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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. I don't talk religion or politics at mealtimes, it's bad for the digestion And I don't want to give you my "background", Khalaf. I don't believe it will serve any purpose since you have fixed ideas about what I am, and no amount of me spilling my lifestory on these pages will change that. If you want to leave a relevant discussion of the points you raised to more capable hands, then why did you even bring it up? Seems like you're saying that you can't refute those points, but you hope someone else can
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: I have not seen the film but from what I have read its total bull. The Spartan's were cruel people who ensaved a whole population while the persians outlawd slavery. Yeah, some of the spiel about freedom was a little jarring. I kept wondering if the Spartans were going to start munching on "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" while on the march. Making the Spartans a wholesome, iddylic, almost democratic people (the golden light, the fields of hay, the happy women smiling shyly at the Queen), and the Persians a den of iniquity (could a man really conquer half the known world while countless women where cavorting wantonly in his war-room?). It was so American somehow.
  3. Who else I'm I supposed to ask if i can't ask my freinds in SOL..? Your customers? I had the bariis alfredo once at the original Safari Restaurant and thought it was strange but pretty good. Does that count?
  4. Main Reasons (most dont pretain to Islam) Actually they all do. But I think the most convincing reason for me is the last one. Someone once put it this way: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So far I've heard a fair bit of extraordinary claims, but have not seen matching evidence.
  5. Cara.


    Originally posted by Kashafa: [QB] Actually, the 300 Spartans did defeat the "shoot so many arrows, we will blot out the sun" Persian army, if you look at victory and defeat in the strategic long term sense.[QB] But defeat in the sense of the 300 themselves were wiped out by a vastly greater army. Their longterm strategic position was six feet under . Naturally, a greater Greek army did much better and where able to drive the Persians back later on. That's what I meant about the lesson learned Umm, except this factoid so conviently skipped by the moviemakers, cuz, hamdulilah, Middle America still has some traditional* values left: The Spartans were flaming homosexuals Oddly enough, the movie deflects this well-known factoid early on, when a character describes the Athenians derisively as "boy-loving philosophers" or something to that effect.
  6. ^But what is that number exactly? And how is the truthfullness of Saddam Hussein linked to that of Sudan? Why do you believe the Sudanese government is telling the truth? Would it be in their best interests to? Do they strike you as particularly honest or conscientious?
  7. Originally posted by MC Xamar: ^LOL You make it sound like I should check my peanut butter for worms. You mean you haven't heard of the peanut butter recall? Not worms precisely, but even deadlier I hate it when people make dumb excuses for things we know is najaas in the first place. You're barking up the wrong tree sxb. I made no claims about pork's suitability for consumption by Muslims. I simply expressed skepticism about a video showing something I know to be improbable biologically. Yes, we have refrigeration, and yes we cook our food, that doesn't make pork any more halaal. Again, that's not the point. I just think a video showing live worms crawling out of properly-stored meat is unconvincing, and that eating cooked meat with cola is not going to make these same worms crawl out into your stomach. THAT IS ALL. How's that in any way shape or form making a statement about whether something is halal or haram? And as long as I don't know I'm swallowing spiders, I don't care how many of them get into my mouth, I'm sure they've got lots of protein. That's the spirit . But shouldn't you find out whether eating spiders is halal?
  8. Originally posted by Taliban: I say it's minor because the number of people who have died in this local conflict is a fraction of the number circulated by the West. There might be millions in refugees camps, however, the refugee problem was created by the West's interference. How many people do you think have been killed in this conflict, and where do you get that figure?
  9. Cara.


    Originally posted by Canjeex: quote: am sure our men still love us just the same We sure do (alle la aantiin nama dhigo ) But, at the same time, we also care about your health....Also waxaa maqaal igu ah (run iyo been waxey tahay garanmaayee) haweeneyda markay buurantahay waajibaadka qaarkiis yey ka caajistaa to the point ey in the middle of waajibaat baasto iska cuneyso LOOOL. Oh no you didn't.
  10. Emperor, your approach leaves much to be desired. Val is right, desperation (to the point of having poor Zafir in your sights) is not very appealing. Maybe a certain someone would take you seriously if you WEREN'T filing two applications a day for the position of Mrs. Emperor
  11. Cara.


    Awlugeeye, the 300 did not defeat Xerxes, so I guess no one would predict that 300 ICU soldiers (not exactly Spartan discipline or conditioning either) could've taken on Ethiopia and won. Maybe the moral is that you can stand up to a tyrant, and inspire others to do likewise. The movie is really good; visually stunning, and I'm not talking about all the fit half-naked men; the colors and cinematography is really striking. I wanted screen shots of nearly ever frame. I'm not sure to what extent it's historically accurate though, and some parts fell a little flat, but I would recommend it to people sick of celebrity-driven blockbusters.
  12. Cara.


    LOL. I have a feeling fartun is Alle-Ubaahne's phantom secret admirer. Wouldn't that be just delicious?
  13. Originally posted by MC Xamar: quote:Originally posted by Cara: 1. It's fake. Why didn't they keep filming for 2 measly minutes and then just speed up the video? 2. Your classmates would likely be eating cooked sausages, Dave, which probably wouldn't have living worms in them, IF the pork came from an infected animal, which would be unlikely nowadays. As for whether it's fake or not, who knows? Regardless, we know how dirty pigs are anyways, so I don't see why it would be such a huge shocker if they carried worms. As for the pork being cooked, I'm sure you probably know this already, but I'll tell you anyways. Cooking meat with worms in it does not make the worms disappear. Whoever eats that is eating dead worms. That may be worse than eating live worms. Uff caleek!! And yeah, God forbid that an animal could be infected, like whatever eh!! Animals don't get dieases, that's just a fairy tale. :rolleyes: My point wasn't that animals don't get diseases, but that commercial farming has greatly reduced the kind of worm infections pigs were known to be prone to. So it's unlikely that drinking Pepsi with some cooked Polish sausage is going to unleash a gastrointestinal worm invasion on Dave's classmates. Capische? And, notwithstanding your fervent newborn conviction otherwise, pigs are no dirtier than goats or cows or chicken (chickens even eat worms!). And there's a reason all meat, whether pork or prime beefsteak, ought to be cooked. You just don't know WHAT animal maybe harboring dangerous parasites. From a health perspective, making sure they're good and dead is the best you can do. If you want to be absolutely sure you're not eating dead worms, I suggest you stay away from all food henceforth. And keep your mouth shut at all times, to avoid unknowingly swallow several live spiders in your lifetime, but more importantly you're less likely to make sarcastic remarks that are just plain silly instead.
  14. 1. It's fake. Why didn't they keep filming for 2 measly minutes and then just speed up the video? 2. Your classmates would likely be eating cooked sausages, Dave, which probably wouldn't have living worms in them, IF the pork came from an infected animal, which would be unlikely nowadays.
  15. Xiin, the big picture is three women who share a husband, live in the same building, AND work at the same place. Wareer badanaa! Jimcaale, I'm all for freedom of choice, but that doesn't mean you can't point and laugh at truly stup!d choices...
  16. *Napolean Dynamite voice* Gosh! Cambarro, maybe it's AAAH to you, but I wonder if the first wife was more like "D'OH!". And ewww, if they had babies on the same day, we know what was happening on the same night 9 months ago... This polygamy thing should be like time-share: 5 mos. for wifey #1, 1 month decontamination, 5 mos. for wifey #2, 1 month decon. Rinse, repeat.
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: Aha! Another opportunity to tell you about the time I owned a gay dog. Oh, alright. Go on. But I warn you, I've seen a gay Chinese crested hairless, and I believe nothing can beat a gay Chinese hairless for sheer gayness. CCH
  18. Cara.

    Work Survey

    The answer to the puzzle of why so many people love what they are doing but would choose another field: Soomaali soo ma nihin; we all wish we were dictators.
  19. An additional category: Finds the Whole Enterprise Tedious Waste of Precious Time But Still Feels Compelled to Comment Derisively. Lost-One and 6546 are leading the nominations
  20. There should be two new categories, Best Concession Speech and Best Acceptance Speech.
  21. Trust some people to use every topic (no matter how tragic) as a platform to espouse racism or qabiilism. People like Taliban and Alle Ubaahne will not accept someone has sincerely converted to Islam unless they agree to go on a special mission involving explosives.
  22. Good heavens. Does anyone find the real problem to be teaching fairytales in school? Whether the protagonist is gay or straight, fairytales inculcate helplessness and wishful thinking in children. Characters like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are based on outdated gender stereotypes (the princess waiting for her knight to rescue her). Good enough for a bedtime story, but not for imparting wisdom EDIT: So what's your theory Khalaf? Dare I guess it involves Jews?
  23. Xiin, I thought I detected a bad pun there (a riff on caaro). Waan ku xajiimooda. Stoic, why not Lugeeye for brevity?
  24. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Cara, I thought that you didnt find your nick station yet, which you are ever crawling to arrive! That's awful.