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Posts posted by Dhuujiye

  1. Pakistani clerics slain in Somalia


    Map locates Galkayo, Somalia, where 5 Pakistani preachers were killed (W. Castello - AP)

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    The Associated Press

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009; 12:46 PM


    MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Masked gunmen stormed a mosque Wednesday in western Somalia, killing at least five Pakistani Muslim clerics in a country already bloodied by an Islamic insurgency and where al-Qaida is believed to be gaining a foothold. Authorities tried to find out who carried out the execution-style murders, and why.


    The victims belonged to the Islamic missionary movement Tablighi Jamaat, Pakistan's foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit told The Associated Press in Islamabad. Some extremists, including shoe bomber Richard Reid, have been linked to the group but Tablighi Jamaat is believed to be apolitical and nonviolent. Some of its members travel the world, preaching to fellow Muslims.


    "They have almost a rule of not discussing politics. They prefer to avoid it," said Ghaffar Hussain of Quilliam Foundation, a London-based think tank. "Their stance is quite conservative, quite puritanical. But they themselves are not ... extremist."


    Police surrounded the mosque after the horrific attack in town of Galkayo and said they were searching for suspects. No one immediately claimed responsibility.


    The gunmen entered the Tawfiq Mosque right after morning prayers, forced six Pakistani preachers and a Somali man out, and opened fire, said Ismail Mohamud Hassan, a witness.


    "Five of them died on the spot," Hassan told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Galkayo, 470 miles (750 kilometers) northwest of the capital, Mogadishu. "Two others were injured - one Pakistani and a Somali."


    Nahar Hussein Gutale, who lives near the mosque, rushed from his home after hearing gunshots and saw several men fleeing and five men lying in a pool of blood.


    "They were screaming," he said. "They were on their last breath when I arrived at the scene. They died shortly after."



    He said police quickly arrived and fired into the air to disperse a crowd of onlookers before loading the corpses onto a pickup truck and speeding away.


    The victims were among 10 Pakistanis in the mosque who belonged to Tablighi Jamaat. All were from Dera Ghazi Khan in southern Punjab, Basit said.


    The bloodshed highlights the violent instability in Somalia, which has been caught up in vicious disputes for nearly two decades over ancient clan loyalties, religion and government. The country's lawlessness has spread security fears around region and raised concerns that al-Qaida is making inroads in the Horn of Africa.


    Somalia's Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake condemned the attack.

  2. Hay'adaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha ayaa ka walaacsan xaalada dalka Soomaaliya iyo hubabka cusub ee lugu sii wado wadanka aanu nabadgalyadu ka jirin ee Soomaaliya, ayagoo ugu baaqay dalalka Caalamka in ay joojiyaan faragalin Milateri ee ay ka wadaan dalka Soomaaliya.


    Amnesty international ayaa war ka soo baxay ayaa ku sheegtay in looga baahan yahay dowladda Mareykanka in ay joojiso hubka ay ku taageerayso dowladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya oo dagaal adag kala soo horjeeda Mucaaradyo awood badan.


    Saraakiisha Hay'adaasi ayaa ku sheegay hub cusub oo ay dowladda Mareykanku siiso dowladda Soomaaliya talaabo aad lugu farxin, isla markaasna mugdi galineysa nolosha dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed, oo hada ku nool gudaha caasumada Soomaaliya iyo meelo kale oo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya.


    "Hubka cusub wuxuu khatar ku yahay amaanka yar ee ka jira meelo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya iyo nolasha ay ku nool yihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed qaarkood, markaas waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in la joojiyo hub galiyo Soomaaliya" Ayaa lugu yiri Bayaanka Hay'adan.


    Dalalka xiisayee xaalada dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaana Mareykanka, Itoobiya iyo dalal badan ayaa doonaya in ay hub soogaliyaan dalka Soomaaliya, ayagoo taageeraya dowladda Soomaaliya oo aan awood badan ulaheyn in ay la dagaalanto Mucaaradyada hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda, isla markaasna ka soo horjeeda Siyaasadeeda ay ku wado dalka Soomaaliya.


    20-kii Sanno ee ugu dambeeyey dalal badan ayaa hub ku soo waday dalka Soomaaliya, kaasoo oo aan waxba soo kordhin dhimasho iyo dhaawac mooyee, waxaana dowladihii iskaga dambeeyey ay Soomaaliya soo galiyeen hub badan, inkastoo dowladda hada ee Shariif Sheekh Axmed ay ka mid noqotey dowladii ugu horeysay oo dalka keentay hub aan dhaawacba laheyn, sida ay xaqiijinayaan dadka ka ganacsada hubka ee ku sugan Suuqyada caasumada Soomaaliya.

  3. Muqdisho:Mas'uuliyii nta Midowga Ardayda Gobalka Banaadir oo Booqasho shaqo ku tegay Puntland iyo Somaliland

    12. august 2009





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    Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Wafdi ka socday Midowga ardayda gobalka banaadir oo socdaal dheer ku tagay gobaladda waqooyi ee dalka soomaaliya.Wafdigaas i oo uu hogaaminayay Gudoomiyaha Midowga Ardayda G.banaadir MR.c/naasir max’ed sh.nuur iyo xubno sare oo gaaraya ilaa 5xubnood,Socdaalkaas i oo ahaa kii 3-aad ee Midowga ardayda gobalka banadir kusoo maraan Gobaladda waqooyi ee soomaaliya sida maamul goboleedka PUNTLAN iyo SOMALILAND.


    Arday Gobalka Banaadir ayaa casuumaad waxaa ay ka heleen ururada Ardayda iyo dhalinyarada Gobaladdasi taasoo ujeedadiidsu ahayd isu keenida Adayda iyo Dhalinyarada soomaaliyeed ee ku kala sugan goboladda dalka.


    Rasmi ahaan kulamadaasi ay sameeyeen Midowga ardayda gobalka banaadir waaxaa ay ahaayeen howl naf hurnimo ah oo ay u bareereen isla markaana ay sii wadi doonaan isku xirka Ardayda iyo dhalinyarda soomaaliyeed dalka iyo dibadda meel kasta oo ay joogaan.


    Sidoo kale waxaa ay socdaal dheer kusoo mareen goobaha waxbarashada,caafima ad, xerooyinka dadka soo barakacay iyo dhamaan xarumaha muhiimka ah.


    Waxaa kuluma guud iyo kuwa gaar gaar ah ba ay layeesheen ururada bulshada rayidka,dhalinyarada ,ardayda,haweenka,wa xgaradka,dhaqaatiirt a,ganacsatada iyo dhamaan qeybaha kala ee bulshada, kulamadaasi oo qaatay mudo 16casho ah ayaa kusoo gaba gaboobay is af garad.


    Kadib shirar looga hadlayay sidii loo heli lahaa dhalinyaro iyo arday soomaaliyeed oo mid ah ayaa waxaa kasoo baxay shirarkaasi qodobo dhaxalgal u ah dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed isla markaasina farxad gelinaaya dhamaan. Qodobada kasoo baxay shirkaasi.




    Kadib bur burkii dalka oo laga joogo mudo 20sano ah uma soomaaliyeedna aysan helin wax ka badbaadiya ama ka anbabixiyo dhibtan iyo colaada sii daba dheeraatay.


    Kadib markii ardayda iyo dhalinyarada soomaaliyeed ay garteen in si wada jir ah looga bixi karo iyo dadaal dheeraad ah.


    Anagoo ku dayaneyno halgamayaashii soomaaliya heerkan soo gaarsiiyay ee dhalinyarada ahaa sida S.Y.L


    Waxaan isku afgaranay qodobaddan hoos ku xusan :--


    1- In laga miro dhaliyo isla markaana naf iyo maalba loo huro isukeenida dhalinyarada iyo ka shaqeynta sidii dhibaatada looga saari lahaa shacabkeena.


    2- Guddi isku dhaf ah sameyntooda oo ka kooban 9xubnood.


    3- Gogol weyn iyo madal loo sameeyo ku dhawaaqista urur midaysan oo ay u dhanyihiin gobaladda oo idil.


    4- Farsamada howlaha dhiman waxaa ka tashanaya gudiga lamagacaabayo.

  4. AUG



    Another Day Another Dollar


    For the last couple of days, we have switched gears. We are no longer looking for more creative ways to find the funding but now collecting the pledges and promises. I thought it would be the easiest part, but…..its a challenge. But with all of it, its not worth it unless its a challenge and the end result is what matters the most.


    On a more positive note…..THANKS THANKS THANKS… to all the people who have donated, we truly appreciate it, and may you all get rewarded for your kindness. And if you havent yet donated and want to, you still can!! Click on our donate tab and help feed a person for a day ($1), a month ($30)…whatever it all counts


    Times short, we’re headed out of North America soon. With all the instability in Somalia, we’re still more than excited about what we’re doing.


    Keep yourselves posted to this blog, especially to see me make a fool out of myself in Somalia


    See you soon.




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    Hey folks,



    So we’re totally committed to the Somali Ramadan Relief project currently. We’ve decided to make our blog our homepage to be able to communicate where we are in the process of this great project.


    So over $15,000 in pledges and counting!!!! We are sooo excited to help during the month of Ramadan and to feed people who are fasting and truly dont know where their next meals are coming from!


    Become apart of Somali Ramadan Relief (S.R.R)!!!! Email us at hibe@theafricanfutur e.org for more info!!


    Thanks a million




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    As Ramadan approaches, everyone is preparing for the 30-day fast. As you fast, you’re probably salivating in anticipation of iftaar…biting into that first date, taking a sip of water or devouring a few sambusas bursting with flavor.



    Imagine fasting the entire day and not knowing where your next meal is coming from? Imagine not knowing how long your fast will actually last? Days, weeks, the entire month?


    This is the case for many of our Muslim bretherin in Somalia. But YOU can help them. By donating to Somali Ramadan Relief, you can help men, women and teenagers fulfill their Islamic duty to fast with the comfort of knowing that they will have a meal at sundown.


    Just $1 a day can feed one person. That means a $30 contribution would help feed one person for the entire month of Ramadan.


    Last year, a group of 5 young men in London took this project upon themselves and in less than 4 weeks collected 10,000 Pounds Sterling and feed 600 people for the entire MONTH of Ramadan. The African Future has taken on the project this year, and we are attempting to feed 1000 people in an IDP camp in Somalia. Our ultimate goal is to raise $30,000, but every dollar counts. With just one dollar you can sponsor someones Iftar.

    Please contact us at hibe@theafricanfutur e.org to get involved and help!