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Everything posted by Pujah

  1. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    TheP, Maybe I am returning to put you in your place ...
  2. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    ^^ You do have that option. That's why its there maaha :confused: TheP why don't you just give up without throwing in the towel.
  3. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    ^^Innocent, who? You :confused: more like guilty until proven guilty
  4. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    DEV, Incase you're wondering who is the second its ThePoint faraah
  5. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    Originally posted by ThePoint: War ileen hedhe - getting threatened by a Xaalimo! Shouldn't you be at home serving shah or cleaning or somethin except talking back to ur betters?! ^^ Only if I can add poision to the shaah will it be serverd by me
  6. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    Originally posted by Devilangle: oh yeah.. who is this mka.. :confused: He is one of the warmongers among SOL.
  7. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    Originally posted by ThePoint: ^Apparently someone Pujah likes very much since she is lavishing a whole poll on him! Watch it! OR ELSE :rolleyes:
  8. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    ^^LOL. I think the responses speak for themselves
  9. Pujah

    MKA Yoonis

    Do you think he broke enough golden ruless?
  10. Pujah


    Something like this is what I had in mind.
  11. Pujah


    ^^why does it look like raw chicken. I am losing my apetite just looking at it. Waaba bariis cad iyo hilib cayriin ah. :eek:
  12. LOL@ ZU. Those oily cheeks are honeytrap dee. Why should I get rid of 'em
  13. Pujah


    Have you ever try it? If so how was the experience?. The idea of eating raw meat never appealed to me before...still I want to give it a try. Although, I am little apprehensive about it. PS. Is it allowed religious wise?
  14. Originally posted by Tukaale: ^^The Somalanized is understood, what is "the rest are something called Magan" Do you have any dhaqan? Yes? Why don't you do something then... Comprehension is a blessing Magan = asylum.
  15. Originally posted by Sheikh Fiqqikhayre: Supernationalists here come's your challenge! This is the ultimate challenge to the likes of Castro and co! I got one question for them it's really simple, you ready: 'Do you recognise the TFG being your government although as much as you despise/detest them, you acknowledge the reality that they represent you and your present-day country of Somalia ? Yes or No! Remember I did not ask you for any support or its legitimacy but: "If you contentedly or regretfully see that they're your representatives that will represent you and your country Somalia in international conferences around the globe although like many Americans you would detest the current regime of Bush but yet would acknowledge that their country is the United States of America, as for you guys the case is the same except for your country being Somalia ! Do you agree Yes or No! Only a clear answer please and no waffle ! Is this supposed to be question...cuz it doesn't make sense :rolleyes:
  16. Waar heedhe the indo yar guy wali honeymoon muu ku maqan yahay
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Regional state president is what Cade is. Federalisam seems to have worked well in India even when it was very poor. you must have diferent definition of "federalism"...maybe you should introduce new word into your vocabulary; Governor, no need to have 5-6 presidents in the same country
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Regional state president is what Cade is. Federalisam seems to have worked well in India even when it was very poor. you must have diferent definition of "federalism"...maybe you should introduce new word into your vocabulary; Governor, no need to have 5-6 presidents in the same country
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Regional state president is what Cade is. Federalisam seems to have worked well in India even when it was very poor. you must have diferent definition of "federalism"...maybe you should introduce new word into your vocabulary; Governor, no need to have 5-6 presidents in the same country
  20. So how many president's can the poor Somali state have?
  21. So how many president's can the poor Somali state have?