Major-General Cawad

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Everything posted by Major-General Cawad

  1. I would argue against the new trend of Somali Girls and Boys marriying strangers or people outside of our culture. My intend is not racially motiviated but I believe that by marrying someone outside the fold of Somalis is problematic. Arab Muslims and Muslim Indians aren't bad though as long as they're muslim that's the quranic advice but preferally someone you know culture, language wise is surely better suited to you than marrying someone you don't understand language or culture wise. If you marry a stranger and it all ends up in tears then don't blame anyone else as we Somalis know each other and that would give us a starting point for a good relationship based on love, understanding and harmony. My conclusion is to everyone in here marry a Somali but if are reluctant please don't marry some buddist or ther Kaafirs such as Sikhs, Shia's, Idol, moon and sun worshippers, christians and Jews. Marry instead a good muslim or muslimah but I would advice to marry Somalis but everyone has got his or her choice so it's up to you whatever you choose just be true to yourself, parents, culture and most crucial our guide and beloved religion of AlIslaam.
  2. I apologise to the admin for disrespecting their rules of debate and engagement. If we wouldn't have this rules the place would be in chaos and disorder. Keep the good work up you're indeed civilised and just. I only used one tribe name which was used in a documentary film by the BBC (by the way this is not a justification of my wrong action). If we are not allowed to use tribal names directly we're indeed using it in a indirect and unhealthy way. For example we all know what reer xamar, puntlan, gedo, usc, ssdf are and what tribe names they stand for we should allow people in my view to discuss such matter in a polite and respective manner without fear because otherwise if we don't debate such issues with openness and gentle care than there is a danger of diverting tribal names to a dangerous thing that shouldn't be talked about. we should bring all our grievances to the open yacni no freedom of speech western style where people can shout and write insults and untrue things but when debated in its original context and with true intent i don't see any danger in it. I've got love and admiration for all the people who care for our country. I've also got a political, social and economical vision for a United Federal Somalia where every Somali citizen can live and work we ever he wants in total peace and without harrassment. I want to see a Somalia where people can excel in their full potential without fear and discrimination. I want to see a Somalia where everyone is equal in Law regardless of their tribe and status. Overall I want to see toleration amongst all Somalis. People can try to corner me and say Iam a supporter of a certain shaqsi they might think to know what is in my mind the next time i want to state something in this forum ill sent Juma and Horn a personal message telling them that i indicate to write something in this forum i will leave it to them to write on my behalf as it seems they already know who iam and what my intentions are feel free to say whatever you like because my feelings are bigger than seeing a politician succeed in his selfwish desire's. I think we all agree that Qaran is bigger than any shaqsi we won't stop for the president nor the speaker of the parliament. I will stay objective and engage in constructive arguments and I'll ignore everything negative from now on lets be positive if we see something we don't like and agree with we can try and change it certain sections were saying the politcal section is uninspiring and unchallenging intellectually. It is up to us to come to a mutual agreement of how to debate on certian things and issues. I don't agree with the tactics of our fellowing nomad Juma at all he follows a tactic of "hit and run" like the iraqi insurgents. If you don't agree to something be like a man and stop sabotaging other people's arguments and hence poising their "oponents minds. Trust is an important issue. I am quite ready to compromise and change my views if you can convince me and persuade me in a good manner and just way. Iam ready to drop arguing that we need the Ethiopians to pacify Somalia (this is a friendly gesture but we all know what somalis are like when you stretch the hand of peace they'll demand the whole arm aswell) but you've to agree that we need peace keeping troops. Everyone of here should acknowledge that our beloved capital city it's not very safe at the moment and an interim alternative govermental seat should be agreed on. There's your challenge let's try to move closer together by giving up and making compromises and to cross the line/boundry of hatred and mistrust to the line of love, harmony and mutual understanding and brotherly trust.
  3. iam happy for both General Morgan and Reer Gedo because finally the traitor who used to pass on as one of us has finally shown his true face. That can be only good news. certainly somalia needs peace-keeping troops but some of us in here think that we can manage the disarmament of the militias alone. we can all trust the like's of yalahow but not the ethiopians. what's wrong with ethiopia. we were enemies since time immomorial so what. nations fight and then make peace and reconcile themseves for the betterment of their regions. if e.g. Britain, France and Germany have evolved what's wrong if we evolve and finally bring peace to the horn of africa. provocating ethiopia is a dangerous undertaking and business in my eyes because our beloved prophet sallahu calayhi wassallam said that do not provoke ardul xabash (ethiopia) that's why when africa was conquered the saxaabas remembered the saying of rasulallah and large propotions of ethiopians remained orthodox christians. and there is the danger of the Kac'bah the sacred house of god being destroyed by Dhul Suweyqatain who will destroy the Kacbah in the future and we were warned not to provoke the xabash people because this would have severe consequences not only for us Somalis but the wider Islamic world. We already know that abraha tried it as we can see from the account described by Allah subxaanah wa ta'caala in suuratul fiil. So don't bring Somalia and the wider Islamic world in turmoil by provoking the xabashis. But does that statement mean we should become blind and obedient servents for the xabash certainly not we'll defend ourselves agaist them but we'll never ever provoke them because it is the biggest military power in the region and a sleeping giant but on the other hand what are xabashey qurunley and what can they do to Somalia, the USC defeated the might US-Special Delta forces and they were subject to a hasten humililating defeat. once a moryaan forever a moryaan. long live the ********s! Hooray.
  4. This is not a personal attack on my brother windtalker but a criticism. It not only seems but his political views are somehow chaotic. Once he supports the tfg and on other occasions he is bashing the head of the tfg. lately it was cadde muuse bashing. I don't even know why he brought that article from which is a private site to a public domain like this. For once get your act together like Duke who is consistent with his views and beliefs. Windtalka was also lately behaving in a strage manner in which he left his moderate centre-left position on the current issues of somalia to a hardcore supporter the likes of duke and maybe "sky" who has got a fiery temper. He seems confused and not knowing what path to follow. Hope someone shows him the right way.
  6. fellow nomads iam not a die-hard supporter of the president because Abdullahi Yuusuf is only a shaqsi who can die any minute. however i was only emphasising the real issues on the grounds. iam sympathetic towards the new initiative of pacifying our beloved capital but we've to ask ourselves how a city with thousand of militias can undergo such a drastic and monumental change without rehabilating the young, poor, orphaned, homeless and hopeless militias who often don't take orders from no-one. Some of them are even self-employed thiefs and gangsters. On the other hand our president is different to the yalaxoow's, caato's and qanyare's. He might be following a dictotorial doctrine path in where he acts like the sole-power in the whole of Somalia but it's not only defined to our president but also many african and arab leaders. We've to keep in mind that president Yuusuf doesn't know any other form of ruling the country but to be a dictator. However i prefer Abdullahi Yuusuf's dictatorial style to that of the warlords down south in the man made jungle of Mogadishu and its vicinity. Wouldn't you prefer the late marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Barre's dictatorial rule to that of the last fifteen years. My answer is yes because back in the old days we had a country, standing army, police force and a recognised leader who governed the whole country from Ras kmbooni to Raas Caseyr.
  7. We've to ask ourselves why after fifteen years of civil unrest, isbarooyin and looting suddenly decide to do what they couldn't do in all those years. One might suggest that they've "changed" and turned themselves into patriots but when they were murdering innocent civilians, orphans and minorities they were unpatriotic and warlords. Walaalyaal the pacification of mogadishu is nothing but a last-minute strategy of warmongers to combat the new government and last hope of our beloved Somalia. It is this warmongers who have become "saints" in the eyes of Horn and Juma. We all know what Mogadishu is like it is the most dangerous city in the world after Baghdad right now. It was the former pride of Somalia but now I'm ashamed of it. The simple truth is that the Government can not survive in a city like Moghadishu unless it has 100000 heavy armed US-Marines and coalition forces at its disposol. These warmongers have united in evil because they're not true to their cause and when the term of the Government expires they want to return to the turmoil and warfare Mogadishu style. The choice is yours you either support peace, democracy, equality and brotherhood in Somalia or the warmongers, drugdealers and looters who have/had our country to long for hostage. It is now payback time.
  8. What a pathetic topic! No Muslim would ever dream cursing the religion or even the prophet. Note I said no Muslim but there are some people who curse the religion who are misguided but they leave the fold of Islam in the moment they curse the religion. And in the hereafter they'll face the greatest punishment of all. Ignorance isn't very nice that's why I would suggest people should think before posting topic's which are unhealthy to the mujtamac in general. If people in some part of our country curse the religion it's because they're ignorant and it has become "dhaqan" but you should'nt generalise but we've to agree that particurly in the North-West of the country you'll see patterns regarding cursing the religion, prophet etc. but people have changed and now they're steadyfast in their religion.
  9. Caluula - 04.May.2005 Maamulka degmada Caluula ee gobolka Bari ayaa waxay badda ka soo badbaadiyeen dooni ay wateen dad dalxiisayaal ah oo u dhashay waddanka Faransiiska kadib, markii ay doonidii ay saarnaayeen halkaas kula xumaatay. Doonidan ay oo ay wateen nin iyo haweeney Faransiis ah ayaa waxaa lagu arkay igaga oo ay doonidii ay saarnaayeen la sabbayneyso badda, kadibna uu maamulka degmada Caluula u diray dadkaas, dooni ay saaran yihiin ciidamo booliis ah, kuwaas oo u soo gudbiyey gudaha magaalada Caluula. Labada qof ee Faransiiska ah ayaa sheegay in ay ka soo kicitimeen waddankoodii isla markaasna ay ku soo hakadeen magaalada Cadan ee waddanka Yemen, kuna socdeen jasiiradda Madagascar ee badweynta India. Duqa degmada Caluula, Xareed Ciise Cumar oo maanta soo booqday Istuudiyaha Idaacadda SBC ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegay in ay dadkaas Faransiiska ah magaalada Caluula ku hayeen muddo shan casho ah , isla markaasna ay doonidii dalxiisayaasha cilladii ka sareen, una direen waddankii ay ku socdeen. Ciidamada booliiska degmada Caluula ayaa doonidan iyo dalxiisayaasheedii u sii gelbiyey dhinaca badweynta ilaa iyo 40 mayl.
  10. Madaxweynaha Puntland & Wafdi ay ka mid yihiin Madax UN-ka oo beri booqan doona Xaafun Boosaaso-05.April.2005 Madaxweynaha Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi(Gen.Cadde) iyo wafdi balaaran oo uu horkacayo ayaa lagu wadaa inay maalinimada beri ah u socdaalaan Degmada Xaafun ee Gobolka Karkaar halkaasi oo ah meeshii ugu xumeyd ee sida ba'an ay u saameeyeen mawjado badeedkii ku dhuftey gunta hoose ee Badweynta Hindiga. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha sii raaci doona ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Wafdi balaaran oo ka socda Laamaha kala duwan ee Hay'adaha Qaramada Midoobey waxaana maanta lagu wadaa inay soo gaaraan Magaalada Boosaaso Wafdigaasi oo uu hogaamin doono Isu duwaha Hawlaha Bini-Aadamnimo Qaramada Midoobey ee Soomaaliya Maxwell Gylard. Gudoomiyaha Degmada Xaafun Abshir Cabdi Taangi oo saaka ugu waramayey Idaacadda SBC Isgaarsiinta Guurguurta ee Thuraya Mobile isagoo ku sugnaa xiligaasi Garoonka Diyuuradaha ee Degmada Xaafun ayaa sheegay in ay wadaan qabanqaabo balaaran oo loogu jiro soo dhaweynta Wafdiga Madaxweynaha iyo Hay'adaha Caalamiga ah. Dhanka kale Abshir Cabdi Taangi wuxuu daboolka ka qaadey in Degmada Xaafun ay iminka joogaan Hay'ado dhawr ah, isagoo si gaar ah u xusay Hay'ada UNICEF oo balanqaadey dhismaha Dugsi Waxbarasho kaasi oo ay Hay'adu bilowdey dhismihiisa. Dad xog ogaal ah ayaa u sheegay Idaacada SBC in la wado qabanqaabada dhismaha Guryo loogu tala galey in la dajiyo Dadkii ay guryahoodu ku burbureen mawjado badeedkii dhacey Bishii Desember ee 2004-tii, sidoo kale Waxaa lagu tala jiraa in Degmada laga dhiso Isbitaal, in la dayactiro Garoonka Diyaaraha iyo goobo kale oo adeega Bulshada lagu daryeelayo. Ayaan Cabdi Xuseen SBC Boosaaso.
  11. Hay’adaha caalamiga ah & Waxbarashada Puntland ee 2-da sano soo socota Boosaaso - 05.April.2005 Mashaariicda waxbarashada hay’adaha caalamiga ahi ay ka fulinayaan Puntland labada sano ee soo socota ayaa munaasabaddii furinaankooda waxaa maanta lagu qabtay hotel Panorama ee magaaladan Boosaaso. Mashruuca waxbarashada ee hay’adaha Unicef, UNESCO iyo ADRA ayaa waxaa maal geliya Guddiga Beesha Reer Yurub, waxana madaxda hay’adahaasi maanta kulan la yeesheen mas’uuliyiinta dawlad goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland, si looga wada xaajoodo habka ay u wada shaqaynayaan hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ee barnaamijyada waxbarasho ka fuliya Puntland iyo sida ay isku xirnaan iyo xiriir ula samaynayaan wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland. Munaasabaddan oo ahayd mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimey ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay inta badan mas’uuliyiinta hay’adaha barnaamijyada waxbarasho ka fuliya Puntland iyo mas’uuliyiinta Puntland oo uu ugu horreeyo madaxweynaha dawlad goboleedka Puntland, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Gen. Cadde). Kulankan ayaa lagu sheegay in waxbarashada asaasiga ah ay iska kaashan doonaan hay’adda Unicef iyo wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland halka waxbarashada dugsiyada sare ay taageeri doonto hay’adda UNESCO muddada labada sano ah ee soo socota. Furitaankii munaasabadan ayaa waxaa ka hadlay wasiirka waxbarashada Puntland, Axmed Siciid Awnuur waxanu ka warbixiyey mashaariicda waxbarasho ee ay fulinayaan hay’aduhu, waxanu u rajeeyey guul iyo wada shaqayn. Intaa kadib, ayaa waxaa isna halkaasi ka hadlay madaxweynaha dawlad goboleedka Puntland, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi oo ku boorriyey in ay ha’adaha caalamiga ahi wax ka qabtaan arrimaha waxbarasho ee Puntland, isaga oo halkaasi ka ballan qaaday in dawladda Puntland ay kordhin doonto miisaaniyadda loogu tala galay waxbarashada Puntland iska markaasna ay xoogga saari doonto arrimaha bulshada gaar ahaan dhinaca waxkaqabashada. Waxaa kale oo halkaasi ka hadlay Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yaasiin oo ku hadlayey magaca shacabweynaha Puntland, waxanu sheegay in ay bulshada reer Puntland ay diyaar u tahay gacan siinta barnaamijyada waxbarasho ee dawladda iyo kuwa hay’adaha caalamiga ahba. Sidoo kale madaxda halkaasi ka hadashay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa, madaxa EU-da ee arrimaha waxbarashada Soomaaliya, Mr. Manfred waxanu halkaasi ka ballan qaaday taageero dhinac walba ah oo ay ka geysanayaan waxbarashada Soomaaliya gaar ahaan tan Puntland. Waxaa sidoo kale, isna munaasabaddii maanta ka hadlay madaxa hay’adda Unicef u qaabilsan arrimaha waxbarashada Soomaaliya Dr. Noel, iska halkaasi ka soo jeediyey ereyo dhiirri gelin iyo ballaan qaadyo waxbarasho ah. Kulankii maanta ka dhacay hotel Panorama ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka soo qayb galay wasiir kuxigeenka hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka, Yaasiin Cartan, mudane ka tirsan baarlamanka Puntland oo lagu magaabo Xirsi Cabdi Oog, iyo guddoomiyayaasha waxbarashada gobollada Karkaar iyo Bari, Maxamed Shiikh Cismaan iyo Caynab iyo mas’uuliyiin kale. Haddaba, kulankan oo ay qaar ka mid ah ardayda magaaladan Boosaaso ku soo bandhigeen riwaayad waxbarasho ayaa waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa fursad wanaagsan oo ay isku arkeen waxna iskula meel dhigeen hay’adaha dawladda ee waxbarashada ka shaqeeya iyo kuwa aan dawliga ahayn ee caalimiga ah. Source
  12. Laascaanood (AllPuntland)- Madaxwayne kuxigeenka dawladda Puntland Mud: Xasan Daahir Afqurac ayaa maanta meel barxad ah kala hadlay dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Laascaanood. Khudbadda madaxwayne kuxigeenka oo ay goob joog ka ahaayeen masuuliyiin ay kamid ahaayeen wasiirka haweenka iyo horumarinta qoyska ee Puntland Drs Caasho Geelle Diiriye, Wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade, wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare, maamulka gobolka iyo kandagmada iyo sidoo kale shacab aad u farabadan. Intii uusa Mikrafonka qaban madaxwayne kuxigeenka Puntland waxaa halkaasi hadal furitaan ah kasoo jeediyay guddoomiyaha gobolka Sool Maxamed Cawad Baaruud oo salaan kadib wafdiga kusoo dhaweeyay gobolka Sool. Madaxwayne kuxigeenka ayaa intaasi kadib hadal dhinacyo kala duwan taabanaya halkaasi kasoo jeediyay, dhinacyada uu ka hadlay madaxwayne kuxigeenka waxaa kamid ah xaaladda ammaan ee Puntland , tan gobolka Sool, Doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka iyo baahinta maamulka Puntland . Mar uu ka hadlayay xaaladda ammaan ee Puntland wuxuu sheegay in ammaan buuxa uu Puntland ka jiro , wuxuu xusay in gobolka Sool waxoogaa xiisado ammaan xumo ay kajireen waqtiyadii lasoo dhaafay , wuxuu xusay in maamulka Puntland uu kalsooni ku qabo inuu is difaaco isla markaana uu awood u leeyahay in asagoo is difaacaya uu hawlihiisa wato. Mar uu kahadlayay arimaha doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka wuxuu xusay inaan hal maalin ah laga dib dhigi doonin doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka asagoo intaasi raaciyay in Puntland ay diyaar u tahay in doorashooyinkaasi ay dhacaan xataa haddii xiisaddu taagantahay , wuxuu mar labaad ku celiyay in Puntland ay is difaaci karto ayadoo xataa doorashooyinku caadi u soconayaan. Baahinta maamulka Puntland mar uu ka hadlayay wuxuu sheegay in maamulka Puntland lagaarsiin doono dhammaan deegaamada ay ku nool yihiin dadka reer Puntland ku abtirsada . Jawiga guud ee dadkii isugu yimid dhagaysiga khudbaddda madaxwayne kuxigeenka ayaa u muuqday kuwo u riyaaqsanaa dhammaan qodobada uu madaxwayne kuxigeenku taabanayay. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  13. Garoowe: Baarlamaanka Puntland oo bilaabay koormeer hay'adaha Dawlada - Tuesday, April 05, 2005 at 13:46 Garoowe: Baarlamaanka Puntland oo bilaabay koormeer hay'adaha Dawlada Garoowe (AllPuntland)- Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka dawlad goboleedka Puntland Mud: Cismaan Dalmar Yuusuf oo ay wehliyaan shirguddoonka baarlamaanka Puntland iyo guddiga joogtada ah ee baarlamaanka ayaa saaka magaalada Garoowe ka bilaabay kormeer ay kusamaynayaan qaar kamid ah hawlaha wasaaradaha Puntland. Booqashada masuuliyiinta baarlamaanka ayaa la xiriirta lasocodaka hawlaha ay qabanayaan hay’daha kala duwan dawlad goboleedka Puntland iyo dabagalka shaqooyinka ay qabanayaan iyo sidii ay uga warbixin lahaayeen golaha wakiilada iyo la xisaabtanka xukuumadda. Masuuliyiintan ayaa booqasho ku tagay wasaaradda Caafimaadka ee Puntland waxayna halkaasi kula kulmeen masuuliyiinta wasaaradda caafimaadka gaar ahaan wasiirka caafimaadka Puntland. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Puntland ayaa warbixin dheer siiyay baarlamaanka Puntland taasoo kusaabsan sida ay usoconayaan hawlaha wasaaradda caafimaadka. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland Cismaan Dalmar Yuusuf (Batrool) ayaa saxaafadda usheegay in kormeeradan ay ka danbeeyeen kadib markii baarlamaanku ay go’aan ku gaareen in hawlahan ay bilaabaan. Wuxuu intaasi ku daray Mud: Dalmar inay kormeerka hay’adaha dawladda ee xarunta Puntland ay ku xijinayaan magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  14. Let's stop the debate here and now because I can see lots of people loosing their temper. You know every injustice will be dealt with in the Aakhirah so if this poor Somalis were beheaded for no reason then allah swt will deal with it in the aakhiro. Meanwhile as we don't now the full facts we shouldn't jump ahead of us. I don't agree with beheading because i think that the punishment was a too harsh however one has to obbey the rules of the law. I wouldn't commit a crime ever myself and certainly not in a foreign country like KSA whose penal code is very severe indeed. I recall myself living in another country some years ago where spitting on the ground and throwing rubbish on the pavement was punishable with a fine of up to 1000 or one month in jail. the spitting is even worse you get an instant fine of 5000$ or three month in prison. Even if weren't aware of the punishment. Also in Thailand if you carry drugs on you the police got a license to shoot you. They don't even take you to court they can simply kill you on the spot. Every country is entitled to its own customs, laws and morals. Nevertheless the Kingdom is not like Mogadishu where the gun rules and where morals, norms, customs, law and order are practically non-existent.
  15. I don't know what got into you but i can assure you that those guys did more than just not paying their taxi fare on the contrary they stole the whole taxi and threatend the taxi driver with knives. You can't just chop ones head because he stole something that's wrong in my eyes. But you see every country has got their own set of rules like thailand if the police over there catches you with drugs they've got a license to kill you. They should have thought about it before they did they got involved in this criminal activities. It's like the Maxkamadaha in Moghadishu who killed a young hungry boy who stole something to eat because he was starving to death. Basically they don't catch and deal with the real criminals like there are many people in the Saudi Royal family and the Maxkamada Islaamiga who commit all sorts of atrocities but because they're wealthy or from a certain tribe they suddenly become immune to all sorts of laws. The maxkamada Islaamiga in Moghadishu only know how to persucute and punish the weak one. This is not our deen. Our Propet Mohamed peace be upon him said if Fatima bintu Muxammad stole something I wouldn't be able to help her. He said it because a women from a big tribe in Makkah stole something and the prophet ordered to cut off her arm and the clans people said lets go to Usaama because he's the best loved companion of the Prophet to intervene on behalf of this women but the prophet got angry and called the people. his face was very angry and he said the people before you used to do that like the jews who punished the poor very severlly but if one of their noble or rich people commits it they would find a way out of it. Thats why they were destroyed because their system wasn't based on al-cadaalah.
  16. Istaghfirullah Rudy You can't call Saudi Arabia a ..... country because the two holliest cities of Islaam are located there Makkah almukaramah and Madinah almunwwarah. Please think twice before you write something in this forum. No insult but I'm equally ubset but we can't do anything about it. We aint got a government to defend us. This has been our problem for the last 14 years. Under the reign of Marxuum Siyaad Barre alla yaraxma this sort of things never happended because they were scared of us and they also had respect for us but no we're like animals to them. I don't blame them I can only blame us Somalians. The only way out is to support peace and democracy taking place in Somalia. Support the TFG and inshallah Somalia will be once more restored to its former Glory. Inshallah Inshallah. Amiin
  17. 6 Nin oo Soomaaliya oo Maanta qoorta Laga jaray Wararka naga soo gaaraya Dalka Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa sheegaya in maanta 6 nin oo Soomaali ah qoorta laga jaray kadib markii Maxkamadda dalkaas ku xukuntay dil ah in qoorta laga jaro. 6 da nin oo Maanta la dilay ayaa waxay ku eedeysanaayeen inay falal burcadnimo ah dalkaas ka geysteen, sidoo kale waxyaabaha lagu eedeeyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa iyagoo inta badan dhac u geysta Baabuurta rayid ah iyo kuwa Tax siyada sida uu sheegay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Sacuudiga. Maanta ayaa markii qoorta laga jaray 6 nin waxaa la sheegay in Seef cad madaxa looga gooyey sida uu sheegay mid ka mid ah dadkii ka qeybgalay markii nimankaas la dilayay. Ilaa iyo hadda magacyada nimankaas nama soo gaarin hase ahaate waxaa la sheegay in qaarkood ka soo jeeden magaalada Muqdisho,waxaana jirta in Sacuudiga Sanadkan oo keliya qoorta looga jaray in ku dhaw 36 Ruux.
  18. Xiisadii dagaal ee u dhexeysay Isbaheysiga dooxadda Jubba & Golaha Jaamac Aadan dheere oo laga cabsi qabo in mar kale uu qaraxdo Guddoomiyaha Golaha Midnimada Qaran-ka Jaamac Aadan dheere oo horay maleeshiyooyin-kiisa & kuwa Isbaheysiga dooxadda Jubba ay ku dirireen gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ayey warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aanu helnay ilo muhiim ah waxey sheegayaan in uu hub & ciidan ku uruursanayo halka lagu magacaabo Dhamas oo ka tirsan J/hoose, wuxuu doonayaa Jaamac Aadan dheere qorshe uu maamul uga sameynayo magaalada Kismaayo oo uu maamulkeeda hagayo isbaheysiga dooxadda Jubba. Dedaalo loogu kala dab-qaadayey Jaamac Aadan dheere & Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) oo si gaabis ah ku socday muddooyinkan ayaa u noqday kuwa shaqeyn waayey, kadib markii shuruudo ad-adag ay ka yimaadeen labada nin, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in xaaladu faraha ka baxdo, halkaasina uu iska horimaad ku dhexmaro maleeshiyooyinka kala taabacsan Barre Hiiraale & Jaamac dheere. Source
  19. I can't say no more because the documents I received aren't unclassified yet but I will led you know in due course. Warm youself up with this report. Jaamaca Aadan Dheere oo ku Mashquulsan Maamul Goboleed Ka madax banaan Barre Hiiraale iyo(Dooxada Juba),Iyo Kismaanyo oo Baqdin badan laga soo sheegay. {kismaayo} Ganacsade Jaamac Aadan Dheere iyo maleeshiyadiisa ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay tageen degaano ka tirsan degmada Ceelwaaq ee gobolka Gedo, isagoo doonaya in uu dhiso maamul goboleedka loo samaynayo Jubbooyinka iyo Gobolka Gedo taas oo aan ku lug laheyn midka uu doonayo in uu dhiso Barre Hiiraale. Jaamaca Aadan Dheere oo haysta Dhamaan taageerada shacabka uu ka dhashay oo ku dhaqan Gobolka Gedo iyo Gobolada dariska la ahba ayaa in muda ah waxa uu ku mashqulsanaa sidii nabad loogu wada noolaan lahaa. Jaamaca Aadan Dheere oo haatan ku sugan tuulada Dhamse ayaa sheegay in ujeedada socdaalkiisu la xiriiro sidii shacabka ku dhaqan gobolka Gedo uu uga dhaadhicin lahaa dhismaha maamul goboleed ay ku mideysan yihiin gobolada J/hoose, J/dhexe iyo Gedo oo ah mid ka madax banaan midka isbaheysiga D/jubba oo haatan lagu tala jiro sameyntiisa. Jaamac waxa uu intaasi ku daray in durbadiiba uu bilaabay kulamo uu la qaadanayo odayaasha tuulada Dhamas, isagoo sheegay in maalmaha soo socda uu tagi doono dhamaan degmooyinka kale uu ka kooban yahay gobolka Gedo. Jaamac Aadan Dheere mar uu ka hadlayay waan waantii laga dhex waday isaga iyo Barre Hiiraale ayaa ku eedeeyay mas uuliyiinta isbaheysiga D/jubba in ay fulin waayeen qodobadii ay ku heshiiyeen, taasi uu sheegay in sina dhankiisa uu ka baxay balamadii lala galay, haatana uu dadaal ugu jiro sidii uu u nabadeyn lahaa beelaha wada dega gobolka Gedo oo xiisado colaadeed u dhaxeeyay maalmahan Maamul Goboleedna loogu samayn lahaa. Jaamaca Aadan Dheere ayaa ka soo kictamay magaalada Kismayo oo bilihii ugu dambeeyay dagaal sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac uu ku dhexmaray gudoomiyaha isbaheysiga D/jubba. Ka bixitaankiisa magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegantay xilli maamulka isbaheysiga D/jubba oo ay ku midaysanyihiin Beelo aan u dhalan Dagaanka, xoogna ku haysta shicbkaas u dhashay degaanka ay ku tala jireen in ay ku dhawaaqaan dowlad goboleed la baxay Jubba Land. Warar kale oo aanu ka helnay magaalada Kismayo ayaa waxay sheegayaan in ay Shacabka iyo Maamulka Dooxada Juba ay soo wajahday Baqdin aad u tira badan,Taasoo ay ugu wacan tahay, DFKG oo la filayo in ay Saldhig ku meel gaar ah ka dhigato Magaalada Baydhabo iyo Magaalada Jowhar, iyada oo qorshuhuna yahay, sida aanu ka helayno ilo ku dhow dhow Madaxda Sare ee Dowlada, in Hub ka dhigis la gu sameeyo dhamaan Maleeshiyooyinka Hubaysan ee ka howl gala Koonfurta Soomaaliya. News Desk WidhWidh Online
  20. It's long due and we hope that inshallah the people will be rewarded for their patience and suffering. Long live Kismaayo and inshallah it will be soon restored to its law abiding citizens and rightful owners sooner or later. The criminals should watch their back because their dooms day is coming nearer and nearer. Read this article below: Dadka danyarta ah ee magaalada Kismayo ayaa ka cabanaya canshuro ay ku soo rogeen ishabaysiga Doxada Jubba ee ka arimiya magalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose.(April.01) Dadka danyarta ah ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamada Isbahaysigu bilabeen canshuur xoog ah oo ay dadka danyarta ah ka Hawenay ka mid ah dadka ka ganacasada suuqyada magalada Kismayo ayaa shegtay in malintii ugu yaraan 10 goor canshuur laga qaado xoog ah ayadoo ku macnaysay in nin kasta oo ka tirsan ciidamada Doxada Jubba uu jeebka iskaga sito bonoyinka canshurta lagu qaado mesha uu soo gaarana canshuur ka qaadanayo dadka jooga isaga oo aan u aabe yeleyn in laga qaaday iyo in kale. Haweenaydan ayaa intaas raacisay in loo qaatay burcadii hore oo ayagu xilliyada habenkii ah oo kale dadka dhici jiray . Dadka deegaanka ayaa walaac aad u weyn ka muujiyay canshuurtan xad dhaafka ah aan nidaamsanayn oo laga qaadayo. Canshurahan ayaa ku so beegmay xilli ay ku dhawaaqeen mas'uuliyiinta sar sare ee Doxada Jubba in ay bilabayaan dhisme maamul loo dhanyahay oo loo sameeyo gobolka iyadoo ay ka wada qayb qaataan dadka deegaanka u dhashay oo dhan waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Waxayna arintan canshurta xooga looga qaadayo dadka danyarta ahi u muuqaataa in ay dhaawac weyn ku noqonayso sidii logu kalsonaan lahaa in maamulka la qorshaynayo in dhowaan lagu dhawaaqo.
  21. I ain't kiddin' inadeer it's absolutely true what I said. They're the richest coz you see reer Bari are natural traders and businessmen but i've to acknowlede that if you go to Bosaasso or Garowe you will find lots of businesses and factories which are owned by reer mudug. On the other hand it isn't their fault that they live in this awful and bloody place that they've to immigrate to other places. Garoowe and Bosaaso are rich because reer mudug made them rich because they have a lion share on trade in bari and nugaal. So you see big up to reer mudug iam also one of them. And by the way Gaalkacyo and Mudug will soon overtake Bosaaso and Garoowe because of heavy investment from a secretive source if you know what I mean as Abti is currently President of Somalia i would certainly hope for some cash to his real and foremost supporters the reer mudug. Also reer mudug are reluctant to put their wealth into Gaalkacyo as you know Gaalkacyo is a divided city and everything is possible. you can't trust the political situation of somalia. Gaalkacyo is flourising because it is very convinient situated and all the business and transactions from south, north and western somalia come through the city. Big up reer mudug!!
  22. We already showed our brotherly love for you by giving you all our "lobsters" that you get from Eyl for free.Innallaaha yarzaghu man yashaa. Anyhow reer Mudug ain't starving for they're the richest, best and most intelligent but at the same time they're also the most vicious, ignorant and stubborn of all somalis.
  23. Let me illuminate you one the question posted if we're Carab or Afrikaan. Let me tell you at first as people have already qouted that rasuulullaah salallaahu calayi wassallam already stressed that whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab when asked by the saxaaba who should be called Arab. Secondly there are three types of Arab people; a, al carabul baadiyah or the perished arabs who don't exist anymore like the people who are mentioned in the Quraan like Caad, thamuud, Judais, Cimlaaq and Su'waaha. b,al carabul caaribah the decendents of yacrub bin yashjub bin ghaxdhaan who are known as the carabul qaxtaany c, and finally the carabul mustcarib or arabized arabs who are known as carabul cadnaaniyah and who decsendent from nabi ibraahiim calayhi wasallam. The second group originally came from biladul yaman and they got two branches the xamyar and kahlaan this are the real arabs. the third group the carabul cadnaaniyah who weren't arabs at the first place but who were arabised came from a place called Ur or Ar in Ciraaq and their father is nabi Ibrahiim calayhi wassallam note that Ibrahiim is in itself not an arabic name. Ur is situated on the western bank of the euphrates. Nabi Ibrahiim travelled to a place called xaran that is situated in palastine.And then Allah subxaanah sent him to biladul misr ama masar. And the story goes on. Note that Prophet Muhammed salallahu calayhi wassallam was a decendent of nabi ibrahiim as you know it came about that the prophet ibrahiim left his wife and to Haajirah to a place called Xijaaz and subsequetly makkah from where he and the prophet ismaaciil build the kacbah. Eventually they ousted the group that was occupying Makkah. With the never ending source of Zamzam that haajirah found when Ibrahiim left them alone with Allah subxaanah makkah developed to a rich city and with the pilgrims coming from all of arabia. The qureish also did trade to the south and north to shaam and yaman. these are the favours that allah has bestowed on the qureish but they refused to accept Islaam as their deen hence their most powerful and vicious leaders were killed and some were saved with the grace of Allah. My conclusion is that if you're a Somali who speaks and understands the arabic languange than you're an arab as our rasuul already said. If you don't speak or understand arabic then you've to require it. We're Africans because Tunisians, Algerians, libyans, egyptians call themself africans because the countries i've mentioned are all in africa the same is with Somalia. The majority of sub-saharan africans are bantu folks and therefore not related to us as you can see from their featural differences. We've got alot in common with our north-east african neighbours like the axmaara or xabashis, canfaar, eritereaians and the people of the north in the islamic republic of Suudaan. There are traditions of certain somali tribes being from arabia. Like where I come from their are whole parts where somali is not spoken but arabic places like bandarqaasim, qandala, caluula there are whole folks who can't speak a single word of somali.
  24. Sister No one was APPLYING that Mogadishu wasn't the CAPITAL City of SOMALIA and that it should be changed to GAROOWE. We aint that desperate just joking. The whole thing was started off by that egg called JUMBO-HUTU-MUTU who vanished and must be laughing off his socks coz he managed to cause another hostility between the GEELJIRIYAAL. I don't hestitate if questioned by non-Somalis what my CAPITAL CITY is I reply MOGHADISHU without thinking. But at the moment we need a transitional seat of the Government the isn't called Capital. Instead we could call it the "seat of the Government" like The Netherland they got one Capital City which is Amsterdam but the Government seat is in The Hague. South Africa is the same there CAPITAL is Pretoria but the seat of the Parliament is in sunny beautiful CAPETOWN. The same could be implied to SOMALIA. The Capital city is and will always be MOGHADISHU but the seat of the Parliament could be in BAYDHABO JANEY. Regarding us Garoweians we politely accept your appolgy that was very gracious and BRAVE FROM YOU. We're all BROTHERS AND SISTERS and NO misfeelings or hatred should ever devade us. LONG LIVE OUR BELOVED SOMALIA, OUR CAPITAL CITY MOGHADISHU AND OUR GOVERNMENTAL AND PARLIMENTARIAN CITY BAYDHAO JANEY.
  25. Sky-African don't be worried bro. Let these haters not bring you down to their level of hatred, ignorance and arrogrance. Read this article below about my H-town of Garoowe: Garoowe Garoowe in the news GarÅwe, also spelled Garoowe and Garowe, is the capital city of Puntland, Somalia. It is where the regional parliament, presidential palace, as well as minsteries are located. Garoowe has a population of approx. 57,000 (2000 censu) inhabitants and is the fourth largest city in the region after Bosaaso, Gaalkacyo, and Las Anod. It is located in the geographical centre of Puntland state and is transversed by the north-south Somali highway. Thus allowing for an economic boom to take place which has transformed it from a small rural town to a large metropolitan city. P.S. The Map shows Somalia and the red area is Nugaal province of Somalia where Garoowe is the Capital City. long live beautiful Garoowe. Some Pictures of Garowe City: Look in the Cupboard they even have got Weetabix The Picture above was taken in the UN Compound of Garowe. From now on you can call me "The Teacher". The lesson is finished and don't forget to do your homework it's important. For all those who didn't know where Garowe was situated will be required to study the latitude and altitude of Garowe City and on addition you're going to write an draft essay about the development of the city during the last thirty years. Have fun! And anyone who forgets to do his homework will be put on detention and they will be required to write "Garowe is the Capital City" a thousand times on the board.