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Calypso Thanks walaalo, me not hollier than thou either, my strength is in my weakness, Allah is perfect, we should strive for best. Xoogsade You write: Curling, I am practically unable to handle more than one Speaking from a purely economics point of view, does the law of supply and demand has any effect in your specific case? Just a light hearted thought, ( I Hate Smileys, but I am smiling) Nur
e-Nuri Market Research Drive: A Test Product For Men Only Page. If you are a woman, by clicking on this page, it raises questions about what you say about men, that men dont listen, instead, you are a clear proof that women dont listen either Now, Saaxiib I want to make a survey of the wandering eye of men around public space, malls, Uni, Reer Qansax gathering etc. 1. How many looks-per-minute is your average? 2. Do you enjoy looking at women often? be honest here. 3. When on bird watching spree, What part of the female contour do you focus on mostly? and why? 4. Ok, as a result of these stray looks, when levels of hormones shoot up, usually marking that you are biologically ready for mating although morally and financially you are not, what does the girl watching do for you? does it help or is a torture? 5. Any guilt while at it? or after the fact? 6. Are you awrare that every look after the first, is increasing your derailment risks? I mean to a bottomless pit of possibilities. 7. Ok, she looks back at you, what next? do you smile? are you aware that the COP ( Constables On Patrol are watching) I mean , angels? all those speeding tickets have to be paid one day somehow, unless you are making a lotta istighfar, you are in deep trouble saaxib, I am sure you know better saaxib, but in case you are ambivilant, in case you are caught red handed, how do you plan to setttle these violations? whats your plan B.? More to come from e-Nuri Product Development and Research Department. Special private cases, please PM Nur, annonymity guaranteed, you will recieve your total solution product in total privacy. Will Accept interest free VISA or Mastercard. 2005 e-Nuri Product Development and Research. Camel Milk and Male impotency Research Labs 1002 Waxaratuur Expressway, Kurtunwaarrey, Somalia
Castro Topic on a tail spin, spawning so many other subtopics, so little time to respond to them all. Two quick ones for you: It was reported that the Messenger of Allah SAWS said, " A Muslim may steal, A Muslim may fornicate, A MUSLIM NEVER LIES." A Lie is a deep character distrurbance, according to another Hadeeth, it leads to KUFR if not treated with Tawheed checklist, available on other fine SOL pages by e-Nuri Associates and other e-Dawa topics. at Islam pages. You ask about womens attraction to hunks, you write: Any of our resident Islamic scholars want to tackle this? Me, not a scholar yet ( but working toward it inshalllah), I share the follwoing story that took place in a very conservative Muslim country where moral police roam public space to admonish women not to display their beauties in public inorder no to test the wandering eys of deprived males. The scenario: The Morals Police : Lady, please cover up, you are testing mens self control, its haraam to dress this way" Woman: Dear Sheikh, I find you very attractive, you are so captivating, never met a Sheikh this handsome before say, where..., " ooops, Moral police, runs away for his own safety from fitna!. The moral of the story, Fitna, goes both ways, men can attract women, and women can attract men, either of them is asked to be modest and not to tempt the other, Prophet Yusuf ( Joseph) was an example of an exremely handsome male who caused women cut their fingers off in awe with their dinner knives, after seeing him pass. Also, during Omar Ibnul Khattab the Khalifa's time, there was this extremely handsome kid who was the talk of all the towns girls, when the story reached Omar, the Khalifa afraid for the girls, ordered the boys hair to be shaved, , word came back that the kid looks even more attractive and more dangerous to the girls mental well being, the Khalifa ordered the man repatriated as not to cause problems to Muslim women, The man was not Musilm from the best of my recollection. Nur
e-Nuri Imaginative Renditions Everyone has a fantasy, Some are wild Some are funny, yet; Some are quite deep. Here are the three fantasies of The Khalifah Omar Ibn Ul Khattab ( RAA). He Said: 1. If I was not busy working in the cause of Allah 2. If I Was not busy putting my forehead on the ground in prayer, for Allah, or 3. If I was not busy chatting with a group of friends who select the best of words in their discussions, as one selects the best of ( sweet palm) dates (Timir ) in a tray, If that was not the case; I would have rather joined my maker ( Allah). What are your wishes today? Nur 2005 e-Nuri Softwano Series Dragging Nomads To Paradise in Chains (Fiber and Wireless)
Duco Qabe ands JB If that is the case, ( that the same regimen can be served at the Womens pages ), then why have a women's page to begin with? my suggestion in that case would be SOCIAL ISSUES, lets do away with the genders as Topics, that is my Dollar worth of opinion ( the days of two cents postage stamps sent to the opinion section of papers are long gone, postage stamps are far more expensive these days, and so are the price of issues) Nur
Calypso Good analyses, if i did not hear it from the owner of the problem in person and know the entire background, I would have also thought along the same line, the situation is real, and due to the sensitivity of it I have left you more in the dark, its true, a problem of this type needs more subtle details, but at a price, its a paradigm, if it is detailed enough, the Faarax will not be ananymous anymore, the problem may worsen in another non intended dimension, if left the way it is, then, I may be the only human other than those involved who has mapped all the angles, and honestly the reason I posted the problem with many missing parts was to explore if some Nomad can hit the right answer by mistake, and few of you did get really close, like the Somali Paradigm goes " Maankeygee gaddayee, ma masaar bey liqday" For the sake of privacy, I have simplified a lot to the point that it may appear as a discrepency if scrutenized deeply, but I have never created a non exisitent situation to camouflage the personalities. The love thing may have been after the fact , but I will ask again inshaAllah, because the order makes a big difference, the problem is the kind of (you did that, so I did this), so each party is equally a part of the problem, then the new love equation kicks in the already tense situation, somehow a new option is available to faarax and less for Halimo 1, now we have a Faarax who like you said wants to have his cake and eat it too, we are asking how can he do that? by the way the only way the kids will disappear from this scenario is if they die, God forbid , I am sure that such was not your intention, further, the other possible interpretation of your sarcasm, I am sure that you are giving me the benefit of the doubt, that I am not wasting your valuable time with a lie, why would I? Fornication is a lesser sin then a lie according to a hadeeth by our Messenger Muhammad SAWS. Nur
Mini, WOL and P4F This was an e-Nuri Marketing Dept message, Sorry, my intention was to depict a blank page as an indirect admission of e-Nuri ignorance of the Geel Jirtos on SOL, as I am now a beginner in learning a lot about their attitudes, inshAllah, the more I learn, the more products that we shall market for this segment. The best is yet to come, back to the drawing boards. Nur
Abraar sis and Mohammed Thanks for the interest, Directors are worried that the interest level of this upcoming epic may not be cash positive as expected, so far, very few hits are counted, but the production costs are too high these days and we are low on resources, any idea to warrant speeding up the production to against other more lucrative productions going elswehere? Nur
Looks like the idea is catching on some wild fires. From my understanding, in terms of numbers, women are a majority all over the place, in terms of quality, they seem wiser and more reasonable then most men, explanation is that anarchy and displacement has taken its toll more on men then women, leaving behind brilliant women and deranged men, for that reason, a Men's section will help the men, and I like the idea of the hormonal sex sensing keypads to authenticate and allow males and reject females so men can talk comfortably. Exclussive Issues Men can discuss on a Men's section: From e-Nuri Social Workers Shortlist: 1. For first time marriage hopefuls, or second run of the mill; Which Halimo will best match my personality? A Kurtunwaarrey girl, or e Geel Jirto from Fort Lauderdale? 2. Interpreting Halimo's objections for marriage proposals. 3. Sharing success stories on relationships, or how to save a rocky relationship. 4. What NOT to do on your wedding night. 5. Free advice when cornered by a tigress ( Call 1 800 mens shelter ) 6. What men like and dont like about women's behaviour, faith, dress, scents, shopping habits, social events, and interests. 7. Women as critical readers, men as open books, How to avoid beeing read ( facial and body language ) like a Novel, proven methods to camouflage your next move. 8. Negative Eefects of Qat, Alcohol, Smoking and other narcotics on manhood and why making dhiker on a brisk ten Km/ day run along CreditView under snow, beats Xabbat Sawda and Viagra combined, keeping you calm when under fire by any Halimo, sister, mother, wife, ayeeyo etc. 9. How a man can be of great help around the house while at same time seeing more of his family to maintain sanity. 10. Dreaded Divorce, Child Custody or child support cases. 11. Polygamy, releasing dangerous pressure, as a positive step toward fixing a punctured realationship, how to maintain 2 wives and a sound mind economically, as a prerequisite for National leadership in upcoming Somali Anarchist Government elections in Jawhar. Those were my quick thoughts today, please add to the list. As for the Business section: It may be true, SOL may lack the viewer mix to make this page viable. Therefore, e-Nuri Business Asssociates should go to other forums for networking. Nur
An idea I had for a while was also echoed by a Sister Moderator on this forum, why not have a MEN's forum? We can have men discuss mens issues on our Froum and women can be our guests, just like how we are their guest on theirs. e-Nuri will be happy to contribute the first topic Titled: Battered Men Support Group And while I am at it, how about another page for BUSINESS in which business minded SOLers can exchange valuable tips on business opportunities in their respective turfs? Nur
WOL Great advice, he needs to pray, best advice so far, and possibly the only one in his case. Rahima you write: Whatever advice you tell this Farax, be sure to give him an ear full about lowering his gaze and not mixing too much with the opposite sex e-Nuri Social scientists have identified this problem, we are working on a new piece that addressed uncontrolled gaze, its impact, repercussions. Women, specially the noon Muslims and Non Hijabis are not helping either, and your regular Faaraxs cant keep their gaze down more than 5 seconds, a monumental challenge that calls for no less than unleashing e-Nuri researchers creative solutions, soon to be posted inshAllah time permitting as I am juggling multiple projects that if I succed, will allow me to work fulltime for SOLWEIN ( SOL Somaliwein), Duaa 4 Tawfiiqallah is requested. Nur
Gacalo walaal The Story is real, I am the advisor not the lovelorn victim here, may be you did not read passage well, please read again to see that the letter is addressed to Nur, and that Nur is advising the Faarax, I assure you that I dont have this problem myself. Castro How about a fishing trip with buddies during the lady's week off? Details of the Faarax Faarax is extremely good person and loyal to his wife, the relationship hit a rock after a problem surfaced between them that its impossible to solve and can not be shared on this forum, Faarax believes he can solve that problem by the next marriage if the Halimo 1, agrees, which she does not, Halimo 1 is more concerned about herself although she aknowledges that she is part of the problem, the price of Divorce with Halimo 1 is very high, and is real risk if Faarax takes the step, Farax is emotionally at a point of no return, the stakes are quite high as the new love is intrasigent also for a polygamous relationship, kids are also pawns for this emotional Disneyland, a divorce will expose the kids to a multiple risks, staying together unhappy for the sake of kids alone is taxing to Faraxs and Halimos mental health. e-Nuri Emotional Diagnostics
DA Walaal I just hate the D word, Allah asked to take the Devil for enemy, not a friend, even joking about his name sends shivering shockwaves around my skin. But, when DA is used figuratively, it means someone who always offers a different point of view than the prevailing mantra, that is why I questioned " what kind of DA are you," just figurative DA, but because you were consistent, that was the reason I questioned what kind of a DA are you, because figuratively DA should have supported the less popular idea just to help debators see opposing view. Please consider DA to stand for ( DAR ALLAH) which in Somali means ( For the Sake of Allah), just a suggestion, No harm meant Nur
e-Nuri Socio-Ethics Presents A Reality Dilemma Nur walaal, I am puzzled, I need help, you see, I am a married man to a great lady, a great family and healthy social circles, good job and stable life. Now, I am facing a difficult situation, I fell in love with another Haliimo , never felt this kind of love, I feel captivated, lost control of my mind, and because of the social circle we share, we see each other very often I am seriously thinking about marrying the new love, but she made it clear after I proposed that she is not willing to marry a married man, I will never leave my wife for another, and my wife will never accept another woman, and I can not live without the new love, I wish this never happened, but its here to stay and is intensifying, is there a way out? your kind advice please? Faarax Dear Faarax I am touched walaal, you are indeed in deep trouble, before i can toss my two cents on the tray, I would sit back and gather opinions. There is more than one way to go about this challenge of yours. Nur
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Tuuiye Saaxib waxaad tahay Nomadka kaliyah oon ku riyooday , waxaan ku riyooday cell phonekeyga oo soo dhacay markaan arkay waxaa ku qoran TUUJIYE, runtii waan yaabay, suu ku helay nambarkeyga? markaan ogaaaday iney riyo tahay, I was relieved, It was only a dream. Saaxib waanadaad waan qaatay, ee qaffifi noo? The First Winter Topic to appear, its loaded with meanings. Nur
Muhammad bro More along the line of: From Kurtunwaarrey to Canada, yours sounds better than mine, but the Nomad presence in Canada is far mor representative than that in Hollywood. Nur
Quick responses X-Quizit, I welcome your thanks walaalo, I enjoyed your comment this time around, it was far better than last one I can remember, my highest respects and Cimaamah goes off for you. Devils Advocate: What kind of a devil are you? Consistency from your part would be appreciated, taking the side opposite to the crowd will make you live up to your screen name, unless you are for real. Rudy; A small step from my side indeed, but unlike my heart broken step toward Allah, the ladies arent running toward me in acceptance yet, but i am trying, pleasing Allah is far easier than pleasing mortals. Callypso What is right is absolute, it is solely based on Allah's words, when we dont have these words with us for clarification, we opt for opinions, and that is when we either get it right or fail, if our intention is good, we earn one credit from Allah when we are wrong, just for trying, we get two credits for getting it right, Kurtunwaarrey crowd like the women SOL crowd have their own version of what is right, again, regardless of this crowds views or Kurtunwaarreys crowds views, the truth remains with Allah and that is what both crowds should seek without attacking an opinion presenter for the opinion, because, if he was right, the idea dies with him, if he was wrong, he will look like the victim and may win sympathy of others for his wrong idea, thus indirectly supporting his views, therefore, some civility and good choice of words says a lot about a debator. Mutakallim Always a maestro of analyses, I personally enjoy the highly intellectual exegis, mind nourishing, although i find a great gap between the level of average nomad's appreciation of such literature and PKs deep mental inquiries, caano geel oo bacaad lagu lisay indeed. Yes, bro, sentiments drive most of our actions and words as humans, mine was no different, its with the restraint of reason and guidance from Allah that we are saved, e- Nuri will be at the forefront in that regard, selflessly, inshallah, and you've got my word on it. Rahima Short of walking on all four with my tail beind my rear legs, I pretty much said all i can say walaalo, I thank you for your kind remarks, and Xusnul Niyah, please note that many Nomad men are following the way I am treated as an example of how they will be treated if they take the step forward to tie a knot and make a mistake, I am wary about some of the comments coming from some geel jirtoyaal ladies which may not be representative in the akhlaaq turf, the Prophet SAWS was reprted as saying: The Best of people are those who are not easily angered but can easily be satisfied, the worst of people are those who are easily irritated but take too long to be satsified. That is a yardstick from the Model of Ettiquette ( Akhlaaq). Allah says about men and women in marital disputes : " Wa laa tansawow al fadla baynakum" Do not forget the good (past mutual favorable deeds) between you" and the prophet warns women " La takfurna al Casheer"That you shouldnt write off all past goods recieved against a single bad event you suffered" indeed a balanced approach is wise when viewing issues. Nur
e-Nuri Next Attractions under development: Topic Of The Hour: 1.Closed Doors Meeting at e-Nuri Departments of Customer Care and Quality Control. For Geel Jire: 1. Managing Your Eyes ( The first step toward self control) 2. Comparison of e- Shukansi with the live version ( For Marriage Hopefuls Only) 3. Personality allignment with your future Geel Jirto. 4. The ultimate Resource; for Reading Geel Jirto's Mind ( A Manual: No, is not always so) 5. How much e-Nuri Social Researchers know about Somaliaonline Geel Jirtos. For Geel Jirto: 1. Marriage Requirements Engineering: a. Addendum: Draft of a Marriage ( ALA) Affection Level Agreement. b. Addendum: 57 rules of Conflict Resolution. c. Addendum: Learning and Growth, Managing the Geel Jire ego, d. Addendum: Geel Jirto Shopoholics Annonymously. f. Addendum: Mapping Spouses Mind at nth year g. Addendum: Celebrating Diversity, art of positive attitude. Nur 2005 e-Nuri Soft Socio-Skills
JB I am honored for a first, I pray to win a second, inshAllah. Callypso Sister Rahima has requested that I come clean on this issue, her suggestion was that I start with " I made a mistake" which I candidly did, so that should put your claim that an apology was not demanded in perspective, secondly walaal, in all frankness, your comment caught me unprepared, playing a martyr role was not my idea if indeed that is what you gleened from my post. You see Callypso, the driver of actions for a Muslim is supposed to be for the sake of Allah alone, I hope you get the point, besides, I have never elevated myself higher than anyone else around here, it would be a scarilige to do so, may be I am the most senior writer on SOL, neither am i jokying for recognition, I am not in it for the glory, if i did, it would be shooting myself in the foot, I hope that aligns our perspectives. Nur
Yes indeed indeed, I have to admit that I drank a full haroob of Camel Milk in Hargeisa restaurant recently, I did not realize how strong the milk I gulped was until it kicked months later with such a weird and an unbecoming suggestion from my part to an audience that for many years have followed e-Nuri Brand products around, I have never realized how wrong my opinion was for this Nomadic audience until I got so much applause ( Clap, Clap, Wadaadka Dharkii baa ka dhacay, Hypocracy etc.) and sympathy ( He had too much Camel Milk, The title of Post) to seek redemption. Why e-Nuri post such posts ?: To search for answers, it wouldnt be a learning experience if we know what we are doing. That is why I responded to Rahima's question with : "I dont know" In our e-Nuri Company Profile years ago we wrote: It was found that the only time the Chief Executive Officer of e-Nuri is prone to make a mistakes or commit a sizable goof is when the Dhiker Signalling stream is interrupted due to preoccupation with worldly concerns that blur his guidance capabilities, thus compromising the above declared Vision and Mission. The Purpose Of This SOL Forum: The exchange of ideas on issues that face our people both at home and overseas, define the challenges, pool our expertise, and devise solutions, an idea is just an idea, if it is not presented, we will never know if it was right or wrong, at the end of a day, we are after a solution to a challenge that has been identified, and for that matter no idea is too far fetched as long as it does not defy the tenets of our faith, which alone forms the basis of right and wrong in morality ( Some of my critics disagree on this point, and I respect their point of view, diversity of opinion is always healthy, even the Devil's Advocate failed to live up to her job in my case, she did not come in my rescue as expected from a Devil by deviant). In our quest to find solutions to these serious social challenges, we turn every stone and consider every idea, no matter how sinister the thought may be, again for the purpose of finding a solution among several options. By demonizing an idea, we may not only risk forgoing a workable solution, but also we may kill the intutive and creative thinking needed to solve complex problems. Worth mentioning aslo is the mix up between persona and principle, at e-Nuri, we have repeatedly carried a slogan that loudly reads, that we attack problems, not people, after reading responses, I was quite let down by the reactions unbecomong of people who I considered to lean on reason instead of emotions when facing daunting problems that makes little boys age starkly grey quickly. However, I realize that emotions are here to stay as long as we are discussing traumatic experiences of some of the Nomads who may be very bitter of episodes they suffered in the past, and for that alone I apologise if in any way my words added insult to a fresh injury. My vocation at e-Nuri has been that of a brother in faith, who happily sacrificed his time to share with you the little knowledge that Allah has taught him, because he cares about you. So in my writings, what makes sense is from Allah, what makes no sense can be a comprehension challenge, or a sheer mistake, but when it is an error in judgement, we should not forget the drivers of the error ( although this issue is not yet fully all resolved) , as it was for seeking right answers, and unfortunately we may have stumbled on an erroneous judgement, A Somali Proverb says : "Sow aniga Kalgaceyl Kuu Xambaaray, oo tabar yari kuula kufay" when I stumbled, the crowd for which I have selflessly sacrificed so much of my time to share with what I value in my faith, came so strong on my persona, labelilng me a hypocrite, while the kind ones who could not bear looking ceebteyda, started throwing a towel to cover my exposed body, so much for goodwill. But contrary to suggestions of a runaway wadaad by some, this experience only increased my resolve to spend more time with this crowd, ( I have notified my business partners that I will devote a third of my business time to my e-Dawa work by next year inshAllah) Also if I may correct a notion from some Nomads, I am not here in a contest to win an argument, instead, I am here to win the right answers for the right challenges, regardless who presents it, in no way does my ego get in the way of humbly admitting my mistake if proven, because there is no shortcoming in a person greater than an insatiable ego, I seek Allahs protection against mine, and I hope everyone else follows suit. I also hope that at the end of any discussion that my adversary is right, and that I am proven wrong, because, only then can I be certain that I was taught a lesson that I did not know, and deservingly so from Nomads that I have spent with valuable years sharing my knowledge on many issues, serious and humorous, its only fair we trade places, they teach me and I begin learning ( Except From The Devil in the crowd). Nomads who took the time to respond fell in four categories, Those with: 1. Right Intentions, right conclusions 2. Right intentions, wrong conclusions 3. Wrong intentions, right conclusions 4. Wrong intentions, wrong conclusions I wholehertedly thank the first category, I seek clarification and further discussion with the second, as for the latter two, i kindly suggest not to use this controversy to poison the well from which many Nomads have benefited for many years, after all, all points considered, my record proudly stands as a champion of Somali womens rights and my unblemished respect for their role in society is well recorded on many forums as far back as 1997, and no matter how much name calling and accusations of hypocracy and flip flopipng I am accused, I shall cointinue to be a voice for moderation and reason. I take the persona slaying comments by some readers with a smile, to be the man they love to hate, again serving another valuable purpose on this forum. I realize lynching needs an ugly enemy to energise undeclared undercurrents, It is said that " Seddex, seddex kama aar gudato, runlow kama aarguto beenlow, caaqilna kama aarguto maangaab, Allah yaqaanna kama aarguto Allah midaan oqoon" Disagreements on points of view is a fact of life, how to resolve these differences can separate order from chaos, we need a set of standards to subscribe to that we all agree on, the majority of Namds subscribe to Islam as the guiding principle for that standard, so we accept Allahs call : In case you disagree on a matter, refer to Allah ( Quran) and the Messneger ( Sunnah ) " That standard, the devine standard has a moral behind the law, which are: 1. Sanctity of Faith and its protection ( e-Nuri Aqeedah Vigils) 2. Sanctity of Life and its protection ( e-Nuri Topic about FC) 3. Sanctity of Reason and its Protection ( e-Nuri Opticians) 4. Sanctity of Wealth and its Protection ( e-Nuri Business development) 5. Sanctity of Human Dignity and its Protection. As we are all aware, the most important of the above is the protection of faith, Allah SWT says " Wal Fitnatu ashaddu minal qatl" meaning, for a person to be aimless as to turn to a kafir is worse than death" . It is well known the story of the Ukhdood, people who died for their faith by choice. The sanctity of the human life is the second important element, for that reason, murder is illegal, and for the protection of the mind and intellect alcohol was prohibited. Usury ( interest bearing loans) was prohibited for the purpose of prerseving wealth as Ribaa is evil laden practice, and finally, premarital sex was made illegal for preserving the dignity of the human being, family and children. From that background, we find ourselves in bold new world of many streams of ideaologies contrary to our faith, some make sense others dont, but at the end, we face stark realities that call for answers, in such a sutuation, we can either deal with business as usual, or consider any solution, in the process, we toss off suggestions that dont solve the problem and learn from the excercise and move on. I must admit that the article that i have written was half baked, by all measures, seriously speaking, it needs an extensive research to validate the cons and pros. Alcohol; was banned because its evil outweighed its good, and like the hurricane lady's tagline reads, fighting for peace is like kissing for virginity, in our case the question was, does gudniin stop promiscuity which leads to teen age pregnancy, and is teen age pregnancy in the west ( rare in Somali baadiye) as serious a crime as the one being committed on some girls in baadiye ( from the new western perspective and arguably Islamic perspective, depending on procedures intensity and extent of injury to victim)? That question was indeed very confusing as the practice is working uncontested in Kurtunwaarrey as we speak, and the entire village rallies around the decency issue, but same sinister idea could never work in Bristol UK, where the freedom of the individual is the cornerstone of values. Again, I must admit that that post was not one of my well thought-out topics due to a lot of work related pressures, a desire to kep up the e-Nuri business running on SOL, and lack of quality time to refine my point of view which to this date remain under development, all of which are compounded by my inability for a timely response against mudslingers which has further aggrevated the situation, at the same time giving munitions to my " Friends" who we may had arguments in the past on other issues, who saw me as a " gaal god ku dhacay". In Conclusion, I believe that this issue is personal issue, it is not for the community to decide, no one should inforce a social remedy on another human when there is no unambiguous devine message, I believe that this issue is far from being scholarly addressed on this forum, both in scientific or religious considerations, its is not as simple as the SOL crowd may think, because here is a crowd, with a unanimous opinion on an issue, affecting people who have lived thousands of years in another way in a far land, as much as I would like to ban the practice, another discussion in Kurtunwaarrey town hall meeting for the same topic can show a different perspective. Are we ready to sit in a hut in Kurtunwaarrey to suggest the ban of the practice there without being accused of being gaalo? . Like The Rer Xamar say: Mukulaal minankeeda joogta, mici libaaxey leedahay Nur 2005 e-Nuri Controversial Topics Winning an argument is not our goal, winning Allah's pleasure is ---------------------------------------------------- The Good People's Attitude toward others: 1. They Trust Others 2. They Give the benefits of doubt 3. They are gracefully forgiving when wronged The Evil people's Attitude toward others: 1. They are suspicious of others 2. When in doubt, they think ill of others 3. They enjoy smearing others reputation when wronged
Kheir a GOOD POLITICIAN? isnt that a contradiction in terms? I am sure that you have read my article about Politicians, anyway, I take the compliment with grace, I am sure that your intentions are always noble even when you are frustrated. Please read my new post, A Letter Of recommendation to get the right persepective of my current views. Jonny B. Thanks for the welcome bro. Devil Like they say good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere, I fail to see the relationship beyween chopping of an organ and sending money to ones mother, after all the men in my article dont have the clitoris if my memory serves me right, next time i post an article about gardening please dont insert that logic, it simply doesnt fit. Nur
To Whom It May Concern A Letter Of Recommendation Madam As a Professor and Chairman of NURology Department, I have known Dr. Warrior Of Light to be an attentive and hardworking student, always asking relevant questions to the subject matter and never drifting away from the subject at hand. Dr.Warrior Of Light can at times be highly philosophical about NURology science, though as scientists we are not allowed to discuss these issues with Junior Doctors in her caliber, specially emotionally flared up topics such as the highly sentimental and controversial female circumcision subject practiced in some Anarchist East African Countries, however, her passionate search to find balanced answers for the big picture of that subject and her elequent paper on the invalidity of NURology point of view is a testament that she has clear leadership qualities beyound the e-Nuri Academy expectations in which she has brilliantly earned the coveted NURosurgery Certfication with distinction after proving beyound doubt the fallacy of the effectiveness of Pharaonic FGM as an alternative safeguard against teenage pregnancy which are prevalent in Somali Communities overseas. Dr. Warrior Of Lights scholarly results where contrary to findings of an expedient questionnaire drafted by a Senior e-Nuri researcher in hurry to attend an Eid Party in Toronto. Over the years, i found Dr. Warrior Of Light to be a perfectionist, always seeking to carry out her responsibilities the best way she can, serious, yet humorous , pensive, articulate and highly ethical nevertheless open minded to other Y-Chromo issues, very calm and patient, witty and very kind to her online patients, specially those who dance with the devil, Dr. Warrior Of Light can deal with any social group no matter how skewed their outlook with confidence, and in my observation, she is not a person that can easily be frustrated. In My capacity as her Professor of NURosurgery, at e-Nuri Academy of Soul Healing Sciences at SOL, I recommend Dr. Warrior Of Light highly with certainty that her affiliation with any organization she chooses to join will add tremmendous value in substance as she is too compeling a person to resist. Professor Nur Samatar Chairman, e-Nuri Academy of Soul Healing Sciences Somaliaonline Open University, Garasbaalley Campus. Somalia ------------------------------------------------------ 2005 e-Nuri Head Hunters Where The Law Of The Averages Does Not Work
An e-Nuri Wordcraft Preview To understand a Nomad on this site, or on the streets, one has to understand the make up of the Nomads mindset, values that fuel their decisions, and purpose in life. It all starts when a Nomad is born to a somali couple, and begins to learn the ropes, values that will stick with the Nomad throughout life, later, if the Nomad is carried across oceans, a new set of values are inherited from the new surroundings, looking back, the Nomad is emotionally attached to the old, challenged by the present and sobered by the new realities of Islam as a wholesome faith transcending time and space, now, depending on the sex of the Nomad, a plethora of personalities emerge as a result of these ingredients, some very contradictory, some compromising, yet some unreasonably wacky, welcome to a journey in the inner realm of the mind of a Somali Nomad. Coming Soon to a Monitor Near You. Nur 2005 e-Nuri Social Scientists
Walaal As Salafiyyah Qoraal wanaagsan Allaha kaa abaal mariyo abaal wanaagsan. amin. Walaal, aad baa arrintan looga wada hadlay, xuquuqda raggu uu ku leeyahay xaasakooga, haseyeeshe waxaa aad loogu baahi qabaa in laga hadlo xuquuda ay haweenku raggoga ku leeyihin, maxaa yeelay, maanta sidaan is leeyahay, haweenka Somalida ayy diinta kaga dhow ragga badi ahaan, sidaa darteed qoraal u dhigma kan oo ragga la xassusinayo waajibkooga ayaa loo baahi qabaa. Nur