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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Walaalayaal, Waddankeennii balaayo ayaa ku habsatay, sidaan wada ogsoonnahayna, balaayo ummad kuma habsato dambii la'aan, loogamana qaado haddeyan la iman Allah-u-laabasho iyo istighfaar, sidaa darteed, maanta waxaa loo baahan yahay in lala yimaaddo Sabar badan, kaasoo sidaa soo qornay lagu gaadho drajooyinka ugu sarreya ee Raalli gelinta Allah. Waa in nafta iyo maalka laga sabri karaa haddii la waayo, si loo dhowro diinta iyo dadka, waa in la ogaadaa inuu Sabarku ka mid yahay cibaadooyinka waaweyn, oo xisaab la'aan ajar loogu hel. Waana in lagu sabri kara dhib walba oo loo marayo Allah raalli gelintiisa, saa dadka is hortaagan maanta qoloba qof bey raalli gelineysaayee, anaga Allah ha naga dhigo kuwii Allah oo qudha raalli gelinaayey. Imtixaan weyn baa la marayaa, Allaha addimadeenna ku sugu xaqee. Amiiin Nur
  2. Torture, Secrecy, and the Bush Administration By Scott Horton 04/16/07 "Harpers" 04/14/07 -- -- I want to give a bit of pre-constitutional history, and share with you the story of John Lilburne, an Englishman born in the early 1600s because his story—the story of an agitator who directly challenged the English legal system—has a great deal to tell us about the issues we're facing today. Lilburne's story explains why these matters—torture and secrecy—were not issues to the Founding Fathers, and it helps us understand the true nature of a government which, like the current administration, thrives in that matrix of torture and secrecy. So much of what has happened over the last six years seems a repetition of events drawn from English history, from the turbulent years from the Civil War to the Glorious Revolution—this could be said of the struggle over habeas corpus, which was right at the center of the conflict between Parliament and king, as seen in the Five Knights case of 1627 or the Shipmaster's tax case of 1637. But the notion of secret legal proceedings, closed courts and the use of secret evidence also characterize that period of history. Before the English Civil War, court proceedings were frequently closed, and one of the principles of fair process introduced in the Commonwealth—it seems to have been an initiative of the solicitor general, John Cooke—was the notion that no court should conduct its hearings behind closed doors, and neither should any evidence be taken which could not be shared with the public and presented to the defendant and the jury. The key case for this notion involved a man commonly called “Freeborn John,” or John Lilburne. He was a person of little formal education who became a firebrand pamphleteer among the Puritans in the years of the Civil War. He had republican sentiments, but more to the point he was a sharp critic of the king's justice—writing constantly of the aspects which were, well, unjust. He was particularly outraged by the use of the king's courts to persecute dissenters, as the Anglicans called them—though at the time this would be a changing blend of Puritans, Calvinists, Baptists and Quakers; not to mention the “terrorists” of the day, the Catholics. Lilburne had been convicted in the Star Chamber in 1638 on a charge of importation and dissemination of unregistered religious tracts. He wrote a compelling account of his treatment—he had been imprisoned for refusing to answer questions and then flogged, pilloried and gagged—but he also described the use of coercive interrogation techniques to extract a confession, the denial of rights of confrontation, the fact that his judges were all political figures placed there to do their king's bidding—the Star Chamber, you see, was to Lilburne's age what the Military Commission is to ours. His account was an instant bestseller and provided much of the impetus for the abolition of the Star Chamber by the Long Parliament in 1641. As Uncle Tom's Cabin was to abolition, Liburne's book was to habeas corpus and the Star Chamber. Lilburne served with distinction as an officer during the Civil War, and afterwards his advocacy of Republican virtues caused Oliver Cromwell a bit of discomfort, and at length Cromwell decided to silence Lilburne by charging him with treason. The trial convened in October 1649, which is to say just months after the second Civil War had been successfully concluded for the Parliamentary forces. This was in effect the second significant trial for the Commonwealth after the trial of King Charles himself in January. Lilburne was a popular figure in London and was well aware of that fact. When the court proceedings commenced behind closed doors in the Painted Chamber of Westminster, Lilburne opened his answer to the charges read in court with these famous words: “The first fundamental liberty of an Englishman is that all courts of justice always ought to be free and open for all sorts of peaceable people to see, behold and hear, and have free access unto; and no man whatsoever ought to be tried in holes or corners, or in any place where the gates are shut and barred.” Lilburne was raising a direct challenge to the reputation of the Commonwealth courts—asking whether one of the most abusive of the practices of justice under the Stuart monarchs would be continued. The court fully understood this and directed that the doors be opened, in order that “all the world may know with what candour and justice the court does proceed against you.” In the balance of that remarkable case, Lilburne established a number of other principles. The prisoner in the dock was to be treated with dignity and respect, not dragged before the court in manacles and an orange jumpsuit. There were to be no ex parte communications between the counsel and the court. He was to have a right to confront all evidence against him (that is, there could be no secret evidence), and the public also was to be allowed to hear it, to form its own opinion of the quality of justice dispensed by the court. He was guaranteed the right of counsel, and for the first time, counsel were permitted to participate in the presentation of evidence for the defense as well. The fairness of the proceedings had its limit. The judge charged the jury that they must convict, saying “never was the like treason hatched in England.” But the vigor of Lilburne's defense was impressive and the jury returned a verdict of acquittal. (To this day, some attribute the acquittal to Judge Keble's refusal of the jurors' request of a “butt of sack,” which is to say, a very large quantity of fortified wine, as a pre-deliberation refreshment). The Lilburne case sums up the most significant of what may be called the “Commonwealth reforms” of criminal procedure—one of the few legacies of the revolution to survive the restoration of the monarchy. Secrecy was what the Roundheads found most odious about the Stuart monarchs' justice. Certainly unjust practices accompanied some of our Puritan forefathers to this country; we can't forget the Salem witch trials, for instance. But so too, did a healthy contempt for the abuses practiced by the Stuart monarchs, starting with the notions of torture and secret courts with secret evidence. The contempt was reciprocal of course—they say that King Charles' lip would curl at the very mention of the word “Massachusetts,” and seven of the ten members of the first graduating class of Harvard—the class of 1642—returned to England to enlist in the Model Army and fight against the King. The practice of secret courts. The use of torture to secure confessions. The receipt of secret evidence. The exclusion of the public from proceedings. The offering of evidence in the form of summaries delivered to the judges, without the defendant being able to confront the evidence or conduct a cross-examination. These practices were the definition of tyrannical injustice to the Puritan fathers and the Founding Fathers. We thought them long-banished a hundred years and more before our own revolution. And now suddenly here they are again. Secrecy has reemerged just as torture has made its comeback, being justified on the public stage, by government officials for the first time since the famous gathering at the Inns of Court in 1629 at which the judges declared “upon their and their nation's honor” that torture was not permitted by the common law. The two fit together, hand in glove: torture and secrecy. Torture and secrecy. Where one is used, the other is indispensable. Torture is no longer a tool of statecraft. Today it is a tool of criminals, though sometimes of criminals purporting to conduct the affairs of state. Having resorted to these “dark arts,” to quote Dick Cheney, the torturers now have the dilemma faced so frequently by criminals. They seek to cover it up. And so the path flows from torture to secrecy, the twin dark stars of the tyrannical state. If we look quickly at the proceedings that held the world's attention down in Gitmo over the last two weeks, we see what the secrecy is all about. When the Combat Status Review Tribunal process commenced, the Pentagon told us that the proceedings would not be open to the public. Instead, it said, a transcript would be offered up to the public a few days later, giving the Pentagon an opportunity to redact “classified national security” information from the transcripts. Pete Yost of the Associated Press gave me a ring just as this came out and asked: what do you suppose they think is going to require censoring? I said the answer is clear based on submissions the Department of Justice has made in four or five cases: they will take the position that any evidence of torture must be censored or expunged, because the testimony would disclose the specific torture techniques which have been applied, and that would divulge highly classified national security data. Why do you think the DVDs of the treatment of Jose Padilla, all two dozen copies, mysteriously disappeared? Why, as Colonel Couch recently told the Wall Street Journal's Jess Bravin, did the recording devices inexplicably malfunction whenever torture incidents occurred? Yes. Why indeed. Of course, I was relying not only on what was said and done in Padilla, El-Masri, Arar and other cases, but also on Terry Gilliam's movie, “Brazil,” in which all of this morally deviant thinking is taken to its logical conclusion. What the Bush Administration has created in Gitmo is “Brazil,” minus, of course, any pretense of humor. Now we have the first two transcripts, and the results are exactly that. The torture is cut out. The case of al-Nashiri is particularly striking: PRESIDENT (of the tribunal): Please describe the methods that were used. DETAINEE: (CENSORED) What else do I want to say? (CENSORED) There were doing so many things. What else did they did? (CENSORED) After that another method of torture began. (CENSORED) They used to ask me questions and the investigator after that used to laugh. And, I used to answer the answer that I knew. And if I didn't replay what I heard, he used to (CENSORED). Now let's consider—would there be any need to censor the allegations unless they are true? No. Indeed, the fact that they are censored should be taken as an admission. No meaningful effort is made to refute any of the detainee's contentions. No records are spread out showing that he was not tortured. Why might that be? And the second case for secrecy we see in the trial of David Hicks, which follows a pattern established with the John Walker Lindh case. It came to a plea bargain in the end, and a strong focus on silencing the witness. In particular, he was to be gagged as to everything that was done to him while he was in U.S. custody for a period of one year, which is to say, until the Australian elections are past. The plea bargain, it appears, was negotiated by Susan J. Crawford, a protégée of Vice President Cheney, and Cheney had only six weeks earlier visited Australian Prime Minister John Howard downunder. According to accounts of their meeting published at the time in the Australian press, at the top of Howard's agenda was an urgent plea to bring the Hicks case to a speedy conclusion that would allow him to serve a brief sentence in Australia. Crawford delivered exactly what was requested. There is a common theme to these cases. Secrecy is not invoked to protect military or legitimate state security confidences. It is invoked for nakedly political reasons, or darker and still more likely, to obscure crimes and avoid the creation of court records which would document them. On April 27, 1961, John F. Kennedy gave a speech in the Waldorf-Astoria to the American Newspaper Association. “The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society;” Kennedy said “and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control.” I believe that the moment—the day of “official censorship and concealment”—that Kennedy foresaw is drawing near, if it is not already upon us in America today. The moment has crept upon us by stealth, as a result of decisions taken at the highest level in government. These decisions have been made behind closed doors, with no public discussion—and indeed with a concerted effort to misdirect the public as to the gravity of the changes in policy which have been undertaken. They have led to a dramatic expansion of Government action without oversight, which is to say on the basis of a decision by the President unchecked by courts and Congress, and to a shrinkage of individual freedom. We have a duty to posterity, and that is to bear witness to these events. We must document them carefully. We must act to avoid the destruction of valuable evidence—and recognize, as we have already seen, that it is in the character of those who commit crimes to destroy the evidence of their misdeeds. In this way we lay the path for the justice which will in good time be meted out to those who betrayed a nation's trust. For I believe, like the Puritans, in the certainty that justice will triumph and that wrongdoers will be held to account, though I am not so foolish as to think that this will happen soon. Still, the time is coming, as John Milton wrote, that sun part the clouds which tyrants muster, that good men may enjoy the freedom which they merit, and the bad the curb which they need.
  3. The Apostles of Deception By Charles Sullivan 04/15/07 "ICH" -- -- What passes for Christianity among the people, like so many things American, is not the genuine article. The sermons that rise from many of the pulpits of the churches of America are, I suspect, as counterfeit as a six dollar bill; as phony as the people running the country. But those whose faith is blind are incapable of seeing truth. That is the trouble with blind faith. It does not, it cannot, see. I have always been wary of organized religion. Every pastor, every minister of every church in the land should denounce what is happening in America and violently projected upon the world. They should criticize the wretched lies of the president and his murderous regime. They should condemn union busting, racism and sexism, corporate greed and war. They should deplore the obscene accumulation of property and wealth, while emphasizing service to the community and the poor. Most often, however, a perverted version of Christianity gives the appearance of moral credence to war and conquest. It appears to me that the majority of the American people are followers who willingly bow down to that which they perceive as authority. The people want to be lead. They have a deep seated desire to be directed, to be told not only what to do, but how to live. Millions of them are waiting for a messiah to appear who will lead them to the Promised Land—a messiah that requires nothing from them before the judgment day. They only have to profess their faith and to follow—to do as they are told by the religious hierarchy, and wait. Of course, followers require leaders, and that makes them vulnerable to charlatans and frauds. The trouble with leaders and followers is that leaders often mislead and followers obediently trail them to the very gates of hell. During the course of the journey, superstition and ignorance gradually replace rationality and knowledge. Truth gets lost in the shuffle or is cast into the flames of desire. Thus we find ourselves standing at the brink of an old and familiar abyss, the onslaught of a new age of darkness and fear. Lies supplant truth, darkness replaces light. War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength. The lessons of history remain unlearned and endlessly repeat themselves in rhythmic cycles of human comedy and tragedy. We cannot avoid the responsibility of citizenship by simply following the lead of others or waiting for the return of Jesus. To do so is to give up our humanity and to become the mere servants of power. We have a responsibility to the truth, to justice, the earth, and toward one another that must supersede all else, if we are the moral beings we purport to be. That is why each of us is endowed with a conscience. We must decide right and wrong for ourselves and struggle against the swift current of public opinion more often than not. In many ways we have abrogated our responsibilities as citizens to others in our consent to be governed. This was a grave mistake. The idea of leadership sets some up above others. It gives special power and privileges to a few and hence unwarranted influence and power over the many. We do not need leaders. We need those who will genuinely represent us and the public welfare. We need people like ourselves. We need us, we the people, to run things. There is no substitute for being informed, active, and conscientious citizens. It must therefore be understood that real citizenship will require physical, mental, and spiritual effort on our part, especially since truth is kept so well hidden from public view. This does not appear likely to happen any time soon. We see this phenomenon of following, which is akin to giving up our freedoms, at play in the political arena, as well as in other circles of power. The hapless people are always looking for a redeemer, a quick fix—a liberator. We are conditioned to think that we can simply take a pill and our disease will miraculously disappear without effort on our part. Nature does not work that way. We expect miracles to occur in place of doing the hard work of citizenship. If there is a promised land, we must get there by our own collective effort. We must arrive not as individuals, but together as working class people struggling in common cause. Yet we continue to believe in knights in shining armor, rather than saving ourselves and the republic of which we are a part. Now we are asking ourselves: Is Barach Obama the one to lead us to peace and prosperity? Will it be Hillary Clinton? John Edwards? John McCain? Is it Rudi Giuliani? If we believe that any or all of these people—each of them put forth by the money changers—is the answer, we are looking in the wrong places. By definition, darkness is the absence of light. We must at least start looking in the light. We must stop expecting miracles and rescuers to make things right for us. We must realize that justice is our responsibility. Justice doesn’t just happen. Good people have to care enough to make it happen. Failing this, we will continue to have pervasive corruption—a government that betrays the public interest and pursues an agenda of its own. We will have wars in Viet Nam and Iraq and social and economic disparity at home. We cannot afford to wait for an oracle to appear. Global climate change is upon us and it demands something from each of us here and now. Heretofore, justice has not been the American way. We must make it the American way, and we must do it now. If we want to be more than economic slaves and pawns to the super rich, we must get involved in the issues. We must make government serve us, and we must make it just. Millions of Americans claim to follow Jesus. Some even claim that we are a Christian nation. Yet every generation seems to crucify Christ all over again, to nail him to the cross and parade him through the streets with a crown of thorns on his head. We had Dr. Martin Luther King, the genuine article, but those in authority—the gluttonous counterfeiters of power—crucified him, aided by cheering throngs of racists. Dr. King, perhaps more than any man who has lived in our time, embodied the moral teachings of Jesus. It is no irony that the most Christ-like among us today continue to be crucified by the money changers living in the present. Clearly the spirit of Jesus lived and breathed in our time in the person of Dr. Martin Luther King. So did the spirit of Allah and all the great religions of the world. Dr. King gave more than lip service to religious doctrine, he breathed life into them—he made them real and relevant again. And, like Jesus, he too was crucified by the money changers. Blind obedience to authority—mob mentality—is a very dangerous and destructive force. So put away your toy American flags, your yellow ribbons. They are irrelevant to the issue of social justice. No nation has a monopoly on virtue. Real faith, real service, are not confined to national borders. Integrity lives and breathes in the hearts of men and women doing the slow work of justice, often alone and in opposition to the formal conventions of society—as history attests. Dr. King understood that there was no easy way out; no time to wait for a second coming. Like Jesus, his path required struggle against injustice; direct non-violent confrontation with evil that lived deep in the belly of the beast. It required courage, conviction, personal sacrifice and moral vigilance. It required character, a willingness to die for one’s beliefs. Through his extraordinary moral example, Dr. King was not so much a leader as he was an emissary for truth and justice, which must be the core of any faith worth its salt. Dr. King’s beliefs, unlike the counterfeiters who have come after him, demanded equality and justice, reckoning with truth. That is what made him so dangerous, so feared by the purveyors of violence and injustice. Now we have fools and con men, pretenders and flim-flam artists: hucksters, jilters, jokers and clowns fleecing the hapless flock. We have Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, George Bush, Hillary Clinton, and those masquerading as the Christian right marching us into war after war, and carrying us down the stairs to hell and despair—misleaders and pompous frauds one and all! The phony evangelicals have stolen the pulpit and the ignorant and foolish have fallen under their spell. Blind followers seduced by a belief in specters and miracles obey their every command and do their bidding. It is just another scam to grab power and influence over the trusting flock before the slaughter. Such people are serfs and fools, not thoughtful citizens or seekers of truth. Beware of any faith that is not organized around justice and equality. Snake oil salesmen abound. Within the religious hierarchy the high priests of fraud are treated like deities with a direct conduit to god, entitled to power and privileges that ordinary citizens do not have. They are no better than fortune tellers dressed in bright robes. Once again they have diverted the masses from the real path to salvation and led them astray. They have erased the thin line that separates church and state and made a mockery of humankind’s quest for understanding and justice. It was they who, in the words of song writer Woody Guthrie, “laid poor Jesus in his grave”. They do it every time.
  4. JB The link your provided is inactive. The idea of doing virtual Mosque or any virtual worship should follow guidleines set by Prophet Muhammad SAWS known as Sunnah. Simulation has come a long way in our age, but in worship, its important we do the real thing, there is no substitue to praying in a neighborhood Masjid, but you can virtually pay your Zakat fees to a virtual poor person. You can not make Virtual Hajj by walking through a simulator, but you can possiby have a virtual marriage cerimony(its controversial but in a particular Muslim country, there is a Virtual Sheikh, Mazuun Sharci, who will perform a virtual marriage for a couple, of course one needs to be identified biometrically or thru videoconferencing looking eye to eye with the bride and her father). Some sites give virtual Shahada ( Attestaion of Accepting Islam) for converting to Islam, like, but one needs to do it in front of a real masjid gathering and Judge to be Sharia compliant. The moral is that in our time, not all things can go virtual, (i.e. marraige consumation, is a full body, mind and soul contact sport, Long distance Marriages fail) Nur
  5. Khalaf walaal You pose an Athiests Question: How could an all-knowing merciful God look into the future, see all the people who will be suffering in Hell for all eternity, and still create those people? Wouldn't it be more Merciful to have never created them? Answer: In my college days, A professor who taught the same class ( a Quantitative Analysis descipline) over and over for many years warned the class about pitfalls of not following his instructions. The Professor while explaining a methodological way to solve a special problem reflected: " I've taught this class for 20 years, and this special problem has always proven difficult for students to grasp and solve. Every year, I warn my students and tell them to stick with my method to solve the problem, because if they try to solve it any onther way, they will fail, unfortunately, every year on the average, five students fail by not following my method, not because they were not warned, but because it was their CHOICE to ignore the warning" he went on " I am sure that five students in this class who are listening to me now will fail, because of their choice" The analogy here is about a human teacher who does not know what the future holds for his students, but from data of past twenty years he formed a knowledge base on which ha can base a prediction that holds water. The key to the answer is therefore CHOICE, Allah gave us intellect to either obey or disobey, and he gave us the freedom of choice, and its utter justice that those who abide by rules are rewarded with goodness and those who commit crimes to be punished. However Allah's prior knowledge of our choices should not be reason for Allah to take away our valued freedom to choose to make our own decisions. What the Atheist is suggesting is contradictory to his own desire for personal CHOICE of not following Allah's way, if Allah took that right away from him, he will be like a rock pepple on the beach, but we know that man has a purpose on earth and mission, which the Athiest fails to understand and hence his confusion. If we followed his warped logic, We would have all been Muslims, however many verses in Quraan clarify this fact. The Polytheists during Prophet Muhammad SAWS have used the same argument " Wa law shaa'a Allahu ma cabadnaahum" ( If Allah so willed, we would not have worshipped them (idols) ), here mankind is trying to transfer blame to Allah and insist on doing evil on earth as HIS CHOICE, then complain why Allah did not take that freedom away from him in the first place. This is mockery of reason, as he asking in other words, why did Allah gave me a mind? and a Choice? I would have been better off without them. Now, that is the exact wish of evil doers who end up in hell, the Quraan reccounts the unbeliever's future wish when they end up in hell, they say: " Leytanii kuntu turaabaa" meaning, " I wish I was sand" The question that bounces back at the Athiest is this: Do you want to be a human gifted and honored with intellect hence accountable to her/his actions? or do you want to be an animal or a rock pepple unaccountable for its action? The moral of Islam's message: If you can't take the heat of hell, stay out of trouble! Fair enough? Nur
  6. Wish List of Dow Jones? "The Courts stockpiled thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition during the six months they controlled Mogadishu. The insurgency will likely last until that stockpile is depleted, or key leaders are killed" The Hypocracy is so transparent here, they armed Ethiopian Troops with American Weoponry, Tanks, Aircrafts, Black Hawk Copters, Artillary pounding civilians, killing thousands, supporting a government no one but Oil Companies and Dow Jones wants, So their strategy is slow killing of the insurgency who is in the way of stealing the oil, by accusing them with the handy " Terrorsit" buzz accusation, now, this author is suggesting blatantly the targeted assaination of the Islamic Courts Leadership. This suggestion if done against Bush or any other leader on a responsible publication would be tantamount of a war crime, but by dehumanizing Muslims, like Hitler used to call Jews RATS, killing a few Muslim leaders here and there is accepted by the "International Community", and " The coolition of the willing, which includes Palau and Macronesia" Same movie all over again, Iraq II, is unfolding before our eyes, this time, an Organized Crime of a global Dimension against the poor who sit on top of strategic oil reserves. Nur
  7. Geel Jire bro. You need to switch channels, in times of fitna, we might only get one track of events, but if you are resourceful, ou can get the big picture. The Amplification of the Clan Politics is a well coordinated Americam-Ethiopian Scheme, to erode the support of all Somalis to their resistance against illegal foreign occupation, and what better way than to inflame dormant clan hate, just to divide them and rule. Those who seem to be fighting along the clan lines, are the very ones who are sponsored by Ethiopia, their retoric calls for the following amusing story that took place in Somaliland ( possibly villages around Hargeisa) There was a well known thief by the name ( Yonis Tuug), Yonis the Thief. One day, neighbors heard loud scream by his wife, they came to rescue the woman from beating, The woman ran into one of the huts for protection and the neughbors stopped Yonis who was chasing her, once she was in one of the huts, she started calling him names, and he also called her names in return to the bewilderment of the villagers. Later, they managed to make peace between them, and the woman was escorted back to her husband. What really happened? Yonis The Thief, learned that a fresh Butter supply was stored in one of the houses, and he wanted to steal some, so he made a plan in which his wife can get inside that house, the beating was a show, once she got in that house, she found the buter too frozen to be put in he bowl, so she came out as if she was insulting him saying in Somali, " Ina Xarkag-Xarkgato" code word for "the butter is to hard", so he insults her back " Ina Rux-ruxato, ka soo ridato" code word for " shake it well and pour into your vessel. Once she followed he direction, she successfully stole the butter, while the neighbors were thinking that there was family fight. eNuri Analogy: The Butter is the Oil in Somalia, Bush wants to steal the Oil, because his Iraq oil heist failed big, so stealing africans is easier. The Mock war is the "WAR AGAINST TERROR" manufastured by Bushladen organizeation to rob the world. Islam is the force against Bushladen's greed for oil. So, Islam must be called " Terror" and a fake war created to divert attention of the world to steal oil. Now, add a little spice of Christian Fundementalists worried losing their followers to Islam, a more sensible faith, so they support the fake war to protect a fake religion. International community is the village that does not understand the War agaist Terror. Ethiopia is the cheap blood for the war for Oil, because, American blood is much expensive, for 650,000 dead Iraqis, america only lost 3000 soldiers, but the new Bush Strategy is to sacrifice Ethiopians and other nationalities for their global thirst for cheap energy (or is it?). Today, in Somali Clan politics, we have Yonis the Thief, Those fighting along clan lines, are the first to be bought with Mighty Dollar to do the dirty work of the Devil. Be careful, do not fall for the Media jargons. Somali peoples struggle against the Tigre invaders is bringing Somali people together. In one Major foreign city, inhabited by All clans equally, Puntlandians alone have raised and paid half of all the contribution for resistance, and the rest of the somalis paid the other half, that is the Islam picture, that is the right channel to get your information. Nur
  8. Mystic The following 2003 eNuri post sheds light on the meaning of the words that make up the Declaration of Shahaaada, the piece accounts to historical development of the meaning of ilaah and Allah. Please read on. From Nurtel Archives ( Somaliaonline edition, some changes appear from original version for clarification) Fourteen centuries ago, Allah SWT sent a Messenger(SAWS) to mankind, A man who was raised in Makkah, present day Saudi Arabia, and who belonged to a tribe called Quraish, the decendants of Prophets Ismail and Abraham (aleyhimaa assalam). The Messenger of Allah was sent to an Arab speaking people, and naturally, he communicated with them in Arabic language. Every messenger also did communicate with his people by way of their respective language and culture with examples they could understand and relate it to their lives. The reason is that Allah intended the message to be understood, and his teachings followed. Whe we fail to address people with analogies they understand we fail to deliver the true meaning of our message and confusion shrouds our minds. That is why some of our respected Ulema fail to convince the new generation of Muslims and non Mulsims, because the Ulema are "NOT CONNECTED" to the same media, nor speak the lingo of the times, as a result, a great deal of knowledge remains untransmitted, and not utilized. Based on the above prelude, I am about to convey the history of Tawheed with analogoies that cann be understood by residents of North America, and to an extent most westernized Somalis, specially my cousins in Qurac Dheer, Somali Peninsula, who listen to Heavy Metal in their tents. The Arabian Tribe Quraish was the center of attention of all Arabs at the time as it controlled the holly shrine Kaaba, which represented a tribute erected by Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail for the remembrance and reverence of Allah ALONE on earth. These days, life was simple, there was no TV, Radio, newspapers, sitcoms, tabloids and Somaliaonline. So people communicated one-on-one and they enjoyed poetry and oratory in public places, similar to the ancient Greeks and Romans lavish theaters. They mastered the language early in their childhood, and as adults they were quick to understand the meaning of every spoken word. When the prophet SAWS called them for Islam, they asked him about the essense of his message. The prophet told them ( My message is laa ilaaha illa Allahu) A bedouin responded, (then all Arabs and non Arabs wil fight against you). The bedouin knew the meaning of the word ILAAH in Arabic language. In Suuratl Jinn, aayah 19, Allah says " And when the Abdullah Servant of Allah stood up to calling for his (ilaah), (the polytheists) almost ganged up against him" This brings us to the core issue, TERMINOLOGY. understanding these terminology the way the SALAF understood it, will make us do what they did. The Salaf were proficient in their language, lived their times and fulfilled their commitment to their best. Can the same be said about us? When we speak about Islam do we live our times? are we taking our responsibilities seriously as they did to make Islam interwoven throughout our lifestyle? are we fulifilling our responsibility to Allah? or are we wishy washy people? SALAF were not a group of people, it was a period of time in history, in which Islam blossomed, and the word of Allah reached the corners of the world. Generally it is referred to the first three generations of Saxaabah and the taabiciin, and taabicu taabiciin. Today we are trying to understand what used to drive these people to do monumental achievements recorded to their credit in every sphere of life. They were more pious in ibaadah, more involved in community and political environment, more accomplished in jurisprudence Fiqh, sciences, the arts, and business, they were leaders for humanity, they freed Europe from darkness and corrupt Kings and Church leaders, they traded with asia with honesty and fairness which resulted mass conversion of Asians to Islam, the religion of common sense. The key to understanding what motivated these Salaf generation lies in the components of the very word that changed history The Word was : " Laa ilaaha Ilaa Allah)" Once Quraish heard the word, they became alarmed. why? because they understood its far reaching meaning more than most muslims understand today. This strategy to present this Word before all the detais of Islam's social change was not the choice of our prophet Muhammad SAWS. Nor did it happen thoughtlessly. The Messenger was commanded to do it that way. And there is a wisdom for us to ponder. In contrast, today, the first thing we tell non Muslims is the Hijaab, or Sharia, we fail to set up the right comminications link between man and his maker, the link of Tawheed, laa ilaaha ilaa Allah, which can transform the human being from a defiant to a humble person. Imagine, the Messenger SAWS sitting on the corner of Yamaaniyah of the Kaaba, making ibaadah (worship), and around him ther are circumventing female naked pilgrim women making tawaaf and all he is asking people to do was " SAY , LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ALLAH" not to cover up their bodies, because he was ordered to address the root cause of man's rebellion against his maker which is his ignorance of his maker. He knew if they accept this word, and its requirements, that all evil will be wiped. and in twenty three short years, it was. So, We may ask, how was it possible that the decendants of the father of TAWXIID, Prophet Abraham, Peace be upon him, The honorable tribe of Quraish, put three hundered and sixty idols asnaam (Gods) inside a house dedicated to the sole reverence of Allah, the one and only god? It is all about terminology. Just like Satan persuaded Adam and Eve, to eat from the forbidden tree, calling it ( Shajaratul Khuld), Satan inspired Quraish to worship extensions of Allah through what they have claimed as his daughters, just as Christians today ascribe a son to Allah as an extension of the Real Ilaah (subhaanahu wa tacalaa camma yaquuluuna culuwan kabeera). So Satan inspired them to select the names of these goddesses from the root name of Allah, to make it easy for people ta accept it (like copying a trade mark with slight change, like naming your supermarket SAFESTWAY instead of SAFEWAY, or naming your autopart shop TRECKAUTO instaead of TRAKAUTO). So they named the first godess ( Al Laata, from Allah and Al Uzza, From Al Azeez etc.) This tactic in Arabic language is called ILXAAD, Allah mentioned in the Quraan saying " Inna ladeenu yulxiduuna fee asmaa'ih laa yakhfowna calaynaa)". (Those who change the purpose behind the meaning of His Names, are not hidden from our view) Therefore Ilxaad It means changing the purpose behind the meaning of a word, just like Sodomy is called GAY today. Just like unsuspecting SAFEWAY Supermarkets customers can shop at a phony store cashing illegaly on someone else's trade mark, by naming his supermarkets SAFESTWAY, The decendants of Abraham were tricked by SATAN to worship others beside Allah therby satan scored a point to support his promise to to Allah that he will mislead mankind. When Prophet Muhammad came with his message, he challenged the tribe of Quraish that all but Allah is fake as an ILAAH. This caused a major problem. But what does ILAAH mean. The root meaning of the word ILAA caomes from the Arabic word (ALIHA) the masdar of this word means among others: 1. To seek a protection ( Like an infant seeks mother's love , wormth and protection) 2. To seek a rescuer ( in times of distress) 3. To seek the highest authority, no one scapes from ( Jurisdiction and Sovreighnty). 4. It meant leadership. ( ZACIIM UL QOWM) 5. Any thing one follows even desires is called ilaah Now when all these meaning were assigned to Allah alone, Quraish had a reason to be alarmed. After all they were the masters of the Arabs at the time. They controlled the trade routes, the Pilgramage and the business it created, The slave trade, Gambling, fornication, drinking and all social evils. They were the losers if the system changed and Muhammad came with a very radical view of the world and how it should be run. They offered him to lead Quraish as their Zaciim, if he stops this word. They offered him money, and most beautiful women. But Mohammad SAWS was not looking for power, presidency, good life, rather he had a mission and a message to deliver, and against it nothing could distract him, so he said his famous statement " If they place the sun on my right palm, and the moon on my left palm, to stop my mission, I would not stop preaching the message that man should surrender to his creator willingly) (note that all creatures are submiting to Allah unwillingly since they have no control over their creation and death and all natural causes that are limiting their freedom). " and then Allah ( ISTAWAA) on the heavens while it was smoke ( Dust particles) and said to them and the earth "surrender willingly or unwillingly" they said, we surrender willingly,....." Before Mohammad SAWS, Prophet Jesus (aleyhi salam) delivered the same message, and the Romans with the help of Jews, planned for his murder, but Allah lifted him up to the heavens and saved him from their wickedness. Today, the Tawheed word exists, but there is no correspondense between this word and the reality of those who say it, hence, saying shahaada today is like a tenant signing a rental agreement he did no understand, Is such a document binding? scolars say NO. A further proof for the above observation is that this word has not stirred in our lives, what it has stirred in the lives of the SALAF AL SAALIX, before us. They said the word, and its effects were detected in their lives and the entire world. We also said the word, and it has no significant effect on our lives. A wise person shouldn't then fool themselves that the King has still some clothes. A good way to measure understanding of this word, is a measure of actions it creates in our lives. If the actions are not there. It may mean that there is no gold reserves in the Bank to validate the currency in circulation. The root cause, the meaning of the word and the belief may not be there. Nur 2003 Nurtel Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
  9. The 1 & Only Bro. Think again! Nur
  10. Divide and rule - America's plan for Baghdad Revealed: a new counter-insurgency strategy to carve up the city into sealed areas. The tactic failed in Vietnam. So what chance does it have in Iraq? By Robert Fisk 04/11/07 "The Independent" -- -- Faced with an ever-more ruthless insurgency in Baghdad - despite President George Bush's "surge" in troops - US forces in the city are now planning a massive and highly controversial counter-insurgency operation that will seal off vast areas of the city, enclosing whole neighbourhoods with barricades and allowing only Iraqis with newly issued ID cards to enter. The campaign of "gated communities" - whose genesis was in the Vietnam War - will involve up to 30 of the city's 89 official districts and will be the most ambitious counter-insurgency programme yet mounted by the US in Iraq. The system has been used - and has spectacularly failed - in the past, and its inauguration in Iraq is as much a sign of American desperation at the country's continued descent into civil conflict as it is of US determination to "win" the war against an Iraqi insurgency that has cost the lives of more than 3,200 American troops. The system of "gating" areas under foreign occupation failed during the French war against FLN insurgents in Algeria and again during the American war in Vietnam. Israel has employed similar practices during its occupation of Palestinian territory - again, with little success. But the campaign has far wider military ambitions than the pacification of Baghdad. It now appears that the US military intends to place as many as five mechanised brigades - comprising about 40,000 men - south and east of Baghdad, at least three of them positioned between the capital and the Iranian border. This would present Iran with a powerful - and potentially aggressive - American military force close to its border in the event of a US or Israeli military strike against its nuclear facilities later this year. The latest "security" plan, of which The Independent has learnt the details, was concocted by General David Petraeus, the current US commander in Baghdad, during a six-month command and staff course at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. Those attending the course - American army generals serving in Iraq and top officers from the US Marine Corps, along with, according to some reports, at least four senior Israeli officers - participated in a series of debates to determine how best to "turn round" the disastrous war in Iraq. The initial emphasis of the new American plan will be placed on securing Baghdad market places and predominantly Shia Muslim areas. Arrests of men of military age will be substantial. The ID card project is based upon a system adopted in the city of Tal Afar by General Petraeus's men - and specifically by Colonel H R McMaster, of the 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment - in early 2005, when an eight-foot "berm" was built around the town to prevent the movement of gunmen and weapons. General Petraeus regarded the campaign as a success although Tal Afar, close to the Syrian border, has since fallen back into insurgent control. So far, the Baghdad campaign has involved only the creation of a few US positions within several civilian areas of the city but the new project will involve joint American and Iraqi "support bases" in nine of the 30 districts to be "gated" off. From these bases - in fortified buildings - US-Iraqi forces will supposedly clear militias from civilian streets which will then be walled off and the occupants issued with ID cards. Only the occupants will be allowed into these "gated communities" and there will be continuous patrolling by US-Iraqi forces. There are likely to be pass systems, "visitor" registration and restrictions on movement outside the "gated communities". Civilians may find themselves inside a "controlled population" prison. In theory, US forces can then concentrate on providing physical reconstruction in what the military like to call a "secure environment". But insurgents are not foreigners, despite the presence of al-Qa'ida in Iraq. They come from the same population centres that will be "gated" and will, if undiscovered, hold ID cards themselves; they will be "enclosed" with everyone else. A former US officer in Vietnam who has a deep knowledge of General Petraeus's plans is sceptical of the possible results. "The first loyalty of any Sunni who is in the Iraqi army is to the insurgency," he said. "Any Shia's first loyalty is to the head of his political party and its militia. Any Kurd in the Iraqi army, his first loyalty is to either Barzani or Talabani. There is no independent Iraqi army. These people really have no choice. They are trying to save their families from starvation and reprisal. At one time they may have believed in a unified Iraq. At one time they may have been secular. But the violence and brutality that started with the American invasion has burnt those liberal ideas out of people ... Every American who is embedded in an Iraqi unit is in constant mortal danger." The senior generals who constructed the new "security" plan for Baghdad were largely responsible for the seminal - but officially "restricted" - field manual on counter-insurgency produced by the Department of the Army in December of last year, code-numbered FM 3-24. While not specifically advocating the "gated communities" campaign, one of its principles is the unification of civilian and military activities, citing "civil operations and revolutionary development support teams" in South Vietnam, assistance to Kurdish refugees in northern Iraq in 1991 and the "provincial reconstruction teams" in Afghanistan - a project widely condemned for linking military co-operation and humanitarian aid. FM 3-24 is harsh in its analysis of what counter-insurgency forces must do to eliminate violence in Iraq. "With good intelligence," it says, "counter-insurgents are like surgeons cutting out cancerous tissue while keeping other vital organs intact." But another former senior US officer has produced his own pessimistic conclusions about the "gated" neighbourhood project. "Once the additional troops are in place the insurrectionists will cut the lines of communication from Kuwait to the greatest extent they are able," he told The Independent. "They will do the same inside Baghdad, forcing more use of helicopters. The helicopters will be vulnerable coming into the patrol bases, and the enemy will destroy as many as they can. The second part of their plan will be to attempt to destroy one of the patrol bases. They will begin that process by utilising their people inside the 'gated communities' to help them enter. They will choose bases where the Iraqi troops either will not fight or will actually support them. "The American reaction will be to use massive firepower, which will destroy the neighbourhood that is being 'protected'." The ex-officer's fears for American helicopter crews were re-emphasised yesterday when a military Apache was shot down over central Baghdad. The American's son is an officer currently serving in Baghdad. "The only chance the American military has to withdraw with any kind of tactical authority in the future is to take substantial casualties as a token of their respect for the situation created by the invasion," he said. "The effort to create some order out of the chaos and the willingness to take casualties to do so will leave some residual respect for the Americans as they leave." FM 3-24: America's new masterplan for Iraq FM 3-24 comprises 220 pages of counter-insurgency planning, combat training techniques and historical analysis. The document was drawn up by Lt-Gen David Petraeus, the US commander in Baghdad, and Lt-Gen James Amos of the US Marine Corps, and was the nucleus for the new US campaign against the Iraqi insurgency. These are some of its recommendations and conclusions: * In the eyes of some, a government that cannot protect its people forfeits the right to rule. In [parts] of Iraq and Afghanistan... militias established themselves as extragovernmental arbiters of the populace's physical security - in some cases, after first undermining that security... * In the al-Qa'ida narrative... Osama bin Laden depicts himself as a man purified in the mountains of Afghanistan who is inspiring followers and punishing infidels. In the collective imagination of Bin Laden and his followers, they are agents of Islamic history who will reverse the decline of the umma (Muslim community) and bring about its triumph over Western imperialism. * As the Host Nation government increases its legitimacy, the populace begins to assist it more actively. Eventually, the people marginalise insurgents to the point that [their] claim to legitimacy is destroyed. However, victory is gained not when this is achieved, but when the victory is permanently maintained by and with the people's active support... * Any human rights abuses committed by US forces quickly become known throughout the local populace. Illegitimate actions undermine counterinsurgency efforts... Abuse of detained persons is immoral, illegal and unprofessional. * If military forces remain in their compounds, they lose touch with the people, appear to be running scared, and cede the initiative to the insurgents. Aggressive saturation patrolling, ambushes, and listening post operations must be conducted, risk shared with the populace and contact maintained. * FM 3-24 quotes Lawrence of Arabia as saying: "Do not try to do too much with your own hands. Better the Arabs do it tolerably than that you do it perfectly. It is their war, and you are to help them, not to win it for them." * FM 3-24 points to Napoleon's failure to control occupied Spain as the result of not providing a "stable environment" for the population. His struggle, the document says, lasted nearly six years and required four times the force of 80,000 Napoleon originally designated. * Do not try to crack the hardest nut first. Do not go straight for the main insurgent stronghold. Instead, start from secure areas and work gradually outwards... Go with, not against, the grain of the local populace. * Be cautious about allowing soldiers and marines to fraternise with local children. Homesick troops want to drop their guard with kids. But insurgents are watching. They notice any friendships between troops and children. They may either harm the children as punishment or use them as agents. © 2007 Independent News and Media Limited
  11. Nur


    U.S.-Made Mess in Somalia By Ivan Eland 04/10/07 "Consortium News" -- - - The media often report overseas developments, but don’t always explore their underlying causes, which, in many cases, conveniently lets the U.S. government off the hook. The recent internecine violence in Somalia provides a classic example. The U.S. media have focused to date almost exclusively on the rising Islamist movement in Somalia and U.S. “covert” assistance to the Ethiopian invasion that supported Somalia’s transitional government against the stronger Islamists. The media should be focusing on one of the major causes of the Somali mess: U.S. government meddling. After 9/11, the Bush administration feared that the absence of a strong government in the “failed state” of Somalia could turn the small east–African country—slightly smaller than Texas—into a haven for terrorists. The administration ignored the fact that other states with weak governments have not become sanctuaries for terrorists. Even if Somalia had become a terrorist enclave, the terrorists, absent some U.S. provocation, probably would not have attacked the faraway United States. As a result of the administration’s unfounded fear, the United States began supporting unpopular warlords in the strife-torn nation. That’s when the real trouble began. The radical Islamists in Somalia never had much following until the Somali people became aware that an outside power was supporting the corrupt and thuggish military chieftains. The popularity of the Islamist movement then surged, allowing the Islamists to take over much of the country. In sum, where no problem with radical Islamists previously existed, the U.S. government helped create one. In many respects, the Somali episode is a replay of other horribly counterproductive past U.S. interventions. In the 1980s, for example, the U.S. government supported the radical Islamist Mujahadeen—then fighting the non–Muslim Soviet occupiers in Muslim Afghanistan—that metamorphosed into al Qaeda, which is now attacking the United States for its non–Muslim military presence in the Persian Gulf. History followed a similar pattern in Iraq. The Bush administration justified the U.S. invasion of Iraq in part by al Qaeda’s alleged link to Saddam Hussein—a thug, to be sure, but one who had been wise enough, in reality, to support groups who didn’t focus their attacks on the United States. Now, in Iraq, where there were no anti–U.S. Islamic terrorists before, we have plenty to fight. Somalia is the third example of the United States creating a potentially anti–U.S. Islamist threat where none previously existed. The U.S.–supported Ethiopian invasion weakened the Somali Islamists, but they are still fighting fiercely for control of Mogadishu, the capital. Like those in Iraq, all the Somali Islamists have to do is hang on until the foreign occupier gets exhausted and leaves. When that happens, the Islamists could very well become the dominant political force in the country, capitalizing on their “patriotic” resistance to the hated Ethiopian occupiers and their U.S. benefactors. The U.S.–backed Ethiopians, already unpopular, have become even more despised as a result of their alleged indiscriminate shelling of Mogadishu’s civilian areas, which human rights groups are calling a war crime. Unlike the period when the Islamists controlled Mogadishu, the transitional government has been unable to keep order, undermining both its credibility and public support. As a result, many in Somalia see the period of Islamic rule as good days, and now long for its return. And that’s probably what will happen. Like the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan, whose recent good fortunes were brought about by continued foreign occupation of that country, we will likely see the Somali Islamists make a comeback. U.S. experiences in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia should teach foreign policy experts and the American public that U.S. meddling abroad is often counterproductive and dangerous. Yet the U.S. media help the U.S. government disguise these policy failures by failing to expose the underlying causes of violence, enabling the U.S. government to make the same mistakes over and over again. Ivan Eland is Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute and Assistant Editor of The Independent Review. Dr. Eland has been Director of Defense Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, Principal Defense Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office, Evaluator-in-Charge (national security and intelligence) for the U.S. General Accounting Office, and Investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
  12. Nomads Once again, we are back to square one, where we've started, back to clan politics, back to the mesozoic era, prehistoric creatures are re-appearing back again, as if they have not finished their decade old punishment of our people. In this write up, my intention is first to explore and analyze the roots of the current problems facing the nation, our house is in ruin, our nation on the brink of dilution and division, and our people, a lost sheep wandering the globe without a purpose for existence. So let us begin today this impromptu write up with an analogy of a mythical house of Somalis. Architecture is the art of building, anarchy is the undoing of architecture, its the art of destruction, (an eNuri Satirical specialty). Structural engineers take lots of time and pain to build structures, analyze different loading scenarios to make sure that the structure can endure unforeseen abuse by tenants, accidents, fire or even earth quake. The more elaborate the engineer is in his design, the more enduring is the structure. It all begins when the main stake owner of the project, the investor, submits his requirements to a consultant for a feasibility of such a project, once the project is deemed to be feasible, the architect interprets the parameters of the feasibility study of the owners requirement to a model that mimics reality, with a 3D animated walk-through rendering that gives the owner a vision of the complete picture of his vision, when all is done, the final picture he wants to see, the aesthetics, the interior and exterior design, the lighting, usability, access, amenities and so on. Once the picture is clear to the owner, structural engineers begin to interpret the architectural drawing by designing structural design that can support such a building, here, quantity surveyors go to work with materials engineers and costing engineers to decide on the final cost/performance (quality) ratio of the materials that will go into the edifice. At this point, and after acquiring a building permit and the legal issues are addressed, a Project Manager is mandated to conduct the orchestra and manage the three constraints of delivery time, quality and cost, a troop of workers are mobilized and the site preparations tasks begin. At this stage, site selection is done using Geographical tools, risks mitigated, plausible outcomes weighed and controls set. All the while, parallel tasks are commissioned, such as interior design, transportation access to the building, leisure usage, safety and security issues and evacuation plans for tenants in case of a natural unforeseen disaster. The above chain of events are interdependent in a sequence at times, and are running parallel at other times, but at the end, all of them merge for a single purpose: To Meet, the stake owner's vision, because if it does not collectively meet the owners vision, all of the above work, even if most of the requirements are done with the finest of touches, the limiting agent would be the collective synergy of the parts, and the work will be deemed to be in vain. Allah SWS says in Holy Quraan : Are they the same, the one who built the foundation of his House on (a solid ground of) TAQWA, or the one who built his structure on the edge of a deep cliff , (just to fall off) down to hell. Our national house was erected by colonialism, (Just like Christian believe that God created man in his image), The Colonialists carved and created the new nation in their image, known as Democracy designed to continue the remote rein of the colonialists. The Italians, British and the French, designed our current borders and the form of government was a compromise between colonial powers sharing the pie of Somalia, later Italy was awarded southern Somalia, France was awarded Djibouti and the British got the rest of the pie, so they declared the Northern part as Somaliland, the Hawd was given to Ethiopia as a reward and the Northern Frontier District was kept as part of Kenya which remained under Brithish Colonialism until the granting of phony Independence in 1964. Why was Somalia divided as such: 1. Historical Intransigence of Somalis( The Mad Mullah Legacy, the First Liberation movement against the British Empire to be attacked by Royal Air force) 2. Strategic Location. 3. Dilution of Somalis to reduce their competitive attitude compared to neighboring Africans which threatens colonial plans in the region. When Italy declared the granting of Independence to Somalia Italiana , The British fearful of an imminent merger between the British Somaliland and Somalia Italiana, tried to abort such union by granting Somaliland its independence on June 26, 1960, four days ahead of the July First, 1960 set for Somalia Italiana's independence. Against all odds, the Northern Somaliland leadership understood the British plan and decided to wait out for four days to join their brethren in Somalia to form a unified Somalia in which the foundations for greater Somalia would be laid by two parts freely and the rest to be welcomed after they are granted their independence. However, The French made sure that Djibouti remains under their dominion for strategic purposes, and the Western Somalia, the largest region inhabited by Somalis which was annexed by Ethiopia, to remain as the poorest and least developed region in the Ethiopian Empire. Once the two Somali nations united, and a Democracy was established the house began to show its cracks, internally in the form of Tribalism and externally in the form of enticing the nation to fight Ethiopia as a bait to disintegrate it and to recolonize it. The Soviet Era Marxism played a role in the nationalist fervor which finally led to the 1977 War against Ethiopia and the final touch in the destruction of the Somali House! From that point on, it was a matter of time before the country disintegrated, thanks to Abdullahi Yusuf's SSDF the SNM and the USC movements, all financed and equipped by Ethiopia. Today, almost 20 years since the fall of the late Military Dictator Siad Barre Regime, Somalia remains a fractured nation, the only hope being their common faith as the only remaining bond which is unfortunately being fiercely targeted by the USA as its national Enemy, thus supporting and arming Ethiopia to kick every injured leg on which Somalis stand. Today, after the great exodus of refugees and immigrants to the far corners of the globe, the fracture has even crystallized further like fractals, and no end is in sight for the patterns from repeating. The main question that triggered this thread hence was: Shouldn't we first agree on our identities first? Shouldn't we then agree on the vision of the nation we want to build? Shouldn't we then agree on a the process of building such a vision? The first question defines the stakeholders. The second question defines the common vision. The third question defines the transition from current chaotic state to the realization of the common vision. The platform is open for discussion and your opinion helps. Nur 2007 eNuri Sowftwaano Series We Attack Problems, Not People
  13. Nur

    Ha Ka Daalina Ducada

    Nomads It has been almost a year since I potsed a message on this Duaa thread, I am reposting it again for your viewing knowing all too well that its a timely thread for a reminder. Our very existence as a faith is under a blatant attack, genocide and forced evacuation are taking before our eyes, even the pope seems to have blessed the Tigre army that has turned Mogadishu Neighborhoods to rubbles, we need Prayer of the True God, Allah, the living and the wise, to come to the aid of the poor and oppressed by the power hungry corrupt politicians of our times. O Allah, we pray that you do not chastise us for our sins by empowering over us those who will have no mercy on us nor are afraid of your judgement. Amen. Nur
  14. S.O.S. ( Save Our Somalia ) Its about faithless (Oil, Greed, Supremacy ) on one hand, and faith armed with zeal on the other side, the picture is a reminder of Pharaoh and the Israelites, lets see if Moses will emerge as Somalis are being chased to the Indian Ocean, where is Moses? Nur
  15. ...........................Fadhi xumana, anigaa isu diiday! Walaalayaal! Dhacdooyinka maanta ka dhacaya waddankeena wa kuwo geli doona taarikhda ummaddeena, ummad Allah u kulmiyay kheyraatka dunida, iyo barakooyinka cirka marku Allah nagu mannadeystay inuu Islaam diin nooga yeelay. Haseyeeshee nicmooyinkii Allah na siiyay, waaanu hanan weyenay, hanti jeceyl, kibir , qabyaalad iyo foolxumo badan ayaa laga doorbiday, wanaaggii Allah uu noo soo fidiyay oo ahaa inaan raalli ku noqonno, kuna sabarno inuu isaga oo qudha noo noqdo kaan hoos imaneynay, ka qaadaneynay habka toosan oon ku wada dhaqanno oo u noo soo dajiyay, waann ka madax adeegnay, habkaasoo haddii siduu yahay aan u raaci leheyn balada na dulsaaran ey dhakhso naga kici leheyd.. Maanta, waxaannu taagan nahay isgoys taariikheed, dhinacaan u dhaqaaqnana waxaa ka muuqda dhib iyo dheef, haddaan dheefta hormarsanno, dhib baa noo dambeyn doona, hadaan dhibka u bareernana, waxaa dhab ah in dheefi ka dambeyn doonto, gaar ahaan, markaan xasuusanno sababta aan dhibka ugu bareereyno iney tahay raalligalinta Allah SWT oo raalli nooga noqday inaan hoos imaanno maamulkiisa sare ee ku saleysan shareecadiisa. Hadaba aan is weydiinno, Shareecada Islaamka, maxey u taagan tahay lana macna tahay? Dhab ahaantii, ereyga Shareecada, oo ah erey Carbeed, wuxuu la macna yahay, ( Dariiq ) la raaco oo lagu gaadho meel loo socdo. Waxaa hadaba is weydiin leh, helkeen u soconnaa haddaan nahay ummad Sommaliyeed? Haddaanan ku heshiin meeshaan u soconno, ummad ahaan, waxan marna laga yaabin inaan isku dariiq qaadno, saa waddada aan mareyno wexey ku xiran tahay meeshaan ku soconno. Dariiqa ama waddada aan mareyno waa tii na gaarsiin laheyd danta uu Allah ka lahaa uunkeenna, hadaba ummaduhu, ilaa waaguu Allah uumay Adam caleyhi salaam wexey kala dooran jireen iney qaadaan dariiqii Allah gaadhsiin lahaa ama dariiqii ka fogeyn laaa Rabigooda, iyo barbaariyahhoda. Siduu Allah yidhi " Waxaannu ( Adamiga) ku hagnay labada dariiq midkood" Taariikhdii Ummadihii tagay waxuu Quraanka nooga soo sheegay iney dariiqyo kala duwan ey kala qaadaan, haseyeeshee dariiq walba wuxuu ahaa mid ku socdaa meeshuu kii jeexay uu la doonayay inuu dadka gaadhsiiyo. Dariiqa Admigu uu jeexdana wwaa lagu lumi jirey, kan Allahna waa lagu guuleysan jirey. Sidaa awgeed , qofkii qaada tubta Allah oo lagu nabad galo, ( Subul As Salaam), wuu nabad galaa, qofkii ka weecdana tubtaas, wuu habaabaa. Ummad walibana waxaa loo soo diray Rasuul, Haddan Somali nahayna, Allah wuxuu nagu galladaystay inuu noo soo diray Rasuulkii ugu dambeeyay oo ugu fadli badnaa Rususha, kuna sifoobay naxariis badan inuu u leeyahay ummaddisa, taasoo ay ka muuqato Shareecada ama dariiqa sahlan ee uu noo jeexay, Shareeco aan dhib ama kadeed laheyn raaciddeeda, oo daba taalla dardaarankii Allah uu la dardaarmay ummadihii Nuux iyo Ibraahim, oo aheyd in la oogo dhaqank hoos yimaadda Allah ( Diin), oo aan lagu kala tagin dhaqankaas, maxaa yeelay, Allah oo qudha buu ka soo dagayee. Ummaddeennu, Sida umadaha kale oo Allah uumay, wuxuu naga yeelay ummad Somali ah, kana duwan umadaha kale, wexeyna ummaddeenna ka kooban tahay, beelo, iyo qoysyo, is yaqaan, kuwaasoo danta uu Allah ka lahaa uunkooda ay eheyd si la isu barto, la isuna haybsado, dabadeedna, la isugu kaalmeysto wanaagga iyo fidinta kheyrka, u gargaarka kuwa liita, baahi tiridda kuwa gaajeysan, iyo ka wada hortagga sharta. Markey noo caddaatay sababta uu Allah umadaha u uumay, haddana uu nooga yeelay beelo iyo qoysyo is yaqaan, haddana Allah na faray inaan isu kaalmeysanno wanaagga, nagana reebay inaan isu kaalmeysanno colaadda iyo falidda dambiga, waxaa noo caddaanaya danta uu Allah ka lahaa ummadddeenna iyo beelaheenna ay aheyd in wanaag dhexdeenna uu jiro, iyo is jeceyl. Dantaas wexey aheyd mid ka weyn danaha gaarka ah ee uu yeelan karo qof, ama qoys, ama beel, maxaa yeelay waxaa qasadku ahaa in ay ummaddeennu u jirto siday Allah ugu hogaaanami laheyd, taasoo ah sababtii uunkoo dhan loo abuuray, siduu Allah yiri, " Uma aanan uumin Jinniga iyo aadamiga sabab aan aheyn iney ii hoggaansamaan ( caabudaan)" Sidaa awgeed bey Shareecaddu ku noqotay waddadii loo mari lahaa hoggaansanaantii Allah, maxaa yeelay, Shareecaddu waa mid Nadaam u dajisa 1. Nafta Adamiga dhowriddeeda 2. Hantida iyo maalka dhowriddiisa 3. Sharafka Dhowriddiisa 4. Dhallaanka , ( Nasliga) dhowriddisa 5. Diinta Dowriddeeda ( oo kulligood dhowreysa) Shareecada ama waddada loo maro hoggansanaanta Allah, waa nadaamka ugu sarreya ifka, waana kan aakhiro lagu guuleysto hadba intaan ka raacnay, darajooyinka Jannada ugu sarreya waxaa mudan kuwa rumeeyay Allah oo ay ku muuqatay rumeyntooda raacitaankooda Shareecada Allah uu noogu soo dhiibay Suubbanihii Muxammad SASWS. maxaa yeelay, Shareecada waxaa dajiya kan iska leh ifka, aakhiro iyo uunkoo dhan, oo soo faray nabiyaal badan, iney dadku Rabbigooda ay hoggansamaan. Hadaba, maxaa dadkii ka hortaagan iney Shareecadda Allah oo qura raacaan. 1. Allah on si dhab ah loo rumeyn, ama aan dheg loo dhigin digniintiisa. 2. Jeceyl adduun laga jeclaado aakhiro. 3. Kibir la iskala weynaado addoonimada Allah, oo lagu gacan sayro in la raaco shareecadiisa. Kibirku dhowr cudur buu dhalaa, oo ah: a. Dhaga adeyg ( Juxuud) b. Is moojin ( Icraad) Bal aannu is weydiinno, Sidee Allah ku sare mari karaa hadaan sharcigiisa la sare marin? Ma nagu jiraa kibir aan iskala weynahay inaan raalli ku noqonno xukunka Allah oo ah Shareecadiisa, mise waxaan u aragnaa sida ay gaalada Allah iyo Rasuulkisa aan rumeysneyn, in Shareecaddu ay tahay wax xun ama aan cadaalad ku dhisneyn? Haddaan ka shakinno in Shareecadda islaamku ayan cadaalad aheyn, kulligeed ama qaybo ka mid ah, Muslim-nimo ma ku jirnaa? Yaa Allah addoontiisa uga naxariis badan oo cadaalad fuliyah? Allah wuxuu na leeyahay: ( Kuwii Allah rumeeyayoow, Allah iska Jira, iskana dhowra Ciqaabtiisa hana dhimanina idinkoon Muslim aheyn) (Kuwii Allah SWT rumeeyayoow, Allah SWT iska jira, hadal qurxan oo fiicanna ku hadla, (Allah SWT) wuu idiin hagaajin waxaad qabataan, wuuna idiin cafin dunuubtiinna, qofkii Allah iyo Rasuulkiisa addeecana , qofkaasi, wuxuu guuleystay guul weyn) (Kuwii Allah aaminayoow, iska jira Rabbigiinna idinka uumay naf qura, naftaasna ka uumay xaaskeedii, labadaas nafna ka dhaliyey rag iyo haween badan, Iskana jira Allah , kaad dartiis isku heybsataan dartiisna aad xidid ku noqotaan , SWT wuxuu ahaa mid mar walba idinka warhaya) ( Waxaannu idinka yeelnay ummado iyo beelo, si aad isu barataan, waxaase Allah miisaankiisa u karaamo badan, hadba kuwiinna Allah uga cabsida badan (oo iska xijiya caradiisa, daacaddiisa)) Allah wuxuu ku leeyahay suuratul (Al maidah 14 – 16) Allah SWT wa tacaalaa wuxuu na xasuusinayaa inaanan ku dhicin bohoshey ku dhaceen ummadihii hore, umadihii ka weecday nabiyaashoodii dariiqay u tilmaameen, sida ummadda Kirishtaanka ah iyo Yuhuudda. " Qaar ka mid ah kuwii yiri waxaan nahay kirishtaan, waxaannu kula heshiinnay ballantoodii ( In Allah Shareecaddiisa ay raacaan), markaas bey ilaaween qayb ka mid ah wixii la xasuusiyey ( oo lagula ballamay), markaas baan isku dirney ( dhax dhigney cadaawo badan iyo isneceyb) ilaa maalinka qiyaamaha, Allhana wuu u sheegi doonaa wexey ku kala tageen" Ahul kitaaboow waxaa idiin yimid rasuulkeenna oo idinn caddeeynaya wax badan o ka mid ah kitaabka ood qarin jirteen, (dambi badanna idin ka cafinaya) . Dhinaca Allah waxaa idinka soo gaaray nuur iyo kitaab wax kala saara. Oo uu Allah ku hanuuniyo qofkii raaca wuxuu raalli ka yahay waddooyinka lagu nabad galo, idinkiisana uga saara mugdiyaasha una saara iftiinka, kuna hanuuniya waddada toosan" Sidaa darteed, qofkii nuurkaas naloo soo dajiyey raaca wuxuu la mid yahay qof heysta iftiin Allah SWT ka yimid agtiisa qofkii diidana ama ka weecda nuurkaas wuxuu la mid yahay qof mugdi ku jira. Waxaan qoraalkaan kaga hadlayaa arrin la isku waafaqsan yahay, taasoo ah in ka nabad galka laga fakanayo naarta maalinka qiyaame ay ku xaqiiqoobeyso in lala yimaaddo isdhiibid (islaam) muuqata iyo isdhiibidda qalbiga ee laabta ku qarsoon, Labadaas shardi oo keensanayaa in loo hoggaansamo Allah SWT ka saremaray nuqsaan, lana adeeco rasuulkiisa loo soo direy naxariista caalamiinta darteed oo ku oogaya xujo khalqiga in Allah SWT uu u digay una bishaareeyay khalqigiisa. Guusha aakhiro, Allah SWT wuxuu kuu xiray Islaannimada qalbiga iyo tan muuqata markuu yiri ( Qofkii doorbida waxaan Islaam aheyn inuu dahaqan ka dhigto (diin), laga aqbali maayo, aakhirana wuxuu ka mid noqonayaa kuwa khasaarey) Suuratul Al cimraan Rasuulka Allah SWT SCWS aayaddaas wuxuu ku sugay markuu xadiithkan, ( Naf aan muslim aheyn jannada ma gasho) waxaa wariyey Axmed, dabaraani, bazzaaz, Imaam Bukhaari wuxuu wariyey (Jannada ma galo qofaan mumin aheyn) Nabad galka dunidana wuxuu ku xirantahay Islaannimada muuqata, maxaa yeelay dhowridda dhiigga iyo maalka wexey ku xiran yihiin Isudhiibidda la isu dhiibo Allah SWT (Islaam) oo muuqata, iyo xaqa islaamka uu ku yeesho labadaas, ha noqoto naf loo dilo naf darteed, ama xaqa Allah oo maalka laga bixiyo. Waxaa marka laazim noqotay in qof walboo raba inuu Allah raalli ka noqdo inuu ku dadaalo siduu u xaqiijin lahaa inuu ku sugan yahay milladii nabi Muxammad SCWS. Waxaa kaloo ognahay in Islaannimada qofka ayan sugnaan karin haduusan ku dhex nooleyn Muslimiin ay isla oogaan Shacaairta sida : (Salaat, Soon etc) iyo Shareecada oo ah Axkaamta kala saarta dadka markey is khilaafaan iyo tan sugta xuquuqda Allah addoontiisa uu ku leeyahay, Taasna waxaa daliil u ah Sunnada nabigeenna SCWS uu noo sunneyay hijradiisii uu ka haajirey Maka, oo uu u haajirey Madina si uu u oogo Hab nololeed oo ku dhisan addoonnimada ALLAH. Arrinta Xukunka iyo Shareecada dajinteeda waa arrimaha ugu muhimsan, aasaaskana u ah mujtamac muslim ah istaagiddiisa. Arrintaani wa mid laga maarmaan u ah jiriddah Mujtamac Muslim ah oo taladiisoo dhan ay ku saleysan tahay addoonnimada Allah SWT. Addoonnimadana waa masalo u gaar ah Allah SWT oo qura, sidaas darteed, ku gaar yeeliddaa Allah SWT in asaga oo qura laga qaato sharciga waa ku gaaryeelid lagu gaaryeelay addoonnimo iyo hoggaansanaan. Ku xukumka shareecadaha waxaa ka dhasha xuquuq iyo waajibaad ay addoontu ayaga isku leeyihiin, iyo mid uu Allah SWT addoontiisa ku leeyahay. Waxaa kaloo ka dhasha xarigga isbaheysiga isku xira muminiinta iyo kan baraa'adda laga barii noqonaayo cadowga Allah SWT. Kuwaasoo ah tiirarka ay ku qottonto caqiidada Islaamka. Caqiidadda Islaamka exey ku qotonta Kalimadda Shahaadateynka ee ah: Ma jiro ilaah aan Allah eheyn, Maxamedna waa Rasuulkiisii. Aqbalidda kalimaddaas waxaa ka dhalanaya: 1. Xidhiidh Addoonta iyo Allah ay leeyihiin ( Cibaadah/ addoonimo) 2. Xidhiidh ay Addoonta dhaxdooda leeyihiin (Wilaayah/Is-baheysi) Qaybta hore, waa xidhiidh ka dhexeeya addoonta iyo Rabbigooda kaasoo ah labo qaybood. A. Wax Allah ka soo fula, oo ku fula addoontiisa B. Wax Addonta ka soo fula, oo Allah ku dhammaada A. Wax Allah ka soo fula, oo ku fula addoontiisa : 1. Farriimo. ( Quraan & Sunnah) i. Wax nala faray inaan sameyno ii. Wax nalaga reebay inaan sameyno Labadaas ayey ka koobantahay Shareecada la raaco. 2. Akhbaar i. Xaalka abuurkeenna, umadihii hore , aakhiro iwm B. Wax Addoonta ka soo fula, oo Allah ku dhammaada. 1. Jaceylka/Cabsida/Rajada/wakiil yeelashada iwm. 2. Mahadnaqa 3. Baryada 4. Ducada 5. Cibaadada oo dhan. Qaybta Labaad waa xidhiidhka ay addoonta Allah dhexdooda leeyihiin, taasoo ku dhisan iney Allah dartii ku walaaloobaan iskuna baheystaan. Wilaaya waa eray carbeed macnihiiso yahay inaad dadka kala doorato ood la jirto hadba kii kuu nafci badan. Diinta Allah ayaa ugu nafci badan wax la raaco, sidaa darteed Allah wuxuu Muslimiinta faray iney isku baheystaan iney ku walaaloobeen diinta Allah, oo marna ayan isku baheysan (wilaaya) qabiil, ama dhiig dartii, inkastoo haddana Allah na faray inaan xariirinno qaraabada annagoon ka hor marineynin jeceylka qaraabadeenna kan Allah iyo u gargaarka diintiisa. Qofkii ka yeeshaa gargaarayaal qolo Allah cadow u ah, waxaa qiyaamaha lala soo saaraa qoladuu jeclaa uu la jiray ama dartooda u dagaallamay, maalkiisa u huray ama u dhintay dartooda. Sidaa darteed waa in loo foojignaado in kalimadda shahaadateynku ayan qofna anfaceyn hadduusan labada qaybood la wada iman: 1. Addoonnimo Allah oo dhab ah, oo iskala weyn iney addoon u noqoto qolo kale. 2. Is-baheysi uu dadka ku baheysto Allah Dartii oo qura. Kalimadda Shahaadateynku wexey na leedahay: Waa in Meel qudha aad wax ka qaadataaan, meel qudhahna waa inaad ula jeesataaan xaajadiinna oo dhan. Indinkoo raacayaa waddadii ( Shareeacadii) uu idiin jideeyay Suubbanihii Muxammad SAWS. Meesha qudha oo na la faray inaan wax ka qaadanno waa Allah, oo noo so dajiyay Kitaab Quraan ah oo ay ku jirto Shareecadii Rabbigeenna noo jideeyay, oo ay fasireyso Suunnadii carfooneyd ee Nabigeenna Muxammad SAWS Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahy markuu Shareecada raaciddeeda ka hadlay: " Haddaad wax is ku qabsataan, garnaq ugu taga Allah iyo Rasuulka ( SAWS)" taasoo macneheedu yahay, Kitaabka Quraanka ah iyo Sunnadii Nabi Maxamed SAWS oo aheyd muraayaddii fasiresysa Quraanka sidii ay Hooyadeen Caaisha soo warisay akhlaaqda Rasuulka SAWS ooy ku tilmaanta " Akhlaaqdiisu wexey aheyd tan Quraanka ( Ku taalla)" Hadaba, meesha wax laga qaadanayo hadduu Allah yahay, waxa la qaadanayo waa Shareecadiisa oo qudha. Haddaan diidno inaan Shareecadiisa qaadanno, waxaa iga su'aal ah, adoontiisii ma nahay, mise waxaan addoon u nahah meeshaan ka qaadanno qaanuunka aan ku noolnaha? Qoraalka soo socda: Ugu Sarreynta Shareecada. ( Sovreignty of Sharia) Sidaan hore u soo macneynay, Shareecadda waa Dariiq la maro oo nadaamiya nolosha dadka oo uu Alllah noo soo dajiyey si aan u raacno taasoo uu xaq ugu yeeshay inuu yahay kii na uumay, oo dunida oo dhan lahaa. Haddey nolosheenn tahay magaalo, Shareecadda Allah waa dariiqyadii la marayay oo dadka kala ilaalinayey si ayan isugu dhicin si uu qof walba u gaadho meeshii loo wada socday oo aheyd hoos imaashaha Allah ( Cibaado) Laakin, dadkoo dhan raalli ku ma noqon Shareecadda Allah, qaarkoodna ma rumeynin Allah, umana hoggaansana, sidaa awgeed Shareecadda banii Aadamka uu dajistay waxaa loo yaqaan magacyo kala duwan: Waddamada Ingiriiska ku hadla waxaa loo yaqaan ( LAW), Talyaanigana ( Legge ), Carabtana ( Qaanuun) Shareecadeenna Islaamka wexey ku tiirsan iney ka soo fushay Allah oo ah kii soo jideeyay. Gaar ahaanna Quraanka iyo Sunnada Rasuulkiisa SAWS. Allah wuxuu ku sifoobay inuu yahay SAMAD, macnaha ugu dhowna waa madax bannaani ama ( SOVEREIGN) wax walba isaga ayey ku tiirsan yihiin, isaguna meelna kuma tiirsana. Qawaaniinta Bashariga ah oon soo sheegnay, wexey ku tiirsan yihiin wax heshiis dadku ku heshiiyeen oo loo yaqaan DASTUUR, kaasoo ka qaadanaya ansaxiddiisa dadweynaha oo isu yeelay sifadda madax bannaanidda ay ka madax bannaan yihiin in aan looga sarreynin waddankooda, taasoo loo yaqaan ( SOVREIGNTY) ama sidaan soo sheegnay ( SAMAD). Hadaba, halkey ka timid in dadweynaha ay xaq u yeeshaan iney DASTUURKa ay ku heshiiyeen, u ka sare maro Quraanka uu soo dajiyey Allah SWT? Kalimadda Dimuqraadiyadda loo yaqaan waa fikrad ka dhalatay in laga qaado madax bannaanida ( Sovreignty) boqorrada iyo baadariyaashii Yurub oo dadka gumeysan jirey , oona sheegan jirey iney yihiin hooskii ( Hadhkii) Allah ee adduunka, oo dadweynaha la siiyo xaqaas. Kalimadda DEMOCRACY wexey ka kooban tahay labo kalmadood oo Greek ah, Demo ( Shacabka) iyo Cracy ( Xukunka), sidaasoo kale REPUBLIC oo iyana ah Latin, wexey ka kooban tahay RE ( Boqor) iyo PUBLIC ( Shacabka). Labada macno wexey sinayaan madax bannaanida Shacabka wexeyna ka qaadeen Boqorradii iyo baadariyaashii Yurub. Hadaba, markii aan ka tagnay Shareecaddii Allah, oon nafteennii duudsinnay ( is dulannay) ayaa Reer Yurub nalugu soo salladay oo ay na gumeysteen, ayagoo noo keenay wax walba ooy aaminsanaayeen, taasoo ay ka mid tahay Democracy, ah inaan Allah ka hoos baxno, oo uu shacabka xaq u yeesho inuu banneysto wuxuu dan u moodo asagoon looga sarreyn taladiisa. Marka, waxaan is weydiineynaa Xukunka ma Shacabka ayaa leh mise kii Shacabka uumay? Si aan jawaab ugu hello su'aashaas waxaan u baahan nahay inaan is la garanno macnaha qottada dheer ee kalimadda " SOVEREIGNTY" Sidaan hore u soo sheegnay, eraygan waxaa ugu macne dhow erayga ah SAMAD ee ku jira Quraanka, Surah Ikhlaas, haddaan af ingiriis ku fasirno macneheedu waa "supreme authority within a territory" af Somaligana aan ku fasiri karno " Awood xaq u leh in amarkeeda la adeeco taasoo iskeed u taagan oon looga sarreyn soohdin dhul calaameysan" Macnahaas waxaa nooga soo baxaya dhowr macne: 1. Awood aan laga sarreyn. 2. Iskeed u taagan oon meelna ku tiirsaneyn 3. Awood xaq u leh in la adeeco, laguna adeeco si qasab aha wax walboo ay damacdo haba ahaato wax la diiddan yahay, awood aan la celin karin. 4. Awood amarkeedu ku fulo dhulkeeda. Dawladaha galbeedka ayaa qarnigii 16naad soo shaacbixiyay ereygaan oo ahaa in awoodda boqorrada iyo baadariyaasha ay sheegan jireen la siiyo shacabka ku nool soohdinmo dhulalka ay ku noolyihiin. Arrintaas wexey keentay in qofkii awood xooga ah leh, soohdin dhul ahna calaameysan kara, awoodna u leh inuu ilaashado dhulkaas taladiisuna ay ku fusho soohdintaas, in loo aqbalo inuu yahay SOVEREIGN ama SAMAD. Erayga Sovereign wexey reer galbeedku siyyeen sifaadka hoos ku qoran: 1.( Absoluteness), taasoo macneheedu yahay in qofka Sovereign ka ah usan qaanuun qabanin, saa isaga ayaa qaanuunka dajiyee, qaanuunkuna maba ansaxo hadduusan isaga soo oggolaan. Qaanuunku rabo wuu jabin karaa, baddali karaa, mana jiro qof hor ka hor istaagi kara wuxuu damco. 2. Saremar ( Sare-Mar), awood u dhiganta ama awood ka sarreysa ma jirto, Isaga lama xukumi karo, lamana su'aali karo laakin isaga ayaa inta hoos imaata su'aali kara. 3. Midnimo, awooddaas waa mid qudha, labo awood ma wada qaybsan karaan hal soohdin oo dhul ah. Maxaa yeelay haddii labo awood ay kala bixiyaan labo amar oo iska soo horjeeda, fasaad ayaa dhacaya. 4. Asalnimo: oo macneheedu yahay in awooddan saremartay ayan ka soo qaadan awooddeeda meel kale oo ka horreysay ama ka sarreysa, oo iskeed ay ula timid cidna ayan u heyn abaal. 5. Awood aan cid kale sheegan karin: Haddey dhacdo in awooddan la boobo muddo gaaban ama dheer, marna uma wareegeyso qoladii boobtay, soo xaq u ma lehee. 6. Awood aan qalad gelin: maxaa yeelay waxa qaldan iyo waxa quman waa wexey iyada oo qura oggoshahay, marka iyadu qalad ma gasho, wax walba ay sameysana waa quman yihiin. Sidaa darteed waxaa meeshaas nooga cad in SOVREIGNTY ( SAMADIYA) iyo DEMOCRACY ( XUKUNKA SHACABKA) ay yihiin labo waji oo hal macne ka yimid. Sidaa darteed, Sovereignty ( Samadiya) waa wajigii qaanuuniga ahaa, Democracy ( Xukunka Shacabka) waa wajigii wax lagu xukumayay. Hadaba aan is barbar dhigno sifaad Allah uu leeyahay oo uu Quraanka ku sheegay iyo sifaadka ay sheegtaan khalqigiisa ( Nations) ku nool dhulkiisa ( Territories). Allah sifaadkiisa Quraanka ku soo arooray waxaa ka mid ah: 1. " Qul huwa Allahu Axad" Wax walba wax baa ka horreeya, mataal ahaan, tirada Lix( 6) waxaa ka horreeya Shan (5), seddxna waxaa ka horreya labo, labana waxaa ka horreya hal (1), halna waxaa ka horreeya eber ( 0) ZERO, sidaa darteed Allah wax ka horreya ma jiraan. 2. " Allahu SAMAD" Allah waa ka iskii u taagan, cidna ku tiirsaneys, waa kan loo wada baahan yahay isgana aan cidna uu baahneyn, waa ka wax walba sameeyay oon la sameyn. 3. " Laa yus'alo cammaa yafcalu wa hum yus'aluun" Allah la ma su'aali karo wuxuu sameeyo, iyaguna ( Khalqigiisa) waa la su'aalaa. 4. "Facaalun limaa yuriid" Wuxuu doono ayaa sameeyaa. 5. "Fa subxaana Allahi xiina tumsuuna wa xiina tusbixuun" Hadaba ka saremar Allah nuqsaan, wax waloo xun, markaad soo kacdaan aroortii iyo markaad fiidsaneysaan. 6. "Low kaanat fiihimaa aalihatun illaa Allahu la fasadataa, fa subxaanallaahi Rabbil carshi cammaa yasifuun" Haddey jiri lahaayeen ilaahyo aan Allah aheyn, (cirka iyo dhulka) wey fasaadi lahaayeen, hadaba ka sare mar, inuu ehel u noqdo nuqsaan, Rabbiga carshiga wexey ku sifeeynayaan) Hadaba, Waxaa isbarbar dhiggaas ka cad in waxa loo yaqaanno " Democracy" ay tahay nooc SHIRKI ah loo shariik yeelayo Allah. waa nooc jiri jiray waagii Rasuulkii SAWS oo ma cusba: 1. Allah Quraanka wuxuu ku leeyahay " Ma wexey leeyihiin Shurakaa ( Kuwo dadka wax ka leh) oo u jideeyay habka loo noolaado ( Diin) hab uusan Allah soo dajinin?" 2. "Insaanku ( Dadku) ma wuxuu helaa hadba wuxuu damco?" Sidaa darteed, qofkii u bareera inuu taageero In Allah kalimaddiisa laga sare mariyo kalimadda basharka asagoon oqoon wexey Democracy tahay, waa qof lumay " Daalliin" , qofkii daba kaca Democracy asagoo yaqaan wexey tahay oo ka jeclaaday nolosha adduunka tan aakhiro, qofkaas wuxuu ka tirsan yahay kuwa uu Allah u carooday " maghduubi Caleyhim" Qofkii, Dariiqa Allah oo ah sharcigiisa oo qura raacana, waa kuwa uu Allah ku tilmaamay " Kuwii loo nicmeeyay" oo ay ka mid yihiin Nabiyaasha, sadiiqiinta, shuhadada iyo saalixiinta. Nicmadaasna, waa iimaanka, Allaha noo kordhiyee. Amin. Nur 2007 eNuri Af-Somali Service Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga da' yarna, waa iga dambi yar yihiin.
  16. Let’s Hear it for the War on Terror: Somalia By Barry Lando 04/06/07 "ICH " -- -- On April 5th, there was a moving ceremony at the State Department. Assistant Secretary Barry Lowenkron presented—as mandated by the U.S. Congress—the fifth annual Supporting Human Rights and Democracy Report, which, said the secretary, “ documents the many ways the United States worked worldwide last year to foster respect for human rights and promote democratic government.” Then, citing one of the globe’s great champions of human rights, “ As President Bush has said, what every terrorist fears most is human freedom — societies where men and women make their own choices, answer to their own conscience and live by their hopes instead of their resentments.” Of course, in that war on terror, as in any war, you’ve got to be tough minded. You do what you have to do: torture, kidnap, murder, whatever. You also find your allies where you can, right? Like in the horn of Africa where Al Qaeda has been active—killing and bombing for years. One place they were supposed to be operating was Somalia, Black Hawk Down country: the very definition of a failed state, a seething, ungovernable land of perpetually warring clans. Between 1991 and last year, 13 governments came and went. Then, last year a coalition of Islamic groups managed to bring calm to the capital of Mogadishu by getting the feuding clans to disarm their militias, and convincing Somalis, the majority of whom are Sunnis, to accept Islam as the solution to their turmoil. That calm lasted for six months. The problem was that, as the U.S. saw it, while militant Islam might pacify the Somalis, it could also offer sanctuary for groups linked with Al Qaeda to regroup and train for future attacks—attacks like their bloody bombings in 1998 of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. U.S. Special Forces went to work with their military buddies in neighboring Ethiopia. And so it was that in December 2006, the Ethiopians attacked and Somali crowds cheered in the battered streets of Magadishu as the Islamists were sent packing. The Ethiopians and their U.S. advisors patted themselves on the back. This was the beginning of a new era for Somalia. It was like Baghdad after the fall of Saddam, or Kabul after the Taliban were evicted. Similarly as well, the Ethiopian military scooped up scores of people –people of all ages, some apparently just passing through–and packed them off to clandestine prisons. Added to those were several hundred more who had fled to neighboring Kenya. International reaction was not long in coming. According to the Associated Press, “Human rights groups, lawyers and several Western diplomats assert hundreds of prisoners, who include women and children, have been transferred secretly and illegally in recent months from Kenya and Somalia to Ethiopia, where they are kept without charge or access to lawyers and families.” They include citizens of 19 countries, including the U.S. Canada, France, Sweden. While the Ethiopians deny they have any secret prisons in their country. American officials admitted to the AP that the FBI and CIA have been allowed “limited access” to question prisoners as part of their counter-terrorism work.” As Paul Gimigliano, a CIA spokesman, put it “To fight terror, CIA acts boldly and lawfully, alone and with partners, just as the American people expect us to.” U.S. officials, however, claimed that America had nothing to do with the arrests or imprisonment. But John Sifton, a Human Rights Watch expert on counter-terrorism, charged that, on the contrary, the United States has acted as “ringleader” in what he labeled a “decentralized, outsourced Guantanamo.” O.K. so what goes on in the prisons of Ethiopia, America’s partner? You could ask Human Rights Watch, which of course talks of torture and beatings. But we know what knee-jerks the HRW folks are. To get the real truth, we turn to the U. S. State Department and its current report on Human Rights around the globe. Their summary on Ethiopia? “Human rights abuses reported during the year included: limitation on citizens’ right to change their government during the most recent elections; unlawful killings, and beating, abuse, and mistreatment of detainees and opposition supporters by security forces; poor prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention, particularly those suspected of sympathizing with or being members of the opposition; detention of thousands without charge and lengthy pretrial detention”…and so on. You get the picture. Meanwhile, back in Somalia, turns out that, after the initial euphoria, the regime installed by the Ethiopians and –one presumes—their American advisors, has been incapable of bringing together the major clans. Large numbers of African peacekeepers who were supposed to take over from the Ethiopians have, for more the most part, yet to show up. Meanwhile, as the interim government, which was supposed to be a transition on the road to democracy, has become ever more authoritarian and isolated, a new insurgency has grown. It began with some clans linked to the Islamists, but has now greatly expanded. The past weeks have seen increasingly bloody battles in Mogadishu. Government troops often refused to take action , while the Ethiopians, feeling no such restraint, have reportedly been launching devastating and indsicriminate barrages into heavily populated urban areas. Mogadishu is once again filled with death and destruction. Over a hundred thousand Somalis have fled. Impressive, while we’ve been obsessed with Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran, the progress being made elsewhere in the War Against Terror. More About the author: My journalistic experience includes 25 years as a producer with CBS “60 Minutes”, which I left in 1997. Prior to that I was a correspondent for Time-Life in South America. I have also freelanced articles over the years for a large range of North American and European publications. -
  17. Getting Away With It: Rendition and Regime Change in Somalia By Chris Floyd 03/24/07 "ICH" -- -- Yesterday we wrote of the plight of a U.S. citizen who had fled the fighting during the Bush-backed invasion of Somalia only to find himself "renditioned" into the sinister prisons of the Ethiopian invaders – despite the fact that U.S. officials declared that there were no charges against him. (See the second half of that post.) Now The Independent reports that Amir Meshal – the 24-year-old New Jersey man renditioned by U.S. officials because he refused to confess to being an al Qaeda agent – is not alone in being subjected to the lawless procedure so beloved by the defenders of civilization. (For an early example of this, which also involved Somalia, see Render Unto Caesar.) Anger at US 'rendition' of refugees who fled Somalia (Independent) Excerpts: At least 150 people arrested in Kenya after fleeing violence in Somalia have been secretly flown to Somalia and Ethiopia, where they are being held incommunicado in underground prisons, human rights groups say... Several of the suspects are understood to be held in underground prisons at Mogadishu airport where they are held shackled to the wall. Most have since been sent on to two detention facilities in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia has been accused of routinely torturing political prisoners. A further 50 or 60 people accused of belonging to Ethiopian rebel groups fighting alongside Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts were sent directly to Ethiopia.... The suspects deported from Kenya were interrogated beforehand by American FBI officials in Kenyan prisons, where they were accused of having links with al-Qa'ida. "This is extraordinary rendition," said Maini Kiai, chairman of the Kenya National Human Rights Commission. "Britain and America are involved in interrogating suspects." Following the US-backed invasion of Somalia by Ethiopian troops, thousands of Somalis have tried to escape the violence by crossing the long, porous border with Kenya. Many of those caught on the Kenya-Somalia border were accused of belonging to the Islamic Courts and refused entry. At least 150 of those who managed to get through were detained by Kenyan police, including 17 women and 12 children, one a baby of seven months. Many needed medical attention but did not receive it, including a pregnant Tunisian woman who had a bullet lodged in her back. All were held in Kenyan prisons for several weeks without access to lawyers and family members. As well as being interrogated by the FBI, human rights groups in Nairobi also claimed British officials were involved. "The Americans had direct access to the prisoners, one on one," said Al-Amin Kimathi of the Muslim Human Rights Forum, adding that US diplomatic vehicles carried the suspects from Nairobi police stations to be questioned. "Senior Kenyan police officers told us they had nothing to do with the operation," said Mr Kimathi. "It was out of their hands." The US has claimed that Somalia's Islamic Courts, which controlled much of the country until December, was run by an al-Qa'ida cell. Ethiopian troops, backed by US intelligence and logistical support, overpowered the Islamic Courts within a few days of fighting at the end of last year. This latter claim is baseless. It is simply a reflection of the Bush gang's primitive tactic of labeling any inconvenient Muslim group or individual as "al Qaeda," which then "justifies" any action taken against them: military invasion, assassination, rendition, indefinite detention, torture. It's clear that no nation on earth will be allowed to organize its own society as it wishes, or work out its own internal conflicts, if the American elite decides they have some financial or strategic interest in the matter. The only nations immune to this power-mad interventionist philosophy are those who can strike back hard enough to upset the elite's apple cart. And thus we have Bush's "war on terror" – which is, as we've often noted, simply an escalation of the long-running, bipartisan foreign policy of the "National Security State" that has ruled America for 60 years. This year marks the anniversary of this coup d'état: the 1947 "National Security Act." Writing on the 50th anniversary of this supplanting of the Republic, Gore Vidal wrote: Fifty years ago, Harry Truman replaced the old republic with a national-security state whose sole purpose is to wage perpetual wars, hot, cold, and tepid. Exact date of replacement? February 27, 1947. Place: The White House Cabinet Room. Cast: Truman, Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson, a handful of congressional leaders. Republican senator Arthur Vandenberg told Truman that he could have his militarized economy only IF he first "scared the hell out of the American people" that the Russians were coming. Truman obliged. The perpetual war began. Representative government of, by, and for the people is now a faded memory. Only corporate America enjoys representation by the Congress and presidents that it pays for in an arrangement where no one is entirely accountable because those who have bought the government also own the media. Now, with the revolt of the Praetorian Guard at the Pentagon, we are entering a new and dangerous phase. Although we regularly stigmatize other societies as rogue states, we ourselves have become the largest rogue state of all. We honor no treaties. We spurn international courts. We strike unilaterally wherever we choose. We give orders to the United Nations but do not pay our dues...we bomb, invade, subvert other states. Although We the People of the United States are the sole source of legitimate authority in this land, we are no longer represented in Congress Assembled. Our Congress has been hijacked by corporate America and its enforcer, the imperial military machine..." Obviously, the situation that Vidal describes didn't begin with the illegal implantation of the Bush Regime by the rightwing faction of the Supreme Court (two of whom had family members profiting from the Bush campaign) in December 2000. It has gone on for decades, under "liberal" Democrats and "conservative" Republicans. But it has reached a new pitch of intensity, audacity and recklessness today. Somalia might seem an odd choice for "the path of action" – the Hitlerian phrase that Bush incorporated into the official "National Security Strategy of the United States" in formalizing the doctrine of "preventive" – i.e., aggressive – war. (It was also then that he declared that his version of corrupt crony capitalism to be the "single sustainable model of national success.") But as "blaqfather," a commentor on the previous points out, before Somalia collapsed into anarchy in 1991, it was being actively explored by major oil companies: "A World Bank and U.N. survey that year of eight northeastern African countries' petroleum potential ranked Somalia second only to Sudan as the top prospective commercial producer. Northern Somalia lay within a regional oil window reaching south across the Gulf of Aden, the geologists said." So Somalia's affairs are not entirely without interest to a Washington regime populated by professional oilmen. What's more, Somalia's geographic location gives it heightened importance in the Bush Regime's strategy to control the Horn of Africa and dominate the continent's ever-more-vital oil supplies. The Pentagon recently set up its first-ever "African Command," adding it to the string of regions under the command of a military proconsul. (Bush has also created the first such satrapy covering the United States itself, which has never before been the subject – the target? – of a military "command.") And finally, Somalia was "doable." You can crush it without cost, squash it like a fly, and not only do it on the cheap – with Ethiopian troops and local warlords serving as your proxies – you can do it without notice. The entire Somalian campaign – and America's very extensive involvement in it – has passed virtually unremarked in the U.S. media, and plays no part at all on the national political scene. It is simply a non-event, something happening far away to a bunch of darkies – Muslim darkies, on top of that – so who cares? It's not even worth a joke by Leno or Letterman. But "doability" is a major factor in the "War on Terror" strategy. The Bush gang thought Iraq was "doable," as the BBC's John Simpson noted in 2006: It was a few weeks before the invasion of Iraq, three years ago. I was interviewing the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, in the ballroom of a big hotel in Cairo...he described to me all the disasters he was certain would follow the invasion. The US and British troops would be bogged down in Iraq for years. There would be civil war between Sunnis and Shias. The real beneficiary would be the government in Iran. "And what do the Americans say when you tell them this," I asked? "They don't even listen," he said. ... I asked him why he thought the US was determined to invade Iraq. He said he had put the same question to Vice-President Dick Cheney. Mr. Cheney had replied: "Because it's doable." The Bushists were wrong about Iraq, of course, because they are ******, arrogant, third-rate characters, blinded by their greed and by the ignorant prejudices that boil up in their "guts," which Bush cites so often as his guide. But Cheney's remark is a perfect expression of their approach, which is the way of the coward and the bully, who only beat up people who can't hit back. That is doubtless the only thing delaying the attack on Iran for which they have openly prepared: they're trying to figure out, with their crabbed little minds, if they can get away with it with all their apple carts intact. Anyone not blinded by greed or drunk on imperial arrogance knows that such an attack will be a costly, ghastly moral horror and a vast strategic mistake. But then, that was also the case with the attack on Iraq, which millions of people across the world marched against, in an outpouring for peace never seen before in human history. But the Bushists – and their drunken sycophants in the American political and media establishments – were still ****** enough to pull the trigger. And although some of those Establishment figures have sobered up a bit since then, why should we think that the Bushists themselves – who rejected the wan Establishment attempts to rein in the Iraq war and instead "surged" into an escalation – are any smarter now? Meanwhile, they have slaked their constant craving for "regime change" with this little "do-able" appetizer in Somalia. And they have gotten away with it. Chris Floyd is the author of Empire Burlesque: The Secret History of the Bush Regime. Visit his blog at Copyright © 2007 Chris Floyd
  18. Nomads. eNuri has made its niche to peek into the future to share with you what could be happening in the future, no voodoo involved, just an interpretation of the news events in light of the current "Policies" of the actors on the political and military platforms. Below is one of eNuri's Satirical predictions made two years ago ( March 17, 2005) that were proven real by news media released yesterday. e-Nuri Satirical Syndicates Presents: Outsourcing Anarchy An Open Letter To President Bush Dear President Bush Globalization is on the upswing, economics of scale and free competition of ideas and goods are driving the world to a new level of chaos and anarchy, which will guarantee your interests abroad. As you are well aware of, when the marines in Iraq order a hamburger with cheese, the order is taken by the contractors who are outsourcing the call center in Delhi, by Indian employees who speak flawless Texas accent. More and more companies are now outsourcing all of their non-core business to poorer countries of the world where skilled labor are willing to work for a dollar a day, just like it used to be in the USA in the turn of the 1900s. Many nations are now benefiting from this outsourcing business from Europe and the USA, for example, Turkey is benefiting from Germany, Algeria is benefiting from France, Afghanistan and Iraq are benefiting from USA and Jordan is heavily dependent on Israel as a labor outsourcing destination. Because the laws of the developed nations grew so irrational that they are against the interest of American large businesses and newcon politicians, I noticed that you have set up offshore horror sites like Guantanamo Bay to outsource Neocon Version justice services with foreign flavor not in good taste with Majority of Americans who love true freedom even for their enemies. So, I read in the papers that because the USA laws safeguard the rights of ALL human beings ( and cats) in US territory, you have decided to outsource interrogation of suspects to countries that guarantee a confession in thirty minutes ( like Domino Pizza ) or your money back. These countries can make anyone confess to anything with a smile as allies and friends of the the "free World". So, I reasoned, if some nations can get a contract from USA to provide I.P.S. Express Persuasion Services and make money doing it, then by all means we Somalis need piece of the action. Naturally, as a Somali I am envious that we have nothing to offer the world except Anarchy, so since the USA is buying express confession services, why not offer the USA A.O.S. Anarchy Outsourcing Services ?. Here is the product line we can offer the USA upon a short notice. 1. Anarchy For Export Somalis can export their homegrown anarchy to any country the USA needs to be destabilized , our young men and women can work like locusts to strip down the entire infrastructure of any country in a matter of days, after they are done, you will not recognize that country anymore, afterwords the USA can move in to build oil refineries and pipelines without any attacks to their contractors. 2. Anarchy a la Carte This service is rather a distracting tactic product, we can design a localized Anarchy situation in a matter of seconds, specially to disrupt political rallies against your policies, to depict the opposition parties as a bunch of uncivilized demonstrators. This product has wide applications specially when you want the media off your back, you can order it with your American Express card and we can distract the cameras for hours so you can focus on your holy mission. 3. Nuclear Waste Management Anarchy This service is unique in that we Somalis have developed resistance to radiation against nuclear waste, the late Siad Barre administration and later the warlords of Somalia and the Italian government have dumped tons of European toxic waste on Somali shores and the East ( Bari) highway, but the Somalis developed resistance to this radiation by chewing on the Qat weed, which is believed to detoxify the brain making it violent and a Jinn possessed tribal bigot. So in case you have some Nuclear Waste we can host it in Somalia and we can assure you that the uranium will decay faster than Somali tribalism mentality. Let me know how we can serve you today. Cag Bakeyle Chairman Somali Anarchist Declaration ( SAD ) 2005 e-Nuri Satirical Syndicates @ Somaliaonline The NEWS. 'Outsourced Guantanamo' - FBI & CIA Interrogating Detainees in Secret Ethiopian Jails, U.S. Citizen Among Those Held Thursday, April 5th, 2007 The CIA and FBI agents have been interrogating hundreds of detainees at secret prisons in Ethiopia. Many of the prisoners were recently transferred there secretly and illegally from Kenya and Somalia. They are being held without charge or access to counsel. One of those held is 24 year-old U.S. citizen, Amir Mohamed Meshal. We speak with an attorney working on Meshal's case, Human Rights Watch and a reporter in Nairobi who covered the story. [includes rush transcript] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Associated Press reports the CIA and FBI agents have been interrogating hundreds of detainees at secret prisons in Ethiopia. Many of the prisoners were recently transferred there secretly and illegally from Kenya and Somalia. They are being held without charge or access to lawyers or their families. At least one of the prisoners held in Ethiopia is an American citizen. 24 year-old Amir Mohamed Meshal was detained in Kenya, then transferred to Somalia, then to Ethiopia. On Monday, Congressember Rush Holt of New Jersey called on Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to demand his release. Meshal's parents live in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. We are joined by three guests: Anthony Mitchell, reporter for the Associated Press. He joins us on the line from Nairobi, Kenya. John Sifton, researcher at Human Rights Watch. Read HRW letter to Kenyan government. Jonathan Hafetz, lawyer at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law. He is assisting the family of Amir Mohamed Meshal, the US citizen detained in Ethiopia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUSH TRANSCRIPT This transcript is available free of charge. However, donations help us provide closed captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing on our TV broadcast. Thank you for your generous contribution. Donate - $25, $50, $100, more... JUAN GONZALEZ: The Associated Press has revealed CIA and FBI agents have been interrogating hundreds of detainees at secret prisons in Ethiopia. Many of the prisoners were recently transferred there secretly and illegally from Kenya and Somalia. They’re being held without charge or access to lawyers or their families. At least one of the prisoners held in Ethiopia is an American citizen. 24-year-old Amir Mohamed Meshal was detained in Kenya, then transferred to Somalia, then to Ethiopia. On Monday, Congressmember Rush Holt of New Jersey called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to demand his release. Meshal’s parents live in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. AMY GOODMAN: Anthony Mitchell is a reporter who broke the story. He joins us on the phone from Nairobi, Kenya, a correspondent for Associated Press. With us here in our firehouse studio, two guests: Jonathan Hafetz is a lawyer at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, assisting the family of Amir Mohamed Meshal, the US citizen detained in Ethiopia right now; and John Sifton is a researcher at Human Rights Watch. We called the FBI, we called the State Department to invite them on the show; they declined our request. Anthony Mitchell, you broke the story. Lay it out for us. ANTHONY MITCHELL: This is a story that dates back to the beginning of January in the collapse of the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia. There had been a conflict between the Ethiopian and Somali transitional governments against the Islamic Courts. The Islamic Courts movement collapsed, and at that time hundreds of people, thousands, fled Somalia, many of them to Kenya, and a large number were detained crossing the border. After they were detained a number of weeks, they had been transferred on flights back to Somalia and onto Ethiopia, where they are now in detention. AMY GOODMAN: Who is responsible for this detention? ANTHONY MITCHELL: Well, at the moment, Ethiopia has a number in its detention, according to human rights groups that we have spoken to. Many of them were originally detained in Kenya and were then transferred to Somalia. We have seen flight manifests of those detained and then transferred to Somalia. From Somalia, they were then taken to Ethiopia, according to a number of officials and human rights groups we have spoken to. AMY GOODMAN: Can you tell us the story of Kamilya Mohammedi Tuweni? ANTHONY MITCHELL: Sorry, I didn’t catch that. AMY GOODMAN: Can you tell us the story of Kamilya Mohammedi Tuweni, the 42-year-old mother of three who had a passport from the United Arab Emirates? What happened to her? ANTHONY MITCHELL: She was an interesting case. She says that she was arrested in Kenya in a coastal town of Malindi on the 10th of January. She says she was here in Kenya on business, had never been to Somalia and was not connected to anything that was going on in Somalia. She says she was then taken from the coast to Nairobi, where she was questioned by Kenyan officials. She was then transferred on a flight to Somalia on the 27th of January and held in Somalia for about ten days, before being transferred on to Ethiopia. Whilst in Ethiopia, she was questioned by US agents. And about a month after she had been questioned, she was then released without charge and is now back in the United Arab Emirates. JUAN GONZALEZ: Could you tell us the roles of both the Kenyan government and the US government in all of this? How do the Kenyan officials justify sending people back into Somalia, knowing the situation there and the continuing conflict there? And what is precisely the role of some of these US officials? We know that there are obviously some US soldiers in Somalia. There were a couple recently killed in supposedly a traffic accident there, while they were in there. But what’s the role of the FBI and US Army troops, as far as you know? ANTHONY MITCHELL: The Kenyan government have been clear, from day one, that these transfers are wholly legal. They argue that under Kenyan law they can turn people to the countries from where they have come. So if people have crossed over from Somalia, then Kenya can return these people back to Somalia. The issue of Somalia being a dangerous place and its implications and whether that makes these transfers illegal is more a question for lawyers, I think, to flesh out. In terms of the role of the FBI, they say that they were invited in by the Ethiopian authorities to question suspects. And the FBI’s interest was primarily the 1998 bombings of its American embassies based in Kenya and Tanzania. AMY GOODMAN: I want to go to John Sifton, before we turn to find out more about this young New Jersey man who’s being held in Ethiopia. John, you’re with Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch has written a letter to the Kenyan Director of Political Affairs Thomas Amolo. What do you understand about what’s happening here? Are we seeing an outsourced Guantanamo in Ethiopia? JOHN SIFTON: Well, what we see here is a bunch of countries acting together jointly to interrogate, detain and basically screen a whole bunch of people who were captured along the border and inside of Kenya and even inside of Somalia. It’s not very clear what the power dynamic is, but it is clear the countries are acting together. We’ve said that the United States and Ethiopia are some of the more responsible countries here, but Kenya and the Somali transitional government also are playing a role. It’s essentially a joint operation. And it’s a decentralized form of detention that doesn’t exist inside the rule of law. It’s basically a system which no courts have oversight over. The countries are acting together, moving people across the borders back and forth, screening them. And, you know, war zones are complicated places. You have people who are fleeing, ordinary innocent people. You have criminal suspects who were involved in the embassy bombings. You have people who were fighting with the Islamic Courts Union. And you just have ordinary people who get caught up. And so, it’s a very complex situation, which is why you need a legal system, to sort out who’s who on the battlefield. And that’s what we don't have here. JUAN GONZALEZ: And what’s been the response of the Kenyan government to your letter to them? JOHN SIFTON: Well, the Kenyan government is still trying to play this diplomatically and explain that, yes, people were detained, but it was according to the rule of law. But the facts of the matter are they moved at least eighty-five people to Somalia, and Somalian authorities appear to have handed them over to Ethiopian authorities, some of them who ended up in Ethiopia. Others were released. It bears remarking that the United Kingdom was able to secure the release of four citizens of their country who are now back in London. Sweden also was able to do that, and the United Arab Emirates. The United States, by contrast, and several other countries have been unable to get their own citizens out of custody, or so they say. We find it extraordinarily difficult to believe that countries like the United States are not able to put diplomatic pressures on countries like Kenya and Somalia to get their own citizens released. AMY GOODMAN: So let's talk about Amir Mohamed Meshal. Jonathan Hafetz, you’re with the Brennan Center. Who is this young man? JONATHAN HAFETZ: Well, he’s a young man, a 24-year-old born and bred American citizen from New Jersey, who has been swept up in these goings on over there and is being held in secret incommunicado detention in Ethiopia and is being denied basic due process rights. The FBI claims they have no -- publicly claims they have no intent to prosecute him. And either through their acts of omission or through deliberate acts, the United States has left him to rot -- an American citizen -- rot in an Ethiopian jail, where he can be faced with torture. JUAN GONZALEZ: If this has all happened in secret, how did you first learn of it and get involved with the case? JONATHAN HAFETZ: Well, we heard about the case. The case was made public through newspaper accounts. There were stories about the renditions, and then it was learned that there were two American citizens, one of whom, a man named Daniel Maldonado, was brought back to Houston and has been charged, and then Amir Meshal, who is in Ethiopia. We heard about the case, and through discussions with groups, including Human Rights Watch, we’ve been -- and the family, we’ve been providing assistance to the Meshal family. JUAN GONZALEZ: What was Maldonado charged with? JONATHAN HAFETZ: Maldonado was charged with attending an al-Qaeda training camp. He has a lawyer, and he has due process. Amir Meshal, on the other hand, who the FBI says they have no intent to bring charges against, is rotting in an Ethiopian jail. This is the crazy product of the lawless system that we’re seeing on display in Ethiopia and Kenya right now. AMY GOODMAN: Has the FBI met with the Tinton Falls parents, with Meshal’s parents? JONATHAN HAFETZ: The FBI met with them briefly on February 6. They came to Mr. Meshal’s, the father’s, home in New Jersey -- Mr. Meshal, also an American citizen; his family, American citizens -- and they told him his son was being held in Kenya, but they were going to arrange a phone call for him to speak with his son. And then the next day the agent showed up and said that was impossible, and they couldn’t arrange a phone call. Meanwhile, the Department of State at that time contacted Mr. Meshal in New Jersey, said they were trying to bring the son home and Mr. Meshal should make arrangements to send a ticket for this to happen. He did so, but two days later the State Department said, “He’s gone. He’s in Somalia. There’s nothing we can do about it.” And they just have not -- the State Department has not made this case a high priority, it is evident. AMY GOODMAN: In Anthony Mitchell’s piece, the AP reporter, Anthony, you write, "U.S. diplomats on Feb. 27 formally protested to Kenyan authorities about Meshal's transfer […] then spent three weeks trying to gain access to him in Ethiopia, [according to] Tom Casey, […] the State Department. He confirmed Meshal was still in Ethiopian custody pending a hearing on his status. An FBI memo read to AP by a U.S. official in Washington, who insisted on anonymity, quoted an agent who interrogated Meshal as saying the agent was ‘disgusted’ by Meshal's deportation to Somalia by Kenya. The unidentified agent said he was told by U.S. consular staff that the deportation was illegal.” He said -- and then he went on from there. Can you talk further about this, Anthony Mitchell in Kenya, about what you understand what happened to Amir Mohamed Meshal? ANTHONY MITCHELL: Well, our understanding is pretty much as you laid it out there, is that this is a young man who was picked up in Kenya. He was -- according to police reports we have seen, he was held, detained, while he was with a group of men sleeping under a tree. The men were, according to Kenyan police reports, were armed. They had AK-47 assault rifles. He was detained. He was brought down to Nairobi, where we understand he was questioned by the FBI, then, about ten days later, was transferred up to Somalia and -- along with other groups -- and on to Ethiopia. He was transferred, according to the flight manifests that we’ve seen, he was transferred on the 10th of February to Somalia and onwards to Ethiopia, where US consular officials have visited him several times, we understand. AMY GOODMAN: John Sifton of Human Rights Watch, what does -- I mean, there are many surprising things about this story, but what does the FBI -- we think of it as collecting domestic intelligence, like our last story on American citizens in the United States. What’s it doing with the CIA? And then, we’ll get to what is the CIA and FBI doing, involved in these "extraordinary renditions." JOHN SIFTON: Well, the CIA’s role is very interesting, in that it doesn’t appear. There was a time not long ago when the United States regularly detained people and used CIA secret prisons to hold them and detain them and interrogate them. The CIA, however, has had a terrible track record in Somalia. They funded a bunch of warlords to try to take over Mogadishu; they failed. Islamic Courts Union took their place. As a result, there is an internal struggle in East Africa among US agencies, and the CIA has been largely pushed to the side. The lead agencies now are the military and the FBI. And it’s a very interesting new relationship, because it basically -- you’ve got to understand that two years ago and five years ago in Pakistan, the way this operation would have went, most of the people detained would have been sent to Guantanamo or to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, held as combatants and interrogated by military intelligence. But now, we see the Bush administration has shifted gears, and now they have the FBI interrogating people, but basically outsourcing the detention and some of the interrogation, as well, to local forces, like the Ethiopians, the Kenyans. So that’s why we call it a sort of outsourced Guantanamo. It’s not like Guantanamo; we’re not holding combatants in Cuba or at Bagram. But it is this sort of outsourced decentralized system. JUAN GONZALEZ: And what is the situation in terms of the legal system and the prison conditions, as far as you know, in Ethiopia? JOHN SIFTON: Well, Ethiopia has an absolutely horrendous record. It’s often overlooked in favor of Egypt and Morocco and countries like that. But Ethiopia has a terrible record with torture, that runs even to the present day. And so, we have major concerns. Thankfully, this woman who was in Dubai has not reported any mistreatment, but that might be due to the fact that she was innocent and she’s an older woman. But the young man, especially the Eritreans and Ethiopian citizens who are suspected of fighting against Ethiopia, they are at high risk of torture and even execution. So we’re very concerned about them. But all of the detainees, it’s very serious. JUAN GONZALEZ: And your client in this case, what was he doing in Somalia, to your knowledge, that he ended up then across the border in Kenya? JONATHAN HAFETZ: Well, we haven’t spoken to him. We’ve not been allowed to speak to him, but I understand that he was there, from the reports, to study Islam. And, you know, we’ve seen there no evidence to the contrary. And there was a reference a moment ago to a rifle, but I want to make clear that there’s been no evidence, and the United States has said that, time and again, about people -- for example, Yaser Hamdi, a US citizen, said was in Afghanistan with a rifle -- but when it came time for the United States to show the evidence, Hamdi was released. Very more often than not, the government has not had evidence. And there’s been no evidence produced to show that anything, except that Amir Meshal is an innocent man. AMY GOODMAN: John Sifton of Human Rights Watch, we called the FBI. They declined to come on. But Democracy Now! spoke with Richard Kolko, a spokesperson for the FBI. He said the FBI did question Meshal. He reiterated the point the US never had custody of him. He also said the FBI was questioning people there to protect America from terrorism. He wouldn’t say why they questioned Meshal. He reiterated the point Meshal was arrested by a foreign sovereign state. And he said if you get arrested in Tijuana with marijuana and you’re a US citizen, you don’t get a free pass; it doesn’t work that way. JOHN SIFTON: Well, certainly, there is some grains of truth to that. We have to understand it’s not just a purely legalistic system. This is a power dynamic, a war zone, in which the United States has been one of the major players, helping Ethiopia invade Somalia and restore the transitional government there, and in Kenya, where they have worked hand-in-glove with Kenyan intelligence services to interrogate suspects. It is true that the FBI takes a back seat in many countries when local authorities are in the front seat doing the interrogations, but with the power dynamic in East Africa, we find responses like that to be somewhat disingenuous. The fact of the matter is the United States is very much in a power player role, as a military that has supplied massive amounts of military aid to both Kenya and Ethiopia. And we just find it very difficult to believe that they are basically just sitting on the side, powerless to do anything for their own citizens. JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, not only that, but it seems to me that the analogy is not quite the same, because at least if somebody is arrested with drugs in Tijuana, they’re charged with drug trafficking. Here, you have a situation where this particular individual and several of the others have not been charged with anything, as far as we know, right? JOHN SIFTON: That’s absolutely right. I mean, basically, the system is existing outside of the rule of law. I mean, you’re in pretty good shape if you’re in Kenya, but it’s still not perfect. When you get sent to Ethiopia or Somalia, which continues to be an active war zone, there are no courts operating which are going to help you. It’s not as though lawyers can go in and ask to see the Eritreans, the Ethiopians, the Kenyans or the Americans. It just doesn’t work that way. AMY GOODMAN: Jonathan Hafetz, what is the State Department doing now to help? First of all, Human Rights Watch has sent a letter to Condoleezza Rice. Congressmember Rush Holt of New Jersey has sent a letter. What’s happening? JONATHAN HAFETZ: Yeah, and Congressman Rush Holt has taken a very active and strong role, which is greatly appreciated. The State Department has really, as I said, not made this a priority. They have now visited Mr. Meshal a few times. It took them a month to get access. Meanwhile, he was being interrogated repeatedly by FBI agents. I find the State Department’s failure to see him more quickly very troubling. And the State Department has just not made this a priority to bring this American citizen home and to bring him out of this lawless void. And there’s also -- I do want to point out that the story by Anthony Mitchell contains a statement from an individual, an unnamed individual -- I believe it’s in the State Department, but somewhere in the United States government -- saying the United States is playing a "guiding role" in this. And, you know, we believe the United States is involved in this and could bring this American citizen home if it made it a priority to do so. AMY GOODMAN: Finally, Anthony Mitchell, you talk about the one prisoner who’s been released, who is describing her situation, the translator, Tuweni, who said she was arrested on a business trip, that she was blindfolded from a prison where she had been beaten, sent to a private villa in the Ethiopian capital, said she was interrogated with other women by a male US intelligence agent. He assured her she would not be harmed, but urged her to cooperate. And then you go on to tell the story of a 17-year-old Swedish detainee named Safia Benaouda, who said she was freed from Ethiopia, had traveled to Somalia with her fiancé. Her mother talked to you and said, again, according to website, that an American specialist visited the location where Benaouda was being held and took DNA samples and fingerprints from the detainees? Anthony? ANTHONY MITCHELL: Sorry, I [inaudible] -- AMY GOODMAN: I was just asking you about the US involvement, from the case of the 17-year-old Swedish detainee, who has just been released to Sweden, as well as the translator. ANTHONY MITCHELL: Yes. I mean, both of them are saying that they were questioned by US agents. Kamilya says the agent she was questioned by said he was not FBI, but he was a US agent. The 17-year-old girl, the information that has been received, as you say, is from her mother's website, who’s been writing about the case, and she has given those details. The CIA -- I understand an official of the CIA has not commented on whether they questioned these two women, and certainly there’s been no -- no US officials commented on individual cases. So the details we have are from Kamilya and the website of the mother. They both seem to have similar stories. They both tell of a similar sort of modus operandi. But as yet, there’s been no US confirmation on whether they were actually questioned, who questioned them, and why. Kamilya said that the questioning she underwent was fairly basic questioning, wanting to know personal details about her, where she was born, where she was from, how many children she had, these sorts of things. AMY GOODMAN: Anthony Mitchell, we’re going to leave it there, but I want to thank you very much for being with us, a reporter for the Associated Press who broke this story, “US Agents Visit Ethiopian Secret Jails,” speaking to us from Nairobi, Kenya; Jonathan Hafetz, lawyer at the Brennan Center for Justice; and John Sifton, researcher at Human Rights Watch. And we will continue to follow this story.
  19. Geel Jire walaal Rest assured that there is a real (though dormant in these regions) resistance movement from Puntland to Kismayo against the Tigre/American invasion of Somalia. The credit to the recent victories against the Somali stooges and the Tigres is shared by all of Somalis, the heart of the resistance are men and women who love each other in Allah and whose only allegiance is Allah and not a tribe, they came from as far as Djibouti, Hargeisa, Burco, Bosaso, Garowe, Galkacyo, Beletweyn. Its true that the local clan has mobilized itself and is angry at Abdul Yusufs clannish statements that was the cause to create Qansax vs Qurac animosity, which was is exactly the intention behins Abdul. Yusuf, was to divide the Islamic unity that was created by UIC, and replace it with the 4.5 Formula Qabilist Government created for US interests by the Tigre to keep Somalia a weak subservient fiefdom. Rest assured that your concerns are every good Muslims concern of every clan, the challenge is that a Muslim to always stay focused not to be dragged to the clannish fervor and feelings, ( Xamiyatul Jaahiliyyah) as our only allegiance is for Allah SWT. Again, the people in Mogadsihu will never forget the sacrifices of their brothers and sisters from Puntland/ Somaliland who lost their lives defending their brothers from the barbarian Tigre. Nur
  20. December 29, 2006 Somalia: US Foreign Policy and Gangsterism Why the US supports the warlords by Justin Raimondo Author's note: I had originally planned on writing a New Year's column, but some computer problems cropped up and weren't resolved in time for our deadline. Heck, I could use a break anyway. So, to all my readers, Happy New Year, and have a safe one. I'll be back on Wednesday – and keep watching our blog. I'll be posting regularly. In our Orwellian age, no one is surprised when American foreign policy takes a U-turn, and, suddenly, we are at war with Eastasia – because, you see, we have always been at war with Eastasia. Yet even the most jaded observers are bound to raise an eyebrow over our embrace of the Somalian warlords, whose disarmament and capture was our announced goal the last time we intervened. That failed effort, you’ll recall, was dubbed "Operation Restore Hope." Now we are back, albeit semi-covertly – using Ethiopia, a major recipient of American arms and technical support, as our proxy – in a new project that ought to be named Operation Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here. In the post-9/11 Bizarro World alternate universe that our leaders and policymakers seem to have slipped into, the Bad Guys have become the Good Guys, and the formerly fiendish Somalian warlords are now part of the "anti-terrorism coalition" that the U.S. is assembling in the region. A little history: The failed UN/U.S. intervention of 1993 led directly to the triumph of the warlords, who plundered, raped, and murdered their way through the streets of Mogadishu, the Somalian capital, and reduced the country to Mad Max territory. In response, an "Islamic courts" movement sprang up to impose some sort of cohesion on a rapidly disintegrating social order. The business community and public opinion rallied behind these courts, which were and are all that stand between civilization and savagery in Somalia. As I’ve pointed out before, the long history of U.S. intervention in Somalia is a veritable case study of how and why American foreign policy always manages to generate the deadliest, most horrific "blowback," as the intelligence professionals put it. Blowback, a concept exhaustively explored in Chalmers Johnson’s classic book of the same title, means the unintended consequences of our bumbling, culturally tone-deaf, invariably unsuccessful efforts to manipulate local proxies to maximize our alleged national interests. In the 1990s, the Americans intervened in the name of "humanitarianism," against the warlords; in the new millennium, we have tossed aside humanitarian concerns in favor of the ruthless pursuit of "terrorists," real or imagined. The former "warlords" hunted by U.S. troops and blamed for Somalia’s shocking degeneration into pure chaos are now aided and abetted by the Americans and their Ethiopian cohorts. This latest American turnabout – flooding Somalian warlords with money and arms – came about largely as the result of an imaginary confrontation between U.S. officials and supposed "terrorists." It happened a year ago, when U.S. government personnel investigating possible terrorist infiltration of Somalia landed at a makeshift airport just outside Mogadishu. No sooner had their plane set down uneasily on the tarmac than they heard shooting, and, assuming they were under fire, beat an unceremonious retreat. As far as the U.S. government was concerned, this was clearly an ambush, pulled off by terrorist elements possibly associated with al-Qaeda. In reality, however, the Americans had stumbled into a conflict involving two rival clans, one of which controlled the airport, and the other which had recently purchased a large tract of land bordering the road to the airport. The former were outraged that this purchase would cut into their very profitable extortion and protection racket, and that their control over the heavy road traffic would be challenged. This led to an escalating series of threats and counter-threats, eventually exploding, on January 13, 2006, into open violence just as the American visitors touched down. The protagonists in this dispute were characterized by the Washington Postas follows: "Abukar Omar Adan was a devoutly Islamic and heavily armed clan elder with ties to the strict neighborhood religious courts that had brought a semblance of order to a city without a government. His rival, Bashir Raghe, was a brash, younger man who had been a waste contractor with the U.S. military forces in Mogadishu before the United States pulled out." Guess which one is the U.S. proxy. No, it’s not the bourgeois businessman and city father whose stature in the community as a force for order advertises him as the natural and only logical choice – it’s Raghe, the street punk and gang leader, who, together with his fellow killers, has reduced Somalia to a kind of living hell. When the warlords were driven out, the U.S. resorted to its ally in Addis Ababa to return its gangster-proxies to power. Washington has openly signaled its support for the Ethiopian invasion, which is shortly about to be billed as a "liberation" and a great "victory" in the "war on terrorism." The illusion can be maintained only so long as one squints one’s eyes sufficiently to blur the exact identity of these "liberators" – Somalian thugs and the army of Ethiopia’s dictator, "President" Meles Zenawi. A former pro-Albania communist and leader of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, comrade Zenawi morphed into George W. Bush’s staunchest ally in the Horn of Africa. U.S. military aid increased by leaps and bounds. Zenawi’s trajectory parallels Somalia’s Mohamed Siad Barre, the former Soviet client and avowed Marxist, who seized power in 1969, immediately became a Soviet client, and eventually led his Somalian Socialist Revolutionary Party into a military and political alliance with the U.S. (The Soviets had championed Barre's Ethiopian arch-enemies in the ongoing dispute over the ****** region.) One of Africa’s most brutal despots, Barre enjoyed Washington’s full support right up until he was driven from the country, in 1991, by numerous local uprisings. Zenawi is a budding Barre. In the summer of 2005, his U.S.-trained-and-equipped army fired on student protesters who objected to the blatant rigging of the recent election: over 20 were killed, and many wounded. This same army has now turned its guns on the Somalian people, violated Somalian sovereignty, and set up a puppet Somalian "government" that virtually no one in Somalia recognizes –again, with full American support. Our complete misunderstanding of Somalia, its culture and unique politics, has led us into the trap of making decisions based on ideological constructs rather than anything related to the facts on the ground. The blundering into a local clan dispute and mistaking it for an armed attack on U.S. interests is emblematic of the problem: in the end, it seems, it’s always about us. A foreign policy founded in the spirit of hubris, and based on pretensions to "global hegemony," is inevitably blinded by a disabling narcissism. That is what’s really frightening about U.S. foreign policy and the decision-makers who have such an adverse impact on the lives of people around the world. These guys are wandering around in the dark, utterly clueless: i.e. they’re typical government employees. Policy is made not only with imperfect knowledge but with a complete disdain for knowledge, as such. That’s for the "reality-based community," as one White House advisor put it to Ron Suskind – those vulgar empiricists who insist that American policy must have some anchor in factual knowledge, as opposed to the neo-Trotskyite wet-dreams of various neoconservative gurus and White House speechwriters. This anti-realist methodology is precisely what lured us into Iraq. In the case of Somalia, yet another quagmire beckons with its siren song of "fighting terrorism." How long before Ethiopia requires the presence of U.S. "advisors" – in addition to those already there – can probably be measured by the time it takes to post this piece. No doubt U.S. "emergency" aid to Ethiopia is being rushed to Zenawi even as I write, and you can bet we won’t hear much protest anywhere. Certainly not from most Democrats in Congress. Anyone who doubts that the U.S. is acting out of motives other than those that are proclaimed will immediately be smeared as an enabler if not outright supporter of "terrorism." Congress hasn’t got the gumption to cut off aid to the death squad "government" of "liberated" Iraq – and I doubt they’ll deprive murdering dictator Zenawi of his blood money as compensation for their cowardice. I would love it, however, if I were to be proved mistaken, but I’m not going to hold my breath. The Islamic courts movement was a logical response to the condition of Somalian society, and the complete absence of any law enforcement whatsoever. For the Americans to hold up this movement as proof that "terrorism" has taken power in Somalia is the best evidence that, as Michael Scheuer puts it, the U.S. government is Osama bin Laden’s one "indispensable ally." If al-Qaeda is credited with reversing the threat of a complete social breakdown in Somalia, and the gangster warlords we once held responsible for the country’s torment, in league with a foreign invader, is held up as the only alternative, then surely the terrorist leader is smiling somewhere in a deep dark cave, rubbing his hands together and chortling at his extraordinary good fortune.
  21. Nomads Mr. Olmert ignored my please, now, all hell is loose on the horn of Africa, The Bush administration is to Israel, like the TFG is to Ethiopia, Somalis need to directly nogotiate with Israel for peace in the Horn, one can not negotiate with soldiers, a real decision maker like the Likud Party is helpful. Nur
  22. S.O.S. It looks like that "Government Forces" losing ground to " Islamic Militia" while the US Ambassador in Nairobi is " Concerned" that the "Job" by the "Government Forces" was not wrapped up in two days as expected. Nur
  23. Dhucdhuc The above phenomena belongs to the following category of later day Islam, dont take it to serious, these falacious latered states of Islam and Quraan frequently surface whenever Islam spreads and they fail to control it, so they opt to create a new Islam, new Fiqh, and yet new modern Islam, please read an old eNuri lampoon on a similar issue:;f=3;t=000805 Nur
  24. Nomads As I expected, most of you are shying away from excercising your Allah given right to express your opinions, reason being that current Demon-cracy bein sold to the Muslim world comes with restrictions such as no guarantees of freedom after speech, specially any speech that is not endorsed by the Emperial powers and their clients, who promise you freedom on one hand, only to take it away from the other, promise you peace and prosperity, only to rain bombs on your roofs and kill your children, arming anarchists and supporting them to keep you busy with clan politics while looting your resources and weakening your resistance against your historical enemies. anyway, I need to know which of the above titles would be worthy of an interesting discussion ( of course, under the observation of our BIG BROTHER), its funny that most Muslims are more conscious about the presence of the BIG BROTHER over their shoulders than the guardian angels who record all of their actions. Nur
  25. Jazaakillaahu Kheiran, Yaa Rayxaana, indeed, a great advice, I always wondered about a measurement system of how much of the numbered advice that you have posed do we apply at any given time, I bet, that our iiman level is directly proportional to the percentage of application of the above. For most of the youth, and adults too, the problem is not the starting line, rather, most never reach the finish line, because as pastoralists and Anarchists, we lack discipline, and its discipline what we need to reach the finish line. Nur