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  1. But (Israar) is the key problem that lead to kufr. What is israar? That topic has also been discussed previously in another eNuri aqeeah thread. Nur
  2. Nur

    Islam Inside?

    Intel, the computer chip maker, marks every computer that uses its chips with the familiar sign " Intel Inside " You see Nomad Paesano, the message is not so subtle, it is telling us that the mind of the computer is governed by an Intel (intelligence) chip, so, if you value the importance of your work (Computer applications), the sign is suggesting, you should only trust Intel. Now, if humans are like computers, what drives these creatures? Is there a chip? Nope! Is there an algorithm software? Well, there are two types: 1. The original default software, known as the Fitra 1.0 2. The Divine Message Upgrade. The Divine Message Upgrade has many releases. The first release, was sent with Adam, the first human. Adams message was limited in that users were very few and no complications existed, that release managed Greed , Jealousy and murder problems. The first burial rites were taught by crows, and humanity spread and prospered. The second release was Noah's message, it was the first message to strengthen the Tawheed principle that was lost due to preoccupation with worldly woes, it addresed the necessity of Divine obedience, but after a thousand years, except for the few who followed Divine instructions and messages, the rest were washed away. The third main message and the most important was Abraham's message, and the birth of the name of "Islam" which stands for "Surrender to the Supreme and Highest Authority that created the Universe we live in , so in that spirit Abraham had named us Muslims ( Those Who Have Surrendered To Allah SWT. How can I forget Moses' liberating message, the man who talked to Allah, along with His brother Aaron, together, they freed the captive and oppressed people of the Children of Jacob (Isreal). Moses taught us how to resist oppression even if the oppressor is the mightiest force on earth as Pharoah represented in his time. A lesson Somalis need to heed today, Pharaoh lay dead in Cairo's museum, while the descendents of the oppressed Israelites are the most prosperous on earth, some of them,( Zionists) have even adopted Pharaoh's attiitude toward the poor and the helpless Palestinians, the difference was that Pharoah wanted the Isrealites to remain in bondage in Egypt to exploit them, the Zionists in Isreal want to throw the Palestinians out from their territories. Many years later, comes the word of Allah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in this world and one of the chosen and honored Messengers of Allah, His message was the spread of love and kindness, help the poor, heal the sick, and for the faithful to abstain from immorality as his mother, the Virgin Mary represented utmost purity and modesty, in a time when most people were adopting the decadent habits and lifestyle of the pagan Romans, yet, Jesus was betrayed, by one of his own, Judas, who was later cursed by Allah SWT, his face was transformed to look like that of Jesus, arrested by the Romans thinking that he was Jesus, dragged in the streets by the crowds, and crucified between theives, a befitting disgrace and a humiliating punishment for anyone who betrays Allah. Unfortunately, the confusion that followed created a new religion, an a account that neither Judaism nor Jesus taught, the man was wanted dead by his latent followers and enemies alike, as for his latent followers, His blood was meant to clean their sins, and for the Romans, Jesus represented a challenge to their supremacy thus, he was to be removed, and for his people, the Israelites, they wanted him dead to see if he indeed was a true Messiah. But Jesus did non die, nor was he crucified, as the Quran told us, Allah lifted Him up to heaven and saved Him from their Blasphemy. Finally, the last and the beacon of Messengers was sent to mankind from Arabia, Muhammad SAWS, an illitrate man who lived all his life in Makka, and who had never told a lie, in his time, he was known as the Amin (trust worthy). One day he climbed a hill in Makkah, asking the Quresih Tribesmen if they would believe him if he told them that an enemy was about to attack their town, for which they answered " We believe you, we have never heard you lie", Muhammad later told them that Allah has sent him to warn them of a severe punishment if they did not surrender to Allah willingly ( since people surrender when they sleep or when they die unwillingly). In the following 23 years, Muhammad's message changed hearts first, then, personal attitudes, then entire families, then communities, cities, then swept away established civilizations to bring a new civilization, Islamic civilization, based on the concept that all mankind are descendents of Adam, and Adam was made from the earth's components, and that there is but one supreme Sovereign to surrender our will to, the creator of the universe, Allah. Allah SWT says in Surah Al Shuuraa: 13 He hath ordained for you that religion which He commended unto Noah, and that which We inspire in thee (Muhammad), and that which We commended unto Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying: Establish the religion, and be not divided therein. Dreadful for the idolaters is that unto which thou callest them. Allah chooseth for Himself whom He will, and guideth unto Himself him who turneth (toward Him). 14 And they were not divided until after the knowledge came unto them, through rivalry among themselves; and had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth from thy Lord for an appointed term, it surely had been judged between them. And those who were made to inherit the Scripture after them are verily in hopeless doubt concerning it. 15 Unto this, then, summon (O Muhammad). And be thou upright as thou art commanded, and follow not their lusts, but say: I believe in whatever scripture Allah hath sent down, and I am commanded to be just among you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. Unto us our works and unto you your works; no argument between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and unto Him is the journeying. 16 And those who argue concerning Allah after He hath been acknowledged, their argument hath no weight with their Lord, and wrath is upon them and theirs will be an awful doom. 17 Allah it is Who hath revealed the Scripture with truth, and the Balance. How canst thou know ? It may be that the Hour is nigh. 18 Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it and know that it is the Truth. Are not they who dispute, in doubt concerning the Hour, far astray ? 19 Allah is gracious unto His slaves. He provideth for whom He will. And He is the Strong, the Mighty. 20 Whoso desireth the harvest of the Hereafter, We give him increase in its harvest. And whoso desireth the harvest of the world, We give him thereof, and he hath no portion in the Hereafter. In this thread, I would like Nomads to discuss: 1. Do we have Islam Inside? If Yes, How do we know it? 2. What have we learned from the relay of Divine messages throughout the ages, trans-nations up until the torch of true faith has reached us? 3. Do we have the right understanding of Islam today? Nur 2007 eNuri Softwaano Series Rusting Is For Iron, Not For our hearts!
  3. As Islam wins more hearts than any other organized faith in the world, as the fastest growing relgion, Islamic Hijab is seen everywhere, Islamic everything is sprouting in every aspect of life, but the most vindicating testament is the Islamic theory of Banking and Finance, people know where it hurts the most, their wallets, so they fix it with Islamic Banking Instruments. Nur
  4. Millions of Muslims will be converging on a single ground known as Arafat during the climax of the Hajj Pilgrimage rites, people from different corners of the globe, different colors, different races, different nationlites different languages, all speaking one language as they pray, Arabic, hymning the praise of their creator as taught by His Messenger Muhammad SAWS the grandson of Abraham, Grand Patriarch of Islam who laid the foundation stone for the construction of the Kaaba with His son Ishmael as a dedication and permanent testament of the brotherhood of mankind under the one true God, Allah SWT. Nur
  5. Nur

    Cutting Costs.

    Kashafa bro. Victory has many milestones, the final victory is when Allah the almighty judges mankind according to His standard of Justice, not theirs, that day, will some emerge victorius forever, and some doom forever, life's glitter can fool, but a heart filled with faith (iman) can see farther than the present disadvantages we face, a lot of what we see greatly depend on what we are looking for, if we are looking for delivering on our covenant with Allah, we shall see victory at the end inshAllah. Nur
  6. CJ Sheikh-Subeir A very useful site indeed. Nur
  7. Alle U Baahne walaal Allah kaa aqbalo ducada, mararka qaarkood waan ka quustaa Jannada markaan xasuusto sida Alla noo karaameeyay iyo sidaan ugu caasinno, haddana waxaan xasuustaa, inaan laga quusan naxariista Alle, maxaa yeelay faasiqiinta oo qura ayaa ka quusta naxariista Alle. Nur
  8. Nur

    Terror and Tyranny

    "A Crude War Of Revenge" Tariq Ali on Afghanistan By Mike Whitney 11/29/07 "ICH" -- -- -The United States is on its way to losing the war in Afghanistan. The eventual defeat will be political not military. Public sentiment is shifting in Europe. The people have had enough. They want to get out. When European troops withdrawal from Afghanistan; NATO will gradually unravel and the Transatlantic Alliance will collapse. That will be a disaster for America. The US will again be isolated by two great oceans. But not by choice. America's days as an empire will be over. That's why the US perseveres in Afghanistan even though there is nothing to gain. Pipelines corridors will continue to be blocked by enemy fighters for the foreseeable future. The guerrilla war will intensify. American fatalities will mount. Political opposition at home will grow. The Taliban can't be beaten. They've already taken over more than half the country and they are steadily advancing on the Capital. By next spring, there'll be fighting in the neighborhoods of Kabul, just like there is now in Baghdad. American troops will be barricaded in little Greenzones spread across the countryside. Karzai will be locked away in the Presidential Palace surrounded by American mercenaries. There'll be no more foolish talk about "democracy" and "women's rights". The air war will escalate causing more and more civilian casualties. Protests will break out in the cities and tribal leaders will call for an end to the occupation. Politicians in Germany and France will demand a timetable for withdrawal. Most of these things are already happening. There's no policy in Afghanistan and there never has been. Reconstruction is a myth and security is non-existent. The country is a failed, narco-state governed by warlords and drug kingpins. Women are nearly as bad off as under the Taliban. "Every month dozens of women commit self-immolation to end their desolation," says Afghan Parliament member, Malalai Joya. Bush didn't invade Afghanistan to liberate women anyway. It was all a hoax. Bush believed that Taliban would recognize America's superior firepower and run for the hills. They did. But now they're back. And the tide has turned. The Taliban have regrouped, filled their ranks with new recruits, and now they're stronger than ever. Morale is high. The world's best-equipped, high-tech war machine is being beaten by a ragtag collection of medieval-minded fundamentalists armed with muskets and sabers. It's a bigger fiasco than Iraq. The war in Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom, is a failure of ideology. The Bush Doctrine, the National Security Strategy, and the New World Order are all in ruins. The apologists for "preemption" on the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal have suddenly fallen silent. They've lost their voice. The bravado and chest-thumping has stopped. The Afghan resistance has succeeded where Congress, the UN and 10 million protesters failed. They stopped Bush's army in its tracks. In time, the Americans will leave as did the Russians before them. The war is lost. Democracy doesn't come from the barrel of an M-16 and it can't be dropped from 30,000 ft like a Daisy Cutter. The Bush war in Afghanistan has brought only suffering and devastation. Thousands have been killed or displaced. Vast swathes of the countryside have been contaminated with radioactive dust that collects in clouds and sweeps across the interior-plains poisoning the groundwater and spreading cancer; another tragic memento of the US occupation that will last for decades. Afghanistan was supposed to be "the Good War". Originally, 95% of the American people supported the invasion as the proper response to the attacks of September 11. Liberals and conservatives alike joined the rush to war. The world needed to see America's iron-fisted wrath. It was "payback time". Tariq Ali called it, "A crude war of revenge". He was right. The buildup to the war was all glitz and showmanship; a real public relations extravaganza. The media unfurled the flags and pounded the war drums every day until the Bombay-doors opened and the plumes of black smoke began rising everywhere across Afghanistan. Bush promised to bring them back "Dead or Alive". We were going to "smoke them out of their caves". No one talks about caves anymore-or smoke. The pre-war zeal is gone. Vanished. The "hearts and minds" campaign is lost, too. "The American war on terror is a mockery and so is the US support of the present government in Afghanistan which is dominated by Northern Alliance terrorists," says Malalai Joya. "Far more civilians have been killed by the US military in Afghanistan than were killed in the US in the tragedy of September 11. More Afghan civilians have been killed by the US than were ever killed by the Taliban.....The US should withdrawal as soon as possible. We need liberation not occupation." ("The War on Terror is a Mockery", Elsa Rassbach, Z Magazine Nov 2007) The Bush administration has reneged on every commitment it made to the Afghan people. There was never any attempt to provide security beyond the capital. Never. The US handed over the countryside to the warlords who run their fiefdoms like Mafia Dons. There's no freedom. There's no safety. There's no rule of law. It's all a fabrication---another made-for-TV invasion that's 99% fiction. Last week the Senlis Council released a report saying that, "Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian crisis in which millions face severe hardship comparable with sub-Saharan Africa".The vast majority of Afghans are still living in grinding poverty exacerbated by the constant threat of violence. Civilian casualties are soaring and the "The security situation has reached crisis proportion." The Senlis Report adds that the Taliban are "gaining more and more political legitimacy in the minds of the Afghan people who have a long history of shifting alliances and regime change." The US has worn out its welcome. A number of independent journalists confirm that the Taliban has garnered substantial support in the South from disenchanted Afghans who're tired of the broken promises, the lack of employment and reconstruction, and the random bombing of innocent civilians. Last year,there were four times as many air strikes by international forces in Afghanistan than in Iraq. The rising death toll has shocked the public and turned the people against the occupying army. On Monday, 14 engineers and laborers were killed by NATO air strikes in Nuristan Province. The workers, WHO WERE HIRED BY THE US MILITARY TO BUILD A ROAD THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS WERE SLEEPING IN THEIR TENTS WHEN THEY WERE KILLED. "All of our workers have been killed", said Sayed Jalili. (UK Guardian) And so it goes. The US is steadily losing its grip while the tidal wave of resistance continues to grow. Another year of frustration, and the European allies will "pack it in". NATO be damned. Tariq Ali explained why the United States would eventually fail in Afghanistan in a recent interview with Sherry Wolf of the Socialist Worker: "Far from being a "good war", Afghanistan is turning out to be a nasty, unpleasant war, and there's no way the US or other Western forces are going to be able to stay there for too long....The situation is a total mess. The US can never win that war, and the main reason is that the Afghans don't like being occupied. They kicked out the British in the 19th century, the Russians in the 20th century, and , now, they're fighting against the US and its NATO allies." ("Afghanistan Today: six years of a war on Terror, Sherry Wolf, znet)
  9. Nehanda sis Is there any better baggage a man can come in with? I mean, his baggage are at least transparent! WYSIWYG ( What You See Is What You Get), because these days, you dunno what you are getting until its too late! Consider the human side also, an instant family, two more human beings that you can claim the ajar of raising in the day of judgement! By the way I am not pitching a sale! Nur
  10. Non-Damaged, High Quality Faarah A unique situation! Just a coincidence, I recently met a young Faarax, very pious, Hafizul Quraan and teacher of Quraan, very handsome in his late twenties, I asked him if he was married, he told me that he was divorced with two kids and that he supports himself by teaching Quraan. I was really surprised to see such a brother unmarried again for approximtately a period of at least five years since his last marraige. I asked him if he was looking for a wife, he confided in me, " which Halimo would consider to marry a man whose only qualification is a teacher of the Holy Quraan?" That statement touched me deeply, I told him, "wallahi, its the most honorable qualification a man can have" My question, is , would any Halimo on this board consider a Faarax like this, if otherwise he is a genuine person ? Nur
  11. Abdillatif Bro. By all means bro. Go ahead, edit the post make it a formal proposal, remove the sarcasm (fat etc), and hope that we help a needy Somali student in this initaiative. Baarakallah feek Nur
  12. Khalaf Bro. There are two levels of accountabiliies; 1. The Original Covenant 2. The Second Covenant During Accountability Hearing, the first question in the grave is: Who is your Lord? The right answer is the default answer during the gathering of the souls which asked : Am I Not Your Lord? For which we all answered, Balaa YES! So, if requirements against original default settings are successfully met at this stage,( answering all tawheed questions right) the person is saved at this stage. The requiremet is that the persson did not take others besides Allah as his lords, humans, idols or being an atheist. The second question asked in the grave: Who was your Messenger? Here if the person lived during the times of one of the Prophets, there are two possibilities: a. He Believed in His Messneger b. He did not believe If he believed in His Messenger but failed to follow him, he would be the same as if he did not believe in him. The second case would be if there was not Messneger at his time or if he did not hear about him. In this case, the person is not accountable based on the verse in Quraan: "Wa Maa kunnaa mucadibiina xataa nabcatha rasuulaa" that Allah would not punish someone ( Hold them accountable) wihout sending a Messenger to teach what they will be accounted for. Nur
  13. Are only Muslim Believers saved and rest damned? Before we answer this question let us ask; What is the purpose of life? Allah says in Quraan " Worship of Allah" What is worship? General Definition: Every act or word that conforms to Allah's satisfaction, or does not conflict with it. Detailed Definition: Worship began way before we were born, when Allah decreed our creation, as souls, at which time Allah summoned all humans on a single ground and asked them " Am I not Your Lord?" We answered " YES OUR LORD" Allah said : [And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their loins, their seed and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: Verily, we have been unaware of this.] (Al-A`raf 7:172) Or lest ye should say: "Our fathers before us may have taken false gods, but we are (their) descendants after them: wilt Thou then destroy us because of the deeds of men who were futile?" Thus do We explain the signs in detail; and perchance they may turn (unto Us). As you can see, humans are all born instictively MUSLIMS, Not by DEEDs. But for them to prosper later when they are assembled as physical beings in life on earth they need to ATTEST the oath they have taken before birth. The Prophet SAWS said: All (people) are born instinctively Muslims ( Muslims By Default-eNuri Original Terminology) So, once they are born with Islam Software loaded on their system, what happens? Well, just like a downloaded Softwareware from the internet, THEY NEED TO REGISTER their Saftware, eNuri term( Hidaayaware) The registration process is analogous to accepting and attesting to Allah's messages sent by His Messengers. ( Shahaada) example " Laa ilaaha Illa Allah" So, how about if one never hears about these prophets? Well, in that case, they are accountable only for the original FITRA state settings, and oath that testified that Allah is their ONLY lord. Tawheed. Nur
  14. US is‘worst’ imperialist: archbishop Times on Line ^ | November 25, 2007 | Abul Taher Posted on 11/25/2007 4:41:18 AM PST by Huber THE Archbishop of Canterbury has said that the United States wields its power in a way that is worse than Britain during its imperial heyday. Rowan Williams claimed that America’s attempt to intervene overseas by “clearing the decks” with a “quick burst of violent action” had led to “the worst of all worlds”. In a wide-ranging interview with a British Muslim magazine, the Anglican leader linked criticism of the United States to one of his most pessimistic declarations about the state of western civilisation. He said the crisis was caused not just by America’s actions but also by its misguided sense of its own mission. He poured scorn on the “chosen nation myth of America, meaning that what happens in America is very much at the heart of God’s purpose for humanity”. Related Links Troops need our support, say clerics 'Realignment' of Anglican Communion underway Williams went beyond his previous critique of the conduct of the war on terror, saying the United States had lost the moral high ground since September 11. He urged it to launch a “generous and intelligent programme of aid directed to the societies that have been ravaged; a check on the economic exploitation of defeated territories; a demilitarisation of their presence”. He went on to suggest that the West was fundamentally adrift: “Our modern western definition of humanity is clearly not working very well. There is something about western modernity which really does eat away at the soul.” Williams suggested American leadership had broken down: “We have only one global hegemonic power. It is not accumulating territory: it is trying to accumulate influence and control. That’s not working.” He contrasted it unfavourably with how the British Empire governed India. “It is one thing to take over a territory and then pour energy and resources into administering it and normalising it. Rightly or wrongly, that’s what the British Empire did — in India, for example. “It is another thing to go in on the assumption that a quick burst of violent action will somehow clear the decks and that you can move on and other people will put it back together — Iraq, for example.” In the interview in Emel, a Muslim lifestyle magazine, Williams makes only mild criticisms of the Islamic world. He said the Muslim world must acknowledge that its “political solutions were not the most impressive”. He commends the Muslim practice of praying five times a day, which he says allows the remembrance of God to be “built in deeply in their daily rhythm”.
  15. Somalia: What the News Failed to Report By Ramzy Baroud 11/18/07 "ICH" -- -- The people of Somalia are enduring yet another round of suffering as Ethiopian forces wreck havoc in the capital, Mogadishu. Apparently in response to an attack on one of its units, and the dragging of a soldier’s mutilated body through the city’s streets, an Ethiopian mortar reportedly exploded in Mogadishu’s Bakara market on November 9, killing eight civilians. A number of Somalis were also found dead the following day, some believed to have been rounded up by Ethiopian forces the night before. Nearly 50 civilians have reportedly been killed and 100 wounded in the two-day fighting spree between fighters loyal to the Union of Islamic Courts and government forces and their Ethiopian allies. A report, issued by Human Rights Watch, chastised both Ethiopian troops and ‘insurgents’ for the bloodletting. Peter Takirambudde, the watchdog’s Africa director, was quoted as saying, 'The international community should condemn these attacks and hold combatants accountable for violations of humanitarian law - including mutilating captured combatants and executing detainees.' Of course, one cannot realistically expect the international community to take on a constructive involvement in the conflict. Various members of this ‘community’ have already played a most destructive role in Somalia’s 16-year-old civil war, which fragmented a nation that had long struggled to achieve a sense of sovereignty and national cohesion. To dismiss the war in Somalia as yet another protracted conflict between warlords and insurgents would indeed be unjust because the country’s history has consistently been marred by colonial greed and unwarranted foreign interventions. These gave rise to various proxy governments, militias and local middlemen, working in the interests of those obsessed with the geopolitical importance of the Horn of Africa. Colonial powers came to appreciate the strategic location of Somalia after the Berlin Conference, which initiated the ‘Scramble for Africa’. The arrival of Britain, France and Italy into Somali lands began in the late 19th century and quickly the area disintegrated into British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. Both countries sought expand their control, enlisting locals to fight the very wars aimed at their own subjugation. World War II brought immense devastation to the Somali people, who, out of desperation, coercion or promises of post-war independence, fought on behalf of the warring European powers. Somalia was mandated by the UN as an Italian protectorate in 1949 and achieved independence a decade later in 1960. However, the colonial powers never fully conceded their interests in the country and the Cold War actually invited new players to the scene, including the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba. One residue of the colonial legacy involved the ****** province of Somalia, which the British empire had granted to the Ethiopian government. The region became the stage of two major wars between Ethiopia and Somalia between 1964 and 1977. Many Somalis still regard Ethiopia as an occupying power and view the policies of Addis Ababa as a continuation of the country’s history of foreign intervention. The civil war of 1991, largely a result of foreign intervention, clan and tribal loyalties, and lack of internal cohesion, further disfigured Somalia. As stranded civilians became deprived of aid, Somalia was hit by a devastating famine that yielded a humanitarian disaster. The famine served as a pretext for foreign intervention, this time as part of international ‘humanitarian’ missions, starting in December 1992, which also included US troops. The endeavour came to a tragic end in October 1993, when more than 1,000 Somalis and 18 US troops were killed in Mogadishu. Following a hurried US withdrawal, the mainstream media rationalized that the West could not help those who refuse to help themselves; another disfiguration of the fact that the interest of the Somali people was hardly ever a concern for these colonial philanthropists. Since then, the importance of Somalia was relegated in international news media into just another mindless conflict, with no rational context and no end in sight. The truth, however, is that colonial interest in the Horn of Africa has never waned. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 provided an impetus for US involvement in the strategic region; only one month after the attacks, Paul Wolfowitz met with various power players in Ethiopia and Somalia, alleging that al-Qaeda terrorists might be using Ras Kamboni and other Somali territories as escape routes. A year later, the US established the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) to ‘monitor’ developments and to train local militaries in ‘counterterrorism’. The US contingent was hardly neutral in the ongoing conflict. Reportedly, US troops were involved in aiding Ethiopian forces that entered Somalia in December 2006, citing efforts to track down al-Qaeda suspects. The Ethiopian occupation was justified as a response to a call by Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG), whose legitimacy is questioned. TGF, seen largely as a pro-Ethiopian entity, had been rapidly losing its control over parts of Somalia to the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) which came to prominence in January 2006, taking over the capital and eventually bringing long-sought stability to much of the country. Their attempts engage the US and other Western powers in dialogue failed, however, as a US-backed Ethiopia moved into Somalia in December 2006. On January 7, 2007, the US directly entered the conflict, launching airstrikes using AC-130 gunship. Civilian causalities were reported, but the US refused to accept responsibility for them. The last intervention devastated the country’s chances of unity. It now stands divided between the transitional government, Ethiopia (both backed by the UN, the US and the African Union) and the Islamic courts (allegedly backed by Eritrea and some Arab Gulf governments). Recently, the UN ruled out any chances for an international peacekeeping force, and the few African countries who promised troops are yet to deliver (with the exception of Uganda). This situation leaves Somalia once more under the mercy of foreign powers and self-serving internal forces, foreshadowing yet more bloodshed. Our informed support is essential now because the Somali people have suffered enough. Their plight is urgent and it deserves a much deeper understanding, alongside immediate attention. -Ramzy Baroud ( www.ramzybaroud.n t) is an author and editor of . His work has been published in many newspapers and journals worldwide. His latest book is The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People's Struggle (Pluto Press, London).
  16. Jazakallahu Kheiran katheeran yaa Abu Salmaan, I like the way you have structured: 5 and 7 go together, the Dawa and heart-softening Combo. 6,9 and 14 belong to the Family Unit Preventative Maintenance Category which you have brilliantly called Family Breakdown Prevention Clinic. When you look at the problems shrouding our minds these days as Somalis, they all seem to have common root in ourselves first, then our family unit, then our extended family or rer Qansax, and then in our region or nation. The Problem we are liveing today, has roots in a neglect and complacency that took place long ago, when we were kids. The failure of our forefaters to focus on the family as teh building bloc of the nation has resulted in the disintegration of the family, neglect of kids, appearance of non-disceplined generation and the warlord phenomena, unscruplous men who kill, maim and sell without an eye blink. Known in their local tribal enclaves as the " Geesiyaasha" who are seen to protect interest of the clan. Logically speaking, we can not fix problems of our nation if the clan is led by the worst and the criminals, we can not fix the problems within our clans if the households are either fatherless broken up, led by a single mother or led by an irresponsible Qat chewing father. And lastly, we can not fix the problem of the family if the individuals that form the family are out in touch with the fabric of their faith, hence the importance of fixing teh problem from bottom up. So, for us today to correct the problem we have inherited from our forefathers, we need to begin patiently with the correction of the: 1. Person 2. Family Unit 3. Kids ( Speciall Teens) 4. Community and the Assistance to the needy among us. May, be if we are successful in the above treatment approach of the problem, we can successfuly change the course of our nation by 2020. That is how I see it, and inshAllah I pray I get some help from Nomads around the world for my vision. Nur
  17. Geel Jire bro. Great Idea, Jazaakallahu Kheiran for the suggestion, its well noted! Nur
  18. An eNuri Community Responsibility Intiative To All the Xawaaladyaal You have grown too rich in the past 16 years from transferring welfare money from abroad to the poor in Somalia, many of you are even physically fat, which shows how much extra unhealthy pounds ( $terling) that you should share or pump back to the communities that you have served only as a conduit for cash, but not for sustained DEVELOPMENT. Apart from your personl Zakat, which is a must, or the Rer Qansax Qaaran, your contribution to the larger Somali communities in which you operate ( Overseas and at Home) leaves a lot more to be desired. Brothers, you are not socially responsible! So, I have an idea Saaxib to make you socially responsible. Instead of using the transit money in the pipeline for your personal investments, like Real Estate projects( Major Xawaalads have millions in the pipeline daily, which in banking terms can translate into a wealth on its own, but who really owns it? and who benefits from its investment? the people who transfer these funds or the Xawalaadyaal?). For once, please think the community as your reason for existence! how about if you : 1. Announce a Scholarship Program to encourage Somali kids to attend world class higher education? 2. Support Local Schools Struggling to make ends meet? Building new class rooms, providing school supplies, sponsoring programs that help disadvantaged kids etc. 3. Sponsor Sport Activities for troubled teens 4. Sponsor Community Clubs, to help peace flourish? ( Peace does not neccessarily undermine money transfer) Have your say! Nur 2007 SOL eNuri Community Service He Who Does Not Care For The Muslim Ummah ( Community) Is Not One Of Them. ( Hadeeth)
  19. eNuri Garage Of Damaged Husbands. A Proposal To Rehabilitate Junkyard Quality Husbands. The diminishing number of Somali Bachelors, and the huge gap between the pool of highly successful marraige bound Somali women and limited number of marriage seeking Somali men is pushing the limits of solutions, from unpopular polygamy, marrying foreigners to cries from many Somali hablo that eNuri focus on rahabilitating some of the salvagable Somali men. To narrow the gap, we first need to lower exapectation of Somali Women in a Somali Man. Lets face it, he is not going to serve breakfast in bed, showerring her with nice endearing words, saying very considerate words such as " I and Halima are planning to......blah blah", I mean all the trend setting etiquettes she sees and hears in her adopted western world and the Soap Opera, nevertheless, this animal can be trained to be a functional husband, if the Halimo is patient. Any scrap dealer, can show you gems concealed as scrap lying unwanted all over the place, so, in times of scarcity, like ours, we need to have the mentality of the scarp dealer, hence this new eNuri business unit. At SOL eNuri, we continously look for salvagable Somali men, take them to our rehab shop, polish them, with Islamic values, put a nice thowb and beard on them, or if our clients want a western suit, put an expensive Dolce & Gabbana ( This service will cost discouragingly more), and prepare him for how to be a gentleman, how to treat a western educated Halimo. (Adaptability to new realities will be the core course of the training for both parties). Our initial business case shows, that after a customer questionnaire is completed, if favorable, that this business unit can fill a large portion of the demand. In this thread, we need the sincere opinion of Somali sisters of this new proposed eNuri business unit, please let us know if its feasible, because, eNuri is a customer centric business, we find the customer first ( Somali Women), then, we build our business around their specific needs. Thats how we make Ajar and Thawaab. To Be Continued.................................. 2007 SOL eNuri Social Environment Engineers Don't Just Throw Away Your Husband, Recycle Him! Send Him To eNuri Rehab Clinics!
  20. Dhiker Coverage Area! I called Xamar one day to say hello to a friend, his phone was either switched off or out of coverage range, so I heard this recording: " Nambarka aad wacday wuu xiran yahay, ama xadkii loogu talagaly buu ka baxay " " The Mobile number you are trying to reach is either switched off or out of coverage range " While hearing that message, many thougths crossed my mind, notably, how a mobile handset continuously communicates with the closest carrier tower network to connect the user to the world. Similarly, as humans, creatures of Allah, we are always sending signals that connect us to the world around us, and beyound if we make Dhiker. People sense that we are "connected" when we leave real marks on the ground that testify that we are alive and well, or when we have plenty of money in our accounts, in which case we normally refuse to take the phone call from our eeddo Cambaro calling from Kurtunwaarrey, etc. so when people sense of our existense, in any of the above ways, they communicate with u$$$$$$ interestingly. In our Somali culture, when you are engaged in a discussion with a fellow nomad, you have to continuously say, " Hayee...' aahaaaa, uuumh, or make sounds that show that you are following the discussion, otherwise, the other Nomad thinks that you are not paying attention, specially if you are on the phone, its known as " Jiibin", as in " wuu u jiibinayaa" So, if you fail to " inaad u jiibiso qofka kula hadlaya " you are out of range, or like people in Hargeisa refer to the mentally challenged people as " Mobile buu qaatay " because, he started talking to himself. The above was our relationship with humans. How about our relationship with our creator! You see Geel Jire / Geel Jirto, saaxib, the world as you can see these days is pretty dangerous place, your subscription to life can be disconnected anytime without notice, and you can't refill ( top up) a life card at will, once you are out of life credits, no one can refill it for you, you can't even send an emergency message to your loved ones to let them know that you will be out of the worldly-life network for ever. But you can say one last word, with a lasting effect" Ash-hadu an Laa ilaaha illaa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muxammada(n)r Rasullu Allah" " There is no entity worth of supremacy other than Allah, and Muhamamd is his Messenegr" To utter that word though, you must have practiced it well way before this point, (you know how many times athletes repeat a feat to get it right before they have to perform for billions of viwers at the Olympics!) So, the Remembrance of Allah, Dhiker is the continuous signal we send to the nearest towers (Raqeeb and Catiid angels on our shoulders) to declare that we are indeed connected to Allah's network, not Satan's network, which by far has the highest subscription rates these days. To be a subscriber in Allah's Diomond, Platinum, Gold, or Silver subscription connetion services, you have to pick a set of Dhiker Package that can assure you to enjoy all the previllages that come with such a policy. By making Dhiker, continuously, you are in fact LIVING in contrast to those who are not making Dhiker at all, who are DEAD, in real terms if we consdier that life is defined as connecting to the ever living Allah SWT. Allah SWT says in Quraan : "As for the one who was dead and we have caused him to be alive, is he the same as another who is still in stark darkness with no way out for him?" Because Dhiker hymns are for the soul, like heartbeat is for the body. A healthy heart hums with regular heartbeats, and a healthy soul hums with regular Dhiker Hymns ( Al Azkaar al ma'athuurah) In addition, Dhiker signals confirm our compliance with the policy that guarantees permanent connection to Life. Because as long as we stay within the limits of the Dhiker coverage boundary, set by Allah SWT thru Quraan and Sunnah, we will be able to resist Satan's subtle inviting messages to connect to his network. That policy,(Platinum, Gold, Silver, based on the frequency of Dhiker) depending on how much commitment we have made, can in fact assure a connection quality that can keep our feet firm on the ground when faced with life's adversity, monitary or carnal temptations that can lure us to subscribe to Satan's network. Its common these days to find people we know who are on an upward mobility, climbing the corporate ladder or successfully leading their business circles without much effort, when you ask how they did it, well, you find out it may not always be a KNOW-HOW, that got them where they are, rather a KNOW-WHO. they say, she/he is well connected, to a social network that share a common philosophy or a lifestyle. Likewise, those who have subscribed to Allah's network share a common philosophy of life, and beyound, known as ( Surrender to the Absolute Supreme Eternal God, Allah SWT, or in short, ISLAM). The strength of our connection to Allah's network via continuous Dhike hymns, can have many benefits, such as: 1. Satan is kept at bay 2- Awareness of Allah through Dhiker, makes us aware of all that is important to Allah. 3- A safety net against falling in hell. 4- As we connect with Allah SWT through Dhiker sessions, we are assured Allah's aid to ease our worries, thus easing our work and commitments. 5. Dhiker is joyful experience in itself, it relieves stress. 6- The higher the frequency of Dhiker, the less hypocracy we display( flip-flopping between Allah's network and Satans's Network). 7- Dhiker make us more humane and more sensitive to the plight of the poor and the needy. The happiness of the less fortunate becomes our own. 8- The more we make Dhiker, the more Allah honors us, drawing us closer to him in deeds, as we are closer to Him in words and hymns. 2007 SOL eNuri Softwaano Series. Iron should rust, Not Our Hearts!
  21. Plight Of Single Mothers The 16 year Somali un-Civil war has resulted in the abundance of foreign and locally residing single mothers, orphans and irresponsible Qat Chewing men and warlords. Consequently, many Somali families have migrated to the far corners of the globe, mostly women and kids, apart from divorcees, who are also many, the rest of thier husbands are, either dead, mentally dead, due to Qat narcotic chewing or struggling to make ends meet away from family. In light of the above, a generation of kids are being raised away from home ( Somalia), with no father figure in their lives, no direction and very little supervision, a mix that will create the next surprise for complacent parents, familiar faces, and unfamiliar culture and ways of living. These families, who are refugees, will never fit back again in the socities in which they have lived before the civil war, nor can they integrate in the western world for the apparent hate culture in these countries, sooner or later, they will have to come back home, and when that happens, if you come aacross these creatures and have never left Somalia before, your are in for a surprise. For those of you who live in Bosaaso, or Hargeisa, I am sure you know what I am talkning about, Somali teens from Denmark or the Gulf, hanging around in your neighborhoods for what is locally known as " Dhaqan Celin" By the time the kid is shipped to Somalia for the Dhaqan Celin, a non-reversable damage is done, the kid is confused, and is further alienated by all the "nonsense Waano" he feels bombarded by loving family members. Here we have a real problem, the root of this problem is the absence of a father figure who must have guided the kid before this point of no return. So, as a community, if we let this problem continue, many more kids will be lost forever to fall between the cracks, which will create the next warlord generation, this time, German or Danish speaking warlords. We need to change direction of the this scary future trend, we need to face the problem when its managable, at the core, at home, we need volunteers to act as big bothers Adeers, or big sisters for kids of single mothers. Have your say, yaa gowsa weyn! 1. We need ideas if its feasible. a. If yes, then how to implement. 2. How to break down the work, and classify it, such as : Single mother families at home, or abroad, wealthy, vs poor, etc. The forum is open. Marti Ha Iska Dhigin! 2007 eNuri Community Initiatives A Child Is An Expensive Resource To Waste.
  22. Nomads You have to excuse eNuri Publications in these turbulent times. The above topics were posted over a year ago, for reasons of time scarcity and fast breaking events that spread eNuri's efforts too thin to cover the above great topics. Take te time once more to vote for topics you would like to read to energise me to discipline myself to emplty portion of my schedule to write. Nur
  23. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Very Deep, Indeed! The Anarchist. Geel Jire Bro. Three years ago, 2004, eNuri predicted the American Invasion (Ethiopian Proxies) to Somalia. Let us reflect on that Satirical Write-Up. Banana Terrorism ( 2004) Nurtel (eNuri) News Analyses Not Quite The News! The US Administration is weighing the possibility of declaring war on Somalia after reports that Somali refugees have thrown bananas on Park Avenue in New York, causing many American pedestrians to slip and fall, some with injuries. The banana samples used in these attacks were traced to a small town in Somalia called Afgoi which presents a fresh evidence of complicity of Somalis to commit Banana terrorism to hurt innocent pedestrians along Park Avenue and in affect creating a new weapon of MOSS destruction ( Moss is Somali means Banana) which among other things can cause loss of balance and a lot of laughter for the onlookers, which in turn can endanger their intelligence, the Administration has equated this threat to that of Iraq, and the threat is being taken too seriously by the white House staff as the president ordered bananas for lunch today. The administration is taking the case to the UN to get an approval to declare war on Somalia and rid the country of the war lords who have caused a lot of destruction the past 12 years. The administration is looking for the funniest guy in Somalia to lead this nation to happiness after years of pain and sorrow. The White House report shows clear evidence that all the Somali leaders went bananas, and if they are not stopped, the whole world can follow suit. The USA is sharing this report with many countries and specially China the most populous nation in the world, which is worried that if the banana threat comes to china, it will be the most important historical event since the construction of the Great Wall of China. The administration will appoint a commission of advisors for the Somali American banana wars led by the CEO of Dole fruit company who will oversee the dibananaization of Somalis so that Somalia will never be used as launching pad for banana terror aimed at making fun at American citizens walking down American streets. The Banana war will be led by Dole and other fruit companies in Florida citrus belt, California Fruit growers, McDonalds Restaurants and Red Lobster Restaurants. Red Lobster Restaurants have shown interest in the giant Somali Lobsters that are threatening the Dubai markets and destabilizing the Lobster prices which can cause Lobster wars for the unknown kind. As a response to the American possible invasion, the spokesman for the 15 Banana Warlord Governments in Somalia is threatening to use a secret banana formula that will make Americans laugh too much and loose control of their guns during landing, which will make them ineffective to control the Banana farms in Afgoi, The white House meanwhile, is taking this news as a new threat which is sending shockwaves across the Banana complex in Guatamala and Equador. NURTEL NETWORK NEWS No Noose, is A Good News
  24. Torturers: The Next Generation Psycho politicians pledge to continue Bush's crimes By Ted Rall 11/09/07 "ICH" -- - -- NEW YORK—George W. Bush has shoved American politics into the dark realm of the lunatic right, zipping past Joe McCarthy into territory previously covered by historical accounts of Germany in the 1940s. We've lost our right to see an attorney, to confront our accusers, even to get a fair trial. Government agents have kidnapped thousands of people, many of whom have never been heard from again. Bush even signed an edict claiming the right to assassinate anyone, including you and me, based solely on his whims. Torture, the ultimate sign that civilized society has been replaced by a police state, was repeatedly authorized by government officials who smirked the few times reporters had the temerity to ask them about it. The 2000, 2004 and 2008 presidential elections have been and will prove to be decisive moments in American history. In each case, the American people were offered a stark choice between a future of freedom and one under tyranny. In 2000, the American people chose dictatorship, watching passively as a rogue Supreme Court violated the Constitution and handed Bush the keys to the White House. We had a chance to restore the vision of the original Framers in 2004. Instead, we sat on our asses while Bush stole yet another election. The 2008 race could mark our last chance to get back the system of government we enjoyed before the Dec. 20, 2000, coup. We must elect—by an overwhelming, theft-proof majority—a candidate who promises to renounce Bush and all his works. A reform-minded president's first act should be to sign a law that reads as follows: "The federal government of the United States having been illegitimate and illegal since January 20, 2001, all laws, regulations, executive orders, and acts of commission or omission enacted between that infamous day and 12 noon Eastern Standard Time on Jan. 20, 2009, are hereby declared invalid and without effect." Guantanamo, secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, spying on Americans' phone calls and e-mails, and "legal" torture would be erased. Our troops should immediately pull out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Somalia; we should apologize to our victims and offer to compensate them and their survivors. Bush should never appear on any list of American presidents. When he dies, his carcass shouldn't receive a state funeral. It ought to be thrown in the trash. Unfortunately, no one like that is running for president. To the contrary, most of the major presidential candidates want to accelerate America's slide into outright moral bankruptcy. Inspired by what good people find appalling, America's Mayor has turned into America's Maniac. Torture, says Rudy Giuliani, is smart. He endorses the medieval practice of waterboarding, revived in CIA torture chambers after 9/11, in which a person is strapped to a board, tipped back and forced to inhale water to induce the sensation of drowning. "It depends on how it's done," Giuliani said when asked about waterboarding and whether it is torture. "It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it." Giuliani used to be a federal prosecutor. Would he have used similar logic in the prosecution of an accused torturer? The mayor-turned-monster even used a campaign stop in Iowa to mock the victims of sleep deprivation, long acknowledged by international law as one of the severest forms of torture. "They talk about sleep deprivation," he said. "I mean, on that theory, I'm getting tortured running for president of the United States. That's plain silly. That's silly." Waterboarding causes pain, brain damage and broken bones (from the restraints used on struggling victims), and death. Survivors are psychologically scarred. "Some victims were still traumatized years later," Dr. Allen Keller, director of the Bellevue/New York University Program for Survivors of Torture, told The New Yorker. "One patient couldn't take showers, and panicked when it rained." Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin described the sleep deprivation he suffered as a captive of the Soviet KGB: "In the head of the interrogated prisoner, a haze begins to form. His spirit is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire: to sleep ... Anyone who has experienced this desire knows that not even hunger and thirst are comparable with it." Giuliani isn't the only wanna-be Torturer-in-Chief. Congressman Tom Tancredo, a Colorado Republican, offered this Lincolnesque rhetorical gem at one of the debates: "What do we do in the response to a nuclear—or the fact that a nuclear device or some bombs have gone off in the United States? We know that there are—we have captured people who have information that could lead us to the next one that's going to go off and it's the big one ... I would do—certainly, waterboard—I don't believe that that is, quote, 'torture.'" In an appearance on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes, Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the United States does and should torture: "We have received good solid information from [torture], and have saved American lives because of it." Duncan Hunter made fun of the concentration camp at Guantanamo: "You got guys like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed [a detainee victim of U.S. waterboarding], "who said that he planned the attack on 9/11. You got Osama bin Laden's bodyguards. Those guys get taxpayer-paid-for prayer rugs. They have prayer five times a day. They've all gained weight. The last time I looked at the menu, they had honey-glazed chicken and rice pilaf on Friday. That's how we treat the terrorists. They've got health care that's better than most HMOs ... They live in a place called Guantanamo, where not one person has ever been murdered." Three inmates have been found dead at Gitmo. (The military claimed they were suicides.) As of August 2003, at least 29 POWs had attempted suicide. Scores of hunger strikers are being force-fed. Fred Thompson says he won't authorize waterboarding "as a matter of course" but likes to keep his options open. Mitt Romney punts questions about waterboarding: "I don't think as a presidential candidate it is appropriate for me to weigh in on specific forms of interrogation that our CIA would employ. In circumstances of extreme threat to the nation, where we employ what is known as enhanced interrogation techniques, we don't describe those techniques." At a Democratic debate in New Hampshire, Barack Obama refused to rule out torture. "Now, I will do whatever it takes to keep America safe. And there are going to be all sorts of hypotheticals [presumably, Tancredo's hoary ticking time bomb fantasy] and emergency situations, and I will make that judgment at that time." Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden said they agree with Obama. Democrats Bill Richardson, John Edwards and Chris Dodd have offered unequivocal stances against torture. On the Republican side, only John McCain and Ron Paul have done so. Even McCain, himself a victim of torture in Vietnam, refuses to rule out voting to confirm Bush's attorney general nominee, Michael Mukasey. "If it amounts to torture," Mukasey said of waterboarding, "then it is not constitutional." "If"? Ted Rall is the author of the new book Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?, an in-depth prose and graphic novel analysis of America's next big foreign policy challenge. Visit his website
  25. Nur

    Macaanka iimaanka

    Walaalo Zenobia Allaha ku jeclaado, muminiinta iyo malaaigtiisa ( Xaajiga isnhAllah jecelkiisa shaki ma leh!) Walaal, waxaad tahay raciilkii hore ee SOL Islam page, runtiina, waa la kala korey, haseyeeshee waxaan ku faraxsanahay inaad lix sano kaddib aad weli ACTIVE SOLer tahy. Allah ku xafido, reerkaaa iyo intaad jeceshahay. Walaalo, Qalbiga Allah jeclaada, ma qasaaro, tan Allah qofkii wax walba ka hormariyana, Wax walbuu ka hormaraa, Allaha addimaheenna diintiisa noogu sugo. Hadaba, meesha naga tiiri, boggaan wuxuu u baahan yahay in la nuuriyo, Allah ku nuuriyee! Nur