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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. The squeaky cog gets the grease Che. But personally I didn't mind being the quiet kid. Instead of being yelled at constantly I got a pat on the back whenever I did get noticed. Quality parental attention over quantity anytime The idea of choosing a favorite child reminded me of that movie Sophie's Choice. Let's hope no parent ever has to show they have a favorite in that way
  2. The nerve of these bloody immigrants, get your own war-torn failed state you lazy bums! Trying to take our asylum positions :mad:
  3. ^ KK, ha'i xasuusin. Intee jeer baa la'i tumay because dhimbil baa ku booday shaatigaan ku feereenayay tanoo kale
  4. I read Ngonge's Somali with a Dutch accent, like the ING Direct commercials. Sometimes out loud. I've told my officemates it IS Dutch.
  5. C&H, just jump in and start spouting off, it works really well. Watch: S*S, why can't you get parking? Buuxo, I didn't know you were married, congrats! Ibti, stop going on and on about Qaloocan :mad: Bliss, try mixing some raisins with baby carrots and celery. Healthy AND delicious!
  6. Hello trollers. Looks like a full house today. Serenity, don't feel feel bad. When babies are learning to speak, they often speak it a lot more formally/correctly than adults. That's because they haven't learned enough of the rules to disregard them. So basically he was saying you were showing him up for his slurring, ungrammatical formulations, limited vocabulary, and repetitive syntax. Now don't ask me to say all of that in Somali, I'll just sound like a baby!
  7. Another plus: there are rarely bystander deaths with stabbings. A lot of innocent people get killed by stray bullets, unexploded ordinances, etc. And no "suicide stabbings" either!
  8. I didn't even know he was nominated. But I think he deserves it. It's not like the Peace Prize is a real Nobel anyway
  9. That's what she says when they move
  10. Naden, what about beta blockers? They are normally prescribed for high blood pressure, but have been shown to be efficacious for migraine relief. They are fairly innocuous if you don't have diabetes, low blood pressure, etc. Also non-addictive and can be taken to relief the migraine on onset as needed (rather than daily).
  11. This is CL. I bet she's talking about an open casket funeral Or maybe she went on a tour of the local insane asylum and saw one of these.
  12. ^In the end it's all just chemicals in the brain Actually, I don't go to work when I have a migraine. One of my coworkers misses work about once a week due to migraines (and she's not a Xaliimo). Exercising while having a migraine is ludicrous, but it might be a good prevention technique. So everyone cut each other some slack Jamaal, men get migraines too, but it's a lot more common in women. Estrogen is a b*tch.
  13. Sheh, don't be so harsh on the migraine-deprived. They simply imagine it as a really bad headache. I get migraines about every 2-3 months. It's infrequent enough that I have never been able to figure out what the trigger is, or to develop an effective remedy. Each time I swear I'm going to go see the doctor as soon as it lets up, then a day later I stop believing it was that bad
  14. How did a story about domestic violence turn into a discussion on skin lightening creams?
  15. ^ I understand your meher demands is what led to the global economic meltdown.
  16. Haday Buuxo mar hurguftay oo xariga surtay maxaa adiga ka qalajinee? Ma afuufee? Waa inaad warankiilo ku cadeysid markay Indhoos oomada ku dhaqdo. Saasaa hawl-wadaag loo yaqaanaa
  17. Waxaa haray in la feereeyo lee marka
  18. ^There are people who don't have the first two luxuries Stoic Hang in there!
  19. ^Well, it's a PhD candidate in Political Science, what do you expect? What's wrong, Marx? Your recent trolling seems to have lost its bite. Instead of "a shortage of good Somali Women?" the old Marx would have titled the topic "Bile-filled Hags: Somali Women and the Epidemic of Child Cannibalism".
  20. Look at her fingernails, he just thought it was an arms race
  21. But remember boys, wanting to do it disqualifies you from doing it.
  22. Serenity, hook a sista up I'm waiting for the video to load, so I can find out if I want this wave thing or not.
  23. Cara.


    Click "Mailbox" in the top right corner (just do a Ctrl+F search for it if you can't find it). The rest is self-explanatory.
  24. It's wrong to start rumors, Ngonge. I ran into someone who said they saw Indho at a flower shop buying a bouquet of forget-me-nots and a box of chocolates, but I told them not to jump to conclusions.