, 2008, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  20. Originally posted by Cadaan: LOL That's something for the resume, isn't it? Listed under "Other qualifications-I have 2 penises" Boss-"You're hired!!"
  21. Originally posted by marcassmith: i am quite lost ismahaan! please explain that quote didnt quite get it! marc Hi mate! I find your comment to uma a bit rude and insensitive that is all. I hope you're not upset about this but if you are I totally understand—sorry by that.
  22. I don't like it when people don't treat other people with the same respect they treat them with :rolleyes:
  23. Facebook has 59 million users , it is all fun, plus you could annoy nomads by spending all your spare time on facebok and yet not inviting them to be your friends:D Meeshaan baba ka socda
  24. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: It seems you're a bit confused here ,,, the people in Sool are Somalilanders and no one is occupying a land that is not belong to him ,,, All the police, military personnel, government officials, etc. working in Sool region are originally from that region ,,, tell me if they are occupying their own land ,,, they've the right to believe what they want and welcome to the land of democracy ,,, We don't mind having peace talks with Garowe if they stop interferring our internal issues. JB it seems to me you are more confuse than me hun, the people in SOOL yes live in Somaliland=the land of Somalia but they are not Somalilands. A united voice among the people of SSC regions was heard clearly, that they are not part of the Hargeisa administration of Somaliland. Shouldn’t that be enough? It is very important that when issues that effects the future of our land/or our people are discussed, that we express our views in a forthright manner. Just as when we express our views on human rights and democracy. About the human rights, recent reports warm of severe human right abuses, unlawful killings, beating abuse, a looming humanitarian emergency ,poor prison conditions, mistreatment of detainees, arbitrary arrest and detention, particularly those suspected of sympathizing with or being members of SSC regions. Now honest walalo what sort of democracy is it when you force people to do what they don’t want? Do you realize how deeply hypocritical and pathetic that sound? Do really think dhaawr wiil oo calooshood u shaqaaystaa in aay matalaan dadka SSC dagan? Hadaay all ku raacsan yihiin or kula jiraan why fight with them? Wax kasta maan isu sheegaynaa hee ma inaga daaysi we know the true Some things to think about: 1.Somaliland waxaay rabtaa in aay Somalia ka go,aan, dadkaan aa leedahay Somaliland beey dagan yihiin oo dagan SSC regions waa kuwii u soo dagalamay oo u soo halgamey Somalia independent, waa kuwii la soo dagaalamay gumaaystayaashii, waa kuwii millions kaga soo dhinteen dagaaladaas, mana rabaan in Somalia kala go,do ever. Adigana in aad Somalia ka go,di baad aminsan tahey oo rabtaa ? Marka ma iyagaad khasbaysaa?? 2.Dadka SSC regions dagan ma og tahey in qaar dagan yihiin Bari, nugaal and other places of Somalia? Marka ma nin baa kaa yeelaya aniga and my own brother midna xaga ha raaco midna xaga because adaa rabo? 3.Last point: ka soo qaad tomorrow in dadka SSC regions dagan aay samaaystaan dawlad ka madax banana both puntland and Somaliland oo la dhaho dervishland , oo aay rabaan sidada oo kale in aay ka go,aan Somalia hadhowna aay sidaada oo kale dhahaan dadka dagan togdheer, awdal and other places khasab ha nagu soo raceen hadii kale waa dagaal? How do you feel it, khasab ma ku raaci laheeyd ileen iyaba waa awoodaan in bari aay taas kugu sameeyaane? You can’t force people to follow directions they deem arbitrary walalo that is all I am saying. We don't mind having peace talks with Garowe if they stop interferring our internal issues aa ?/ . That bit is hilarious though. other wise maxaa dhacaya baa tiri? :rolleyes: Ps: Thanks for taking time to answer my question, appreciate it.