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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. ^Better yet, they should bring wet nurses back. Yaa maantoo dhan in la jaqo tabar u haaya...
  2. ^ You hit the nail on the head. Speaking of hitting I wonder what the Mz Alpha's views are on beating women if they step out of line...
  3. I thought the homeless man was going to turn out to be a beloved ex-president, national sports star, celebrated hero of independence... maybe Peacenow can fix it on the next draft.
  4. ^No, I will not give you the code to the Doomsday device, comrade. The shirt button thing: men used to carry swords on their left hip and will pull the sword out with their right hand if someone challenged their honor (or impugned their noble lineage ). Women on the other hand carry babies on their left hip, using their left arm to support the little hanger-ons. So their right hands would be free to unbutton. It's nonsense of course. Why are men and women deciding to undress while pulling out swords or carrying babies around?
  5. At least the comments are interesting, rather than spam about FREE VIAGRA FREE VICODIN CHEAP ONLINE PHARMACY. I had this book about other odd design features and the history behind them. Like why shirt buttons are on the left side on women's shirts but on the right side on men's. And why most places cars are on the right but a few like Britain people drive on the left. Technological just-so stories. Don't discourage them if the Russkies decide to post more, Paragon. Wait, you speak Russian? I knew you were a spy all along!
  6. Norf so on day 8 of 365 you broke down already? Maxaad sameyn doontaa day 253? Break into KFC and hold the drumsticks hostage? C&H not you silly, haven't you noticed I never spell your name out? It's because I'm trying to dissociate your appealing self from that foul stuff they ruin perfectly good cakes with.
  7. LOL @ C&H. I'd hate to take your parking spot or something. Hello New Trollistan. My name is Cara and I cannot stand chocolate but pretend to so I can bond with the ladies. *Ducks preemptively*
  8. ^Yaa rabtaa inaad isku dirtid? Waan kuu camiraa. Yeah, anba waan maqlay. I'm afraid shoveling my sidewalk is giving me a freaky appreciation for snow (not to mention helping me discover new muscle groups). I found myself wanting to make a snowman or go skiing this morning. Madness.
  9. Oh yeah, I'm totally against this prejudice, it's wrong wrong wrong. Would I marry someone from that tribe though? Well, my family wouldn't be happy and it's a tough decision to make and I wouldn't want my kids to have to struggle and you know it's a complicated issue... but I want it on record that I am not opposed to my future children bringing someone of a minor clan home. As long as s/he is smart, and educated, and nice and friendly and appreciates how lucky they are that I'm so tolerant and open-minded!
  10. Norf, I gave a shout out to the Cities of Gold but it seems to have been under the radar for all the other SOLers. Sheh, I think you would like The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I suspect you were the inspiration for one of the characters
  11. Methinks the lady doth protest too much @ CL Maybe you should think of love like allergies or migraines. Some people get them, some don't. But just because you've never experienced a migraine doesn't mean it's not real. It's just that you may never have to suffer from it, and good for you!
  12. LOOOL. It's not for everyone is for sure.
  13. It's Bohemian Rhapsody, great rock anthem but yes it has "bismillah". Wasn't Freddie Mercury raised in a Muslim country? He probably heard the phrase many many times. Link But I think the Muppets cover is my favorite now. I can't stop laughing.
  14. Ibti, Ngonge is actually right for once. You'll want to avoid it... LOL@share fake teeth. If that's true love count me out!
  15. Ouch! Now I have to get a splint for trying to even sound some of that out LOL @ easy come easy go. I have that Queen song stuck in my head now.
  16. LOL @ carabka muruq iga galaaya. Ibti will say jiljileecaa reer xamar awalba waa lagu yaqaanay (but in qaldaani lingo which should only be attempted under medical supervision). I'm kicking you out to send a message to the scavengers circling and waiting for the right time to grab a morsel. If you're offering the politics section as a goodwill gesture, what do you do to your enemies? :eek:
  17. Right Che, your guest pass has expired. Please vacate the premises before the bouncer gets here. For your good behavior, here is a coupon for a future half-hour visit. Hello Ibti and other wimmin. What's happening in the world of the better sex?
  18. We're going to kill you for calling us violent reactionaries? Does not compute.
  19. CL, we will have to see a picture of these shoes so we can decide whether they are fashionable enough for us to be moved by your story. KIDDING! Happy New Year to you and thank you for sharing such a wonderful insight. And many happy returns to the rest of you nogooders.
  20. Che, I like to claim that I was watching RE-RUNS Eureka, it was called "The Twins of Destiny" and it was French not Japanese. Good heavens, it looks terrible! Opening credits on Youtube.
  21. Che, BraveStar isn't that old! What was it "strength of the bear! Eyes of the eagle! speed of the puma!" Let me date myself even further: I can still hear the theme song in my head There was some other Japanese cartoon with Twins in the title. Anyone remember? A Japanese boy and white girl with strange powers who first think they are twins in spite the laws of genetics. Dungeons and Dragons Holy cow, I haven't thought of that one in a while. Chubacka I used to READ the Tintin comics (this was before television of course ), also Asterix. Thanks for the nostalgia trip Haatu, although yours looks decidedly unpleasant
  22. I think Naboleon was just making a joke but now you've forced him/her to defend a silly one liner To take part in the generalizations though I also noticed you sujui are way more superstitious than other Somalis. What's up with that? Everyone who grew up in Tanzania or Kenya has met someone who has met someone who was possessed by Jin. I had a high school class mate who refused to take a shortcut one day because we would be passing a trash dumpster at night :confused:
  23. ^I agree, that's such an ugly language. Imagine heestooda! Allamagan, thanks for the info. I hear what you say about lawsuits being uncommon, but it seems like this is one case any lawyer would be happy to take on for free. What a horrifying situation. I can't imagine what the young man and his family is going through. Truly kafkaesque.