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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. ^Good points (also don't forget the Roman empire, to whom western Europe was a collection of primitive tribes in need of civilization). Which is why this whole discussion is a bit premature. Eventually, the ideal system of governance will be secular democracy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is frankly delusional. But before we get to that point, ANY form of a stable system will be welcome. I for one would welcome some system based on shariah.
  2. I watched last month's shuttle launch on NASA TV and there was no sign of a Somali. Not in the command center, not one of the astronauts, not even the janitorial staff
  3. Johnny and Layzie, What if a woman wears a burkha because she believes it signifies her subjugation and inferiority relative to men? What if she thinks her body is shameful, she's unworthy, she'll go to hell if a man sees her face, and she even likes the fact that it's physically restrictive? It doesn't concern you why someone does whatever they do, as long as it's of their own freewill, and it has negligible impact on your life. We can debate what the meaning of this article of clothing is, or why people make the choices they do, but coercing people (even for their own good) should always be subject to strict conditions. Banning the burkha does not meet those conditions.
  4. Cara.


    How To Help For those interesting in helping immediately, simply text "HAITI" to "90999" and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill.
  5. Sayid, don't be afraid! Ibti was reading my diary and she mistook my description of a dream I had for an instruction manual. *Throws garbasaar over surgical instruments* Soo dhawoow, have a seat, here drink this, no no it's just tea nothing more... Juxa, is Ibti serious mise she just wanted everyone to jump to attention before saying "boo!"? I have to say I'm not sure how badly the boys' hanjabaad went over the top.
  6. Indeed. There's no way China will allowed an uncensored search engine, so this is tantamount to Google shutting down We want to make clear that this move was driven by our executives in the United States, without the knowledge or involvement of our employees in China who have worked incredibly hard to make the success it is today. Props to Google for trying to distance their Chinese employees from their decision.
  7. Actually Gustavo, I think the totally shaved look looks great on guys AND my hair is a crow's nest while other women have beautiful tresses, so I'm all for it Layzie, funnily enough I consider you and Nur to be two sides of the same sexist coin. You both think you know what's best for women and get mad that women disagree with you. It's just that I'd rather scold you because you can do better dear
  8. ^A real professional doesn't google anyway, you've got an RSS feed set up right? So, I asked North, why shouldnt it be banned if its not obligatorY? It's questions like this that make it obvious you are trolling Layzie.
  9. ^What do you mean? You don't want to field questions like "aabe, what's necrophilia?" Coco, I like to think I give them a little perspective, not every child is a genius but parents often fail to recognize that.
  10. You guys don't undermine the parents? :confused: Me: How is little Abdi? Parent: Oh he's fine, today he didn't choke on his food isn't that so clever of him blah blah blah... Me: That's amazing! As long as you keep him away from TV I'm sure he'll turn out to be quite the genius! Parent: Well... actually I let him watch Sesame Street occasionally... What is it? why do you look so alarmed?? Me: Ummm, well, I'm sure it's nothing... it's just that I was reading the medical journal Abnormal Child Psychology, and they were saying how any exposure to TV is linked to all sorts of things cropping up later in life. Developmental delays, juvenile delinquency, bed-wetting, arthritis, necrophilia of course... Parent: [horrified expression] Me: No, no! I'm sure Abdi is OK! He's already walking and talking right? Parent: Actually, no he is not. Me:... Parent: He's 11 months old! Me: Oh yeah, of course of course. It's just that my little niece Anisa was just expounding on the nature of morality in the novel "Crime and Punishment" while I was changing her diaper... I always forget that other children could be at the other end of the scale... well, gotta bounce! Bye! Give Abdi a kiss for me!
  11. LOL @ Val. I actually fell for it, wishful thinking dheh. Hello trollers. Wondering what I'm doing at work at this time It's unnatural! I actually arrived while the coffee cart lady was setting up...
  12. LOL @ S*S. That's what I call a bait-and-switch! Someone acting as a go-between on such a critical mission would know that Abti Duke and I ismaba geyno. They say I have his voice before it broke. Juxa, Duke expects Ibti to take one for the Burco team. She can squint and imagine he's Bengali.
  13. Nothing quite cements a martyr complex like killing someone for sticking to their guns. Bad move.
  14. Nothing quite cements a martyr complex like killing someone for sticking to their guns. Bad move.
  15. Nothing quite cements a martyr complex like killing someone for sticking to their guns. Bad move.
  16. Juxa, it's not a problem! *wheezes and wobbles in anger* So on top of being the troll corner killer, Faheema has also made a fat-free cake? She might as well take a chainsaw to a basket full of kittens at this point, might improve her reputation :eek: What are we congratulating Val for? The Nobel Prize committee don't announce their nominations until summer.
  17. Hello trollers. No serious arguments/discussions should spill into the Troll Corner! That's the first rule of Troll Corner. Val, apparently Faheema broke it. Doesn't seem the destructive type to me, but a few people swear they saw her do it.
  18. ElPunto, 0.5 you say? OK, I'll two then! I think Ibti was misunderstood, she's probably the least qabiiliste of you all. She's just a bit of a reer baadiye* *baadiye: miyi for those of you scratching your heads
  19. Well, it's interesting reading all this. I'm pretty sure everyone is trolling everyone else. 1)Gobonimo The ultimate S&N. Gobonimo is a personal attribute, not something bestowed on you through an accident of birth. If you think otherwise, I have a train ticket to Hogwarts to sell to you, meet me at station nine and three quarters. 2) The "I'm willing to do it if they are educated, religious, good-looking" charity drive This one is less egregious, because you are at least trying. But think about it: do you have to verbalize those qualifications for someone of your own clan? Or are you more likely to shrug off their nasty qaad habit, dead-end job and 4 children from 3 previous marriages? Why does someone from a minority clan have to jump through hoops before you give them the OK signal? Can't it just be you like their silly jokes but can't stand how they are always late? Pretty eyes but no financial sense? They won't stop to ask for directions but will sit beside your hospital bed until the doctors hook up an IV machine for them too? 3)"I want to stay close to my family (ie, clan enclave)" I actually think you should stay close to your family. That means if you're living in Bosaaso and someone from the States proposes to you, a big fat NO is your answer. On the other hand, someone from Hargeisa is only a dusty car ride away, so that might be a nice doable change of scenery. Everyone in Somalia is closer to one another than most of us are to any of them, and chances are it's going to stay that way. To think that people really think distance is an issue in a country the size of the average American parking lot is mind-boggling. To think that physical distance is code for cultural or social differences makes me laugh in disbelief. As far as the majority of Somalis go we are embarrassingly homogeneous society, the major difference being we call our breakfast foods different words (canjeero vs loox, what an unimaginable divide!), or say gabar instead of gabadh when we really mean doocil. When someone serves you oodkac when you were expecting muqmad, is it rude to ask if it's xalaal? The only interesting differences, from the minority clans, is still far less significant than the difference between my cousins living in Denmark and my folk that settled in Sweden. I think I could manage to learn af maay, but I'll never pick up French, German or Liverpudlian to communicate with my nieces and nephews. Now that I got that out of the way, I'm back to believing we are all trolling one another, no?
  20. Originally posted by Abyan: Soomalida wexeey dhahdaa uurka waxaa ku jira carabkaa soo daafo or in this case the keybord. You learn alot about people in threads like this indeed. Some of them I´ve met a couple of times ..I just hope this is some internet persona...... Tell me about it :confused:
  21. Cara.


    This is like a comedy of errors without the comedy.
  22. Have you passed the torch onto Layzie? The parts that you didn't quote were more interesting LayZie
  23. ^Trolling is an art form, and a duty. When you're called to serve, just hope you have what it takes P.S. Is that you and K'Naan in your avatar? Serenity, speak for yourself! It's a little scary clicking "Current Topics" and not seeing the Troll Corner on the first page.
  24. Nice article. Now, with the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia, the accommodation of the moderate Islamists to the peace process and the government's decision to adopt Sharia, those conditions that favoured the radicals have been reversed and the opportunity for defeating extremism has presented itself again. Not to be a pessimist, but it's too little too late. With extremists is there's no upper bound, their legitimacy will always rest on being uncompromising. Every group that wants to negotiate will have a splinter group declaring them un-Islamic traitorous apostates.
  25. Cara.


    ^LOL. He seems to have upgraded to hating Somalis now. Not even a token wrist slap? They couldn't sentence him to a couple months at a low security prison to avoid negative publicity? It's weird how "drugs" are being used as a blanket excuse for perversity. Drugs don't make you rape and torture people!