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Nomads A Message From Nairobi Mr. Cag Bakayle, Acting Chairman and Chief strategist Somali Anarchist Armchair Commodores I have been too busy these days with Anarchiland Somalia' entrepreneurial business development, I was about to auction the Jawhar Isbaara for failing business, when I heard a Scoopy Doo cartoon from Denmark trivializing our Prophet Muhammad SAWS which we Somalis, orderly and anarchists alike agree that its uncalled for and insensitive to our feelings (whatever left of it), just like trivializing the Holocaust is insensitive to Jews, which no newspaper dares to publish, a testament that freedom of speech is mufffled by money in the west, and guns in the east, making the faithful Muslims the only group with no money and no guns ( I am talking about 11 thousand Nuclear warheads arsenal of NATO) in this case though, emotions are running high on the Muslims streets, and many Eurppeans may get hurt or bitten by angry Muslims in Cairo and istanbul, in my opinion, this event sure fits in with the big picture of the e-Nuri Conspiracy theory, hmmmmmm......Could this incident be a precursor of a wider West vs Islam conflict in the making? in which the unwilling Europeans are being dragged into an uglier trans-continental war with many possible outcomes metamorphosing into a NEW WORLD ORDER (DISORDER A LA BUSH) Is this Tom and Jerry Cartoon business a masked bait for Muslims to bite, to be dragged to violence against western interests to neccetitate a military intervention of sorts, to secure a popular support of passive European voters for an Iranian invasion by NATO, which makes Iraq and Iran the new Democrtaic Nations on the block to satisfy the ever increasing Oil appetite of Europe and Norh America? of course with the pretext of civilizing these turbaned politicians? Well, As Somali Anarchists, we feel comfortable with a Chaotic world, everytime we worry about order coming our way, we get a new life, our friends in the west make the world more chaotic, I guess it will take another 15 years before Coffee Anaan looks our way, well, back to Anarchi in Somalia, misery loves company. Cag Bakayle Chief Strategist Somali Anarchist Union Easleigh Caffe , Qat, and Internet Joint
Nomads Lets revive the education talk. How about sharing visions on how we acn add value to our peoples education back home. e-Nuri is all ears Nur
Nomads That was so intewrestling! I thank CW, for her candid and excellent response, ( She gets an apple for that good job, I leave the significance as an excercise for her) but so many guys are already let down by the tribe thing, how can one get naturalized as Rer Qansax? and one other thing, lets respect her choice, its not the end of the world, e-Nuri can help you become the best you can be, but we cant make you a Rer Qansax just to be considered by CW. Waterlilly that was great mashAllah sis, the message is out, e-Nuri Scientists are logging data while shaking heads in amazement about excess capacity of talent around here. Chocolate n Honey That is what I call a woman who knows what she wants, and inshAllah will get (if she can recognize when he knocks on her door, which is another talent altogether, which many Xalimos lack, but e-Nuri will be of help if needed) Kheyr It all depends on what side of the table on a wedding cerimony one sits! As Madhooun Sharci( Without a government licence), e-Nuri as a business, we dont compete with our customers, our success lies in matching Xalimos with Faaraxs and their happiness ever after, please let me know of your requirements, you are special brother, inshAllah will look out a special match from responses as we sift thru the subliminals( of course you must pay research costs) Abdullatif bro. waan sugayaa responskaaga, ku mahadsanid gabayada. Zero bro. Thanks, I knew that we need a Zero, to turn a ONE to a TEN, you've done indeed, now, wait till the study is analyzed and result of alignment comes out, the polls are stil open, you never never know if you have hit the right jackpot Xaliimo to fill your life with you know what. I couldnt help but laugh throughout ( eyes filled at times) as I read responses, Oh! my people, my people, what a job is waiting for this wadaad? Nur
Abraar sis Thanks for taking the time (too long) to answer the questionnaire. In fact I did forget the Physical Attributes, and when I attempted to edit and add, it was too late, I got a message that said I cant edit, I hope I can edit my life before its locked out like this page. Eighth Category: Physical Attributes: a. Which of the following attributes are important: 1. Hight, weight, color of skin, shape and phyiscal strength. 2. Lifestyle ( active, sedentary) Nur
An e-Nuri Market Research Questionnaire Our Islam page researchers are compiling data on marriage and the relationships that we need to collect from our audiences (including nomads who decided to forgive Nur for his last article, of course after wipping him and hanging him for the birds ) Summertime is around the corner, and many Nomads will be fulfilling their dream to complete their outer shell with a new spouse to be stable ( li Taskunuu) , as such we at e-Nuri social scientists need your input to publish our next paper on; Alignment of Xaliimo and Faarax's Marriage requirements: The result of this market research will be a blue print for would be spouses to draft their marriage contracts before it is too late. 1. First Category: Character Issues a. Please share three most undesirable character traits you will never consider. b. Please share three best character traits you are looking in a future hubby or a wifey. c. Please share character traits that you can tolerate. Second Category: Religious Issues a. Where does a spouse fit in your spiritual life ? choose one below: 1. Most important, desirable, not an issue. Third Category : Social background: a. Does tribal or ethnic background matter in a spouse? b. Does social status, Head of Tribe, job ( shoemaker/metalworker/leatherweaver/computer technician or a cab driver, a Warlord, or does wealth and social prestige matter to you in a mate? c. If all is equal, who do you prefer, western raised spouse, a Somalia-Somaliland-Puntiland-Jubbaland- Kismayoland- Kurtunwarreyland raisaed spouse ? Fourth Category: Age: Choose one below: True, False, sometimes true, sometimes false: a. Maturity comes with age b. A young woman/man is not stable to consider c. Men are like Cheese, the older they get the better d. Younger men can be trained to be a better husband e. Age parity (equivalence) is very important in marriage f. Older women are more satisfying in a relationship d. What is the maximum age difference you can tolerate Hint: (Middle Eastern Joke: Very old man marries very young girl, in their wedding night, they were both crying, why? he forgot all about it, and she is too young to figure it out) Fifth Category: Marital Status (Monogamous minded Nomads, ommit this section ) a. Would you condsider a divorcee or a widow(er) for marriage b. If yes, does it matter the number of kids, their sex or age and why? c. If you are a married man, and meet an interesting woman, would you consider polygamy if: 1. Risk of your present wife leaving you is high? 2. If there is little or no risk? d. If you are a single woman, and you meet an interesting married man, who shows interest in you, who also fits all your other requirements, would you accept his offer if he is: 1. Successful in his first marriage and has no apparent risk if he marries you? 2. Has problems with his current marriage, which is reason why he is looking? 3. Successful, but with high risk if he attempts to wed again. Sixth. Security Issue Please list three most important issues that you need in a marriage to feel secure: ( Fisrt Hint: e-Nuri Polygamy Insurance Service To be released soon) Seventh, Education Background: Men a. Do you feel threatened to be married to a woman who is more educated that you are? b. If yes, what is your worry, please be specific. c. If NO, how much of the household responsibilities are you willing you willing to share with your wife? d. Do you see education as an asset that compensates with appeal or age in a woman? I mean would you choose an older and average looking woman with good education over a good looking younger woman? Women: a. All other factors being equal, Would you consider marrying a lesser educated man or a more educated man or an equally educated man? b. How mush does intellectual maturity in a man weigh against other romantic attributes for your consideration? c. If education is important to you, and you find just the right guy, but without education, would you accept marrying him if he promises to further his education after the wedding/before the wedding as a condition? Good luck Nur 2006 e-Nuri Social Sciences We Attack Problems, Not People Who Casued Them
Walaal S.O.S. Waxaad qortay: Waxaa aad inoogu faa'iideyn lahaa, haddaad inoo soo koobi kartid (qaybta labaad) macnaha ka dambeeyo calaamadah laga fahmi karo madax-bannaanida xaqqa uu ka madax-banaanyahay tiirarka (maalka/awooda) dunida, iyo siduu u' astaaneeyo ama ooga xoreeyo addoomaha xaqqaas ku sugnaaday. (Suuradda Qur'aanka ee Ash-shucaraa' ayaan ka dareemaa badanaa) Runtii, Xaqqu waa u muuqdaa qofkii milicsada, lehna qalbi saafi ah, waa nuur lagu arko wax walba, iskiisna waa u taagan yahay. Dhacdooyinka taariikhda ku yaalla Quraanka waa kuwo looga jeedo in lagu cibrad qaato, ma jirto dhacdo aayan ku jiring murti badan oo haddan dhab ugu fiirsanno aan laga heleyn faa'iidooyin dahab iyo dheeman ka qaalisan. Sidaan wada ogsoonnahay, Allah magacyadiisa wanaagsan waxaa ka mid ah magaca AL SAMAD kaasoo macnihuusu yahay MID ISKIIS U TAAGAN OON WAX KALE KU TIIRSANEYN. Wixii isaga ka soo hadhana Asaga ayey ku tiirsan yihiin, sidaa darteed Asaga ayaa loo wada baahan yahay, isaguna cidna u ma baahna. Magaca Kale oo ka mid aha magacyaasha Allah ee wanaagsan waa AL XAQQ. Magacaasoo u taagan macne balladhan oo ah Ruuxa kaliya oo dhab u jira, ugu horreeyay, daaiymka ah oo waaraya waligii, wanaagsan oo Qurxan, fiican oo dhab ahaan ku mutay sifaad walboo wanaagsan. Hadaba markaan labadaas magac kulminno waxaa noo soo baxaya macne aad u qurxoon, ( Samad + Xaqq) waa mid iskii u taagan, cidna u baahneyn, sidaa darteed qofkii la xariira Allah, una noqda addoon isagana wax walba ka qaata, dhab ahaan qof kale ama waxa kale uma baahna, maxaa yeelay wixii Allah ka soo hadha waa wax aan iskii u taagneyn cid kalena aan xambaari karin, oo taag daranoo isaga naftiisa u baahan in la xambaaro Sidaa darteed Allah Suuratul Cankabuut wuxuu ku tilmaamay kuwa ku tiirsaday waxaan Allah aheyn sida Caarada ( Spider), wexey dhisatay aqal la hadh galo, lagana duggaalsado dhaxanta iyo roobka, haseyeeshee aqalkeedu waa mid aan waxba celin karin, sidaasoo kale, qofkii ka doona inuu naftiisa badbaadiyo adduun iyo aakhiroba, oo haddana ka yeesha waxaan Allah aheyn gaashaanbuur ( Waliyy) wuxuu la mid yahay caarada( Spider) Meeshaas waxaa ka muuqata in wixii ayaga is gaashaanbuureysta oo isku raacaa baaddilka ay limid yihiin caarada iyo aqalkeeda, waa labo taagdaran oo is duggalsaday, " Dacufa al daalibu wal madluub" Sidaas darteed, Xaqqa oo qudha ay dhab ahaan u jira, wax walboo ka baxsan xaqqana waa baaddil, baaddilkuna waa sida dhalanteedka ( Mirage), dhahksana wuu baabba'aa , Zuullaa ( disappears), maxaa yeelay, Baaddilku waa sida mugdiga, kaa qarinaya inaad u aragto wax walba sida dhabta ah ay yihiin, Xaqqana waa iftiinka Allah ood ku arki karto wax walba. Allah waa Iftiinka cirka iyo dhulka, qofkaan iftiinka Allah wax ku arkin, waa indho layahay, baaddilkuna waa mid dadka indho tira, Indhola'aan aan aheyn labada indhood, ee ah indhola'aan qalbiga ah . Abraar Waaa run walaal in aan aannu isu nahay imtixaan, ogowna walaal, waxaa nala faray sabir, markii la ismitixaano, haddii nalaga helo sabir waan guuleysannay, haddan caroonno oon dhib la imaanno waa qoomamo iyo guuldarro if iyo aakhiro, kaasoo ah " Khusraanul mubiin" hadaba, maxaan u baahannahay? Walaalo, ogow in Kibirka uusan u ekeyn qofaan Allah aheyn, maxaa yellay wixii Allah ka soo hadha wexey ehel u yihiin nuqsaan ( imperfection), marka qofkii iskala weynaada in raaco Xaqqa, waa qof ku dhacay kibir, kibirna qofkuu qalbigiisu ku jiro haba yaraatee waa mid laga xarrimay inuu jannada galo, jannada waa hoyiga kuwa Allah uu ku tilmaamay: " Kuwa ku dul socda carriga ayagoon isllaweyneyn" " Wa ladiina yamshuuna calal ardi hownan" . Ibliis wuxuu uga baxay naxariista Allah islaweynaan markii la faray inuu u sajuudo Adam, taasoo wixii isaga raacana ay mudan yihiin iney maraan messhuu maray Ibliis, kaasoo iskala weynaaday XAQQ inuu raaco. Allaha naga caafiyo kibir. Nur
Reer Guuraga Waaa xassusin labaad haddadan akhrinin duntaan( Thread). Nur
Nomads Can anyone brief e-Nuri about the lates about the new Jawhar overnment? Nur
From Toronto Sun The 'fin de regime'? An out-of-touch George Bush now presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling By Eric Margolis WASHINGTON -- China's Taoists philosophers warned that you become what you hate. We see this paradox in Washington, where the current administration increasingly reminds one of the old Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. went bankrupt after spending 40% of national income on the military. President George Bush's administration will spend a staggering $419.3 billion US on the military this fiscal year. An additional $130 billion US has been budgeted in 2006 for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. That's $10.8 billion a month -- 40% above previous estimates -- and somewhat more than the monthly cost of the Vietnam War at its height. Add to this huge sum an estimated $1.5 billion in monthly secret expenditures in Iraq and Afghanistan by CIA and Pentagon intelligence. Astoundingly, U.S. military spending in 2006 will equal the rest of the world's total combined military expenditures. I just saw an ad for the new, $115-million F-22 Raptor stealth fighter, trumpeting how its radar can "intercept communications of insurgents." Using a $115-million aircraft to listen to cellphone calls by a bunch of jihadis in Waziristan staggers the imagination. Meanwhile, Moscow on the Potomac is in an uproar over government spying on citizens, torture, and what appears to be the mother of all influence-peddling scandals. Revelations that the super-secret National Security Agency and FBI have been monitoring domestic as well as international telecommunications have roused even the deadheads in Congress and the lapdog media. FBI agents are reportely spying on such nefarious "terrorists" as vegetarians and animal rights activists. Bush (shades of Leonid Brezhnev) claims the right to override any laws because the U.S. is at war. "Terrorists" ("enemies of the state" in Soviet talk) threaten the U.S., so anything goes. What next -- cancelling next fall's elections because of the threat of the phantom al-Qaida? Meanwhile, a scandal bursts right out of the last days of the corrupt Soviet Union. A sinister Republican apparatchik named Jack Abramoff has admitted dishing out $4.4 million in bribes to senators, congressmen and political aides. Bigwigs like Bush, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Republican grand poobah Tom DeLay, Bible-thumping crusader Ralph Reed, Hillary Clinton and a bevy of venal legislators have been implicated in this culture of corruption. Abramoff got over $30 million from various Indian tribes promoting their casino businesses. He and cronies scalped their Indian clients, pocketing $11 million in kickbacks. Where, one wonders with awe, did those persecuted native Americans find so much cash? Republicans (and also some Democrats) are scared silly by the scandal. Many legislators may be headed for the big house. All parties that stay in power too long become deeply corrupt. Wise voters need to kick out incumbents regularly. Longevity in office ensures bad government. The Republicans, buoyed by faked-up war fever, became deeply corrupted more quickly than usual. The Achilles heel Money is the Achilles heel of democracy. In America, winning and keeping office demands spending huge sums on TV advertising. The Washington lobbyists and bagmen who produce millions to fund politicians have become more powerful than elected legislators. This is how parasites like Abramoff flourish. A smell of "fin du regime" hangs over Washington, just as it did over the last days of decaying Soviet oligarchy. An out-of-touch leader presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling and bribery, as the secret police struggle to keep a lid on growing dissent.
Nomads Now that you all see the e-Nuri prediction, simply put, entropy, a measure of disorder and chaos is a one way street, it will never go back to order again, so old Somalia as we have known it is gone, can we think laterally to imagine other courses out of this stalemate? I mean why not an intellectual reveloution to reclaim the political scene with bold ideas, like the e-Nuri sponsored Neutral Somalia? Nur
Bashi Bro. Whats happening @ Jawhar? have the politicians found a good use for the sugar cane? Nur
S.O.S. Attitude! its all about attitude, you write: ................but the stuggle will insha'Allaah continue! That is right, with our Nafs (soul) Satan and others, its challenging, but life without a challanege would be a bore, thinking forward is the secret of life, after all said and done, what have we contributed to life on earth? how many people have we enlightened who have benefited from thoughts we shared with them ans as a result their life became more meaningful? how much pain have we alliviated, how many broken hearts have we consoled? the list can go on and on an on. Even If Allah blesses us with Paradise as a reward for our deeds, we will always envy the lost opportunities that could have earned us a higher level in Paradise, but we are here and we are surrounded by so many opportunities to do good on earth to earn us the highest place in Paradise, shouldnt we take on the challenge? Nur
Kashafa bro. OK, we all see whats happening, so was our Messenger Mohamad when he witnessed what was happening to Al Yasser, he said, Sabran yaa Aal Yasser, your next station is Paradise. I also know its annoying to witness double standards (aka Nifaaq) from the part of modern day "Islamic organizations" like CAIR, headquartred in western societies, however, when you count your cards at the end of the day, if the increasing number of widows and orphans among Muslims is diheartening you, you can be sure that other alternatives will create more of the same. Insanity is expecting a different result while doing the same thing. From another point of view Kashafa saaxib, there is a proven method of neutralizing your enemy, dont act like him, rise above him in moral termst Restraint aint weakness, its a strategy to limit your losses in face of limited options, whats truly a weakness is to react violently without forseeing the price of your actions in real terms. Lastly, two things must not be mixed, Islam as a message and a liberating force for mankind from injustice in one hand and on the other , the immediate injustices that are casued by those in need for Islam's message due to their ignorance of the same, becasue, what is happening to Muslims today world wide is what they have justly earned by their collective negligence iand failure to uphold the tenets of Islam and their failure to invite others to embrace their faith in a wise and kind a way. Our Prophet Muhammad, early on in Mecca, had walked the same path before us, in his days , slavery , mans oppression of fellow man, was at its peak, degradation of women and oppression of Arabas by the Romans and Persians was the landscape. Had the Prophet taken his sword in the beginning to fight for the oppressed masses at the time, His message would have failed for sure, miserable people are their own enemy, so instead he focused on delivering the message completely while overlooking the immediate injustice in the early Meccan years. In other words, he ignored them to help them later, together with their enemy. In short 23 years, the faith prevailed, injustice was rooted out and Islam was spread with zeal to the farthest corners of the world to deliver Gods message to Gods people with success. We are again back to square one, the Meccan years, Muslims are finding themselves where Jews found themselves in Pharoah's Kingdom, humiliation, oppression, their boys being slaughtered and women saved for labor force, It can be argued that we are no longer in Mecca, however, planet earth is flat again, there is no where to hide, ask Bin Ladin if he can find enough caves for all Muslims. If following the footsteps of the prophet is what we all agree on, it may be wise to walk wher he walked on all issues, graceful restraint was his land mark, and forgiveing of his enemies was his greatest legacy, after all, Allah said " Laqada kaana lakum fii Rasuulillah uswatun Xasanah liman kaana yarjuullaaha wal yawmal aakhir wa dhakaraAllaaha kathiiraa" " Indeeed, there was a good model for you ( to emulate) in the person of the Messenger of Allah for those among you who hope for ( Mercy) of Allah and the (Justice) of day of Judgement and (who also) have factored Allah into all of their actions and words " Nur
An intgellectual discourse at its best, guys I am moved, never realized a balanced and a critical a response such as this will be posted, for me reading your thoughts was like going back to a literary school to relearn our cultural background that was preserved by our language, this thread is indeed very valuable, excuse me if I cant add much to it now, because i am busy enjoying its far reaching linguistic and cultural depth, i do that as food for thought, seeking further thoughts to, perhaps find a dormant gem, an idea that can be used to cure our national ailment, we have burned a culture before saving its treasures. . Nur
Qucik Responses Xiin bro. Allaha ii rumeeyo wanaagga aad igu maleyneso . Waxaan Alla ka baryayaa inuu: " Wajcal lii lisaana Sidqin fil aakhiriin, wajcalnii min warathata jannatin naciim, waghfir li abii innahu kaana minad daaaalliin, walaa tukhzinii yawma yubcathuun, yawma laa yanfacu maalun walaa banuun, illaa man atAllaaha biQALBIN SALIIM . amin Mini At e-Nuri ands Associates, we are keen in addressing issues that are troubling our ladies, we need to find a solution, once we launch our new insurance product, like you have predicted, we expect our phones to ring off the hook inshAllah, in a humor filled way. Abraar Why not share your strategy, may be we can incorporate in the upcoming piece? Nur
S.O.S JZK for reminding me for a well structured stratgic approach to solving the vicious anarchy swirl we are in back in Somalia. Years ago at Somalinet I posted such a vision, when I began writing a comic lampoon impulsively online that day, i never knew the work would be a structured and applicable strategy for bringing peace to Somalia, let me post it again. Note: The Approach of This proposal comes from Requirement engineering Of systems. Too many spelling and grammatic errors for which I had no time to edit will also appear, so bear with me, errors and mistakes are e-Nuri pride. Fact Finding Trip Report fro jump starting Somalia Operational System Version 91.0 Somalia 91.0 has crashed beyound repair, for the last 12 years unqualified technicians and engineers have attempted to treouble shoot the system, but with no result, today users are running their applications on smaller systems written to run essential applications, required by users. By far the most stable of the new systems is Somaliland 2002, specially after the first smooth log-on and password change of the new system Manager to replace the last system manager. Somaliland 2002 supports the following applications 1. Peace and security ( Foreign ASP Application Service Provider supported) 2. Education 3. Industry and commerce 4. Spiritulity (Coordination with Foreign ASP requirements) 5. Healthcare ( with add on application) After examining the system at the main terminal ( Hargeisa Airport), I could not believe how efficient the system works, it is too scary when you think about how smoothely the system handles peace and tranquillity application. Recently the system has shown some cracks when it failed to run Tranquillity and peace application in Las Anod, a disputed site wher two systems are competing for users. Another application that replaced Somalia 91.0 is the puntland 2002, a robust system remotely controled via wireless from a main frame in a non native environment, Puntland 2002 worked efficiently for the past ten years, but the system was designed to support exisiting Commercial applications. Lately though the system crashed couple of times, but the system manager restored operation back to normal in record time. Some users have tried to run some spirituality applications on Puntland 2002 with no successs, System managers decided not to run any spiritual application on the Puntland 2002 system. In my last trip to Galkaio, engineers who declined to be named confided to me that the reason the Puntland system does not support Spirituality application is because , a non standard interface connecting the system to a non-native host system database in Addis Ababa. Host System In Addis conflicts with the spirituality applications, because it was not designed from the beginning to support spirituality applications. When I visited Mogadishu, the HQ that housed Somalia 91.0 system, I was amazed how resourceful the local residents were, theirs is a system that everyone can log on in Mogadishu and vicinities, called CHAOS 2002. The sytem allows multiple access, no passwords are required to access the system, and everyone has access to the source code if they can invoke a Clan allegiance password. What surprised me in the Chaos 2002 was that it actually runs well if you adjust your pull down menue buton to ( Personal security very low to insignificant) mode, while touring the HQ, I could hear loud sounds and the system engineers assured me that it was a periodic system crashs caused by two subusers belonging to the Father-of-Camels Clan, Engineers spent four days to run the ( tranquillity application) The engineers later told me that the Little-Orphans subClan are not compatible with the Good-News-Reporters subClan, but a temporary solution was found, the Engineers were more worried about another system inconsitency affecting other system users such as the Happiness Clan and their cousins. The strength of Chaos 2002 system is that it is a distributed system, humming within the HQ environment, it could be down in Medina but working fine in Laba dhagax, users are used to fatal errors, they believe that at any time the system can crash, those not affected carry on and live goes on. South of Mogadishu, I was told , that in Kismaio the CHAOS 2002 is working fine and the Jubba lands are connected to Addis Ababa via sattelite where foreign engineers are maintaing the system to make sure that if any integrated systems is placed in Mogadishu, that the system should support the Applications Service Providers current applications, specially the Tigrenya Security and Fisq applications. After this quick tour, I thought about the idea of developing a new system that can accomodate all users who were using the Somalia 91.0 and here is my initial plan: Phase one: Gather requirements of the system ( From Somalinet audience) Here I need your input, what would you like the system to do? User groups can be : 1. Tribal, Color, Sex, Religious preference, Anarchists, etc.dreamers, .. Their requirements can be: Peace, food, faith, health care, education, fun, sports etc. The outcome possibilities are result of the matrix of the above two lines. but to filter them to workable sets, we need to analyze the requirements which brings us to next Phase. Phase Two: Analyze requirements of different user groups for conflict. Developers are worried that some users requirements may critically impair other users or put them out of business. So a delicate job is to weigh the requirements by a fair benchmark, This will lead us to set up a Standard and a Benchmark to accomodate all groups, or as much s possible. Phase Three: Agreement on common standards acceptable to all: After studying the standards issue, our developers have come to a conflicting options : Here is their Motivation: If we select any groups standatd, the other will refuse, because each standard protects the group that has endorsed it, so to be fair we looked for a standard by an outsider. Here we found two choices. 1. Terrestial 2. Extra terrestial after a long debate, the Developers agreed to adobt the Extra Terrestial Benchmark standard. Again Developers found many Standards that claim to be Extra terrestial, after careful examining of all the Standards, the Developers selected ISLAM as the best fit solution for the Somali Users of the sytem, since virtually all Somalis accept this standard, a unanimous deceision was reached to Adobt Islam as the Standard on which to base the Sytem requirements. Phase Four: Conflict resolution based on Standards : Once the Islam Standard is established, A developer team will carry out a Conflict resolution project to narrow down conflicts and bridge concerns, one ancient remedy in this regard is to have each Clans representative marry from its rival to cement love and affection. Other ideas are still flowing and yours is needed. Phase Four: Technical Requirements of the system ( technical Team) Here, A technical team will meet to sift through the heaps of documents collected in other phases, and will meticulously lay down a unified list of requirements for the system, to be presented to Sytem designers. Phase five: System Design this phase will employ all talents available to translate the requiremens into a working system. Your resumes are needed so that we can use your skills where they are neede best. Phase Six: System Testing: Developers will test the system in selected sites, depending on the application mostly used and needed Final Phase: Soft Launch of the system, without any fanfare, the system will be launched quitely and Developers will be on the highest allert to respond to any failures. A Call Center will be set up to learn dynamically the problems, log histories, follow up repair and assign jobs to the most qualified technicians on the pool. A CRM system will be employed to work with the Call center. The Call center will be managed by System specialists who have helped in the development, later , the most experienced Developer will be propmoted to become Chief System Manager, He will not be a human, he will be a SONY assembed ROBOT with artificial intelligence. Nur Productions 2002, All rights are Reserved until further Notice. Nur
Kashafa bro. The Title would have been better to read Munich or Sabra Shatilla It is true that Spielberg will never shoot a movie depicting Sabra and Shattila refugee camp wholesale massacre that was the indirect responsibility of Sharon ( 800 palestinians butchered by Christians in lebanon with the backing of Isreal army in the eighties and an Israeli court found Sharon partially responsible for the crime ). However, dont you think this tit for tat deadly tagging game may spiral to a real ugly anarchist world in which Muslims are poised to pay the highest price with their cheap blood? is there a place in our faith for a concept the companions practiced called restraint, tolerance in the face of blatant aggression, for the sole purpose of not mixing the mission of Islam for mankind with injustices and violence? Nur
S.O.S. , I assume your screen name stands for ( Save Our Somalia)? You write: I can emagine The Vampire Economy, but what's the Special Vehicle Warlord? In the business world, when two companies decide to get into a business venture together without merging as a single company, they create a new entity like a miniature company that is specifically created for the said purpose only and is dissolved upon completion of such a project. Such entity is known as Special Vehicle Company or SVC. Now, I leave the interpretation of Special Vehicle Warlord ( SVW) for you until the full article rols out of the e-Nuri printing mills. Thank you for the Readership. Nur
Lavie sis you write: Women do not dress with the sole purpose of enticing men and leading them to the depths of hell! You are right sis, they dont, SOLE is a good choice of words here because in addition to enticing men, some of them do have other intentions. In London, I saw this huge billboard that reads to the effect of " ENLARGE YOUR BOOBS", for who? and why? I am sure most of them women dont even believe in hell to plan to mislead men, but we can safely say that the enlargement is not for breast feeding their kids. if it was, the billbaird would be in a hospital. By the way, I dont condone rape no matter what, people who cross the decency line should be crossed out of society, If I was a judge, I wouldnt have mercy on a rapist soul. Nur
Quick responses Chocolate and Honey That poem is immaculate and inspiring lets examine the passage Sicirka dunida geeleennu waa, ugu sarreeyaaye, Soomaaligii diidayoow, waad silloon tahaye SILLOON, is ( WEIRDO) , here in this context means someone who is not right, not of the right mind, not of the right attitude, not of the right outlook in life, why, because no one with the right mind can fail to value Camels the highest possible, so those who disagree with that fact, need to be taken to an e-Nuri literary intensive care unit to breathe literary life onto their minds. Alle U Baahne bro. You write: Ilaahoow geel waan jeclahee, anoon dhaqan ha i dilin Amin, kulligeen, make sure you save some money though to buy hundred she camels, camel men never worry about bird flu. XiinFaniin bro. That was a Supersonic exegis of the first order, mashaAllah, never know who is in the crowd, its good to know that literary afficionados are in our midst at SOL grazing and water hole. Callypso Always taking your comments with caano geel, thanks walaal Labo X. Bro, that was a great poem, JZK for taking time to post, your poem can be explained to the satisfaction of many western raised Nomads, but your Nickname is kinda troubling, if I have to explain your nick, i would equate it with the the STAR system, like five star bravery and manhood, a time when manhood is being compromised ( Sow ta rag ba'ay). Nur
That was interesting, some honest replies, some usual masked sarcasm but overall valuable input, thanks Nomads. Like several guests (women like Rowda) have noted in their replies, men are instructed not to look at women with lust, ( Gudh ul basar) means not to look for purpose of pleasure at women. So if one is aware that as a Musilm he is not allowed to freely look around, and the control system are two angels looking over your shoulders literally, recording all of your actions, no matter how insignificant ( Maa li haadal kitaabu laa yughaadiru saghiiratan wa laa kabiiratan illaa axsaahaa?) If we are aware of that fact and still look around with lust, then there are several drivers for our actions; 1. Our iman level is set on (very low) mode, running in the background, while Lust 2.2 is on, our active application. 2. Satan has overtaken our thinking processes, taking energy away from wher we need it most, our heads, bybassing imaan CPU alltogeher and connecting our eyes directly to dormant biological circuitry. 3. Sheer stoooopidity Advice from e-Nuri systems: Visualize the day of judgement, imagine all those stray looks accumulating to form a mountain of sins that you have to carry around that day in full view of all people, costing you lost opportunities wth Xuurul Cayn, beautiful women of Paradise, becasue saaxib, you cant have it both ways, the beauty of the women in paradise is reserved for men who lowered their gaze in the Dunyaa. Nur
So you are just running around finishing up things here and there? Do you realize that you need plan B? I mean just in case you are caught of guard, by a guardian of a different kind? e-Nuri Softwaano 2006 Productions Previews Presents: The Exit Strategy: A trip that will take you behind the scenes, to show you the real thing without the real pain, then brings you back to(T-Zero ) seconds. e-Nuri Staff will assist you in drafting your own personal business Plan, complete with SWOT analysis of your life(and death), identifying competition and setting practical strategies to stay focused on SM path. Going Up, by Going Down, The Sequel. ileyhi yascadul kalimul tayyibu, wal camalul saalixu yarfacuh. To Him Rises A Good Word, and He Lifts Up (The Weight) of Good Actions. Dunyaholics Annonymously Dunyaholism dangers: The Light side of worldly love, an e-Nuri lampoon depicting how dizzying an intoxicating worldly love can be . Pre-Paid Life Card Imagine when the plug of your life is pulled off, and you dial Customer Service angels and to your surprise you hear "You have Zero credit, no refills, (or topping up for UK Nomads)" What yaw gonna do? The perils of aimlessness revisited. Islam, is the true Security System; Ask Me How. WOL Spiritual Clinic; Routine Spiritual Check Up. The Ikhlaas machine reads " Your Nifaaq level is too high Ms Xanbadan, an imaan stroke is imminent, take a break and cure your failing imaan " Enriched lives, How any Faarax and any Xaliimo can align their marriage aspirations without a conflict, e-Nuri Emotional Intelligence Service to the rescue. Why Fun is a Serious Business at e-Nuri Enterprises All Your Curious Qusetions answered in this thread, dont shy away, goofiness is a landmark @ e-Nuri, only Allah is perfect we are proud to be goofy. HeadScarves and Body Curves, The CONFLICT of Values Have you seen a Haliimo wearing a Muslim headscarf and a tight pair of jeans? Examining the Drivers of Double Dealings.. A New e-Nuri Insurance Policy A New Insurance Policy for a new growing segment, The over educated Halimos living in the west facing a dilemma of values, aspirations and lifestyles. Insure your husband now against the highly occuring Polygamy Risk, e-Nuri Social architects worked out the problems for you. Now, with few Dollars a month you can have a piece of mind, finally you can relax, knowing your present or future hubby is secured and in safe hands, No more tears my dear sis. ( Please send your checks to e-Nuri Hubby Insurance Division, One Tawheed Plaza, Kurtunwarrey Heart Gallery, Somalia). From the Anarchist Press; 1. Isgoyska Jowhar Isbaara For Sale: We Create Problems, You Find solutions How to keep up with your local warlord, 21 ways to stay ahead of the competition. Anarchy opportunity Investors with hard cash needed to buy new ISBARA near Jowhar, feasibility study is complete, will share with you the IRR and the NPV of the cashflow from the ISBAARA, ( Discount for investors who can provide six armed teenage cousins to man the Isbara station ) all you western anarchists send your money to the anarchist in your family so he can buy a share of this buisiness opportunity, no insane anarchist should miss this lifetime (deathtime) opportunity. 2. Camel Dung Enrichment Plant in Jowhar. How Puntlandians are rejoicing the Jawhar affair exporting their woes to the heart of Anarchiland. 3. NGO ( Non Governmental organizations) The Vampire Economy and the making of a SVW ( Special Vehicle Warlord) Now a new breed of warlords (Some who can even read e-Nuri articles) are emerging, lets examine the effect of NGOs to the creation, maintenance and advancing of anarchy in Somalia. These are topics on my note book that I plan to write about in detail, inshAllah, these and more will be examined and your creative participation is highly encouraged, any additions to the above should be addressed to the proper e-Nuri Department at Kurtunwaarrey HQ. Anarchist issues will be handled by our Jowhar Anarchist Observer office. Nur 2006 e-Nuri Corporation The Light Side Of Heavy Stuff Serving Common Sense With A Smile
e-Nuri Legacy Poetry Presents: Camelot ( meaning : any idyllic place or period, esp. one of great happiness). Abdi Gaheir and His Camel Idin-bacatha awrkey dhashiyo, aarankey wadatay Ilal ibili soo ma ayan dagteen aayadihii hora ee Idilkoodba asaxaabtii geela wey ku intifaaceenee Aakhirana nimaan geel laheyn lama amaaneynee Maxaan idiin la awlaad-sadaa awr ma dhaansada eeeeee Abdi Gaheir 2006 e-Nuri Legacy Poetry
Dear e-Nuri Customers, Due to end of year commitments, e-Nuri and Company will be temporarily closed. Our pages will open soon after the new year if all goes well inshAllah, meanwhile, we ask your kind duaa as we are going through some technical challenges, till then, all of us at e-Nuri from Kurtunwaarrey and beyound, thank you for your kind audience, we shall always strive to become an integral part in your life, present and inshaAllah the next, you never know, by reading e-Nuri posts day-in and day-out you are taking the slight risk of ending up laughing all the way to Jannah paradise. Nur Chairman and CEO, e-Nuri Corporation One Tawheed Plaza, e-Nuri Heart Light Tower Kurtunwaarrey, Somalia.
Faarax Brown Kashaafa Bro. and STOIC Very proud of the level of honesty, I am in hurry but inshAllah I will come up with my analyses later, till then some food for thought. The reason I asked the question # 3, was because In my freshman year in college in a health class I was asked by our professor ( a young attractive lady, what do you expect from freshmen being taught such a subject by a woman who is dressed to be looked at? ) She divided the class into two rows, men and women, when the tallies were collected, majority of men in class, voted like Brown and STOIC, very few bothered the face, umh, looking back, e-Nuri Social reserachers postulated that there is a close relationsip between that specific incident and the Hadeeth that Satan rides on the back and bossoms of a woman to attract men to Haram ( unless one proposes marriage immediately, which makes the looks halaal, you get a sin refund ). And thats is why women should dress modest to help men use their heads for thinking. Nur