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Abu Salman bro Remember an old story I posted about a Chinese couple who delivered a black baby? they named their baby SUM SING WONG..... (Something wrong!) When the wisdom in the books the wadaad reads is different than their actions, SUM SING WONG! they need to make tawbah and become students again, not teachers, humility heals. Nur
Lazie Girl You never seize to amaze me, and that is why I like to read your posts. From your posts, In the past I learned that you are a staunch ally of the Western Empire whose mass murders in Iraq and Aghanistan you see as " Their National Interest", which is fine with you, which you have just confirmed by saying I believe in western exceptionalism., Now I learn that you are a racist against Arabs, since this meshes well with your declared Western Exceptionalism. Then, you talk about loyalties, again, a veiled expression of your staunch Western Loyalty, and then you want to know where my loyalty resides. Lazie G. I am a Muslim, not an Arab, and I do not hate Arabs like you racially, nor hate the the west racially, again, nor like either of the them racially, I like people for their convictions, for their faith and for their humanness. My loyalty is for Allah alone, for Islam and for believers no matter where they live or what race they belong to. Racism is abhorrent, Lazie, it doesn't get you anywhere, you need to re-examine your faith, and to come clean if you don't see any conflict of being a Muslima and a racist at the same time, or if you don't see a conflict in your loyalty to the Western Hegemony of the Muslim world and usurpation of its resources illegally under the cover of fighting terrorism. Just remember one thing, the Prophet SAWS said to the effect that , everyone will be in the next life with the company of their allies in this life, I assume that you have made your choice long time ago, but you still have time to reconsider your "friends" as Allah SWT says in the Holy Quraan, " Friends (in this life), will be enemy toward one another ( blaming each other), except for the pious,( who will continue as friends in the next life (if you believe in it). By the way, I don't believe in Al Qaeda as a genuine organization for Muslims, nor subscribe to the violence that is framed on them, nor do I believe in the fake photoshop tapes the CIA doctors to mislead the naive like yourself, Osama worked for the CIA to fight the Soviets, the least they could have done for him was to acknowledge his contribution in bringing their cold war enemies to their knees. But like Mubarak and Saddam and Noriega before them, America creates foreign leaders , real or imaginary in the case of Osama, and then, like an old pair of shoes, throw it to get a new pair of shoes to suit their current policies. My advice for you is; be believable, it would help if you question the government account of current events some of the time, but to become a mouthpiece for the White house, it is nauseating, and it makes me confuse your authenticity as a real Somali Xalimo with the new breed of government computers that are designed to mimic and influence forums and debates for the official account. How can a government who lied about the WMD and caused the death of a Million human beings tell the truth on Osama? Nur
Obama's Remarks on Bin Laden's alleged Killing: The Words Obama Did Not Say , But should have said in His National Speech Nur
Abu Salman bro You write: "Are there not other reasons why so many otherwise "intelligent" and relatively knowledgeable people fall into sins?" Being intelligent is different than Intelligence. The latter is a quantity that can change with circumstances and under temptation, while being Intelligent, is a permanent attribute. Even Intelligent people make axmaq mistakes in their lives when they are under pressure, anger or greed. Which explains why some Wadaads or religious people act contrary to the Islamic Ethics or commit heinous sins. Nur
Finally The handlers of the Osama File decided that its time to retire the Legendary Sheikh. They created their own Demon They used him as a pretext to invade many countries in the Muslim world to steal their wealth After the Arab Spring revolutions, they became worried that the non- existing Demon of theirs may inspire these demonstrators Naturally, then, The Demon has to be declared dead unless He sends another tape to Al Jazeera denying that he is dead. The Democrats and the Republicans are the same party, The Republicans invented Bin Laden, but the Democrats won the honor of killing him and burying him Ten Kilometers deep in Indian Ocean, The International Wildlife Federation should worry for the migrating Tuna who can eat the Sheikh's body and then these Osama Tuna entering the Sushi Market which has the potential of reviving the Japanese Version of Bin Laden! Nur
The Genesis of Qaswatul Quluub ( The Corruption of Perception) An e-Nuri Opticians Special! When a Nomad is tempted to commit a sin, usually the driver is one of two: 1. Lack of Knowledge 2. Lack of Intelligence Or Both at serious cases! Let us say, a Nomad businessman confronts a Haraam deal that is too good to pass, specially after the economic down turn. Or a young Faarax who confronts an irresistible Xalimo at his local Uni. If the Businessman goes ahead and takes that Haraam deal, believing that he will never get a better Halal deal than the one at hand, and thus he feels justified to take it. The driver of this sin is the first one: Lack Of Knowledge, ama ( Cilmi Xumo) . This Businessman doesn't know that Allah has guaranteed his sustenance and can provide Him a Halal sustenance if he forgoes this Haram deal. If the young Faarax succumbs to his temptation while fully knowing that he can win this stunning Xalimo as wife if he holds his horses and goes about it the halal way. The driver to this type of Sin is Lack of judgment ( Caqli Xumo) So, Two major drivers of Sins are: 1. Lack of Knowledge which leads to ( Corrupted Belief) 2. Lack of Intelligence which leads to (Poor Judgment) Nur 2011 e-Nuri Inspirationals Kuwa Iga Da' Yar, waa iga Dambi yar yihiin, Kuwa Iga Da' Weyn, waa iga Ajar badan yihiin Inspired By Sheikh Ibnul Qayyim Al Jawziyah
Lazie G Still waiting for your response on comparison of the American Killing fields in Iraq and Afghanistan and Sheikh Osama's alleged 911 crime. Nur
ِAlpha Bro By " Equal Opportunity Housing" , I mean that Allah's punishment is not arbitrary, its according to what we commit in this temporal life that we will reap in the next. Its equal opportunity in the sense that its not based on race quota, nationalism, tribe, gender or even declared religion. The only measure for this housing opportunity is the extent of violation one has committed without repentance before death, the biggest SIN being Shirk ( associating Allah's Sovereignty with his creatures), followed by Kufr (Not being grateful to Allah for His sustenance and care), and the major sins as well as minor sins that are not cleared before death ( their accumulation creates a Major sin) The following old eNuri thread may answer your question ( Is Hell Equal Opportunity Housuing? ) about what qualifies a person to an assured place in Hell in detail. Nur
I"n addition, you resent me for saying that Osama is rotting in hell but in the same tone, you believe hell is only reserved for those you dislike the most, namely people who dont share your world view and generally profess a different religion, did I leave anything else out?" No sis. I don't believe that Hell is reserved for your friends, I believe Hell is an Equal Opportunity Housing, and that should worry you. Allah SWT says in Holy Quraan the meaning of " You can't guide those you love to ( The way of Islam), but Allah guides whom He pleases to a straight path" As for the Iraq WMD, please refresh me on how you have settled the issue, my memory can't recall it. All I remember is that you are very supportive of all US Policies in the Muslim World without any exception or reservation. Nur
Lazie G Conspiracy Theory is only true when people refuse to believe in it, because that is the way it works, by virtue of deception ( Khayaano). The other theory that opposes the conspiracy theory which you subscribe to is called Coincidence Theory "and even if the claim of him suffering from kidney disease was true, he was well off to have had replacement and the finest doctors around" He had been treated for kidney failure in the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which time he reportedly ordered two dialysis machines to take home. And in January of 2001, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said – based on a video of bin Laden that had been made in either late November or early December of 2001 – that he appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure. Now, Sheikh Osama may be dead, so will Obama, you and me, we will all die, no one will remain alive for ever. Some people die on their feet, others choose to live on their knees, its a matter of choice, but Only Allah knows where Osama will go, since Allah alone will judge Osama, not the corrupt kangaroo courts of Guantanamo Gulag. And Allah alone will decide his disposal depending on His verdict, that of a just King. Like me and you and all of mankind , Osama will have his day. For you to celebrate Osama's death and wish him hell, is not in your best interest as a Muslim. If Osama's sin is the murder of innocent civilians, (which is not true) How about Bush and Obama who have killed much more than he did, a Million Iraqis lay dead for a fake WMD that was never found. If someone is sure to rot in hell, its those who die unrepentant in blatant Kufr, arrogance and injustice, and their cheer leaders. Nur
Prsidnet Obama What have you done? You promised in your speech that Bin Laden will get a humane Islamic Funeral! Now you are telling us that you have buried him in the Indian Ocean! You mean that is Islamic Funeral, feeding the Sharks with the Old man's dead body? This is literally FISHY! This will NOT put the official story to rest. ....Man! when I heard that you will be giving the Sheikh and Islamic funeral, I was for a moment ashamed of my 10 year old story that that the Sheikh died of Kidney Failure back in November 2011. Whew! Now, I know I was right, dumping the Sheikh's body in the Ocean is indeed very Fishy Business. You could've said that he is hiding between in Buulo Xaawo and Garbahaarrey in Azania Repubic of Somalia and Americans would've believed you, what an opportunity you have blown Mzee Obama! Nur
Bin Laden Killed The man that was kept alive for 10 Years in a Freezer is said to have died in a 40 minute gun battle in which he resisted but was fatally shot by helicopter borne snipers. Is this the end of Chaos-by-design age? or is America running out of money and tricks? is America trying to cut its losses in Afghanistan and run? Now that Osama is declared dead, I am expecting the second coming of Jesus Aleyhi Salaam. You see, Christians and Jews wanted Jesus dead for different purposes. Christians will not be able to enjoy their sins if Jesus did not die, because his blood acts like a TIDE Detergent. Jews on the other wanted him dead since they believed that he was an impostor, not a prophet. But, after 9/11, both Jews and Christians found a common Savior, Saint Osama Bin Laden, who will deliver a lot of Oil and Muslim Wealth to the fast shrinking Judeo-cHristian economies. Bin Laden had a job to live long enough to deliver the Oil, but, although he succumbed to his Kidney Failure in 2001, his body was kept in the custody of the priests of the Financial Churches. After 10 years of manhunt that caused the death of a Million Iraqis, as Americans believed that hew was working with Saddam Hussein, as well as the death of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and other Muslims nationals the world over, we hear today the breaking news that the Sheikh was killed with only 4 people as collateral. The most dangerous man who managed to go through the defenses of the most guarded airspace in the world was put to sleep like a kitten. Only in America. Infamous 911 is pregnant with many unexplained stories, this story will add a new volume of the never ending Judeo Christian Miracles in the Muslim World. Congratulations Obama! your second term as President is guaranteed, Republicans are in big trouble. Your troops can go home finally! Now we need you in Somalia, since we are your next door cousins, as a Lou Tribesman, we need to sit under an acacia tree to sort out the Somali-Lou relationships that are brewing in Buulo Xaawo and Garbahaarrey. Nur
American Foreign Policy of Rule or Ruin At Work In Somalia! Twenty Years Of Ruthless Foreign Intervention in Somalia! How many more years of civilian suffering ? Nur
As a Holocaust Survivor, AIPAC Does Not Speak For Me By Hedy Epstein April 30, 2011 "ICH" -- At the end of one of my first journeys to the Israeli-occupied West Bank in 2004, I endured a shocking experience at Ben-Gurion Airport. I never imagined that Israeli security forces would abuse a 79-year-old Holocaust survivor, but they held me for five hours, and strip-searched and cavity-searched every part of my naked body. The only shame these security officials expressed was to turn their badges around so that their names were invisible. The only conceivable purpose for this gross violation of my bodily integrity was to humiliate and terrify me. But it had just the opposite effect. It made me more determined to speak out against abuses by the Israeli government and military. Yet my own experience, unpleasant as it was, is nothing compared to the indignities and abuses heaped on Palestinians year after year. Israel’s occupation of the West Bank is based not on equal rights and fair play, but on what Human Rights Watch has termed a “two-tier” legal system – in other words, apartheid, with one set of laws for Jews and a harsh, oppressive set of laws for Palestinians. This, however, is the legal system and security state AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) will defend from May 22-24 at its annual conference. And, despite this grim reality, members of Congress will converge to hail AIPAC and Israel . The Palestinians’ lack of freedom is bound to be obscured at the AIPAC conference with its obsessive focus on security and shunting aside of anything to do with upholding fundamental Palestinian rights. Several years ago near Der Beilut in the West Bank, I saw the Israeli police turn a water cannon on our nonviolent protest. As it happened, I recalled Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 and wondered why an ostensibly democratic society responded to peaceable assembly by trying, literally, to drown out the voice of our protest. In Mas'ha, also in the occupied West Bank , I joined a demonstration against the wall Israel has built, usually inside the West Bank and occasionally towering to 25 feet in height. I saw a red sign warning ominously of “mortal danger” to any who dared to cross in an area where it ran as a fence. I saw Israeli soldiers aiming at unarmed Israelis, Palestinians and international protesters. I also saw blood pouring out of Gil Na'amati, a young Israeli whose first public act after completing his mandatory military service was to protest against the wall. I saw shrapnel lodged in the leg of Anne Farina, one of my traveling companions from St. Louis . And I thought of Kent State and Jackson State, where National Guardsmen opened fire in 1970 on protesters against the Vietnam War. So as AIPAC meets and members of Congress cheer, I hold these images of Israel in my mind and fear AIPAC’s ability to move US policy in dangerous directions. AIPAC does a disservice to the Palestinians, the Israelis and the American people. It helps to keep the Middle East in a perpetual state of war and this year will be no different from last year as it keeps up a steady drumbeat calling for war against Iran . AIPAC pretends to speak for all Jews, but it certainly does not speak for me or other members of the Jewish community in this country who are committed to equal rights for all and are aware that American interventionism is likely to bring further disaster and chaos to the Middle East . Israel, of course, would not be able to carry out its war crimes against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza without the United States – and our $3 billion in military aid – permitting it to do so. At 86 years old, I use every ounce of my energy to educate the American public about the need to stop supporting the abuses committed by the Israeli government and military against the Palestinian people. Sometimes there are people who try to shout me down and scream that I am a self-hating Jew, but most of the time the audience is receptive to hear from someone who survived the Holocaust and now works to free the Palestinians from Israeli oppression. The vicious discrimination brought to bear against Palestinians in the occupied territories deserves no applause this week from members of Congress attending the AIPAC conference. Instead, they should raise basic questions with Israeli officials about decades of inferior rights endured by Palestinians both inside Israel and the occupied territories. Hedy Epstein is a Holocaust survivor, who writes and travels extensively to speak about social justice causes and Middle Eastern affairs. Take action by attending Move Over AIPAC, a gathering in Washington DC from May 21-24, 2011, to expose AIPAC and build the vision for a new US foreign policy in the Middle East! More information can be found at www.MoveOverAIPAC.org .
....... Fasbir, Innal Caaqibata Lil Mutaqiin! Hadaba Sabir, cidhibta dambe ( guusha) waxaa yeelan doona kuwa Allah ciqaabtiisa ka dhowrsada!
Nomads Time to check and see if enough Islam is Inside! We should, after all we check everything else in life if we have enough of it beginning with food in the fridge. So, ask yourself, do we have Islam Inside? If yes, is it enough to deliver us? Nur
Akhi Nabad- Dadaye, Guusha nolosha adduunka laguma qiyaaso maal badan ama xoog badan. Fircown, labadaba Allah ayaa siiyay, haseyeeshee si xun buu u isticmaalay, mana guuleysan. Ogowna akhi, in guusha dhabta ah ay tahay in Allah uu naga badbaadiyo naarta oon jannada galno, maxaa yeelay nolosha adduunka waa raaxo gaaban oo eed badan, ama dhib aan dheereyn oo dheef badan. Hadaba xikmaddu wexey ku jirtaa inaan u shaqeysanno sidii aan Diinta islaamka aan nafteenna ugu sugi laheyn. Nur
Akhii , Ukhtii Ogow in maalmaha dunida ay gaaban yihiin, ay naga dambeyso nolol aan dhamaad leheyn, taasoo hadba waxaan shaqeysannay, aan ku noolaan doonno, raaxo iyo farax aand hamaad laheyn, ama xanuun, kadeed iyo calool xumo aan dhamaad laheyn. Sidaa darteed, u shaqeyso daarta waarta ee aakhiro, hana sissan qiima yar oo ah raaxada nolosha dunida ooy ka dambeyn doonto calool xumo aan dhamaanin. Nur
Nomads Nolosha dunidu wey howl badan tahay, haddaannan is daba qabanna, xasanaaat badan ayaan waqti u weynaa, xasanaatkuna wexey naga gaashaamaan dhibaatooyinka, sidaa darteed mar walboon dhibaato la kulanno, waa inaan is weydiinnaa, maxaan illownay? jawaabtu wexey u badan tahay iney annaga nagu soo laabato, inaan illownay xasanaat aan sameyn jirnay, taasina ay noo keentay in Allah uu doonayo inaan soo laabanno, xasanaatkii aan sameyn jirnayna aan waqti u helno. Nur
A thought provoking question indeed. Rahmah is like a blanket, its singular, one blanket of mercy is covering all of the creatures, a mothers Rahmah to her baby is just a small portion and part of that Blanket Rahmah that Allah has sheltered all of his creatures in this life and the next. Barakah, on the other hand, means growth, and multiplication, as it multiplies, it becomes plural. And there lies the secret why Rahmah is Singular and Barakah can be plural as in barakat Wallahu Aclam 2011 e-Nuri Transemantics Arabic Language is The key to unlock treasures in Holy Quraan
Throw Out the Money Changers April 18, 2011 "Truthdig" --- We stand today before the gates of one of our temples of finance. It is a temple where greed and profit are the highest good, where self-worth is determined by the ability to amass wealth and power at the expense of others, where laws are manipulated, rewritten and broken, where the endless treadmill of consumption defines human progress, where fraud and crimes are the tools of business. The two most destructive forces of human nature—greed and envy—drive the financiers, the bankers, the corporate mandarins and the leaders of our two major political parties, all of whom profit from this system. They place themselves at the center of creation. They disdain or ignore the cries of those below them. They take from us our rights, our dignity and thwart our capacity for resistance. They seek to make us prisoners in our own land. They view human beings and the natural world as mere commodities to exploit until exhaustion or collapse. Human suffering, wars, climate change, poverty, it is all the price of business. Nothing is sacred. The Lord of Profit is the Lord of Death. The pharisees of high finance who can see us this morning from their cubicles and corner officers mock virtue. Life for them is solely about self-gain. The suffering of the poor is not their concern. The 6 million families thrown out of their homes are not their concern. The tens of millions of pensioners whose retirement savings were wiped out because of the fraud and dishonesty of Wall Street are not their concern. The failure to halt carbon emissions is not their concern. Justice is not their concern. Truth is not their concern. A hungry child is not their concern. Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “Crime and Punishment” understood the radical evil behind the human yearning not to be ordinary but to be extraordinary, the desire that allows men and women to serve systems of self-glorification and naked greed. Raskolnikov in the novel believes—like those in this temple—that humankind can be divided into two groups. The first is composed of ordinary people. These ordinary people are meek and submissive. They do little more than reproduce other human beings in their own likeness, grow old and die. And Raskolnikov is dismissive of these lesser forms of human life. The second group, he believes, is extraordinary. These are, according to Raskolnikov, the Napoleons of the world, those who flout law and custom, those who shred conventions and traditions to create a finer, more glorious future. Raskolnikov argues that, although we live in the world, we can free ourselves from the consequences of living with others, consequences that will not always be in our favor. The Raskolnikovs of the world place unbridled and total faith in the human intellect. They disdain the attributes of compassion, empathy, beauty, justice and truth. And this demented vision of human existence leads Raskolnikov to murder a pawnbroker and steal her money. The priests in these corporate temples, in the name of profit, kill with even more ruthlessness, finesse and cunning than Raskolnikov. Corporations let 50,000 people die last year because they could not pay them for proper medical care. They have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis, Palestinians and Pakistanis, and gleefully watched as the stock price of weapons contractors quadrupled. They have turned cancer into an epidemic in the coal fields of West Virginia where families breathe polluted air, drink poisoned water and watch the Appalachian Mountains blasted into a desolate wasteland while coal companies can make billions. And after looting the U.S. treasury these corporations demand, in the name of austerity, that we abolish food programs for children, heating assistance and medical care for our elderly, and good public education. They demand that we tolerate a permanent underclass that will leave one in six workers without jobs, that condemns tens of millions of Americans to poverty and tosses our mentally ill onto heating grates. Those without power, those whom these corporations deem to be ordinary, are cast aside like human refuse. It is what the god of the market demands. When Dante enters the “city of woes” in the Inferno he hears the cries of “those whose lives earned neither honor nor bad fame,” those rejected by Heaven and Hell, those who dedicated their lives solely to the pursuit of happiness. These are all the “good” people, the ones who never made a fuss, who filled their lives with vain and empty pursuits, harmless perhaps, to amuse themselves, who never took a stand for anything, never risked anything, who went along. They never looked hard at their lives, never felt the need, never wanted to look. Those who chase the glittering rainbows of the consumer society, who buy into the perverted ideology of consumer culture, become, as Dante knew, moral cowards. They are indoctrinated by our corporate systems of information and remain passive as our legislative, executive and judicial branches of government—tools of the corporate state—strip us of the capacity to resist. Democrat or Republican. Liberal or conservative. It makes no difference. Barack Obama serves corporate interests as assiduously as did George W. Bush. And to place our faith in any party or established institution as a mechanism for reform is to be entranced by the celluloid shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave. We must defy the cant of consumer culture and recover the primacy in our lives of mercy and justice. And this requires courage, not just physical courage but the harder moral courage of listening to our conscience. If we are to save our country, and our planet, we must turn from exalting the self, to subsuming of the self for our neighbor. Self-sacrifice defies the sickness of corporate ideology. Self-sacrifice mocks opportunities for advancement, money and power. Self-sacrifice smashes the idols of greed and envy. Self-sacrifice demands that we rise up against the abuse, injury and injustice forced upon us by the mandarins of corporate power. There is a profound truth in the biblical admonition “He who loves his life will lose it.” Life is not only about us. We can never have justice until our neighbor has justice. And we can never recover our freedom until we are willing to sacrifice our comfort for open rebellion. The president has failed us. The Congress has failed us. The courts have failed us. The press has failed us. The universities have failed us. Our process of electoral democracy has failed us. There are no structures or institutions left that have not been contaminated or destroyed by corporations. And this means it is up to us. Civil disobedience, which will entail hardship and suffering, which will be long and difficult, which at its core means self-sacrifice, is the only mechanism left. The bankers and hedge fund managers, the corporate and governmental elites, are the modern version of the misguided Israelites who prostrated themselves before the golden calf. The sparkle of wealth glitters before them, spurring them faster and faster on the treadmill towards destruction. And they seek to make us worship at their altar. As long as greed inspires us, greed keeps us complicit and silent. But once we defy the religion of unfettered capitalism, once we demand that a society serve the needs of citizens and the ecosystem that sustains life, rather than the needs of the marketplace, once we learn to speak with a new humility and live with a new simplicity, once we love our neighbor as ourself, we break our chains and make hope visible. Chris Hedges, whose column is published Mondays on www.truthdig.com , spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than 50 countries and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years. Copyright © 2011 Truthdig, L.L.C.
The Message: Re: The Topic of MOWLID I wanted to respond this in public, but it wouldn't let me. I have been reading your posts for a long time now, and I always thought you were a fair person. Here is the response that i wanted to read. This is an old tactic Nur is using is old. He is lumping Sufism with western interest. Which is I suppose is meant is discredit Sufism. Sufis were the first people that always answered the call of Islam. They are the ones that have brought islam to the far corners of the world. Sufism has existed as long as Islam has existed, with various forms. You don’t have to agree with Sufis religiously, but don’t resort to smear campaign. My Response: Ukhti Al Ghalya ( Walaashey Qaalida ah) Its healthy and natural to hold different opinions on issues in Islam, and its precisely the reason we have this forum. The end goal of the debate being that we learn from one another and not to degrade one another, and as I have always said on these forums, e-Nuri doesn't attack people, it attacks problems. So, I kindly ask you, my respectable sister in Islam to not personalize the debate, your person and mine should be kept out of it, just the issue, nothing but the issue and ALL about the issue. If I am wrong, all Muslims are safe. If I am right, there is a problem and this is the crux of the issue, we need to mitigate this risk my Dear Sister and if we find that we are exposed, we should help each other not to fall in the trap nations before us have fallen, staying the course of Islam is not easy, going astray is, and that is why in Fatiha we pray to Allah some 17 times a day " Ihdinaa al Siraat Al Mustaqeem" Sufism did not exist as long as Islam existed ( please go back to its history, and correct me with your findings). Its not a smear that the western nations political agenda is favoring to deal with Sufism instead of other "radical movements" which they see as a threat to their interests in the Muslim world, today's Sufism is different than the Sufism of Sayyid Muhammad Abdallah Hassan, in this regard ONLY! Sayyid who fought against the British occupation of Somalia was not your regular Sufi, they dubbed hum the MAD MULLAH!. I have posted the PDF of their think tanks, if you are ignoring this connection and are not suspecting their motives, please reconsider, at least give me the benefit of the doubt and if you still find that I am wrong, please articulate it in a scholarly way with clear rebuttals of what I have written, which is the healthy debate we are seeking. I do not know of your scholarly background in Islamic Studies, so I don't know what level should I begin with you in this debate, but from what you have written I beg to disagree with your assertions ( and its not personal, as I have unwavering respect and appreciation for your person for writing to me candidly, my true friends are not always those who agree with me, and I hope to win you as one inshaAllah). Ukhti, the issue is dire, its about our faith and final FATE!, we need to remove all personal inclinations and only seek clear proofs as Allah said in Holy Quraan. Its with patience we can all reach a wise conclusion on this issue and every issue in life. If you are looking for knowledge and want to learn your Deen, its advisable that you seek proofs for every statement that you disagree with before sticking to your old position. Its only when you realize that your position was wrong that you have learned a valuable lesson, holding to your opinion, if its wrong is not a learning activity which beats the purpose of the forum. If your position is right, you have the responsibility of being patient and kind toward others who have not reached your level of knowledge and wisdom, post your opinions in a scholarly way and help people to grow to become better people. In Conclusion, I pray that Allah joins all Muslims in His everlasting Mercy, that He forgives us all for our excesses, which we all have, and to guide us to a path that is straight, the path taken by those who Allah has given Nicmah, the Prophets, the Siddiques, Saliheen and the Shuhadaa. Utmost Respect Yor Brother In Islam Nur
The above argument is part of much larger debate, the age old debate between the Sufi School of Though and the Strict Sunni School of thought. Like our Somalia Tribal problem, this issue is being revived by a third party whose interest lies in the division of the Ummah into feuding splinters in order to realize their national interests in the Muslim World. The Sufi school has been losing hearts and minds to the younger Muslim generations in light of the well structured scholarly approach of the Salafi and Ikhwani movements while decadence and foreign domination reached unbearable levels which caused militant Islam to emerge to correct both the beliefs and politics in the Muslim world. Abdullah Bin Bayyah represents the new breed of "Moderate" scholars who are being championed by the west, inshaaAllah, I will respond to some of his assertions later, but for now, let us get the big picture, afterwords we shall zoom down to the contents of his above article in a scholarly way. What is very disturbing is when one side of the Muslim scholarly debate is supported and aided by a non-Muslim entity with a strategic interest in the outcome of this debate and to prepare a school of thought to prevail by providing material support and Media exposure at the expense of the other. Some of the following relevant literature I found dates back to 2004 as a policy: 1. http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/Understanding_Suffism.pdf 2. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2007/RAND_MG574.pdf 3. http://www.tabahfoundation.org/research/pdfs/Tabah_Research_ab_en_002.pdf 4. http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/counterinsurgency.pdf 5 . http://www.cfr.org/pakistan/fp-state-sponsored-sufism/p19959 6. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2004/RAND_MG246.pdf Nur
NATO THE WORLD POLICE! http://www.michelcollon.info/Five-Objectives-of-the-United.html?lang=fr