double decker

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Everything posted by double decker

  1. Thanks for sharing akhi jisakalah
  2. Abwaan Masha allah waad soo dhowdahay. hadan wada fariisano waan is fahmilahayn. Akhi I rather see them all gone and as I mention before Farmajo is not superman but he has a great team and dont you disagree that with me. Ilahayow wadanka noo hagaaji aamiin
  3. According to some people here, you are not Puntlander if you not from Galkayo, Garowe or Qardho so, Jangale, Juurile or Abdikarim for that matter are not REAL Puntlanders to them. Cajiib ala qabiilku xuma. DUGSI MALE QABYALADI WAXAY DUMISO MOOYAANE. I dont believe Farmajo is superman but I believe he deserve to have a chance if Sakin and Hotel get year extension. I am sure anyone who cares about somalia will agree with me this.
  4. London2010 there are ways to get attention believe me this isn't one of them.
  5. Gedo? me Gedo? cajiib boowe. Hada ka hor ayaa waxa la yiri nin dagaladi ka hor Waalnaan jiray ayaa dagaaladi ka dib caafimaaday markaasa la weydiiyay waxa uu ku caafimaaday. wuxu yiri war ma caafimaadine dadkii ayaa i soo garay hatan.. Anagu Abwan iyo Mooge ma soo gaarnay hadaaney caadi ahayn maxaan ula murmeynaa. I am out boowe
  6. Abwaan;728212 wrote: Mooge, are we normal? lol... Boowayaal you are not rormal if you choose qabil over qaran.
  7. Please read this with open mind.
  8. I feel sorry for us. best PM so far.
  9. Are we Somalis missing the point here? Either you call yourself Somaliland's, Puntlands or Southern the world sees you as one so, isn't it about the time we should understand that and at least work together in order to safe our unfortunate people. I know, one will disagree that s/he has a peace in his/her homeland (SLAND or PLAND) and I do agree that there is some kind of stability some part of our country and I am proud of that however it’s far from what our founding father dreamed about. I believe we should do our valuable time and energy something better then arguing my land is better than yours when we all know we came from same land. We also have to keep in mind that you can’t have a peace in your home while your neighbour's home is on fire and sure we all know that now since Sland and Pland had better luck then the south for the last 20 years but they still far away from where our people deserve. My advice to us all is to work together as a nation and even if some of us don’t like to be part of the blue flag to depart later when the time is right.
  10. Walahi Somalidu Caadi ma'aha.War hadaad beensheegeysaan wax u eg sheega.Horseed iyo waxaad mooda in dagaal ka dhexeeyo. MP waxaa dilay wiil yar oo ka soo jeeda magaalada Galgala kana tirsan Police iyo will ka soo jeda magalada Caluula. labada wiil oo wax dilay iyo MP beeshiisana wax ka dhexeeyay haba yaraate ma jirin laakin waxaa dadku sheegaya in Wasirka Difaaca iyo MP ala ha u naxariiste ay is maan dhaafeen laba beri ka hor. Marka war jiraaba cakaaru imaan.
  11. Waxaa la yiri maxay somali u heshiin weyday? Maxay heshiisa hadi dadka noocaan ah oo ku farxaaya dhiig daadanaya ay ku jiran.
  12. Waxaan inta ku daraaya in ilaahay kala qaboojiyo beelaha iyo dhamaan Umada soomaaliyeed meelkastay joogto. Cidina inay ku faraxto ma haboona qofkale jabkiisa.
  13. Originally posted by Cowke: Koora, sax that is the way i understand it also. WAAW WAAW. Somalidu waxay tiraahda hadaad beensheegayso wax u eg ayaa la sheega. sxb Waa run in Col Haykal Cali Hiirad Qardho lagu dilay asago kala celinaaya laba beelood oo walala ah oo qardho wada dega laakiin waa been in Beesha haykal iyo beel kale oo qardha degtaa ay is hayaan. Waxa is haya waa hal beelood oo wada dega qardho. ie Cade muse beeshiisa. Waxaa kalo wax lala yaaba ah in Mr Cawke yidhi besha waaciye ayaa dad wax ku turtureysa Bosaso.Ma waxaad ka xishootay Mr Awaare alle ha u naxariiste waxaa loo dilay anada qabiil ee besha dhexdeeda ka socota ayaa loo dilay. ummm. Walahi I dont want you to drag me into your level but if I was you Wuxuun ayaan iskula harli laha.
  14. We all know Gen Cadde was dreadful when it come to administration but at least He was honesty, strong and above all wanted to make money for him self and then the people of Puntland. He could not do that while Adeer yees was counting on him. Some people say he gave too much attention to Somalia but that’s not an excuse. I was fan of Faroole at the beginning and I know that I am naïve when it comes to Somalis politics. I am worrying for this guy, if he can’t take what the media says. He got a lot to learn. I gave him another 100 days. (KAADI BADANE WAA LOO GOGOL BADIYAA
  15. sharif to name prof jurille as a PM. Saas ayaa DJabuti laga sheegaya huuno
  16. Originally posted by Emperor: [QB] ^ Kadawo, Jurille is not part of the TFG and has not been since Ghedi left... and Galayr is an intellectual Prof with the experience of working with the former Somali administrations, and that he doesn't involve hmiself in the Somali clanish system is not a weak point but rather strong... All that said, I still think and its my personal opinion that, Sheikh Shariif shouldn't select anyone from Puntland simply because of the clan. I agree with you and let me say that Iam from Puntland.Shariif need to sort out the south and later He can talk to Punt/SomLand. If the Sharif has to select someone from Puntland, Let it not to be warlord. We need people like prof galayr, prof jurille and etc.
  17. This is why we always fail. Look, we only need one PM and one only and God know how many clans and sub-clans we have. So, who ever becomes PM will be one of the clans and rest of us should support regardless of either we like his clan or nt. as long as he is a good person who can help us to move forward. I know that most of us are somewhere they can do what they want to do, either its to go to uni or work chew, whatever but what about people back home? The child that can’t go to school because of fear or can’t afford, the mum that can’t feed her babies because she can’t provide for them. We suppose to help our people not to destroy them. I personally see sheikh Sharif as a player and I support him 110% because at moment he is the only one (insha allah) who can do what’s needed to be done and that’s peace. I wish him all the best and his PM and I hope they don’t spend their energy fighting each other but to restore ever lasting peace in our beloved country.
  18. You are all Somalis.No question about it, you know why? because you dont want to lead your country and not letting others to lead.
  19. Saciid Maxamee Raage oo sheegay in PUNTLAND KHATAR KUSUGAN TAHAY. Akhri =4965
  20. I am for Said. Soo dhoweyntii Saciid Maxamad Raage Halka ka daawo.
  21. Warsaxafadeed: Siciid Maxamad Raage 26 Oct 26, 2008 - 4:53:24 AM Ku: M/weynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland iyo Xukuumadiisa. Ku: Isimida iyo Wax garadka Puntland. Ku: Culima awdiinka iyo Ganacsatada Puntland. Ku: Bulshada rayadka iyo Jaaliyadaha Puntland. Ku: Saxaafada Xorta ah. Ujeedo: Baaq ku wajahan Shacabka reer Puntland iyo Xukuumadiisa. Musharaxa M/weyne-nimada Doorashada Puntland Mudane.Saciid Maxamed Raage ayaa soo saaray baaqayo uu u soo jeedinayo Isimada iyo Wax garadka Puntland.iyo Xukuumada DGPL, Ganacsatada, Culumaaidiinka, Haweenka & Dhalllinyaradda Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland. Musharaxa ayaa ku baaqay in lasameeyo gudiyo kala duwan oo wax ka qabta arrimaha doorashada kuwaas saldhig u ah doorasho xor ah oo ka dhacda Puntland. Musharaxu wuxuu xusay inaan wax doorasho ahi dhici doonin ,hadii aan la helin qodobadan hoos ku oran . Ø In La dhiso Guddi Doorasho oo Shacabka Reer Puntlaand oo dhan ay Ku qanci Karaan, oo ka madax banaan Xakuumadda hadda jirta. Ø In La dhiso Guddiga Ansaxinta Golaha Wakiiladda Puntland , oo ka madaxbanaan dowlada. Ø In waxgaradka Gobol kasta oo Puntland ay xil gaar ah iska saaraan dhaqaalaha iyo Amniga Guud Waqtiga ka laguurka( Transitional period). Ø Inay Isimadu ay soo Xulaan Beeshooda Dadkooda ugu fiican oo wax u qaban kara Dadka soo dirsaday,tan guudna wax tari kara. Ø In Muddada 70 ka casho ee ka hadhay Doorashadda Dawladda lala Maamulo Dhaqaalaha & Amniga guud ee Dalka,si looga badbaado in xukuumadda hadda jirta ay abuurto wax khalkhal galin karaya doorashooyinka iyo hab socodkood & nabada guud ee Dalka intaba. Ø Waxaan Saaxiibadayda Musharaxiintana kula talinayaan inay iska ilaaliyaan wax walba oo khal khal galin karaya amaanka iyo xasiloonida doorashooyinka, xukuumadana ay kala shaqeeyaan amniga guud ee loo helo jawi nabadeed oo guud. Baaqaan ayuu musharaxu ku sheegay inay laf dhabar u noqon karo Mustaqbalka Doorashooyinka, Siyaasada iyo kan guud ee Puntland hadii loo fuliyo qaabka uu isagu u dhigay. Musharaxa ayaa ugu danbeyn sheegay in Puntland ay maanta u baahantahay isbadal muuqda oo dhinac walba ah,maadaama la marayo xilli xasaasi ah,loona baahanyahay in la badbaadsho umadda nabadda jecel ee gobolkaas degta. Musharax Mudane, Saciid Maxamed Raage Musharaxa Xilka M/weyne ee Puntland sanadka 2009-ka.
  22. MUSHARAX SICIID MAXAMED RAAGE AYAA BOSAASO LOOGU SOO DHAWEEYAY SI AAN CAADI AHAYN[DAAWO SAWIRO] Bosaaso:- Musharax Siciid Maxamed Raage oo ah Musharax Oloolamaya Xilka Madaxtinmo ee Puntland ayaa maanta Dalka dib ugu soo laabtay isaga oo dhawaanahan Olale Balaadhan ka waday dibada Dalka Somaliya, Eng Siciid Maxamed Raage waxa uu sheegay safarkiisa ka dib kulan wareed uu qabtay inuu Puntland ka dhalinayo Is Bedel hadii la doorto. Eng Siciid Maxamed Raage waxa Garoonka Bosaaso ku soo dhaweeyay Boqolaal Kun oo Ruux kuwaasi oo ku dhawaaqayay hadalo ay ka mid Yihiin"Waxaan doonaynaa Is Bedel............................. Waxaan doonaynaa Nabad......... Waxaan doonaynaa Cadaalad. ayay inta badan dadku Lahaayeen. Eng Siciid Maxamed Raage Musharax Siciid Maxamed Raage oo ah siyaasi Rugcaad ah ayaa mar Noqday Wasiirka Kalluumaysiga iyo Dekedaha Puntland in kastoo uu markii danbe xilkaasi is Casilay ka dib wada shaqayn La"aan soo kala dhex Gashay isaga iyo Gen- Cade Muuse. Musharaxa Siciid Maxamed Raage Siciid Maxamed Raage si aad u Wanaagsan ayaa Gudaha Bosaaso loogu soo dhaweeyay iyada oo aad dadka wajiyadooda ka Garanayso sida ay uga daaleen Maamulka Fashilmay ee haataan soo dhamaanayana. Siciid Maxamed Raage oo dadka Salaamaya Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa wakhtigan safar kaga Yimi Magaalada Dubai isaga oo Horay Kulamo Ugu qabtay Caasimada UK ee London waxana uu inta badan Khudbadihiisa ku soo qaadanayay inuu ka shaqaynayo Nabada. Guurti Gacan Qaaday Mr Raage Dadka ayaa Gacan qaadayay Musharaxa iyaga oo Faraxsan. Isimo Reer Puntland Haween ku Labisan Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Somaliyeed Haween Kale Saciid Maxamed Raage oo Puntland loogu soo dhoweeyay si aan caadi ahayn, Halkan ka daawo sawiradoo: 0
  23. Said Maxamed Raage Waa shaqsiga keliya oo so celin kara wanaagii Puntland ku lahaydgudaha iyo dalaka dibadiisaba. Halka ka daawo sidii Puntland loogu soo dhoweeyay. 0
  24. lol guys, that was the member not talking but trying to talk. Anyways doest it matter if i mixed chef with a rooster even though i am glad that there are sisters looking after me. I was testing the fuse of this community but nothing has changed after all. still the same old halimos and farahs.anyhow i do apologies to all the hard working mothers and i see nothing wrong sister looking after her kids and working, my wife works and if she does not we wouldnt be able to have normal life but i hate the fact that when you both come back at six from work and she goes straight to kitchen to cook (cock lol).
  25. Wellcome back dd.. That’s me welcoming back my self, it s been a year and halve Girls sis, mum, wives and etc. Now its the time you (ladies) appreciate what we men do for you so, you can have decent life .Not only do we work to provide your rice but to look after you as whole physically, mentally as well as financial. Can you imagine how hard it’s to make your wives happy and take them out after you work 8 hours may be not wives but one wife in here equivalent 10 in back home. Somalis says (soo joogsan weyde soo jifsan doonte) we keep telling you that you can’t work and have kids at a same time but what did we get in return. Well nothing you call us control freaks and names. I am glad that you finally realize women can cock and talk on the phone but can’t work and raise child up to a high standard. Now I am appealing to all the smart ladies to stick what they know the best. Cocking, cleaning and looking after the bunnies. Nothing personal ladies.