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Everything posted by Ismahaan

  1. I want to praise our country by saying “ ooh my wonderful country, so beautiful you are!''. Watch these videos and discover new things about our homeland. Enjoy watching it but no buuq, noo qaaylo , no qabiil pls. Ps:Hadii aad haaysi videos kale oo oo dalkeena ah add pls.
  2. Anigu hadba kii raaya la jiraa waa dhalin yaro Soomaaliyeed All. Guul baan u rajeeynayaa.
  3. Jacaylbaro;679847 wrote: And what happened to my inbox messages ??? ,,, it was almost full and it says I have no messages there. I don't like some of the features but we will see ,,, hehehe Where are the Smileys ???? JB LST waa kula helay , markaan arkay Somaliland iyo shinbir dhakada ka saaran '' waay duushey'' baan soo xasuustey. :-D
  4. Gabar hadeey ahaan leheed this topic wuxuu sii mari lahaa 100 pages oo qof walba wuu caayi lahaa gabartaas laakiin since uu 'wiil' yahay it's Ok Bob run baad ka hadashay laakiin xaqiiqdu waxaa weeye Soomaalidu ma arkaan khaladadka raga! Waxaa jirta maah maah soomaaliyeed oo oranaysa ''wixii xunba xaawaa leh'' taas oo aay ula jeedaan wixii xumaada oo dhan naagahaa leh, raguna waaba ceeb ka saliim. Hadii wiilasha sida gabdhaha loo bur bursado loo burbursan lahaa oo khaladka laga qaban lahaa soomaalidu intaan waa dhaami lahaayd.
  5. Ismahan, your sincere advice is quoted in bold. It will be sent to you tube. But I have a sincere request in the meantime which is if you are as good and hot as the avatar lets make few more kids and reproduce last kings and heroes of the planet. I am convinced they will be ok in your hands. Looooool hehheheee Hold your horses! Don't be in such a hurry dee.
  6. The father should aim to raise his son upon good character, Taqwa and deen from a young age. I was working with Somali community in London for the last 4 years. In all my years in community service, I barely saw any Somali father lend a hand to his son or daughter. Instead I met so many hardworking and dedicated Somali mothers who were struggling to raise their kids single handedly without any support from their spouses. Therefore, the absence of Somali fathers in the lives of our youth is a vital reason why so many youth have fallen into the hands of terrorists and organized criminal gangs. I am not saying all Somali fathers are irresponsible, there are some really good Somali fathers out there that are involved in their kid’s lives but honestly most Somali men especially those in the Diaspora are irresponsible. They know how to create babies, but unfortunately few of them know how to raise their children. My sincere advice to all Somali men and women is: Stop having kids if you cannot take care of them and also stop having so many kids for the sake of profit. It's terrible!
  7. Woow the new features are very cool, inaba caadi ma aha.
  8. Warm and sincere congratulations to the President of Puntland state of Somalia. These are great achievements indeed! Keep Growing.
  9. Who is this guy and what is he doing in Galkacyo? There is something fishy going on. Waxa khatar ku jira Amniga Puntland gaar ahaan Gobolka Mudug >> kadib markuu soo gaarey gobolkaas oo in muda ah saldhig ku lahaa nin la yirahdo General Edwin Rozlubirski oo ah nin asalkiisu yahay Yuhuuda reer Poland 1938 ayey reerkiisu soo galeen dalka Ingriiska ,waxuuna ahaan jiray General ciidamada ah. SOURCE SOURCE 2 ''After the Polish embassy in Bern was captured by terrorists in 1982, General Edwin Rozłubirski proposed that a military unit specialising in fast response to all possible threats, be created. However, the proposal was initially refused. In 1989 many Jews were allowed to leave the Soviet Union for Israel. For fear of Islamic terrorists who opposed increased immigration to Israel, most western European countries did not assist in the transport of civilians.'' CHECK this OUT Cajiib sheekadaan hadii aay run tahay waa in madaxa laga soo gooyaa duqaan. Edab daro buu u tagey dal uusan lahaayn. :confused:
  10. Originally posted by Al-Haji Abtigiis & Tolka: O Daruurtiyo Roobka, noo Da'aybaan Ismahaan u dabaal dagaynaaye!!
  11. Originally posted by NinaNC: ^^^Thanks sis. You should post pics of your dream house here. That is if you have an idea of what you want it to look like. Salaam You’re welcome sis! Actually I want own my own Island, a tropical paradise first. Well it may not be the kind of thing that appeals to everyone, but it sure does appeal to me. After owning Island somewhere in a beautiful place most probably my own homeland Somalia, I would build the biggest house in the world on it. Ooh it would be so cool to own my own island just like the one below: :cool: I think, I will live that to your imagination for now, as my eyes are getting droopy. Salams
  12. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Samir iyo imaan.
  13. Nice house. Aniga kaaygii waa diyaar 2013 insha Allah, ha sugi waayina.
  14. Subhan Allah. The guy should be hanged by the neck until he is dead. See buu ku keenay intuu wadan Muslim tago in uu falkaan oo kale ku kaco? Yaa Allah, Soomaali waa u dhamaatey. culumaa u diin ka hadashey falkaan foosha xun
  15. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: i know u like nonsense thats why you like the so called khusuusi clan jabhad. To be honest with you nonsense like this is hilarious, ma wax aan la jaceylaan baa? Anyways war is not the answer, so don't provoke an unnecessary civil war between Somali. We've all seen the signs reading "NO TRESPASSING'' and according to the old laws of khusuusis, which are still in force, '' Anybody caught trespassing will be shot on sight’’. Abraham Flexner once said '' Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both.''
  16. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by Ismahaan: Liberate from whom?? :confused: From the so called clan terrorist I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. :rolleyes:
  17. Originally posted by Alpha Blondy: this liberal media is attempting to portray 'our' most useless as heroes. Why couldn’t they say a 'Somali man' as sayid said? Very good question! They don't want call him Somali because they don't want give good credit to Somali people. A true hero indeed.
  18. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Kursigaan nin kasta oo Soomaali leader sheegta baa lagu fariisiyaa , xataa lama badalo , 10 sano same room, same kursi,waan la yaabanahay ma falbaa.Ubaxaan yar ee nin kasta la hor dhigo uun baa iga yaabiyey. :eek: Melez kaas xataa nalkaa yar iska badali waayey ee Soomaaliya qaxoontiga ka ahaa baa Soomaali oo dhan hoos tagtay Allow noo yasir. :confused:
  19. Hiro Tsukahara -Our first encounter with the gentlemen from Somalia was in Nairobi, right before the ICANN meeting earlier this year. We immediately sat down for discussions and met again at a later date in Tokyo to finalize the deal cajiib, waa wax lala yaabo in shaqsi Soomaaliyeed waliba masuul sheeganayo arintaan oo kale ku kaco. Toloow magaciisana maxaa loo qariyey , ma yaan la i sheegin buu yiri, inteese $$$ buu helay? :mad:
  20. Subhaan Allah. Waa arin la yaab leh.Ilaahay ha u naxariisto marxuunka. Al-shabaab waxaays iyo wax ka daranba waa soo wadaan ha sugi waayina.