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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Conspiracy Theory, a la carte From the Anarchist: An e-Nuri Publication For The Politically Challenged. Banana Terrorism e-Nuri News Analyses Not Quite The News The US Administration is weighing the possibility of declaring war on Somalia after reports that Somali refugees have thrown bananas on Park Avenue in New York, causing many American pedestrians to slip and fall, some with injuries. The banana samples used in these attacks were traced to a small town in Somalia called Afgoi which presents a fresh evidence of complicity of Somalis to commit Banana terrorism to hurt innocent pedestrians along Park Avenue and in affect creating a new weapon of MOSS destruction ( Moss is Somali means Banana) which among other things can cause loss of balance and a lot of laughter for the onlookers, which in turn can endanger their intelligence, the Administration has equated this threat to that of Iraq, and the threat is being taken too seriously by the white House staff as the president ordered bananas for lunch today. The administration is taking the case to the UN to get an approval to declare war on Somalia and rid the country of the war lords who have caused a lot of destruction the past 12 years. The administration is looking for the funniest guy in Somalia to lead this nation to happiness after years of pain and sorrow. The White House report shows clear evidence that all the Somali leaders went bananas, and if they are not stopped, the whole world can follow suit. The USA is sharing this report with many countries and specially China the most populous nation in the world, which is worried that if the banana threat comes to china, it will be the most important historical event since the construction of the Great Wall of China. The administration will appoint a commission of advisors for the Somali American banana wars led by the CEO of Dole fruit company who will oversee the dibananaization of Somalis so that Somalia will never be used as launching pad for banana terror aimed at making fun at American citizens walking down American streets. The Banana war will be led by Dole and other fruit companies in Florida citrus belt, California Fruit growers, McDonalds Restaurants and Red Lobster Restaurants. Red Lobster Restaurants have shown interest in the giant Somali Lobsters that are threatening the Dubai markets and destabilizing the Lobster prices which can cause Lobster wars for the unknown kind. As a response to the American possible invasion, the spokesman for the 15 Banana Warlord Governments in Somalia is threatening to use a secret banana formula that will make Americans laugh too much and loose control of their guns during landing, which will make them ineffective to control the Banana farms in Afgoi, The white House meanwhile, is taking this news as a new threat which is sending shockwaves across the Banana complex in Guatamala and Equador. Nur 2003 e-Nuri NETWORK NEWS No Noose, is A Good News
  2. Nasser bro. This Arabic Poem is an eye opener for the new turf you plan to ride your horse, its the funniest yet most realistic Poem on this topic I have ever read, enjoy it, and in case you dont have an Arabic browser find one from your friends who have it, its worth the trouble: The Poem is titled Tazawaj bithnateynin wa laa tubaalii Marry Two, and Do not Worry ! أتاني بالنصـائح بعـض ناس٠......................... وقالوا أنت Ù…Ùقـدامٌ سـياسي أترضى أن تعيش وأنت شهمٌ ......................... مع امـرأة٠تÙقاسي ما تÙقـاسي إذا حاضت Ùأنت تحيض معها ......................... وإن Ù†Ùست Ùأنت أخو النÙاس٠وتقضي الأربعين بشـرّ٠حال٠......................... كَداب٠رأسÙـه Ù‡ÙØ´Ùمت بÙاس٠وإن غَضÙبتْ عليك تنام٠Ùرداً ......................... ومحروما Ù‹ وتمعن ÙÙŠ التناسي تزوَّج باثنـتـين٠ولا تـبالي ......................... Ùنحن Ø£Ùولوا التجارب والÙمراس٠Ùقـلت لهم معـاذ الله إني ......................... أخا٠من اعتلالي وارتكاسي Ùها أنذا بدأتْ تروق حالي ......................... ويورق عـودÙها بعد اليباس Ùلن أرضى بمشـغلة٠وهمّ٠......................... وأنكاد٠يكون بها انغـماسي لي امـرأةٌ شاب الرأس٠منها ......................... Ùكي٠أزيد حظي بانتكاسي Ùصاحوا سنَّة المختار تÙنسى ......................... وتÙمحى أين أرباب٠الحمـاسÙØŸ Ùقلت٠أضعتÙÙ… سÙنناً عÙظـاماً ......................... وبعض الواجبات بلا احتراس٠لمـاذا سÙـنَّة٠التعـداد كنتم ......................... لها تسـعون ÙÙŠ عـزم٠وباس٠وشرع الله ÙÙŠ قلبي Ùˆ روحي ......................... وسÙنَّة سـيدي منها اقÙتـباسي إذا احتاج الÙتى لزواج٠أÙخرى ......................... Ùذاك له بلا أدنى التـباس٠ولكن الزواج له شـروطÙÙŒ ......................... وعدل٠الزوج مشروطٌٌ أساسي وإن معاشـر النسوان بحرٌ ......................... عظيم الموج٠ليس له مراسي ويكÙÙŠ ما حملت٠من المعاصي ......................... وآثـام تنـوء بها الرواسـي Ùقالوا أنت خـوَّاÙÙŒ جـبانٌ ......................... Ùشبّوا النـار ÙÙŠ قلـبي وراسي ÙØ®Ùضت٠غÙمار تجرÙبة٠ضروس٠......................... بها كان اÙتـتاني وابتـئاسي يحزّ٠لهيـبها ÙÙŠ القلب حـزَّاً ......................... أشـد عليَّ من حـزّ٠المواسي رأيت عجـائباً ورأيت٠أمراً ......................... غريبا ÙÙŠ الوجـود٠بلا قياس٠وقلت٠أظـنّÙني عاشرت جÙنَّاً ......................... وأحسب أنَّني بين الأناسي لأتـÙÙ‡ تاÙه٠وأقلّ٠أمـر٠......................... تÙبـادر حربÙهن بالإنبـجاس وكم كنت٠الضحية ÙÙŠ مرار٠......................... وأجزم بانعدامي Ùˆ انطماسي Ùإحداهن شدَّت شعر رأسي ......................... وأخراهن تسحب من أساسي وإن عثÙر اللسان بذكر٠هذي ......................... لهذي شبَّ مثل الالتـماس٠وتبصرني إذا ما احتجت٠أمراً ......................... من الأخرى يكون بالإختلاس٠وكم من ليلة٠أمسي حزيناً ......................... أنام٠على السـطوح٠بلا لباس٠وكنت٠أنام Ù…Ùـحترماً عزيزاً ......................... Ùصرت٠أنام ما بين البÙساس٠أÙرَضّÙع٠نامس الـجيران دَمّÙÙŠ ......................... وأÙسقي كلَّ برغوث بكاسي ويومٌ أدَّعي أنّÙÙŠ مريضٌ ......................... مصابٌ بالزكام٠وبالعÙطـاس٠وإن لم تنÙع الأعذار شـيئاً ......................... لجئت٠إلى التثاؤب والنعـاس٠وإن Ùَرَّطْتّ٠ÙÙŠ التحضير يوماً ......................... عن الوقت المحدد يا تعاسي وإن لم أرض٠إحداهنَّ ليلاً ......................... Ùيا ويلي ويا سود المآسي يطير النوم من عيني وأصحو ......................... لقعـقعة٠النـواÙØ° والكراسي يجيء الأكل لا ملح ÙŒ عليه ......................... ولا Ø£Ùسقى ولا ÙŠÙكوى لباسي وإن غلط العيال تعيث حذÙاً ......................... بأحذية٠تـمّÙـر٠بقرب رأسي وتصرخ ما اشتريت لي احتـياجي ......................... وذا الÙستان ليس على مقاسي ولو أنى أبوح٠بربع٠حرÙÙ ......................... سأحÙØ°Ù٠بالقدور٠وبالتباسي تراني مثل إنسـان٠جـبانÙÙ ......................... رأى أسـداً يهمّ٠بالاÙـتراس٠وإن اشرÙÙŠ لإحدَّاهن ÙÙجلاً ......................... بكت هاتيك ياباغي وقاسي رأيتك حامÙلاً كيساً عظيماً ......................... Ùماذا Ùيه من ذهب٠و ماس تقول تÙحبّÙني وأرى الهدايا ......................... لغيري تشـتريها والمكـاسي وأحلÙ٠صادقا Ù‹ Ùتقول أنتم ......................... رجالٌ خـادعون وشرّ٠ناس٠Ùصرت لحالة٠تÙدمي وتÙبكي ......................... قلوب المخلصـين Ù„Ùما Ø£Ùقاسي وحار الناس ÙÙŠ أمري لأني ......................... إذا سألوا عن اسمي قلت ناسي وضاع النحو والإعراب مني ......................... ولخْبطتّ٠الرباعي بالـخÙماسي وطلَّقت٠البـيان مع المعاني ......................... وضيعَّت ٠الطـباق مع الجناس٠أروح٠لأشتري ÙƒÙتباً Ùأنسى ......................... وأشري الزيت أو سلك النحاس٠أسير أدور ٠من حيّ٠لحيّ٠......................... كأنّÙÙŠ بعض أصحاب التكاسي ولا أدري عن الأيام٠شـيئاً ......................... ولا كي٠انتهى العام الدراسي Ùيومٌ ÙÙŠ مـخاصمة٠ويومٌ ......................... نداوي ما اجترحنا أو نواسي وما Ù†Ùعت سياسة بوش يوماً ......................... ولا ما كان من هيلاسيلاسي ومن حلم ابن قيس أخذت٠حلمي ......................... ومكراً من جـحا وأبي نواس٠Ùلما أن عجزت٠وضاق صدري ......................... وباءت Ø£Ùمنـياتي بالإياسـي دعوت٠بعيشة العÙـزّاب أحلى ......................... من الأنكـاد٠ÙÙŠ ظلّ٠الـمآسي وجاء الناصحون إليّ Ø£Ùخرى ......................... وقالوا نحن أرباب المراسـي ولا تسأم ولا تبقى حزيـناً ......................... Ùقد جئـنا بحل٠دبلومـاسي تزوَّج حرمةً Ø£Ùخرى لتحـيا ......................... سـعيداً سـاÙلماً من كل باس٠Ùصحت٠بهم لئن لم تتركوني ......................... لانÙـلتنَّ ضـربا Ù‹ بالـمداس٠Nur
  3. Waranle warrior May Allah accept your duaa, wa zaadaka min Cilmih wa xikmatih wa taqwaah, amin WOL sis You write: " But beleive there must be helpers on the way, right ?" Partners or travel mates on this trip make it a pleasure instead of pain, a companion is as important as the road, one must pick a companion as carefully as the road itself. Musa AS says: " Wajcal lii waziiran min ahlii, Haaruuna akhii, kay nusabbixaka kathiira wa nathkuraka kathiiraa innaka kunt binaa basiiraa " " And make for me a helper from my family, Aaron, my brother so we may make a lot of tasbeex for you and hymn your name a lot " Nur
  4. e-Nuri Somali Language Service From The Archives: Murti Iyo Maaweelo 1) Waxaa Zuhdiga ( nolosha adduunka oo hammigeeda la yareysto) laga wareystay Al Xasan Al Basri, wuxuu ku jawaabay: Waxaan ogaaday in qofkale uusan risqigeyga qaadaneyn, markaasaa qalbigeyga dagay Waxaan ogaaday in howsheydu ayan qofkale sugeyn, markaasaan keligey qabtay Waxaan ogaaadey in Allah uu i eegayo ( ii jeedo), markaasaan ka xishooday inuu inuu i igu arko macsiyo Waxaan ogaaday in geeri i sugeyso, markaasaan u diyaariyey sahay aan kula kulmo Rabbigeyga. 2) Degdegtu waa camalka sheidaanka, marka laga saaro: 1. Inanta oo loo guuriyo 2. Martisoorka martida 3. Deyn la biixiyo 4. Danbi laga towbo keeno 5. Meytka oo la duugo ( aaso) 3) Saaxibnimada Nin Murti badan ayaa wuxuu yidhi: Haddad qof la saaxiibto, ka yeelo akhayaarta asxaab, maxaa yeelay fujjaarta wa dhgax ayan biyo ka soo burqan, geed aan cagaar leheyn, dhul aan dhir ka soo bixin. Shan ha ka yeelan saaxib: Faasiq, maxaa yeelay cunno wexey ugu yartahay buu kugu iibsan Bakhaylka, adoo gargaar maal u baahan buu kaaga baxaya Beenlow, waa sida dhalanteedka, wuxuu ku soo dhoweeyaa wax fog, wuxuuna ka fogeeya waxa dhow Nacaska ( Dabbaalka), wuxuu dhibaato kuu keena asagoo raba inuu ku anfaco, Rixin Jaraha, maxaa yeelay allah ayaa nacladay. 4) Nin Xakiim ah ayaa waxaa la warsday: Imisa jir baad tahay? Wuxuu yidhi: Caafimaadkeygu waa wanaagsan yahay, Alxamdulillah Waxaa la warsaday: Lacag imisa ayaad meel dhigatay? Wuxuu yidhi: Deyn la iguma laha, Alxamdulillah Waxaa la warsday: Imisa cadow ayaad leedahay: Wauxuu yidhi: Qalbigeygu waa nadiif, carrabkeyguna waa dabran yahay. 5) Nin baa Allah baryay: Rabbiyow, waxaad ii hibeysay waxaa qalbigeyga la qurxan, rajadaada, Carrabkeygana wuxuu ku hadlo waxaa ugu macaan, xuskaaga Maalmahana waxaan ugu jeclahay, maalinka aan kula kulmi doono. 6) Nin Salafka ka mid ah ayaa wuxuu yidhi: Qofkii ku shuqultooma howsha aakhirada, Allah ayaa kaaa kaafiya adduunyadiisa Qofka hagaajiya xidhiidhka uu Allah la leeyahayna, Allah ayaa hagaajiya xdhiidhka uu dadka la leeyahay., Qofkii sirtiisa ay wanaagsanaato, Allah ayaa wanaajiya wixii ka dhaca oo erey ama camal ah oo muuqda. 7) Inan yar baa u dhimatay daacuun, markaasaa aabbaheed ku arkay riyo, wuxuu ku yidhi, aabbe, iiga sheekee aakhirada? wexey tiri, aabbe waxaannu u nimid arrin weyn, oon ogeyn, haseyeeshee aannan u shaqesyan jirin, Wallaahi , hal tasbiixsasho oo qudhah, ama hal rakcad, oo ku taalla warqaddaada ayaan ka jeclahay adduunka iyo wax ku jira oo dhan. 8 ) Naag baa la dardaarantay wiilkeeda : Maandjow, waxaan kuu dardaarmay inaad u noqoto walaashaa aabbe, ayadana waxaan kala dardaarmay iney kuu noqoto hooyo, ogowna iney kuu tahay marti, yaaney qaloon, ogowna dharka raganimadu inuu dab yahay, hadaba walaasha ha cidhiidhin, ogowna korgaagu si walba hadduu u weynaado, inuu ku dambeyn doono cunnada tixriga, hadaba ha ka hagran korkaaga inaad u kaalmeyso walaashaa, ogowna xidi walboo korkaaga ku jira oon ku dhiig bixin jihaadka allah dartiis, inuu uu dhiig bixi doono maalinka qiyaame yaxyah dartiis iyo cabsida Allah, markaasey naftii ka baxday,. 9) Imaam Axmed baa warsaday nin murtiile ah, " sideen uga nabad galaa dadka?" Wuxuu yidhi Murtilihii: 1. Wax sii, waxna ha ka qaadan 2. Garta ayaga sii, hana la garramin 3. Kuna sabir dhibkooda, hana dhibin, Markaasu yidhi imaam Axmed, wey adagtahay, markaasuu Murtiilihii yidhi, weliba waxaa dhici karta inaadan sidaas uga baxsanin. Compiled and Translated by(ET) e-Nuri Transemantics Nur 2003 e-Nuri Somali Language Service ------------------------------------------------- Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga da' yar waa iga dambi yar yihiin.
  5. Sheherezade sis I admit that you are right sis, but I did not intend it that way, I am a sexist all right, but when I compare the two genders, specially in our Somali community, I admire our women more, I wrote articles that put men down, so much that i was accused of being a woman masquarading in a man's name, I was called Nasra instead of Nur, so there you have it sis, its hard to express ones opinions these days without being labeled to be against a particular segment. As for men, walaalo, I have a freind who i admire, but lately I could see him trimming his beard to the point he has only the shades, at one time, when he walks in, you would notice his overflowing beard, as a sign of his conviction. Although the rule holds for most cases, a beard or a Hijaab at times is not an indicator of what is inside, a woman who I recently met in business surprised me in her high ethics, her faith in Islam, her dedicattion and wish to work for Islam and her struggle to learn islam, she even invited me to her islamic class to meet her teacher and fellow students, this woman is not a Hijabi at all, she wears the most fashionable clothes on the market (with modesty), after few busines meetings the past few weeks, we discussed the Hijab issue as a side issue, and she told me point blank, Nur, You convince me, I wear" well, now I am convinced that its all about conviction, may Allah guide us all to the right path. Amin Nur
  6. Nur


    The second Anniversary of Saddamn's capture, Thanksgiving around the corner, e-Nuri and associates would like to represent the Butcher of Baghdad in the upcoming trial, e-Nuri lawyers are preparing for his defense, time permiting, the sequel (which is not always as good as the original shall follow). Nur
  7. e- Nuri Archives From Snet Historic Letters Between Cag Bakeyle of e-Nuri and The Chief ( Caaqil) of Garam Garamland Letter to the Clan's Chief ( Fiction Category) Dear Chief, I consider myself a customer for your services and I consider you a service provider, I need to reevaluate our relationship in light of past performance, present situation, and future expectations. Because unless you show me a value for continuing in doing business with you, I may have to find a better service provider to meet my needs, I can not justify the present relationship. You see Chief, in the past, when we lived in the Qurac Dheer Baadiye, your organization provided our family with security and protection services, and my dad always paid his dues on time whenever the Qaaraan colection man came over, our family even paid more than its dues when my brother Cag Bakayle died while raiding reer Qansax, because we learned early in our childhood that our Reer Qurac were the best, others were animals and ****** , so as we grew up, we developed this macho attitude of getting infuriated if anyone talked about Reer Qurac in unbefitting way, those Reer Qansax rascals got more than what they bargained for when they raided our vilage and robbed our 25 camels, not only did we take 100 camels back as a revenge, but we also took 5 virgin girls and killed twenty of their men, we only lost my brother and two young boys. When we moved to the city, I became confused, I could not understand the logic behind tiny pieces of squre plots of land being sold, I hated living next door to reer Qansax, but city dwellers were too friendly to each other, because they did not have camels and land to defend like our land. In Qurac Dheer, our land was as far as our eyes can see and our guns can defend, even more surprising was the fact that some city people were selling in the shops the nuts we used to eat freely as kids for money. In the big city, We lived with uncle Rooble who was working as a night guard for Ugaas Hassan's grand son who was a rich man in the city. Soon, an uncivilized war broke out and we migrated to Canada were upon arrival, I felt like I was in a dream world. In Canada, we were given a house, healthcare, education and security, I could'nt believe the kindness of these white people. They were exceptionally kind and gentle, something I have never seen from our neigbors Reer Qansax. These gaalo were so kind to us, to the point that when we were in the reception houses in Buffalo N.Y. these Christian nuns would even serve us breakfast, for free, can you imagine that they were not even related to Reer Qurac, but they were very nice. For the past decade, we sent a lot of the money we were supposed to spend in food to you, Dahabshiil made a fortune in the Xawaaladda, we did that so we can help our folks back home with the tough times, but, honestly, I do not see an accountability for what I am sending to you, no reports, no progress and no hope. I feel that I am sending money to the void. I was even dismayed when rumors circulated that our Chief is trading with our money in Dubai for his pesonal use, If our Toronto Mayor does the same, he would be sent to jail, it even hurt me more that you are well aware of our tribesmen plight and suffering in the Qurac Dheer vilage. Chief, what I want to know is how do you add value to our lives here in Canada now that the public welfare has supported our family and provides us with protection? I am also tired defending my tribe on the net when these Reer Qansax insult my tribe, at times my blood boils so much, I feel like grapping the rascals head inside the Somalinet Pages were he smears our tribes name day in and day out, but again, I feel ashamed of defending a fad. Chief, I am not denying that I grew up in that village, so do not pull one of your famous ( Tolkaa miyaad ka dhantahay" line, because our Sheikhs here in Toronto taught us that Allah is the one who saved us, not the Qabiil. I must admit that I do have nostalgic memories as a kid , running in the open savannah chasing baby camels, but look Xaaji, how far apart we have grown, both intellectually and in terms of distance. Frankly, if I come back to our village, I would not be able to live without the amenities that I found here in Canada, the least of which is a hot brewed coffee and my maple syrup covered pancakes. I also value my life here and now more than before, I can think of hundred things I can do with my life instead of risking it fighting for the tribe to which I have lost my sense of belonging. So, do you have a new value proposition to support the current relationship? Or putting it differently, does the King still has some clothes? Respectfully Cag Biciid Junior. 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS, All Rights reserved Fiction Category. Dear Chief You are indeed the Prestroyka Chief for Reer Qurac, I am amazed, Chief you shocked me for accepting my proposal, I thought you will order my head for trivializing you role. You have helped me regain my confidence in your leadership, businesses who fail to re-invent themselves are doomed to fail, re-allignig your business with the market forces is the best way to rivatelize any business, and Chief, I must admit, you are ahead of your peers, Poor Reer Qansax, their Chief does not even have an internet connection let alone know about Soccer. This is a great day, we have a brave Chief, who is willing to form a soccer team for his tribe, the Reer Qurac, from now on, all Reer Qurac youth everywhere are expected to report to the nearest traing ground for soccer, they need to learn new skills and toss away old ( Lagdin) and ( weerar) games, the new world needs new skills and we need to train our youth to learn skills that will build their character in every dimension imaginable. Chief I propose you write to all tribal Chiefs to prepare for the first Inter Clan Soccer games, the Pan Somali games. I propose we hold these games in Qurac Dheer since we have come up with the idea first, the following games will be held in the Winning Champions home Stadiums. Let us invite all tribes to exchaange their weopons for a Soccer training Kit made of : 1. A jersay uniform 2. A Soccer ball 3. Addidas Shoes and gears 4. Free ticket to see the games. Chief. If this proposal is accepted, The above costs can be paid by the advertsiements alone, can you imagine all the Somalis all over the world tuning to TV following the Pan Somali Games? wow. What a tearful feeling playing for your Qabiil, at least you are not killing someone for that feeling. A line up of sponsors for the games 1. Dahabshiil, Al Amal and other Xawaaladlayaal ( We transfer your welfare money to your clan in hawd and beyound) 2. DAALLO airlies ( we transport deported Somalis for drugs and murder to their natural habitat, the wilderness) 3. The Governments of Somaliland, Puntland, TNG, Villa Somalia, Madina, Jasiira, Baidoa, Kismayo, and Garbahaarrey. ( we survive on hatred, the more hatred out there, the secure our business) As you see Chief, Soccer should provide a relief, it channels the anger that can kill a Somali, to lifeless ball and skillful players. The interesting part is that, Somalis will learn to play by the rules for the first time, a great step forward. Your admiring Clansman Cag Biciid =================================================== Shifta Dear tribal chief(thief), In reply to your letter regarding the reer qurac, It has come to my notice that the reer qurac to whom my ancestors claimed we belong to are not the offsprings of reer qansax. Furthermore, the reer garas who you said were related to us, have invaded our little village Af-barwaaqo. You see Sir, the reer Garas have over the years been good neighbours to us until one day when they discorvered that you could travel to a place called xamar and acquire titles such as general jangali, doctor Dilaa and engineer Injir. The members of reer garas invaded our little village Af-Barwaaqo with what appears to be Gaalo-gaadid (Landcruiser. we accepted them as one of our own despite their gadiid, that could travel faster than our mode of transport the Qurac. When these people from the reer Garas came to af barwaaqo they brought with them sophisticated writing pads (something they called Kambiyuutar), a new vocublary that included words such JAT(chat), (baalTol)and Fooram. In the so called fooraam, which has become the meeting place in afbarwaaqo, the reer garas have established a presence that is marked what is called Isbaarooyin. I therefore urge you on behalf of the reer qurac, who come from the reer qansax to do something against the reer Garas because with this kind of pace, the reer garas are doomed to become gaalo-madow. Sincerly, yours Shifta- of the reer Sajui part of the reer garam-garam. Dear Capo di qabiil: In reply to your request to clarify a few points in my letter, we, the garamgarams are those of us who are described by your keens as the non-speakers of the somali proper. We have resisted years of assimilation by the reer qurac, qansax and garas. But in the last few years as a result of the events at af barwaaqo we have been given a new tribal name, the reer sijui (pronounced as SAJU). You see Sir, the concept of General (Janan) Engineer (Injineer) and doktor and doktoresa was new to us but in recent years due to the assimilation of our folks, we are inclined to use religious and academic prefixs- which you hear everywhere. Janan Hebel, dottoreso heblaayo, injineer jinni, macalim musuqmaasiq, and sheikh shabis. My people, the reer garamgaram have always suffered as a result of belonging to the shifta- but since the reer qurac and qansax had a fight over the a seat, we have been awakened by their yawn to the issue of madaxweyne mar idhaha, madaxaan idinka garacayaa. One think that the reer qurac and qansax brought us was the noun Refugee (rafuji. we were told by our qansax brethens in particular that we could drive a fatuuro called LAAN-Karusa if only we could call ourselves the reer qansax or to a certain extent the reer qurac. We did that and came to a far places as LOn-dhon- Taranto, Wajington etc only to be called the reer sijui. sincerly yours, Shifta of the reer garamgaram- sajui subcline ============================================= Nuur wrote: Dear Garam Garam I am sorry of all the misunderstanding that the reer Qurac has casued with the Sijui and the garam Garams. Before the big misunderstanding of the Qurac , Qansax , I was sent to Nayuu Yoog, as The Chief of the Qurac, I was recieved in Hotel WAALDOOROF AASTOORIYA in Manhaataan. Quite honestly, I was the most educated in my delegation, I could read alphabets and Numbers so the entire delegation followed me everywhere I go out of curiosity. In the Hotel, one of the Reer Qurac delegates needed a bathroom, but unfortumnately he could not find a smelly bath room like the one in our village, so they came to me for advice, after looking around the Hotel suite, on the 56 floor, all I could see in the suite was nice clean room with white ceramic bowls containing water, I thought they were for cooking and drinking, so I took a glass and drank some of the water, the room has nice towels hanging around and I thought we should use it for chewing some Chat. My friend who needed bathroom was pressed for a solution so as the Know-It-All Capo di Qabiil I adviced him to squat on the Nayuu Yoog Taaymis, and toss the sh... out of the window, since I cared less of bolitikiska Ameerikaanka, I was amazed when the Boolis showed up in our suite to question us why we toss the Sh.. to a pedestrian on BAARK Aafanuu below our Hudheel, . The Hudheel Maanajar told him that we could not sbeak engilish, so the Boolis left us alone, but the Hudheel Maanajar told us to use the clean room with the white Ceramic bowls as Bathroom next time, the problem is we do not know how to use the bowl for squating, how can you balance your body on these thin ceramics, I fell of couple of times and I gave up, later we figured out a way to do it, but that is adifferent story. In the morning we were invited to sit as observers at the UN General assembly were we took a back seat behind the Somali delegation, when the journalists asked me of my opinion of the procedings of nuclear disarmament, I told them that I was rather amazed abouit the conference room itself, how they could get this large round table through that small door, No one in Qurac dheer will believe what I saw in NAYUU YOOG. If you think Garam Garam people have a problem, you should make them visit NAYUU YOOG. Deputy Chief. Reer Qurac 2001 e-Nuri Syndicates.
  8. Muhammad Bro. The following is the oldest topic I could gather from my archives after the 911 tragedy, it was prophetic, so predictive, a coolition of the willing was formed by bribing Palau and Poland, to join the purported war on terror, I pretty much figured it that early, that US was eyeing Iraq as a scape goat for securing cheap Oil, in addition to other strategic regional plans. My joke was realized as a fact. e-Nuri Predictive Satires. November 7, 2001, Somaliaonline , Islam Forum The Rational to Attack Afghanistan The Simplistic View An Imaginary Discussion in The White House After 911 Tragedy . Bush: Who are these terrorists? FBI Chief: Saudis, at least they hold Saudi passports Bush: What can we do about that? Powell: Saudi Arabia can not be bombed, they supply us with oil Bush: That terrorist Mohammad Atta, is an Egyptian, may be we can bomb Egypt Powell: No Mr. President, Egypt is our ally, they made peace with Israel Bush: But he was trained in Germany, those Germans hate us, don't they? Powell: Germany lost the war, they are no longer against the allies, besides they no longer like wars, and they are busy making Mercedes Benz, they need our market. Bush: Where did Mohammed Atta learn flying planes? FBI Chief: Florida, Sir Bush: S---, I can?t bomb Florida, Brother Jeb Bush is there, he can get hurt FBI Chief: We have reports that the Mafia may be behind this attack, Sir. Bush: If we define all Pizza Parlors as legitimate strike targets, that would be unpopular with Italian Americans and Catholics, besides, Rudolph Giuliani is well liked for his heroism. FBI Chief: We have a claim by the Japanese Red Brigade, Sir Bush: Japan has surrendered to us in WWII, they are not in military confrontation with us anymore, and economically speaking, Japan and Germany are still a threat, d---. FBI Chief: Mr. President, we also have reports of Anti Globalization suspects Bush: These are good looking, clean-shaven white boys, no one will accept that they are terrorists. Powel: How about blaming it on Iraq, Sir? Bush: That is too boring, I want to do something original. Powell: How about blaming it on the CIA, they trained Osama Bin Ladin. Bush: My dad was their chief I can?t incriminate my own Dad, are you crazy? Powell: My last guess would be the Mossad of Israel; you see Sharon is under fire and he needs to divert international scrutiny to Terrorism, he may have pulled this one to get off the hook while he finishes his domestic fall Home cleaning. Bush: Blaming congress is far easier than blaming Sharon, any more ideas? Powell: Then let the FBI and the CIA investigate this issue some more and when credible evidence emerges, let us handle it in the international courts of law like we did with the TWA Libyan hijackers case. Bush: Remember next election is only three years away Powel: So what should we do Mr. President? Bush: I think we should strike somewhere very soon, I want to look like a hero during thanksgiving, so Americans can watch the censored evening news to enjoy their turkey and their tax money at work going after the bad boys. Powell: How should we rationalize such a move Mr. President? Bush: A War against terrorism Powell: That is too broad Mr. President; we need a more accurate objective, Sir? Bush: Destroying Bin Laden hideouts in Afghanistan, with high tech laser guided CNN camera carrying missiles. Powell: The Russians lost 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan Sir, in ten years. Bush: Then let us form a Coalition of Nations against terrorism; we legitimize it as an international effort like my dad did it in the Gulf War, I am sure the British will follow us, they owe us one for the Falklands, later, we can drag Europeans along, we've liberated them in WWII after all, we can count on their support. In addition, we will persuade A-rabs and even I-ranians who hate Taliban Sunnis, you see this is the best strategy, and to make it decisive , we tell everybody, to choose either Freedom or Terrorism. Powell: Fine with me Mr. President, if that is what you want, Powell: Talking to himself (I am going to write a book about this, a practical objective indeed) Nur 2001 e-Nuri Predictive Satires Conspiracy Theory is Only True When People Refuse To Believe In Them
  9. Rahima sis JZK for your kind wishes, iimaan is a nicmah, and any nicmah needs some maintenance and upkeep, I appreciate your moderating role here on SOL, my prayers for you too, and for all Somali Aussies. Nur
  10. Nur


    Bashi bro. I remember your objection from last time, and I highly respect your opinions, however, politics as I have come to know since childhood, was adirty game, all you have to do, is show me a bright picture and I am willing to change my views to make an exception. To help you understand my concern, Transparency International has ranked the most corrupt countries in the world, Ngonge will celebrate to know, Bangladesh is the udisputed Champion of curroption, followed by Nigeria, Muslim countries sweep the trophies in each category quite a scene, and we wonder why is Ngonge this bitter with Muslims, the guy has a point, only if he can help provide a solution that does not belittle Islam as the solution. What country became the most transparent nation on earth?, Finland, a country run entirely by women, a woman president, prime mininter and a majority women parliament, Finnish men are busy designing the next generation of wireless communication and the ladies are doing Finnish house cleaning well, women are not known for taking bribes., there goes Caano Geels accusation that I am a sexist, which i admit, I believe women are more honest than men in relationships, and most volnerable, if they were not less intelligent (dishonest), they would never have loved their husbands. Nur
  11. "Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do" A TIMELINE SURROUNDING SEPTEMBER 11TH - IF CIA AND THE GOVERNMENT WEREN'T INVOLVED IN THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS, WHAT WERE THEY DOING? by Michael C. Ruppert Nov. 2, 2001, 12:00 PST -- On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official -- presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year's attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down. In 1985 Oliver North -- the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn't appear to have a hand in the current war -- sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. In his 1991 autobiography "Under Fire," while describing terrorist Abu Abbas North wrote, "I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do something?" One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have killed before Sept. 11 and ask the same question. It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and after the Sept. 11 suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes CIA foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of the U.S. government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events that have taken place since Sept. 11 are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks. [June 19, 2002] -- As the revelations of Bush Administration foreknowledge have progressed from silence, to trickle, to cascade, the question has now changed from forcing the evidence into the open into one of forcing both the media and the people to avoid denying this information in the hopes that their desire for a sense of "normalcy" can be fulfilled. As many of us have known for years, normalcy went out the window forever when the first plane hit the tower. And what has been revealed will not be resolved with an expensive fact-finding commission, a few firing, or even an impeachment proceeding. What is needed in America -- and in the global economic system -- is an overhaul, not a tune up. 1. 1991-1997 - Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco, Shell and Enron directly invest billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines, the major oil companies have no way to recoup their investments. [source: "The Price of Oil by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 - The Asia Times, The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.] 2. January 1995 - Philippine police investigating a possible attack on the Pope uncover plans for Operation Bojinka, connected to World Trade Center (WTC) bomber Ramsi Youssef. Parts of the plan call for crashing hijacked airliners into civilian targets. Details of the plan are disclosed in Youssef's 1997 trial for the 1993 WTC bombing. [source: Agence France-Presse, Dec. 7, 2001] 3. Dec. 4, 1997 - Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [source: The BBC, Dec. 4, 1997] 4. Feb. 12, 1998 - Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca -- later to become a special ambassador to Afghanistan -- testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan, the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built. [source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee: "]] 5. August 1998 - After the U.S. cruise missile attacks on Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan in retaliation for the African embassy bombings, Unocal officially withdraws from participation in the CentGas trans-Afghani gas pipeline project. [Various sources, Unocal] 6. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was harboring an Al Qaeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. [source: Financial Times Jan. 21, 2001; See No Evil by Robert Baer (release date February 2002)] 7. April 1999 - Enron with a $3 billion investment to build an electrical generating plant at Dabhol, India loses access to plentiful LNG supplies from Qatar to fuel the plant. Its only remaining option to make the investment profitable is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by Unocal from Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city of Multan. [source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002] 8. July 4, 1999 - President Clinton signs Executive Order 13129, which freezes Taliban assets in the U.S. and prohibits trade between the Afghan fundamentalist regime and U.S. entities. [source: Federal Register, Vol. 64, No. 129, July 7, 1999] 9. 1998 and 2000 - Former President George H.W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. [source: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2001. See also FTW, Vol. IV, No. 7 - "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy ]] 10. March 2000 - An FBI agent, reportedly angry over a glitch in Carnivore that has somehow mixed innocent non-targeted emails with those belonging to Al Qaeda, destroys all of the FBI's Denver-based intercepts of bin Laden's colleagues in a terrorist investigation. [source: The Washington Post, May 29, 2002] 11. 2000 (est.) - The FBI refuses to disclose the date of an internal memo stating that a Middle Eastern nation had been trying to purchase a flight simulator. [source: Los Angeles Times, May 30, 2002] 12. August 2000 -- Suspected Al Qaeda operatives wiretapped by Italian police made apparent references to plans for major attacks involving airports, airplanes and the United States according to transcripts obtained by the Los Angeles Times. The Times suggests that the information might not have been passed to U.S. authorities (hard to believe), but it did report that Italian authorities would not comment on the report. The Times also noted that "Italian and U.S. anti-terrorism experts cooperate closely." [source: The Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2002] 13. Oct. 24-26, 2000 - Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the crashing of a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. [source: The Mirror, May 24, 2002] 14. January 2001 - The Bush Administration orders the FBI and intelligence agencies to "back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, Va. -- right next to CIA headquarters. This followed previous orders dating back to 1996 that frustrated efforts to investigate the bin Laden family. [source: BBC Newsnight, Correspondent Gregg Palast, Nov. 7, 2001] 15. Jan. 30, 2001 - Sept. 11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah was questioned in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A number of UAE, Middle Eastern, European, and U.S. sources were cited in this CNN report, which said the CIA requested Jarrah be interrogated because he had been in Afghanistan and was suspected to have ties to terrorists. An unnamed CIA spokesman said the other sources' claims that the agency knew anything about Jarrah before Sept. 11 were "flatly untrue." Jarrah's Jan. 30 detainment at the airport in Dubai, UAE came six months after he took flying lessons in the U.S. Jarrah was released because "U.S. officials were satisfied," said the report. [source: CNN, Aug. 1, 2002 "]] 16. Feb. 13, 2001 - UPI terrorism correspondent Richard Sale -- while covering a trial of bin Laden's Al Qaeda followers -- reports that the National Security Agency has broken bin Laden's encrypted communications. Even if this indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February, it does not mesh with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been planned for years. 17. May 2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell gives $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime, purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban regime. [source: Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001] 18. May 2001 - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour, while CIA Director George Tenet makes a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections. It would be reasonable to assume that while in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an unusually long meeting," also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. [source: The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001] 19. June 2001 - German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." [source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sept. 14, 2001; See "]] 20. June 8, 2001 - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) publishes a story headlined, "Central Asia: Charges Link Russian Military to Drug Trade." According to the article, figures for 1999 published in a report by the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) revealed that 80 percent of the heroin consumed in Western Europe originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The UNDCP report also revealed half of the drugs in that 80 percent traveled through Central Asia. A study by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published in March 2000 said Russian soldiers headquartered in Tajikistan were suspected of helping drug traffickers by providing them with transportation facilities. This was confirmed by a Russian intelligence officer who told the Moscow News weekly, "You can come to an arrangement [with custom officials] so that the search of military transport planes remains purely formal. The same goes for train convoys carrying military cargo [to Russia from Tajikistan]." [source: ]] 21. July 2001 - FBI agents in Arizona write a memorandum warning about suspicious activities involving a group of Middle Eastern men taking flight training lessons in Phoenix. The memorandum specifically mentions Osama bin Laden and warns of connections to terrorist activities. [source: The New York Times, May 14, 2002] 22. summer 2001 - The National Security Council convenes a Dabhol working group as revealed in a series of government e-mails obtained by the Washington Post and the New York Daily News. [source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002] 23. summer 2001 - According to a Sept. 26 story in Britain's The Guardian, correspondent David Leigh reported that "U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January. The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that U.S. Rangers were also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek special troops were training in Alaska and Montana." 24. summer 2001 (est.) - Pakistani ISI Chief Gen. Ahmad (see above) orders an aide to wire transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta who was, according to the FBI, the lead terrorist in the suicide hijackings. Ahmad recently resigned after the transfer was disclosed in India and confirmed by the FBI. The individual who makes the wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Ahmad Umar Sheik, the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. [source: The Times of India, Oct.11, 2001.] 25. summer 2001 - The online newswire reports on Sept. 14 that an Iranian man phones U.S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the WTC in the week of Sept. 9. German police confirm the calls but state that the U.S. Secret Service would not reveal any further information. [source: ] 26. summer 2001 - Jordanian intelligence, the GID, makes a communications intercept deemed so important that King Abdullah's men relay it to Washington, probably through the CIA station in Amman. To make doubly sure the message got through it was passed through an Arab intermediary to a German intelligence agent. The message: A major attack was planned inside the U.S., and aircraft would be used. The code name of the operation was "The Big Wedding." "When it became clear that the information was embarrassing to Bush Administration officials and congressmen who at first denied that there had been any such warnings before Sept. 11, senior Jordanian officials backed away from their earlier confirmations." This case was authenticated by ABC reporter John K. Cooley. [source: International Herald Tribune (IHT), May 21, 2002] 27. summer 2001 (est.) - The National Security Agency intercepts telephone conversations between bin Laden aide Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Mohammed Atta and does not share the information with any other agencies. [source: Jonathan Landay, Knight Ridder Newspapers, June 6, 2002] 28. June 26, 2001 - The magazine states that "India and Iran will 'facilitate' U.S. and Russian plans for 'limited military action' against the Taliban." The story indicates that the fighting will be done by U.S. and Russian troops with the help of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. [source:, June 26, 2001] 29. summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically training for missions involving hijacked airliners. This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated for FTW by a retired CIA officer. (Note: The story currently on the Izvestia web site has been edited to delete a key paragraph.) [source: Izvestia, Sept. 12, 2001, "]] 30. July 4-14, 2001 - Osama bin Laden receives treatment for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai and meets with a CIA official, who returns to CIA headquarters on July 15. [source: Le Figaro, Oct. 31, 2001] Figaro_osama_dubai.html 31. July 15, 2001 - Members of the G8, meeting in Genoa, Italy, discuss the Taliban, pipelines, and the handing over of Osama bin Laden. According to Pakistani representative Ambassador Naiz Naik, the U.S. delegation, led by former Clinton Ambassador to Pakistan Tom Simmons warned of a "military option" if the Taliban did not change position. [source: Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, Bin Laden: La Verite Interdite, pp76-7. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott] 32. July 2001 - Immediately after the G8 Summit three American officials -- Tom Simmons (former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) -- meet with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November, "Bin Laden - La Verite Interdite," discloses that Taliban representatives often sat in on the meetings. British papers confirm that the Pakistani ISI relayed the threats to the Taliban. [source: The Guardian, Sept. 22, 2001; the BBC, Sept. 18, 2001; The Inter Press Service, Nov. 16, 2001; Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, Feb. 21, 2002] 33. July 2001 - The G8 summit at Genoa, Italy is surrounded by anti-aircraft guns, and local airspace is closed off after Italian and Egyptian officials (including President Hosni Mubarak) warn American intelligence that airliners stuffed with explosives might be used to attack President Bush. U.S. officials state that the warnings were "unsubstantiated." (But I wonder if they would have taken away the anti-aircraft artillery?) [source: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 27, 2001] 34. July 26, 2001 - CBS News reports that John Ashcroft has stopped flying commercial airlines due a threat assessment. Ashcroft told the press that he didn't know anything about what had caused it. 35. Aug. 2, 2001 - U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Christine Rocca (a former CIA officer), meets in Islamabad with a Taliban ambassador and demands the extradition of bin Laden. This was the last known meeting on the subject. [source: Brisard and Dasquie, p 79. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott] 36. August 2001 - The FBI arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the FBI learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. [source: Reuters, Sept. 13, 2001] 37. Aug. 11 or 12, 2001 ‚ U.S. Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U.S. fraud charges and claiming to be an officer with U.S. naval intelligence, writes details of the pending WTC attacks and seals them in an envelope, which he gives to Canadian authorities. [source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records] 38. August 2001 - As reported in the IHT both a French magazine (name not given) and a Moroccan newspaper simultaneously report that a Moroccan agent named Hassan Dabou had penetrated Al Qaeda to the point of getting close to bin Laden, who was "very disappointed" that the 1993 bombing had not toppled the WTC. Dabou was called to the U.S. after reporting this, which curtailed his ability to stay in touch with the organization and gather additional intelligence that might have prevented the attacks. Though not proved beyond a doubt, these stories have been met with a wall of silence. [The IHT, May 21, 2002] 39. August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings. [source: MSNBC interview with Putin, Sept. 15, 2001] 40. August 2001 - President Bush receives classified intelligence briefings at his Crawford, Texas ranch indicating that Osama bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial airliners. [CBS News; CNN, May 15, 2002] 41. late-August 2001 - Prince Turki, the pro-U.S. head of Saudi intelligence (also known to be close to bin Laden), is replaced by his more neutral half-brother, Prince Nawwaf who is an ally of Crown Prince Abdullah. [source: Saudi Arabian Information Resource, Aug. 31, 2001; - Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott] 42. August/September 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops nearly 900 points in the three weeks prior to the attack. A major stock market crash is imminent. 43. August/September 2001 - According to a detailed 13-page memo written by Minneapolis FBI legal officer Colleen Rowley, FBI headquarters ignores urgent, direct warnings from French intelligence services about pending attacks. In addition, a single Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) in Washington expends extra effort to thwart the field office's investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui, in one case rewriting Rowley's affidavit for a search warrant to search Moussaoui's laptop. Rowley's memo uses terms like "deliberately sabotage," "block," "integrity," "omitted," "downplayed," "glossed over," "mis-characterize," "improper political reasons, "deliberately thwarting," "deliberately further undercut," "suppressed," and "not completely honest." These are not terms describing negligent acts but rather, deliberate acts. FBI field agents desperately attempt to get action, but to no avail. One agent speculates that bin Laden might be planning to crash airliners into the WTC, while Rowley ironically noted that the SSA who had committed these deliberate actions had actually been promoted after Sept. 11. [source: Associated Press, May 21, 2002] 44. Sept. 3-10, 2001 - MSNBC reports on Sept. 16 that a caller to a Cayman Islands radio talk show gave several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S. by bin Laden in the week prior to 9-11. 45. early-September 2001 - An FBI internal document, based upon field notes from Minnesota field agents discloses that the agents had been investigating and had questioned the "20th hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui. The field notes speculate that Moussaoui, who had been taking flight lessons, might crash an airliner into the WTC. Interestingly, the field agents' requests to obtain a search warrant for his personal computer were denied. French intelligence confirms to the FBI that Moussaoui has ties to terrorist groups and may have traveled to Afghanistan. The agents also had no knowledge of the Phoenix memo (See Item #18). One news story states that agents were in "a frenzy," absolutely convinced that he was "going to do something with a plane." [source: Newsweek, May 20, 2002 issue, story by Michael Isikoff]. 46. Sept. 1-10 2001 - In an exercise, called Operation "Swift Sword" and planned for four years, 23,000 British troops are steaming toward Oman. Although the 9-11 attacks caused a hiccup in the deployment, the massive operation was implemented as planned. At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation "Bright Star." All of these forces are in place before the first plane hits the WTC. [sources: The Guardian; CNN; Fox; The Observer; International Law Professor Francis Boyle, the University of Illinois.] 47. Sept. 4-5, 2001 - A freshman at Brooklyn's New Utrecht High School who had recently emigrated from Pakistan reportedly predicts the destruction of the World Trade Center a week prior to the 9-11 attacks, according to the JournalNews newspaper in White Plains, N.Y. Citing "three police sources and a city official familiar with the investigation" as well as confirmation from the FBI that the bureau had received this information, the paper reported that in the midst of a heated class discussion the student pointed to the World Trade Center from a third story window and said, "Do you see those two buildings? They won't be standing there next week." New York City Board of Education spokeswoman Catie Marshall confirmed for the JournalNews "that school officials reported the matter to police within minutes of the Sept. 11 attack" and students told the paper that "FBI agents and NYPD detectives descended on the school on Sept. 13 to interrogate the student [who made the prediction] and others in his class," which was "an English class for Arab-American students." [source: The JournalNews, Oct. 11, 2001, "]] 48. Sept. 5, 2001 - "Five hundred websites -- many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection -- crash when an anti-terrorism taskforce raids InfoCom Corp. in Texas," reported Britain's the Guardian on Sept. 10, 2001. A taskforce of approximately 80 federal agents and officials from the FBI, Secret Service, INS, Customs, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, IRS, and Commerce Department occupied InfoCom's office building in the Dallas suburb of Richardson, Texas for four days, "copying every hard disc they could find." InfoCom hosts many websites for Middle Eastern clients and is located across the street from the Holy Land Foundation, a charitable organization which has been alleged to have connections with terrorist groups. InfoCom's vice president of marketing, Ghassan Elashi, is also the chairman of the Holy Land Foundation. [source: The Guardian, Sept. 10, 2001, "],7792,549590,00.html] 49. Sept. 7, 2001 - Florida Governor Jeb Bush signs a two-year emergency executive order (01-261) making new provisions for the Florida National Guard to assist law enforcement and emergency-management personnel in the event of large civil disturbances, disaster or acts of terrorism. [source: State of Florida website listing of Governor's executive orders] 50. Sept. 6-7, 2001 - Put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) totaling 4,744 are purchased on United Air Lines stock, as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the United puts are purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current executive director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. [source: The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT),, Sept. 21, 2001 (Note:The ICT article on possible terrorist insider trading appeared eight days *after* the 9/11 attacks.); The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal; The San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 29, 2001] 51. Sept. 10, 2001 - Put options totaling 4,516 are purchased on American Airlines as compared to 748 call options. [source: Herzliyya Institute - above] 52. Sept. 6-11, 2001 - No other airlines show any similar trading patterns to those experienced by United and American. The put option purchases on both airlines were 600 percent above normal. This at a time when Reuters (Sept. 10) issues a business report stating, "Airline stocks may be poised to take off." 53. Sept. 6-10, 2001 - Highly abnormal levels of put options are purchased in Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re(insurance) which owns 25 percent of American Airlines, and Munich Re. All of these companies are directly impacted by the Sept. 11 attacks. [source: ICT, above; FTW, Oct. 18, 2001, "]] 54. 2001-2002 - It has been documented that the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and many other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time using highly advanced programs reported to be descended from Promis software. This is to alert national intelligence services of just such kinds of attacks. Promis was reported as recently as June 2001 to be in Osama bin Laden's possession and, as a result of recent stories by Fox, both the FBI and the Justice Department have confirmed its use for U.S. intelligence gathering through at least summer 2002. This would confirm that CIA had additional advance warning of imminent attacks. [sources: The Washington Times, June 15, 2001; Fox, Oct. 16, 2001; FTW, Oct. 26, 2001, - FTW, Vol. IV, No. 6, Sept. 18, 2001 -; FTW, Vol. III, No. 7, Sept. 30, 2000 - ]] 55. Sept. 9, 2001 - President George W. Bush is presented with detailed war plans to overthrow Al Qaeda, according to U.S. and foreign sources speaking to NBC News. [source: MSNBC, May 16, 2002. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott] 56. Sept. 10, 2001 - This item has been removed solely at the request of the party previously named in this entry. Recent court proceedings – which occurred after the news story we had cited - have indicated that there was no connection between the story listed here, the person named therein and the attacks of 9-11-01. At the request of the previously named party, FTW has replaced the $1,000 reward with a $1,000 donation to The Childrens Defense Fund on behalf of the named party and the issue is now amicably resolved without any hard feelings between that party and FTW. 57. Sept. 10, 2001 - According to Newsweek, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns. [source: Newsweek, Sept. 24, 2001] 58. Sept. 10, 2001 - The Houston Chronicle reports the FBI was notified of a fifth grader from a Dallas suburb who told his teacher, "Tomorrow, World War III will begin. It will begin in the United States, and the United States will lose." The Chronicle was unclear on specifically when Garland, Texas school district officials told the FBI about the incident, but it was some time between Sept. 13, 2001 and the story's publication date of Sept. 19, 2001. [source: Houston Chronicle, Sept. 19, 2001 "]] 59. Sept. 10, 2001 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a call from what he described as "his security people at the airport" eight hours before the terrorist attacks "advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel," as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. Brown was scheduled to fly to New York from San Francisco International Airport. He told the Chronicle the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to make any alarming statement." [source: San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 12, 2001, "]] 60. Sept. 11, 2001 - The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the federal agency that runs many of the nation's spy satellites, schedules an exercise involving a plane crashing into one of the agency's buildings. "On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001," according to a website advertising a homeland security conference in Chicago run by the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute, CIA official John Fulton and his team "were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way." Fulton is the head of the NRO's strategic gaming division. [source: National Law Enforcement and Security Institute,, ]] 61. Sept. 11, 2001 - After the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon occur, National Public Radio's congressional correspondent David Welna reports, "I spoke with congressman Ike Skelton, a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services Committee, who said that just recently the director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack -- an imminent attack - on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." [source: "]] 62. Sept. 11, 2001 - United Air Lines flight 23, scheduled to fly from New York City to Los Angeles was delayed after four Muslim passengers began demanding that the plane take off immediately. This happened apparently after the first plane had hit the WTC. The passengers were thrown off the flight. [source: The Globe and Mail, June 13, 2002] 63. Sept. 11, 2001 - Gen. Mahmud of the ISI (see #16), friend of Mohammed Atta, is visiting Washington on behalf of the Taliban. He is meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., and Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., [source: MSNBC, Oct. 7, 2001; The New York Times, Feb. 17, 2002] 64. Sept. 11, 2001 - Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world's largest instant messaging companies with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack on the WTC less than two hours before the first plane hits. Law enforcement authorities have gone silent about any investigation of this. The Odigo research and development offices in Israel are located in the city of Herzliyya, a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv that is the same location as the Institute for Counter Terrorism, which eight days later reports details of insider trading on 9-11. [source: CNN's Daniel Sieberg, Sept. 28, 2001; MSNBC Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams, Sept. 27, 2001; Ha'aretz, Sept. 26, 2001] 65. Sept. 11, 2001 - For 50 minutes, from 8:15 AM until 9:05 AM, with it widely known within the FAA and the military that four planes have been simultaneously hijacked and taken off course, no one notifies the President of the United States. It is not until 9:30 that any Air Force planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too late. This means that the National Command Authority waited for 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known that four simultaneous hijackings had occurred. [source: CNN; ABC; MSNBC; Los Angeles Times; The New York Times; ]] 66. Sept. 11-12, 2001 - Nearly a month before the first reported outbreak, White House officials start taking the powerful antibiotic Cipro to treat anthrax. By the end of the year it will be known that the Ames strain of anthrax used in the attacks against Sens. Leahy and Daschle was produced by CIA programs coordinated through Fort Detrick, the Batelle Memorial Institute and the Dugway Proving Ground. [source: NBC; CNN;, ]] 67. Sept. 13, 2001 - China is admitted to the World Trade Organization quickly, after years of unsuccessful attempts. [source: The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2001] 68. Sept. 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto and see that is describes attacks against the WTC and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 1986 for unsatisfactory performance and has never worked in intelligence. [source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court records] 69. Sept. 15, 2001 - The New York Times reports that Mayo Shattuck III has resigned, effective immediately, as head of the Alex Brown (A.B.) unit of Deutschebank. 70. Sept. 29, 2001 - The San Francisco Chronicle reports that $2.5 million in put options on American and United airlines are unclaimed. This is likely the result of the suspension in trading on the New York Stock Exchange after the attacks, which gave the Securities and Exchange Commission time to be waiting when the owners showed up to redeem their put options. 71. Oct. 10, 2001 - The Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reports that U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned Unocal gas pipeline project from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to Pakistan is now back on the table "in view of recent geopolitical developments." 72. Oct. 11, 2001 - The Ashcroft Justice Department takes over all terrorist prosecutions from the U.S. Attorneys office in New York, which has had a highly successful track record in prosecuting terrorist cases connected to Osama bin Laden. [source: The New York Times, Oct. 11, 2001] 73. mid-October 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after having suffered a precipitous drop has recovered most of its pre-attack losses. Although still weak and vulnerable to negative earnings reports, a crash has been averted by a massive infusion of government spending on defense programs, subsidies for "affected" industries and planned tax cuts for corporations. 74. Oct. 29, 2001 - The Bush Administration drafts "an executive order that would usher in a new era of secrecy for presidential records and allow an incumbent president to withhold a former president's papers even if the former president wanted to make them public," wrote the Washington Post. The order also required members of the public to prove "at least a demonstrated, specific need'" for a president's papers to be released. Critics contend this would overturn the 1978 Presidential Records Act, which releases documents after 12 years. The White House maintained that a Supreme Court decision in 1977 allows presidents various privileges for their records. [source: Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2001, "]] 75. Nov. 21, 2001 - The British paper The Independent runs a story headlined, "Opium Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban." The story reports that massive opium planting is underway all over the country. 76. Nov. 25, 2001 - The Observer runs a story headlined "Victorious Warlords Set To Open the Opium Floodgates." It states that farmers are being encouraged by warlords allied with the victorious Americans are "being encouraged to plant as much opium as possible." 77. Dec. 4, 2001 - Convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub Afridi is recruited by the U.S. government to help establish control in Afghanistan by unifying various Pashtun warlords. The former opium smuggler who was one of the CIA's leading assets in the war against the Russians is released from prison in order to do this. [source: The Asia Times Online, Dec. 4, 2001] 78. Dec. 25, 2001 - Newly appointed Afghani Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is revealed as being a former paid consultant for Unocal. [source: Le Monde] 79. Jan. 3, 2002 - President Bush appoints Zalmy Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad, a former employee of Unocal, also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997 supporting the Taliban regime. [source: Pravda, Jan. 9, 2002] 80. Jan. 4, 2002 - Florida drug trafficking explodes after 9-11. In a surge of trafficking reminiscent of the 1980s the diversion of resources away from drug enforcement has opened the floodgates for a new surge of cocaine and heroin from South America. [The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 4, 2002] 81. Jan. 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for Mike Vreeland call the Pentagon's switchboard operator, who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a naval lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his office in the Pentagon. [source: Attorney Rocco Galati; Toronto Superior Court records] 82. Jan. 10, 2002 - Attorney General John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron investigation because Enron had been a major campaign donor in his 2000 Senate race. He fails to recuse himself from involvement in two sitting federal grand juries investigating bribery and corruption charges against ExxonMobil and BP Amoco, which have massive oil interests in Central Asia. Both were major Ashcroft donors in 2000. [source: CNN, Jan. 10, 2002; FTW, "The Elephant in the Living Room, Part I, April 4, 2002, ]] 83. Jan. 23, 2002 - Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is kidnapped in Pakistan. Pearl is reported dead on Feb. 21. Lead suspect Ahmad Umar Sheik, former colleague of Gen. Ahmad, is arrested on Feb. 12 and named as the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder. Legal sources close to the Pakistani government tell FTW that Pearl was investigating the ISI. [source:] 84. Feb. 9, 2002 - Pakistani leader Gen. Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity," including the proposed Central Asian pipeline. Pakistan will give $10 million to Afghanistan to help pay Afghan government workers. [source: The Irish Times, Feb. 9, 2002] 85. Feb. 18, 2002 - The Financial Times reports that the estimated opium harvest in Afghanistan in the late-spring 2002 will reach a world record 4,500 metric tons. 86. mid-April, 2002 - World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, at the opening of the World Bank's offices in Kabul, states he has held talks about financing the Trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline. He confirms $100 million in new grants for the interim Afghani government. Wolfensohn also states that a number of companies have already expressed interest in the project. [source: Alexander's Gas and oil Connections, citing an Agence France-Presse story] 87. May 13, 2002 - The BBC reports that Afghanistan is about to close a deal for construction of the $2 billion gas pipeline to run from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India. The story states, "work on the project will start after an agreement is expected to be struck" at a summit scheduled for the end of the month. Unocal will build the pipeline. [source: BBC, May 13, 2002] 88. May 2002 - A number of sources report progress on both oil and gas pipelines. Regional sources state that Unocal will re-emerge as a pipeline contender after withdrawing from the CentGas pipeline project in 1998. Unocal denies plans to revive the gas pipeline but curiously neglects to mention whether or not it has any interest in the oil pipeline, which local sources say is moving ahead. [source: The Dawn Group of Newspapers, May 7, May 17, May 22, 2002] 89. May 30, 2002 - Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid Karzai, Turkmenistan's President Niyazov, and Pakistani President Musharraf meet in Islamabad to sign a memorandum of understanding on the trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline project. The three leaders will meet for more talks on the project in October. The Turkmen-Afghan-Pakistani gas pipeline accord has been published and can be viewed at the following website: [source: NewsBase, June 5, 2002] 90. May 16, 2002 - White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer states unequivocally that while President Bush had been warned of possible hijackings, "The president did not -- not -- receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers." [source: CBS News, May 15, 2002] 91. May 19, 2002 - Former FBI Agent Tyrone Powers, now a professor at Anne Arundel Community College states on radio station KISS 98.7 that he has credible evidence suggesting that the Bush Administration did in fact allow the Sept. 11 attacks to further a hidden agenda. [source: - May 20, 2002] 92. May 31, 2002 - FBI Agent Robert Wright delivers a tearful press conference at the National Press Club describing his lawsuit against the FBI for deliberately curtailing investigations that might have prevented the 9-11 attacks. He uses words like "prevented," "thwarted," "obstructed," "threatened," "intimidated," and "retaliation" to describe the actions of his superiors in blocking his attempts to shut off money flows to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. These are not words of negligence. They are words describing deliberate and malicious actions. [source: C-SPAN website] 93. June 4, 2002 - Air Force Lt. Col. Steve Butler, who had called President Bush a joke and accused him of allowing the Sept. 11 attacks to happen, is suspended from his post at the Defense Language School in Monterey, Calif. and could face a court martial. [source: Associated Press, June 4, 2002] 94. June 14, 2002 - Common Dreams website publishes an account from a former member of the 1/118th Infantry Battalion of the South Carolina National Guard: "My unit reported for drill in July 2001 and we were suddenly and unexpectedly informed that all activities planned for the next two months would be suspended in order to prepare for a mobilization exercise to be held on Sept. 14, 2001. We worked diligently for two weekends and even came in on an unscheduled day in August to prepare for the exercise. By the end of August all we needed was a phone call, which we were to expect, and we could hop into a fully prepared convoy with our bags and equipment packed." [source: Common Dreams, "]] 95. June 17, 2002 - Reuters reports that Butler's case has been resolved without the necessity of a court martial. (I guess so. There's enough material here to prove him right. -- MCR) [Reuters, June 17, 2002] 96. July 2, 2002 - Motions from Zacarias Moussaoui are unsealed in federal court, indicating that Moussaoui wants to testify before both a grand jury and Congress about the Sept. 11 attacks. Moussaoui claims to have information showing that the U.S. government wanted the attacks to happen. [source: The Washington Post, July 3, 2002] 97. July 3, 2002 - The first-ever shipment of Russian oil, 200,000 metric tons, arrives in Houston. [source: The Moscow Times, July 6, 2002]. 98. July 6, 2002 - Afghan Vice President Hajji Abdul Qadir is assassinated by Afghan warlords. The New York Times reports that Qadir may have been assassinated by opium warlords upset by Qadir's efforts to reduce the rampant opium farming and processing that has taken place since the U.S. occupation. Qadir had been overseeing a Western-backed eradication program, according to the Times. However, the opium warlords of the region are same ones sponsored, protected, and in some cases released from prison by the CIA and who have been protected by President Bush's special envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad. It is reported that the raw opium is being refined near U.S. bases at Kandahar. [sources: The New York Times, July 8, 2002; Far Eastern Economic Review, April 18, 2002] 99. July 26, 2002 - White House security prevented the legal watch-group Judicial Watch from serving Vice President Cheney with a lawsuit filed on behalf of Halliburton shareholders. Before becoming vice president Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, which has filed for bankruptcy. [source: Cybercast News Service,] 100. Aug. 2, 2002 - The FBI asked members of the House and Senate intelligence committees to take lie-detector tests as investigators try to determine who leaked information to CNN about communications in Arabic that made vague references to an impending attack on the United States. The communications were intercepted by the National Security Agency on Sept. 10 but weren't translated until Sept. 12. [source: Associated Press story published in the Boston Globe, Aug. 2, 2002, "]] 101. Aug. 5, 2002 - The Associated Press reported Russia's major role over the last five years in the trafficking of Afghan heroin into Europe. [source: Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 5, 2002, ]] 102. Aug. 16, 2002 - A Knight Ridder story discloses that members of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's staff have created a special planning unit for an invasion of Iraq. The unit is composed primarily of civilians and was spearheaded by conservative members of Rumsfeld's staff, such as Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. The story was headlined, "White House Methodically Preparing for Iraq Campaign." [source: Knight Ridder Newspapers, 02/08.17B.wh.prep.irq.p.htm] 103. Aug. 28, 2002 - The Globe and Mail of Canada reports Afghanistan will become the world's top producer of opium this year, surpassing Southeast Asia. [source: the Globe and Mail, Aug. 28, 2002] Now, let's go back to the Oct. 31 story by Le Figaro -- the one that has Osama bin Laden meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai in July 2001. The story says, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members [There goes the story that he's a black sheep! --MCR] and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden's room. "Several days later the CIA officer bragged to his friends about having visited the Saudi millionaire. From authoritative sources, this CIA agent visited CIA headquarters on July 15, the day after bin Laden's departure for Quetta. "According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French intelligence itself, precise information was communicated to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks aimed at American interests in the world, including its own territory. "Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a meeting with French intelligence officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the Algerian activists [connected to bin Laden through Dubai banking institutions], without explaining the exact nature of their inquiry. When asked the question, What do you fear in the coming days?' the Americans responded with incomprehensible silence. "On further investigation, the FBI discovered certain plans that had been put together between the CIA and its 'Islamic friends' over the years. The meeting in Dubai is, so it would seem, consistent with 'a certain American policy.'" Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital staff that bin Laden had been there as reported, stories printed on Nov. 1 contained quotes from hospital staff that these reports were untrue. On Nov. 1, as reported by the Ananova press agency, the CIA flatly denied that any meeting between any CIA personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time. Who do you believe? ------------------------------------------------- Of course Mr. Rupert has his own agenda too, but the question here of who to believe is that only simple people believe that manure that we are bottle fed day in and day out, an Animal Farm indeed. Questions: Is Al Qaeda a real group, is it a witch hunt, or a creation to serve a purpose , a higher one? Can officials get away with crimes of this magnitude, is there a shadowy government within the government? Why are the century old civil liberties suspended if the law was made to protect the publics freedom and liberties? are we bracing for a totalitarianism? Who was behind the London bombing? and why would any sane person attack a friendly nation that has walked the streets to oppose the occupation of Iraq alongside all peace loving people? Why does Bin Laden and Crew periodically send their threatening tapes just before an election and then disappear int thin air? has Holywood participated in the war of Terror to create Speilberg style rendition of Binladen and Company? I bet that Bin Laden made more money for Holywood than Micky Mouse. Why are Bin Laden and company still at large after four years of state of the art searches, by Sattelliite cameras with resolution to capture a mosquito on Coffe Anans face, yet, Goodol bin Laden still manages to direct the deadliest attacks on America from his hideout in the pulverized mountains of Aghanistan, ( Are these girls Katrina and Rita , part of Bin Ladens Female Al Qaeda Plumbing Forces went haywire ?) Nur
  12. Is there an Orchestrated Effort By A Shadowy Group, Within A Government Elelcted By The public To Undermine Islam Or Muslims Worldwide, Cause Wars, Invade Lands, Steal Resources, Overthrow Governmens Illegally, Use False information to Occupy Foreign Lands? Are The current Problems in The Muslim World the result of the negligence of Muslims ALONE, or are the perpetrators of these problems behind the scenes? Whos is the beneficiary of the current problems, violence and instability in the Muslim world? This Thread is to opena an intellectual discussion on a topic that has never been treated on its own at SOL boards, to my knowledge at least, the way to approach such topics is to : 1. First unsderstand the definition of Conspiracy 2. To understand the current issues as they really are 3. To decide if indeed there is a connection, or if there is none : To begin with, let us explore what the law says about Conspiracy: Legal Definition of Conspiracy: CONSPIRACY - 18 U.S.C. 371 makes it a separate Federal crime or offense for anyone to conspire or agree with someone else to do something which, if actually carried out, would amount to another Federal crime or offense. So, under this law, a 'conspiracy' is an agreement or a kind of 'partnership' in criminal purposes in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member. In order to establish a conspiracy offense it is not necessary for the Government to prove that all of the people named in the indictment were members of the scheme; or that those who were members had entered into any formal type of agreement; or that the members had planned together all of the details of the scheme or the 'overt acts' that the indictment charges would be carried out in an effort to commit the intended crime. Also, because the essence of a conspiracy offense is the making of the agreement itself (followed by the commission of any overt act), it is not necessary for the Government to prove that the conspirators actually succeeded in accomplishing their unlawful plan. What the evidence in the case must show beyond a reasonable doubt is: First: That two or more persons, in some way or manner, came to a mutual understanding to try to accomplish a common and unlawful plan, as charged in the indictment; Second: That the person willfully became a member of such conspiracy; Third: That one of the conspirators during the existence of the conspiracy knowingly committed at least one of the methods (or 'overt acts') described in the indictment; and Fourth: That such 'overt act' was knowingly committed at or about the time alleged in an effort to carry out or accomplish some object of the conspiracy. An 'overt act' is any transaction or event, even one which may be entirely innocent when considered alone, but which is knowingly committed by a conspirator in an effort to accomplish some object of the conspiracy. A person may become a member of a conspiracy without knowing all of the details of the unlawful scheme, and without knowing who all of the other members are. So, if a person has an understanding of the unlawful nature of a plan and knowingly and willfully joins in that plan on one occasion,that is sufficient to convict him for conspiracy even though he did not participate before, and even though he played only a minor part. Of course, mere presence at the scene of a transaction or event, or the mere fact that certain persons may have associated with each other, and may have assembled together and discussed common aims and interests, does not necessarily establish proof of a conspiracy. Also, a person who has no knowledge of a conspiracy, but who happens to act in a way which advances some purpose of one, does not thereby become a conspirator. A combination or agreement of two or more persons to join together to attempt to accomplish some unlawful purpose. It is a kind of 'partnership in criminal purposes,' and willful participation in such a scheme or agreement, followed by the commission of an overt act by one of the conspirators is sufficient to complete the offense of 'conspiracy' itself even though the ultimate criminal object of the conspiracy is not accomplished or carried out. To establish the offense of 'conspiracy' the Government must prove: (1) That two or more persons in some way or manner, came to a mutual understanding to try to accomplish a common and unlawful plan, as charged in the indictment; (2) That the person willfully became a member of such conspiracy; (3) That one of the conspirators during the existence of the conspiracy knowingly committed at least one of the methods (or 'overt acts') described in the indictment; and (4) That such 'overt act' was knowingly committed at or about the time alleged in an effort to effect or accomplish some object or purpose of the conspiracy. A person may become a member of a conspiracy without full knowledge of all of the details of the unlawful scheme or the names and identities of all of the other alleged conspirators. So, if a person has an understanding of the unlawful nature of a plan and knowingly and willfully joins in that plan on one occasion, that is sufficient to convict him for conspiracy even though he had not participated before and even though he played only a minor part. Of course, mere presence at the scene of a transaction or event, or the mere fact that certain persons may have associated with each other, and may have assembled together and discussed common aims and interests, does not necessarily establish proof of a conspiracy. Also, a person who has no knowledge of a conspiracy, but who happens to act in a way which advances some purpose of one, does not thereby become a conspirator. An agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful act or an act which may become by the combination injurious to others. Formerly this offence was much more circumscribed in its meaning than it is now. Lord Coke describes it as 'a consultation or agreement between two or more to appeal or indict an innocent person falsely and maliciously, whom accordingly they cause to be indicted or appealed and afterwards the party is acquitted by the verdict of twelve men.' The crime of conspiracy, according to its modern interpretation, may be of two kinds, namely, conspiracies against the public, or such as endanger the public health, violate public morals, insult public justice, destroy the public peace, or affect public trade or business. To remedy these evils the guilty persons may be indicted in the name of the commonwealth. Conspiracies against individuals are such as have a tendency to injure them in their persons, reputation, or property. The remedy in these cases is either by indictment or by a civil action. In order to render the offence complete, there is no occasion that any act should be done in pursuance of the unlawful agreement entered into between the parties, or that any one should have been defrauded or injured by it. The conspiracy is the gist of the crane. By the former laws of the United States, a willful and corrupt conspiracy to cast away, burn or otherwise destroy any ship or vessel with intent to injure any underwriter thereon, or the goods on board thereof, or any lender of money on such vessel, on bottomry or respondentia, is made felony, and the offender punishable by fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars and by imprisonment and confinement at hard labor not exceeding ten years. By the old Revised Statutes of New York it is enacted that if any two or more persons shall conspire either: 1. To commit any offence, or; 2. Falsely and maliciously to indict another for any offence, or; 3. Falsely to move or maintain any suit, or; 4. To cheat and defraud any person of any property, by any means which are in themselves criminal, or; 5. To cheat and defraud any person of any property, by means which, if executed, would amount to a cheat, or to obtaining property by false pretences,or; 6. To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals,or to trade and commerce, or for the perversion or obstruction of justice, or the due administration of the laws; they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. No other conspiracies are there punishable criminally. And no agreement, except to commit a felony upon the person of another, or to commit arson or burglary, shall be deemed a conspiracy, unless some act besides such agreement be done to effect the object thereof, by one or more of the parties to such agreement. When a felony has been committed in pursuance of a conspiracy, the latter, which is only a misdemeanor, is merged in the former; but when a misdemeanor only has been committed in pursuance of such conspiracy, the two crimes being of equal degree, there can be no legal technical merger. 2005 e-Nuri Fact Finding Expedition Knowledge Is Power
  13. Nassir There goes a great plan, two more wifey is not such a far fetched dream, if you are serious, Hargeisa, like most of the fractured nation, women outnumber men by a factor of mor that one, when I was in Hargiesa, a complaint I overheard in a restaurant was that many Somali men secretly marrying girls from Hargeisa in what is termed a Mobile Marriage ( the man is on the move always), that is not healthy for raising good kids, we need stationar fathers, not Nomads. Nur
  14. Johnny B. Rest assured that I am not easily frustrated, if i did I would not be able to carry on my vocation in this medium. Brother, I am not here for being recognized for any talent, wallahi I did not know I had one until one day back in 1999 I saw some of my posts circulating the net, since then, I was encouraged to contribute from anonymity and to this day I have not crossed that barrier I set for myself, I have never met outside of this medium anyone from SOL, so, the idea of being recognized is an alien concept to me, the only recognition I seek is from Allah. Secondly brother, I am no Goliath, nor is Castro a David, so the Matias anology is not applicable here, because again, purpose behind my discussion is to help correct concepts and behaviour of Nomads who lack Islamic knowledge, and if anyone finds mine questionable, I wholeheartedly welcome if it corrects my concepts and behaviour. I am no holier-than-thou kind a person. I hope you take my statement as true. The focus must always be comparing ideas to buy the best one, people should be recognized for their ideas, ideas should not be recognized for their people. Nur
  15. Nur

    Dancing Fever?

    Caano Geel bro It would help to label the content you object and the reason, that is what a forum means, nothing should be muffled if truth must surface, I am sure you agree. How do you measure sincerity Caano Geel? Nur
  16. Nur

    Dancing Fever?

    From The e-Nuri Archives A DOD ( Dawa On Demand ) Document Dancing Fever! Ever wondered why certain people move with the rythem of music unconsciously? Have you ever seen men and women dancing on a Discotheque platform surrounded with loud music and light effects? Once the Music and the motion begins, their blood boils with lust and passion for each other, and the evening is not over until a lot of drinks are consumed and an orgy of sexual activities is either planned that evening or executed on site like animals. Guess, what is causing this phenomena? Allah SWT says in the Quraan: " Alam tara annaa arsalnal shayaatiina, calal kaafiriina ta' uzzuhum azzaa " " Haven't you noticed that we have sent the devils to the unbelievers who shake them ( away from righteousness) with vigorous trembling " Now , for a moment, imagine of the scene of a disco in a " Modern" country. Freeze that picture in your imagination and close your eyes. In few seconds, we are going to fly you to a remote village somewhere in on the globe. Now open your eyes; What do you see? No, you are wrong, this is not the museum of natural history, the evolution and it is after math, primitive enclaves of tribal habitats and an encient religious ritual. Try again. No, No, you are not in California's Universal Studio's movie set depicting a village in the land of Waaq Waaq. You give up? OK, This is a remote Somali village, in the Somali Baadiye, but I bet you are wondering, who is that man beating the drum? And who is this woman who is dancing to the drum beats? And who are these folks encircling the dancing woman with candle lights with the special scents ( Cadar iyo Cuud)? This cerimony, depending on the part of the disintegrated Somali peninsula you happen to come from, is called ( SAAR, BOORANE, LUUMBI, MINGIS, WADAADDO) etc. The man beating the drums and singing is an exorcist. The woman dancing to the tune is possesed by the devils (remember the above verse). And the folks around her are fellow possesed victims who came to pay for the sessions of axcorcism after her session is over. Now, this SAAR man is making a lotta of dough (Money$$$) every night by purging devils in and out of these women, for which they pay him hefty sums of money and sheep and, at times, they sacrifice their bodies for the pleasure of the excorcist behind the curtain when the SAAR man has to do "special Excorsism" that requires taking off her clothes in order to administer "special soul massage" to purge the devil out of private places in her body. This is how Night Clubs evolved to their present day glitter, lighting and music set up. This is a Satan's Temple, where his worshippers are shaken vigoriously ( Ta Uzzuhum Azza) to the rythem of the music, their money taken away, their dignity compromised , reduced to animal status. Allah SWT says: " Alam ac-had ileykum yaa banii adama allaa tacbudu sheitaan"? " O Children of Adam, have I not taken a covenant from you not to worship Satan "? Satan's Victims, pay to get possessed, pay to stay mentally deranged, and then pay to regain their consciousness, just to earn money to pay for their next session of the worship of Satan, and the viscious circle continues, until they die, to find out what they have always doubted. Just like in SAAR, nightclub owners, singeres and musicians make a lot of money performing their arts to a possessed crowd who are ecstatic with the mixture of sounds, sights and surroundings. ( Satan's Tools) Just like in SAAR, the woman in the center stage is surrounded by a hands clapping croud while she dances her way possessed by the devil with euphoria, displaying and shaking her body parts in a sexually inviting manner which are up for grabs by other possessed worshippers. Just like in SAAR, the victim, at the end of the ritual, is the possession of one of the devil monks who lure these young girls and boys to become their slaves, by intoxicating them and controlling them with sexual messages and music. This is the way of of Satan. And there is a better way. It is the way of surrender to your maker, NOT the suurrender to SATAN adn your passions. Allah has honored you, and made you superior to Satan. Why wosrhip your enemy who is envious of your special status in the Kingdom of Allah SWT.? Why not free your self, and begin to think about your purpose on eath. It is no fun working hard and nit getting paid, worse yet, earning your own punishment at the end because you spent all your life without a purpose, and you died without knowing why you were on earth, it is like taking a train unmindful of were it takes you, and suddenly finding yourself in a horror town, now all fun is over, and the price of your carelessness is is looming in the horizon. Many ailment are caused by Satan, in the Quraan Allah SWT narrates the story of Prophet Ayuub ( JOB) saying: " Innii massaniya sheitaanu bi nusbin wa cadaab" " I have been stricken by Satan with pain and suffering " For which he sought ONLY Allah's help for acure,, not the devils cure. No matter how much fun you have had, or good times you've enjoyed, a time will come for sure when you can not savor the memories of good old days anymore, the pleasure is gone, and depending on how much illegal pleasure you've had, an equivalent balancing regimen of pain is awaiting for you. Your Dancing Fever on earth, has earned you an everlasting fever that will never go away. Allah SWT says : " A fa ra' ayta in mattacnaahum siniin, thumma jaa' ahum maa kaanuu yuucaduun, maa aghnaa can hum maa kaanuu yumattacuun" " Let us say, we have pleased them with a joyful ( life) for many years, and then, the ( horror) of what they were warned about is finally administered to them, ( Now) how does their past pleasures offset ( the pain and suffereing of the punishment they found themselves in)? Use your head, while you are ......ahead! Nur 2003 Nurtel Softwaano Series Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
  17. An e-Nuri Product Of The Year Nominee Are Your Engines Running On Low Octane Levels? For high performance engines, high content of octane is a must, mechanically speaking, each unit of octane powers the engine to do a given amount of work, the lower the octane content in gas, the lower the combustion pressure which in return affects the transfer of power to moving parts in the performance machine. In car races, performance race cars are powered with the most efficient engines for speed, the load is kept at minimum, so they are built with the lightest materials, and every part that can effect the objective ( SPEED) is optimized for that purpose ONLY. So at the end of the races, a race car is seen hauled on trucks to be transported to another place, ironically, this vehicle that can go that fast on race tracks becomes that useless outside of the race tracks. Similarly, Faith or iimaan is like energy, it can not be seen, but its effect can be evident in out lives, the higher the iimaan level, the better our performance as Muslims and as measurable actions, the lower the iimaan octane level, the poorer our Islamic identity and behaviour. The iimaan octane can get to a critically low levels, and in these instances, the person acts almost contrary to Islam in every sense imaginable, without even realizing that he is low on iimaan octane. That person quits performing prayers, and observing the sharia, his words show contempt for Islam, or hates its restrictions, this person's engine needs overhaul, or may be it is beyound repair. In an engineering school, some students have noticed that Muslim women on campus to be divided to three types. 1. Hijaab wearing Sisters 2. Jeans and Scarf wearing Transistors 3. Minimally dressed body showing Resistors In men a similar classification exists, but, men do not have to wear special dress to show their observation of the law, But in their actions, or the lack of, one can tell if they are forward biased toward Islam, conducting both ways, or outright resisting the guidance of siraatul Mustaqeem. This thread is dedicated to this Low octane Level phenomena, how to diagnose it and how to cure it. As we all know, every person's level of iiman is not constant over time, on the contrary iimaan goes up when we do good work and goes down when we commit a sin or neglect our duties. So if a person drives his car with low gas for a long time, the car will stop, and likewise if we neglect our duties to Allah for a long time, our iimaan will cease to exist. This Forums board is the INDY 500 to test this theory. Let us know if you agree with my analogy and observations or if you'd rather disagree with it partially or oppose it. Walaalkiin Nur -------------------- Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin .
  18. Nur


    From the e-Nuri Archives Welcoming The New World Order Presents: Politicians and Prostitutes Faarax Gololley, the legendary Political Humorist during the Afweyne Regime was quoted as saying : " Afweyne raac, ama Afgooye aad, ama Afkaaga heyso ," Today, our country, the former Somali Republic, and the world in general is going through difficult times, in Somalia, we are witnessing a 12 year uncivil war going on with no end in sight, a dilemma that is inhibiting any progress while at the same time exacerbating living conditions . The result is that many Somalis who are stranded overseas as refugees are unable to go back home, worse yet, they are unhappy to live in the Diaspora and are very fearful of melting in the American pot, adopting the McDonald and Levi's culture of consumerism, with no apparent purpose of life beyond that. The solution of this problem lies in understanding politics, the politicians mindset and what drives them to make such horrible decisions as to to tear apart entire nations, seaparate friends who grew up with a tribalist mantra and exploit their fears to keep their pockets full of cash and their mouths full of qaat. Politicians at home mobilize the masses and create an enemy for them to hate, later they use this hate energy to fuel their vehicles to grab power and lead their people to miseries. Likewise, on a wider scope, Internationally, politicians are doing the same thing , the scale of the village and human agony is just much bigger than Somalia, but the pain of innocent civilians in Iraq and Somalis caught across fire , hurts the same, like they say, killing one person is murder, annihilating a village is a policy, stark realities of the the Global Village and the New World Disorder. Politicians usually rise to the top to fill power vacuums created when decent people shun politics due to its close relationship with dirty tricks, so most decent people who value their dignity stay away from politics for fear that it would tarnish them, and their loved ones with bad reputation by casting doubts on their character. As a result, the bad apples in society, who care les for their reputation, take the lead and speak for the people and nation. Interest groups, those with material stake in the affairs of the nation, as opposed to moral values, begin supporting those who are seeking power. The interest group gives these power hungry hopefuls financial support in their quest for power, and slowly, they begin controlling them and directing them to serve the interest groups agendas against the interest of the constituency they claim to represent. Welcome the birth of a Politician, a Hero and Great leader of his tribe. The politician has just sold out his people to an interest group behind the scenes with a secret agenda. He sold his conscious and that of his people for a quick personal gain that will haunt his nation for many years to come, and it is partially due to the citizens who allowed him to speak in their name and shunned active participation for fear of smearing and mudslinging. So, if good principles were like our clean bodies, a politician becomes an Intellectual Prostitute ready to trade his people principles and values for his personal gain. A prostitute is therefore a person who allows others to buy time to desecrate her/his body in exchange for a material gain, like money. An Intellectual prostitute on the other hand is a person who allows others to desecrate her/his soul and intellect for a material wealth. Politics was defined as the art of avoiding to tell the truth to those who need it most, but short of defending an outright verifiable lie, the more creative a politician gets in concealing the truth, the savvier that he is valued as a politician by his mentors, the interest group. The highest honor for a politician should win him the coveted Pinocchio Trophy. Politicians are thus people who are interested in their personal interests and who are willing to pursue them even if it conflicts with their constituent's interest. At times, our warlords reason very logically. Everyone is claiming that he is working for what is good for our country and people, they tell us that they are saving Somalia by killing Somalis, no wonder their job is taking 12 years and counting. Prostitutes sell their body for the highest bidder, in contrast, politicians sell their moral convictions to the richest financial donor. Prostitutes do not enjoy selling their bodies, but they are just compelled in doing so ,they reason, since everyone else is on their own, what the heck.. But neither do politicians enjoy telling lies, at the end of the day though, they have to pay their bills to support their special lifestyle, so, a white lie wouldn't hurt, so what the heck. Most people would agree with the above statements that I made, but to date, only the Italians, our past colonial masters have made the link, let us see if our Somali politicians , Presidents, Boqors, Warlords and Anarchists@ El Doret can learn a lesson or two from Reer Benito Mussolini. Just before the last gulf war, a group of Italian voters, mostly young, elected an Italian Porn Star called Miss Cicciolina to Italian Parliament, They wanted to send a message to their politicians about their intimate feelings toward them, so they sent Miss Cicciolina to the Italian Parliament. The only promise the young lady made was that she will bare her top in Parliament. Subsequently, Miss Cicciolina was elected, and to the embarrassment of the Italian lawmakers, she sat topless in their midst, delivering on her promises and scoring a victory for the Italian voters who were displeased with their politicians. Later she confirmed that many politicians in parliament were staring at her with interest. Cicciolina became an embarrassment in Italian Parliament, so she was asked to participate in the Parliament's Defense Committee, a boring committee that she would later breathe some evil excitement into it. As a member of the Defense Committee, she demanded to be sent to the Gulf War to entertain the Italian Soldiers in the Gulf. She was a sellout. After the show, she wondered what was all these troops doing in the gulf ? she was told that Saddam was a crazy and hostile to his neighbors and the troops are amassed here to control his evil intentions. She reasoned that they were doing the wrong thing amassing so many troops and risking so many human lives to handle a stressed out politician, instead, she offered to visit Saddam personally in order to defuse the tense situation, but her defense committee became too defensive about such a "sinister" idea. Politicians also need the media to transmit their lies to their constituents, they need to reassure the public that everything is OK, and that big corporations are doing community work, burying Nuclear waste in Yoontey and cashing the checks in Nairobi Banks. They convince the locals that they can have free chest X ray and a glass of milk every day if they look after the nuclear waste in their backyard. Somali politicians think that Radiation is good for the public, so is disease, poverty, illiteracy , chaos and the ongoing anarchy, if that is not the case, then tell me please, why are they so adamant in prolonging our pain? The News media in turn catches the prostitution disease, Ideally, News media were meant to report truth, and to be objective about what goes on in the our community. If you are as naive as I am, you would ask foolish questions like " Why are the politicians and the News media telling tall tales, why is each periodical, radio or a website supporting a local loser?" But Something tells me: " It is all about money stewpid!* " So as a result, the news media continues to stay in business, attracting more and more sponsors which leads to our present situation in which the news media is so adultered, doctored and altered beyond recognition. To make it even more patriotic, the newspapers become a platform for disorientation of the public, The masses are lied to, manipulated and processed like a slaughter house by the influential few with wealth and who have an interest in continuing to dominate their community, their ultimate goal being Power. Now, can you blame the warlords for clinging to power so tightly? As the public is bottle fed with lies on a daily basis, bull manure begins to smell like Giorgio's of Beverly Hills perfume, a lie needs to be repeated so many times before it is upgraded to reality, and as we the public are busy making ends meet in our daily circus to survive, we learn to adjust to live with such a lie, suddenly, a naive person like me or a child yells " Siyaasiyintu waa Qaawan Yihiin" Nur 2003 Nurtel Political Research ------------------------------------------------- Nur Post appear regularly at Somaliaonline Islam Pages
  19. Jamarel bro. Thanks for pointing out the Pride factor, I overlooked When we are full of Pride, we feel empowered, invincible, we look at others with contempt, we follow no rule, the means justifies the goal, Allah says " Man is indeed a transgressor and haughty, when he feels self sufficient ", at this stage, we transgress all bounds, and commit any atrocity without any remorse. Nur
  20. This piece was concieved and written last Ramadan, inshAllah more of it will follow, e-Nuri Product Develoment is yet to roll out more provocative insights for the great month of Ramadanm til then enjoy, from my mind to yours. Freedom is like light, the higher the source, the wider the scope . Ramadan Kareem Nomads Here are my thoughts on Freedom We often hear this buzzword on a daily basis, from ancient times to the present, freedom remained a concept people are willing to pay for with all they got, including their very lives, just like Patrick Henry said in the 1700s: " Give me liberty or give me death " if it will guarantee freedom for future generations. The Great pyramids, one of the oldest shrines built for false Gods, were built by the labor of Jewish slaves of Pharaoh, they were built to immortalize the Kings of Egypt, Khufu, Khafrac and Manqarac, indeed if these edifices immortalized anything, it is the oppression of the Israelites and the robbing of an entire nation's dignity as human beings. Pharaoh, in his right mind believed that he was superior to the lowly Jews, that their suffering was justified as long as they served a purpose to the masters of Egypt who in turn faced their Gods with their offerings of the blood and toil of the captive slaves of the children of Israel. In the story of Pharaoh and his subjugated Jewish slaves, we read in the Quraan how Moses led his people out of bondage, how he risked his life for seeking freedom for his people and how Pharaoh fearing the imminent rise of a great leader of the Jews, ordered the killing of all new born Jewish males, only to raise the very Jewish leader he was afraid of in his own palace to his demise. Six thousand years later, the Children of Israel are returning the favor by doing it to the Palestinians, killing their children, demolishing their dwellings, and confining them like animals behind a wall of " security ". The Palestinians are learning what it was like being a Jew in Pharaoh's Egypt, or in Hitler's Germany, when man inflicts pain and agony on fellow man without mercy. Freedom is a conservative entity, it is an integral part of a wholesome balanced and a just universal system, a system that guarantees equal rights, assigns equal responsibilities and opens doors to equal opportunities for all equally qualified stakeholders. As such, for a human to loose her/ his freedom, it takes another to claim to be more deserving of that lost right due to supremacy of sorts, moral such as a claim of Devine mandate like the case of the Zionist Movement of Israel, and/or sheer might, over his fellow man, by wrongfully claiming that which was reserved for his fellow man to be only his. The false claimant of superiority begins to limit the freedom of the inferior, usually by using a convincingly stronger force to subjugate his fellow human being into submission and in the most primitive sense we have the infamous and abominable institution known as slavery, an institution that was well established back home in Somalia as well as the United States for some four centuries. Freedom in its absolute meaning is not restricted, to time, space or physical barrier, absolutely nothing could limit this type of freedom, that Absolute freedom belongs to Allah SWT alone, Allah SWT describes Himself in the Quraan, " Facaalun lima Yuriid" He executes (all of) His wishes" , and there we have a big wisdom, no one else can claim that trait, and every other form of freedom, lesser than the absolute Freedom of Allah SWT is gradually compromised to make room for or yield to that absolute freedom. So in that regard, the higher up the ladder one gets, through worship of Allah alone, the freer one feels, and the lower one gets down the same ladder by denying Allah SWT or disobeying him, the more enslaved one experiences to fellow mankind who he must serve as a slave . in effect , being the slave of a slave is not a good idea. Allah SWT is the light of the heavens and the earth, His light is like that of a lamp, and that lamp represents all that is good of life and eternal happiness. If we indeed seek that light with all of our hearts and soul, we rise above it all; we became true servants of Allah SWT, thus bypassing the service of other slaves of Allah all together in order to serve Allah SWT directly. As slaves of Allah SWT, we become free of all that hinders our good character. Being certain that Allah SWT is the master sustainer who replenishes our bank accounts, we become more generous to our fellow human being, likewise, being sure of His control of our life as the originator and as the terminator of life, we learn to live free of fear, and so we become free to live a fuller meaningful life while it lasts. During the Islamic conquest of Persia, a companion named Rubciyun Ibn Caamir, had these words to describe the reason for the invasion of the Muslim armies to conquer the Persian Empire " Allah has risen us so we can free mankind from the bondage of other men to the service of Allah, from the injustice of the systems that govern them to the Justice of Islam, and from the mental confinement to a physical world, to the vastness of the eternal life in heaven " In our faith, Allah SWT stresses the term "CABD" or the slaves of Allah, Allah SWT refers to all of His Prophets as slaves, because the term slave specially when it is for Allah alone, is the highest rank a man can reach in the kingdom of Allah SWT. Ironically today, 14 Centuries later, Muslims find themselves being lectured on a concept that they themselves pioneered and taught Medieval Europe, the concept of Liberty, justice and fairness, but because the driving force of the new conquerors is not to please Allah SWT, Freedom as presented back to Muslims today does not have the original flavors of the awareness of Allah, it became a hollow terminology that does not stand for anything meaningful, worst yet, all the freedoms that we read or hear about are meant for the protection of the individuals right to disobey his Maker. But because these faithless individuals who buy this idea care less about God, they are often very serious in the service of the institutions that grant them these phony freedoms; they dare not disobey these institutions, suddenly they find themselves having human deities in the form of lawmakers to obey instead of their maker. Freedom as presented today is secular; it does not explain what happens after death, after we decompose, and after we are reassembled back to our forms for an eternal life of happiness and freedom, or an eternal life of suffering and confinement. So, in that above sense, Freedom is like a light above our heads showing us the way below, we can see far if we are way up, taking Allah's light to see, as we descend down, and seek light from other than Allah SWT, we see less, thus we feel confined and less free. To put in a different way, If we seek to take the light of our freedoms from Allah, the highest source, all of our wishes are realized by Allah SWT, if on the other hand we seek to take freedom from those who deny Allah SWT, then the scope of the freedom will be much narrower, and we will end up becoming slaves for other than Allah SWT, so in order to be as free as you can, seek Allah alone in worship, obey Him and enjoy real freedom. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Concepts A Problem Is Not Solved At The Same Level It Was Created .
  21. Saabir and Muhammad JZK brothers, below is one of my daydreams, a sequel of the Road to paradise, enjoy the read: All In A Day, At A Place Far Away An e-Nuri Story It was early one morning when I pleasantly woke up in this lavishly decoarted posh place, real magnificent atmosphere with perfect temperature and aroma, can't describe the furniture, the flowers, the ambient, just superbly optimum, ejecting like a rocket, I get out of bed singing with joy, I felt sooooooo happy and fulfilled. As I dress my awsome green suit, decorated with precious sparkling stones, I am told that my freinds are waiting for me at my royal courtyard, to go out fishing with me for the day, so, off I go with my friends. We arrive at this tranquil lake, surrounded by a lush green lawns, the most colorful singing birds, lofty trees with a lot of ripe fruits hanging too low that I can reach with my bare hands, and the aroma, subhannalllah, what a pleasant smell and what a feeling! We begin fishin, laughing, sitting on soft sofas facing each other, joking, telling stories of days past, stories that bring nostalgic memories of events and people, while eating the tastiest fish you can not even imagine, and spending the day without worries of bills due to be paid, problems to be solved, or any misfortume that can take the pleasure of this great day, which seems endless as it is too long and fun at the same time. As the day approaches an end, we pack up and fix to go, our stuff being carried for us by helpers, and as usual, we continue on talking and laughing on our way back to our homes. Suddenly we spot a beautiful lady approaching from afar, so beautiful is this lady, I have no words to describe her beauty. She is like the full moon being viewed from a serene clear skies in the middle of Somalia's countryside, My friends look at each other to see where she is heading to, astonishingly, they notice that she is coming right toward us, "OH MY!..." I sigh, and as she gets closer, and closer, our hearts pound like medieval cannon balls, and just when we thought it was all over, we smell this special captivating and soul quenching perfume, that can elevate you to euphoric state of shock, she gets closer and closer, and poor me and my friends are thunderstruck, we realize that she is purposefully looking for someone but we don't know who it is, as we silently wait it out, she approaches closer to me, singling me out of my friends and says like a singing humming bird in the softest of voices " I want you Nur " I am paralyzed, I am floored, I get up like a boxer who is knocked out who is stil traumatized and disoriented, I regroup and I say, " excuse me Miss, but I don't know you, and you are not my wife, what do you want from me ?" She smiles and says " Cheer up Nur, I am yours, I am dedicated to your happiness forever, you will not be sorry again, I am yours to keep, you've earned me and more of what you can imagine as a token of appreciation of your deeds in bygone days, so you are rewarded more than what you've expected. I am the surprise that were in store for you, I am more and more and more and more of what you can imagine.........., my name is MAZEED, worries all are behind you, Welcome To Paradise, you are in good silky hands, my love" " Falaa Taclamu nafsun maa ukhfiya lahum min qurrata acyunin, Jazaa an bimaa kaanuu yacmaluun " " Oblivious is a soul of the hidden treasures that were out of sight for them as a reward for their past deeds " Quraan,Suurah, Sajdah. " Lahum maa yashaa uuna fiihaa wa ladeynaa MAZEED " " They ( the dwellers of Paradise)are honored to have anything they wish for, and we throw in MORE( an extra surprise ) Mazeed " Quran, Suurah Qaaf Nur 2004 Nurtel Softwano Series If you can imagine, You can attain!
  22. Johnny B bro. You write: Having said that , i second my Graad (Bashi) and favor the tea peace confrence , becouse the alternative is e-Nuri´s ruin and that is not what NGONGE or Castro want as they CARE about the consumers just as much , if not more . Brother Johnny Could there be another alternative, like a wining of the right concept, a win for Allah SWT ? You see Johnny, whenever I engage in a debate, I wish the other party is right, why? because in that case I would learn a new lesson, by insisting to win at the expense of the Xaqq ( what is absolutely right ) is indeed a weakness of character, great men admit their mistakes, it takes other great men to take a notice. One last thing bro, Do you beieve that e-Nuri business is a monopoly? I hope not, I am for free movement of goods and ideas, I am against violence and insults to get ones point across and i see a lot of it being exchanged, here an I am not comfortable with it. I do not expect that you agree woth me with JZK, may be praying for a brother to be rewrded is not your conventional wisdom at this point, what I expect from you though is some impatiality, that you agree with what makes sense no matter who says it, that way you will add real value, that advice goes to everybody on SOL including me, I am working on an essay to highlight this principle. Nur
  23. Roob bro. Yes I did, I had a stunt with authoring a book while back, the topic was about the Sharia and I wrote it in Somali, half way, I lost steam, parked the idea and published the piece (15 pages) on SOL. However, my dream ( which may come next week) is to be able to devote the rest of my life for writing about Islam, philanthropy, helping of the poor, educating the ignorant and enjoying the worship of Allah, but of course, this great dream of mine needs an investor, which is me again, thats why I am waiting if I can put together a good financial deal that will give me camel milk for that dream, your duaa is highly material here bro. Nur
  24. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ Bilaal Frist, Jaabir Allen, Raa'id Guliani, Junaid McCain, and Habeebah Clinton. All rumoured to be running for President in 2008 . Great imagination, it shows that we love America, we want to change America to A better America, A Muslim America with Muslim names. Names
  25. Lets see where the Islamic Reform Movement Is heading to: From e- Nuri Archives: The Prophet SAWS said " You will follow the footsteps of nations before you , The companions asked : Chritians and Jews ? the Prophet SAWS answered " Then who else ?" Some so-called "Muslims" rasied in the west with no clue of what Islam stands for, from time to time get conufused and suggest off the shelf interesting suggestions to modernize Islam in order to make it a "NORMAL" world religion. One such suggestion caught my eyes once in Somalinet boards. I immediately responded impulsively, but you can only appreciate my response if you are knowledgeable in Christian history. So be careful when you read this piece, it pushes the envelope of warped imagination of confused "Muslims" to new hights. A poster calling himself "O Jay" posted an article on Somalinet boards and Suggested the establishment of an Islamic Protestant Church to modernise Muslims to teach them the benefits of Democracy like the USA. As a response, I wrote back the following piece to help Mr. O Jay establish his dream of Islamic protestantism Church, all I did was go back in history and rebuild his version of Islam like christianity was built, so relax, this rendering is an imaginitive lampoon of his funny suggestion. My Answer to O Jay. Interesting Idea O JAY Let us see where your Vision and idea takes us. First, we will have the Islamic Nicean Convention, in the Mediterranean Port of Nicea, near Cyprus, There, we will have President Bush as the Chairman of the Convention, since he is a Sourthern Babtist, his presence and power can intimidate delegates to adopt Islamic Protestantism. His position will be analogous to the place of the Roman King De Niro who presided over the First Nicean convention in the second century in which Christians decalred that There are three Godheads. The delegates who will come from all parts of Muslim world, will be named by your organization, Islamic Protestantism Organization, and because you do not have enough members to make a big difference, The National Institue of Health will CLONE you to be five thousand people who want Islamic Protestantanism. Meanwhile, Twenty "backward" clerics like NUR who will disagree with your plan will also be invited for the sake of fairness in the elections. At the end of the Convention, Genetically altered delegates, who are your clones, will declare that Allah is God , Muhammad is Son of God and Ali is the holy spirit, but these three are ONE . Welcome the Islamic Trinity. Now we have the Muslim TRINITY. Next, The Clones will author some two hundred books of Quraans, each one different version, The authors will have only one name, just like MARK, LUKE and MATHEW etc, and nobody will bother to verify their original names, and many sects will appear who will begin to fight and cause trouble for the peace of the New World Order. Due to this confusion, the New Worl Order Government decides to give the Islamic Catholics a small state in Morocco, which will be called Islamic Vatican, where the Muslim Pope sits. He begins to bless people , feed them pieces of PITA Bread, and Islamic wine named ZOMZOM, The Pope will sell to them pieces of Paradise for $1000 per square meter while supplies last for the next century, he will allow all the sinning you can buy for a sizable donation to the Islamic Church, and if you can describe tidbits to the priest during your confession, The Church may even offer you a lucrative Job as the youth counsellor, where you have an opportunity to molest kids. The New Islamic Church which you envision, will teach that all you have to do is believe that Muhammad died for your sins, so no more guilty feeling when indulging in your lusts. Islamic Catholics will be able to enjoy good things in life like wine and girl friends. In schools they will have Islamic Choirs, singing, "O my Lord Muhammad please save me". The Islamic Catholics will sell Statues of Muhammad, and Ali, and The Mowliid, Muhammad's birthday will be the Islamic Chrismas, when Islamic Catholics will import Chrismass trees from Norway and Sweden. The Islamic Nativity sites, In Islamic Catholics Mosques there will be a Statue of Muhammad , Halima, Khadija, Fatma, Aisha, Maymuna, Safia. At This point many Muslim Catholics who live in Germany will become upset by the Church in Morocco, and is commercialization of the Religion. The Islamic protestanism movement begins, led by one of the decendents of your clones, his name will be Martin Luther O JAY, and the Islamic Protestant church is established. Then the Protestants differ on many issues, so new sub groups are born, Islamic Southern Babtists, Islamic Seven day adventist, Islamic Methodists, Islamic Mennonites, Islamic Presbyterians, and Islamic Unitarians, etc...and the list goes on. Finally, people become upset with religion altogeter, and become more Secular, Religion will become a big joke, and a one day Services for geriatric old couples in their 90s, while girls an boys will be going to church to chat and socialize, and plan weekend parties. At the end, your Demonic Dream of Democracy will be realized when Gays and Lesbians are ordained as Islamic Protestant Sheikhs in your Islamic Protestant Church who will make everything under the sun Xalaal. Is that what you had in mind O JAY? Nur 2002 Nurtel Lampoons unlimited