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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. ^War na dhaaf, we're all card-carrying members of MENSA. Zafir, elephant-keeper right? Me too. Val, I try to keep it to myself, but it's actually kinda therapeutic. I put on some reggae (for them, not a big fan myself) and try not to break any shells
  2. Craig is a three-term senator who has aligned himself with conservative groups that oppose gay rights. What a cliche.
  3. Red Sea, you cracked me up. His actions could have been as a result of being drunk and her actions could also have been because she was under the influence and other wise wouldnt' resist him. That's so ridiculous it's genius. I'd like to know the physiological processes that makes men rapists when they're drunk but turns promiscuous women frigid. "Gosh, good thing I was drunk; otherwise I might've consented to sex and then that would be fornication!"
  4. I dunno what I'm studying anymore, but yesterday I had to use a Q-tip to clean the shells of 50 water snails. Like these. It's best not to describe what I did TODAY in polite company.
  5. ^LOL. That's the one! I forgot it wasn't from Monty Python. MC, come on, anyone can hum that bit. Belt it all out, you know you want to.
  6. ^As a matter of fact they are.
  7. How about the dead parrot skits? And the "Don't mention the war"? And the Canucks must memorize the lumberjack song stat.
  8. Originally posted by Baashi: Get ur camera powered up. There will be spectacular moon eclipse coming up pretty soon -- this one is a one of a kind. I can't be bothered to look up the date but it is withing coming weeks. August 28, 2007 about 5-6:40 AM. It was a nice show, even though at our altitude the sun came up at the midpoint of the eclipse. The deer were even closer at first but the camera shutter/light scared them off!
  9. ^I'm just glad it's not the one suggested by the title.
  10. ^They are subtly different, but then what would you know about subtlety?? You're still in the "pull girl's hair to get her attention" stage But Buuxo is gonna get a buzz cut and beat you up if you keep doing it.
  11. LOL @ Faarax, I think you meant "You're a test" Can't get anything right, the poor dear...
  12. Idil, I'm also a little ambivalent about the final Harry Potter. The treatment of Snape and Dumbledore was brilliant, but the ending was a cheat. Besting evil leads to happiness and domestic bliss? *Gags*
  13. But frankly( & factually) speaking,theres not a whole lot of Financial responsibility given to the Somali Woman. It is unfortunate truth that we need to address. Hmmm, I wonder if there's any way to give Somali women more financial responsibility? Could it be through, say, learning as young women? Talk about lugooyo!
  14. Originally posted by Zenobia: quote:Originally posted by Cara: ^The artist is Libyan. Does that make a difference? Of course. If the artist were Brazilian or Irish, then the topmost panel would be odd since Brazilians and Irishmen have their own homegrown misogyny which the artist could've drawn inspiration from, as it were. Since the artist is Libyan, the panel shows a popular image of local culture and thus it's not an attempt to define sexism as Islamic.
  15. Gosh, I know many men are irrational and susceptible to flights of fancy, but this is getting scary. How hard is it to figure out that this is a list of things a girl SHOULD know? It's a prescriptive, not descriptive, list. It doesn't matter if current women have the money sense of a milk carton, or if in Africa men labor while women mooch off them ( yeah right ), or if teenage girls are irresponsible with what they manage to get their grubby little paws on (as if boys aren't as bad). Unless the status quo is peachy keen (and clearly it isn't, judging by how much derision you men heap on the women who stay home), women should learn to take control of their finances.
  16. Faarax, clearly you were being silly, why are you ruining it with all this spinning? You said 16-19 year old Somali girls don't need to learn how to manage their money. It doesn't matter if the 16 year old's money comes from a minimum wage job or she lives at home. She still should know how to manage the pittance she has. If you give her $100, she would still be better off learning how to manage it. Since it's her money at that point You said 19-25 year old Somali women are married and so mooch off their husbands and so don't need to manage their money. That's just nonsense. Maybe at the upper age range girls get married, but where do you live that has 20 year olds marrying men who make enough money to be sole breadwinners? Most young couples struggle with money, or maybe you give them $100 weekly allowances
  17. LOL. Welcome back Hunguri. Wait, is it a coincidence that "appetite" in Somali is similar to "hunger" in English? Originally posted by Ha Hero's Madam: I quit my job to day and I have never felt better about something. That's nice. Taking time off or moving to a better position?
  18. ^Hehe, now I feel like Cinderella's ugly stepsister. Puujaa, just remembered today that it's coming out this weekend. Amazon tells me they will deliver it on the 23rd. Kindly keep all spoilers to yourself if you get through it before.