FBI or CIA or MI6 or watever agent that benefits from a suicife bompings can easilly plant any of one us as a terrorist, is easy as that. all about being at the right place at the wrong time and once u are dead u can easilly be lapelled as a suicide bomber and a story invented around u.
Have dissed any underground group preveiously in any form .. have u offended the royal family, the bushes, the clintons, the Abdiis or reer Garac. do u belong to any undercover xaliiimos jaajus network ( which no doudpt exists )
that the lifes of others, unless u want someone else u live your life for u , pay me and i'll be u for a week, no dates though.. and am up for all girls sessions.
U see he is worried about a power vacuum. It also confirms the new alliance have no support at the ground level. cause if the Ethos leave maanta, any new coalitions will be on the terms of Islamic Courts/Shaabaabs rather than that of the TFG/jabuuti group.
U see he is worried about a power vacuum. It also confirms the new alliance have no support at the ground level. cause if the Ethos leave maanta, any new coalitions will be on the terms of Islamic Courts/Shaabaabs rather than that of the TFG/jabuuti group.
Ibti i don't beleive it was a lady neither, but for my own sanity i will make myself beleive is was a woman.
P.S but woman proposing is not a rare occastion these days anyway.
sorry it has been copy righted.
but mix fresh ginger, with garlic, lemon and orange zest with warm olive oil, rub on ur chest and nasal area and plant urself in a suana.
^ but that has a flaw, once a freind of yours comments on any picture that in turn wuill allow freinds of that freinds to veiw not only that picture but the entire album, i've many a picutes that i was not meant to see through this loophole.