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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Nomads Athiest Femminist Emma Goldman is quoted as saying that all she cares about is the process, but not the finality or end result. She has accepted to oblivious to any purpose and goal. Islam on the other hand, teaches us the purpose for which we exist, where we are heading at the end, and how to get there, a clear way, all the way. How empty a life can be when one has no purpose nor a goal. Nur
  2. Jamilah Sis Good points, JZK. My question to you is, Since the application fo the sharia is the soul of the Ummah, and without it we are a dead Ummah, then, to get our soul back what are the steps? Nur
  3. Awakener Wishing you a safe trip, having no access to the internet is inconvenient, having no mobile phone is worse, but i pray that your connection with Allah is hot and humming with tasbeex, tahliil, takbeer, istighfaar and salaat calal rasuul. I will contiune inshaAllah. Nur
  4. Viking You Write: If we take the hadith in a literal sense, how come the countries that exclude women in contributing to the economy do much worse (economically) than those who include them? What is the "success" [the Prophet spoke of] based on? Is it in this world or the hereafter? We know from history that certain circumstances have made women leave their traditional roles and joined i.e. battles, factories etc. in order to help a nation survive. This was the case when the Muslims waged wars and used women as nurses and even swelled up numbers in order to intimidate the enemies. And in Europe during the world wars, the results would have been different if women hadn't been working 24 hours a day in bullet factories etc. Answer: Let us no mix contribution to economy with womens leadership in a society, if we mumble jumble things, we can quickly run out of reason. Womens participation in our society shouldnt be something that Kofi Anan imposes on us, only mosquitoes in africa should take him for serious, no else does. We have a different philosophy of how to live, and as a result what will happen after we die, as such, they have their Deen ( way of life) and we have our deen, we have nothing in common except to live peacefully as fellow passengers on planet Earth. The issue at hand is that in the Quraan Allah gave the Muslim Male trusteeship over Muslima women, this is called QIWAAMAH, and its no hadeeth, its geuine Quraan. That Qiwqaamah overrides all other previllages. You can not start with a non Islamic dough to make an Islamic bread, the conditions that are prevalent today thatyou live under , have all emanated from a non islamic laws and norms, to build our system, we have to start from the foundations, structure of the family, the community and the nation in that order. The success ( AFLAXA) that the prophet SAWS was talking was that of the faith and ethics, not material and money. We all know that Nafertiti ruled Egypt, the most advanced civilization we know, and so was Queen Sheba of Yemen mentioned in Quran who surrendered to prophet Solomon as a Muslima, Shebas success was that she never reached a decision without her advisors ( Maa kuntu qaadicatan amran xataa tash-haduun) meaninh " I was not about to make a decision without conferring with you" As for womens particpation in economy, again, we must compare apples to apples, to live in the west, a complete different way of life than islam's, in which the system was built on a denial of a God has any authority on peoples lives, and then to borrow certain aspects of that system to apply on islam is going to be funny. To reap the islami fruits, we must grow seed on an Islmic soil, irrigated by an slamic water under and islamic sun. Nur
  5. Xiin Bro. Let say that you are Genral Motors CEO, would you accept, from the standards and quality point of view, the use of non genuine parts on your car models? specially when its brought to your attention that customers are running their cars with a reconditioned Ford engine not designed for its use, a rigged elictrical wiring from Mitsubishi, a Chrysler power train? When we say Islamic, we have to make sure that we are branding it as genuine Islam, not a rigged system, otherwise, the damage to the brand name will be irreversible. As for applying parts of islamic Sharia in Anarchist communities such as Mogadishu, we must recogocnize that Islamic Sharia is best applied when the ground work is done for its application, In Mogadishu, the foundations are not in place, the staff is not trained, triabalism remians to be a driving force ( Faqiih tolkii kama janno tago, meaning, a religious scholar does not enter paradise alone without his tribe, he is normally expected to go wherever they go, hell or heaven). The Sharia courts in Mogadishu may not be conviction driven which is necessary but not sufficient condition for its success, in reality they are need driven, and for that matter the same courts can work in Watts, Los Anegles, Haarlem in New York, and in deadly Southeast Washington DC. Just approach mayors in these cities and you may be given the approval, once you weed out the criminals, the credit goes for the mayor in next election, and the selective Sharia clauses that bhelped him get votes is discarded. The Sharia law is the culmination of many processes that should all be in place before it can be applied. Beginning with a sovereign territory, an educated citizenry who subscribe to it, a wise judicial system, and an ethical executive branch of government to enforce it. We must recognize that if majority of people are looting, its due to failure of governmemt to educate, lack of planning of resources for their needs or a general breakdown of law and order. To rebuild, we need peace first, so these Mogadishu courts are doing a good job only if they would not use Islamic banner since there is nothing Islamic about what is going on in Somalia. ( Peoples Courts would be a catchy logo) Secondly, work with Dawa groups that are successfull in converting Moriyans to a Muslim, and thirdly educate the masses through media. Nur
  6. Are We Ready For Sharia Law? A sister once asked me on another thread the need to enforce the stoning of the adulterer clause in the Sharia in Somalia today, here was my response, please read and reflect, here is the text of my response: Bismillah wa bihi nastaciin. Islam is a wholesome way of life, it was completed at the time of prophet Muhammad SAWS. Later, the years that followed, Islam as a community, witnessed blossoming, and then slow death that many are betting that it is all over today. The first community of Islam were persecuted in Makkah, they fled to Medina and found sympathy among the people of Medina who supported this new faith and gave it a launching pad. It was in Medina that the laws of stoning were reconfirmed, as the Jews who lived in Medina had the same law in their holy books ( read Suuratul Maaedah). When I say the laws were reconfirmed , I mean that the laws of Moses were binding until Muhammad SAWS appeared, at that point, the new prophet through divine revelation, had the choice to either abolish or sustain that law. ( the law was sustained) Early in the last Century, The Caliphate, represented by Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey was dismantled and a new secular Turkey identifying itself with Europe was born. In a way, the last nail was hammered on the coffin of the Islamic Nation that lasted for 1400 years. Afterwards, nation- states were born and the European nations inherited much of the inheritance of this dead Caliph. Holland Taking Indonesia, and the rest divided in the Berlin Conference that pretty much feasted on the world map as its rightful colonies. As Somalis, we became the property of three colonial masters, The British, Italians and the French. Because of that division, today, we eat fish and chips, spaghetti, and chocolate souffl� respectively. So you can see how united we are as a nation. The last century witnessed the rebirth of Islam, after many Muslim intellectuals dusted out our lost heritage and realized the extent of damage done to our existence as a viable faith and a message for mankind. These intellectuals, from Pakistan to Tunis, called for the rebirth of Islam as a state, not merely as a religion. Because unlike Christianity, Islam was formulated from the beginning as a state for the faithful. The proof of this statement resides in the Library of Congress, not in the card catalogue, but on the Main Dome roof as you walk in, look up the Main Dome Roof to see ISLAM engraved on the roof next to France and Britain as a state among states. A living and a fair testament America is offering the Muslim world for a lasting recognition. Today, Islam is going through tumultuous times to reestablish itself, however, the times have changed not only in the sense of technology, but also in the sense, that, both Christianity and Judaism, our sister religions have been marginalized and are no longer religions for social change, and Islam is expected to follow suit. Based on that quick background, many Islamic activists who want to reestablish Islam as a state for the faithful differ greatly, just as the Jews who have established Israel have differed on the creation of Israel, each one of them interpreting it his own way. But the Jews ( as a faith and nation ) got their state when Britain's Balfour Declaration gave the Jews Palestine after the holocaust and the fundamentalist Jews were forced to go with the secular interpretation of the creation of Israel. So today Muslims are living in nation states, grouped along geographical and ethnic lines, not faith. The laws of these nations are secular in nature with some honor mentioning of Islam as the official religion of the state, in most so called constitutions. The practical laws of these nations are the European colonial laws, like the French law, which ironically have borrowed some laws from the Hanafi school of thought, specially in the inheritance law. In light of that background, and the fact that Islam as a legal entity is disenfranchised, taking the Islamic law into ones hands will portray Islam very badly to an audience that is in dire need for it. Applying part of Islamic laws in makeshift courts, will alienate those who are sympathetic to Islam, because the beauty of Islam resides in its enforcement of Islamic laws as a WHOLESOME and COMPLETE jurisprudence, not selective pieces and parts. The laws of Islam can only be enforced within a community that is willing to abide by the moral of the law before the letter of the law, and we all know, that such a community, does not exisit today, even if it exists in a geographical terms, it does not yet have the international community mandate or understanding that it needs to declare such a sovereign state. We are thus in changing times, and as times change, we are suddenly finding ourselves again in old Mecca township and village setting, a small world after all, indeed. And as such, we as Muslims have to deal with this new reality wisely by looking into the early Meccan period and the persecutions of the faithful and the Divine strategy of focusing their attention on the spiritual aspect and prayers and not on wars, retaliation and revenge, even when when unjustly attacked, Allah says: ( stop retaliating and establish regular prayers) Quraan. In conclusion, Islam today governs the individual, not the community, so, up until a willing community which can best represent Islam in all spheres of life is born, applying the Islamic law in parts may not serve the best interests of Islam. A spare part for a Ford, will not work on a GM. Wallahu Aclam Nur 2003 eNuri Fiqhul Aqeedah Wisdom Without Knowledge is better than Knolwedge without wisdom.
  7. Rahima sis Allah has given me the means to realize it through dawa work, If I can keep my satan at bay, my Ikhlaas in tact, at times, specially when high on dhiker, Life seems long, but getting there is half the fun, The Dream is fueling this page and thus my life, A very pious Sheikh has seen a Bishaara dream for me, he was wondering what i do, he knows me only from business perspective, and is not aware of my SOL activism, although we share spiritual experiences. His Dream : " He saw me on a screen being watched by a lot of dark skined people ( Sheikh is not ) and some white skinned people in hospital gowns. That dream, plus another a decade ago, very similar, also was seen that I was appearing in a screen, being watched by many people, in that dream my veins were seen transparently by viewers humming with Tawheed, at the time, it never made sense, looking back, I cant express my gratitude to Allah to have given me the the means to Him, by sharing my insights with fellow Muslims and non Muslims. The trip is still not over, just like one of those crazy rides at amusement parks, you dont know what is the next scary thing lurking behind next loop, but, through dhiker of Allah SWT, and serving his cause in all possible capacity, the dream stays alive. How are my eNuri SOLers in Australia? Did you remember me in your Duaa today? Nur
  8. SOS Yes indee, I cant remember the Nass or the sinaad of the hadeeth, but I recall it goes like " Shayabatnii Huud wa akhawatuhaa" Me grey hair is due to due to Hood and its sisters ( Yunis, etc.) Allah waa noo digayee, yaa dhego leh? Nur
  9. Waterlilly writes; Imagine if Allah didn't make the role of men/women explicit in the Qur'an, the men would have been overrun in a day. Alhamdulillah, Allah is indeed merciful to all of us in different ways. A question that bothers me on womens particpation in government and all wlaks of life: If Muslim women are given the same rights like Western women: 1. How many of them would excercice it? same like current stats in the west? and why? 2. When a woman competes with a man in all walks of life, I am suure she will bring an excietemnt to men wherever she goes, she will be like one of the guys, working late, business trips, conventions, nothing special for a gender, so she has to shovel her way and be strong willed, and after that, she has to come home, may be she will prominent but has is not married, like Condi Rice, she woul have to find pleasure just like the guys in politics do, specially when they follow the two hundred mile rule, in such circumstancs, what is happening at home? is hubby playing cards with next door wifeys? are latch key children hanging around malls unattended? do you think a stay home hubby will be able to replace a woman to care for chldren at home? or are we going to follow the Italian negative growth ( more Italians opting for no marriage, and no kids, just having good times)? A problem is not solved at the level it was created ( Human). Einstein. We need a Devine Solution, " why then are they running away from Allah's Tadhkirah ( Reminders, Solutions) like wild Donkeys ( eg. Zebras) running away from a Lion" Quraan Nur
  10. S.O.S. Runtii, waxaad tilmaantay oo ah baraka darrada ku saabsan cunidda xaaranta waa mid aan aad loogu foojigneyn, waxaanan isleeyahay, ummaddeenna Somalida ah , gaar ahaan halkee laga heystaa? Waxaad mooddaa in xaaraan cunidda ay noqotay hab nololeed oo dad badan ku nool yihiin, hadaba ma laga yaabaa, inta aan sidaa ku sugan nahay in Allah barakeeyo waxa na la siiyay? Nur
  11. Water Lilly' eNuri club members are closely following your posts. We may have a group marriage for eNuri fans this summer. Nur
  12. Ahura I guess as eNuri Cheif salesman, I cant sell to everybody, we are sorry our packaging leaves a lot to be desired, majority of target custoers love it, but I respect your choice of products you buy, in case you are ever dissatisfied with your current products, our doors are wide open, same low price, and thank you for shopping at eNuri, our customer service department will send you a free gift inshallah. Nur
  13. Awakener walaal You write: Who is Muslim ? In the most general terms, everything in the heavens and earth are Muslims. Allah SWT after the creation asked : ( Itiyaa tawcan ow karhaa, qaalataa, ataynaa taaiciin) Meaning : Surrender willingly or unwillingly , they said we surrender willingly. So, the heavens and the earth are Muslims ( surrendered), and they follow a law ( Sharia) so precise if the sun shifts centimeters, our electric bill for air conditioning or heating will skyrocket, earth and and sun are following the code of their creator, to give us sustanance, under unhospitable void of space. Man on the otherhand, was given free will to choose, to either surrender or not to surrender, a person who surrendered has no choice over his affairs, that is why Allah refvers to everybody as a slave, a slave or a prisoner has no right to choose, they must hear and obey. So, the realtionship has two ways: 1. From man to Allah is Tawajjuh, you seek Him. love him, and beacuse you truly love him, you obey him, it does not make sense to claim taht we love Allah and we disobey him or free ourselves from his worship. 2. From Allah to us, is two things: a. Akhbaar, information that we should believe in order to: b. Fulfil the Amr, His orders If we asct on His orders as a sign of belief of his akhbaar ( info) relayed to us through our Prophet SAWS, then we have met the general requirements of a Muslim. Now, by default, all humans are born Muslims, because they have taken a covenant with Allah SWT before incarnation,, that He is their Lord. It is only when they are embodied on earth that some will walk their talk and follow their fitrah (islam) and respond favorably to Islam as soon as ther hear its message like Deja vu, while others reject it as they favor this life more than promise life in hearafter. The Prophet SAWS, said that Allah said : I have created my servants Hunafaa ( seeking only Allah), then the Satans have got them lost" Alllah also says: Wa low ittabaca al xaqu ahwaa'ahum, la fasadatil samaawaatu wal ard. Meaning : If the absolute (Justice, Truth) follows their( human) desires, The heavens and the earth would have been corrupted" InshAllah, I will come back to: 1) What conditions you have to fullfil to be a Muslim? 2) What nullifies to be muslim ? 3) Can a third person tell another person that he/she is NOT a muslim while the first person is claiming that he is muslim ? Nur
  14. Ahura i did read it, and again, the problem is that you think that according to waht salafi has written, a woman is a SLAVE and a man is FREE, well that is wrong, they are all slaves of Allah with different roles. You see Ahura, if you have a cat and the cat is hit by a car, and its leg is ambutated at the vet, and the vet suggests that a dogs leg is transplanted on the cat, what would happen? it will be a funny looking cat, I am sure you agree. So, when you live in the west, study in the west, watch western TV, eat Western food, live under political system alien to islam, and then you try to apply parts of Islam in your life, it will also look funny like the cats leg that does not match. To get the picture Ahura , imagine, being a princess, the man is like your servant, he goes to work, and when he comes, he appreciates your role, the role of a homemaker, in effect, you are the boss of the boss, you stay home, with kids, spend quality time with your kids, instilling in them ethics and good behaviour, . As a woman you fashion your kid to be the man you want to see in public, you teach him to be honest, kind, tolerant of others, and caring. Your husband takes care of all the expenditure, and your own wealth is out of reach to him, in the Fiqh, he might even be required to pay you for breast feeding. Now, That is a society, and the one you live in is another, they are like a cat and a dog. Nur
  15. Ahura you write; It's difficult not to be offended by your tactics, Nur. But I will resist anyway. Offending poeple is a lesser crime than offending Alllah, have you seriously thought about the implications of your statments? If I were you, wallahi I would worry. I intended to save you, not to offend you, if offense is what you sense, than we need to look at islam from same perspective, may be you are looking at it from a western prespective az little too much. Nur
  16. Pi Allah SWT says in Quraan: Yas'aluuunaka canil ahilla, qul hiya mawaaqiitun linnaasi wal Xajj Meaning: They ask you concerning the crescents ( phases of the moon), tell them, its for time keeping, and for Hajj (season calendar)" When the companions asked the prophet SAWS, they may have meant more of a philosophical question, however thge answer came in conjunction with an information that will lead to a practical application of the crescent ( Hilaal), so it was explained that its purpose if a tiem keeping devise. When they asked about the Spirit, they were told that it was none of their business, Today, most dialectic arguments that people disagree in, are issues that would never have found ground during the time of the Prophet SAWS, because that generation were interested only on practical information that can be leveraged to do good, or stop eveil, but never for the sake of polemics. Now, it amzes me how much time is wasted on topics like these, because Ahlul Sunnah drew the line about Allahs attributes as follows : 1.We Say About Allah exactly what He said about Himself in Quraan and Sunnah. 2. We dont know how, or why. 3. Asking details of these how and why is innovation, no one ask ed before during the life of Prophet Muhammad SAWS, because no tangible worship was related to it. thus a waste of time and effort. In that context, in the arabic language, Samaa is NOT SKY, its HIGH, from the root Samaa yasmuu. Allah is most high, and subxaanallahi camma yasifuun. Nur
  17. Ahura Matters of faith are not to be taken as a joke, if you are not Muslim, I can understand, however it would be advisable that you respect the faith, if you believe that you are a Muslim, with such statments as to mock islamic rulings of Waliyy and Mahram for the women, then I suggest that you take a good look of your choices, you may be in for a surprise after you die, it was reported that men who made a mockery about Muslim Quraan readers by saying that they have big bellies and are not good in fighting, where declared Kuffar by Allah " Do not apologise, You have turned kuffar after your iman" Islam is surrender to a higher authority, more powerful than authorities you live under who can pass any law they like regardless of what you like, Islam is also a form of slavery, men and women are slaves for Allah, by choice that is, not to fellow man though or to fashion designers, but to Allah alone, , Womens place in Islam is set by Quraan and Sunnah, Its mainly home related and child rearing, if you have any evidence to the opposite and that the idea of Mahram is laughable, please share with us, but save your self the trouble of living on the edge, I assure you that you can laugh now, or you can laugh later, but not both times. Nur
  18. Rahima sis MashAllah, purpose and context, two things most people are oblivious to , forming a barrier when it comes understanding islam. Nur
  19. S.O.S. Walaal You write: How can we best use the accounts of the past voyages by many a great travellers, who explored the road ahead before us through hardships, sufferings, trials and tribulations, and successfully reached their destiny, while weaponed with the same patience and the rest of the tools you've mentioned above? How did I miss this question? Just a while ago I was reading Suurat Hood. Wallahi walaal, that Suurah is a journey by itself, anyone who reads and can hold tears back, needs to see a Doctor, eNuri heart rust control clinic, because, the Suurah humbles you, it takes you in a journey with many prophets and their peoples, you begin to understand what is happening today when you see that the more things change, the more they stay the same, inshAllah. These Prophets like you siad, were armed with one thing, TRUTH, and a solid CONVICTION that they were RIGHT and that those opposing them who deny Allah were doomed, so for them it was a test of faith, can they tolerate all the misfortunes facing them due to their declared faith in Allah, specially when the other side is bound to no devine rules, and is free to use evry evil tactic to oppose Allah's way. Nur
  20. Admins Sister Amina posted this note a week before 9/11 tragedy, since then I can not recall a major face lift for the Islam page, can anyone in the Admin brief the loyal audience of Somaliaonline? Nur
  21. Mantra sis Xaliimos are married for four qualities: 1. Faith ( Intelligence, Ulul Albaab, knowledge etc) 2. Family Background ( Good Mother, Father, etc.) 3. Wealth ( She inherited half of Qansaxland wealth) 4. Beauty (natural without heavy makeup) Now, family background assumes that good people beget good children, not always reliable but a good place to start. Wealth, a rich Xaliimo can be a blessing if she is humble, she may hire her own hubby to run her business for her. But when things go wrong, not only does the Faarax find himself in the sthe street curb, he looses his self worth, marrying a wealthy Xaliimo is very rsiky in my opinion, money can get in the way and cloud judgement. Beauty, is a good thing in a Xaliimo, its the facade and decoration of an inner realm or spirit, if the inside is as good as the outside, its ike a blooming flower, its has a limited lifetime to smell, and its in the eys of the beholder, its no common that Faaraxs agree on beauty. So, that leaves Faith, Intelligence, knowledge as the most desired quality of a Xaliimo, qualities that guarantee a marriage based on reason and faith, which is the best. Now Mantra, from your write-ups, you seem to be of sound reason (and humor), not an intellectually challenged, if you allow me as your online walliy, ( a letter from your dad wil do), I can look into my eNuri enthusiasts for marital compatibility. Nur
  22. Positive Bro. Subxaanallah, I dont deserve an apology walaal, it was a slip of the keyboard, we all make it, I jusr reminded you and I highly appreciate how gracefully you have explained, like they say, an admission of a mistake, is a sign of a great character, rest assured that i have more mistakes than you, and I likewise asky you to forgive me if my remarks were uncalled for, because when I am in the mood, I step over toes. Allah SWT says in Quraan : Forgive and shake hands, dont you wish Allah to forgive you? Now let us go back to our discussion, inshaAllah we shall focus one topic at a time. I invite you to select the topic and I will discuss it from my point of view, next, I will select the topic and you will respond, that way we can learn from each other. Nur
  23. Nomads This thread may have passed your observation, as a result some Nomads missed to respond to this topic, I know its long, I guess you can add your thoughts about freedom to this thread, at least from the perspective of current events. Nur
  24. Nur

    A Love Story

    Didi kong Sis. Note: I HAVE ERASED YOUR POST BY MISTAKE, WHILE TRYING TO RESPOND TO YOU, SORRY SIS. Didi Such a great name! and face! so colorful, and happy! First of all welcome to our family at Somaliaonline islam pages, from my limited exposure of your writing, I believe that you have a gift from Allah that you should share, you may not be a Nomad yet, but as you stick to your ground and speak your mind with such a brilliant clarity, I believe that Allah will add knowledge to your knowledge, just keep Satan at bay, he will come and tell you that you are good, and one day you wake up and say : Daamn! I am Gooooood!, and that will be the end of a great pereson. I know, because I have my own bouts with Satan, I have to remind myself on a daily basis, that what I share is a gift from Allah SWT, its a RIZQ, and it meeds that I thank him by himbly sharing with others knowing that I may be carrying knowledge to people who are better than me in Allah's eyes, so that feeling keeps my satan in check, likewise, keep yours in check and inshaAllah we shall all benefit. Now, to your question, we are all narcisastic to a degree, that is why at times i escape everybody and have fun with my self by running alone, enjoying a nice meal alone, just to be with myself, I have hard time scheduling time with myself, because, I am always busy with others. If you want to diagnose if you are indeed love stricken, which is a desease that attacks few Somaliaonline browsers, then please click on the following link, and share with us your assessment of your condition, we wish you happiness wherever you are.;f=3;t=000836 Nur
  25. Nur

    A Love Story

    Any Love stricken NOMAD in this crowd? Dont suffer alone, let everyone on this forum help you with your dilemma, you will be surprised how many advice you can get online, just dont ask them to send you money to dig a well in Garasbaalley, Nomads I have known in this water hole will discuss every topic except Kheiri ( philanthropy) work, Sadaqa or helping others, is not their harrob caano geel. Nur