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Everything posted by Ismahaan

  1. I would add Divine Madness:Mohammed Abdulle Hassan (1856-1920) by Profesor Abdi sheikh Abdi .The introduction attempts to examine the literary historical of Sayid Mohammed who was one of the greatest warriors and poets in Somali history.
  2. I don`t know anything, you don`t know anything, but Allah knows. General Daud and Abdirashid Ali sharmarke AUN were Somali national heroes, so please let them rest in peace.
  3. Hatu I agree with you 100%. We are Somali, neither Arabs nor blacks nor a mixture thereof.
  4. OOh ma ogeen in ilka jiir saas wadani u yahay, waaba rageeda.
  5. Saalax;899905 wrote: Inabti iwaran. salams walaalkiis I guess profesorku iminka in uu duulo buu rabaa.
  6. oba hiloowlow;899657 wrote: I heard the man was a alcoholic puntlander who killed the madow for 70 dollars. Omg does it matter where He was born or which part of Somalia He come from?
  7. [siyaasiyiinta Somalia markasta way iga sheeko qarsanayeen, waxaanay igu odhanayeen, adigu reer Waqooyi baad tahoo, waad maqan tihiine aanu yara faqnee naga bax´´]
  8. Respect yourself and others will respect you. Somali are a bunch of traitors who have destroyed their own country and slaughtered each other. We can only hope that they come to the decision of what is in their best by learning from their own mistakes because from their own mistakes they can gain wisdom and accelerate self-improvement.
  9. Wadani;898989 wrote: Ismahaan walaalo, qaad didnt make our country the way it is. The war and subsequent destruction of the economy has done this. The men are idle, what do u expect them to do. Like i said, if they had jobs they'd quit chewing or would chew responsibly like once a week like the older generation used to do. No doubt, khat has effectively destroyed Somalia society and also it has a huge negative impact on Somalia economy. KHat is not grown in Somalia or Djibouti where it is consumed exponentially thus it is a huge benefits for YeMen, Kenya and Ethipoia farmers, traders and exporters not for Somalia. Millions dollars a year is spent on Khat and most of those profits are flying straight out of Somalia, on the same planes that fly the QAD in. Most men in Somalia spend more money on Khat than on food , in spite of the current difficult economic situation. In my point of view the khat is the main cause of many ills facing our society, from high unemployment rates, divorce , violent as well as other crimes. You said if they had jobs they’d quit chewing. Please allow me to ask you a simple, serious and sincere question. Somali have the lowest employment rate among all immigrants in the UK. They also have some of the worst records in education and youth crime. Why don't they work instead of chewing all day and claiming benefits? Xataa hadaa leedahay shaqo baay waayeen may wax bartaan intaay godadka ku jiraan oo 24 hours qaadka cunayaan aan xag dhaqaale, xaq Diin iyo Xaq cafimaad midna dani ugu jirin.
  10. Alliyaha waan ku raacsanahay, Qaadka waa in qof kasta Soomaali ah la dagaalamo waayo waa waxa dalkeena iyo dadkeena saas ka dhigay.
  11. Wadani;897871 wrote: Thanks Ismahan. What region of Somalia is this word used? Mudug? You are welcome bro. Mindhaa is used mudug and maybe bari not sure.
  12. Wadani;897867 wrote: Nin-Yaaban, what does Midhaa mean? Judging from the context it's synonymous with malaha. I never come across this word before. Mindhaa means malaha.
  13. Labada wasiir ayaa horey Shirguddoonka baarlamaanku ugu yeeray si ay uga jawaabaan su’aalo la xiriira shaqadooda, kadib markii qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanadu codsadeen. Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ayaa la weydiiyey waxa ay kala socota wararka sheegaya in la gatey dhismihii safaaraddii Soomaaliya ku lahayd dalka Talyaaniga iyo inla kireeyey. Marwo Fawsiya Yusuf Xaaji ayaa arrintaas uga jawaabtey in ay guddi u saareen isla amrkaana daba galayaan arrintaas wixii ka soo baxana ay horgeyn doonaan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Waxaana ay raaligelin ka bixisey in arrintaas baarlamaanka aan lala socodsiin haddana ay ku daba jiraan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa.
  14. Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay in aay Barlamaanku maanta ka hadleen safaaradii soomaaliya ku lahaayd Roma ee lagu muransanaa baryahaan in la iibsaday iyo in la kiraaystey. Well done to members of Somali Parliament.
  15. I have been told that I'm a good cook, so I rate myself 8 out of 10. I've never poisoned myself.
  16. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, ehelkoodii iyo qaraabadoodina samir iyo imaan ha ka siiyo.
  17. The 193-nation U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution to upgrade the Palestinian Authority's. Great news. Allahu Akbar.Long life palestine. source:
  18. Apophis;893401 wrote: I don't see the problem. Somalia cannot afford to maintain embassies across Europe so the ambassador rented out the one in Italy and the company which is moving in will refurbish the place. And he clearly stated the contract is reversible provided the company is refunded their expenses. In time, I expect the government to reclaim the property when it has the funds but for now, this move seems the most pragmatic. Nuur cade is nothing than an ambassador. He has no legal right to sale or to rent a common or collective Somali property period. And if you are supporting this then the country as a whole shall be marketed and be sold to a potential bidder. By the way Nur cade will put the money in his pocket so why is he not paying the maintenance and repair money for the building then?
  19. Taleexi;893362 wrote: Our psyche calls more evidence." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Si fiican u dhegayso, kulahaa duqaan soomaaliya meeshaan ambasadoor kuma lahaayn ilaa 1991.Hadaaysan lahaayn maxuu isagu ka qabanayeey.Mida kale hadii aay soomaaliya soo ceshanayaan waa in aay lacag la baxaan.kulahaa . Nin qunsul ah oo meeshii shaqada loogu diray in uu shacabka soomaaliyeed caawiyo safaaradii dhan ee qaranka kiraaysanaya ama gadanaya baay rabaan dadka qaar in aay u doodaan waa cajiib. Saan sharaf ma aha walahi waa shame.
  20. Legend of Zu;893339 wrote: The crappy translation puts people off and most likely would make the article unreadable.... I'm sure with bit more research you can find an english one.... Legend duqa adeer kaa muu ahaa si baad u yara kululaatee.@ orad mid english ah adigu raadi yaa gacmaha kaa haaysta.
  21. Legend of zu@ the Article was written originally in Italia and was google translated as you can clearly see link provided. However the important point here is to understand its concept.