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  1. Nur

    Its a Girl!

    An e- Nuri Special Its A Girl! Dedicated to Hooyo. It is a neighborhood in Las Anod, ( Not Las Vegas), Two businesses are respectively run by two women, one buisness is run from a very spacious modern buidling, it is a great store with all kinds of products, across from that store, another business is being run by another woman, but this store is not in a building, the lady has no store, she sells on the street curb, she is ( Warato) or ( Garab Rarato), or a briefcase businesswoman, as we say it here. The Similarities: Two struggling women who are making ends meet for their families. The Difference: One woman has a single daughter overseas supporting her financially, she goes to Xawaaladle at the end of every month to pick up her cheque that accumulated over the years to realize her dream house and business. The other woman, has many sons working overseas, but put together, they are not as good as that single daughter. They seldomly send money to support their mother, as a result the poor lady is on the street trying to support herself. Now, think for a moment, when a baby is delivered, and we say its a girl, shouldnt we all rejoice? Empower Our Women, and Observe their Zeal For Perfection! " Your fathers and your children, you do not comprehend which of them will be more useful to you " Quraan. Nur 2005 e-Nuri Family Vigils The Best Among You, Are The Best To Their Women ( Hadeeth)
  2. Salafia Dawa JZK Yaa akhii, for the Shai and haleeb, I love my Shay with cold Halib on th side,However, unless you live near Highways QEW, Interstate 81, 401, 427, 416, and 417, e-Nuri winter expedition may not be able to join you for tea party, as our convoys cant delve deep into Dixons Countryside Caffe or nearby Tim Hortons, ( Honey curls are my fovorites) given the bad weather in the coming and e-Nuri commitment for the advance of the Nomadic peoples. WOL Thanks for the welcome, outpatient business is inspired by Nomads like yourself, whose profession is for the body like e-Nuri business for the soul. InshaAllah we shalll join forces and exchange notes to capture body, soul and mind of the Nomads in the west. Hodman you ask: "What would you and the other brothers and sisters recommend I do to help him" My take on this is that you keep in touch as much as possible, like what happened to me, the patient will begin to dislike you, and even try to distance himself from you, because Satan has a lock on his comprehension, he will see you as bad, and view his habits as good, a wide gap will develop between you two, so be prepared for a rough ride with that patient, if you show patience, understanding and tolerance in his troubled times, you may be able to save him from his own evil. A single soul saved earns you better than the entire world in value according to hadeeth. Nur
  3. Abraar sis. Thanks for the good feeling walaal, I had the pleasure of being with crowd at this huge Eid gathering in Toronto on Thursday, The international Park, never seen so many Nomads in a western country like that b4, laater great food, and a lotta visits with people who were present when my grand pa was getting married, I listened to stories about my folks, I never knew that if Sayyid Mohammad Abdallah Hassan did not invade a certain village, my grand pa may not have travelled to meet my grand ma, and events would have been different at SOL, so, in a way, Sayyid was a factor in my development, hence that of some SOL viewers. This past Friday, I attended a great Juma prayer at Khalid ibnu Walid Masjid, an overwhelming Somali presence, the young Arab imaam, discussed one of my favorite topics, Money, the story of Qaaruun, and what it does to people, I could not have agreed more. As for food, I was fed very well evrywhere, the festive season is when to put extra pounds to survive the Anarchy in our country, I ate at two restaurants, one run by a family, mom and pop, daughter serving home made pasta with delicious stake, and the other day we ate at this restaurant which was so unique it has the worlds smallest masjid, one person masjid, so in effect you are the imaam and the mamuum at the same time. Nur
  4. WOL and M U H A M M A D Accept my late Eid Mubaarak wishes for you and your loved ones in Allah. I just took a dive in reality during the past few days, took advantage of Ramadan and eid, and a few social gatherings here and there, around Europe and North America, UK is always an axciting experience, one young couple I met in Leicester taught me a lesson on how to memorize Quraan, their method, simply there is no business at night without ( Subcis), so if a spouse needs it bad, she or he has to make sure that the tajweed is right in addition to memorization, but I wonder how a person under the influence can properly use their head? Also I found that Nomads in the Mississauga, Toronto, Ottawa area to be of special breed compared to the Maryland, Virginia, Minnesota, Cincinnati crowd, or greater Chicago area for the same matter, but Florida is a special case, apart from few Doctors the rest are not as active in community work as their northern counterparts, anyway, e-Nuri Winter expedition can knock your door anytime, we are interested in spotting social ailments and we enjoy devising a cure, from Quran and Sunnah of course. If you open your heart, we will insert Love of Allah in it inshAllah. Nur
  5. Disclaimer: For those of you who have elevated me up to Papacy, please be kind to me, I cant handle Sainthood, Papacy is a clean cerimonial job that avoids head-on-collision with controversial issues, I cant handle that title, e-Nuri and company prosper being like tghe same crowd, if not worse at times, I feel relieved to be demoted to a humanlike natural level because of my views, I feel that being stoned for my honest opinion to be far better than to be welcomed in roses for a hypocritical suggestion that begs acceptance, I have never subscribed to conventional wisdom, and I dont plan to, but for the sake of disussion, your criticism should be toward the idea, not toward a character, this is an advice many readers need to heed including myself. Salaams Brothers and Sister I skimmed throu all the responses to the thread, Alhamdulillah, I learned a lot of how readers think, select what to read, then react in so many ways. including but not limited to poisoning the well. First: No single NOMAD, BIG ZERO, refferred to my disapproval of the pracrice , I wrote that I believe that : Faith as the intsrument of controlling carnal desires not surgery, once morality is in place, no intrusion to the private life of any sex is required ONCE MORALITY IS IN PLACE is the catch phrase no one bothered to read. Thus, my thread dealt with a situation, when morality is not in place! so save your breath about Sheikhs-to-the Job slogan. Why do I feel like a writer who suggests that there was no holocaust? Ideas should be brought to the open, discussed with cool heads, emotions should not play into an intellectual discussion, after all we are here trying to solve emotionally driven problems, to slove this problem requires no less than a objective way of approaching the problem, analysing the alternatives, chosing the best course and then volunnteering to implement in our communities. The best response that represented my intention was by Ngonge: I have a feeling that the exaggeration in the way the topic is presented is more to do with the provoking of debate than the holding of such rigid beliefs Indeed, as a response to Rahima asking me if have a solution I wrote: I dont know walaalo, I need ideas from readers, and then we will open an e-Nuri no hussle quick stop Gudid clinic for troubled teens, will use latest technology? ( By the way, I have e gynocologist friend of mine , very devout, he has seen unspeakable cases of teens mutilating themselves with jewelery, how come no one is up in arms to stop that?. That statement echoes my frustration of seeing so many abortion clinics catering to our lil girls in secret without any parental awareness, wherever Nomads live, no question asked, 30 minutes, Domino Pizza dead baby delivery or your money is back guarantee service , the sheikhs in community repeat the mantra that FGM is bad, OK its bad, but what about the cold blooded murder that is going on day in and day out? by the time I finish this paragaraph another teen is getting pregnant, what about the agony, pain of delivery, and yes, the normal delivery cutting up she has to endure at an early age? I am not a Gynochologist, but I have conferred with one about this topic, its not how unspeakable FGM is, thats my issue, its how unspeakable silent screams around abortion clinics that is going on that seems no one cares about, and if anyone has an alternative to Gudidda, that can solve the disheartening problem in our community, then by all means I am for it, I take no pleasure in inflicting pain and dismemberment on others, neither do I accept others to kill an unborn just because they are driven by uncontrollable lust in a sexually libereated society. For those who think that it is disgusting to talk about this topic, believe me, its helping many Nomads too shy to discuss this topic in public , we live in a time an age when xishood is dangerous, so bear with me: In the Hadeeth Science ( Cilmul Xadeeth ) one way of disqualifying a narrator 's credibility as acceptable is if he has a character of GHAFLATUL SAALIXIIN meaning the ignorance of the saintly, the Sheikh being out of synch with what is going around him of evil. I have a track record of addressing this problems to the core and introducing many solutions, such as the Halaal Boyfriend/Girlfriend concept on Snet years ago, why, because of the same problem, it was amusing for many readers, but for many young adults, it was literally life and death ( of the unborn) like we say, bisadina waa ka ciyaar, jiirna wa ka naf. Many Nomads would be surprised to know that FGM is not always something parents do it to their kids, teens are increasingly doing it to themselves by CHOICE, hanging jewelery on their genitals and even more disgusting than that. Abortion as business as usual is not being address by this crowd which was half of the issue on thread, everyone is rallying behind the so called FGM, actually, I never recognize that politically motivated name, malpractice exists in all operations, a minor one was done on me once, but to use that pretext to breakdown entire cultures in order to create some sort of sisterhood between devout Muslim sisters and feminists, is a novel way of containing the Islamic womens renaisssanse, not everyone who poops on you is your enemy, and not everone who gets you out of poop is your friend, as a male i was also genitaly mutilated in a sense, I had no choice, because my parents decided my second day that i will be done, and I was, I am thankful they did, but how about if I was hurt in the process? it would have been a malpractice, as for women, if a young woman can limit pressure on herself by doing such a surgery, then that should be her choice too, the problems is when a dependent plays with fire right in front of her parents eyes, Now, is all the hoobla by international organizations that sponsor ligimacy for prostitution like the (ILO) International Labor organization about FGM a (Kalimutu Xaqin Uraada Bihaa Baatil) A Right Word with Malicious Intentions behind it? You are the judge In Conclusion, Gudidda as done in Somalia should be banned, no girl should go through that life threatening ritual, if on the other hand a consensus is reached by a competent Medical Professionals and Religious Scholars of the safety of a Sunnah compliant Gudid surgery, that will help a minor cope with sexual pressure without compromising her marital sentiments, then I am emboldened more than ever to say that I am all for it, and I stand by my statement until proven wrong. This will be my last post in Ramadan, i will be away from cyberspace remainder of the month, inshallaah will catch up when I come back. Love and Peace Nur
  6. Sheherezad sis For illustration purpose only, consider yourself once as the Somali Community activist for Social affairs in UK, You get an alarming report that in a UK City, Somali teens have the highest teen pregnancy of all immigrant groups. You analyze the reason, here you come up with the following: 1. Parents are not raising the kids well 2. Public School system a negative influence 3. Streets and neighborhood are very bad influence 4. Poverty, kids would do anything to buy what they like. and so on Now, stats show that every year the number of these teen Pregnancies is on the increase, more girls are having abortions and scars for life. The Problems; Somali Teens Pregnancies The Risk: Health, Emotional Scars For ever, Social instability The Impact: Drop out of School, Loss of self respect, prostitution, drugs and death Positive part: they have their unsatiable sexual desires in tact, The options: Sex Education: Not effective, been taught, but no results Abstinance: Impossible in light of temptations Send e-Nuri and Wadaads to tghe task, Not enough time Lock them up: Not allowed. Beat them: Not allowed So, you stumble on a weird idea, Gudid , you weigh against impact above, Cricumsicion Risk Loss of part or whole of an organ Possible Impact: Loss of all or some sexual sentiment. Good side: kids grow up and complete education, get married and become mothers. Now, as an activist armed with these facts, if you have to choose one of the two options, which of these bad options would you choose and why? Note: Shahre Zaad This is the month of Ramadan, the month of fuel for faith and soul, so your name takes on a new meaning Shar and Zaad, the month of Fuel, by the way sis, I never thought you have nothing but a noble intentions. Nur
  7. Shehersad sis Never hush up an idea, open disussions and respect of others point of view is conducive to finding a solution, I dont have a solution, just an idea that could prove to be either right or wrong, taken all assumptions to account, and I hold nothing holly other than the word of Allah. Now, disliking something is not a reason for it to be wrong, here I have clearly presented the background of the problem like a building, consider the background, the requirement and the problem we are facing, do not just dismiss an idea just because it is conventiomnal wisdom, check its merits, weigh the assumptions, look at the impoact of the case of " As is " and the case after the solution is applied, which one has the worst impact? the best impact? Again, I said that in the science of Muwaazanaat in Islam, at time a xaraam becomes a xalaal, if two xaraams are a must to be faced, in our situation we have two grievous situations, please provide a solution that works and I will take my word back with highest respect, the teen boys dont get pregnant, the girl does, then she does abortion, but still, that does not mean we cant think of a way to limit boys activity, I am sure that we can find a solution that is opposite effect to Viagra, to make them monks, and if you insist, I am also for chopping of penises if it can save abortion as a lesser evil. Nur
  8. Rahima sis You write: No I mean as in you don’t think that FGM will stop promiscuity do you? No, walaalo, I dont think, I hope you are connecting all the assumptions into your question, the only solution is an islamic system in place, but when that system is absent, and parents are facing a potentially self destructing teen in an environment that is encourageing promiscuity 24/7, when parents are not footing responsibility, then and only then does it come to choices, just like how we cut limbs so desease does not eat away on healthy tissues, again, its not a solution, just salvaging what is left, picking up the pieces if you will. You write: And um, assuming that we play fiddle to your claim here, how can you determine what a girl will become? It is easy, you can tell it when her actions show that no moral barrier exists between her and potential satanic steps, I am sure you would recognize trouble signals, I bet you were right 10/10 times You write: So you are basically calling for the mutilating of a poor innocent child in the event that she sins in the future? No, walaal, not the innocent girls, i mean the deviant teen only, you have to fix them like cats if they use their private organs for thinking instead of their heads, instead of draging a costlier problems home. You write: Please and with all due respect, explain to me how that works. Confusion is an understatement. Rahima you made me Smile big wallahi I dont know walaalo, I need ideas from readers, and then we will open an e-Nuri no hussle quick stop Gudid clinic for troubled teens, will use latest technology? ( By the way, I have e gynocologist friend of mine , very devout, he has seen unspeakable cases of teens mutilating themselves with jewelery, how come no one is up in arms to stop that?. Nur
  9. Rahima sis Unless it hits close to home, you will not think about the unthinkable, its all about choices, and they are not always pleasant. Nur
  10. Wetstern Somali Geel Jirto When a system is balanced, all pieces fall in place, when that system goes awry, a single part casues an avalanche of mishaps that trigger a non ending road to misery. Islam, ( surrender to Allah willingly) has brought a complete system for humanity, each time humans tampered with that system, a mishap took place. One of the most error prone subsystems in human experience in life is the sexuality, a proper guidance of this system leads to fewer problems, a joy ride leads to disasters, and as Somalis, for centuries we solved our problems in light of our Cag bakayle culture, in which islam was not an intergral part of our life, just a marginal player. As a complete system, Islam first demarcated roles for the sexes, laid down the mission of being on earth as the sole purpose of worship of Allah, women being the complementary counterparts for men ( Saaxibatuhu, Companion, not sex slave), faith as the intsrument of controlling carnal desires not surgery, once morality is in place, no intrusion to the private life of any sex is required, after all, Allah is the best protector ( Wa Allahu kheiru haafidan) But what happens when the system brakes down? The devine system is no longer in effect almost anywhere on the globe as designed by the maker as it was designed to protect human weakness, and presto, anatomy kicks in full gear. " Nur, my friends 14 year old daughter is pregnant, this Jamaican teen is worthless, a drop out, now what should I do Nur? does Islam permit abortion"? an actual phone call. Are you going to kill the unborn for the crime of your daughter? what a justice,(In Christiany we have a God who kills his only son so he can forgive sinners, here we have somoene who wants to kill an innocent unborn for the crime of her deviant teen girl), and if you are not capable instilling Islamic values in your daughter, wouldnt it be better to send heroff to kurtunwaarrey (ood ku soo gudid) to reduce her appetite? after all, both choices are bad and unIslamic, but, the lesser evil is (in la gudo)? OK, I am not suggesting this as a practice, but a its a better choice than coat hangers, or loss of faith and a teen running to the streets after an abortion to become " Cheap n Clean" street worker. How many other kids have we lost to haggling over how to best face this issue, while kids are fighting hormones ( I think they get it from Kentucky Fried Chicken growth hormones) in an omnipresense of sexual advertisments all over the place? From ancients such as the Pharoahs of Egypt, female circumsition was seen as a way of controlling female sexual drives, the europeans used to have chastity belts, the assumption was by taking away part of her sensuality, she would easily fend off advances of men, men were not seen as the culprits, just women. However, when it comes the trade offs, one must seriously consider the unthinkable ( at least for foreign raised geel Jirto) that (Gudidda), at times may be preferable to serious aftermaths such as a runaway kid and abortion, just see your own mom, she is likely (waa la guday) and she brought you up the way you are, thats is the worse case and i do not condone the practice when we have a working system, unfortunately, we dont, thus the need to prioritize options, to select the best of the worst of two choices. Nur
  11. Nur

    Bikini Vs Burka

    As a male business developer, who periodically hires female business professionals for different positions, I see a lot of dignity in these women as they seek work, as I sit to interview them against the positions they seek, I see that they are very worried about being denied the positions they are well qualified for, due to their looks, as i talk about what we expect from her, I can see her posture changing immediately, from someone selling her looks, to someone selling her skills, the professional side of these women and their dignity surfaces with confidence, some have sighed reliefe after hearing my reassuring words that they are in safe hands, few of them are so happy that the pressure to show off their bodies is no longer a company policy, productivity is, so not compromising on her dignity. If women on wall street know that the shape of their bodies or the color of their lipstick was not a factor of being hired, how many of them would dress so revealingly disgusting? Nur
  12. Its sad they had to shut down the Al Haramain Foundation and many other Muslim foudnations who did monumental charity work the past 13 years in Somalia with the terrorist pretext, just to let Christian missionarues replace them to come as kind and loving angels so our kids admire Christianity and despise islam, its sad that we are not volunteering ourselves to do thaat work, if we admire this woman, we should show it by volunteering to work with the kids ourselves, after all they are ours, should someone from Australia care for our own kids? Nur
  13. Shams bro. Yes indeed, its al about bargaining, good bargains and bad, some sell their futures for cheap by cashing it cheaply today, selling their akhira off. But as we know, we are bargaining with Allah all the time, for those who have iman, Allah offers to buy their souls and wealth in exchange of Jannah, which means once we accept on Allahs offer, we should deliver the goods ( soul and wealth) without hesitation, if we hesitate, the terms of the deal is changed frrom sale to a loan, let us read the verses: " Allah has purchased from the believers their souls and their wealth in exchange of jannah" " Is there anyone who would loan Allah a goodwill loan ( esay terms), so allah will pay back that loan mnay times over"? Nur
  14. Roob sis. Alhamdulillah, wallahi I should be crying for not crying, lately my heart isnot as soft as it used to be, I am just too much involved in Dunyaa work, which erodes the sentiments, I pray Allah protects me from the evil of my soul and my bad deeds, Amin Nur
  15. Brother M u h a m m a d MashAllah, all of what you have listed are requirements for the trip, they are only fifty percent of requirements ( Deen) in the old west it used to be " Have Gun Will Travel" In the new west, e- Nuri has changed this adage to be " Have Geel Jirto Will Travel" The Prophet SAWS said that marriage is half the Deen, thus finding a Geel Jirto should be a high priority for Geel jireyaasha on this Baraak, I used to think that there was a shorage of Geel Jireyaal men, but lately I am seeing cases of good geeljireyaal men who cant find good Geel jirto women. I am attending a marriage of such a brother soon, he had hard time finding one, and this guy, is so kind he is willing to serve his wife breakfast in bed, I hope the sister takes good care of him, i know of few like him in the geeljire community. Nur
  16. Abdul Latif Bro. You ask " For whatever reasson, GEELJIRTadii ima soo gaarin ilaa hada, see wax ujiraan sxb mise rag layskuma haleeyee dhanka dirawalka ayaa layga soo galey? yaah Saaxib (lol) Our Camel Chafeurs are very reliable, they will never think about intercepting your passes to your potential Geel jirto companion, e-Nuri Matrimonial services are in the design phase, if you are interested we can put you as the first bachelor seeking to find a geel Jirto campanion to paradise. Nur
  17. Ramadan Kareem From e-Nuri and Friends For new Nomads From e-Nuri Archives An Invitation For A Great Party, Respond For Directions! That is right! For a select few For a limited time! Yes, you are one of the special invitees! If for a long time you were all dressed up and had no where to go, Do I have some great news for you, please dont be a no show. This is a true party and reception at a special mansion, and if you respond early, it may the best advertisement you've ever responded to, so confirm by showing your interest on this thread, and inshAllah you will make it if you follow directions well. After receiving enough responses on this thread, inshaAllah, I will give you direction to the location of the party and reception, so invite as many family and friends as you can, they will thank you for this. Question: Read Nur backwards in Somali, what do you get? RUN in Somali ( TRUTH) This is a TRUE offer, it is no joke, try me! For Those Who Responded: Congratulations! You've just accepted an invitation from Allah SWT, your creator, to come to his house, for a party and the surprise of your life, ever!. Now that you know who is the host of this party, Allah SWT, I feel honored so many Nomads have taken me for serious when indeed the way I presented this thread was rather a contemporary setting of a worldly party, many of you who, in the course of your lives are invited to parties, may be leery accepting any RSVP, but because it was from one of your veteran Nomads here on SOL, you have accepted, some of you with a big heart, some so excited that they could not wait the posting of the thread, and others, who playfully represent the Devil, literally turned down the invitation because, her Mother would not allow her to attend the party, ironically, Allah SWT says in the Quraan about those who turn down this offer that their mother is indeed Haawiyah, Hell fire ( May Allah protect us all from Hell and the advocacy of Satan ). Another category of Nomads turned down on the pretext of assumption that its a boys night party, while many other dear Nomads who I wished to respond did not, knowing how great this party is going to be, I hope they don't miss the real party that I am going to post. The Invitation: Allah SWT says " Wallaahu yadcuu ilaa Dar es Salaam, wa yahdii man yashaa ilaa siraatin mustaqeem " " And Allah is inviting (you) to Dar Es Salaaam, and ( Allah SWT) guides who He wishes, to a path that is straight( toward the Dar Es Salaam)." " Dar " in the Arabic language means a House, Palace, Mansion, Villa etc. Salaam , meaning Eternal Peace, one of the ninety nine (Asmaa ul Husnaa) names of Allah SWT, the source of peace as we usually hymn His praise after our daily prayers: " Allahumma Anta As Salaam, wa minka As Salaam " , meaning : " O Allah, You are the (essence) of Peace, and you are the source of all of Peace ", so by responding to the RSVP of Allah SWT, inshaAllah, in the day of judgement when you finally approach paradise, it will be said to you " Udkhuluuhaa bi Salaamin aaminiin " " Enter (Paradise ) peacefully " I have read this verse in Suurah Younis many a time, but like a short wave Radio, I have never tuned my focus so sharply on this verse like I did past couple of weeks. When I read " Allah SWT is inviting (me) to Home of Peace, His House , I was really touched in a very special way, when I drove away from the Masjid, the only thing in my head was the RSVP, poor insignificant me!, I am invited to Allah's mansion, for an eternal party, with plenty of food, drinks and permanent youth and beautiful women, ( gorgeous men for the sisters, like new me , no kidding ), I was in my vehicle, tears started flowing on my cheeks, so much so that I had to pull over to finish crying, what a soothing effect did I get afterwards, Wallahi, I felt reborn again, once more with a solid mission to do good on earth, to dedicate my life to serve Allah SWT by doing what he values most in people, helping others to help themselves, feeding of the poor, educating the ignorant, advocating for, and consoling the oppressed, The Quraan, holds many treasures sprinkled on the pages we read that we may not be looking deeper, this verse, has fundamentally rearranged my priorities in life, and hence the preparations for meeting my maker, literally, accepting on His offer by meeting the requirements set in Quraan and Sunnah. Requirements that form the bulk of the "Pursuit of Happiness" ceneter piece of American Constitution, so Nomad readers who reside in The USA can finally say with pride that following Islam as a way of life is protected by the American Constitution, since its goal is the pursuit of happiness, and you never thought Pursuit of happiness was an Islamic thing? ...many people chase elusive happiness in their lifetime, but only few will attain the real thing, and I assure you, it is not going to be in their lifetime. It was reported by Abu Hureirah May Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah said " Those who enter paradise will enjoy and never will they be miserable, they will live forever and never will they die, their garments will never wear out and theirs will be an everlasting youth " Nomad brothers and sisters, isn't an honorable gesture from Allah SWT, to invite you to his house, the Jannah, Paradise? , and because you have responded to his RSVP, you are short listed and specially chosen to receive the road map that will guide you to get to the Party in Jannah. So Congratulations, Brothers and sisters in faith. Allah gives you the good news and says to you: " Lilladiina istajaabuu li Rabbihumul Xusnaa " As for those who have responded (positively) to their Lords ( RSVP), their ( Reward) is the Husnaa (the Party in Paradise )" Engineers measure performance to test response times of systems they design, how fast does a system respond to an stimulus, the above verse, specifically deals with the testing of the response time of humans to their Maker's RSVP, because it is within the frame of our life time that we have to respond to the heavenly stimulus. The second measure engineers measure is the quality of that response, and I can not put it in a better way than the following verse: " Lilladiina axsanul Xusnaa, wa ziyaadah " As for those who've performed well (under difficult conditions, as a response to please) their Lord , their (reward) is Husnaa ( Paradise) and some extra ( surprise)" It is not only about what we know, it is not only about what we do, but it is also about the results we achieve with the last two, that really counts at the end of this life's journey. Can you guess the surprise in store for you? when Allah SWT invites you to his house and amazingly you beat the odds and show up, you definitely deserve a great hospitality treat, for all that "gimme -a -break!" you used to yell while on earth, here is a big break! of food , drinks, and the greatest of all joys, yours will be a splendid face and sparkling eyes glued on the sight of their Magnificent Lord: " Wujuuhun yawma idin naadwirah, ilaa Rabbihaa naadhirah " What a joy! And you thought that no one cares about you? how wrong were you all along, well, if you could only imagine how much Allah SWT has honored you, and is willing to guide you! whenever you take a step His way, he takes two steps toward you, when you walk toward Him, he runs to you, and if you are bearing the weight of a Gorilla the size of Planet earth in sins and mischief on your back, and you come to Allah SWT resolute to start it all over again, Allah approaches you with the weight of Planet earth in forgiveness, try Him! now that is some good news innit? When Allah SWT ordered Abraham to invite mankind to visit his house in Makkah as pilgrimage, It was Allah's way of sending you an RSVP to His house , Paradise, to see who will respond and say " Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik " here I am O Allah, Here I am " as a response to his invitation. When the Muezzin calls for prayer, saying " Hayyah Alal Falaah " "come respond to success" you are responding to Allah's eternal invitation and RSVP to paradise and Allah will say to you: " Fad khulii fii cibaadii wad khulii Jannatii " " Come join the ranks of those who worship Me, come enter My Paradise " In the course of our daily routine, the opportunity to respond to Allah SWT presents itself in a concealed way, the trick is to always be on the lookout and be aware that you are under a test to see if you can collect as many points to qualify for the party. " Wa an leysa lil insaani maa sacaa, wa anna sacyahu sowfa yuraa " Meaning, " man does not have in store in the herafter save the efforts he had earned " Whenever you notice the need of an orphaned relative or a hungry destitute, to respond to their need is to approach and overcome obstacles and hurdles that are on your way to the party in Jannah, are you in good shape for that feat? keeping your cool whenever someone gets on your nerves with a sordid comment, is another way to collect valuable points to attend the party, persuading your enemy to be on your side by behaving with a divine character of tolerance and forgiveness. Because time is valuable and life is short, you have to focus on doing what benefits you most, and according to the Hadith, Allah SWT loves those who care for and benefit other creatures, so what are you waiting for, you can benefit humans by helping save them from Hellfire through wise discussions, you can also help them by feeding them or you can help them by seizing your evil intentions toward them, as for other creatures like animals, be humane, because it can save you from Hell fire, a biblical story confirmed by the Sunnah says that a prostitute was saved from hell by giving water to a thirsty dog. This party however, is exclusively for those who categorically refused to respond to Satan's party on earth in which Satan promised happiness, prosperity and longevity for his allies and friends. You can not have it both ways, you need to make your mind early. This party is not for those who had previously responded to Satan's RSVP and to whom he will disown in the day of judgment, saying to to them : " Allah SWT promised you and delivered against it, while I also promised you but failed to deliver on my promise, I had no power over you except for your willful confirmation to follow me when I invited you ( to disobey Allah SWT) , so blame me not, but blame yourselves, don't come running onto me for help, because I am not coming running onto you for help" Quraan. Satan's party is short-lived, even if takes a lifetime, the result is always a painful stand in front of your maker to answer for your deeds, Satan packages the glitter of this present life as his party, but life on earth with all its attractions is like a short lived mirage in which we feel that we are in control when in essence, we are not, it is mankind's inherent nature to be aggressive when he feels self sufficient, Allah SWT says in the same Surah Younis: " The likeness of the (appeal) of life on earth is like a rainfall we've poured down from the sky, to grow plants on the ground, in order to feed livestock and hence people ( as the food chain), up until ( the intensity of rainfall makes) earth show its treasures and beauties at which point its caretakers firmly come to believe that they are in full control, (suddenly) our decree is passed( for its destruction) thus we turn (mankind's possession and efforts) to pieces as if it has not been there yesterday, thus we clarify for folks who soberly reflect " Next Attractions The first to make it to Paradise The Reception and Gates of Paradise The VIP Guests Description of paradise .....and More 2004 e-Nuri Softwano Series e-Nuri Imaginative Essays
  18. Nomads This is Ramadan, Lets think about the good place known as Jannaatul Khuld, Everlasting Garden of Eden. I am sure that we all have our yearning to visit good places on earth if we can afford, in my case I dream of visiting more Asian rain forests like Malaysia and Indonesia, once in Southeast Asia, I was taken breathless at the scenery fo a botanical garden on a high altitude forest, what a scene, Subxaanallah, it was awsome, the more I looked, the more i remembered what Paradise could be like. Anyway, share your thoughts about Paradise. Nur
  19. Shams, Muhammad and Duci-Qabe bros. Check this investment offer out: Investors with following assets: " 1. Inna ladeena yatloona kitaaba Allahi; 2. Wa aqaamu Salaata; 3. Wa Anfaquu mimmaa razaqnaahum, A. sirran wa B. calaaniyatan; Are Promised a Zero Risk Portfolio: Yarjuuna Tijaaratan, lan tabuur; First Their Principal plus earnings are paid in Full Li yuwaffiyahum ujuuraham; Then, an extra surprise divident is thrown in as a jesture of customer loyalty program: Wa Yaziidahum min fadlih; Becuase: The Investment Opportunity is offered and backed by a : Innahu Ghafuurun Shakuur " Nur
  20. Bashi Bro. I like NN for his ability to think and question, I like the OB for his logical wisdom, a healthy discussion indeed. " OB says: ive and let others live I like that. And No it's not that complicated. But if you think about it there is something unsettling in all of this...u see the question live according to whose laws begs the question. For instance, here in the states it's illegal to have a sip of Budweiser if u r under 21. Just across the border they let u drain a pack of Miller down in ur throat if u r 19 yrs old! Apparently u r not free to fancy whatever u wanna do. What u make of these limitations imposed on society by different authorities?" Thats right, its all about Soverignty, whose law one abides and is bound to be held responsible? the temporal or the Eternal? Nur
  21. Brothers Shams and Muhammad What an exciting discussion, I am only afraid that Nomads with no Quraan to refer to will feel left out, for an example, please refer the reference as Quraan 4: 12, lets allow more Nomads to catch the train. Speaking of the Duallar currency, I cant imagine that so many Nomads are so poor that they dont have enough Duallars to go around, a currenct that doubles each time that you make a transaction, ( Malaika says: Wa lakal mithl), the more it circulates in the comuunity, the happier, try donating a Duallar to a person you dislike, Bingo! you gain your sanity back and begin looking matters in a different ways. Well, Muhammad bro. My best bet for investment of the Duallars in this bull market season is in Real Estate, imagine buying your dream house for a small installment, you can also buy an Initial Public Offering in e-Nuri Enterprises, e-Nuri allows you to trade on line 24/7 , 365 days from home, school or work, all you need is an ikhlaas certificate to subscribe. Nur
  22. Johnny B. This invitation is trigerred by your words addressed to Sister Ukhti Muslimah : our comprehension of the ethical, logical, rational, and sensual fallibility of your source is beyond your initial impression These words of yours were a response to Sister Ukhti's expression of doubt on a hadeeth that describes the dwellors of hell as being mostly women. Your objection here could be that you: 1. Either belive in Allah or you dont, if this is the case, the discussion takes on a different path. If you, then read on. 2. You believe in Allah but you have doubts on his judgements 3. You believe in Allah, you trust His judgements but you dont believe in Prophet Muhammad 4. You believe in Allah you trust His judgements, you also belive in Prophet Muhammad but you doubt on his judgements 5. You believe in Allah, you trust His judgements, you aslo believe in Prophet Muhammad and you trust also trust his judgements but you doubt the autheticity of the Hadeeths , specially those with implicit inequality between men and women. Once your position on this issue is clear, it is going to be a pleasant discussion and very informative, rest assured that no stone will be left unturned to find the truth. Nur
  23. Shams bro. You write: Did you read the initial guarantee in section (9:115) of the rules and regulations pardoning us from becoming persona non-grada before the ingredients are fully made clear to us? A manager did come however (and how customer friendly was he (9:128)), he showed us detailed lists explaining the sections (10:1) and (10:9), I’m sure you guys were very impressed with him too! But does it mean that our initial immunity is now lifted? The 9:115 caught my attention, couldnt even go past it, here is some good food that goes with that Digs (41: 14-18) pay special attention to three groups mentioned here, the Super, the good , the bad and the really ugly, but they are not in sequence, its starts with the ugly, followed by the bad, and ends with the good. Nur
  24. Shams bro I need to look up tghe Quraan and come back, but till then, the digsi is making me salivate for tatsy food, although I am not fond of Swiss German cuisine. Nur
  25. Muhammadl Allaha kaa aqbalo ducadaa wanaagsan eed ii duceysay, wallahi, ma jiro farxad ka weyn walaal iisoo duceeyay, waa bishaaro, waana hanti weyn, ducada walaalha waa la aqbalaa, Allah waxaan kaaga baryey, inuu nagu wada kulmiyo jannooyinkiisa, kana yeelo nolosheenna mid Allah uu raalli ka yahay. Geeljireyaasha Waa bartilmaameed kale, bisha Ramadaan, annagoo ku taagan dariiqa Allah, waxaan is xasuusineynaa in Allah la xasuusto oo dunida hammigeeda inusan na shuqlinin. Nur