Wow!...can i say it again!...Needless to say, i thought the program was Magnificant and i enjoyed it very much.
But on a more serious note, i don't know if anyone heard it but some1 told me that some jewish groups (i don't know the names of the organizations..sorry) said that the program was an attempt to commercialize Islam!!!! attempt, they (Jewish sources) argue, to convert nonmuslims to our religion!...I' absurd is that~!!!!..OUr religion dOES NOT NEED to be marketed!.. nor does it need to sold like an object!....
i mean..listen to this...According to Jewish sources, much of the content in the program was misrepresented and bais!!
I don't know about u guyz, but after hearing this i was furious and frustrated to say the very least.
There is a website, where we can voice our opinions about this matter but unfortunately i don't remember the website off-hand, but i will try my best, inshallah, to find it and post it.
until next time
p.s. there is an actual article reporting on this matter (just to let u guyz know that i didn't base my judgements on word-of-mouth!!)