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By Chris Hedges July 25, 2011 "Truthdig" -- The gravest threat we face from terrorism, as the killings in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik underscore, comes not from the Islamic world but the radical Christian right and the secular fundamentalists who propagate the bigoted, hateful caricatures of observant Muslims and those defined as our internal enemies. The caricature and fear are spread as diligently by the Christian right as they are by atheists such as Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. Our religious and secular fundamentalists all peddle the same racist filth and intolerance that infected Breivik. This filth has poisoned and degraded our civil discourse. The looming economic and environmental collapse will provide sparks and tinder to transform this coarse language of fundamentalist hatred into, I fear, the murderous rampages experienced by Norway. I worry more about the Anders Breiviks than the Mohammed Attas. The battle under way in America is not between religion and science. It is not between those who embrace the rational and those who believe in biblical myth. It is not between Western civilization and Islam. The blustering televangelists and the New Atheists, the television pundits and our vaunted Middle East specialists and experts, are all part of our vast, simplistic culture of mindless entertainment. They are in show business. They cannot afford complexity. Religion and science, facts and lies, truth and fiction, are the least of their concerns. They trade insults and clichés like cartoon characters. They don masks. One wears the mask of religion. One wears the mask of science. One wears the mask of journalism. One wears the mask of the terrorism expert. They jab back and forth in predictable sound bites. It is a sterile and useless debate between bizarre subsets of American culture. Some use the scientific theory of evolution to explain the behavior and rules for complex social and political systems, and others insist that the six-day creation story in Genesis is a factual account. The danger we face is not in the quarrel between religion advocates and evolution advocates, but in the widespread mental habit of fundamentalism itself. We live in a fundamentalist culture. Our utopian visions of inevitable human progress, obsession with endless consumption, and fetish for power and unlimited growth are fed by illusions that are as dangerous as fantasies about the Second Coming. These beliefs are the newest expression of the infatuation with the apocalypse, one first articulated to Western culture by the early church. This apocalyptic vision was as central to the murderous beliefs of the French Jacobins, the Russian Bolsheviks and the German fascists as it was to the early Christians. The historian Arnold Toynbee argues that racism in Anglo-American culture was given a special virulence after the publication of the King James Bible. The concept of “the chosen people” was quickly adopted, he wrote, by British and American imperialists. It fed the disease of white supremacy. It gave them the moral sanction to dominate and destroy other races, from the Native Americans to those on the subcontinent. Our secular and religious fundamentalists come out of this twisted yearning for the apocalypse and belief in the “chosen people.” They advocate, in the language of religion and scientific rationalism, the divine right of our domination, the clash of civilizations. They assure us that we are headed into the broad, uplifting world of universal democracy and a global free market once we sign on for the subjugation and extermination of those who oppose us. They insist—as the fascists and the communists did—that this call for a new world is based on reason, factual evidence and science or divine will. But schemes for universal human advancement, no matter what language is used to justify them, are always mythic. They are designed to satisfy a yearning for meaning and purpose. They give the proponents of these myths the status of soothsayers and prophets. And, when acted upon, they fill the Earth with mass graves, bombed cities, widespread misery and penal colonies. The extent of this fundamentalism is evident in the strident utterances of the Christian right as well as those of the so-called New Atheists. “What will we do if an Islamist regime, which grows dewy-eyed at the mere mention of paradise, ever acquires long-range nuclear weaponry?” Sam Harris, in his book “The End of Faith,” asks in a passage that I suspect Breivik would have enjoyed. “If history is any guide, we will not be sure about where the offending warheads are or what their state of readiness is, and so we will be unable to rely on targeted, conventional weapons to destroy them. In such a situation, the only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of our own. Needless to say, this would be an unthinkable crime—as it would kill tens of millions of innocent civilians in a single day—but it may be the only course of action available to us, given what Islamists believe.” “We are at war with Islam,” Harris goes on. “It may not serve our immediate foreign policy objectives for our political leaders to openly acknowledge this fact, but it is unambiguously so. It is not merely that we are at war with an otherwise peaceful religion that has been ‘hijacked’ by extremists. We are at war with precisely the vision of life that is prescribed to all Muslims in the Koran, and further elaborated in the literature of the hadith, which recounts the sayings and teachings of the Prophet.” Harris assures us that “the Koran mandates such hatred,” that “the problem is with Islam itself.” He writes that “Islam, more than any other religion human beings have devised, has all the makings of a thoroughgoing cult of death.” A culture that exalts its own moral certitude and engages in uncritical self-worship at the expense of conscience commits moral and finally physical suicide. Our fundamentalists busy themselves with their pathetic little monuments to Jesus, to reason, to science, to Western civilization and to new imperial glory. They peddle a binary view of the world that divides reality between black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. We are taught in a fundamentalist culture to view other human beings, especially Muslims, not as ends but as means. We abrogate the right to exterminate all who do not conform. Fundamentalists have no interest in history, culture or social or linguistic differences. They are a remarkably uncurious, self-satisfied group. Anything outside their own narrow bourgeois life, petty concerns and physical comforts bores them. They are provincials. They do not investigate or seek to understand the endemic flaws in human nature. The only thing that matters is the coming salvation of humanity, or at least that segment of humanity they deem worthy of salvation. They peddle a route to assured collective deliverance. And they sanction violence and the physical extermination of other human beings to get there. All fundamentalists worship the same gods—themselves. They worship the future prospect of their own empowerment. They view this empowerment as a necessity for the advancement and protection of civilization or the Christian state. They sanctify the nation. They hold up the ability the industrial state has handed to them as a group and as individuals to shape the world according to their vision as evidence of their own superiority. Fundamentalists express the frustrations of a myopic and morally stunted middle class. They cling, under their religious or scientific veneer, to the worst values of the petite bourgeois. They are suburban mutations, products of an American landscape that has been perverted by a destruction of community and a long and successful war against complex thought. The self-absorbed worldview of these fundamentalists brings smiles of indulgence from the corporatists who profit, at our expense, from the obliteration of moral and intellectual inquiry.
The Second American Revolution: The American Autumn In the year 2450 BC ( As per best estimates) , Pharaoh chased the weak Israelite to a dead end, not their dead end, his. The Red Sea seemed just the right place where Pharaoh's soldiers planned to corner and butcher the weak exhausted, starved, men, women, old and infants to bring them back for more oppression and slavery. ( There were no cameras nor television to cover that misery, but hungry Somali children being bombarded by American Drones is as close it can get) But against all odds, faith defeated sheer power that gloomy day, Pharaoh and his soldiers drowned in the Red Sea, while the oppressed masses of the children of prophet Yaqub ( Israel), may peace and blessings be upon him, were saved by Allah, their only friend and ally, their creator and Sustainer from the punishment that befell Mighty Pharaoh and his cruel soldiers that day. Ironically, the descendants of these freed slaves who have grown financially too powerful throughout the centuries that followed, have used their immense wealth that they have amassed to steal a new nation in the far western corner of the world in a land called called America. They will use America as a horse or a bull to build International Corporatcracy which led to worse oppression to their fellow Palestinians, Iraqis , Afghans and poor hungry Somalis. Today, the people of Middle East are shaking shame off their backs and are in the middle of a revolution to free themselves from the yokes of tyranny and oppression, and in doing so, they have inspired the oppressed people of Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci to regain their freedom from another geographically tiny nation wielding unproportional power. On October the 6th, Autumn of 2011, Americans will take their anger to Washington DC to regain their freedom like the Arabs masses have done so in the Spring of this year. <a href="http://"The Second American Revolution"">The Second American Revolution Nur
Valanteenah and Faheema Much thanks for your kind words, As a garab rarato, its time to move on, Anigana waxaan idiin wada rajeynayaa waxaad ku faraxdaan aduun iyo akhiro. Amin Nur
U.S. and Ethiopia Kill Somalis With Food Weapon A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford “The Ethiopian government has blocked the International Red Cross and other aid agencies from carrying out relief work in the region.” At least 10 million people are in danger of starvation in Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia, under the worst drought conditions in 60 years. This should be taken as fact. But when it comes to which humans are to blame for relief supplies being unavailable to the victims, don’t believe a word that the United States government says. Washington is not only the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, it is also the biggest liar on the planet, none of whose words can be taken at face value. The Americans claim the Shabab Islamist fighters made the drought crisis worse by preventing international aid agencies from distributing food relief. But only last year, in February 2010, the New York Times was running a headline, “UN Officials Assail U.S. for Withholding Somali Aid [8].” We explored that story [9] in Black Agenda Report. Back then, United Nations officials charged the U.S. with imposing conditions that made it “impossible” to deliver tens of millions in food aid to hungry Somalis. The Americans refused to allow food to be transferred from warehouses in Kenya, claiming it might enrich the coffers of the Shabab, who controlled about half of Somalia. The U.S. finally let some food pass through, but only on the condition that aid workers not pay any fees at Shabab checkpoints around the country. Aid workers on the ground said that following U.S. orders would make them “look like spies.” Apparently, they were right. It was a clear case of the United States using food as a weapon of war, starving the people of Somalia in order to destroy the social base for the resistance to U.S. proxy rule over the country. We do know that the relationship between the Shabab and international aid agencies fell apart, at that point, so one could conclude that Washington succeeded in its mission. Starving people are now paying the price. “A look at the map of the drought-stricken areas shows that the Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region is a center of the crisis.” The U.S.-backed puppet government in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, waited until this week to declare a drought emergency in Somalia. Kenya, another American puppet, refused to allow Somalis to enter a brand new – and empty – refugee camp. Ethiopia may be the worst case. Not only did it bring on what was then Africa's “worst humanitarian crisis,” according to the UN, by invading the country in late 2006, at the instigation of the United States – Ethiopia has virtually sealed off its vast Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region to outside observers, and a look at the map of the drought-stricken areas shows that the Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region is a center of the crisis! The Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region is populated by ethnic Somalis who have been fighting their own guerilla war against the Ethiopian dictatorship, whom they charge with using food as a weapon of war [10]. Of the 10 million people at risk of starvation, a huge portion live – or are now dying – in the Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region. As the dependable Thomas C. Mountain reports [11] from nearby Eritrea, the Ethiopian government has blocked the International Red Cross and other aid agencies from carrying out relief work in the region. The Obama administration, which now gives the Ethiopian dictatorship more money than any regime in Africa, could force the doors to the Western Ethiopian-Occupied Somali Region open with one phone call. But it won't, because Ethiopia and the U.S. are on the same mission, and there is nothing humanitarian about it. For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford. On the web, go to www.BlackAgendaReport.com [12].
“ Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world that we mean business .” Richard Perle's associate, Michael Ledeen. 2003 By Glen Ford July 16, 2011 "BAR" -- Even as U.S. militarization of the Horn of Africa has contributed massively to the threatened starvation of millions, the Americans have announced an escalation of drone attacks against Somalia and the establishment of a Marine task force for the region. A United Nations spokesman describes the food and refugee emergency in Somalia as the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” with millions at immediate risk. Not coincidentally, the epicenter of the disaster is the area where Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia meet – which is also a focus of U.S. Special Forces, surveillance and logistics activity. The Americans blame the al-Shabab resistance for exacerbating the drought emergency, but for at least two years the Americans have used food as a weapon of war in Somalia, in an effort to starve out those who might be supporting the Shabab. The U.S. has armed an array of militias operating near the Ethiopian and Kenyan borders, making normal agricultural pursuits all but impossible, and the current world-class catastrophe, inevitable. Whenever the U.S. rachets up its armed interventions in Somalia, disaster follows. Four years ago, after the Americans instigated an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia to overthrow an Islamist government that had brought a semblance of peace to the region, it set off what the United Nations then called “the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa – worse than Darfur.” Today, many of those same refugees are confronted with the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet – once again, largely courtesy of the United States. “The Obama administration has upgraded Somalia and Yemen as hotspots in its endless war-making.” The original crime – the one from which all the other horrors flow – was the theft of Somalia’s government, and the crushing of its people’s dreams for peace. The American proxy aggression, largely conducted through Ethiopia and now Kenya, and much of it directed from Djibouti, the actual headquarters of the U.S. Africa Command, AFRICOM – is the root cause of the social disintegration of Somalia, which has pushed much of the population to the edge of extinction. These are the crimes against humanity that international courts should be prosecuting. Instead, the International Criminal Court has become a tool of the aggressor, and even proposes to deploy the U.S. military as its deputies, to enforce its warrants: justice turned upside down. The newly activated Marine task force will augment America’s stepped up drone attacks against the Shabab, an escalation of Obama’s second shooting war in Africa, and war number 6, globally. In addition to the Marines and the drones, the U.S. recently committed $45 million to equipment and training for the Ugandan and Burundian soldiers that are all that props up the puppet Somali government in Mogadishu, the capital. The Obama administration has upgraded Somalia and Yemen as hotspots in its endless war-making, claiming al-Qaida operatives in the region are even more dangerous to the U.S. than their counterparts in Afghanistan and Pakistan – which essentially tells us that al-Qaida isn't really all that relevant to why American is spreading war and misery all over the planet. What is clear, is that the world's greatest humanitarian threat lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford. On the web, go to www.BlackAgendaReport.com.
Congressman J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) is the founder and co-chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. Forbes "and members of his staff meet with countless constituents and numerous organizations both in Washington D.C. and in our district offices," press secretary Joe Hack told OpenSecrets Blog in an email. "Given the variety of these organizations, it would be logical to conclude that meetings have included individuals or groups recognized by the IRS as charitable organizations in addition to those that are required to file under the LDA; the meetings cover a range of topics, from faith issues to preserving our national defense," Hack continued. "Meeting requests are not screened to determine an organization’s filing status, so we do not know which groups fall into which category." 'WE FEEL THE SUN NEEDS TO SHINE' Some groups view church lobbying disclosure exemptions as unfair, unnecessary or even unconstitutional. These exemptions "would shock Thomas Jefferson and James Madison," Sean Fairchild, the executive director of the Secular Coalition of America, told OpenSecrets Blog. "Any privileging of religion in law is of great concern to our organization, and I would hope it would be of great concern to any American," Fairchild continued. He condemned the special exemption granted to churches in lobbying disclosure. "We should absolutely have disclosure," he said. "There should be sunshine just like for any other organizations." Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, equated these special exemption rules with the notorious Jonestown Massacre and Pastor Jim Jones incident. "He was not beholden to the government to report anything," she told OpenSecrets Blog. "This is the perfect cover." "The whole thing stinks," she continued. "It's a problem. Why wouldn't they do it?" she asked, referencing the act of disclosing. Even among the religious, there is some degree of skepticism on the rules. During the health care debate in 2009 and 2010, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was a strong lobbying presence on Capitol Hill. "It's very important that legislators consider carefully whether they take the advice of these bishops," David Nolan, communications director of Catholics for Choice told OpenSecrets Blog. "The bishops represent these matters in a very black and white manners." "We do think it would be helpful if everybody could see in a religious denomination could see what their leaders are up to," Nolan continued. He argued that when lobbying, bishops claim to represent all 64 million Catholics, but in reality, they do not. A poll conducted by the Catholic for Choice concluded that “Catholic voters believe the U.S. Catholic bishops are wrong on healthcare reform. Sixty-eight percent disapprove of U.S. bishops saying that all Catholics should oppose the entire healthcare reform plan if it includes coverage for abortion and 56 percent think the bishops should not take a position on healthcare reform legislation in Congress.” Unrepresentative power remains the foundation for many opponents of the current disclosure exemption for churches. "It's like having a shadow government," Gaylor said. "Somebody else holds the puppet strings." WHO ACTUALLY DISCLOSES? Some churches do disclose their lobbying efforts, but only when hiring outside lobbyists. Other organizations that are religiously-oriented -- but not churches -- that disclose their lobbying efforts. By far the largest religious organization that discloses its lobbying is the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a 501©(4) nonprofit founded by members of the Society of Friends, or Quaker church. In 2010, it spent more than $1.8 million on federal lobbying efforts, an increase of $1.2 million from 2009, according to Center for Responsive Politics' research. During 2008, the group posted a record high of more than $2 million. “Quakers value integrity and truth-telling highly, so we willingly disclose our lobbying activities,” Jessica Halperin, FCNL's communications program assistant, wrote to OpenSecrets Blog in an email. “Churches should disclose their lobbying efforts in order to be accountable to their members and their communities, particularly if they are a 501©(3) organization and their lobbying is being subsidized by taxpayers,” she continued. “If churches are lobbying, they should follow the rules and disclose their lobbying activities. If they enter the public discourse, they should be subject to the public debate.” The Friends Committee has lobbied on dozens of bills and involves itself in contentious legislation. Among the issues it has lobbied in favor of during the past include prohibitions on increasing the number of American forces in Afghanistan. Indeed, the organization claims to be "the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington, D.C.," according to its website. It has also lobbied on the health care reform bill, the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, better known as the cap-and-trade bill and the Uniting American Families Act of 2009, which would prohibit an immigration judge from deporting an illegal immigrant parent of a child who is a U.S. citizen. During the legislative debate on climate change last year, it also lobbied on the "cap-and-trade" bill sponsored by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), as OpenSecrets Blog previously reported. The Church of Scientology and the First Church of Christ, Scientist, are the only organized denominations to disclose any of their lobbying in 2010, according to the Center's research, likely because they hired outside lobbyists. In 2010, the Church of Scientology spent $110,000, in part lobbying in favor of the National Criminal Justice Commission Act, which would create a blue-ribbon, bipartisan commission of experts tasked with reviewing the nation’s criminal justice system and offering recommendations for reform. Since it began lobbying in 2003, the Church of Scientology has employed Greg Mitchell as its only lobbyist. Mitchell is a former chief of staff of ex-Rep. James Rogan (R-Calif.). The First Church of Christ, Scientist, spent $40,000 on lobbying in 2010, down from a high of $150,000 in 2009. In 2008, the church did not report any lobbying expenditures. In 2009, the church lobbied on the health care reform bill and the areas of "spiritual care." In 2010, it lobbied only on issues of "spiritual care," according to the Center's research. Among its lobbyists is former Rep. David McIntosh (R-Ind.). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints -- notable for its involvement in contentious social issues such as Proposition 8 in California during the 2008 election cycle and ballot measures in other states regarding marriage issues -- has only disclosed lobbying the federal government once, according to the Center's research. In 2009, the LDS Church hired A. Elizabeth Jones, a former ambassador to Kazakhstan, to lobby for an increased religious status in Italy. "The church has spent years negotiating the intesa, an Italian term that means 'understanding,'" according to an article from The National Law Journal. "An intesa carries certain privileges, as well as granting the highest status given to religions in Italy. Each agreement must be individually negotiated." WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS Darrin Mitchell, the American Christian Lobbyists Association lobbyist, as well as some secular advocates agree that church lobbying disclosure is a goal for the future, though for very different reasons. "Overall, accountability in this area would eventually lead to substantial political change on many of the issues that concern politically active conservative Christians in the United States," Mitchell told OpenSecrets Blog. "I believe that disclosure in this area would energize our base of financial support and could led to a future overturning of Roe v. Wade, the passage of a constitutional amendment protecting [the Defense of Marriage Act] and greater protections of Christian Free Speech issues," he continued. Likewise, Sean Fairchild of the Secular Coalition of America says he will continue to advocate for full disclosure of church lobbying to increase sunshine and to combat the "privilege of religion in law that offends the Constitution and intent of the Founders." Meanwhile, Frank Guliuzza, the professor at Patrick Henry College, seems to find the status quo reasonable. “Those [religious institutions] that do not hire professionals, are no more keeping their efforts ‘secret’ than are any other groups that facilitate grassroots lobbying," he said. “If, however, religious people or religious groups were not permitted to engage in grassroots lobbying or otherwise participate as American citizens in political activism, then it is quite likely that the preventative legislation would be in violation of the establishment clause, the free exercise clause and probably the free speech clause of the First Amendment.”
By Zachary Newkirk July 14, 2011 "Open Secrets Blog" --- "On the first day, according to the Book of Genesis, the Lord said, “Let there be light.” But when it comes to the government lobbying efforts of most religious institutions, their activities are notably shrouded in darkness, even as representatives of numerous faiths routinely pressure federal lawmakers on issues ranging from health care to international relations, poverty to abortion rights. This is largely by government design. In 1995, when Congress passed the Lobbying Disclosure Act in 1995, it provided for a few exceptions, including lobbying communications made by a “church, its integrated auxiliary or a convention or association of churches that is exempt from filing a federal income tax return," as well as a "religious order." The only instances in which a church must disclose their lobbying is if spends a “substantial” amount of money on lobbying, if more than 20 percent of its lobbyist’s income is from direct lobbying on behalf of the church or if it hires an outside lobbying firm. Then, the hired firm is required to disclose that it has lobbied on behalf of a religious institution. The “substantial” test is a murky one, with little enforcement of it, and as is the 20 percent rule, unless attention is drawn to the organization. People of faith are divided on whether this lobbying disclosure exception is appropriate. CHURCH LOBBYING EFFORTS Darrin Mitchell is a church lobbyist and president of the American Christian Lobbyists Association. While much of the world of undisclosed church lobbying remains hidden, Mitchell offered insight. “Truthfully, most American citizens, Christians and non-Christians alike, do not follow up their vote by contacting their states elected officials in the U.S. Congress,” he wrote to OpenSecrets Blog in an email. “The ACLA works to lobby and recruit individual pastors and/or local church members who are generally politically active," he continued, "by encouraging them to retain the lobbying support services of the ACLA to help them individually lobby their elected officials in the U.S. Congress.” “I currently do not directly represent churches or pastors as a Christian or church lobbyist,” he wrote. “Most of my work when I contact churches is to invite pastors and their congregations to attend ACLA Town Hall meetings or workshops that are held at a neutral location like a community center, town hall or hotel meeting room. If I speak in a church, I have to walk a tight rope as I cannot endorse candidates or parties in that forum.” While Mitchell does not directly lobby members of Congress, he uses educational efforts to encourage others to do so. Beginning in late 2011, the ACLA aims to create a direct lobbying mechanism. “We are currently in the developmental phase of this option as we are seeing how our clients respond to this new lobbying option and how many new clients sign up for this program,” he wrote. But what about when the church-goers he educates do lobby their members of Congress and do not disclose? "Based on my experience as a Christian and church lobbyist I believe [lobbying disclosure exemptions are] unfair," he wrote, noting that many other pastors would disagree with his position. "By allowing their members to know about their church lobbying activities I also believe that would energize politically active conservative Christians to take a more active part in contacting their states elected officials." Mitchell, pictured left, wrote that the relationship between churches and the federal government "should be closer" and could be closer by overcoming levels of ignorance regarding lobbying. "[M]any of the churches and pastors we contact are apolitical in nature due to their misunderstandings of the IRS rules pertaining to the contributions that their church could make for church lobbying activities," he told OpenSecrets Blog. Many Christian conservatives, he said, "do not know how to make their vote count beyond their vote between each two-year election cycle by directly lobbying their states elected officials in the U.S. Congress." Churches themselves are exempt from taxes, and they could lose their tax-exempt status if they engage in "substantial" levels of lobbying. There is no bright-line definition of what "substantial" lobbying actually means. The IRS "considers a variety of factors, including the time devoted (by both compensated and volunteer workers) and the expenditures devoted by the organization to the activity, when determining whether the lobbying activity is substantial," according to IRS Publication 1828, which is geared toward tax-exempt churches and religious organizations. But, because churches are tax-exempt, they largely slide under the IRS radar. Usually, there is little accountability on these churches to lobby substantially; only a report for an individual or a chance audit will reveal to the IRS any substantial lobbying. A church's major deterrence to "substantial" lobbying is the loss of their tax-exempt status. With these rules, however murky, in place, some view the lack of sunlight in religious lobbying as rational. Frank Guliuzza, professor of government and dean of academic affairs at Patrick Henry College, a Christian institution, told OpenSecrets Blog “the law treats those who wish to lobby motivated by their religious beliefs the same way it treats those who wish to lobby motivated by their feminist beliefs, their socialist believes, their support for Tea Party ideas and the like. They can raise money to speak out; they can contact elected officials; they can contact heads of regulatory agencies; they can submit amicus curiae briefs -- all of the many forms of lobbying -- without registering as professional lobbyists. “However, if a church or religious organization sets up an outfit that will employ professional lobbyists, the lobbyists must register like other professionals," he continued. "That distinction seems both reasonable and fair.” UNKNOWN LOBBYISTS Enter religious organizations that aren't themselves churches. One such group that knows how to lobby is the National Association of Evangelicals. As an association of churches, it is also exempt from lobbying disclosure rules. An association publication, For the Health of the Nation, implicitly refers to lobbying. "Evangelical Christians in America face a historic opportunity," the preamble begins. "We make up fully one quarter of all voters in the most powerful nation in history. Never before has God given American evangelicals such an awesome opportunity to shape public policy." "The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause is directed only at government and restrains its power," it continues. "Thus, for example, the clause was never intended to shield individuals from exposure to the religious views of nongovernmental speakers. Exemptions from regulations or tax burdens do not violate the Establishment Clause, for government does not establish religion by leaving it alone." In other words, the National Association of Evangelicals believes that lobbying disclosure exemptions is not a violation of the First Amendment. Spokesmen for the National Association of Evangelicals, as well as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, did not respond to request by OpenSecrets Blog for interviews despite numerous attempts. Mitchell, as a lobbyist, says that he "spend the majority of my day conducting telephone, online or personal, face-to-face lobbying meetings." In addition to meetings, he teaches citizens how to lobby, conducts town hall meetings and responds to questions and requests. His organization has inspired meetings with many members of Congress in a lobbying capacity from politically-interested Christians. "It has always been a goal of the ACLA to get our clients to personally contact their states elected officials in person, by general mail and/or by telephone," Mitchell told OpenSecrets Blog. "As a result of these efforts… I believe that we have been successful in contacting the majority of the members of the U.S. Congress over the past seven years." Because churches do not disclose with whom they meet, it is impossible to definitively tell if they have indeed met with lawmakers -- though, as Mitchell says, they have. Some congressional offices, such as the offices of Reps. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) declined to comment to OpenSecrets Blog. Paul Flusche, the press secretary of Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), said by email that "[r]ecognizing the right of people to meet with their elected officials in private, this office routinely does not disclose with whom the Congressman and his staff have met or what was discussed." Other congressional offices stressed the need to meet with constituents regardless of their exemption from lobbying disclosure. "Rep. [Glenn] Thompson [R-N.C.] is on the Congressional Prayer Caucus, but it has no bearing as to whom he does or does not meet with," press secretary Braden Parish told OpenSecrets Blog. "As a matter of office policy, Rep. Thompson does not discriminate as to whom he meets with, especially if they are from the Fifth District."
Continuation Sister Warmoog writes: Some of the worse fitan that have erupted within the Ummah since the mid-20th Century--particularly the emergence of groups like Takfeer wal-Hijra, the spread of neo-Kharijite thought among other people/groups besides them, and the spread of violent political movements--are known to have their roots in ideas and methods that were derived from or influenced by that false doctrine of Jaahiliyyah. Ukhti, When you accuse those you disagree with to be Kharejites, it would be fair that you balance this accusation by the way you depict those you espouse their train of thought as the Followers of the Khulfaa Al Rashidun ( The Guided Caliphs), Since many of your "Scholars" have endorsed Sheikh Shareef and his ilk , do they come across to you as the Othman Ibnu Affan Clan? The Caliph who met Allah as a Martyr when the Khawarij attacked him while reading the Holy Quraan which he took a tremendous credit for preserving Quraan? A Rule of thumb for now: When there is no Khilaafah, There are No Khawaarij!, from your perspective of obeying tyrants The word Khariji, linguistically means dissenters of the rulers. If the rulers are good, like Othman Ibnu Affan, being a Khariji is bad, if the ruler is bad, like Sheikh Shareef and his ilk, being dissenter is good. Allah scolds people who blindly follow bad leaders in holy Quraan. As I have previously said, Qawm Caad were scolded for timidly following tyrants, also, the people of Pharaoh (Fircown) were scolded for obeying their tyrant, and in the day of judgement, hell bound people will tell Allah that their blind obedience to their corrupt leaders and masters led them astray from Allah's path. So before you use the official media lines, use your head, because Allah will ask you why you did not use your head. Ask: Are the authorities who are accusing a given group for being Khawarij fair and justified? does the Sunnah agree with this classification? you need to think freely, because in the day of judgement, you will be judged alone, so try to please Allah alone, political correctness has its limits! Now, if someone believes that you are Kafira, that is their business, that is the way they see you, they could be right or wrong, if they are right, thank them for the favor of awakening you to put your faith back on right track, if they are wrong, be kind to them by offering them an advice for correcting their wrong perception by way of wisdom and good advice as Allah SWT taught in Holy Quraan in Surah Ghaafir Verse 28 "......Wa iy yaku kaadiban, fa caleyhi kadibuh, wa iy yaku saadiqan, yusibkum bacdu ladii yacidukum". This is the way to be objective and cool headed. You write: Many scholars have clarified the truth and refuted that concept (as well as the other errors in Qutb's writings) so there is no good reason to believe in, defend, or propagate those errors. Every story has two sides, I doubt that you have given Said Qutub a fair trial in your court, or read his scholarly masterpieces in Arabic to compare his thesis and his adversaries thesis on a plain ground in light of Holy Quraan and Sunnah. A Jury member can not be impartial to judge if he/she holds preconceived notion of the case he/she is asked to judge that are based on evidence presented by plaintiffs who are on the same side of a clearly corrupt and partial court of Law. In Somalia and our neighborhood, we have suffered mob rule, and you are a witness were this mentality has brought us. As an educated sister, I expected more depth in your analysis and impartiality in the choice of your words as Allah SWT taught us in Holy Quraan " In case you dispute an issue, then, refer to Allah ( Quraan) and the Messenger ( Sunnah)", therefore no one is always wrong, nor always right, even if they had committed a wrong in the past (Think how Pharaoh denied the message of Moses May Peace Be Upon Him for his effort in freeing the captive oppressed descendants of Prophet Yaqub by accusing Moses of being a Terrorist? who killed an Egyptian ) In Logic, your tactics is called poisoning the well. So, don't try to use Sayid Qutb as an evil guy, and all other scholars who oppose him to be the good guys, this judgement is not for you to decide due to your lack of the fundamental knowledge and the language of discourse in this dispute, otherwise, it will be the Somali equivalent of " Waar Culimada Kala Qabta" You write: The statements of the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) demonstrate how the term Jaahiliyyah should be applied. Ukhti, the word "Statements" is vague, try to be specific, otherwise it will be a wild goose chase. You write: He lived during a time when Islam had not spread beyond Arabia and he nonetheless applied the term in a restricted manner--e.g. in reference to specific statements or actions--and he did not use it in unrestricted or absolute terms unless he was referring to the period before the advent of Islam. You mean he was careful not calling the Romans to be polytheists? on the contrary we all know that he was commanded in Quraan to call them " Qul Yaa Ayuhal Kafiroon, Laa Acbudu maa tacbuduun" there is no diplomacy in Islam. but there is politeness in saying the truth which at times can hurt feeling as most people are self righteous. You write: Those who do the opposite of his example are people who oppose his approach, either out of ignorance or in favour of their own whims and opinions (as if they know better). That is the root of their problem and the remedy is to return to the Sunnah. Dear Sister, have you noticed that you have no substantiation for all of your claims? What example? which set of Hadeeths conclusively depict as the only example for referral? you repeat the need for Quraan and Sunnah as a guide, yet, you haven't cited a single verse or hadeeth, while I have done throughout my discourse with you so vividly. I agree with you that a return to Sunnah is the remedy, let us cite the Hadeeths in this regard to see if you are right in your claims. To be continued...................................................
Akhi Al Xabib Bilaal Same here, as one of the earliest bloggers on Islam site, I miss your "Intellectuals duels", lately, the site has become so quiet as we entered the Orwellian time domain when being silent is seen as gold. I think that 10 years should be enough sharing my thoughts on this site, good and bad, Now If I get free time, I am tempted to help the drought an poverty stricken people back home. I have ideas to alleviate their pain, I just need to find someone who can spend some money to make it work. Nur
Previews: Some of my deepest inspirations were triggered by debates on this forum. One such thoughtful inspiration was inspired by Sister Warmoog who did not see Islam as a System. Ever since that debate, I took a a long journey to figure out the chaos introduced by our faithful to our faith and the divisions that have blurred the vision of many faithful into believing that Islam is not a system. A Story that I heard made an impact on what is wrong with Muslims today ( And There are many). Story goes that a German convert to Islam was asked why he converted to Islam, Germans as a people are said to be highly organized ( Systematic) people to the point that a German bank robber, out of orderliness and courtesy, never crosses the Que line while waiting for his turn to be served by bank tellers. The German convert who was visiting one of the Muslim countries noticed that prayer times are so astronomically precise that the prayer calendar accounts for celestial sunrise and sunset correct to many decimal places, in short an industrial precision. He also noticed that when these Muslims prepare to pray, they take ablution, washing their hands, face and feet , cleaning their nostrils, an mouth as well as their ears and hair in a very systematic way ( Tataali). As Prayer ritual commences, the faithful fall in line in a perfect formation, the lines are laser-light straight and tight as prescribed by the prophet SAWS, they follow the prayer leader's movements in a highly choreographed fashion like a military parade, they listen attentively to the verses of the Holy Quraan being read by the imam like soldiers and continue this highly organized worship to its conclusion after which, CHAOS settles in the minds of the faithful as they step out of the Masjid ( Mosque). It turns out, the same person who was praying seconds ago in such an orderly fashion, is not the same person who is conducting business without following any rules, Islamic or Secular after prayer! The German convert reasoned, this faith must be right as it organized such a chaotic people to perform such a highly organized ritual. When one thinks of how Islam organized worship, business, social relationships, inheritance, rights and responsibilities, connection of our deeds in this life to our common well being as well as our success in the next life, its indeed amazingly a well structured and orderly faith that took a German to show us the way. There are times that I think giving the Systematic Germans a contract to make Islam work as revealed by Allah ( They can have October Fest in next life minus the hangover). And seriously speaking its is still possible that Allah SWT dumps "Muslims" and substitutes them with a better nation who are unlike them in characteristics. Allah says in Surah Muhammad V 38 " But Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and you (mankind) are poor. And if you turn away (from Islam and the obedience of Allah), He will replace you with some other people, and they will not be your likes. A System is designed to meet a requirement or to fulfill a need. Hence, Islam as a System write up will examine Islam from the point of view of a System that meets a human need in this life and the next. From the Atomic structure to the Galaxies, there are physical, chemical and biological systems and subsystems that inter-operate in precision to meet the creators requirements for our well being while many of his atheist creatures deny this and subscribe to the theory of coincidence and purposelessness of the universe. Subxaana Allah Wa Bixamdih, SubxaanaAllah Al Azeem 2011 eNuri Previews Order Requires Intelligence
Nomads Reminding you all and my poor self, the wisdom of this great Surah, let us all think about our eventual meeting with Allah, our complacency, love of wealth and pleasure, ungratefulness of blessings we have, and non ending complaint of how bad things are, shockingly, our dreams can end as swift as the versus describe. Nur
Akhi Al Xabiib, Miskiin Allaha kaa abaal mariyo waanadaada iyo dardaaqankaaga qiimaha badan, baahi badanna aan qabo. Akhi, Ma jiro tab looga baxsado carada Alle oo la mid ah in uunka Alle loogu yeedho Diinta Alle. Waxaa la faray Nabigeenna Muxammad, SAWS inuu yidhaahdo, " Dheh ( Maxamadow), ma jiro tab aan Alle ( Cadaabtiisa) uga magan geli karo, mana heli karo meel aan u qaxo si Alle aan uga nabad galo, illaa inaan dadka gaadhisiiyo farriimihii digiiinta Allah (dadkiisa)" Sidaa darteed howshan ma aha midaan marna ka baxayo, ma laha meel Alle looga baxsado, sidey aayadda leedahay, Nabi Yunus ayaana ku muteystay in lagu ciqaabay inuu nibiriga calooshii galay markuu ka carooday sidey dadkiisa u diideen waanadadiisa, oo uu ka daalay dacwada dadkiisa. Laakin, waxaan doonayaa inaan awooddeyda u jeediyo waxtar nooc kale ah, oo loo baahan yahay sidey Dacwadda addimaheeda dhulka loogu sugi lahaa, taasoo ah in ay noqoto Dacwa nool ( active), mid la nool dadka oon ku ekeyn nadhari ama faafintaa waanada internetka oo qudha. Akhi, Allaha na wada sugu, khaatimadeedannana wanaajiyo, haddaan ogaan lahaa maanta inaan waxna la igu laheyn, waxna laheyn, aad baan uga rajo fiicnaan lahaa sidaan hadda dareemayo, hadaba ducada igu soo kaalmee yaa akhi. Muxibbukum Fillah Nur
Nomads Blessed month of Ramadan is 16 days away and as usual, my jotter is overflowing with thoughts on Islam and current issues that I want to share (This is not to suggest that I will post them in Ramadan, just an attempt inshAllah). I am braving to post them to force myself to commit and make the time to write, and as a place holder till I get around to it after my busy day. Here is a short List. Please vote for your favorite topic. 1. Dua Acceptance Process 2. Al Ujuur Al Mudaacafah: Small Changes That Trigger Big Difference 3. A Compass And A Clock! : Its 2011, Do you know where you are heading? 4. The Phenomena of the Shabab in Somalia, Why are they different? 5. Islam: A Disruptive Religion? 6. Islam As A System ( Dedicated To Sister Warmoog) 7. PBD (Project Based Dawa) How To Identify, Activate And Unleash Your Dormant Dawa Power 8. Somali Youth Volunteers: What You Can Do For Islam When Confused! 9. An Ibaadah Centric Life: How To Balance Competing Priorities 10. Exposed Bodies, Exposed Nation Is There Any Hope For Somalia? Again, as eye catching as some of the topics may sound, based partially on impulses of inspiration at untimely moments (I get these ideas even when I am on the road, I develop the idea and then try to capture the gist on my phone jotter, which rusts after a while, loosing the lustre at that special moment) , The final topic write up will greatly depend on many factors such as available time and residual inspiration at the moment of writing and mood ( Camel milk and Tea Triggered) . Nur
Walaal Showqi, Jazakallahu Kheiran dareenkaaga wanaagsan. Xilka aan wareejinayo waa midka aan isa saaray oo ah "moderator", laakin markaan Internet Connection helo, saa waddankeenna meel walba ma lehee. Waan furi doonaa safxaddahan haduu Eebbe idmo. Blessed sis You are one of the fewest remaining Class of 2001 Nomads alumni, my hyper family member. Thank you for your kind words and valuable duaa, may Allah accept your duaa and I pray Allah to make me worthy of your good mention. Nur
BQ Bro. ( Eligible Bachelor) MaashsAllah, excellent article, and timely too as Ramadan, the month of Quraan is around the corner. Best Reminders are those that benefit people. Thanks Akhi. Quraan-Club-Members-Lounge? Nur
Faheema sis Are you still around? or you have moved back to Gabiley? I think Somalia is heading for mini- systems, I plan to join the Azania System which promises its users to hear Azan ( Daily Prayer Calls ) , Establish Prayers, Enforce payment of Zakat, Poor Due, uphold the Sharia Law and declare Allah as the Head of the State, the Holy Quraan as the Constitution and Prophet Muhammad as the example to emulate in all aspects of our life. Nur
Malika sis Protest! this is a scary word these days, you mean you will take it to the streets of Kurtunwaarrey, Garsballey, Marka and Baraawe (My potential, Retirement retreat without Internet connection)? Think of it as giving space for new talent ukhti. Genius. Cheer up Akhi, Traffic has just spiked by the news of my planned self imposed retirement, this might be an indicator that many of Paesanos may come back to more than fill my vacant space. This in itself is already a great achievement of my plan. No, There is no retirement from Dawa work, just a change of audience, I mean I miss interactivity and community work in one go, like doing philanthropic work, tutoring kids, digging water wells for real Nomads, helping the elderly and enjoying their stories and wisdom, off course the serenity of the setting as depicted by Malika's Avatar, I can picture myself sitting on the beach in Marka sipping a coconut and watching the tortoise blue waves freshly break on my feet. To be happy, our outlook and our life style must match, if not there is a disconnect, so for fulfillment, we either have to change our outlook, or lifestyle. Nur
El Punto, Geelle, Taqwa and Manahil Thank you all for your kind words, rest assured that as long as I live that I will make my contribution to this site and other sites, my self imposed retirement is intended for rejuvenation of this page and its improvement. Its time to pass responsibility to a fresh perspective on burning issues. Nur
Continuation of TOPIC Warmoog sis writes: Second, the Hukm factor you mentioned is the rationale (al-Haakmiyyah) behind the Jaahiliyyah theory. The belief that rulings must be based on what Allah has revealed is part of the Tawheed so it is legitimate in itself, . So are you suggesting that its not legitimate with respect of application to modern secular nation states who have adopted Democracy or other forms of legislation? Here is your response: "but in the context of that false theory or any other concept that is inconsistent with Islamic teachings, it is an invalid rationale" When did we agree that Jaahiliyyah is a Theory? its Allah's word, its a fact, not theory. If you mean its rationale of its applicability to modern societies as a theory, I have addressed it above. Islamic teachings have to be consistent withTAWHEED, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, as TAWHEED is the blue print, the DNA of all Islamic teachings. Are you suggesting by any chance that we rewrite the TAWHEED principle to match modern Islamic interpretation? Here we go again, in bed with our Judeo Christian cousins who have changed their TAWHEED to become TRINITY, and still insist that its MONOTHEISM, " But the THREE GODS ARE ONE" Go figure how they ended up with such a warped logic. You write: "It is a case of the Tawheed being used to justify something that plainly contradicts the revealed texts." Please kindly show the verses in Quraan that show a contradiction of what I said and wrote in these threads and TAWHEED, and I promise to change my views. You write: "When Muslim societies are governed by entities with un-Islamic laws, the correct thing to say is that those specific un-Islamic laws are jaahili" If the Laws governing a society is Jaahili, then what proof from Quraan and Sunnah do you you have that indemnifies them from such collective crime? You write: "The existence of those laws does not remove people from the fold of Islam and it does not make that entire society a 'jaahili' society of disbelief or paganism. True, like I have said in last post, but again, Kufr is of several types, Kufr of disbelief is just one manifestation, the other type of kufr is the Kufr of Enaad, ( Stubbornness, insisting on Allah's disobedience at all costs,) which is similar to Satan's Kufr, since he did not have problem with disbelief. In Quraan we have Qowm Caad, who claimed Superiority who challenged Allah by saying "Who is more powerful than us?", and Qowm Thamud, whom Allah guided, but who, instead of Allah's guidance, preferred Camaa and Dalalah ( Blindness and Going against Allah's guidance ) than Hudaa. Does this ring a bell today? You write: "It does not mean that whole society is engaged in 'rebellion against the sovereignty of Allah', nor does it make the people 'pagans' who associate partners with Allah by obeying man-made laws, which is what the false Jaahiliyyah theory leads people to think. Does obedience to wrong commands make a society Jahili? Again, let us refer to Holy Quraan about Qowm Caad's followers: 59. Such were 'Ad (people). They rejected the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord and disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the command of every proud obstinate (oppressor of the truth, from their leaders). 60 زAnd they were pursued by a curse in this world and (so they will be) on the Day of Resurrection. No doubt! Verily, 'Ad committed KUFR against their Lord. So away with 'Ad, the people of Hud. ......................................................................................................To be continued
Nomads. October 21st, 2011 is an important milestone for me . Ten years ago on October 21st, I have joined Somaliaonline Forum Community as a Nomad. On that date when I joined this forum as a migrant blogger from another Somali community forum, I found a purpose waiting far beyond my expectations. I learned that knowledge, like wealth increases exponentially when shared and when used for higher purposes. In these silent pages I quietly learned how my fellow paesanos think as well as what they think about, given the present geopolitical conditions which gave me an appreciation and a practical explanation of Dr. Graves ( Beck-Cowan) Colors Of Thinking Theory ( Spiral Dynamics) as applied to our enduring legacy of discord, division and violence. Through satire and sobriety, I humbly tried in my own capacity to bridge the widening gap between our perception of Islam ( Static original release) and the fast evolving Machiavellian, Freudian Western values. As such, I learned immensely from Nomads who have responded to my posts regardless of their persuasion (Ranging From Devout Muslims to Practicing Atheists). Looking back with envy at all the heartbreaking unfinished threads, the limited time in my hands, my commitments to those close to me and the passivity of the audience of these pages as a result of the newly learned survival tactics of adaptation to fast developing Orwellian New World Order, I yearn for a change and a retirement after a decade of active participation of this Forum. Perhaps its the right time to pass the torch to other Nomads who have a different view and thinking pattern than mine that can catalyze a better mix of thoughts on Islam, Somalia and the World at large. For that possibility alone, I realize that its time for me to make room for a fresh start for these pages to rekindle the fire of Islam for an ever changing audience. I hope All Nomads ( including those whom we have grown apart in our views in the past ten years), will forgive me for any unintentional comment and to take this opportunity of my retirement from this podium to participate again and share their respective views as an Amaanah and Naseeha due to Allah SWT, Our Messenger SAWS, and the Mumineen. Baarakallahu Feekum Nur
Caaliyah sis. Timely topic, Salat Prayers is essential to our faith. Here is an eNuri post on the subject. Just-doin-it-aint-enough! Nur
Nomads This topic remains open, I have yet to post the response to the last part of Sister Warmoog's argument and conclude this topic with thought provoking conclusion inshaAllah. Baarakallahhu Feekum Nur
Satire Smiting the In-fiddle And Malt Does More than Milton Can, to Justify God's Ways to Man By Fred Reed June 07 2011 "ICH" -- ----- Cyberg, Tennessee—The Reverend McBilly Osfeiser strode to the rostrum of of the Full Bible Perfect Word Baptist Church, a frame building reeking of plainess and Protestantism. He was a tall man, with the sharp facial planes and hard visage of a desert patriarch about to kill something. The congregation shrank in their pews. He was a man who brooked no sin, and no sinners, whom he consigned to eternal damnation, and thought they were getting off light. He looked fiercely about, and spoke: “Brethren, I come before you to preach the word of God, for these be evil times, and the children of Israel, and yea the parents and grandparents, even unto their heirs and assigns, are sore beset by the tribe of Mohammed, and Beelzebulb, and Luciferin and Luciferase. In the name of God we must gird our loins, whatever exactly gird means, and smite the followers of Allah, and suffer them not to live, neither child nor mother with child nor suckling babe. Their lands shall be accursed and nothing there shall prosper, neither tares nor the wild ***; thus saith the Lord God, the God of Israel , the god of love and mercy. “Today we shall begin our sermon with the story of Samsung and Delilah, in the book of Hezechiah, chapter fourteen, verses nine through twenty-seven, in the reign of Herod Agrippa. In that time Israel was sore beset by the Malachites and the Catamites, even the Stalactites and Stalagmites, and the Assyrians of Kng Areopagitica with many chariots threatened the city of Solomon. But Samsung spent three days and three nights fasting and praying, and sacrificed a sheep, and it was good in the eyes of the Lord. In the morning he went forth and slew them all, cutting through them with sling and samothrace as one scything wheat until not a Stalagmite was left standing. saving the city. “Today, brethren, we of Christ face the same test of our faith. In Afghanistan, as we speak, the Mohammedan Taliban build mighty forces which they will use to conquer all of Christendom and enslave us, having gotten here mysteriously. “The powers of the darkness are many and patient, and the Mohammedan awaits to make our wives and daughters into harem slaves. It is well said that if we do not slew them there, or perhaps slay them, they will slew us here, or a slew of them will slay a slew of us there, maybe here, or they will...whatever. Remember the second book of Malthusians, when Chay-suss expelled the Gadarene Swine from the woman afflicted with leprosy, “Rebus sic stantibus,” he said. “Carthago delenda est,” which is the Latin for “Get the back whence thou camest, and thy towel.” “I urge you, brethren, to support our Christian troops who with magnificent courage are killing the heathen with drones strikes from thousands of feet while sitting in Colorado. To those weak in faith, who say that we are killing innocent women and children, I say unto ye, women are the source of all Taliban and thus must be military targets. If we destroy arms factories, should we not destroy Taliban factories? As the mighty warrior Jay-suss would want, we will smite them, and leave them bleeding and dying, and wailing over their broken children, blinded and crushed and burned, that they might learn to walk in the ways of righteousness. “And now, brethren, I want to introduce you to one of our own warriors for Christ, Willy Bill Bedford, who is just back from the heathen land of Afghanistan, and wounded—wounded, brethren!--smiting the in-fiddle for Jay-suss. Willy Bill, will you come up and testify?” Willy Bill was a big, chunky kid with a sloping forehead you could have used to bank a turn in a motorcycle race, and about every other tooth was missing so he looked like a piano keyboard. His left arm was in a cast. “Willy Bill,” shouted Reverend Osfeiser, “Tell your brothers and sisters in Jay-suss how you been doing the Lord's work.” Willy Bill seemed uncomfortable but he sort of scrunched up his courage and said, “Yeah, well. OK, Reverend. Well, we was out in Litani Province and there was twelve of us in a Humvee with 'bout a thousand rounds each of seven-six-two and a sack full of Bibles an'...” The reverend roared, “And tell the brethren why you had Bibles, the inerrant perfect word of God, with you!” “Oh, yeah. We belong to Bible Spreaders, we try to bring Moslems to know Jesus, you know. BS is real important to us, so we always....” “You hear that? Bringing souls to God!” “Well, we came to Awali, that's this village, maybe three hundred sand-nig—Taliban and their kids, all dirty and livin' in mud huts because they don't love Jesus and the kids there beg for something to eat because they don't know that beggin' ain't right. Well, we told them to get away and smacked them around a little because they might be suicide bombers, you know, and you could just tell the grown-ups hated us for our religion and our freedoms and all, and then we heard a rifle go off. Well, they ain't supposed to have rifles. So the lieutenant called in a air strike and a couple of sixteens came in, and whoom, they just smacked the livin' dog-snot out of those ******s and.....” “Now, Willy Bill, don't be using language like that. Do you think Jay-suss talked that way? It's a sin.” “I'm sorry, Reverend. I won't do it again. I don't want to commit no sin. Anyway, it was a good strike, killed almost everybody although a few was left screamin' and makin' a fuss and women was huggin' kids or what was left, I mean, how much sense does that make? I guess they learned their lesson. So we went through and left Bibles on top of some of the dead ones so whoever found them would come to Jesus and then I fell off the Humvee and broke my arm.” At which the Reverend McBilly Osfeiser shouted, “Hosannah! Praise the Lord! While we have sat here, living a life of ease, Willy Bill, Cyburg's own Willy Bill, has smote the in-fiddles, and saved our precious daughters from being in harems, though perhaps not in back seats, and saved our holy Tennessee, where we are free and snakes have handles and the God of Wrath rules as he did with Noah in the Sinai!” I need a drink. Fred's Biography - Fred, a keyboard mercenary with a disorganized past, has worked on staff for Army Times, The Washingtonian, Soldier of Fortune, Federal Computer Week, and The Washington Times. http://www.fredoneverything.net/
Ukhti Al Ghalya After reading your responses, I have sensed that some basic Aqeedah issues remain unclear to you, and its important before wearing the mantle of defender of the Deen to pay close attention to the foundations upon which Islam is based on. Here at eNuri I have tried my best to simplify the mystery surrounding the Tawheed principle, please read in order to uncover the subtleties that are shrouding your judgment. Below is a response I wrote to a sister who was worried about the conflict between her actions and beliefs; Am I A Munafiq? Well, that is a difficult question, first let us learn the relationship between iimaan, sin and kufr to see where nifaaq belongs. 1. No Soul will go to Jannah which is not a Muslim(a) 2. No one can be Muslim without Shahaada (Tawxiid) 3. Shahaada is information, we are required to believe in and bear witness thereof. 4. The test to see if we indeed believe in information represented by the Shahaada are our deeds: So our faith is composed of a A. set of Information we are required to believe. B. Set of Commands we are ordered to obey The extent of your belief in the information that our Prophet SAWS delivered is measured by the extent of orders that we obey. In other words, our obedience to the orders of Allah, is a reflection of our belief in the information delivered to us. So , Islam is composed of a two sets: A) A set of information to be believed in, like Allah, Jannah, angels, etc . B) A set of orders to abide with, such as Prayers, (Salat), Fasting, Upholding Justice, etc . The orders are subdivided in to two categories: 1.Orders to do something 2.Orders to stay away from doing something If Allah orders us to do something, and we fail to comply, the reason could be: a. We do not believe in the information b. We believe in it but we are arrogant c. We are MENTALLY CHALLENGED If (a) that is clear kufr If (b) That is also kufr, the type of Sheitan If © We may be the same case like a crazy person, Mentally Challenged, no responsibility. If we are ordered to stay away from something, and we do not, we have the following scenario: a. We do not believe in the information b. We are arrogant c. We can not resist temptation d. We are MENTALLY CHALLENGED All but case © are covered above. If case © is the situation, then that is called disobedience (Sin)(Macsiyah) and it is what Adam and Eve , (Hawaa) aleyhimaa assalaam have committed. It does not make one a kaafir by itself. ( The Khawaarij are the only to claim that a sin can make one a Kafir ) To generalize the above. If a person does something he is ordered not to do, the driver is more likely weakness against temptation, and that person is not a kaafir, this is the case of Adam and Eve, Aleyhimaa assalaam . If a person refuses to do something he is ordered to do, the driver of his action is more likely arrogance, like the case of Sheitan . Now we visit a new territory: There is a principle for detecting iiman ( Faith) levels developed by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah. Called (Talaazumul Dhaahir wal Baatin )( Synregy of the Apparent actions of a person with the Hidden Motives within the consciousness ) I will simplify it for you again. The inside beliefs and the outward actions of a person are always working in harmony. Except when an outside disturbance influences that person attention. When as a result, the outwardly actions of that person projects and acts contrary of what is supposed to be inside . Meaning. In Systems Science, when we input a signal into a balanced system, we observe an output that reflects the shape of the original signal output + the function of the signal that operated on the system. In the absence of outside disturbance, we can always predict the output. But when an outside element disturbs the system, the output will not be predictable. A person who is a kaafir therefore will normally act as a kaafir. Sabeelul kaafireen And a person who is a muslim will always act like a Muslim. Sabeelul Mumineen In general, if you leave anyone alone, what he/she does is reflecting what they believe . But the minute that person feels that he/she is being observed, that feeling will somewhat effect the action of that person. An example is when you catch a child making funny faces on a mirror the child will immediately alter his behaviour to an acceptable manner. This is called conforming. So, when a Kaafir lives with Muslims, he may act like Muslim, to avoid problems. He is called a Munaafiq . And a Muslim who lives with Kufaar may at times act like kuffar, to avoid problems. He is called Mukrah . Now, a Somali Nomad who lives in Somalia, USA or Europe, is free to practice his faith, so if that person does not practice, or he acts contrary to his faiths tenets, his actions are an indicators of what is missing in his heart. In this case the actions or their absence are an indictor of the iimaan inside that person. However a Muslim who lives in tyranny, his actions may not be indicator of his belief. Because, if this person practices his faith, he is afraid for his life. As a result this person conceals his faith portraying himself as non Muslim, when in effect he fully believes his faith and is willing tp practise it to the fullest if he was not afraid. His fear, though could be justifiable or may be unjustifiable, in which case he is in grave error. Allah says : Are they same he who spends all his nights praying and prostrating, alert for aakhirah, and the one who is in darkness..............................." Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin Walllahu aclam. 2000 Nurtel Communications Old Edition Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign