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Everything posted by Resistance

  1. Resistance


    ^^ Sheh u sure have couple tricks up ur sleeve ... type some1 attacks u to see if this theory can be used in actual attack. carefull i might just sneek up behind u.
  2. I'll be the 1st to enlist provided i get the same numerations and benefits as the British Army.
  3. So SOL memebers ... you all bursting with a wealth of a experiance and are determined to benefit others. Well i suggest u start closer to home, start mentoring your young siplings/cousins or close relations .. they need us more than anyone. Yesterday i went along with my little cousin to his school's ( and my ex school too ) parents evening .. and just by talking to his teachers u realise how a little help @ home could make a major difference to how well he does in his education. Am sure some of u have alredy taken steps to help out their young relations ... but the rest of us will need to take our responsibilities a bit more serious ( moi included ) .. spending one evening a week just to review their school work and giving advice will make a huge difference to a child .. in particular teenagers who are very Is Time we stop blaming the parents for being incomepenant and faliling their kids ... they are our siplings/cousins/family too .. and if we been through the system then is our prime responsibility to make their road is smooth.
  4. this is been bugging me for a while, my Motto for life has always been one of Balance. So am applying that simple formula when it comes to the dreaded question of marriage. So i only want to end up with the person whom my head and heart falls for. So far the head and the heart are always at odds .. when the head says 'why not she has her deen and is smart' the heart hits back with 'what about feelings and loving her. usally the head loses out .. but for once the heart fell for someone and the head ruled out completly ... so i wonder why those two never agree with each other. :confused:
  5. Resistance

    May 18th

    Anohther important date to add the Somali celebetory calender : January 1st the birth of 85% of Somalis in the west. the other 15% have dates like July 1st, 02/02, 03/03, and so on.
  6. Resistance

    May 18th

    I can't help but think if Somaliland its declared independent on 18 May 1991. Well does not mean it owes a great gratitude to the Somalis who actually kicked Siyad Barre out ( i.e Aided and co. ) instead of the SNM, ... Somalis struggled against the Dictatotor as a unit .. and that Unity died away sometime in 1991, maybe around 18 May .... now just look how many different functions u hear of and Somaliland is only such a Function ,....
  7. ^^ so life is coffe now is it, and i was trying to quit the stuff .. Ahura am Ok.. is a valid question and theres is a point to the question .. but can u figure it out
  8. Resistance

    May 18th

    LOOOOL ^^ i can't beleive such persons do actually exist amongst us Somalis or even Somalilanders for that matter. Do such actually know how ****** u sound when u write the above such comments.
  9. go figure nooh. am not a girl^^^^
  10. We've had enough Xaliimoz making noises, time for Male Farah to state how he has been oppressed... do i hear any volunteers.
  11. Resistance

    May 18th

    i wonder if there is more fuss/noise made of May 18th than... say July 1st .... is as if a point is needed to be proven ... Also i get the feeling that SamaliLanders somewhat look down on the rest of Somalis ... but then again the same can be said of every Somali.
  12. Resistance

    May 18th

    Salaam all. is that time of the year again for Somalis and it occurs on July 1st as well .. not forgetting all the bleedin western holidays too .. carnivals, new years and is even done in the name of Eed party. .. yes u guessed it am talking how we celeberate such events. to all my fellow Somlis/Landers .. just remember one thing we are Muslims 1st and formost and everything else comes second and third ... so watever action u take just make is done in the sprit of Islam and is not something that does go hand in hand with your beleives ... as long as it is not un-islamic am all for it. P>S Is it a boat party again ... just make there is weight limit, or u pay by how much u weigh ... only kiddin.
  13. gives me an idea for a website.
  14. Oh people please lay off the Egg Muffin. FYI there is nothing better than a soggy salty egg with chesse wrapped in a small muffin on an earlly cold morning in London, is all part of the going to work experiance. before u quash Egg Muffin try it from a decent coffe or deli cafe instead of rushing to Mcdeez who know nothning about Breaky,they should stick to their burgers.
  15. ^^^ I'll see you there dude ... as a result of living in Islngton i get special favours with tickets ( am not Aresenal fan )
  16. Tired of the glooom stories u hear of the Somalia and of the Somali people, why are we as somalis always quick to point out the failures and the bad traits of our people. well time to hit back. Smile and then a write a sentence or two of why one is be proud to be Somali: 'Allah has made us a nation of one faith (Islam) and of the same language'
  17. NICEY topic. inshallah i will be an observor and learn from it. i can answer part of the 1st question: 1. Kadija (ra) 2. Abu-Bakar (ra) 3. Ali ibn' Talib (ra) ( i guess since he was young at the time 4. Was it Abdulahi something ( ABu-Bakar' freind. My question once the 1st question is answered fully will be : Name the 1st three great battles of Islam with dates.
  18. Only the 'Cold' makes me sick.
  19. ^^ Magaceedi i like ur thinking sis, i will do my part by trice-pairing up wit u and another sis ... ( always wanted a girl Down Under on top of the Pommy one )
  20. I THINK Lexus has just had her heart broken .. and is showing the usual signs of rejecting love .,. well love does exist i think .. well it does for women anyway ... and some men i seen destroyed by love .. ALexus u still have one chance at love .. use it wisely..
  21. loool @ Jay. don't even know which group they in shame on u ... for your information they they in Group X
  22. ^^^ loool at the above ( mind who u tell tales ) ... Mantra ( A is for .. ) the world is a small place, i still have sore feets ..
  23. ^^^ Eedo easy on Mandela .. hero's are made and sometimes a created hero is wat a nation needs .. tats wat he offered to South Africa .. and as long as he did that so be it .. Some might even say Gandhi was an elitest acting like a puaper.. as long as u acheive change u are a hero full stop ... so roll on 2016 ... thats when the Somali hero will be unveiled ..
  24. ^^ UncladSam time u take it easy on the Farah thingy ... are u running of other ideas ? ..