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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. LOL. You guys are full of it. It's not that big a deal. Of all the things oo lugu jiriricoodo, this just ain't it. Generally, it's preferable to refer to people by whatever term they use, and so "Somali" makes more sense, but get off your high camels. The French don't get offended when Somalis say Faransiis instead of Français. Or maybe they do, but then they would be crazy, just like you lot I can understand why the Inuit prefer not to be called Eskimos, but this is hardly that egregious.
  2. Try liberal use of these, Lily.
  3. Not to mention ignorant of both basic physiology and geology.
  4. CL, but even you don't think they are uniformly unattractive, there must be a scale on which this Farah came out on top when compared to other Farahs Sayid, Ngonge's pact with you expired 12 days ago when you failed to send me darsin dahab ah (standard fee) iyo bir canjeelo (personal request). Stop trying to find loopholes.
  5. Bit of fan service here and there but an otherwise good story.
  6. LOL @ Cabdiyo. Oh hey that's tough but darn it look at the time I should really get back to work well bye call me later and... Lily, I should give that a go, but considering how self-absorbed people are, I don't think they would care. Today I was rolling my eyes, stretching my hamstrings, checking the time, nothing worked. Someone else suggested I should start gossiping, apparently my inability to remember and pass on whatever I hear makes me a great listener. LOL @ CL. Why are you having trouble believing Lily? Have you seen the guy?
  7. Hello trollers. I'm really getting tired of playing counselor for whiny people and their tedious problems. It's gotten so bad I'm peeking down certain hallways before tiptoeing through. /Grumpy at having lost 45 minutes of precious morning hours making reassuring noises
  8. People, in only 10 million years plate tectonics will separate us from these nutters. Be patient.
  9. 'What about these knickers then, what are they doing in our bed and whose are they', she asked thinking to herself, this will be good. She wasn't disappointed, as blatant as lies go, it was a classic. 'Sorry love, I've been meaning to tell you for years but I am a closet transvestite and they are mine'.
  10. Cara.

    Today I....

    Today I keep thinking about the dream I had of flying. It felt so real
  11. LOL. Now Somaliland should immediately recognize the right of the nation(s) of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to self-determination. Priceless.
  12. ^LOL. They probably missed it the first time, but hada way dideen. hururuf hururuf
  13. ^If Ngonge's description is accurate the "cure" sounds more horrendous than the worst case of sleep paralysis I ever experienced.
  14. Originally posted by ThePoint: Which is a mistake - in that case - we have legions of orphans who grow up to be decent and successful people - let's simply abandon our kids to the state and I'm sure they will be alright. Of course there are exceptions one way or another, but the question is general outcomes. If there's no difference in overall achievement and well-being between children raised in daycares and those with stay-at-home mothers, then all this guilt-tripping must stem from ignorance or arrogance. The truth is that children have never had mommy staying home to take care of them. It's a modern, largely Western conceit. Women stayed home to take care of the house and the farm, and children were free labor when they came along. When everything from making food to washing clothes to preparing for winter is an all-day full time endeavor, then it made sense to have some division of labor. But modern conveniences like baby foods in single-serving jars, washers and dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc have suddenly freed women from unending and largely underappreciated labor, but have also made children the center of stay-at-home moms' lives, and I think the kids suffer from all that neurotic over-attentiveness. And the rest of us suffer from all the moralizing of women who fantasize their children will someday say "I would be a drug addict if you had followed your dreams." :rolleyes:
  15. I used to experience it occasionally but haven't for a while now. Usually just the paralysis, but occasionally I would be convinced there was a person standing in the corner of the room. Very creepy. I read somewhere that this experience may explain all the "alien abduction" phenomena.
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: Oh the woes of the privileged! Beat me to it. Any woman who claims to want to stay at home to take care of children really just enjoys the experience of finally being smarter than everyone around her.
  17. ^Why assume that Blessed's "other news" is about finding a man for Ibti? Why couldn't it be about their joint venture to start an oil refinery company? Or plans for their trip to Timbuktu? Or that Blessed found Ibti a signed copy of her favorite book? This is the reason men aren't allowed in here! /Aside to Blessed: So is he rich and good-looking?
  18. ^So you'll let her eat cake? Hello trollers. Hope everyone is having a blast this Ciid. I hear Ibti's on TV climbing the London Eye. I've been yawning so much today my jaw is starting to hurt.
  19. ^Yeah, and a young man's social status and busy work is gained by going off to war. Get them to defend the motherland for a few years, they'll come back dying to become a responsible plumber, butcher or carpet washer. Naden, do you think a 60-70% drop out rate for young boys in one school district says more about the young boys or the quality of schooling/social milieu? Ie, what makes a boy attending a suburban private school suitable for higher education while an inner city boy's talents are being wasted and should be funneled towards maintaining roads? Is it even possible to have any kind of standardized education system that is at the same time personalized to each child's talents and aspirations? What do we do about a 12 year-old with no detectable passion for anything? Should we stop teaching them algebra because obviously they are NEVER going to aspire to be mathematicians? At what point do we tell a child "listen, history lessons don't seem to engaging you all that much, luckily if you start a trade school you can afford to raise a family by the time you're 20?"
  20. Cara.

    The Truth

    Could it be that you're looking for... The Truth?
  21. Cara.


    ^LOL. I almost felt sorry for you and then remembered women had to make the food AND still only ate the hambo :mad: Come complaining when you make the cappuccino and prawn sandwich, serve it to her, wait until she's done, and then eat the leftovers in the kitchen after she's gone off to bed. While making her a glass of milk
  22. Ciid wanaagsan everyone. Abtigiis, I think that backfired, now I just feel exceptional for getting a message just for me.
  23. ^LOL. Really nice. Unfortunately others would probably think it's a fitting flag for the whole nation. Has there been any effect on delivery of food aid? Is it mostly by air and land?
  24. Why on earth doesn't someone run and grab? People can explain the sins of theft and quote from the koran until they are blue in the face, I still don't understand why desperate people here don't steal. Taking into account human nature, there are two possibilities: 1. There are no desperate people 2. There's nothing worth stealing The first is improbable. The second possibility is supported by the author himself when he admits that US and Euro currencies are locked away. But still, I'm sure people steal the cash all the time, but would you notice if your 2 meter tall brick wall was missing a brick or two? 6000 Somali shillings = 1 USD