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Haseena sis Great reminder, below I add one of my old eNuri Heart softners, may Allah SWT show us the way. Once upon a time there was this man in the jungles, enjoying a nice day watching the equatorial lush green foliage and the exotic animal life, suddenly, the man hears the movement of a lion behind him, he runs for his life, but the sounds got closer and closer, and the man keeps running for his life. The man came face to face with the lion, and to his right a deep well, his options are narrowed between drowning in the well and being chewed by a hungry lion, the man decides to jump in the well hoisting himself with a rope tied to the top of the well for drawing water. As he reached the bottom of the well, the man saw a huge man-eating snake taking a nap at the bottom, the man pulls himself up in the middle of the well, suspended between a hungry lion on the top and a sleeping snake at the bottom. Meanwhile the man noticed that two mice, one black and one white were chewing the rope he was hanging on, making it thinner and thinner. The man begins to swing with the rope hitting the sides of the walls of the well periodically, and suddenly feels a sticky feeling on his shoulder, as he examined what it was, he finds that it is honey as there was a bee colony on the wall of the well, the man starts licking the honey to his satisfaction until he remembers where he is and jumps out of bed. The man was dreaming all along. The man went to a Sheikh to interpret his dream: The sheikh laughing, asks him : " You do not understand this dream?" The man replied "yes sir, I do not, please interpret it for me" The Sheikh said " The lion that was chasing you is the angel of Death ( Malakul Mowt) The well which housed the snake is your grave The Rope in the well that you were hanging on, was your lifetime ticking away The Rodents chewing your Rope , black and white mice are the day and the night. The man asks "The honey, Sir, What is the honey" The sheikh says : The honey is the life of this world ( Dunyaa), its temptations which made you forget that there was death behind you and a grave ahead of you. You end up in the grave while savoring the taste of the honey up until you find yourself standing trial for your deeds in a court of law of the most just kind, Think Different Today Stop Swinging, and licking the honey Repent Nur -------------------- Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
Waterlilly Yes, I did have formal Islamic Education in addition to an informal ( Tutored, Xalaqaat) ,but if I look back to assess where I have picked up most kjnowledge , I would have to say, is due my search for an answer to an issue in which most people were ignorant, and the Sheikhs would not have a ready answer, that is when i would have the drive to find an answer without stopping short of being convinced. One such Futuux ( breakthrough of knowledge that Allah SWT has shown me after confusion ) was the connection of sin and kufr, the answer of which I foun in the unlikliest of sources, a book by sheikh Ibn Taymiyah Titled " Al Saarimul Al Masluul, Calaa Shaatimul Rasuul" which he wrote as a defense against a claim that a person who insulted the Messeneger SAWS, can be considered a Muslim. In that book, the sheikh clarified many issue that never before were clear to me from all other sources combined. A summary of mu findings are found here in a thread titled " Am I A Munaafiq" Since then, I read the oldest and least eyecatching Islamic sources to find answers to problesm that need a solution, and alhamdulilah the strategy is working fine. Kafaaxiye walaal you ask: 1. Do you live in N. America or Europe? I am mobile, always in motion, Europe and North America are two of my frequent stops, although I relate more to North America than Europe due to my Somali Nomad audience concentration in Minneapolis -Saint Paul, Ohio, Greater DC ( Maryland, DC and Virginia) , Toronto and Ottawa. Atlanta to an extent, and for that matter Southern California, San Diego, Orange county, and Seattle and Vancouver in west coast. As for Europe, UK tops my preferred stops. Sorry, aboyt the ambiguity of profit, non Profit issue: What I meant was that we are not for a worldly profit, but we are seeking a profit in terms of reward for akhira, JZK for bringing this to my attention, I will correct it. Nomads. I did not expect that this topic will spillover Qabiil issues, but why didnt you all respond te Qabil thread I posted, hardly no one responded to it, ? Nur
Nomads Transparency is an eNuri policy, I have retracted my response after Nomad Xiin has shown me convincingly that a further analyses of this thorny topic is due before posting such a radical departure from a tradition that lasted for centuries. I am back in my library, taking dust out of books I have not looked for a long time, and will be practically a student researching the issue of womens leadership in Islam. I am going to start with no preconceptions, only DALEEL, solid proofs will be considered, InshAllah, I will share with you my in depth findings. Nur
Riyaaq sis Thank you sis, nothing is more devastating like a big head, I know a first hand someone who went back home and was recveived by his tribe jubilantly, he was in line for tribal leadership and beind educated from the west he had all the right stripes, when he came back, he siad to me: Nur, now I know why people like power, it feels so great, you feel everyone respecting you, then suddenly you begin acting that way, whish exactle when you have just lost it. Moral: Yes, fame is dangerous, eNuri realizes this spiritual timebomb, we seek Allah's protection from our own evils, and if there were no sisters like RIYAAQ, my head will grow so big, and I will be doomed. Thanks sis Nur
Nomads I must share with you that I found reading Quraan among other things as a healing for fcommon flu, as I started to make tarteel ( Reading Of Quraan) , my voice cleared up noticeably, and the coughs subsided, I get more coughs when I am in bed resting than making Sallaat, moral of story: If you get sick, dont skip your Quraan, by reading Quraan you will expedite the healing inshaAllah. Nur
Abaadir walaal Welcome to the eNuri Fan club, I am kinda worried for you by liking my style, because, I know how many troubles I got through,. eNuri is a business in the Wide World Of Walbahaar, a world of opinions and ideas, in such a world, to attract audience and keep them, we had to scratch our heads for an isnpiration, we came to the conclusion that delivering Allahs message can indeed be colorful as you well put it, it does not have top be boring, one of my readers equated my writing to a crunchy delicious potato chips known as PRINGLES, " If you open the lid, you cant stop" at eNuri, we lure people to enter Paradise Nur
Haseenah sis I pray Allah reward you dearly for showing no resisitance to his rule and decrees, Allah SWT say: It was not befitting a believer man or a believer woman ( after Allah has decreed a ruling) to have a choice or options of thier own. What this verse is telling is : If Allah makes something halal, its halaal, but you have option not to take it as a personal preference Do Not preach that this isse is wrong, or restricted without a clear verese of Quraan and a adeeth from Prophet MUhammaed SAWS. Haseena , you hit the nail in the head when you stressed that the following issue at hand is a form of worship ( Cibaadah) and we all knwo that cibaadah is no fun, As for men this does not mean to abuse a devine ruling, many abuse it anyway, they dont need polygamy to do it, but those who claim to observe Allah deen, they should know that Allah is watching, so make sure that you make the right judgement and do not expose your family to unreasonable danger before coming on the same page in iman and ikhlas, otherwise, a sense of khiyaanah will hover over the head of the household. Nur
Beard Bro. Welcome and JZK for sharing your insghts, please keep it coming, its a signal from Allah SWT, however to make our insghts useful, we must define what the terms under discussion mean. I am sure that Dunyaa is well understood to mean our search and work for worldly satisfaction and fulfilment, Our jobs, businesses, possessions , Educational and intellectual credentials are all forms of Dunya. Allah SWT says: Wealth and Kid are the ornament of the lif of Dunyaa. Now, what does "Dunyaa" literally mean. Dunuw, means low, minimum, least, so when Allah SWT refers to his creation he refers to life on earth as the lowly life, as opposed to higher life of Jannah. Allah SWT says the meaning of : Seek with all that which Allah has provided for you to (buy) next permanent life, and in the process) do not get carried away as to forget enjoying the permissible hallal things in this life ( DUNYAA). After understanding what Dunyaa means, now let us fifure out what is DEEN. The word Deen in the Arabic language has four usages 1. Being under surrendered obedience of a conqueror 2. Acceptance of Inferiority of a powerful superior 3. Law, Culture, astructured proces, a system, 4. Reward for obedience to a higher authority. Now when Quraan addreses Deen, the Arab bedouins used to understant this far reaching and disruptive explanation, because in essense, the fact that all Deen shoul only be for Allah meant that all four meanings above are reserved for allah alone. Allah SWT says : Inna Diina cindallahil Islam, meaning " Recognized Deen by Allah is only SURRENDER ( ISLAM), Allah does not negotiate with slaves, he orders., their happiness is in how fast they say " we obey" Now, Brother Beard, let us see the connection of the two in light of the Quraan and sunnah. The Prophet SAWS said : Antum Aclamu bi umuuri dunyaakum" you are more knowledgeble of issues of your worldly concern ( Dunyaa) , which implies that in islam, issue of dunyaa with exception of sexual or financial aspects the rule is permission unless there is a clear teaching of forbidden. Issues of the Deen, which is the above four, clearly we can see that we have to surrender wholheartedly to Allah, and follw his Deen ( Law, accept his superiority by obeying His commandments, hoping for a reward for our obedience) That was my quick 2 cents today, let me give chance to other Nomads. Nur
JZK , MM That was an eye opener, to appreciate what they have went through to care for us is indeed unimaginable, we thank Allah who provided two slaves known as parents for us, who work for free 24/7? Amen Nur
Xiin walaal Unfortunately I did, the look he gave me was so sick that I felt like his wounds were so fresh that he wanted to emopty it somewhere ( there were reports of lots of death following a camel raid between our tribes). But I promise you that if I ever see him again, that I will do my best to win him over from Satan to Allah, such a brilliant mind shoud not be watsed. Jimcaale Its custommmery that we Somalis in a coffee shop can not talk a Tribal-joke free discussion without first checking who iks who, then the remaining tribes begin to body-body togethjer and tell jokes on the absent tribe. Someone I know had a fun one day by inuslting a tribe of a man who invited him in his house with other friends, the new comer kept barraging inuslt after insult, untill the host was infuriated " Look, I am rer Qurax, I cant takje it anymore, wil you leave my house?", to everybodies surprise, the newcomer smiles calmly ans says " wel, I am also a Reer Quracc, now what?" The moral, you can say anything about Rer Qurac if you are rer Qurac, but watch out if your are rer Qansax, you are as good as a Salami sandwich. Nur
S.O.S I once ran from Kismayo beach to Kiyunga, around 20 km nonstop along the breezy coastline , but I walked closed to Lamu in an expedition. The most distance I ran in a weekend ( 2 days) , 40 km, the first 5 km are the hardest, past that, body runs perpetually, as effortless as breathing, you get so high with theis euphoric feeling, you simply dont want stop, Nothing is more stimulating, phyisically, mentally and spiritually than a good long distance run right after Fajr prayers. But that was a while back. Last three years , I hardly ran that much due to uncertain job assignments that interrupted my schedule. Many ideas I posted were ideas I conceived while running, its the most enjoyable sport if you ask me, all you need is a pair of running shoes, my best days, I would clock 12 KM /Hour for at least 5 days a week, during these minutes ideas flow in my head like fresh camel milk is squeezed out of fisrt time she-camel the day after.. One day while I was running on the track of a University Campus, I noticed this Somali college kid watching me at awe, I remember seeing him before sitting on the bench looking at me on the track before, and as I pass each lap, we waved, but that day he came up to me to say hello while I was bending down for a post-run muscle stretching, He asked me @ point blank ( Qolomaad tahay?) not even Assalamu Aleikum. It was shocking, specially by a college freshman, Somalias hope down the drain, I posed for a while in grief, thought about what to say, then, I decided to let it on him, lets have a campus civil war, "waxaan ahay" i said to his utmost attention, " reer Qansax", I was suspecting he was a Qurac, he was speechless, he cant trust me anymore, no more waiving, or smiles, I can never be his friend, becaus the we have divided allegiances, although I have never known him enough to harm him. Nur
Sharmarjke bro why did you stop...........Kaanuu qaliilan minal leili maa yahjacuun, wa bil asxaari hum YASTUGHFIRUUN, wa fii amwaalihim xaqun lis saa'ili wal maxruum, wafil ardi aayaatun lil muuqiniin wa fii anfusikum......... A falaa Tubsiruuuuuuuuun? A Job for eNuri Opticians JZK Nur
Response Retracted For Review, Kept in its entirety in archives to be reviewed in light of Quraan and Sunnah inshAllah. Once done, a complete article summarizing my findings will be posted Retraction was trigerred by a reminder by brother Xiinfaniin that my response may not be be defensible nor justifiable. In order not to confuse more viewers, like an automobile with a defective part, I decided to recall it, check it out and once certain that a throrogh check was made, release it back on the forum, and it may well be different than my original. Nur
Viking bro Looks like a great book, first I need to down load then read it, when I have time.. I have friend who is very pious scholar in Sharicah and who interprets dreams, he is one of four major Sheikhs in his country. When I am in town visiting him, He allows me to sit with him around 1:30 PM when he is interpreting the dreams for callers, I cant hear what they tell him, but I can hear his interprtetation, Dream interpretation is an instinct. Many times he would tell me the dream and how he interpreted him, and there is no connection what so ever, but callers would call him back thanking him, for his advice as the Sheikh hits it right often. One day, the Sheikh tells me that he had a strange dream about me, I asked him, sheikh was it good or bad, the Sheikh said, " it was good", he continued " I saw you appearing on a screen and a lotta dark skinned people watching you, it looked like a hospital, because I also saw few white people on hospital gowns whatching the screen on which your image was appearing" I was thunderstrcuk, shocked, I have never shared with the Sheikh anything about my Somaliaonline preaching activities. I knew the dark skinned viewers were Somalionlline Nomads of Somalis origins, the whites whow ehere wearing hospital gowns where people seeking knowledge browsing islam page and reading eNuri articles. The oldest dream I can remember of the same , was a dream seen by a freind of female relative of mine , she said tgo herf " I saw Him on a screen teaching Tawheed". That dream took place way before It even crossed my mine, that woman was well known to be very piuos woman, her dream was realized when years later I took it to the internet and started posting on Message boards. Nur
Pi Yeah I , thanks for the comment MADMAC, Never seen in my life a human so dedicated to spread ignorance 24 hours a day. My debate with him can be as big as container if one has to sift thru the pages. CILMIILE, the head secularist and an ex Wadaad, who knew the ins and outs of the Kismayo and Bossaso waddaado battles. The AWAKENER The best Sufi Debator, his debates rekindled my love for research. MUTAKALLIM and the Shia crowd The sent back to school to support my points of view with substantiated material, after I ws done, I could have written a book of my own. Nur
Amelia sis loooooooooool you write: Background, hobbies, inspirations, beliefs, occupation not personal issues. These are for public record, but the M word is deffinetly a personal Q. You write: .......................GOOD IN NUMBERS, Like Four petals of a flower, huh Put yourself in the Faarraxs shoes, after reading your posts i have no doubt your first choice will be a destitute poor widow with six kids, now tell me the truth ( waan kuu qarinaya, adigoo naga yaqaan haweenka Somalida, mid miyaad ku ekaan laheyd?) InshAllah if i get to it, my upcoming article on the Somali woman and the Amazon Valley will make them so rare and nowhere to be found, best kept secret in tghe world. Nur
Conspiracy bro. Thanks for a great comment, always a pleasure to hear from you. If one is not careful, positive comments can destroy a rather beneficial member of society, creating a fad, and I am not different, Jazzkallahu kheirn brother for the witty note, its a valuable reminder to keep feet on the ground. The contents were typical of questions I recieved since I came to SOL 4.5 years ago, because the internet is a passing place, I thought a Q & A would help passersby who may not visist again, thus reason behind it. Now will you give the eNuri Chief Commodore a Standing Ovation ? Nur
e Nuri Fiqh Specials. New Convert's Wrong Condition To Accept Islam It was reported by Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali, in His book, Jaamicul Culuum Wal Xikam, and by Shawkani in His Book Neil Al Awtaar, and others from Masnad Imam Ahmed. Topic: Qubuulul Islaam Calal Shardil Faasid Validity Of The Conversion of A Non Muslim When He Sets A Wrong Condition to Become Muslim. Jaber RAA reported he said: That the Thaqeef tribe ( to convert to Islam ) requested that Jihad and Sadaqa ( alms giving) should be excempted from them. The Prophet SAWS accepted the condition saying " They will pay (eventually) Sadaqah , and they will join Jihad" It was also reported by Nasr binAsim Alleithi, reporting from a man who came to the Prophet SAWS and accepted to become Muslim with a condition that he will not pray more than two prayers, the (Prophet SAWS accepted it) It was reported from Xakim Bin Xuzaam RAA :" I Agreed with the prophet SAW that I skip Rukuuc ( alla akhirra illa qaaiman)" Warning: This does not mean that we freely preach that new converts can pick and choose what they want and skip what they dislike, we are only mentioning this to show how far the Prophet of Allah used to accomodate even the weirdest of conditions for the sake of not losing a single soul to Satan. The moral or Maqaasidul Shariica, should not be lost with a short sight, please use eNuri Kindness Lenses to see the full picture. Besides the Prophet SAWS had the authority to exempt rules in particular cases, his words were instant law, but after the faith has been completed in our case, there are no special requirements for each and every individual, and for that reason these hadeeths are not to be used as an everyday instrument of Islamic Fiqh. Its more about tolerance of new converts than a ruling of a permission. Where ethis principle can best be used in my opinion, is when anew convert who is a musiscian joins islam, and we accept him with his guitar, up until his feet are firm on islam, because at first if we give him daliil that guitar is haraam, then , we may lose a new convert for something that is not worth his soul being lost altogether. Sources: 1. Jaamicul Culum wal Xikam; Ibn Rajab Al Xanbali, The Hadeeth No. 8 2. Neil Al Awtaar: Shawkani, Section 7, p 199 2006 eNuri Fiqhul Aqeedah series Translation and comments by eNuri
Nomads As we cross the five year mark as contributers to Somaliaonline, we have recieved valuable feedback from our readers as private messages, we encourage all readers to send in their views as this organization takes pride in serving you, even if you you dont share perspectives with the CEO. We thought that its appropriate to answer frequently asked questions: Q. Who is Nur? A. An Islamic activist on the Wide Web of Wonders Q. What are your objectives behind your activism? A. Seeking Allahs pleasure Q. How is that, can you be more specific? A. Allah loves all of his creatures, his favorite among them are those who are helpful to them, the opposite is also true. My main objective is to help where my help is mostly needed and for which I am able qualified, allowed, and capable. Q. What is that? A. The activity that can meet all the above requirements is to share my thoughts about Islam in contrast with competing faiths and lifestyles, call me a Ralph Nader of Islamic thought consumerism, my intention is to search for and share useful knowledge, its a personal choice when it comes to beliefs. By influencing beliefs, I feel that ideas discussed on theses boards will make it to Somali mainstream thought consumerism, that way I feel I can make a difference no matter how small. Q. Are you married? A. I have not answered a personal question on these forums for 5 years. Q. Why is that? A. My person does not matter, my thoughts do. Q. What are your general intersests? A. Reading and Contemplating verses in Quraan, and narrations of the hadeeth, wisdom, Islamic activism, youth affairs, fatherless families, orphans, the poor, the outcasts, the phyisically or mentally challenged, the spititually challenged. Q, What would you do if I gave you a Million Dollars right now? A. Invest in Real Estate Opportunity Fund, profits of venture to the people, the needy, women and children, set up a trust fund, elect a credible board of notables in Philanthropy, Education, Religion, Science and Technoloy, include Non Muslim Honorary Observer: President Jimmy Carter, All members of each Islamic philanthropy Organizations, establish its office in Helsinki , Finland ( Finns scored Most Honest People On Earth, like Somalis or Republicsns, they dont have luxury of cheating, if they do, they will freeze to death, their system is very tight, and honesty over there, is a necessity) , Investment Fund to be overseen by transparency international ( TI ) , employ most efficient professional personnel, hire McKenzie to streamline management processes for best in class business practices, Earnst & Young to audit to uncle Sams satisfaction, a Sharia comopliance Investment advisory to streamline Islamic philanthropic objectives with acceptable international business standards, Set Objective for fisrt year: Build 200 low cost Homes, $5k each, Dig 1000 wells, set up 30 primary schools, Generate clean alternative energy for rural development , Build 4 Fruit processing factories @ $149K each, to export Fruit Juices to Gulf countries to buy Oil, and establish three animal feeding stations, to export livestock, and a slaughterhouse , easy no Riba loans to be repaid, so money can grow and circulate, as Allah meant it be ( Bimaa yanfacu naasa) Q. Isnt that too ambitious? A. I guess so, but a dream is all I got, and its free. Q. Why do you sensationalize issues that get you in trouble witha an audience that has a lot of respect for you, dont you know that you have hurt many Somali sisters by the way you approached FGM and Polygamy, a NO NO territory do delve in without getting a bite back? A. As a volunteer activist on this forum and other Islamic Forums, I raise issues that raise eyebrows in amazement, I post burning topics that can cause forest fires, controlled that is, after the fire is out, I till the ground, to change soil so we can throw in seeds to grow new crops, much more stronger in quality than those we have burned, and more lasting in duration. Such was the past two topics that I have posed on these threads @ Somaliaonline Islam pages ( Marriage Is On Your Mind? and A Letter To A Married Somali Woman). I was after a result that i postulated and my findings, contrary to what I may have written of being let down by sisters, It was on the bulls eye, a long way is ahead of us before we can discuss an issue without immersing our deeper emotions and its apparent repercussions. Solutions to our problems are too close to see at times. In other forums where I took radical ideas to viewers in support of women's point of view, I was also ridiculed, I was accused of being a woman ( I was called Nasra) masquerading as a man attempting to change status quo, and InshaAllah I will post some of the interesting responses I received from my gender and strangely enough form our complementary partners, women. Personally speaking, as a male, I have unparalleled level of respect for women in general and Somali women in particular, in my own community, my advice is sought in resolving conflicts that arise between family members living abroad, and on my vacations ( I go to Mogadishu, other details are withheld for fear of being taken hostage, going rate over my head after reading responses by sisters should be around U$ 100,000.), there is nothing more touching than to see the plight of disadvantaged women, the weak and children in our war ravaged country. I go to pieces over the horrors of neglected kids, abused women and irresponsible men altering lives of the innocent beyond repair. The More you read Nurtel publications, the more you will realize the driving force behind this one man institution dedicated in assisting his people, both in their relationship with their maker, Allah, and in their worldly needs, ( I will be posting new threds about career planning soon, come and see) and nothing gives me more enjoyment than to know that my conributions have helped someone change views that were limiting their potential or that my writeups have helped them get closer to their maker. In Conclusion, I apologize to my viewers if I came rather strong, I do not take your opinions lightly, but as a facilitator, I push the envelope of possibilities to new heights so that, after we've exhausted a discussion, we can look back with envy, what we might have failed to solve, so we can resolve to act wiser in the future as life is a learning curve, marriage being the roughest ride, so the steeper the curve, the faster we learn, and the rougher the ride. So, My California viewers near Disney, Marine world, or the Medieval Times theme Parks, you should understand my analogy, and further consider this piece as the final splashdown on your faces after ending the ride, the learning ride. Q. Do you write books? A. No, I attempted to write one in Somali, but published it on SOL boards after a futile attempt, to complete it. it was in Somali, about Sharia, and it was tough, but I deferred it to later inshAllah. Q. Your favorite book? A. Quraan Q. Your favorite sport A. Long Distance run in a lonly rural road in September, or along a beach from Kismayo to Lamu-Malindi. Q. Most enjoyable Moments? A. Dhiker Moments Q. Traits you like in People you admire? A. Cheerful, Simple, logical, transparent, helpful, honest, soft humor, faithful. Q. Favorite foods. A. Fish, clams, shrimp, lobsters, etc. Q. Who inspired you most: A. Prophet Muhammad SAWS. in 23 years he established a faith. Q. Followed by? A. Imam Shafici , Ibn Qayyim Al Jawzi, Al Ghazali, Ibn Taimiyah. Q. Modern Islamic thinkers? A. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, ( Bin Bazz Teacher), Xujjatullah Al Dahlawi, Abul Alaa Al Mowdudui, Abul Xassan Nadwi, Q. From the West? A. Abraham Lincoln, you notice all great people had beards? Q. Favorite Poets? A. Abul Cataahiya, Al Asmaci, Shawqi, Mutanabi, Sayyid Muhammad Abdalle Hassan, Bacadle. Q. Favorite artist? A. Dutch Graphic artist M.C. ESCHER Collection, I appreciate his deep way of seeing things, its indulging just appreciating his work. Q. Which of the dozen Islamic revivalist groups do you belong? A. None Q. You mean you are a lonely rider? A. Not neseccarily, Allah is with me, and besides I am part of the larger picture of the Ummah, by belonging to a specific group, I am limiting my reach, thus not viable for my vision. Q. What do you think about Islamic revivalist groups? A. I think they have a devine calling to resetablish islam again as a viable choice of millions of faithful, each and every group has a perspective from which it sees a solution for the problem, the complete solution lies in bits and parts of their combined philosophies, minus some unfounded innovations some of them have introduced without support from Sunnah, however due these differeing perspectives they are in effect working against each other annulling their effectiveness instead of adding forces and working for islam together. Each group has a philosophy of reestablishment of Islam again, but they differ on tactics, my take is that in the present time, a time in which the world is so connected in every which way you can imagine, violence will not deliver the answer, true bravery lies in standing up and speaking clearly about ones beliefs, ( The Prophet SAWS said "Best of Jihad is a word of Truth said on the face of a tyrant") Muslims will always be held to live with a set of higher morals to those opposing our quest to establish Allah's faith for Allah's people. To solve a problem, we have to remove ourselves from it first, because as long as we are the problem, we can never devise a stlution or deliver islam to others to adopt. In this conflict, The stakes in my opinion are not land, nor oil, I am willing to give it up, but my right to live a true montheist Muslim worshipping Allah on all of earth in harmony with all of His other creatures is NON NEGOTIABLE. Q. What is e-Nuri? A. It is a one man organization, using all lawful means available to reach and teach Islam best way I could, it is for a profit organization, our exit strategy being death when we hope to collect our profits from our maker, e-Nuri, stakeholder. The organization came to being on other forums, and found by accident some that of our posts were circulating and even posted at Islamic sites with psoitive reviews, tagged : Author Unknown. That was when the CEO entreprenNUR decided to invest heavily on this niche market, a unique style in delivering the message of Allah to a new generation who are very resistant to old remedies of Muhaadaro. e-Nuri was previously know as Nurtel, back in the old days, it was located at Somalinet, an environmentally challenging site, there, the organization earned its wings as the moderating force of Islam amidst some of the most skewed posts. Later, Sister Raxmah invited the organization to open shop @ Somaliaonline a very quiet yet responsible site that for the fisrt time had a vision of building the right readership against the temptation of sheer numbers to boast the number of hits to make advertisement money ( . The Superior Know What Is Right, The Inferior Know What Sells : Philosopher Confucious). e-Nuri style is said to be sarcastic, at times mocking at conventional wisdoms, it provides a fresh look at issues from the point of view of someone who is fully by-cultural, as he spent his life equally abroad as he did at home, and who is an avid reader of all literature in several languages, learning a lot from other experiences and weighing it against our values before opining. e-Nuri writes about diverse topics such as social issues, politics, and current events, all from the Islamic point of view. It believes that reason is not treason, and if all humans reason, with all the facts available to all of them, they will converge to a similar conclusions on issues they radically differ on today, its ignorance that is causing rifts, thus e-Nuri , a pacifist organization who shuns violence as a means of change, focuses on attacking problems, not people, in a world that is busy identifying the person as the problem and then going after them with all avialable brute force, while ignoring the underlying problems that will haunt them later. Neutral Somalia, posted at Somaliaonline Politics section depicts the authors political thought provoking solutions. Q. Could you tell us more about the background of the founder A. Nur, is the birth name of the CEO, not the current one, born and raised in the horn of Africa, educated in the west and widely travelled for business. He has always been an Islamic activist, mellowing from youth revelutionary philosophy to that of a social change, peaceful change philosophy, positive change being his concern and not any change, personally, what the CEO posts reflect his past or present personal struggles to rise to his maker, places and names in his posts are fictitious, but the content are invariably all his or that of his close aquaintances. Nur leads a very happy life, he harbors no ill feeling for anyone particular, his preoccupation is what he can do for himself through helping others, nothing gives the CEO more pleasure than helping clarify an issue or allay undue fears from the practice of our faith. The CEO is very cordial with all religious persuations and races that he came to know and interact in different capacities, Christians and Jews, Secularists and Islamists alike, participated in interfaith dialogues, Islamist-nationalist dialogues, and regards all humans as a single family and prays that Allah guides lost souls to the right path, although he believes that there is nothing as precious on earth like the Somali Woman, If Allah blesses him in paradise, his Xuur Al Ayn will be a Somali. One of my unfinished aticles combining paradise and Somali Women is titled " Preserving The Amazon Valley And The Somali Hijabi Woman" two great undiscovered rich resources. The CEO is a very normal Faarax by all yardsticks, ( Good and Bad) , intentionally , he does not disclose his private life, as the scope of his efforts are targeted toward helping others, he enjoys sports, loves the outdoors, reading, skiid in Pensylvania slopes, and diving in Dahlak islands in Eritrea. Travelled in Africa, Asia , Europe and North America, experiences that give the CEO a very wide perspective of issues. Against that background, the CEO is also a lifetime student of Islamic Jurisprudence and Fiqh, Aqeedah, languages, drawing from famous scholars of our time and the 12 century Hijri. Q. Why is that you start great topics and then never finish, why do you lie? A. Well, 99 % of my topics are composed directly on the page you are reading, ( This one is an an example), no time to edit and no time to follow through, finishing, reason being time scarcity, and that if I dont post my thoughts they are lost forever, so our policy has been post as many thoughts as possible, only the good ones will be requested. Being a one man show also has its drawbacks, responding to all responses is a mamoth job, and if i dont respond, I lose my readers, considering the fact that i have a life that has its needs. But, we realize that we need to expand, we are interviewing few good women and few good men to joing our ranks and moderate the e-Nuri posts. Few souls that we approached feel spiritually challenged to join the team, but we are working on them. Please come back, To Be Continued....... Nur 2006 e-Nuri Corporation Somaliaonline Village On The Web
Seeker You observe: Thats not what all Islamic reformers are calling for. So Nur, since you brought the topic up why don't you deal with the real issues about Islamic reform. Which is basically the adherence of Muslims to the Islamic creed. Answer: Issues forf which some "Muslims" suggested to be refomed widely vary, this particular response was specific to a suggestion of the creation of an Islamic Protestant Movement, similar that in Europe that revolted against the pope. So, this particular one is specific. You write: You touch on something when you say that some "muslims" do want to reform Islam in the likeness of christianity i.e innovations of the west and whatnot. Could this be due to Christianity being perceived as relatively simple (believe someone already atoned for your sins and all you have to do is accept them as your saviour). Mind you I am over simplifying the creed. Islam on the other hand expects you to live your life in a certain fashion, following certain rules that are in place to protect, sustain and prepare you for the other world. The constant vigilance expected from muslims is sometimes the straw that broke the camel's back, wouldn't you say? Answer: Sound observation, my whole point was cenetered around that, Paradise plots being sold for 1000 bucks, all the sins you have forgiven, just sing, sing and sing at Choirs. The piece was targeted for a Muslim audience, not a Chritian, thus it did not highlight ahet you've suggetsed since Muslims are Familiar with it, I only lampooned what theyy dont know. You write: Personally I think with the different sects of Islam emerging, we should concentrate on what makes us similar (Quran and Sunnah) instead of what makes us different. Maybe if we were to mold a moderate Islamic state that does function like clockwork (within its borders) as opposed to the current Islamic states in existance. Answer: This piece again had a specific goal, showing Somalis where the bandwaga of religious reform championed by Somalis who work for NGOs o rChurch groups are trying to see what they can get away with in terms of "revolutionizing islam" as they call it by making it all things to all people without reservation. You write: Ps:- Whats with you all of a sudden going to the archives. The well ran dry or something? Answer: For several reasons: 1. Somaliaonline browsers are referred to us NOMADS, they are constantly changing audience as many move on with their lives and new ones drop by, so in that regard , every issue is relevant from their view and they see it as new. 2. I am a one man net activist, reruns of old issues are the bread and butter for my new audience while I am cooking new foods for their thought. Seeker bro. As for the wider Islamic issues that you have suggested, I am very much concerned, and to that end I have many posts and debates, I have debated Sufis, Seculars, Shia on these boards, as for the unity issue, I believe that it is a necessity, Islamic streams of thought are lego pieces, we may not see how they fit each other to make a picture, but with patience, the picture shall be clear inshAllah, Islam as a world faith, system and lifestyle, is an eventuality that will happen, we have to excercise utmost care not to add to confusion, as for joining efforts of all Islamic rennaisance movements? again, that is on the way, I am very thankful to Condoleeza Rice for helping solve Somali Tribal Civil War by aiding the criminals known as the bad 9 Warlords ( Wa kaana fil madiinati tiscatu rahtin, yufsiduuna fil ardi walaa yuslixuun) Now, with a timely help from a woman our own color, Condi, for the first time show Islamic unity and tribalism is losing its appeal. Thanks Condi, I will post a thank you letter on this forum. Nur
Azmaya sis you write: Sorry if I come across rude in this "happy community" of yours in SOL, but who is exactly are you? Answer: Please follow this Link, it kinda gives you my corporate profile:;f=3;t=000672 You write: and do these herds that follow you blindly and ask you for advice on personal issues, religious matters know you, your education in the diin, your qualifications, credentials…? Answer: I wouldnt be so hard on my fans , they are no herds nor blind, ( cthat statement may stay in your record unless you seek forgiveness from all affected) Sister, my fans are ENLIGHTENED NOMADS ( I bet we cant go wrong if we follow Quraan and Sunah?), its interesting that you address blindness, please follow this link:;f=3;t=000924 About my credentials, well, I have the equivalent of PhD in Common sense, I am the kind of guy If I drop by in your house, that your gradma will immediately like, I have four papers published in major international scientic periodicals, Alhamdulillah, science is an Islamic subject, I also am well versed in Arabic, (Native fluency) , and a lifelong student and researcher on almost all Islamic disciplines, Aqeedah being my favorite area of research, followed by Fiqhul Muwaazanat also known as a subset of Maqaasidul Shariica. The piece on Hadeeth you are referring to, I wrote it hastely to respond to a non Muslim's querry, the Basic Principles I discussed are same in Hadeeth science, just like your textbooks, they differ in their treatment, the authors can make big difference, eNuri forte is to turn a rather coplex issue a child play, knowledge should be horizontally shared, not vertically monopolized by an ellte, I promised Allah if he gives me a lease on life, that I will simplify much of the complex Islamic subjects that can potentially take humility away from some scholars, so inshAllah more is on the way, my readers usually seek a second opinions on my write-ups, my reject rate is very low, walillahil Hamd. ( Sheikh Basheer once identified a weak Hadeeth that I have posted, and thus the Hadeeth was removed happily), If You tell me where you live I will refer you to a Sheikh that you trust to qualify my write-ups for your honorable acceptance, all original works, except rare articles that I copy verbatum with Writers name, the rest, its a trade mark of eNuri. but you are free to call your own, it may be my words, but its through Allah's( ilhaam ) Inspiration. You write You are coming across to me as someone who is acting like a sheik, Allah knows best, but to me you can say whatever you want on religious matters you will not be taken seriously by me, unless your education background in Islam backs it up. Please do tell me is it something that I don’t know, are you the SOL appointed sheik-if so then tell us of your credentials, or a wanabe that enforced himself in that position. In other posts you are discussing sciences of Hadith, which takes decades to study, and I didn’t see any sources given by you, so you are telling me you wrote. Plz do inform me is there something I don’t know. I have to run to class now, I don’t mean to sound rude but I am concerned since I see the areas you are talking about especially science of hadiths, figh as scared ground, areas that not every BOB should partake in or takes jabs at. Salamz Answer: Sister, I am not a Sheikh, I am Nur. Hadeeth Science has only one big Scholar, everyone studies his text, including SHEIKHS,. His Name is Ibn Salaax, and that is my SHEIKH, but like Newton said, if I have seen further, its because I am standing on the shoulders of Giants, like Ibn Salaah, as a matter of fact the first issue of that post had His name as Ibn Salaah Science of Hadeeth. Never have I suggested that I have invented that science, i hope you reread and sea how much respect I have showered on men of Hadeeth who have served us so well. Nur
Rendevous I missed your response, just browsed and found, if you are still around please read on. Trying to reform Islam to be like Christianity is based on the notion that since western countries are predominantly Christians, and that they have progressed very well in terms of processess, systems of civility, technology and business in comparison with Muslims world, then, Islam must be reformed to be like christianity for Muslims to catch up with developed Nations. So the first thing to start with to validate that assumption is to compare the fundemental creeds of the two faiths. We shall examine the Christian Creed, and Muslim Creed. Here is the Christian Creed reached after many days of Political negotiations, political maneuvering, threats, like the UN resolutions you can smell the Coffee Anan aroma of hypocracy and Natioonal bribery. The Nicene Creed, ELLC Translation We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son], who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. ................................................................................................... The Muslim CREED The Muslim Creed follows, By Allah alone, no delegates, no bribes, nor intimidations, no Kings, no slaves, no Masters, God in Person Speaks About Himself, confirming what he is, and denying blasphemy he is NOT. Suurah Al Nur ( Light) Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp, the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning) nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah sets forth parables for mankind, and Allah is All-Knower of everything. Suurah Al Baqarah: Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter . And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. [This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursi.] Suurah Al Ikhlaas ( Exclsusive Worship) 1. Say (O Muhammad ()): "He is Allah, (the) One. 2. "Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). 3. "He begets not, nor was He begotten; 4. "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." Dear Reader Now which CREED is easy to understand? ..And Follow? Welcome To Islam, The natural Choice! Nur
Azmaya sis You write: wait, am reading this correctly. Your telling me a man came to the Prophet on him be peace, requested he doesn't pray and the Prophet accepted? Do I have this correct. Plz tell me because that is shocking . No i don't want you tell me plz show me the proof. Answer: Not only one incident, many incidents, inshAllah it will be an eye opener, I shall post it soon with a nice flavor, (Tolerance Tortilla), assuming that you are into Mexican foods. Patience is requested, at eNuri we must warn you that if you are not careful you wouldnt know the difference of what is real from the purely imaginitive, so in a way, its not your fault, seasoned eNuri readers ask for it and in short time they susually get the point. eNuri claims are like Pringles Chips, if you open its lid, you cant close it, munching on all day, or like they say in the Middle east, Low tafukkahaa... maa xatsukkaha, Well, so much for sales pitch, lets get goin. You write: Secondly, I was agreeing with your comments until..... who are you to suggest what a woman can and can't wear, or how many meters she most have on her clothing. Last time I read the Qu'ran, clothing/hijaba was not specfic and it is up to the woman to decide what she wants wear as long as it islamic which is loose fitting. Miss, you dont know who you messing with, huh?, I am proud to say that I am the Prince who inherited the position of the champion of womens partcipation in Somali movement for independence back in the fifties. My Relative, happened to be the first man to deliver the first speech on behalf of the working committe of Somali Women of the SYC ( Somali Youth Club, later the name was changed to Somali Youth League SYL) in that speech, my Male Relative said : "We The women of Somalia" to the stunning applause and laughter of the male filled room" Now after showing my credentials, and again I must warn you to be careful, by getting assistance from Reality Check, I am going to tour all the foreign countries where sizeable Somali communities live, we shall set up eNuri Camel Mounted Tailors Vigilantes , we wil visit Universities and Highschools in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK, Sweden, France and Mainland China To enforce the proper Hijaab Rule of Kurtunwaarrey City Council, we shall check for the proper Hijab dimensions, any Somali girl found not conforming to the strict size and fabric of the Hijab will be sent back to Kurtunwaarrey to forcefully marry a smiling Camel boy after we confiscate her foreign degrees and passport. That was a joke, ( But Some above parts are veiled stark truths, the challenge is for you to find out which is which) but on a serious mood, I was just enlarging your mental picture, of fear of a man policing attire , that is simply wrong sister, I suggested the dimensions to illustrate the maximums a Hijab requires in term of fabric lengths after Johnny Boy suggested they need 10 Meters long TENT according to him, it waz my reasonable dimensioning of his unreasonable dimensions, but not a fashion police, to get those dimensions I callled a relative of mine who pretty much gave me an approximate dimensions of the mainstream Somali Hijaab. Am I off the hook now? Peace Nur
Precisely STOIC Bro. Isnt that the double standard of the Somali males ( Faaraxs)? When it comes to selecting a spouse for a Faarax, the rope is tied higher for a Xalimo, she must be: 1. Faith ( Very Conservative) 2. Family background ( Uncle Cag Bakayle's daughter) 3. Education Two Masters Degrees, speaking Five Languages 4. Sicial Status or in Af Somali ( ISTUSTUS): Upper Class Own Kurtunwaarrey Marriott By The Courtyard. 5. Looks: Cross Between Queen Nefertiti and Queen Sheba Now as Somali Xalimos try that uphill battle just to be considered by a local loser, their quality surges much higher as to be able to marry a Faarax. All a Faarax has to be to find a wife is a (TO BE THERE) period. STOIC, I take the pleasure saaxib, You are in my prayers, go for it, bittawfeeq. Nur
From The 2003 e-Nuri Archives e-Nuri PRESENTS: Skeletons In A Somali Closet: Our Collectively Earned National Curse A sensitive topic, please do not read under the influence of Qaat, jaad, or under its effect known as Mirqaan( in the evening) or Qaadiro ( in the Morning) if you can tell the difference. Nurtel News Release. Scientist studying the social evils in the former Somali Republic's splinter tribal reservations are on the verge of deciphering the first and most important code of a chain of causes that resulted in the fragmentation of the nation state. Nurtel Social Engineering Department Chief Dr. Talosame, has postulated that: 1. Somalia was made up of three Social Classes a. The Religious Class ( similar to the Brahmas in India) b. The Warrior Class ( like the Sikhs in India) c. Technocrats Class( Like the outcasts in India) The prosperity of any society depends in the proper interfaces and relationships of its citizens. The better the relationship, the better their progress, stronger their defenses and happier. The Somali religious class were like planners and lawmakers in the modern world, the religious class motivated society to do good and help stop evil and crime. When this class did its job well, other social groups follow suit. The Warrior class were like the military in modern world, their job started and ended with hostilities, Before politics was invented in Somalia, the Religious Class represented by a wadaad with a cane helped reconcile hostilities or blessed wars depending on his conviction and at time for his tribe's interest. So, the wadaad served as a fuse or a control mechanism for the warrior class who were trained only to kill effiveiently, but had no other intellectual capabilities beyond spilling blood. The Technocrats Class, the skillful artisans and tradesmen who produced all consumable goods and services, everything from shoes to building materials used to be the backbone of the Somali society. This class represented the economical engine of our society, if we allowed them to function properly, gave them the same respect technocrats enjoy in Silicone Valley Tecnology corridor, the Somali nation would have prospered. The Present Today, in Somalia, the Religious scholars are busy fighting to protect themselves, the warriors class are busy in politics and the skillfull technocrats left their trade after being despised for working with metallurgy and leatherworks. To insult the artisan class, Somalis invented some folklore stories that the the technocrats used to eat non halaal products, which was supposed to have made them inferior(I know Somalis who would eat anything haraam, One Of The The Bad 9 Warlords in Somalia has a name to the effect Xaaraan Ku Naax, correction sought from active anarchists who can read this post ) . In Doofaarrey, Kenya, the Noble Somali tribes are convening a national salvation meeting in a town named after the Pig, a befitting name for the warrior class who subjugated their brethern Technocrats. In Doofaarrey, the Noble Warriors are humbled by the Kikuuyu as their masters, and the pigs as their room mates, ugly pigs who intermingle with the noble chief warriors and sleep with them at night. I find it an irony here, how Allah SWT demeaned those who despised the technocrats of our society. Allah SWT says: " Wa man yuhinillaahu famaa lahu min mukrim" " Qofkuu Allah dulli ka dhigo, qof sharfikartaa ma jiro" This thread opens the door for thoughts on the issue of the abominable unjust cast system in our country. We need to come in terms with our evils. Are there a permanently shitty people? Are there a permanently Noble people? Are we Somalis a racist nation? Are we prepared For A National Reconciliation And An Apology For The Oppressed Social Outcasts? Nur 2003 Nurtel Social Re-Engineering Research Institute Identifying Natioal Wounds is an eNuri Objective