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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Nomads I have dug up this 5 year old thread for a good memory of great times i have spent with you all to share my thoughts, ( right or wrong ones), I would not have spent my time a better way if I had the chance again. Nur
  2. Nur

    A puzzle!

    Kheir You write: The incidents that sparked this war has little to do with Nationalism Unless you are not reading the news, The incidence has nothing to do with this war, Israel was preparing for such an opprortunity over a year. Israel does not create opportunities like this, but when it finds one, it uses better than anyone else in the region, personally, I learned never to believe in the Media, either way, too much undrelying agendas in every broadcast or news print, but events unfolding before our eyes are like a mystery movie to me, the conclusion will tell the story in time, daangada ii soo dhiib! Nur
  3. Nur

    A puzzle!

    NGONGE bro. The current war in the middle east is a nationalist war, not religious, its about the prisoners, shebca farms, and soverignty of Lebanon, Israel's expansionism, and America's right wing Armagaddon prophets of major confrontation with heathens starting with Lebanon as a springboard to Iran, the real target in the opresent game, Lebanon is a secular country shared by many religious persuations who have reached the Taif pact to live in peace together and share power and resources equittably. Religion is playing a role of convenience at present to boost morale of fighters who are said to be martyrs by the arab media. The current geopolitical black hole draummed up by weopons manufacturers is sucking many entities in a regional war of the unkown order, emotional war, propoganda and usage of religion for political ends are all in the making of this mess in which the innocent are paying unproportinal price. Nur
  4. Brother Xiin You write: I am astonished that you are tacitly assigning certain negativism to this term! Brother, could you be kind enough to be specific on your claim, I can not find it after self assessing what i wrote. In case my remarks of lack in unanimity of leadershp and purpose of this movement is what you are referring to as the negativity, then rest assured my dear brother like the poet said ( Waxaa faan ugu filan, in ceebahooda la tirin karo): ÙƒÙÙŠ المرء Ùخرا أن تعد معايبه Kheyr Bro. I have never heard anywhere that any scholar who professes to be part of the Salafiyah movement claimed that 1400 years of islamic knowledge to be bidca, this kind of unsubstantiated claims was what i feared that new names beg from their adversaries. From my limited knowledge, Salafiya relies on authentic hadeeths, and of late Scholars like Albani and Arna-uut, have painstakingly filtered and organized the Hadeeth science in a much better way thant the original salaf who may not had access of all the new processes of authentication of Hadeeths. For example, if you read (ummahaatul kutub) the classical islamic literature written during the third century, writers used to write from memory, thus they were more prone to make errors, that were weeded out by latent scholars of today using the latest of hadeeth science authentication methods. If you read the book MADAARIJUL SAALIKIIN of Ibn AL QAYIM, you will find that it has a Hadeeth authenticated edition ( TAH-DHEEB), and so on. Nur
  5. Walaal Wiilo You ask Brother Nur jawaab please, jizaakallaah. Cunuga caloosha ku jiro, wuxuu ka midyahay caalimul qaybka, hadda markii ay garadhu yeelato uur, ay doctor u tagno uu ku yiraahdo waxaa sidaa wiil ama gabar, taa maxay diinta ka qabtaa? Mase bannaantahay in qof dumar ah oo Islaam ah ay waydiiso doctor ka in uu u sheeyo gender ka cunuga caloosha ku jiro? Jawaabta Walaashay Wiilo Allah ayaa mahad mudan, waxaan ku sallinayaa suubbanigiisii Muxammad, korkiisa ha ahaato nabad iyo naxariis badane, iyo kuwii ku raacay wanaag illaa maalinkii xisaabta. Ka dib. Af Carabiga GHAIB ( الغيب) waxaa asal u ah ( wax maqan) , marka Ghaib waxaa loola jeedaa wax kaa maqan cilmigiisa oo aanad ogaan karin hadduusan Allah ku ogeysiin. Allah Quraank wuxuu ku faan iyey dadka aaminsan ghaibka, waxaana gheibka ( opposite) o ah ( Shahaada) oo ah wax aad aragto oon kaa qarsooneyn. Allah, malaaigta, aakhiro, jannada iyo naarta kulligood wa GHAIB, haseyeeshee, GHAIBnimadooda waa mid ku eg qiyaamaha, maxaa yeelay qiyaamahay Ghaibka waa la arkayaa sida quraanka ku dhigan, sidaasoo kale, ghaibka qofkuu allah doono adduunka waa ku tusaa, sidiii nabi Muuse Allah ula Hadlaa, taasoo ay noo tilmaameyso aayadda uu Allah ku leeyhay suuratukl Jin, inuusan Gheibkiisa tusin illa qof uu raalli ka noqday oo ah rasuul. Marka Ghaibku waa ; 1. Mid aanan weligeen ogaan karin ( sida RUUXA) 2. Mid Akhiro naloo sheegayo 3. Mid aan ku agaan karno adduunka Kan seddexaad wuxuu ukala baxaa a. Mid Karaamad uu Allah addoon saalixa ah uu u ogeysiiyay, sida markii Cumar Ibnul Khattab asagoo khutbadii Jimcaha khutbeynaya uu mar qudha ku dhawaaqay " Yaa saariya iilla jabal" asagoo la tusay (Ghaib) ciidankii mujaahidiinta ahaa oo buurta dhinaceeda laga soo weerarayo, markaasuu u digay asagoo leh, 'dhinaca buurta iska jira" b. Mid la ogaan karo haddii la baaro Sida wixii caloosha ku jira, laakin goormaa la ogaan karaa? waxaa la ogaan karaa; i. Markuu dhasho ii. markuu dhiciso iii. markii lagu qalo iv. Markii wax la galiyo oo lagu eego, amaa baaro, ama lagu dhegeysto wax (Phyisical) ah sida Sonogram, oo ah mid loo adeegsado mowjadaha codka oo dabadeed uu komputerka soo saaro suurad muujineysa dhallankii oo ku jira uurka hooyadii. Ghaibka uusan banii aadamku ogaan karin waa inuu sheego calooosha waxa ku jira asagoon wax (phyiscal tool, Chemical, camers, Xray) uusan adeegsanin. Wallahu Aclam Nur
  6. Nomads It may be interesting to read again yesterdays discussions to see how fare we came along, the past, present and future are all connected, its only when we lose sight of the connection that we hastely make a regrettable move. Enjoy the read again Here is a predictive statement i wrote back in 2002-3 My example is our prophet Muhammad SAWS, who refused all kind of power and wealth in the beginning of his mission, only to see all power and wealth come to him. My formula is winning hearts and minds for Allah, and very peacefully while doing it, if you slap me, I will not slap you back, I am under dhiker control, all my actions are remotely controlled by Allah, and the only times that I goof, it is because of Ghaflah, not rememnbering Allah in that specific instance. Nur
  7. Xiin walaal Salafiya term, in its present usage was born within Saudi Arabia as an answer to other revivalist movement who have introduced innovations in aqeedah or ibaadaat, but like any other movement it has its positive and negative aspects with respect to its ability to take the ummah from its presnet demise to where it should be, it has rightfully awakened the Ummah about the importance of adherence to the two sources. The scope of this thread however, is the validity of naming the ummah other than Muslim. Anyone who coins a name for the Ummah other than Muslim is indeed helping in dividing the Ummah into splinters. Nur
  8. The Point You write: Oh come on - restrictive interpretations is the correct way to go about it - since we are taught to remain conservative in matters of religion. And one subscribes to the Shaafi' school - one is not a Shaafist(unlike a 'Salafist'). A legitimate and well-recognized school of jurisprudence. But this salafist label has emerged in the last few years. And if it is the process as you've described above - it hardly needs a label since it describes the very religion of Islam. Walaal. The context in which names are attached to movements is crucial in order to understand what is in a name. Salafia, as you have described is not a jurisprudence School of thought ( Madarasa Fiqhiya), so no one should equate it with that category of schools. Salafia is a ( Change Management) movement that found itself policing other revivalist Islamic movements in the turn of the century, who in the course of their Dawa work splintered into feuding factions with different names, in dispute over Aqeedah, Fiqh, controls of the revivalist movements, priorities and even on the level of Sunnah adherence of members of this growing revivalist movements. Salafiyah, calims that the best way to bring about an Islamic Nation again is through strict adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS and the Quraan. Its leaders are mostly Hanbalis from Saudi Arabia or Somali students who have graduated from the Saudi Universities. The major hurdle that Salafayah movement has faced is the seemingly Dhaahiri interpretation of selected traditions, which are in conflict of Imam Shafici's way of Fiqh. Also absent from the Salafiya movement is a clear definition of a seemless transition from the present condition of the Ummah to that envisioned by the revivalists with their differences in approaches. And lastly, there is neither a single authority that represents this name, nor a single definition that spelled out what constitutes Salafiya approach in detail. One vague definition often given is the ( Quraan+ Sunnah+ The understanding of the Salaf generation) , however Quraan and Sunnah were covered by scholars of Tafseer and Science of Hadeeth, both of the salaf, but the "understanding of the Salaf" for those two sources present a circular logic, Like saying " We are closed, because we are not open" as Imaam Al Tabari was a Salaf Mufassir, likewsie Ibn Salaah who laid down the foundation of the science of hadeeth was a Salaf Hadeeth Scientist ( Salaf are those who lived immediately after the companions. However, the Somali graduates of the colleges in Madina and Ummul Qura came back home to teach Islam from the Hanbali point of view without any accomodation to the locals adherence to Shafici school of thought for ages, which created the publics unease with this new phenomena known as Salafiya which is confused with schools of thought ( Madh-habs) on one hand meanwhile acting as a guide for Islamic revivalist movements on the other. Fiqh or as roughly translated ( Jurisprudence) comes in different contexts: Fiqhul Axkaam wal Cibaadaat: Which is the Shafici, Hanbali, Hanafia and Maliki Fiqhul Waaqic: Which is Knowledge body of understanding current events from an Islamic perspective. Fiqhul Xarakah: Which is the knowledge body that governs the Islamic revivalist movement and guides its stratgies in bringing about an Islamic Ummah based on the teachings of the quraan and Sunnah. The latter is were Salafiya movement, and lately a splinter group ( Salafiya Jadida aka Jaamiya) has made an impact. I whole heartedly agree that we should not accept any other name for the ummah except that which Prophet Abraham had called us in Quraan, ( Huwa sammakumul Muslimiina Min Qabl), ironically the name MUSLIM would be the essence of true Salafiyah, because the Salaf called themselves MUSLIMS only, therefore we should only abide by Quraan and Sunnah given names. Nur
  9. Alah-u-baahne and Xoogsade Mahad Allah mudan, is ma laheyn maanta iney jiraan dad somali ah oo la jecel ummadda iney dagaal sokeeye iyo dhiig dhexdooda daadiyaan. Haseyeeshee waxaan Allah uga baryayaa Miskiin inuu arrimaha ummadda iyo xanuunkeeda uu ka istaago meel uu wax ka daaeyn karo, laakin uusan istaagin meel u jab iyo baabaa la damacsan yahay, maxaa yeelay dhika ummadda waa mid uusan isaga xataa ka nabad gali doonin. Nur
  10. Miskin waxaad qortay We can see dowlada kumeergaarka in uu dhexdeeda qilaaf weyn ka jiro, but kuwaan ayaa ka daran waxa ka jiro la qariyo. So give them a few months. Adigaa arki doontid sida loo kala jabi doono, waxa kasoo bixi doono. As A Muslim who is concerned about the well being of his people, Wouldnt it be better instead for you to wish them to bridge their differences which you claim to be much greater than the TFG? If your claim is indeed true, wouldnt it be very hard to imagine them staying together beyound the fall of Mogadishu, specially when the warlords were still operating in many pockets of Mogadishu, Ethiopian Forces in Baidoa and the US warships on nearby shores? To wish them to disintegrate in chaos with idealopgical differences beyound repair is un-Islamic, you should pray that Allah bridges their differences and that they accomplish peace, Unity and brotherhood in face of enemies of our faith and people. Nur
  11. Nomads We need volunteer Diamonds to the unfolding soical reconstruction job in Somalia, You are needed to make a difference wherever you are, share your precious ideas on this board. Nur
  12. A Special Training Course Marriage 101 A few weeks ago, my cell phone rang and to my excitement an old freind of mine was on the line, " Nur" he whispered," when are you visiting Kurtunwaarrey"? I was speecheless, as I was actually looking for any pretext to pay a visit to that town, " Any time, brother hassan, " I said In no time I was on the plane, as I landed on the runway, I called to inform him that I was in town, but first," I must take care of some business that was overdue." I explained. When I was done by the afteroon, I paid a visit to my friend's training Center, " salaams Hassan" is this your new venture" I asked "Yeah, Nur, what do you think about the design" , I paused and said that it was " awsome" " Let me show you around Nur". he said taking me around the Center, a lavishly furnished office that does not resemble a training center. " You see, this room is the ....... and thas is ..... ect" Once I was done with tour, we sat at his office, with a view of the entire Center. " So, this is your newest venture?" I asked in curiosity "Thats right, brother Nur, I have told my staff about your unique education ideas and we have actually put some of them on the curriculum, we have started a traing center that trains marriage Hopefuls about Marriage, no one seems to offer such a course and demand is sky rocketing, its killing us, I have no place to accept applications" "You mean you train marriage hopeful couples" I wondered " No, they come as idividuals in separate classrooms for men and women" he responded, and continued saying"But we are in trouble Nur, we need ideas and course work urgently, when i first started the program, I designed the coursework along the line of management training curriculums, but the number of people signing up for the Marriage modules are dwarfing all other courses, not mentioning our lack of trainers who can captivate these young marriage hopefuls for an hour." "Well, I must congratulate you for such a badly needed training service, I have no doubt that it will be a sell out, but a good course work develpment would be desirable for long term growth of the program" I reasoned "Nur, I know that you are a busy man, I am williing to pay for your travel expenses and time if you can teach the most difficult courses in this Center: 1. Introduction To Emotional Intelligence with Emphasis on Marital Sensitivities. 2. Body Language, and 3. Male/Female Mood Management Laboratoy " To be contiuned................................................................ Question: Would you sign up for such a course if it was offered in your neighborhood? Would you require a fiance to take such a course for consideration if proven successful? Nur 2006 eNuri Social Work Building Future Homes
  13. Rose sis By all means walaal, the more the better as you will accumulate poits of good deed for any person that it helps. Modesty sis Here is a past write-up of mine that may answer your question ( because i also suffer from the same problem like you) Just Doing it, May Not Be Enough! Sisters and Brothers As we have performed another prayer today, ( depending on your location on the globe) I want to discuss the last file that we Muslims have sent to the heavens in our last prayer, or the last good deed folder transmitted. Every time we pray, we read the Fatiha in which we make the following statements: 1. Thee alone do we serve (ibadah) 2. From thee alone do we seek help ( in order to serve you ) As reported by the Prophet SAWS, our prayers are not automatically accepted, they go through an appraisal process in which a checklist of requirements are cross examined and as a result a percentage of our prayers are accepted. For some people a quarter of the prayer is accepted yet for others a tenth and so on.. My concern in this thread is that most people that I know, including myself, feel relieved that we have prayed, but little do we worry about the final grade on the file that goes up for evaluation at the end of the day on the state of our prayers. Now let us look into some of the metrics that matter in the acceptability of our prayers. 1. Understanding what we say 2. Believing what we say 3. Meaning what we say. For an exercise, let us apply the first verse above on the three metrics above. When we pray, do we understand what IBAADAH means? because a failure in the understanding of the meaning of Ibaadah, can manisfest itself negatively in our lives. For example we may say this word while in effect we are serving other than Allah and are in a clear Shirk situation. So when we do not understand the meaning of Ibaadah, we may not be consistent in making it exclusively for Allah, in reality sometime, we may do it for Allah, other times, we may be doing it for others without being aware that we are stretching the truth in our prayers. When we pray are we convinced that we are in reality making Ibaadah for Allah, or do we know that we are in reality making Ibaadah to others, but conveniently say the prayer as a habit. in other words do we really mean what we say. Another point to think about is: are we serving Allah, making ibaadah in our Prayer only, or are we in Ibaadah 24 hours a day, 365.25 days in the year? The meaning of "thee do we worship" according to Quraan and Sunnah is that we are meant to be in a continuous state of Ibaadah, from the time our intelligence software is loaded in our mind up until when we are broken down to our original components. In that sense, anything we do that does not conflict with Allah's commandments can be an ibaadah if so we make our intention( you could be jogging in the park and still be in ibaadah if you make dhiker while running". The prayer, fasting and Hajj are called (Shacaa 'ir_ Tacabudiyah) meaning, symbols of Ibaadah, NOT THE IBAADAH itself. So, you can visualize your prayer as the envelope that bundles a periodic amount of Ibaadah work to be delivered to Allah when you say ( Iyyaaka Nacbud, thee alone do we serve) . Because in the course of the day, everything you do is being recorded to see if you are indeed telling the truth when you say ( Thee alone do we serve) . If what you do the rest of the day are NOT representative of what is approved by Allah SWT, and NOT formatted according to the protocol the prophet SAWS has standardized called Sunnah, chances are that your communication with Allah will be rejected outright for not meeting the goal of ( Ikhlaas) and the Protocol of ( Sunnah) for the acceptance of any deed. So do not just transmit to heaven an empty Datagram (envelope) for a lifetime and expect that you have a good bank account waiting for you after you die. Allah says ( Wa an leysa lil insaani, illaa maa sacaa, wa anna sacyahu sowfa yuraa) .... Meaning, ( Mankind has nothing in store except for his efforts, and his efforts shall be duly appraised) Also, if your envelope ( Prayer) is full of good deeds with ( Ikhlaas) , but not formatted according to the Sunnah protocol, again, your work may not be graded, because, the grading procedure calls for and invokes specific fields, if not found, the entire good deed document is discarded. Which makes it imperative that you make your prayers Sunnah compliant. Moral of this write-up; There are two things we need to pay attention to when uploading a file to heaven: 1. Doing the right thing ( Ikhlaas) 2. Doing things right ( Sunnah) If the above two conditions are met Your file will be transferred and graded. If not, you may have to redo the process, but before you die. Nur e-Nuri Communications Old Editions Connecting People To Their Creator
  14. Nur

    In His Memory!

    Didi Dada Jazakallah Kheiran for the wise reminder sis, we should always remember to say " Wa laa nuzakii calal Allahi axad" but the unfolding events at the home front are like a miracle, that no wadaad can take a credit for, if you have read some of my posts, I have highighted that this victory is from Allah SWT, not from the wadaaddo, like Allah says in Quraan " Law tawaacadtum lakh talaftum fil miicaad" " Wa maa ramayta walaakinna Allaha ramaa" Nur
  15. Vibe Tough call! My take is get your education out of the way, meanwhile keep a window open for Faaris-Al-Axalaam to come in and fly you up, up and awaaaaaay to Kurtunwaarrey and beyound, its not a one or the other type of a choice, with Allah's help, you can have 'em both, so dont forget to pray to Allah to expedite the delivery of Mr. Qumane ( Right), He may also be praying to find someone like you. Prayer is the key, you cant go wrong with Ducaaaaaaaa. "O Allah, find me a good, handsome, wealthy, honest, fill the rest......................................................................................" A Mind once expanded with Education, can not be shrunk back to its original size! Nur
  16. Nomad If You pray regularly to your maker, keep it up. If not, please read on. Please do not click away this page, it may be the best page that you have stumbled on out of sheer curiosity, you have nothing to lose, trust me, I dont need your money, just your attention, for 5 minitues. What happens when you stay up all night for an exam, go to school in the morning, and take the exam at noon, continue for the next day taking a lotta coffee for the exams, prepare for a trip to Kurtunwaarrey in Somalia, hop from flight to another all the while unable to fall asleep ? You suffer from what is known as sleep deprivation syndrome, you begin to hallucinate, you want to propose to marry Condi Rice, a powerful single liberated black woman. You feel that if you marry Condi that you will be the most powerful man on planet earth. The hallcination can take other forms, some very dangerous, not amorous like the last example, your capacity of thinking of purpose of life is compromised severely. Now, that is what sleep deprivation can d to your mind, while vitamin deprivation can cause ailments in your body , but what about the prayer deprivation for the soul? What happens when you fail to pray for a long time. You begin to hallucinate in a different ways, your soul begins to crack up, your morality is compromised and you find yourself that an unseen entity has a lock on your moral motor, you cant even pray for help, you are now a captive of spiritual halluicnation. You find yourself doing things that you have never thought of, slowly, you have a different perspective in life, and company, talking about more bold issues that you have once thought to be sacriligious, you feel kinda liberated from years of fun deprivation and you let all hell loose on your desires, hopping from joint to another in search of desire fulfilment, but still feel deprived for something more, never suspecting that you need prayer to wake up from your spiritual prayer deprivation syndrome. I am sure that you will find justification for what you are doing these days, but take it from me, you are on a cliff saaxib, stop, and think today. Clean up your clothes, thats right, its called tahara, then, find yourself a secluded place alone, forget everything except your lost soul and pray, yeah, its soothing , very soothing, try it and then let me know how it goes, once you pray, you gain back your senses of spiritual wholsomeness. Nur 2006 eNuri Prayer Deprivation Awareness Program Your Were Made To Pray, Dont Spend it In a Play
  17. Nomads A hostage governmemt @ Biadoa needs your prayers, they are not all that bad, just hostages to the Ethiopians who are holding them against their will, or for some, substance abuse may be the reason. Can we trust these men driven by hate culture and wealth to govern our poor nation? Nur
  18. Nur

    In His Memory!

    Nomads I am worried for the al of us Anarchists, Islamists are bringing order in Somalia, what are we going to do with all the hate energy in our minds? Cag Biciid
  19. Rahima sis Writes about Wadaad Delegation to Khartum: I was surprised by how politically savvy they were- I can’t say I expected that from Somali wadaado but they proved me wrong. Its that type of popular discounting of wadaads that flipped the events in Somalia for the Islamic Courts Advantage, most of the men in that delegation were seasoned in areas of their respective expertise. For example, Dr. Ibrahim Addou, a graduate of the American University of Washington DC, with two Masters degrees and a PhD in Education and Political science is more than a match for the confused lot at Biadoa, a spotlessly clean and honest man with integrity unfimiliar in Somalia's politcs today, Dr. Ibrahim represents a new breed of the islamist intellectuals who are the hope of the nation that was led for many years by thieves of public coffers using secularism and tribalism as their backdoor key to steal public weallth, cause anarchy, mayhem and hate among the Somali people. Rahima sis Writes: The man amazed me walaahi, he spent a good hour trying to convince my mother to return home for good and then went on to my brother and I. Gave us some good advice mashallah, not likely to forget it anytime soon You should have heeded his advice, Dr.Ibrahim was for many years the foreign student advisor at American University, Washington DC, a very devout and calm person who can captivate you with his piercing eyes that you can trust, has affected many students on campus to plan a better personal and professional future, some of his students are influential decision makers in many Arab and African countries, good advice can even be found in the unlikeliest places, Mogadishu is the new Wisdom Destination for eNuri and Crew. Nur
  20. Thanks L. Xalane, It is gruesome, and horrible, what baffles my mind is the level of deception involved with the israeli occupation made possible by a controlled media, and doctored treatment of events to chane perceptions of the common viewer. Nur
  21. SOS MashAllah, a good response, lets wait for others before we can make a final comment on these questions. Well, where is the crowd, is Aqeedah topic that boring, no answer to the questions I posed (except for SOS)? I know how to make this page humming with responses, add some Qabiiil or Women/men related issues and the server overflows! Nur
  22. Uthman bro A Good reminder, leadership reflects constituents, good constituents deserve good leadership and vice vesra, when Caliph Ali Radiyallahu Canhu was asked why is there so much Fitna during his time that did not exist dureing Abubakjar and Uthman, Ali witfully responded; " Kaanuu yaxkumuuna amthaali wa anaa axkumu amthaalukum" They used to rule over citizenry like me, and I rule over citizenry like you" In short, what you see in the streets and homes is what will happen at the highest office. Its a bottom up structure, Islam begins with the individual, family, community and the nation, not the other way around. Nur
  23. Nur


    Northerner Riba money earned from an interest bearing account is a form of wealth that is transferred to your possession unfairly, as the Banks share with you wealth that they have taken in an unfair dealing from distressed borrowers who accepted unfair terms of exposing themselves to all the risk while the Bank (and you) are covered with collaterals such as property or insurance (another haram dealing). Thus, this money is tantamount to a stolen money in the Sharia. What should be done with stolen money? it has to go back to its rightful owners, which is close to impossible to track as your share of interest is from the pool of the large haram pot the Bank earned from all loans it gave away. Sharia has it that you are not allowed to use this money, you cant leave it with the bank, you cant just take it and throw it away, so, giving it to charity is the best form of disposal of this wealth. Are you rewarded for it? well from the perspective of goodwill, not from the perspective of sharing your wealth with the poor ( sadaqah), as the latter requires ownership of the wealth that you give away for charity. Nur
  24. Nur


    Its Ribaa, (Usury), its Haram to take it as it represented the violation of taking unlawful wealth from people ( Akl Amwaala annaas bil baatil) In Islam, wealth belongs to Allah alone, we are care takers of it while alive, and it goes to our heirs when we die, it must be earned according to fair Islamic practice, by labour, trading, gift or inheritance. Games of chance and Ribaa are two forms of Haraam transfer of wealth, Ribaa is made Haraam because one party has no risk at all while the other party assumes all the risk, an unfair dealing in islam. Nur
  25. التوبة إلي الله Repentence To Allah O Allah, I seek your forgiveness of every sin that I have committed using my feet to carry me, or lifted my hand for it, or used my sight in lust to look at it or listned to using my ears or uttered it with my tongue or paid for it by the wealth that you have provided for me, and still had the audacity to ask you for more wealth to commit more sins only to find you generous as you have unconditionally given me my wish to commit more sins all the while covering it up to protect my reputation without punishment, still, I had the nerve to ask you to increase my wealth to find you generous, showering me with your tolerance and goodness. O Allah I seek your forgiveness for any sin that I have committed in daylight, or under the cover of darkness at night, while alone or with the company of people with no regard whatsoever for you nor shying away that you are observing all of my actions. O Allah I seek your pardon for any ritual that I have neglected performing day or night, willfully, forgetfully or out of sheer ignorance. Likewise, I seek your forgiveness for failing to perform any Sunnah ( Prophets traduitions), for being oblivious, forgetfully, or in contempt. I seek Allah's forgiveness and to Him I repent from any wrong doing that he does not like, be it a word or a deed I committed in the open in discrete. Translation by: Nur 2006 eNuri Transemantics The Moral Of The Story