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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. Cara.


    I like the macawis fashion show.
  2. My impeccable logic has reduced you to one-liners I see.
  3. See, that's when the theoretical economist's desperate need for round numbers creates conditions too absurd for reality. $100/16 = $6.25 So the maid (probably an illegal immigrant) is too good to make $6.25/hr but a professional couple average wages of $6.25/hr? If only one person was working the couple would have a salary of less than $20K a year. Ha, they both need to work just to make ends meet! But then they still couldn't afford a maid, so both will have to chip in and do the housework. Very egalitarian, I must say, although I guess the maid misses out.
  4. ^LOL. What a nice supermarket, a whole aisle for cherries. Wisdom_Seeker, I know because I read it. In a book. With no pictures.
  5. ^Maths, man. 16 hours worth of income - 2 hours pay to the maid = more moolah than Faarax-and-Xaliimo will know what to do with. Everyone knows money makes you happy, ergo even more money will make you deliriously happy. My logic is unassailable.
  6. LOZ, how about I work 6 hours, he works 10 hours, and a maid works 2 hours to do the household chores? If it's efficiency you want, what can be more efficient than letting professionals do what they do best? I'm happy I'm not scrubbing floors, he's happy because he's not being nagged at to help out, the maid is happy because she's got paid work. And with the extra income, perhaps we can retire early and live on a tropical island in our old age Maximum utility, I say.
  7. Yeah there's Playgirl, but apparently most of the subscribers are gay men...
  8. LOZ, I insist on at least an outline of this theory before I commence filing my nails. It's just too counter-intuitive to be taken at face value. Faarax, I haven't seen submissive African women, but maybe it's because they're too afraid to leave home -- at least without a man's permission Quantum Leap, I think imagining the undertones is the only thing that redeems this discussion
  9. "One natural inference is that men are more willing to pay to see these images" All women need to do is make sure there are no middle-men in this transaction.
  10. LOZ The only problem with that arrangement is that the payoff for most women isn't all that great, given that the average woman has other skills besides giving good massages and dusting the furniture. It's a sad fact of life that most of them have been coerced into attending high school and college, and thus may be over-qualified for merely dispensing warm greetings and hot dinners. In other words, today's woman can bring home the hilib and bake it in a pan. Do your calculations take that into consideration?
  11. Originally posted by Ebyan: That's not a wife, that's a maid who puts out! My dear, a maid who puts out is what many guys are looking for in a wife. Except she gets room and board instead of a check at the end of the month. But just think, it's a seller's market. Far more guys are into that kind of arrangement than there are women willing to go along with it. Just set your price and watch the offers roll in Faarax B, "in some parts of the world..." can be used as a defense for many ridiculous notions
  12. I think it was written by a neurosurgeon testing for brain damage. I find it hard to believe it was legitimate advice, even in the Stepford wives era.
  13. Cara.


    Oh but Khalaf, you're doing so well! Rif-rif odayga!
  14. Cara.


    Oh, the male equivalent of a cat fight! Wait, let me grab the popcorn first!
  15. No wonder he shot over 40 people before calling it quits. Those Asians are such over-achievers.
  16. Cara.

    Brain Teasers

    Mystic, think. The answer to the second one: the man is wearing a black hat. He reasoned that the first man can see both men in front of him. If they were both wearing white hats, that man would've guessed right away that he must be wearing a black hat. Since he doesn't call out right away, the men in front of him must be wearing two black hats or one is wearing a black hat and the other is wearing a white hat. The middle man would also know this. If he can see that the man in front of him is wearing a white hat, he would know that he himself must be wearing a black hat. Since he says nothing, he must be looking at a black hat (and isn't sure which one he's wearing himself). I hope that made sense.
  17. Cara.


    ^Well, she must've known. Isn't that why she was calling for a reform?
  18. But who would be there to appreciate our sacrifice?
  19. Cara.


    Originally posted by NGONGE: Are Sheh, Cara and Val wearing black now? I'm in shock. I will join Taliban in voluntary exile if AUB is truly banned. We will sit around the camp fire, and sing of his mighty deeds and admire his handsome visage. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Alle-Ubaahne would, were he not Alle-Ubaahne call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Alle-Ubaahne, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. **Note that the above is not in any way extorting anyone to attempt to evade SOL justice by shady means**.
  20. LOL @ Caano Geel. Perhaps you can exorcise the image if you extend it to its natural conclusion and throw in some rosemary and thyme... Anyway, I've nearly given up on Ubaahne. No amount of hair gel or blush is going to turn the head of a man wooing natural beauties. I need something more drastic.
  21. Seriously, this reminds me of a recurring nightmare I had as a child. I dreamt that some complete eediot inuu i soo doontay, and everyone is too busy laughing at his antics to realize how totally unsuitable he is. Disturbing de ja vu...
  22. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Tukaale: Who said the west waa meel fiican horta? If you live in the West over a period of time (+20 years), there's the possibility of contracting cancer. LOL. That's true.
  23. LOL. Alle-Ubaahne waxaad noqotay mukulaashi tiri "uf wuu urayaa" markay cadka hilibka gaari-wayday.
  24. MMA, It's interesting that your dad's allergy symptoms could be alleviated by smoking cigars. If that's the case, Chinese acupuncture may offer him some relief as well.