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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. Make thousands of money a bob instead of flushing them down the toilet 12 times a year? If I was really hard up for cash I'd do it. And if I was a blue eyed white chick I'd actually get buyers.
  2. Cara.

    The 'N' Word

    Originally posted by Khalaf: Edit why u flipping on Pure Blood on "adoon"...somalis use that word all the time...and act u aint heard it before :confused: .....we are all of us are the Most GOd fearing. Somalis are racists against blacks also. salaamun Khalaf, my brother it's like this: If a Somali uses the word, whether online or offline, then do that bit about the "we are all adoons". Or tell them to stop being idiotic. Shrugging it off is not an ethical option.
  3. Cara.


    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  4. Cara.

    Women and AIDS

    ^LOL @ "xaax-factor". You have a way with words. Wondering if "xaax-factor" will start appearing on Google Trends...
  5. Cara.


    ^Someone's feeling nostalgic about their own graduation a couple of decades ago Congrats Amelia. If someone suggests you start graduate school right away, run in the other direction and don't look back. Travel. Join the Peace Corps (or whatever the British version is). Write a novel. Anything but lock yourself into the ulcer-inducing tedium of grad school without tasting sweet, sweet freedom first.
  6. Cara.

    Women and AIDS

    At what point do our worries go from genuine concern to a patronizing belief that those ignorant clueless Africans are being taken advantage of? If I had AIDS and was offered an experimental drug that could potentially cure me or even give me a better quality of life, I wouldn't refuse it. Even if it turns out to be a dud, it probably hasn't significantly shortened my lifespan. The Point, AIDS is indeed manageable in developed countries because of those antiretroviral cocktails. Unfortunately these same drugs aren't quite as available in the 3rd world, because they are too expensive for the average African. Most people in Africa who do have access to anti-HIV therapies take only one or two drugs. Most can't even afford that much. Women are particularly at a disadvantage because they don't have control over household finances. Argh. Do you know that the HIV virus prevalent in most of Africa is different from the strain affecting the 1st world? It's more virulent, more likely to lead to AIDS faster and with worse symptoms. We got fcuked (no pun intended).
  7. Cara.

    Women and AIDS

    Naden, you're right to be wary. It's a documented fact that large pharmeceuticals use third world subjects as human guinea pigs without many of the restrictions and safe-guards available for people in the developed world. However, AIDS drugs aren't fertility drugs or allergy treatments. A person with AIDS may in some cases be better off taking experimental drugs than just dying of the disease or (worse yet) passing it on to his/her children. Most pharmaceuticals wouldn't go to the cost of conducting human trials without having a pretty good idea that the drug is relatively safe and efficacious.
  8. What Women Really Need By Melinda French Gates Newsweek May 15, 2006 issue - A few months ago, on a trip to Africa, I met with a group of women in Kibera, the biggest slum in Kenya. These women ranged in age from 16 to 45 but had one thing in common: AIDS had devastated their lives. A woman I'll call Chanya told me her story. Chanya is a mother in her 30s trying to raise four children. She does not fit the typical profile of a person living with AIDS—at least not the profile that prevails in the West. She is not a man who has sex with men; she is not a sex worker; she does not use IV drugs. She has engaged in no behavior at all that is high risk for AIDS, except for one—she got married. Her husband, tragically, did engage in high-risk behavior: he had unprotected sex outside his marriage. After acquiring HIV, he passed it on to Chanya. She spoke in a hushed but matter-of-fact voice about her situation. "My husband died of AIDS. I knew we should use a third-leg sock," she told me, using the colloquial phrase for a condom, "but he refused. Now my children will be orphans." Full article
  9. Somebody better delete that :mad:
  10. Cara.

    The 'N' Word

    I thought this was about the other "N" word. The really really bad one. I'm pretty sure kids in grade 5 already known not to call someone "n!gger". Your sister's friend was being a typical, passive-aggressive dhoocil :mad: Girls are mean and slightly evil. They are also too damn clever by half. The best your sister can hope for is that the ringleader will have repented by Monday and everyone will pretend to have forgotten about it. But if it happens again, I say your sister should smack the little brat. No court of law will convict her.
  11. Cara.


    Originally posted by naden: It's the textbook type psycho (white, 30s, raincoat, shifty eyes) that scares the crap out of me. Me too. Only I figure I'm a black woman. Most of those shifty-eyed serial killer types target their own race. Right?
  12. Originally posted by Sakhar: Please can the moderators of this section delete this jokes and the replies it got as I am not very amused by them. Good one.
  13. LOL@ Bishi, I figured. But my heart will always be in Xamar, tribe or no.
  14. Cara.


    Ya'll are scaring me. I routinely leave school at midnight or later. No weapons, no tae kwondo, usually listening to music, sometimes walk all the way home.
  15. Galkacyo, Xamar, London, America.
  16. Cara.

    fake news shows

    The best one is the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Colbert Report is more of a O'Reilly Factor spoof. I love how Colbert can say the most outrageous things with a straight face. He had me at "truthiness". Canadian political satire is pretty good too, but unfortunately they spend an inordinate amount of time on Canadian politics.
  17. Tough luck, V. They don't know what they turned down. I'm hearing all these horror stories about getting a place to live in London. How about a little ways outside the city? Might have to commute but at least it wouldn't be so crowded...
  18. ^What's happened to the famed SOL courtesy lately? Castro you cheapskate! $15 is less than two movie tickets. Wait, wait, you old married couples don't see movies together. Okay, $15 is less than a couple of bundles of qaat Is K'naan from Toronto? Because I think I saw him perform once. He must have vastly improved if Khayr is nodding to his beat.
  19. I think the idea wasn't to make a guy think he'll get a white chick with the pack of smokes. The point was to create a controversy and excite comment. Any publicity is good publicity. And Bishy you'd be surprised at how well advertising works, even on those who think they are immune.
  20. Anyone watch Southpark? There was an episode in which Cartman joins NAMBLA (or what ever they're called) because he wants to hang around with "mature" people and he misunderstands their platform. NAMBLA wants to show that boys do want to actually get some MBL. Much hilarity ensues.
  21. ^You probably don't produce a lot of sebum, which is why your hair breaks if you wash it too often. And also why it doesn't smell.
  22. ^^ Maybe it's a lover's tiff.
  23. This olive oil thing, are people washing it off before coming into contact with others? It smells. I think it smells even after shampooing. Greek salad hair, mmm... Sheh, about timaha duuduuban b4 bedtime, not a bad idea. I've been informed it looks cute actually, like some bizarre new hairstyle on the runways of Paris (designed to draw attention from the even more bizarre outfits).
  24. I thought I was the only one to do the trick with the duuduub before bedtime. I wash with Pantene 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner most days, but sometimes also use additional conditioner to comb through hair. I use a little hair gel and some leave in conditioner (Pantene) after my hair is dry and duuduub into lots of little sections. The next day, comb through with fingers and voila! Salon-style curls. 'Course, I do that maybe once a month. Most of the time I wash my hair 15 minutes before rushing out the door so what starts out as cute curls is a frizzy mess by the end of the day.