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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Guhad bro Walaal iga raalli noqo, waqti yaraan iyo niyad ballaran baa ballan xumo i badday. Nomads This thread dates back to February, the Islamic courts were being targeted for ilimination, and Lebanon was in peace, today, Mogadishu is in peace and unfortunately bombs are raining on Lebanon killing the innocent civilians. The more these events coniue to happen, the more Islams message reaches audineces around the world. Your take on who should get the Service of Islam Award Nur
  2. Nur


    Great read Viking! Isnt just amazing that the only patent on the creation of the universe and life is Allah's? no one else has claimed or dares to do so. When we ponder about the signs around us, they only lead to a single reality, that a superior intellect is behind the creation, and none can appreciate that better than scientists and artists, who find baffling the splendid fine touches of the creation and its sensitive and intricate balance. My thoughts about the following verses 8. Do ye then see?- The (human Seed( Sperms)) that ye throw out,- 59. Is it ye who create it, or are We the Creators? 60. We have decreed Death to be your common lot, and We are not to be frustrated 61. from changing your Forms and creating you (again) in (forms) that ye know not. 62. And ye certainly know already the first form of creation: why then do ye not celebrate His praises? I was reading recently about stem cell research which may enable women to produce sperms of their own, if that attempt succeeeds, that verse will have special meaning in our time as it will show yet how predictive the Quran is about different forms of creation, and the originality of Allah's creation and mans tamperig with his original recipe of life to reap his own demise. Nur
  3. Shar Ma Arke Magaalada Xamar maanta wexey ku sugan tahay guul weyn oo ka timid Allah, waxaan aad ugu farxay in Maxkamadihii ay ku guuleysteen iney Somali ku kulmiyeen walaalnimada Islaamka, qolona ayan xukumein qolo kale laakin Somali (inta ku nool Xamar agagaarkeeda) ay iskood ama sandulle hoos yimaadeen xukunkii Allah oo shareecada carfoon oo Allah ka timid. Ururka Maxkamadaha wexey noo bidhaamiyeen iftiin haddaan u gargaarno Somali oo dhan ay ku walaaloobi karto iney hoos yimaaddan Sharciga Allah oo qudha. Allla ha loo wada baryo inuu waafajiyo walaalaheenna naftooda o huray iney amaanka noo soo celiyaan, iney marka hore ay ku taagnaadaan diintiisa, kana weecan, tan labaadna, iney muujiyaan naxariis, kuwa ka soo horjeedana ay xikmad kula dhaqmaan. Waxaa saad dambe shiraya Ururka Maxkamadaha iyo TFG, oo ah labo qolo oo ku kala tiirsan laba meelood oo kala fog. Qolo Xaq ku tiirsan oo damacsan ineu umadda kheir adduun iyo mid aakhiro u horseedaan, iyo qolo baadil ku tiirsan oo dana gaar ah damacsan. Waxaa maanta noogu filan inuu imaanka uu noo kordho in wexey wadeen u dhagar ahaa iney iyaga ku kufeen, Allah wucuu leeyahay:(laqad ibtaghow al Fitnata min qablu, wa Qallabuu lakal umuura xataa jaa'al xaq wa dhahara amrulllaah wa hum kaarihuun) Macnaheedu yahay, " Wexey rabeen iney dhaliyaan fitno, ( Ayaggoo ku dhakrayana) wexey kuu rogeen (geddiyeen) umuurta, ilaa (ayagoon fileyn) uu xaqii soo ban baxay, taladii Allahna ( Shareecada) ay soo daahirtay, ayagoo neceb oo dhibsanaya (natiijadaas). Raggasana weli ma quusan, laakin qolana wexey sugeysaa laba xusnaa, qolana labo cadaab. Ururka Maxkamadaha waa rajadii ugu fiicneyd ee Somali soo martay waayahan, ha loo wada duceeyo hana la taageero hiil iyo hooba, si aanAllah agtiis markaan tagno aan ceebta isaga tirtirno, haddaan aheyn kuwo sheed ka fiirsada waxa dhacaya ayagoon la iman gargaarka maatada. Nur
  4. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    Socod Badane You write: That being muslims are either mired in (to greater or lesser degree) the same activities commonly attributed to the spread of HIV or are as susceptible as any other people Not to " a greater degree " for sure, rather to a much-lesser-degree, is the right choice of words here, and let me show you intuitively how: Promiscuity, Sodomy and premarital sex have been identified as the main cause of AIDS, and to a lesser degree intravenous drug use and accidental blood transfusions in Kidney Dialysis machines and blood donation. Muslims in general do not engage in these acts due to religious prohibition unless they are fully aware that they are sinning, thus exposing themselves to a Divine curse to befall on them spoiling the PARTY. It was reported that no nation legalizes promiscuity without risking the spread of diseases not know to their forefathers . In other words, when Muslims cross the moral red light, its followed by a moral pain and guilty conscious. However a percentage of Muslims do cross the decency line out of lust and end up in the same situatioin of non Muslims. But the greater majority of observing Muslims do not entertain the idea of promiscuity, nor premarital sex, nor soddomy, which makes Muslims as a religion the least infected with AIDS. Because like I said, Alcohol, drugs and social faithlessness are the drivers for such deseases, If a throrough survey was made today in countries with majority Muslims. I can bet that in black Africa Somalia is one of the least infected countries with AIDS if not the least ( Our European and US suported Warlords did the killing for a change, the drugs and promiscuity business which was also their thriving enterprise, unfortunately, the Islamic courts had to stop this business to make the whole UN's Kofe Anan mad ) I am sure that you agree that sex is a natural thing when done in a marital relationship ( except for soddomy), but one does not have to risk his/her life for it, even computers get viuses when they are open to all users. Time will tell and show that Islam was right in every aspect of human endeavors, Social ills, and deseases are best solved with islamic solutions, so are economic and Banking ( Banks in Muslim countries, and some non Muslim countries are switching to islamic instruments like Muraabaha and istisnaac for its profitability and Barakah factor), in short, the more you walk away from Islam, ( Socod Badane), the more you face stark truth that Islam wa right. Fa ayna tadh-haboon? Socod Badeane, You are running away from your maker like a zebra in the Serengeti Park running away from a lion, but no matter which direction you go, you will run to Him, because: he is surrounding everything ( Kulli shey-in muxiid) Nur
  5. Sareedo We all have a long way to go, no one is safe, like a close football game , it ain't over til its over. Like the Sheikh Hanbalis comment above posted by Og Girl. Nur
  6. Dhubad bro. Axabbaka Allah, alladhee feeh axbabtanii I am glad that the post led you to Sheikh Boqolson's website, let us all pray for the Sheikh and may Allah SWT honor us all to be the company of the Prophets, the pious, the truthful honest ( Siddiqiin) and the martyrs in Allah's cause. Amen. Nur
  7. Naden You write: The remainder are doing (Prostitution) it out of poverty, lack of work skills/opportunities, movement into urban areas, and many other reasons. In all, personal choice is a central factor. So, are you suggesting that these women prefer to work their a.. off serving so many stinking men daily? or is it because they fell through the cracks of a failing system? Could it be the tolerance of substance use, Swiss Cheese law, corrupt law enforcement, individualist minded society that does not care of the plight of these women as the prime reason of this " Self Chosen Slavery" ? Have these women failed, or it is the sytem and its enforcers to blame? Nur
  8. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    Naden Excellent points! you write: cutting the hands of thousands of already poor and undereducated people will not be a sufficient replacement. Walaalo, how many would be thieves would dare to steal when a public awareness campaign is held n which a scarry amputation is administered in fulll public view? the idea is a DETERRENCE, just like Nuclear bombs have secured peace between superpowers as they are afraid to go MAD ( Mutual Assured Destruction), no one dares to strike. But I fully agree with you that the the soil must be ready for application so that injustice is addressed before the application of such law so that the rich dont buy their way out of the punishment like the west. The stench that is creating the crime has to be cleared first, your mosquito analogy is brilliant. As for humanity, since I have agreed with you the importance of a sound impartial judicial system in place, what remains is the humanity perspective of the punishment issue, to have a society in which no one dares to think harming others would be very humane as it provides peace and security for the citizens while it sends the most dreadful discouragement to would be criminals. A young jogger lady running alone in a park at midnight can be secure ( Thus humane) if the owuld be rapist lurking behind the bushes knows that he will be stoned to death if he dares to touch that woman. On the othet hand, if the worst that can happen to the serial rapist is a jail sentence in which the victims tax money pays for his food and incarceration, clothing, education, entertainment and placement, then no woman will safe jogging at night in a park, denying her her freedom ( humanity). Nuclear bombs are devastating, the movie the Day-After shows the scenes, but we have only used them twice in modern history, Japan' s President is now singing Elivis Pressley's songs, not war songs. As for the complexity of the factors that lead to crime in Western countries, in addition to the erosion of the role of religious teachings, the main reason is the non-uniform laws in local jusrisdictions ( From state to state, laws vary widely, while they recognize each other as legitimate) which creates multiple loop holes and revolving door justice. The failure of Democracy is due to the influence of the rich to buy votes from the poor, the failure of the Judicial system stems from the influence of money in buying better quality defense, which creates the stench that creates the mosquitoes and non ending vicious circle. As for the Mogadishu Courts ability to deliver a solution to America at this stage, my suggestion was half joking, half serious, the courts have to develop a structured judicial apparatus, which is not in place yet. Nur
  9. Nur

    Neutral Somalia

    Nomads Now that the ICU have consolidated power in the capital and vicinities, let us look back at the content of this article. Do we really need to be part of any international body if we settle our interests internally, according to Islam, and externally with our immediate neighbors? Look at Switzerland, they had a 150 year civil war, when they emerged, thet became a neutral country, and if they have succeeded with a diverse 3 nationalities and many religions, should'nt we Somalis witn a homogeneous ethnic and religious population succeed in forging a stable nation? Nur
  10. Abdillah walaal you write But hold on, shouldn't the invitation have 'conditions'? Shouldn't there be merits or actions that would qualify one to attend this party, this great party? Nur will definitely enlighten us about these issues, I am sure. He knows what i have in mind, ain't I right, Nur? It was reported that a Wahab ibnu Munabih heard that some people claimed that imaan was only a saying, not a deed, he responded by saying that, Laa ilaaha illa Allah is the key to Paradise, but not any key will open gates of Paradise, if one gets the right key with the right combinations ( Asnaan) then, it will open, the combinations are the CONDITIONS : 1. Understanding of iits meaning 2. Solid belief in it ( No Room for doubt) 3. Unconditional accpetance of all requirements it calls for by word of mouth or heart 4. Material fulfillment and physical surrender to its commandments 5. Sincerity, meaning what it says, and saying what it means through actions 6. Love of this word, and all of the principles it stands for 7. Rejection of all principles that contradict with it. Nur
  11. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    Socod Badane You write: " Now, is it your position that the prevelance of AIDS is direct result of promiscuousness? I can prove to you otherwise" Please do, I am eagerly waiting. You write: Not really, I disagreed with the brunt of your post. I exercised some discretion (which I CAN as unlikely as that may sound), that's all. Why hide behind discretion when you inadvertently answered candidly when you wrote" The staggeringly long backlog of cases in most Western Legal systems is suggestive of it's effectiveness in my view staggering long backlogs? you must have forgotten the ( in ) before ( effectiveness) it should have read ineffectiveness! you see, truth is difficult to hide, let it out! Dont hold it, let it flow, the Western system is showing cracks and its usual, form Pharaoh's time, to the present all great civilizations peaked, hit a plateau and then descended to give room to another concept more in tune with the people. Did it ever occur to you that this long backlogs of criminal cases to be a sign of failure of a system? like chronic plaque leading to a heart attack in the veins of this civilization? the winds of change has began, and from a civilization that endured far longer than the western, Islam is not man made, it trancends politics and lies, if left untampered, the islamic system can bring happiness to western world, and nothing is wrong to admit that its failing. We in Somalia have tried many versions of the western system, but because our people are Muslims, it failed repeatedly, even with the backing and funding of western nations and their material prodding of public thieves to power and excluding the mainstream Islamist sympathizers who drove the Islamic courts to an unprecedneted victory over the ( IGAD, AU, EU, USA and Ethiopia) backed criminal warlords. All of these organizations tried to set up a clan based government for Somalia for the past 15 years to dilute the majority Islamist sympathizers and the Islamic identity of Somalia (There was no Islamist representation in TFG ) , to set up a secular government and to export a non working western criminal system, but the people of Mogadishu long waiting for peace to get on with their lives, were fed up with Johnny-come-lately bandaid solutions packaged with claims of fighting international terrorism, and employing thugs and murderers and phoney AID NOGOs and grave scavengers, whose sole individualist intentions destroyed the nation that once stood proud and peaceful in the horn of Africa. Nur
  12. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    Socod Badane I assume that the only problem you have with my write-up to be my views of western morality, which implies that you agree with the rest of the article ( Cutting Costs) and about the causes of economic burden on the western secular democracies, specially the ineffective western judicial system which provides a revolving door for criminals, a burden too high for tax payers to bear. So let me ask you about the Morality. What is your opinion on new morality of social perversions that lead to AIDS? Nur
  13. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    eNuri Serious Fun Series Presents: Cutting Costs The rise of the Islamic courts in Somalia has given a new impetus for discussing the merits of present secular criminal correctional systems in place in ( Materially) develeped nations but morally bankrupt, such as France and the US. This idea was prompted to me when I thought about the US outsourcing of torture for terror suspects to exotic offshore places so that it can stop terrorism while not breaking the US constitution which was written by more tolerant guys than the Neocons, the US constitution was designed to protect individual rights against the state ( if it goes crazy) This focus on individual rights has resulted in the erosion of morality and faith, the breakdown of the family unit, teenage pregnancies, drug addiction which leads to theft, burglary and murder. Today, the US with an estimated 2 Million inmates in its prisons, ranging from hard core criminals to blue collar criminals spends an average of 45 thousand dollars per inmate to the tune of 90 Billion Dollars a year ( Enough money to buy Somalia as a real estate investment, which is cheaper than the CIA's budget, who inadvertently helped the establishment fo the islamic courts by giving money to the criminal warlords whose hands is stained with 15 years of crimes agaist humanity ). If you add to the above the endless number of Industries and professionals who handle this menace, the judges, lawyers, intelligence apparatus, legal assitances, police , and the prohibitive cost of administration, the new sum will be so large, the US can buy half of African continent with all of its coconuts and bananas. Oh, how can I forget that prisons have become a crime expertise convention paid by the tax payers in which criminals learn from each the latest methods of doing theor trade, tools and networks, so that they can do it better once released. Morally speaking, incarcerating the males and the females separetely creates a rich soil for social pervertion among inmates, which further reduces their morality and self worth, exposing them to AIDS and other expensive diseases that will further cost the tax payer who was robbed and swindled in the first place more money. With such horrible figures of insecurity, and an army of lawyers, the highest in the world, (every 16 Americans have a lawyer), the nation needs an alternative to this madness. eNuri Suggests: The Islamic Courts of Mogadishu to the job. Give the Islamic courts of Somalia a contract for one year in one US county or jurisdiction to administer Sharia law as a trial ( Select the worse criminal Jurisdiction) to show how effective it can be to cut costs and make the USA a safer place to live and love. A thief, blue collar who swindles billions or a petty thief who snatches a purse from a lady are not punished the same in the Sharia. The blue collar thief's hand is chopped off, to cut cost of incarceration, and as a deterrent for would be thievs, ( Same logic behind US Nuclear Arsenal of 11 thousand warheads) The swindler can be back to work in wall street immediately, in no time with one hand missing as a testament to his payment of community dues and scaring of temptation of grand larceny. The petty thief can be warned the first time, wipped the second time, by his thrid time, his hand is chopped off. Of course, the islamic court will run an adverstisement for a month in all media such as Oprah, to show the gruesome amputation of hand as a stern deterrent so that no one dares to steal public or private wealth. At the end of a calendar year, the results can be reviewed, and if the country becomes too safe to live, Americans can move to Gazza for excitement. The Moral of the story: Cutting Hands (of criminals) is literally Cutting Costs! 2006 eNuri Satirical Subliminals We Captivate Your Attention, To Activate Your Imagination!
  14. . There is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad SAWS deserves praise and love, the love of the prophet SAWS is love of Allah swt, and the love of Allah SWT is conditional to the following of the Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS.. Allah SWT says in Quraan: " (O Muahammad) say to people, if you indeed love Allah, then follow me ( Sunnah) Allah wil love you and forgive you your sins." The above clearly ties the love of Alllah to the following of Prophets Sunnah. No one in his lifetime or in the Sahaabah time arranged such a competition for the Prophets praise, they were busy as the article says digging the ground to instill Islam for generations to come. To chant while working for Islam is not only permissible, its highly honorable, but WORK for Islam, we must not forget. But today, what we lack most is a thorough knowledge of the Prophets lifestyle ( Sunnah) therefore, we need a different competition to determine who among us knows the Sunnah of the prophet SAWS the most, and to vote for who among present schoalrs or leaders applies the most Sunnah in their lives. Poetry is good when it is backing the Sunnah, because Prophet Muhammad SAWS is living among us today through His Character reflected in the Sunnah way of life which he taught. We need a competition of ideas of how to reestablish Islam again in the world, a competition of peaceful methods of protesting the injustice that befell the ummah, a competition of inventing technologies to alliviate the plight of the poor, such as water and sanitation. A competition of leadership and vision, a competition in debating Islam's adversaries with reason not revenge, a competition of ideas for social change, safe streets, good neighborliness, fair business, healthy living and family values. Nur
  15. Viking writes: What ever hapenned to simply being a Muslim, a follower of the Prophet Muhammad SAW? Why does someone have to be anything else? Allah says in the Qur'an that He has blessed us and chosen Islam as our religion, why bother with other sub-grouping? Can the true "Muslim" in this crowd stand up? It comes with globalism problems, many people are selling different products under the same brand name, which forced some business men to create a new logo for their percieved original brand, saying that they are more authentic than the wannabees, even Coca Cola repented from its trial to change the image of Coca Cola after so many imitations, reinstating the old image as the Original Coke , I personally agree with Viking on this matter, no matter who presents warped ideas to pass as Islam, we should never abandom that great name Abraham named this ummah to be claimed by others with malicious agends ( Huwa Sammakumul Muslimiin). ( He ( Abraham) named you Muslims ( those who surrender to Allah). We need not change the name ( Muslim), instead, we need to understand what the name stands for in the first placer, and then live the name to its fullest meaning. Everyone has a trait in his /her character of their name, if your name is Rahima ( Kind and Caring) you are expected to have mercy on people, if you are Kareem ( Generous) , you are likely to display generosity, if your name is Osama ( LION) you are likely to display Lion like behaviour specially if you live in the BUSH for too long. Now we have a LION in the BUSH, and there is fear in the global village of what is lurking behind the BUSH, luckily though, there is light at the end of this mess, inshaAllah, Nur ( Light) is likely to enlighten you with ideas, (or bore you at tiimes, depending of your mood or persuation) Nur
  16. Water Lilly You write: Personally, I don't think we should worry too much about the West, until we get our own house in order. I agree!, However, human rights problems are due to lack of application of tenets of Islam which guarantees everyone justice, the injustice done on women particularly in western and islamic countries are due to legalizing Alcohol which impairs sound judgement fomenting lustful behaviour, gambling which creates greed to spawn prostitution which takes advantage of poor women. my point was to show that Islam is the solution, not the problem as depicted by western media. Nur
  17. JB You write; no single westren country has legalized torture in general let alone a special one for Women I assume that you are not counting the Guantanamo bay of USA, Auschwitz of Germany, and the inqusistion courts of Spain as legal western policiies, nor the Western supported Apartheid system of Afrikaaner South Africa and Rhodisia ! Guhaad bro. You are right Guhaad, my preface was meant to highlight the western accusation against Islam that women in Islam are mistreated, while in their backyard, women are reduced to sex objects. The laws in western countries provide drivers for this inhumane acts to be committed against women. If we use the same yardstick to measure which culture is more women friendly, its Islam, although i admit that we too have our bad apples. But, unlike the western liberal system, islam does not condone ill treatment of women, the Sharia sees it as a crime, as an example, when it was reported that Jawhar courts was sentencing rapists of women to be stoned, the whole western media cried foul, their double standard amazes me that a culture that sees no problem with nuclear bombs that can annihilate humanity as a DETERRENT, but fails to accept stoning of serial rapists to be a DETERRENT of crime against women. Stoning is a horrible punishment, as horrible if not worse than raping a woman and scarring her life forever. Nur
  18. This CNN article caught my eye, please read it and share your views on its implications. Moderation is the best course in life, the Taliban, seen as extremists, were accused by western countries of denying women's education. And in addition to alledged involvement with international terrorism, that was the main reason for which they were driven from power by superior firepower, Interstingly, CNN reports that western countries torture women by allowing prostitution and sex slavery to be practiced in their countries legally. Trafficked women's symptoms akin to torture victims' LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Women and girls trafficked for forced sexual or domestic work suffer post-traumatic stress on a par with torture victims, researchers said on Wednesday. In one of the first studies of health problems of women who have been trafficked, they found 95 percent had been physically or sexually abused and nearly 40 percent had suicidal thoughts. "This research shows that women who have been trafficked into sex work emerge with very severe pain and injuries and they show psychological health problems that appear to be similar to those documented among victims of torture," said Dr Cathy Zimmerman, the author of the report published by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The International Labor Organization estimates that at least 2.5 million people around the world are in forced labour at any given time. Zimmerman, a researcher in public health policy, said because of its underground nature it was difficult to get precise numbers. "This is an international trade that is happening in virtually every corner of the world," she said in an interview. "The majority believe they are getting a job doing something like waitressing, being a nanny or working in a bar. Most of them are tricked into the situation." Zimmerman and her team studied 207 women from 14 countries who had been released after being trafficked. The women, aged 15-45 years old, were being treated in seven countries by aid agencies. Most were between 21-25 years old and 12 percent were under 18. The vast majority of the women with children were single mothers. Sixty percent experienced some form of violence before being trafficked, and 56 percent reported symptoms suggestive of post traumatic stress disorder. Headaches, fatigue, dizzy spells, back pain, memory problems, anxiety and depression were common. "If you can image a situation of confinement and abuse and systematic rape over a periods of months or a year it is not surprising that people are coming out with symptoms that might be at similar levels to those persons who are tortured," said Zimmerman. She added that women needed professional health and support services immediately after they were freed and in the long term. Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. CNN
  19. To keep the Sharia issue on the front burner ( Sharia is becoming too hot to handle), I am reposting a response to Mr. Zardar, British Muslim of Asian decent who, like many others is throwing his two cents worth of blaming the victim. This is not to say that Muslims are blameless for their own predicament, they are indeed a party to the mess, but the context of the issue is heavily tilted toward a western perspective, not Muslim, if we have to preserve Islam naturally without synthetic principles, like the rainforests, we have to preserve the Sharia from smear campaign, its arguable at best if indeed the Electric seat and the Chemical killing for a serial rapist is more humane than stoning, or if chopping the hand of a thief is better for a community than sending him to a prison to be with hardened criminals, only to emerge back with vengence determined to do worse crime thean before, not mentioning the tax payers who have to foot the bill of $ 40,000 per inmate/year. Here was my partial response to Mr. Zardars article ( adressing only an aspect of many issues he discussed at length) A great read, in the mind of Prof Zardar. The Prof has made some good observation, his intentions seem to be for the good of our faith, his opinion is open for interpretation though. Does Islam has to be "Reworked again" A problem that affects Muslims who were born in non Muslim majority countries is the adoption of the thinkng of their host countries. Being born in UK, and briefly working in Saudi, with all its good and bad aspects like any other country, the Prof. draws a mental picture, with an Islamic paint brush on a Western canvas . There is no doubt that Muslim ummah is in sick condition, in many aspects, I agree with the Prof on that, however, their "sickness" is drawn from their collective defficieny in the application of the Sharia, not from there failure to modernise the Sharia, because, the Sharia is not grown in vaccuum, it must be applied on real cases and accepted by the adherents of the faith, it is the dynamic interpretation of the devine teachings in the Quraan and the Sunnah. But unlike Christianity which never developed a similar code, the Sharia which literally means the law, is the collection of the Devine rulings and the Prophetic directives in cases related to the interaction of the faithful with their lives, business and personal relationship, thus, the legislator is Allah SWT through His Prophet. So, in Islam, we have Jurists ( Fuqaha) but not legislators, as that was done with by Allah SWT. The moral of the Sharia is Preservation of: 1. Faith 2. Life 3. Property 4. Family, decendants ( NASL) 5. Mind These never change, any development in Sharia that threatens the above is against the moral of the Deen, thus unacceptable. The author claims that Sharia is not devine, so, its can be changed at will to fit our needs. This is gross over simplication: Allah SWT says in Quraan: " Thumma jacalnaaka calaa Shariicatin minal amri fattabichaa, wa laa tattabic ahwaa a alladheena laa yaclamuun " meaning " Thus we ordered you ( O Muhammad) to follow a law, so follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who know not " So it is true that the Sharia as a code, it is not a God ( devine) but it is a law from God, which mustr be adhered to and followed. As life progresses it becomes complicated, and I agree that we as Muslims must always find a solution in the Sharia, the tricky part here were the Prof takes a nose dive is that when the Sharia and our interests diverge, which one should be held constant and which one should be changed? unlike the American constitution that endured over 200 years without a major change, the Sharia, the oldest applied code in the history of humanity, is sound and kicking, what id needs is our modification of our lifestyles to adapt to the sharia, not the otehr way around, Alcohol will never be made halaal, and premarital sex will never be accepted, nor Soddomy marraiages like the modern society has come to accept. I understand the frustration of generations of Muslims who grew up in the west, being torn between the yearning of the good life in the west on one hand, and the testing demands islam as a faith demands from the faithful. From time immomorial, Moses and his followers suffered injustices and redicule, so was Jesus and Muhammad, if the life of this world and its enjoyment alone is the call of our faith, then I would have to agree with the prof. on his logic of modernization of the Sharia, if on the otherhand, we condider this life as the first half of a game, than, rules are rules, playing here means paying there and vice versa, Islam ( austere submission to God ) is not fun here, but it leads to eternal happiness in the hereafter, I know of no scripture, Torah, Gospel or Quraan that negates that statement. Nur
  20. Garab Rarato ( Nomads) Waxaan mar labaad soo celinayaa boggan aan uga hadlay halganka aan dhammaneyn oo ay iskula jiraan Xaqqa iyo Baadilka. Runtii, Quraanka qofkii la nool wuxuu dhadhansadaa macnaha qotada dheer ee aayadahiisa , kuwaasoo ku sugaya addimihiisa dhulka, Allah wuxuu ku sugaa kuwa aaminay ereyga xaqaa ah oon baddalmin ( Tawxiidka), intey nool yihiin, si ay markhaati uga noqdaan dadka, ayagana uu Rasuulku SAWS u markhaati furo haddey raaceen raadkiisa. Aaayaddahaas waxaa ka mida ah aayado ka hadlayey markii muminiinta lala bixi jirey ( Yatakhadafakumu naasu, fa awaakum waa ayyadakum bi nasrihi) iyo markii muminiinta lagu yiri " Dadku waaidiin soo kulmeen, hadaba ka cabsada, haseyeeshee, ururka cadwoga Allah uu usoo kulmay wexey u kordhisay iimaankoogii, wexeyna dheheen, Allah ayaa noogu filan tiro badnaan ( xasbunaa Allah), talo saarashana yaa yaa uga fiican Allah. Markey sidaas dheheen, wexey la laabtaeen (nicmad Allah ka timid) taaasoo ah iimaan siyaaday, iyo deeq badan, dhibna soo ma gaadhin markey raaceen waxa Allah raalli geliya. Quraanku waa hadalkii Allah oo nool, qofkii raaca wuu nooleeyaa, qofkii ka tagana, dullinimo adduun iyo cadaab aakhiro ayaa sugeysa. Nur
  21. Warsan sis This piece is named Warsan, for good news, like your name, I am reposting it so you can get rid of the negativity, think well, and it will happen inshaAllah. Allah is good! Nur
  22. Warsan sis Calaf is Somali analogue for Qadar in Arabic, it is one of the six pillars of iman, it comes in two flavors, Good and Bad. If you take an internet Class with Proffessor Nur on Somalionline Open University, and pose this question to the Prof. He will explain as follows: Miss Warsan, I have taught this class for five years, and explained many concepts to the best of my abilities, I have simplified complex concepts to make it a child play, but still a handful of my online students fail this class, not because i made them fail, but i can tell you who among my students is more likely to fail this course, and because its only five years, my prediction may not be that accurate, but its good enough for government work. Now let us stretch this logic a lil further, say, you come back to this site as a grandmother some thrity years, and Prof Nur is still on Somaliaonline Islam boards, with residual experience of 35 years on likelyhood of Nomads passing the grade at the SOL Open Uni. If you ask me again the same question, the Profs chances of accuracy increase. Now, Allah SWT creates his creatures with a constant mix of intellectual, physiscal, spiritual capabilities, and against these capabilities he expects them to perform and deliver duties that are within their sphere of influence. ( Laa yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wuscahaa) ( Allah does not demand from any soul to deliver more than its capacity) Like the students analogy, Allah knows beforehand our choices and paths that we will take, and thus he records it in the Book of Qader, as the Book of Qadar is in a different domain of time-space than ours, the present, past and future in that book are contiuum with no breaks. ( The Quraan is a good example of a text treating the future as if happening now) So Qadar in other words is Allahs knowledge of our choices. Allah also interferes at times, we call them Miracles. Allah does not on one hand make you responsible for your actions, and on the force you to do something, it beats the purpose of creation which is to test people of their response level for Allahs unrivalled surrender. From Allah point of view, the past has already happened, its analogous to a movie that you have already seen, you pretty much know what is going to happen next, but that does mean that you have forced the events and actors. Nur
  23. Jawhara sis I digged into my old posts and found this one to answer your question, I hope that you find it useful. Nur
  24. Nomads Today, Xalimo Yarey, is a College student ( story dates back a dacade ago), progressing very well, very bright, intelligent and pious, Alhamdulillah. Her experience is similar to that of many Geeljirtos on this site, but, parental struggle pays off, like in Xalimos case, at times i feel that the Somalis from abroad to be a stronger breed than their homegrown counterparts, at least those who stuck to their values. Nur
  25. Awakener bro. Waxaad qortay: Sidaas aan sheegayo haddii aan la yeelin oo la damco in ummada hadda loogu dhaqo diinta sida ay tahay waxay keeni kartaa taasi, aniga garaadkayga, in isla jaanqaad la'aan dhacdo oo ay taasu sababto marka ay ugu liidato kalsooni darro dhexmarta culimada wax hoggaaminaysa oo dhinac ah iyo shacabka Walaal, dhaqidda diinta dadka lagu dhaqayo wexey leeedahay Xikmad, taasoo ah in, haddey maanta diinta ay noqotay tii ay ku nabad galeen, Allahna uga badbaadiyey daalimiintii, Allah wuxuu ka mudan yahay iney addeecaan. Ogowna, in guusha maanta gacanta loo galiyeey Maxkamadaha ay tahay mid ay shacabku dhaliyeen, ayaga ayaa dhib ku jirey, ayaga ayaa samaystay maxkamadaha, ayagaa u dagaallamay, una huray naftooda, haatanna, aygaa ayaa mudan iney aqbalaan xukunka Allah, haddaan ayaga lagu dhaqin diin, yaa lagu dhaqi? hdaanan waqtigan xaadirka ah lagu dhaqminna goorma? Ogow, in ay diinta hirgalinteeda ay leedahay tallabooyin, hadaba inta aan diinta la hirgelin, waxaa Maxkamadaha laga rabaa iney dadka ka saaran jahliga, si naxariis lehna ay Rabiggoda iyo wuxuu faray u baraan. Nur