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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. Cara.

    What if?

    Everyone dies alone. But don't let someone go home alone after a head injury, especially if they were hospitalized for it. Make a nuisance of yourself and insist on sleeping over. Be a real pain and wake them up every couple of hours. If they get mad and throw things at you, check to see how well they are aiming
  2. Val, I really like this one of Saado Cali. One thing, the comments on the YouTube video are suggesting this song had a siyaasad subtext (the person who said it was anti-kacaan made me laugh). Does anyone know what that is? Urban, come on, we can work something out. One weekend you break my heart, the next week I return the favor. Then we can listen to the song on a loop and sigh a lot.
  3. I dunno, Khalaf. Alle-Ubaahne is gone. What's the point of listing the also-rans if the great man himself isn't eligible? And do you work the graveyard shift somewhere horta?
  4. Gosh guys, what's with the sudden fascination? Did I stumble onto a major Faarax issue? Don't worry, the hairless as an egg thing is very hot right now, you guys have finally come into your own. Just make sure to moisturize.
  5. ^People being shallow about superficial beauty? Say it ain't so! Ngonge, now that's what I call reverse psychology!
  6. Here she is again from another era, what a .
  7. Kudos to the women of Somaliland. Let the keeshali burning commence
  8. Cara.

    Today I....

    Red Sea, since you were getting paid double on Dec 25 because it's Christmas Day, lacagta u celi oo ku dheh "Hi". Today I'm having an internal debate. I have a giftcard to Barnes and Noble. There's this book I really want, but it was written long ago and I bet I could find it cheaper at a used bookstore. Should I get it from there (and spend my own money), or should I go to B&N?
  9. Um, the mutual admiration society is now in session. Ngonge, as if you didn't Ctrl+F for "native women in their altogether" Jamaal, now the neighbor's youngsters would've told him "pics or it didn't happen." It's a sad loss of gullibility.
  10. ! - Yeah, I became smitten with Wordsworth, Keats and Shelley in a freshman Eng Lit course. Trying to read them on your own can be daunting. LOL @ the world poetry pan. Someone once said that to me very very earnestly. Geel_Jire, is the MIT one still available? It would be neat to compare similar courses at Yale and MIT, or even Haavad.
  11. Equilibrium, my friend. I would've loved a course on classical or world poetry, but I've heard highly of this one.
  12. "Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to seven introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn. Open Yale Courses reflects the values of a liberal arts education. Yale's philosophy of teaching and learning begins with the aim of training a broadly based, highly disciplined intellect without specifying in advance how that intellect will be used. This approach goes beyond the acquisition of facts and concepts to cultivate skills and habits of rigorous, independent thought: the ability to analyze, to ask the next question, and to begin the search for an answer. We hope these courses will be a resource for critical thinking, creative imagination, and intellectual exploration." Link. I'm currently listening to the Philosophy course on Death, and the Intro to Physics.
  13. Oh I know I know! It's because September is 9 months after New Year's Eve, and November is 9 months after Valentine's Day! The rest of the time there's a cease-fire.
  14. ^You wouldn't have been conceived otherwise.
  15. He does have a certain wit, even if laughably oblivious at times. Like commenting on how pleasant walking about in the midday sun is, not at all as unbearably hot as he had heard, while a 100 men carry his luggage, two men carry his rifles and camera, a cook saves him from having to go near an open fire, and someone probably fans him as soon as he sits down for a breather. Americans!
  16. ^So of course he must be at least 250%.
  17. ^Every Somali must know at least a half-dozen improbable stories involving lions. The two men are paid employees, but naturally the Big Game Hunter prefers to see himself as their indulgent master.
  18. That's a list from a company that makes sugar substitutes (sweeteners). Probably not too objective. But sugar is bad for you. So just give it all to me for safe-keeping.
  19. ^She said she loves Somali people, man. You're an honorary Somali, I'm not sure you qualify But if you fill out a two-page application form and attach a money order for $495 (Canadian, not US) I'm sure we can work something out about Juwairiya's affections.