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Everything posted by Cara.

  1. is there an oxymoron there somewhere?
  2. ^^That a boy under 10 might have been "exposed" to Islam is a valid concern?
  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: now i can't marry my mother dee ,,,,,,,,,,, Because of her age?
  4. Khalaf you left out the phases of the moon and whether or not the Dow Jones is up or down...
  5. Cara.


    LOL. They must get 9 right answers for every wrong one. They simply must.
  6. Originally posted by ThePoint: ^Well - here is an a non-religious and non-ideological argument. Why dismember or 'mutilate' someone if it is not necessary for one's health? The parents' rationale includes a whole plethora of health reasons for their decision. And if it is a question of keeping one's mental age in proportion to one's physical age - many who have Down's Syndrome would find themselves affected by this point of view. Where would it stop? The slippery slope argument is old, saaxiib. It would stop at the point were the surgery would do unacceptable harm to the child, harm that outweighs any benefits. Much like any other surgery, I suppose.
  7. ThePoint, I believe they did what was best for her, yes. If I had the mental age of a 3 month infant, I would want my physical body to be in that age range, or as close as could be managed. But of course a 3 month old infant is difficult to question as to her preferences, which is why the judgement of her parents must be considered unless it is in violent opposition to what's best for the child. I've as yet to read a clear argument for letting the girl's body mature that is in the girl's best interests (as opposed to arguments from religious or ideological grounds).
  8. Khayr, seems to me you're the one suffering from an excess of sentiment. She cannot walk, talk, keep her head up, and is fed through a tube. Her parents did what they felt was best for her. If they wanted convenience they could've smothered her with a pillow.
  9. I was gonna rag on the guys too but Stoic rained on my parade. :mad:
  10. Cara.


    LOL. We demand constant updates.
  11. Originally posted by juba: ^ that joke went over my Lucky you.
  12. Is it unfound paranoia lead by the religious “fanatics” or is it a real conspiracy against the Muslim Nations? Grandiose paranoia.
  13. Cara.


    ^I think that was the intended effect
  14. Yemeni authorities were searching for survivors, the UNHCR said. Don't want to let any get away, huh?
  15. Cara.

    Straw Poll

    Do you support the TFG in inviting Ethiopia to Somalia on behalf of its campaign? 14 votes total, 1 yes, 12 no, 1 doesn't give a rats ar*se there's a game on.
  16. Cara.

    Straw Poll

    Is this a trick question? The answer's too easy.
  17. "Ethiopia's quagmire". Everyone's got one now, it's very fashionable.
  18. Castro, There's no way Washington would respond any differently what with the Iraq debacle (and the "reasoning" that led to its invasion). They let the cat out of the bag there.
  19. ^Didn't Somali fathers traditionally receive a 'payment' of sorts for their daughters? Sometimes marriage negotiations fell apart because the groom-to-be did not have the requisite number of camels. Do you think it's a pimping of sorts? Maybe cynical lady is merely removing the middle man
  20. Have you learned to love the bomb, Ngonge?