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Nurtel Network News Presents: The War on Terror, A Somaliaonline Nomad's View. In This thread, I am sharing my insights with fellow Nomads on current issues that affect our lives, and their implications. In no way do I imply that I have a solution, rather I am just raising questions as to where the current train of thought on these issues is destined, so that wise men and women, regardless of creed or country can reflect and make a better informed decisions to influence direction of current affairs. Billions of Dollars have been earmarked by Congress to fight the scourge of terrorism after the tragedy of September 11, a new Department was created to secure the nation from this dreaded enemy and a lot of freedoms Americans enjoyed were compromised, in order to protect Americans from the terrorist death and destruction. When President George Bush was asked the motive of the perpetrators of the 9/11, he said, " they ( Terrorists) hate Freedom", so, as a response the administration requested Congress to issue laws that will revoke present freedoms enjoyed by Americans given to them by the Constitution so that the administration can fight the terrorists who hate our freedoms. If you are like me, a slow learner, you may come to the conclusion that if indeed the Public Official was right about the assertion that the terrorists hate freedom, by curtailing freedoms such as privacy and association, that the terrorists have indeed emerged as the winners in this war. So, it may be worth our while to look into the effects of this terrorism thing to see if indeed it warrants a reaction so fundemental as to repeal basic human rights, International agreements and common sense. What is even more amazing is that, in a time when totalitarianism is going out of fashion, the nation that helped championing human rights is chopping the freedom bird's wings right in its own backyard. Historically, in the seventies and beyond any armed group that caused a terror act was know as guerillas, they targted governmet installations and even civilians to get their point accross, so, if you go back and read old magazines, you will not find the popular buzz word "terroirsts" anywhere, all you will find is guerillas, rebels and the like. Some of this guerillas were even popular among the youth as heroes fighting against what was termed at the time imperialism and hegemony in the Communist Socialis literature. These guerillas were portrayed in the media as heroes fighting for justice and equality like Che Guevara of Chile, Angela Davis of Communist Party of America, Patrice Lumuba of The Congo, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. These "terror" or "Guerilla" groups were ranging from religiously motivated, like the Jewish settlers of Palestine who were fighting for the establishment of a Jewsish State in Palestine from the British Empire, the Ikhwan Brotherhood of Egypt who wanted to establish an Islamic state in Egypt, to state sponsored or secularly motivated urban Guerillas like the pro-llife groups, California Redwoods Preservationsists , Animal Rights groups, The Japanese Cults, Irish Republlican Army, Spanish Basque, Italian Brigate Rosso, organized crime bosses or Somali Warlords. All these groups had one thing in common, they used illegal or violent means to send a message to intimidate their adversaries to influence a policy. Unfortunately, Their messages always meant human misery, loss of life and destruction of properties. So, the end result of their actions always amounted to death and destruction. Clearly this phenomena or any other that causes human loss of life and properties must be stopped, and in that regard I looked into the statistics of past twenty years of all events that led to loss of human life, legally state sanctioned deaths or illegally committed crimes by terror groups, astonishingly, here is what I found within an hours research. Terrorism: Hoffman a well known expert in this field writes: " Religion has been the major driving force behind international terrorism during the 1990s. As described below, the most serious terrorist acts of the decade--in terms of the number of people killed or the political implications--all have had a significant religious dimension. Hoffman's states: 1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives. (Note: Here the author does not mention that this war was trigerred by the Military who intervened a potential win by Islamists in the elections and rise to power, fatally damaging the democratic process of power sharing, he also does not mention that the government committed massive killings and deception in the process, all available in Archives of International dailies) February 1993: Thirteen car and truck bombings shake Bombay, India, killing 400 and injuring more than 1,000, in revenge for the destruction of an Islamic shrine. ( No International Action taken ) February 1993: Islamic radicals bomb New York City's World Trade Center, attempting to topple one of the twin towers onto the other, reportedly while releasing a deadly cloud of poisonous gas. ( Dubious Framing) December 1994: Air France passenger jet is hijacked by terrorists belonging to the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), who plotted unsuccessfully to blow up themselves, the aircraft, and the 283 passengers on board precisely when the plane was over Paris, which would have caused the flaming wreckage to plunge into the crowded city below. March 1995: Apocalyptic Japanese religious cult releases sarin nerve gas in Tokyo subway system, killing a dozen people and wounding 3,796 others, with reports that the group also planned to carry out identical attacks in the United States.( Japan Was never mentioned as hosting Terror Groups) April 1995: Members of the American Christian Patriot movement, seeking to foment a nationwide revolution, bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. July-October 1995: GIA unleashes a wave of bombings in Paris Metro trains, outdoor markets, cafes, schools, and popular tourist spots, killing 8 and wounding more than 180. November 1995: Jewish religious extremist assassinates Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin, viewing it as the first step in a mass murder campaign designed to disrupt the peace process. ( The victim could not stomach what Sharon is doing) February-March 1996: String of attacks by Hamas suicide bombers kills 60 people and turns the tide of Israel's national elections. April 1996: Machine-gun and hand-grenade attack by Egyptian Islamic militants on a group of Western tourists kills 18 outside their Cairo hotel. June 1996: Religious militants opposed to the reigning al-Saud regime in Saudi Arabia perpetrate truck bombing of U.S. Air Force barracks in Dhahran, killing 19 people. November 1997: Terrorists belonging to the Gamat al-Islamiya (Islamic Group) massacre 58 foreign tourists and 4 Egyptians at the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. August 1998: Attackers believed to have been financed by Saudi Arabian dissident Osama bin Laden bomb U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 257 people, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 5,000 in Kenya, and killing 10 people and injuring dozens in Tanzania. Bin Laden had issued a fatwa, or Islamic religious edict, as part of his worldwide campaign against the United States. An estimated 5,000 adherents throughout the Muslim world allegedly are prepared to follow his summons to battle. The last part of this report by Hoffman is very interesting, Bin Laden, as he claims, has alledgedly 5000 potential followers who may commit spectacular crimes like his ( which has never been proven in any court of law anywhere so far), this allegation if true is indeed horrible for humanity, but shouldn't we look into other similar group's intentions as close as this one? Like state sponsored terrorism , Sharon, who was found responsible for the killing in Sabra and Shatilla by a a competent Israeli court and who has as many followers as voted him into office, but horribly enough, with proven Nuclear capabilitiy. A Somali Proverb says: * ( Oohinta orgiga ka weyn) and its English counterpart says: * "It is but seldom that any one overt act produces hostilities bewteen two nations, there exists more commonly , a previous jealousy and ill will, a predesposition to take offense". (Washington Irving, The sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon) But because Israel is an Ally of USA, attrocities committed by this state in trigerring the mayhem, destruction and international terrorism is seldom addressed by Congress where the pro Israel Lobby viciously attacks any suggestion to control Israel. To this effect Leon Trotsky said : "An ally has to be watched just like an enemy" because at the end, American interests, regardless of its ehnic groups or pressure lobbies shall weigh heavier than any expedient political manuevers if the nation has to exist as the its founders envisioned. Assuming the 5000 zealot theory of Hoffman to be true, I compared these numbers to PROVEN and legally state sanctioned deaths in the USA. America, a nation that prides itself in the preservation of human freedoms, dignity , property and life, I compared the Terror statistics and deaths with statistics from the Departmenmt of Justice on Crime and other statistics of legalized venues and means that cause the same if not worse devastation and horror, but only if cameras were present like the one that scared the hell out of me. No one describes death like the man who killed millions of his subjects in the name of communism and Patriotism: Joseph Stalin said: " A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. ." Here are some of the sobering statistics: 1. Over a million babies are killed in cold blood every year in USA ( Silent Screams) 2. 1000 Americans die of Cigarette related ailment DAILY, 3000 kids begin smoking every DAY. ( Philip Morris should be tried for these crimes against humanity) 3. 15 Million violent crimes are committed in USA annualy ( Murder, Rape, Robbery,Aggrevated assualt etc) 4. 20,000 Americans are murdered every year ( Compared to 2900 in 9/11 Tragedy) 5. 17,000 Alcohol related crimes and 16000 Alcohol related Traffic deaths, 3 Million crimes/year committed by drunk offenders. 6. 1000 Americans are Raped EVRY DAY, and 3 % of all college women are raped ( completed rapes 1.7%) 7. 15000 Robberies annually ( Billions of $$ are stolen, white collar like ENRON or street thieves) So, who should Americans fear most? As much as I abhor anarchism and terrorism, I equally detest what is called war on terror, because like Henry Kissinger said " The conventional army loses if it does not win, the guerilla wins if he does not lose" , I do not see an end to this madness and honestly if it comtinues, The USA will emerge out of this war that may never have a decisive end, a weaker and poorer nation that compromised a lot of its centuries old ideals while chasing an elusive enemy of its own creation. The Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu summed it up as: " There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." , The Art Of War. In Conclusion, if securing human life and its quality is the priority of the American Constitution, then there is no better way to achieve that goal other than a comprehensive system of justice that everyone can buy into it, because as long as any segment of the human family is not safeguarded, there will be no equillibrium, or a balance and thus security will remain an illusion at best. Allah SWT referring to Prophet Abraham's plight with his people says : Those who "aamanuu" (became peaceful by surrendering to their maker) and further, who have not cloaked up their convictions( their surrender to Allah) with injustice( They commit), those indeed ( deserve ) security and these are indeed the guided ones. Nur 2003 Nurtel News Networks Nomadic News Analyses
Salaams I enjoyed going through some of the tagline quotes of some of the nomads in Somaliaonline, I found some of them inspiring, some triggering deep thoughts and yet some that are funny. So, I am donating my old collection of wisdom quotes, so be free to use anyone for your tagline if so you wish. Someone told me very funny Somali proverbs that were re-arranged to reflect the state of language skills of the new Somali Generation who lack the backdrop of our history or Culture. A famous southern Reer Xamar Comedian was asked to complete the missing part of a Somali Proverb and some of his answers "wey qosol badnaayeen" , here is an example Proverb that he was asked him to complete: 1. Nin Daad Qaaday, The Comedian said " Waa Ku daayey" The right answer of course was " Xumbo Cuskay" In light of the above humor, here are some contemporary English proverbs that were similarly rearranged to reflect new funny meanings, you are free to choose a tagline that suits your philosophy in life from the following, which one do you agree with the most? 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either - just leave me the Hell alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. 3. It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it. 4. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. 5. No one is listening until you fart. 6. Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else. 7. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. 8. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments. 9. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 10. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. 11. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. 12. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. 13. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 14. Some days you are the bug; some days you are the windshield. 15. Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. 16. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket. 17. A closed mouth gathers no foot. 18. Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. 19. There are two theories to arguing with men. Neither one works. 20. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving. 21. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. 22. Never miss a good chance to shut up. 23. We are born naked, wet, and hungry, and get slapped on the ass ... then things get worse . 24. The most wasted day of all is one in which we have not made Dhiker. ( mine) Nur
Gentleman Br. I am glad we've finally figured out where the problem lies. Now, like I proposed on another discussion board about a similar social problem facing Somali men, I propose an extensive image enhancement online course for Somali men who like me and you feel rejected by Somali women. If we can get enough members tosign up with the same problem, we can even create a support group and an association in which we exchange what works with our Somali Sisters and how to compete for their admiration. Instead of pointing fingers toward the siters, we can come in terms with our own incompetence in a far different world than the one that we were raised in. I, for one, can take care of the training seminars, or webinars, and if all goes well, word will be out and the sisters will be looking for you regardless. So what do you say walaal? Nur
Walaal Gentleman Well said brother, the important thing with Somali women is to be gentleman as your name reads, and I must be very honest, some Somali sisters out there believe when it comes to be gentle and caring, White Muslim brothers to be more caring and gentle than fellow black Muslim brothers. Until we close that image gab, our own Somali sisters will dumb not only Africans, but also Somali men, so we better get our act together, it is a competitive times, being mediocre is not a blissful trait. For that reason, Somali men must re-envent themselves anew and market themselves with a more polished image. That is why I offered special services such as cooking, homemaking, babysitting and brakefast in bed, for a raving response, I may even entice my potential spouse with a gentle foot massage after a tiresome work day ( at home of course). And that is not all of my arsenal, I leave the rest for her imagination. Nur
Walaal Gentleman There is no crystal ball of right and wrong in personal choices. The Prophet SAWS did not like to eat desert alligators known as ( DABB), although it is halaal. Based on the above, it is desirable to make a room for tolerance to different opinions and personal preferences as long as it is not hate based. And accordingly let us give Xusnul Niyah ( Benefit of the doubt) to both sisters for their respective choices of two different colors from the color spectrum of the beautiful creation of Allah SWT, because every human is different, to each their choice within the halaal limits. Needless to say that I am really upset that neither sister chose Nur as possible a consideration or a candidate. Little do they reaize what they are forgoing, because I am an excellent cook, great homemaker, I love kids and I understand how women think, so I do not cross thier space and time boundaries, how do I know all this? partially, I read abook called " Men are from Merka Caddey, women are from Burco " . So to get even, I better look for a Chinese Muslim sister , a Yoruba, Hawsa, Fulani, Kazakh, or a Malaysian sister. Do you know how to greet a Yoruba Muslim sister from Nigeria? you say "Baa wuni?" and she would respond with a big smile "Koobaaj". That is cool, isn't it. Allah SWT says: We have made you nations and tribes so you may get to know one another ( with the only criteria of) the most honorable in the (eyes) of Allah (and hence ours should be) is the most obedient (to Allah). Nur
The Most Powerful Force On Earth! Those who read the news these days will tell you, America is the most powerful force on earth. Those who watch boxing history will tell you Tyson, Reggie Jackson, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, Larry Holmes, etc. Those who use tools will tell you mighty Iron So let us find out which force is the most Powerful Mr: Iron said: "I am the Most Powerful force" Mr. Fire said, " Step back buddy, I can melt you, I am the most Powerful force" Mr. Water said " Just a minute flame!, I can put your fire away in a splash, so I am most the Powerful force" Mr. Cloud said " wait Mr. Water, I carry you, so I am most Powerful force" Mr. Mountains said, " but I can stop you Mr. Cloud, you can't go past me, so I am the most powerful force" Mr. Mankind said " Take a back seat Mr. Mountain, I can reduce you to the ground with my technology, I am the most Powerful" Mr. Sleep said " O yeah, Mr. Mankind, you are soo weak I can overcome you easily and make you powerless, So I am the most powerful" At this point everyone agreed that Mr. Sleep is the King, but suddenly a new guy walked in, and Mr. Sleep panicked . " That is Mr. Worry, he is mean, I better get out of here in a hurry" said Mr. Sleep Mr. Worry said, what is going on here guys? " just before you walked in this room, Mr. Sleep was crowned as the most Powerful" they answered. Mr. Worry laughed, and said, " He is chicken, why did he run away?. Great!, so that means I am the new uncontested most Powerful King, because I can take sleep away with ease, I am indeed the most Powerful" The Room became all silent, no one liked Mr. worry for he was very intimidating like a bully, no one could guess what he was up to next. The community felt that Mr. Worry can not be stopped, he is ugly, ruthless and unscrupulous, he will do anything to dominate his adversaries, but the reality is that he is the most powerful, a terrifying fact of life to live with. Before Celebrating this new Powerful King, a quiet softspoken gentleman walked in, so gentle, that no one felt his footsteps as he came in, The gentleman took a seat next to The New Powerful king, Mr. Worry, and to everyone's surprise, Mr. Worry upon noticing this stranger sit quietely next to him, ran out of the door with astonishing speed and never looked back. Everyone stared at this likable smiling gentleman with amazement, a stranger who is so lovable, cuddly and adorable like a Panda bear . The Crowd asked him, who are you? You have just scared Mr. Worry away, he was the Most Powerful King, and you have just chased him away? With a nice charismatic smile the new comer said " I am Mr. Dhiker of Allah " I am The Power of the remembrance of Allah SWT, and I am the most Powerful force on earth. " ..........................Wa La Dhikrullaahi Akbar....................................." Nur e-Nuri Softwaano Series The Light Side Of The Heavy Stuff
If I tell you the following needs of yours are available in one shop, would you go elsewhere? 1. Health 2. Wealth 3. Wisdom, which affords you a Solution to any problem that you may face Your answer would be NO. See, the above three gifts are part of the (Rizq) or sustenance that Allah SWT distributes to his servants. They are like a flowing river, and each one gets as much as they deserves through his actions. The Rizq ( sustenance) are two types. 1. Rizq that you have to seek 2. Rizq that seeks you The first Rizq, will not come-by without working for it. The second Rizq will knock on your door without working for it. The first Rizq is a token of Allah's ( Cadl) justice. The second Rizq is a token of Allah's (Fadl) Generosity. So if you find that you have health and wisdom but lack money, you are blessed because your wisdom will earn you wealth If you have Wisdom and wealth, and you are sick, you may be able to seek and get medical care to alleviate your pain. But if you find that you have wealth and health, but lack Wisdom, you are in deep trouble. Because you are likely not to obey Allah SWT. Allah SWT says, " Whoever is granted Wisdom , has indeed been granted great share of goodness" Why you may ask. Because wisdom leads you to faith. You always follow what makes sense, and thus Allah guides you with that wisdom. With Wisdom you can find Faith in Allah SWT as it will guide you to the right course. With Wisdom you can make wealth, one smart idea can make you wealthy. With Wisdom you can stay healthy by eating right and exercising. With Wisdom you can keep good relatioship with family and friends as you deal with everyone with justice and respect by meeting all your obligations to them in a good manner to sustain a healthy relationship. So, where can you buy this Wisdom. Wisdom is not sold in your corner 7-Eleven store. Wisdom is not found in any mail order catalague. Wisdom is found in the Holy Quraan So Read, your Quraan today, to be healthy, mentally and physically as the recitation of Quraan will relax your brain and muscles, realaxation will distribute your blood flow evenly in all parts of your body so each organ gets the appropriate level of nutrients and transport mechanims to rid itself of waste. Thus maintaing health, and in addition, through the Barkah of Quraan, you will feel good. Reading Quraan will enrich you as you will not waste valuable resources on useless things. And Wisdom of Quraan will guide you to be fair with others which will improve your relationships and further create many business opprtunities for you. Nur 2002 eNuri Communications Appealing To Your Senses
Walaalayaal Mahad oo dhan waxaa mudan Allah, Kan uuma, u taliya, koriya, gargaara, ka warhayaa uunkoo dhan. Hana ahaato nabad iyo salaad Nabigeenna dushiisa, iyo reekiisa, asaxaabtiisa iyo inta ku raacday wanaag ilaa iyo maalinka xisaabta. Dabadeed Barakadu waa in khairka ilaaheey uu ku sugnaado waxaad hesysato. Maxaa yeelay haddey barakadu wax yar gasho, wey badisaa, haddey wax badan gashana, wey anfacdaa. Miraha barakadan waxaa ugu weyn in wax walboo nala siiyey aan u adeegsanno inaan Allah ku adeecno. Hadaba qofkii usii fiirsada wexey ku sugan yihiin saalixiinta iyo culimada akhayaarta ah, iyo ardayda cilmiga sharciga ah bart, iyo addoonta Allah wuxuu arkaa in noloshooda ay ka muuqato barako. Waxaad arki kartaa mid ayaga ka mid ah oo lacagtiisu yartahay ama la mid ah dadka, haseyeeshee wixiisu waa isu gaaraan, waxna dadbuu wax ka taraa. Gaadhigiisu ma jabid badna, dhibaatooyin ku ma dhacaan keenta in lacag looga qaado, hammi iyo tacab uu daawooyin hurdo ku iibsado uma baahdo, maxaa yeelay Allah xasuustiisa ayaa caafimaad gelisa, nolshiisa, iyo reerkiisa iyo shaqadiisa waa la isugu hagaajiyaa waana ay u barakoobaan. Ma arkeysid ninkaasoo deyn loo heysto, mana culeysiso marti u timid, oo bashaashad buu ku soo dhaweeyaa. Barakada meelo badan bey gashaa: Markey ubadka gasho waxaad arki nin hal gabadh oo qudha dhalay oo ay uga nafci badato toban wiil, gabadhaas oo daacadda Allah ku sugan, ninkeedana uu aad u qaddariyo aabaheed una noqdo wiilkii uusan dhalin. Gabadhaas aabbaheed wexey u tahay barako. Barakadu markeuy waqtiga gasho waxaad aragtaa in waqti yar aad arrimo badan ku dhameysato, waxna ayan kaa haabsaamin, waxna ayan kaa qaldamin. Barakadu wexey gashaa xaaska, markaad ka maqantahay, wanaag iyo daacadda Allah ayey ku sugan tahay, markaad la joogtana, farxad iyo wanaag baad ku wada joogtaan, dhikerka Allah ayey ku xasuusin markaad illowdo , Howlahaaga ayey ku xasuusin markaad shuqloontid. Ubadka ayey xannaaneyn. Markaad guursatay kuma kallifin, markey oryo noqotayna waxaaga ayey kuu dhaqaaleysaa, mar walbana wexey ku fakartaa aayaha reerka, ubadka iyo Allah raalligelintiisa. Barakadu wexey gashaa Cilmiga: Allah markuu cilmiga kuu barakeeyo, wuxuu kaa tusaa halka aayad ama xadiith boqol waji ood uga faaiideysato, cilmigaas Allah wuxuu ka dhigaa mid adduunkana kugu haya daacadiisa, aakhirana mid kaa badbaadiya cadaabtiisa. Guud ahaan, barakadu wexey gashaa maalka, ubadka, waqtiga, shaqada, cilmiga, xaaska, dacwada, gaadhiga, caafimaadka, saaxiibka, sidaa darteed waxaa waajib ah inuu qofku raadiyo in Allah uu barakeeyo wixii la siiyey. Maxaa yeelay, wixii barkada laga qaado waa cadaab. Caafimaad barakada laga qaaday waxaa lagu gutaa macsiyo badan oo qofka halaagta. Cilmi badan o barakada laga qaaday waxaa laga dhaxlaa kibir, iyo ka fogaasho Allah. Sidee baa Barakada lagu Helaa: 1. Taqwada Allah: Taqwa macneheedu waa inaad cadhada Allah iska xijiso raallinimadiisa ood ku gaashaamato daacadiisa. " Haddii magaalooyinka dadkooda ay aamini lahaayeen iskana keen jiri lahaayeen (ittaquu) waxaannu u furi leheyn barakooyin ka yimid cirka iyo dhulka" Acraaf 96 2. Quraanka akhriskiisa: maxaa yeelay waa kitaab barakeysan, oo caafimaadka jirrooyinka qalbiga uu ku jiro iyo caafimaadka xubnaha " Waa kitab aannu kugu soo dajinney, oo barakeysan, si ay aayadahiisa ay u dhadhansadaan, kuwa maskaxda nadiifka ah lehna ay u xasuustaan" 3. Ducada: Rasuulka SAWS wuxuu Allah ka baryi jirey barakada, gaar ahaan waxaan ogaannay inuu ku odhan jirey arooska " Allah kuu barakeeyo, korkaagan ha barakeeyo, hana idinku kulmiyo kheyr. (Tirmidhi) Iyo ducada qofkii cunno na siiya " Allow u barakee waxaad ku arzaaqday, una dambi dhaaf, una naxariiso" 4. In la iska dhowro lexo jeceylka: Waxaa laga soo wariyey SAWS asagoo la hadlayaa nin odhan jirey Xakiim ibn Huzaam in yidhi " Xakiimow, Maalkani waa cagaaran yahay (quruxda dhirta) waana macaan yahay, qofkii ku qaata deeqsinnimo waa loo barakeeya, qofkii ku qaata lexo jeclina looma barakeeyo sida qofka wax cunaya oon dhergeyn. ( Muslim) 5. Runta oo la lagu hadlo marka wax lakala iibsado: Wuxuu yidhi SAWS " Kala iibsashadu waa la is doorrisiiyaa, haddey labada wax kala iibsanaya ay run isu sheegaan. ooy wax walba isu caddeyaan waa loo barakeeyaa, haddey wax isu qariyaan, beenna isu sheegaanna barakada waa laga tirtiraa iibkooda" (Bukhari) 6. Howlaha oo loo dhaqaaqo aroorta hore: Wuxuu yidhi SAWS " Allaahumma u barakee ummaddeyda aroorahooda" ( Axmed) Marka arrimaha aad ka raadineyso in laguu baraeeyo ky beeg arrooraha, ha noqoto ganacsi, guur doon, ama cilmi kororsasho. 7. Raacidda raadka rasuulka SAWS iyo sunnadiisa uu ku dhaqmi jirey. Waxaa laga soo wariyey inuu yidhi SAWS " Barakadu wexey ka soo dagtaa cunnada bartamaheeda, hadaba ka cuna hareeraha hana ka cunina bartamaha" Bukhaari Wuxuuna soo wariyey Jaabir ibn Cabdullah RA, wuxuu yidhi wuxuu amray rasuulka SAWS in faraha la leefo wuxuuna yidhi " Ma garaneysaan cunnadiinna qaybta ay barakada ku jirto" 8. Allah oo la wakiisho: Wuxuu yidhi SAWS " Haddad u wakiilan leheydeen Allah si u qalanta Allah, wuxuu idiin arzaaqi lahaa sidaa uu arzaaqo shimbiraha, wexey aroortii yaacdaa atadoo baahan wexeyn habeenkii soo laabataa ayadoo dheregsan" (Axmed) 9. Allah oo loo talo dhiibto (ISTIKHAARA) Mar walbood arrin muhim aha aad ku dhaqaaqesyo, sidii SAWS na faray labao rakco tuko, markaas ku duceyso ducada istikharada. 10. In laga fogaado in dadka la baryo: Wuxuu yidhi SAWS xadiith macnihiisu yahay " Qofkii wax u baahda oo markaas ka dalbada dadka, loom sahlo xaajadiisa, qofkii Allah xaajadiisa warsadana, SAllah wuxuu siiyaa rizqi degdeg ah ama geeri daahsan" ( Axmed) 11. Sadaqada: Allah wuxuu yidhi " Waxaad bixisaan, asagaa diiin celinaya" Suurat Sabaa 39 12. Maalka xaaraanta ah oo laga fogaado: " Allah wuxuu burburiyaa Ribada wuxuuna kordhiyaa sadaqooyinka" Baqara 276 13. Salaadda faradka ah oo la oogo: Allah wuxuu yidhi " Reerkaaga far salaadda, kuna sabir (fariddaas) kuma aan warsaneyno quudin, annagaa ku quudinna, cidhibta dambena waxaa leh taqwada (ehelkeeda)" Taahaa 132 14. Mahad naqa Allah loo mahad naqo nicmada uu na siiyay: Allah wuxuu yidhi " Haddad ii mahad celisaan, waan idiin kordhin hubaal ahaan" Ibraahim 7 15. Istiqfaarka oo la badiyo: " Rabbigiinna warsada dambi dhaaf, (maxaa yeelay) wuxuu ahaa kii dambiga dhaafayey, wuxuuna diin so deyn doonaa roobka cirka asagoo badan, wuxuuna idin siin doonaa hanti iyo carruur wuxuuna idiin yeeli doonaa beero, wuxuuna idii yeeli doonaa webiyaal" Nuux 10-12 Allow noo barakee waxaad na siisay, kana yeel waxaannu u adeegsanno hoggaansanaantaada, wa sallalaahu wa sallim calaa nabiyinaa wa aalihi wa saxbihi wa ajmaciin. Nur ------------------------------------------------- Kuwa iga Da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga yarna waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
Murti Iyo Maaweelo 1) Waxaa Zuhdiga ( nolosha adduunka oo hammigeeda la yareysto) laga wareystay Al Xasan Al Basri, wuxuu ku jawaabay: Waxaan ogaaday in qofkale uusan risqigeyga qaadaneyn, markaasaa qalbigeyga dagay Waxaan ogaaday in howsheydu ayan qofkale sugeyn, markaasaan keligey qabtay Waxaan ogaaadey in Allah uu i eegayo ( ii jeedo), markaasaan ka xishooday inuu inuu i igu arko macsiyo Waxaan ogaaday in geeri i sugeyso, markaasaan u diyaariyey sahay aan kula kulmo Rabbigeyga. 2) Degdegtu waa camalka sheidaanka, marka laga saaro: 1. Inanta oo loo guuriyo 2. Martisoorka martida 3. Deyn la biixiyo 4. Danbi laga towbo keeno 5. Meytka oo la duugo ( aaso) 3) Saaxibnimada Nin Murti badan ayaa wuxuu yidhi: Haddad qof la saaxiibto, ka yeelo akhayaarta asxaab, maxaa yeelay fujjaarta wa dhgax ayan biyo ka soo burqan, geed aan cagaar leheyn, dhul aan dhir ka soo bixin. Shan ha ka yeelan saaxib: Faasiq, maxaa yeelay cunno wexey ugu yartahay buu kugu iibsan Bakhaylka, adoo gargaar maal u baahan buu kaaga baxaya Beenlow, waa sida dhalanteedka, wuxuu ku soo dhoweeyaa wax fog, wuxuuna ka fogeeya waxa dhow Nacaska ( Dabbaalka), wuxuu dhibaato kuu keena asagoo raba inuu ku anfaco, Rixin Jaraha, maxaa yeelay allah ayaa nacladay. 4) Nin Xakiim ah ayaa waxaa la warsday: Imisa jir baad tahay? Wuxuu yidhi: Caafimaadkeygu waa wanaagsan yahay, Alxamdulillah Waxaa la warsaday: Lacag imisa ayaad meel dhigatay? Wuxuu yidhi: Deyn la iguma laha, Alxamdulillah Waxaa la warsday: Imisa cadow ayaad leedahay: Wauxuu yidhi: Qalbigeygu waa nadiif, carrabkeyguna waa dabran yahay. 5) Nin baa Allah baryay: Rabbiyow, waxaad ii hibeysay waxaa qalbigeyga la qurxan, rajadaada, Carrabkeygana wuxuu ku hadlo waxaa ugu macaan, xuskaaga Maalmahana waxaan ugu jeclahay, maalinka aan kula kulmi doono. 6) Nin Salafka ka mid ah ayaa wuxuu yidhi: Qofkii ku shuqultooma howsha aakhirada, Allah ayaa kaaa kaafiya adduunyadiisa Qofka hagaajiya xidhiidhka uu Allah la leeyahayna, Allah ayaa hagaajiya xdhiidhka uu dadka la leeyahay., Qofkii sirtiisa ay wanaagsanaato, Allah ayaa wanaajiya wixii ka dhaca oo erey ama camal ah oo muuqda. 7) Inan yar baa u dhimatay daacuun, markaasaa aabbaheed ku arkay riyo, wuxuu ku yidhi, aabbe, iiga sheekee aakhirada? wexey tiri, aabbe waxaannu u nimid arrin weyn, oon ogeyn, haseyeeshee aannan u shaqesyan jirin, Wallaahi , hal tasbiixsasho oo qudhah, ama hal rakcad, oo ku taalla warqaddaada ayaan ka jeclahay adduunka iyo wax ku jira oo dhan. 8 ) Naag baa la dardaarantay wiilkeeda : Maandjow, waxaan kuu dardaarmay inaad u noqoto walaashaa aabbe, ayadana waxaan kala dardaarmay iney kuu noqoto hooyo, ogowna iney kuu tahay marti, yaaney qaloon, ogowna dharka raganimadu inuu dab yahay, hadaba walaasha ha cidhiidhin, ogowna korgaagu si walba hadduu u weynaado, inuu ku dambeyn doono cunnada tixriga, hadaba ha ka hagran korkaaga inaad u kaalmeyso walaashaa, ogowna xidi walboo korkaaga ku jira oon ku dhiig bixin jihaadka allah dartiis, inuu uu dhiig bixi doono maalinka qiyaame yaxyah dartiis iyo cabsida Allah, markaasey naftii ka baxday,. 9) Imaam Axmed baa warsaday nin murtiile ah, " sideen uga nabad galaa dadka?" Wuxuu yidhi Murtilihii: 1. Wax sii, waxna ha ka qaadan 2. Garta ayaga sii, hana la garramin 3. Kuna sabir dhibkooda, hana dhibin, Markaasu yidhi imaam Axmed, wey adagtahay, markaasuu Murtiilihii yidhi, weliba waxaa dhici karta inaadan sidaas uga baxsanin. Nur ------------------------------------------------- Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga da' yar waa iga dambi yar yihiin.
As Requested by a Brother on this forum, I, as a new Reer Guraa ( Nomad) am migrating some of my old posts from other forums so Somaliaonline nomads can also review my credentials. Be warned that my write-ups are a challenge for the serious brothers and sisters, but as you read more of my works, I am assure that our hearts will merge, so relax and read, my organization may also seem as a large corporation, but in reality, it is a one man show. Please also beware of getting the wrong message that I am selling my self when you see my name everywhere in the following writeup, because I am already sold out to Allah, my life is dedicated in Allah's service. NURTEL NEETWORKS COMPANY PROFILE (Building Next Generation Social Networks) Founder and Chief Executive Officer : Mr. Nur Samatar History: NURTEL NEETWORKS was incorporated in the heart of the founder in early 1997, by the end of 1997, the company was producing quality productions, its production found its way into many websites that did not give credit to the Company as expected by the company at the time. Many products shipped in that period were labeled Shareware and the only returns expected were not in this lifetime. By the end of 1999, NURTEL NEETWOKS discovered Somalinet Website and became fascinated with the young Somalis trying to preserve their faith in non Islamic environment. The Company began shipping some of its products to Somalinet Women's page and later to Islam page. For the following three years, the company shipped many products all aimed at the Somali viewers. At the beginning of 2003, NURTELL NEEWORKS at Public Forums became a publicly read company listed on ( R&A) this is not ( Standard and Poor), (R& A) stand for (Raqib and Atid) like the verse in Quran reads: " Maa yalfidhu min qowlin illaa ladeyhi (Raqiib and Catiid) " Suurat Qaaf. The company's balance sheets and operational statements for the last three years are available in files compiled for the next life, so we are unable to show you our net worth at this time, and the CEO is really scared to death as he is facing a dilemma between not writing on one hand, and on the other hand , afraid to be grouped with those Allah said about them : ( Wa badaa lahum mina Allahi maa lam yakuunuu yaxtasibuun) Company Stakeholders: Somali People everywhere Our Tag Line: We Light up dull boards and NURturing your thought processes. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: Our initial public offering is around 10 Million shares(Somali Populatin). Shares of this company will be floated soon and would be available in All Somali Forums, we are looking for distributors in other media like Email and other Somali websites. Head Offices : Calanleey, Kismayo, Kaaraan, Xamar, Garacad Beach Resort, Hobyo , Gaalkacyo Convention Center, and Biyo Dhacay Highschool, Hargeisa Vision : One Nation inseparable under Allah Mission: Tilling the ground, seeding hope, growing trust and reaping national salvation Capital Investment: Nur's Time, Mind, and Soul PLUS your PARTICIPATION Expected Returns: Tremendous!!!!!But Not in this Lifetime, Exit Strategy: We must warn you that this opportunity does not have an exit strategy except death; you can only see your worth in the next life. Board of Directors: Quraan and Sunnah. The board keeps a close eye on all activities undertaken by this company. The Board meets with the CEO on a regular basis, five times a day at least and on other Dhiker sessions. The Dhiker session, continuously signals the CEO to stay on course like a ballistic missile hurling toward a target. It was found that the only time the Chief Executive Officer is prone to make a mistakes or commit a sizable goof is when the Dhiker Signalling stream is interrupted due to preoccupation with worldly concerns that blur his guidance capabilities, thus compromising the above declared Vision and Mission. Target Markets for products: Somali Expatriates who access the Internet, and those who can read the printed copy, or who can listen, who can understand, and those who can act upon the advice. (English, Somali) at present with a command of three diallects used intermittently to please different viewers. Other languages such as Kiswahili and Arabic pending consideration, specially for the large refugee concentration in East Leigh, Nairobi, Dubai, UAE and Jaxiimah, Aden. Strategic Markets and Competitive Analyses: Tribalists, Anarchists, Pseudo Somalis and others have taken control over some Somali Forums. Our marketing department has documented that these posters are damaging our national image in front of non-Somalis, these scumbag's language, style, ethics and logic leaves a lot to be desired. They are chasing away decent viewers from these boards like their Mooriyaan cousins have chased millions away from our homeland. The biggest mistake we've made as a nation was fleeing our country and providing ghost towns to these misfits, if people stood their ground, Somalis may have been in a better situation today. Now, the same trend is being set here at Somalinet Forums. These low techs, Internet surfing Mooriyaans are far more damaging to our national aspirations than the gun totting teenagers who roam our towns. We need to stand our grounds. We must stop them on their heels, enough is enough! NURTEL NEETWORKS Departments: NURTEL NEETWORKS is on its way in establishing a wholesome pleasant internet surfing experience for the Somali Family Unit, FOR A CHANGE, The family is a cornerstone and a building block of our hopes. Here are what is in the works: Department of NURology: Honorable Dr. SAWSAN, PhD, overseas Psychological Counseling for broken hearts, We have more Psychologically disabled Somali citizens than physically disabled. As a proof, all you have to do is read threads in Somalinet Forums, It may sound funny, but the worst of misfortunes are those that make you laugh. Contrary to that sad but funny note, putting a genuine healthy smile on every face is our priority and target in this department, they have stolen decency, God willing, we shall make being decent a fashionable trait in our people. Department of NURturall: DR. DIRIYE, is working hard to change the mindset of the defunct Mesozoic era Somali Neandarthal Clansman. His departmenst is seeking to Empower you with useful knowledge which is the goal of NURTEL NEETWORKS , but in a natural way of thinking, Nurturing your Mind with a collection of knowledgebase that you can put to use for you today, served with a dose of humor. In NURturall Department we discuss very complicated topics such as how to jump start Somali engines, the economic versus the social factors in shaping our national rebirth, the connection between faith and Life. Like a mechanic, we get under the hood, remove the parts that are obstructing your view of the big picture, and then step by step show you how to put the parts together. Once you get the idea, you will jump with joy. At NURtureall we show you the way, we put you in the drivers seat and let you drive your own mind to new horizons, that is my girl!, go get them! That is MyNUR Department : Special program for the youth, and the young at heart, their concerns and worries. Topics will include : School and Education: Topics under production: ( Yuk!, What is Trigonometry good for?) and How to make $120 thousand US Dollars /year by planning ahead in your last two years of high school and the next four years in College, Studying as an exchange student in Somali Universities at Ammoud, Somaliland, Mogadishu Islamic University Managed by a consortium of governments, led by the TNG and Bossaso Technical and Telecom Institute, training next generation of seafaring sailors communications engineers.. Sex: ( Everything you wanted to know about Sex, but failed to find in the Internet search engines, Now showing on a screen near you: ( a Question on SEX). This section will candidly answer the simplest questions on sex such as (Mommy, how did the baby got into your tummy?) Exclusively for teenage girls (Mom, can I have a Halaal Boyfriend?) To questions you'd think not fit for printing, for which you may respond, " Alla hoogay!" Music: Featuring Daud Warnsby, Dhiker Everywhere, at Soundvision.com. Raising Your Parents in Canada: Understanding your parents when they tell you that you are too young to see this program, when you've just seen it at your school. Teaching your parents English without laughing. And the advanced course: Tribalsim for Dummies, mastering your ABTIRSI in 21 days. Fun and parties : Proposed topics include: for boys : Safe tricks to try when Roller blade Skating on weekends in nearby malls, surfing in Qardho' Indian Ocean Waves, without being eaten by sharks. and ( Teenage Girls Beauty and make up Shop: on pimples and dimples. How to treat pimples with honey and Xabbatul Sawdaa, and save your allowance for Sadaqah to relatives back home) Fifth AveNUR Theater: Artistic production and simulation of Somali folk lore . Now playing ( A letter to the Chief) in a screen near you, another epic titled ( Reer Qurac Tribal Meeting Fiasco) is under production, we are looking for actors, one of the rising stars to watch in this theater is SIRRUS, and do not ask me what his handle mean, it is (SIR) meaning secret, he is hot, but he is married, he may entertain the idea, of taking a second lady on board, but he is picky, so better be creative in your proposal. NURun Calaa NUR Department: Mirroring truth to our lives, NUR is RUN read backwards, this department strives to tell it as it is, It intends to focus viewers hearts to the heavens for inspiration and peace. It is the natural way of getting high without drugs. We make you smile, and we make you cry, we love you dearly and we are after your heart, please read ( Geeridii Rasuulka SCWS , in Somali) If any of this departments production is found not to conform to TRUTH, we will immediately take it off the fibers and servers, with gratitude, prayer and a big smile we say: "Jazaakumullahu Khairan". NURtrition and Health Department In this department we discuss two main areas that contribute to your healthy living: 1. Food and Nutrition : Our priority in this department is ditoxifying the Somali man and educating Somali women to cook the right foods for a healthy family. Because, our labs are studying the effect of too much Pasta and sugar in mental stability and quick irritation of the Somali species which may be behind the civil war, this study is a joint study of Dr, Sawsan, from the Psychological point of view, Dr. Diriye from the logical point of view and The graduate student, Mr. Tuvok and me who are looking into its effect form the spiritual point of view, a joint paper is under development at Nurtel, please come see us at the poster session next May in Dhuuso Marreeb (sorry find a translator for this), and Isku Shuban ( and this one) for the annual Somali Dietry Assosciation being held at the Isku Shuban Marriott. Also another symposium is in the works where the NURTEL scientists are attending in Hargeisa, discussing the QAT and its hallucinations. Dr. Sawsan will present her findings pertaining in male impotency, she will be interviweing housewives in selected districted in Somaliland to validate her theoretical predicitions on the relationship of chewing too much Qat and male marital performance. 2.Excercise and sports This department looks into the possibility of changing the sedentary lifestyle of the Somalis abroad ( The ones in their homeland do walk out of necessity) I will pesronally discuss the following topics: Good walking habits for the overweight How to fit excercise and jogging into your daily schedule The Remembrance of Allah as a relaxation technique for the mind and body, and its biological effect in helping food digestion, without Pepto Bismol. MaanudhoweNUR Department : Always close to the heart of the old and aging members of our Society. This department is intended to attract older viewers ( 30 and above), retired parents, grandpas and grandmas. If they are able to see the screen, with joy, I shall make them scream ( Duco Qabe, bal kheyrkaad noo heyso noo sheeg!!) Now showing in this department a Poem I composed in Somali Titled ( Ciil Badanaa, Ciidan Yaraa), This Poem is my Debut to Poetry, my first serious attempt, and depending on feedback of Somali poetry aficionados, I will either continue making poems or retire early. I can't see me trading punches with Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan on this turf, I love his poetry, but I am neither into Saalixia Suffism, although we share love of Dhiker, nor can and I confirm or deny if he indeed did all the evil deeds his adversaries claim that he committed, but one thing is for sure, the guy tried his best and died for something he believed. Now, let it on me, I know it is coming from our grandpas and grandmas. MaNURe Department: This is the Waste Management Department. We happily recycle Somalinet Forum"s Garbage ans sewage organisms for fertilizing the grass roots of Somali Culture ( bad comments such as (%$#*&@) is always appreciated and respectfully answered in an inspiring way. This bad language serves as an example of what not to say when you are angry. The MaNURe department delightfully accepts all the filth produced by organisms in Somalinet Forums, which thrive on national wounds like flies. Our Patent Pending technology at MaNURe works miraculously and transforms their comments into useful information which will help in making some sense out of their nonsense. It allows our Doctors at NURology study their thinking process and brain functions and discuss ways to find a cure for their mental ailment. Resident Doctors at NURology like TUVOK have already posted their scientific findings and assesment of the quality of posts, TUVOKn is on his way in getting his PhD in NURology, His thesis paper which has been accepted by the faculty of NURology at NURTEL CONTIUNING EDUCATION, is titled : "The Phenomena of Ikhwaan, a fair and objective assesment of a misunderstood social segment" In this Department please read ( Is NUR a NUT? posted by a Pseudo Somali Catholic Mafia Boss, You'd wonder why he is not working with the warlords?) For more information on this technology please call 1800 NUR AIN'T ,then dial extension # YICIB. And then follow voice menue to Sanity Sounds through Tasbiix. ALLAAHU AKBAR WA LILLAAHIL XAMD. A Final Note to inverstors Now that you have made your decision to buy shares of NURTEL NEETWORKS, here are some advice for you to get the most out of your investment. To see your share in NURTEL NEETWORKS skyrocket in value, all you have to do is the following: 1. Make prayer for the CEO ( iisoo duceeya), it is a tough job, I need help from a high place, and your Ducaa can reach very high, knocking the doors of heavens to help this poor guy in a sea of sharks bent on smearing him with tribalist graffiti . 2. If you have a relative, clansman or a friend who is producing and publishing bad content on Somalinet Forums, which are contrary to the above mission and vision that you support, please stop them by advising them . And in case you are the parent of notorious young posters, Like BASRA, please take away her computer in her bedroom and deny her request for Mango Salad for three hours, she seems disturbed and needs adult supervision, her language, specially what she said about the Sharia, is very alarming, she is a troubled kid and she definitely needs rehabilitation in Gabiley or Burco ( Xijaabland), for a year, please sing the following Camel caravan passing song for her, and let us know how she responds, TUVOK and other resident Doctors at NURology are closely following her reactions to this treatment. Here is the Camel Caravan Passing song: ( Gabadh baad tehee gaabso, geela ha gudbee gaabso) 3. Make sure that each time you browse the pages you enjoy to contribute even a word, it will push the page up giving chance to other viewers to see and learn, which is our objective. Nur 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS, all rights reserved for the wellbeing of the Somali people, their dignity, and their salvation in this world and the next.
eNuri Social Rehabilitation Labs. Summer Report. First Release To Somaliaonline. A DOD ( Dawa On Demand ) Document Dancing Fever! Ever wondered why certain people move with the rythem of music unconsciously? Have you ever seen men and women dancing on a Discotheque platform surrounded with loud music and light effects? Once the Music and the motion begins, their blood boils with lust and passion for each other, and the evening is not over until a lot of drinks are consumed and an orgy of sexual activities is either planned that evening or executed on site like animals. Guess, what is causing this phenomena? Allah SWT says in the Quraan: " Alam tara annaa arsalnal shayaatiina, calal kaafiriina ta' uzzuhum azzaa " " Haven't you noticed that we have sent the devils to the unbelievers who shake them ( away from righteousness) with vigorous trembling " Now , for a moment, imagine of the scene of a disco in a " Modern" country. Freeze that picture in your imagination and close your eyes. In few seconds, we are going to fly you to a remote village somewhere in on the globe. Now open your eyes; What do you see? No, you are wrong, this is not the museum of natural history, the evolution and it is after math, primitive enclaves of tribal habitats and an encient religious ritual. Try again. No, No, you are not in California's Universal Studio's movie set depicting a village in the land of Waaq Waaq. You give up? OK, This is a remote Somali village, in the Somali Baadiye, but I bet you are wondering, who is that man beating the drum? And who is this woman who is dancing to the drum beats? And who are these folks encircling the dancing woman with candle lights with the special scents ( Cadar iyo Cuud)? This cerimony, depending on the part of the disintegrated Somali peninsula you happen to come from, is called ( SAAR, BOORANE, LUUMBI, MINGIS, WADAADDO) etc. The man beating the drums and singing is an exorcist. The woman dancing to the tune is possesed by the devils (remember the above verse). And the folks around her are fellow possesed victims who came to pay for the sessions of axcorcism after her session is over. Now, this SAAR man is making a lotta of dough (Money$$$) every night by purging devils in and out of these women, for which they pay him hefty sums of money and sheep and, at times, they sacrifice their bodies for the pleasure of the excorcist behind the curtain when the SAAR man has to do "special Excorsism" that requires taking off her clothes in order to administer "special soul massage" to purge the devil out of private places in her body. This is how Night Clubs evolved to their present day glitter, lighting and music set up. This is a Satan's Temple, where his worshippers are shaken vigoriously ( Ta Uzzuhum Azza) to the rythem of the music, their money taken away, their dignity compromised , reduced to animal status. Allah SWT says: " Alam ac-had ileykum yaa banii adama allaa tacbudu sheitaan"? " O Children of Adam, have I not taken a covenant from you not to worship Satan "? Satan's Victims, pay to get possessed, pay to stay mentally deranged, and then pay to regain their consciousness, just to earn money to pay for their next session of the worship of Satan, and the viscious circle continues, until they die, to find out what they have always doubted. Just like in SAAR, nightclub owners, singeres and musicians make a lot of money performing their arts to a possessed crowd who are ecstatic with the mixture of sounds, sights and surroundings. ( Satan's Tools) Just like in SAAR, the woman in the center stage is surrounded by a hands clapping croud while she dances her way possessed by the devil with euphoria, displaying and shaking her body parts in a sexually inviting manner which are up for grabs by other possessed worshippers. Just like in SAAR, the victim, at the end of the ritual, is the possession of one of the devil monks who lure these young girls and boys to become their slaves, by intoxicating them and controlling them with sexual messages and music. This is the way of of Satan. And there is a better way. It is the way of surrender to your maker, NOT the suurrender to SATAN adn your passions. Allah has honored you, and made you superior to Satan. Why wosrhip your enemy who is envious of your special status in the Kingdom of Allah SWT.? Why not free your self, and begin to think about your purpose on eath. It is no fun working hard and nit getting paid, worse yet, earning your own punishment at the end because you spent all your life without a purpose, and you died without knowing why you were on earth, it is like taking a train unmindful of were it takes you, and suddenly finding yourself in a horror town, now all fun is over, and the price of your carelessness is is looming in the horizon. Many ailment are caused by Satan, in the Quraan Allah SWT narrates the story of Prophet Ayuub ( JOB) saying: " Innii massaniya sheitaanu bi nusbin wa cadaab" " I have been stricken by Satan with pain and suffering " For which he sought ONLY Allah's help for acure,, not the devils cure. No matter how much fun you have had, or good times you've enjoyed, a time will come for sure when you can not savor the memories of good old days anymore, the pleasure is gone, and depending on how much illegal pleasure you've had, an equivalent balancing regimen of pain is awaiting for you. Your Dancing Fever on earth, has earned you an everlasting fever that will never go away. Allah SWT says : " A fa ra' ayta in mattacnaahum siniin, thumma jaa' ahum maa kaanuu yuucaduun, maa aghnaa can hum maa kaanuu yumattacuun" " Let us say, we have pleased them with a joyful ( life) for many years, and then, the ( horror) of what they were warned about is finally administered to them, ( Now) how does their past pleasures offset ( the pain and suffereing of the punishment they found themselves in)? Use your head, while you are ......ahead! Nur 2003 Nurtel Softwaano Series Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Your ducaa sis Sagal and Raxmah Raxmah si your tagline reads: " "You only live once, but if you live right, once is enough." I suggest you change it this way: You only live twice, but if you live right the first time, you will live better in the next" Walaalkaa Nur
Athena InshaAllah I will repost my profile here so new members will get to know my light side, but let me ask you, this green smiling face icon, i think he needs to see an orthodentist, his teeth are scary, i can't help but laugh each time i look at it. Nur
Ducada Walaal, sidaan wada ognahay, xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya dadka iyo Rabbigooda wa cibaadada, taasoo macnehhedu yahay in loo hoggnasamo kii na uumay oon jeclaanno, kana cabsanno. Cibaadadu hadaba waa xarigga nagu xira Rabbigeenna, xariggaasna waa Ducada, oo ah qoraalkan maanta waxuu ku saabsan yahay. Ducada waxa ku so arooray Quraanka: " Rabbigiinna wuxuu yidhi, i barya, waan idiin dhago nuglaanee ( aqbalayaa ducadiinna), kuwa iskala weyn iney i hoggaanasmaan, Jahannama ayey galaan ayagoo ku waaraya" "Haddii ay adoonteydu i kaa wareysato ( Maxamadoow), Anugu waan dhowahay, waan ajiibaa ( u yeelaa wexey doonayaan) baryada kan ii barya, hadaba (addoonteyda) ha ii dhago nuglaato, hana i rumeeyaan, waa intaasooy waddada toosan qabsadaanee" Ducada waxaa ku soo arooray Sunnada SAWS ee carfoon. 1. Cibaadaduba waa Ducada, Rabbigiinna wuxuu yidi " i barya waan idiin dhago nuglaanee" 2. Rabbigiinna, Barakeysanoo Saremaray, waa xishhodaa, waana deeqsi, , wuu ka xishoodaa in addoonkiisu uu gacmihiisa kor u taago inuu soo celiyo faro madhnaan" 3. Ma jiro qof Muslim ah oo Allah ku barya duco ayan n ku jirin dambi falid ama qaraabo jarid, oon Ducadaas Allah ku siinin seddex midkood: a). In loo soo dadajiyo ducaadaasoo la siiyo wuxuu baryay b) In aakhiro loogu keydsho c) In looga celiyo ducadaas wax u dhigma uu dhibaato ku soo socotay" . Markaasey ( saxaabadii yidhahdeen) " Hadaba ( ducada) waan badineynaa" Markaasuu Rasuulku SAWWS yidhi " ( Allah ka badan)" Aadaabta Ducada: 1. Ikhlaas : Iney kaa dhab tahay oo Allah oo qudha aad ula jeeddo 2. Inaad ku bilowdid Mahadnaqa Allah, faankiisa, iyo Nabiga ood ku salliso 3. Allah oo qudha inaad rajeyneyso, kuna kalsoontahay inuusan qofaan asaga aheyn wax kuu qaban karin. 4. Ku celcelin badan ( Allah ma daalo, adiga ha daalin, kumana ku dhibsado, ee ducadiisa ha dhibsan) 5. Qalbigaaga oo ku foojigan Ducada aad ku duceysaneyso 6. Inaad duceysato marwalba, hanoqoto inaad wanaag ku jirto, ama aad dhibaato ku sugan tahay. 7. Qofaan Allah aheyn ducadaada wax ha ku warsan ( Mataal: "ilaahayow, iyo sheekh Awliyoow", waa dambi) 8. Ducada ha ku habaarin reerkaaga, maalkaaga, dhallankaaga, iyo naftaada: Macneheeda waa ha is habaarin, maxaa yeelay Allah waa naxariis badan yahayee ee warso caafimaad iyo wanaag. Nin Gabayaa ah oo la odhan jirey Al Mutanabi ayaa wuxuu ku gabyay: " Kafaa bika daa' an, an taral mawta shaafiyaa. Wa xasbul manaayaa an yakunna amaaniyaa" Waxaa cudur kaaga filan inaad daawo ka raadiso geerida, geeridana xumaan waxaa ugu filan iney noqoto wax la hiigsado" 9. Markamla duceysanayo oo codka hoos loo dhigo, hana u dhexeeyo codkaagu kan qeylada ah iyo kan qarsoon. 10. Inaad qirsan tahay dambiyaashada, ood dambi dhaaf Allah warsato, iyo inaad dareensan tahay nicmooyinka aad ku jirto ood Allah ugu mahadnaqeyso 11. Markaad duceysaneyso, inaad is liiddo, madaxaagana hoos u dhigto 12. Haddad dad soo dhacday inaad u celiso xaqooga, ama aad niyeysato inaad celindoonto mar dhow. 13. Qiblada ood u jesato 14. Gacmaha ood cirka u taagto 15. Inaad weyso qabto 16.Inaadan qof ku habaarin ducadaas ( Mataal ahaan inaadan odhan "Allow reer Qansax cadaab") 17.Marka hore ducada naftaada ka billow, dabadeed waalidka, dabadeed dadka kale ( Rabbi ighfir lii wa li waalidayy) Allow ii dambidhaaf aniga iyo waaldkeyga. ( dayaaradah marka la raaco, suunka waa inaad adga xidhataa, dabadeed aad u xidhaa carruurta) 18. Allah inaad ku bariso magacyadiisa qurxan ( Asmaa'ul Xusnaa), ama ad magacowdo camal wanaagsanood samyesay Allah wajigiisa, ( Mataal: ilaahayow, haddaan dartaada bililiqada dadkii lahaa u celiyey, maal xalal ah i sii) ama aad Allah ku bariso qof Muslim ah oo nool oo saaliix ah ducadiisa. ( Mataal: inaad qofkaas warsa 19. Inaad hubiso intaadan duceysan inaad xalaal cunto, cato iyo inaad xidhato 20. Inaadan Qaraabo jarid ku duceysanin 21. Inaadan dambi ku jirin, ku fakareyn inaad sameyso ama aadan dad fareyn. Waqtiyaasha Ducada in la aqbalo: 1. Leylatul Qadr 2. Sag baddhka, intiisa dambe 3. Salaadaha faradka aha dabadood 4. Adaanka iyo iqaamada inta u dhexeysa 5. Saacad ka midah habeenka ( lama yaqaan, sida leylatul Qararka) 6. Marka la addimayo 7. Marka Roobka uu da'ayo 8. Marka dagaalka Allah dartiis cadowga Allah la is hortaagan yahay 9. Saacad ka mid ah maalinka Jimcaha ( waxaana culimada u bateen iney tahay casar gaabadka maalinka Jimcaha, qaarna wexey u badiyeen marka la khutbeynayo, ama slaatul Jumcaha nafteeda) 11. Markaa cabeyso biyaha Zamzam 12. Markaad Sujuudsan tahay 13. Markaad saqbadhkii soo toosto od u soo fadhiistao baryo Allah ood allah ku bariso ducooyinka ka sugnaaday Suubbanihii. 14. Markaad ducadaada raaciso aaydda " La ilaaha illla anta, subxaanaka inni kunto mina dhaalimiin" 15. Ducada dadka markuu qof dhinto 16. Ducada markaadAllah u mahadiso, ood Nabigana Ku salliso, taxiyaadka dambe 17. Markaad Allah ugu yeedho Magaciisa Weyn, oo haddii loogu yeedho uu aqbalo, oo haddii wax lagu warsado oo siiyo 18. Markuu qof Muslim ah qof kaloo Muslim ah ooy kal fogyihiin isu duceeyaan 19. Ducada maalinka laa taagan yahay CARAFA 20. Ducada Bisha Ranadaan 21. Ducada markii dad Muslim ah ay isugu imaadaan meel ay Allah ku wada xuseen 22. Markii musiibo kugu dhacdo ood ducadaada ku bilowdo" Innaa lillahi wa innaa ileyhi raajicuun, Allahumma ajirnii can musiibatii wa khluf lii kheiyran minhaa" Allah ay na leh, asaga ayaan u laabanayenaa, Allow, ajar iga sii dhibaatada igu dhacday, iigana daba mari kheyr" 23. Ducada markaad dareento ikhlaas badan, iyo iimaan macaan, ama aad la dhacdo aayad Quraan ah, ama Xadith 24. Ducada qofka la dulmiyey la ma celiyo 25. Ducada waalidka uu u duceeyo ubadkiisa, ama habaarka uu habaaro ubadkiisa 26. Ducada qofka safarka ku jira 27. Ducada qofka sooman ilaa u afuro, iyo markuu afurayo 28. Ducada qofka dhibaateysan, oon qofkale leheyn 29. Ducada Taliyaha Caadilka ah 30. Ducada ubadka baarriga ah ee uu u duceeyo waalidkiis 31. Ducada ka dambeysa weysada oo lagu duceysto ducooyinka ka sugnaaday Suubanihii SAWS 32. Ducada marka la soo tuurto Jamratul Sughraa, Jamratul Wustaa ( Minaa) 33. Ducada lagu duceysto Kacbada Makka dhexdeeda 34 Ducada lagu duceysto Buurta Safa, iyo Marwa, iyo Mashcarka Xaraam Kuwaasi wa kuwo lagu gaar yeelay foojignaan, laakin qofka Muslimka , xaalad walba iyo meelwlba oo daahir ah waa looga aqbalaa inshaallah ducadiisa.. Walaal, qoraalkan gaadhsii intaad jeceshay, anigana ii soo ducee, maxaa yeelay ducada labada kala maqan waxaa sugnaatay in la aqbalo, iiguna soo ducee Al Fardows Al Aclaa, iyo inuu Allah ii barakeeyo howsha aan jeclahay oo ah inaan uunka ugu yeedho iney cibaado ku garyeelaan kii uumay. Walaalkiin Nur
Bismillah Rahman Raheem Salam alaykum: How are you doing? How is everyone there? Do you still remember me in your dua? Please ask everyone there to pray for us to continue this important effort for dawah. I want to share something with you and ask you to read it and then pass it on to as many people (Muslims and non-Muslims) as you can, inshallah. I was just reading an article in the USA Today paper on page 7D (June 6, 2003). It caused me to really wake up and think. We are not doing our job. Now more than ever before, we need to carry this message of "Laa elaha illa lah" (there is none worthy to be worshipped except the One True Almighty God of the universe) to these people here in the West. They are searching and they are lost. They don't know and we are not really helping them. They don't know about the proof that Almighty Allah (God) does exist, nor do they understand the purpose of this life (to fulfill God's Will on earth as it is in Heaven, by worshipping Him, alone, without any partners). We need to show them the proofs that can help them understand and then be convinced, as I was and many thousands of others have understood on coming into Islam. We need to tell them and show them the Haqq (absolute truth) of Islam. They need to know about the pure submission to Almighty, The Most High. They are looking in all directions (except Islam) to solve their problems. But they can't find permanent solutions without Allah. Think about these proofs from the sunnah (way of Muhammad as examples for all humans) for instance: Allah's messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught us over 1,400 years ago: * Always wash your hands, wrists, arms, face, etc., after using the toilet. * Wash hands before and after you eat. * Always eat with your right hand (use your left hand for dirty and impure things and the right hand for eating, drinking and shaking hands). * Don't eat until you are hungry. * Never fill your stomach. * Divide your stomach into three parts; one for food; one for drink; and one for air. * Always sit while you are eating or drinking. This was 1,400 years ago. Today we are so modern. Right? Well, think about this: 1) Public television aired a program dealing with the epidemic level of the spread of hepatitis B, sometime back. They proved that it was largely due to those who were food handlers in fast food restaurants. The workers were not washing their hands after going to the toilet. They would handle the food with filth from the toilet still one their hands. Other programs exposed the fact that office workers were spreading many diseases that could have been avoided by washing their hands after using the toilet as well. In one example, tests were conducted on keyboards of computers, telephone receivers and other things that were touched and shared on a regular basis in a large office complex. The study showed that many germs and even fecal matter (human waste) was found everywhere in the office and even in the air that they were breathing. Emphasis was on the fact that the people were not washing themselves after going to the toilet. 2) In a study done by the United States Navy during the time of the Clinton administration, they wanted to determine the effects of cleaning and washing after using the toilet. On one ship every single person (around 200 or so, if I remember correctly) were commanded to wash before and after going to the toilet and before eating, etc. The findings? Very clearly, the evidence showed that these men had a definite decline in sickness, headaches, colds, diseases and no mention of any hepatitis at all. 3) There is a series on TV about how they only now are discovering the only way to insure longevity (long life) is not related so much to what you eat, but rather: how much you eat. They are calling for smaller portions; not to eat until you are hungry; not to fill your stomach; even telling people to begin by cutting the amount they eat -- in HALF. 4) Many people, even Muslims today, are saying things against the sunnah of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Some say it is not valid today. Others claim they don't see any value in it or that it is something not important and some are even making fun of his way and his teachings as though this is something old fashioned and outdated. (Aouthubillah). Yet, when the same thing is coming from a non-Muslim doctor in Washington, DC... I'll let you decide about this one: One night while driving home very late, from a fundraiser in Virginia, I was very tired. So, while waiting for a light to turn green, I laid my head on the steering wheel. When the light turned green, my little daughter started tapping my shoulder and saying, "Daddy, wake up!" "Daddy, you have to drive." I said, "I'm too tired." She then turned on the radio in the car very loud in an effort to wake me up. There was a man's voice saying, "Never stand up when you eat or drink." He continued; "Never, ever stand up when you eat or drink; always sit down while eating and drinking." By now, I was wide awake and driving again. I thought, "Who could be talking like this?" This was sounding like Muslim preachers telling their followers to emulate the prophet, peace be upon him, in sitting while you eat and being careful of your eating habits; not to fill your stomach; always wash your hands. The voice on the radio continued, "If you knew the damage that you are doing to your body by standing while you eat, you would never do it." He then began to name the various parts of the body that are effected by standing rather than sitting while you eat, "Your esophagus, the stomach, kidneys, liver, etc." He was a doctor and he said, "Most of the operations would not be necessary if people would only SIT DOWN WHEN THEY EAT OR DRINK." Interesting, isn't it? Of course, now if we were to sit while we eat and take small portions and not eat to our fill, we would have to ask ourselves the question, "Am I doing this for Allah and His messenger, peace be upon him, or am I doing it for my health?" 5) I received an email that was trying to make fun of what Allah mentioned in the Quran about "gardens underneath which rivers flow" in the Paradise. They were saying that it did not make any sense for people to need gardens in Heaven nor did they need rivers, nor fragrances, nor couches to sit on, nor any of the things referred to in conjunction with such teachings. They were ridiculing these references in Quran and claimed it proves Islam is wrong. (Aouthubillah) Notice however, in USA - Today, an article in on page 7D, Friday, June 6, 2003,: "Tranquility grows well in a garden." It says that Americans are awakening their inner transcendentalist with healing havens -- gardens designed to bring peace to the owner. They call their "sanctuaries" "tranquility gardens." They picture a woman named Molly Matthews as a "horticultural therapist" and she is designing these "tranquil gardens" for people in California. Look also at the terms they are using in the article: ".. sanctuaries, also known as "tranquility gardens"" and "Gardens have always been a safe haven and a place to renew" and ".. bring pleasure, and in times of uncertainty and stress.." also, "people are being more mindful of their surroundings.. looking outside and thinking, 'What can I do to make this my palace .. my oasis?'" The so-called horticultural therapist says, "You need to be away from the cement, which is numbing to people." She goes on to include many things straight from the Quran in her theme of peaceful gardens, including "angels"; "jewelry"; "shells from beaches, layered on panels" and man-made ponds. Her instructions for a "tranquility garden" include: "Select a SACRED area... in green space, add COMFORTABLE SEATING"; "colorful and fragrant flowers"; "Embellish with calming elements - water and wind are sensory... soothing"; "Top choices... birdbaths, wind chimes and small water fountains." Quote: "It's important to feel like you're in an EDEN, a sanctuary." -- Molly Matthews, horticultural therapist. Why is it when Ms. Matthews says it, it makes USA Today news? But when Allah Almighty says it, they make fun and ridicule or call it a book of terrorism? May Allah guide us all, ameen. Right now I'm in a hotel in Grand Rapids, MI. We have a program planned for today, inshallah, to give dawah to the non-Muslims here in Michigan. Pray for us and for Allah to guide them, inshallah. Earlier this week we were in Flint, Michigan (2 shahadahs); Merrillville, Indiana (1 shahadah); Chicago, Illinois for two separate nights (2 more shahadahs) and then later today we are heading toward Detroit (Flint again). Hundreds and hundreds of Muslims are coming out for the events, but the problem is that they are only bringing one or two non-Muslims to attend this things. I pray that Allah will guide us all to do our jobs, before it is too late. Ameen. Keep up your dawah efforts there and make sure that you don't hold fast to the rope of Allah (don't let the shayton separate your community). Let us stay in touch and keep me informed of the dawah activities there, inshallah. Jazakalah khair was Salam alaykum, Yusuf Estes National Muslim Chaplain Washington, DC - USA www.IslamTomorrow.com/live/
Sister Latifa You have raised several questions in your Marriage inquiry. 1. Race 2. Paast Conduct 3. Past faith 4. Present faith. You want an all encompassing answer to the above. The answer to this question has two main considerations: 1. Allah and His Messenger. " And Allah has decreed that you do not submit in surrender ( Ibaadah) none except him" So in light of the above verse let us take the problme apart. On Race. Allah SWT says. " A slave who is a believer is better ( in marriage) than a polytheist, no matter how much attrcative he is" The Prophet said. " No white is better than a black, nor a black is better than a white except in Taqwa ( Good Deeds ) On Past Conduct and faith. Allah SWT says : " I am forgiver for he whom repents, believes (in me), does good deeds, and then follows the guidance ( of Islam) The Prophet SAWS said : " Islam ( Surrender to the creator of man) wipes clean all actions before it" On Present faith. The propphet SAWS acknowledged that Muslims consider four metrics for marriage. 1. Wealth 2. Good Looks 3. Origin 4. Adherence to faith ( Deen, way of life) The prophet SAWS recommended the last one as priority when these above factors compete in a decision making process for marriage. The above, answers part (1) of the question, part follows. The second aspect to consider is: 2. Parents." And Allah has decreed that you do not submit in surrender ( Ibaadah) none except him,................And as for (your) parents, ( treat them ) well" I have written a piece on parental arranged marriages, and I can psot it if you think it is releveant, but in this context, your parents have a say in who you marry, because, they love you, and they have priority in your life than a new prospect, their approval is critical in the blessing of your marriage. A Marriage is a bonding between two people to help each other to serve their Lord in their roles in life and to help each other and enjoy life together in love and harmony. Any relationship that diverts you from your purpose in life, your devotion to Allah is not recommneded, and any relationship that does not provide love and harmony will not assist you in Allah's service, so it is important to consider the social factor. As a Somali, you were raised with certain upbringing, and the brother may have been raised in a different upbringing, if you are planning to live in his environment you must adapt your ways to his, if you plan to live in Somalia, once peace prevals, he must be willing to relocate with you and wear a macawis and cimaammad and adapt too life in Qurac Dheer. Lastly, you may want to know about my personal opinion, let me ask you, does the brother have a convert sister? ( Just kidding) Nur
Walaal Baashi Jazaakallahu Khairan, soo dhoweyntaada iyo niyaddaada waalaalnimo oo fiican, Allaha ku tuso ajarkeeda maalin uusan maal iyo ubad wax tar laheyn, illaa qof Allah ula yimid qalbi fiican. Amin Maalmaha soo socda, hadaba inta Allah waqti uu i siiyo ayaan soo qori doonaa taagtayda, hadaba igi kaalmee ducadaada in Allah i waafajiyo wuxuuu jecelyahay, eray ama ficil. Walaalkaa Nur
Walaalayaal Rahima ilhaam Hijabified Silent sis Jazakumullahu khairan for your welcome, I feel like home here, it is so clean and reasonable, but quite honestly, my soul yearns for fishing in rough waters to save some souls. So, I will post an article in this regard, InshaAllah. Walaalkiin Nur
Athena walaal Thanks for the complements, Now, I'll take the pleasure in serving you in the first class cabin of bulletin boards, Somaliaonline. Let me know your favorite topics that I wrote so I can serve you better. By the way, your tagline reads: " One has to be able to count if only so that at fifty one doesn't marry a girl of twenty." -Maxim Gorky" If I am not wrong, it conntradicts with a Somali Proverb that reads: " Haween waxaa dhaqi yaqaan nin Dhali kara" What do you say? Nur
Aamiin, Allaha na waafajiyo bishan barakaysan cibaadadeeda, naxariisteeda iyo cafiska Allah. Bishan waa bisha Quraanka soo dagay, sida ugu wanaagsan oo waqtigeeda lagu dhowro waxaa ugu wanaagsan in Quraan la akhriyo lana khatimo dhowr jeer. Xasanaatka bisha Ramadaan waa la labalaabaa, sidaa darteed halkii xaraf waxaa ku jirta toban xasano, marka halkii kkatam waxaa ku jirta 3 malyan, iyo lix boqol uu kun oo xasano, markaas ku dhufo laba jabaar bisha ramadaan. Sadaqda Bishaan ayadan waa bisha ugu wanaagsan oo la bixiyo. Somalia hal qof qadadiisa waxaa ku filan (10 cents, US) marka, hal Dollar wuxuu qado ka bixin karaa toban qof oo baahan. Boqol Dollar wexey baahi tiri kartaa hal cid oo agoon leh labo bilood. Habeenkii Ramadaan, waxaa loo gaar yeelay cibaado, qofkii istaaga habeenkii, wuxuu galayaa addoonta Allah ee gaarka ah, iimaanka ayaa loo kordhiyaa, diinta ayaa lagu sugaa, dambigooda waa la dhaafaa, naxariisna dushooda ayey ku soo degtaa, run ahaantii, nasiib weyn qofkii haleela. Maalinka Ramadaanka, xasuus Allah oo badan, iyo cibro qaadasho, lagu cibro qaato, kuwaan jecleyn oon sanadkaan nala joogin. Bishani, kheyr weyn bey siddaa, qofkey dhaafto waa nasiib xunyahay. Allow na waafaji kheyrkeeda. Aamiin
The Rational to Attack Afghanistan The Simplistic View Bush: Who are these terrorists? FBI Chief: Saudis, at least they hold Saudi passports Bush: What can we do about that? Powell: Saudi Arabia can not be bombed, they supply us with oil Bush: That terrorist Mohammad Atta, is an Egyptian, may be we can bomb Egypt Powell: No Mr. President, Egypt is our ally, they made peace with Israel Bush: But he was trained in Germany, those Germans hate us, don't they? Powell: Germany lost the war, they are no longer against the allies, besides they no longer like wars, and they are busy making Mercedes Benz, they need our market. Bush: Where did Mohammed Atta learn flying planes? FBI Chief: Florida, Sir Bush: S---, I can't bomb Florida, Brother Jeb Bush is there, he can get hurt FBI Chief: We have reports that the Mafia may be behind this attack, Sir. Bush: If we define all Pizza Parlors as legitimate strike targets, that would be unpopular with Italian Americans and Catholics, besides, Rudolph Giuliani is well liked for his heroism. FBI Chief: We have a claim by the Japanese Red Brigade, Sir Bush: Japan has surrendered to us in WWII, they are not in military confrontation with us anymore, and economically speaking, Japan and Germany are still a threat, d---. FBI Chief: Mr. President, we also have reports of Anti Globalization suspects Bush: These are good looking, clean-shaven white boys, no one will accept that they are terrorists. Powel: How about blaming it on Iraq, Sir? Bush: That is too boring, I want to do something original. Powell: How about blaming it on the CIA, they trained Osama Bin Ladin. Bush: My dad was their chief I can't incriminate my own Dad, are you crazy? Powell: My last guess would be the Mossad of Israel; you see Sharon is under fire and he needs to divert international scrutiny to Terrorism, he may have pulled this one to get off the hook while he finishes his domestic fall Home cleaning. Bush: Blaming congress is far easier than blaming Sharon, any more ideas? Powell: Then let the FBI and the CIA investigate this issue some more and when credible evidence emerges, let us handle it in the international courts of law like we did with the TWA Libyan hijackers case. Bush: Remember next election is only three years away Powel: So what should we do Mr. President? Bush: I think we should strike somewhere very soon, I want to look like a hero during thanksgiving, so Americans can watch the censored evening news to enjoy their turkey and their tax money at work going after the bad boys. Powell: How should we rationalize such a move Mr. President? Bush: A War against terrorism Powell: That is too broad Mr. President; we need a more accurate objective, Sir? Bush: Destroying Bin Laden hideouts in Afghanistan, with high tech laser guided CNN camera carrying missiles. Powell: The Russians lost 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan Sir, in ten years. Bush: Then let us form a Coalition of Nations against terrorism; we legitimize it as an international effort like my dad did it in the Gulf War, I am sure the British will follow us, they owe us one for the Falklands, later, we can drag Europeans along, we've liberated them in WWII after all, we can count on their support. In addition, we will persuade A-rabs and even I-ranians who hate Taliban Sunnis, you see this is the best strategy, and to make it decisive , we tell everybody, to choose either Freedom or Terrorism. Powell: Fine with me Mr. President, if that is what you want, Powell: Talking to himself (I am going to write a book about this, a practical objective indeed) Nur 2001 eNuri (Nurtel) Reports The Light Side Of The Heavy Stuff
That was no brain teaser for Muslims, But for non Muslims it should be a challenge. Here is a true story of a christian encounter with Islam Once in a cafeteria I asked a waitress if a menue contained pork, she was unable to know all the fuss about the pork thing so another waitress tried to explain to the confused waitress, here is what she told her. " Muslims do not eat pork, if they eat even by mistake, the must take shower seven times, the last time with sand" So you can imagine how some people may think about Islam.
The Women and The Stone A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. "I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone." Thinking about the story one can deduce 1. That there are other metrics to measure price 2. Wisdom is the best Khair Allah can bestow 3. Wisdom means puting things in order 4. Mankind has a perpose on earth during her finite lifetime 5. The purpose is highre than most people realize 6. Few know the purpose 7. These are the gems of mankind
Terror and tyranny What powerful states call terrorism may be an inevitable response to injustice Seumas Milne Thursday October 25, 2001 The Guardian For a war that, in the words of US Vice-President Dick Cheney, " may never end", the enemy is proving embarrassingly hard to define. Of course, we know all about Osama bin Laden, supposed mastermind of the twin towers attacks, and his Taliban protectors, and we have become ominously aware of the demands from within the US administration that Iraq be brought into the frame. But this campaign is intended to be something grander still. The bombs and missiles now raining down on Afghanistan have been proclaimed as the curtain-raiser of a war against terror itself, which will not cease until the scourge of political violence is dealt with once and for all. The days of toleration for any form of terrorism from Baghdad to Ballymurphy are, it is said, now over. British ministers may mutter that the war is aimed at al-Qaida and the Taliban alone - but then they are not in charge. Yet for all the square-jawed resolution on display in western capitals about the prosecution of this war, there is little agreement even within the heart of the coalition about what terrorism actually means. Both the EU and the UN are struggling to come up with an acceptable definition. The European Commission has produced a formulation so broad it would include anti-globalisation protesters who smash McDonald's windows; while Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, warned wearily that reaching a consensus would be well-nigh impossible since "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". President Bush has pledged that the war will not cease so long as "anybody is terrorising established governments" and Britain's latest terrorism legislation outlaws support for groups opposing any regime, including an illegal one, with violence. Pacifists apart, however, virtually everyone across the political spectrum supports terrorism in practice - or, rather, what passes for terrorism under the rubric being promulgated by western chancelleries. The transformation from terrorist to respected statesman has become a cliche of the international politics of the past 50 years, now being replayed in Northern Ireland. Almost every society, philosophy and religion has recognised the right to take up arms against tyranny or foreign occupation. In History Will Absolve Me, his 1953 trial speech after the abortive Moncada barracks attack, Fidel Castro reels off a string of thinkers and theologians - from Thomas Aquinas and John Salisbury to John Calvin and Thomas Paine - who defended the right to rebel against despots. In modern times, few would question the heroism or justice of the wartime resistance to the Nazis or of armed rebellions against British or French colonial rule, all damned as terrorists by those they fought. More recently still, the US government trained and funded the armed contra rebellion against Nicaragua - ably assisted by John Negroponte, the current US ambassador to the UN and in defiance of the international court in the Hague. Along with its faithful British ally, the US also backed the Afghan mojahedin (even before the Soviet intervention), as it is now funding opposition groups waging bombing campaigns in Iraq. So the Bush administration's problem with terrorism is evidently not about breaking the state's monopoly of violence. The right to resist occupation is in any case recognised under international law and the Geneva convention, which is one reason why routine western denunciations of Palestinian violence ring so utterly hollow. Having failed to dislodge the Israeli occupation after 34 years or implement the UN decision to create a Palestinian state after 54 years, there are few reasonable grounds to complain if those living under the occupation fight back. But the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian, which last week assassinated Israel's racist tourism minister in response to the Israeli assassination of its leader in August, is officially regarded as a terrorist organisation by the US government, which has now successfully pressured the Palestinian leadership to ban its military wing. The tendency in recent years, encouraged by the scale of last month's atrocity in New York, has been to define terrorism increasingly in terms of methods and tactics - particularly the targeting of civilians - rather than the status of those who carry it out. Such an approach has its own difficulties. Liberation movements which most would balk at branding terrorist, including the ANC and the Algerian FLN, attacked civilian targets - as so mesmerisingly portrayed in Pontecorvo's film Battle of Algiers. But more problematic for western governments is the way such arguments can be turned against them. The concept of modern terrorism derives, after all, from the French revolution, where terror was administered by the state - as it is today by scores of governments around the world. If paramilitary groups become terrorists because they kill or injure civilians, what of those states which bomb television stations, bridges and power stations, train and arm death squads or authorise assassinations? After days when hundreds of Afghan civilians are reported to have died as a result of Anglo-American bombardment - while hundreds of thousands are fleeing for their lives - Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's remark that the aim was to "frighten" the other side couldn't have more sharply posed the paradox of terror. In his City of God, Saint Augustine tells a story about an encounter between Alexander the Great (the last ruler successfully to garrison Afghanistan) and a pirate captain he had caught on the high seas. Ordering the pirate to heave to, Alexander demands: "How dare you molest the seas as a pirate?" "How dare you molest the whole world?" retorts the plucky pirate. "I have a small boat, so I am called a thief and a pirate. You have a great navy, so you are called an emperor, and can call other men pirates." Substitute terrorist or rogue state for pirate and the episode neatly encapsulates the morality of the new world order. Political violence emerges when other avenues are closed. Where people suffer oppression, are denied a peaceful route to justice and social change and have exhausted all other tactics - the point the ANC reached in the early 1960s - they are surely entitled to use force. That does not apply to adventurist and socially disconnected groups like Baader Meinhof or the Red Brigades, nor does it deal with the question of whether such force is advisable or likely to be counter-productive. Islamist "jihad" groups, especially networks like al-Qaida with a "global reach" and a religious ideology impervious to accommodation, are considered by many to be beyond any normal calculus of repression and resistance. Certainly, the September 11 atrocity was an unprecedented act of non-state terror. But such groups are also unquestionably the product of conditions in the Arab and Muslim world for which both Britain and the US bear a heavy responsibility, through their unswerving support of despotic regimes for over half a century. It was precisely that blockage of democratic development that led to the failure of secular politics, which in turn paved the way for the growth of Islamist radicalism. Groups like al-Qaida offer no future to the Muslim world, but Bin Laden and his supporters have their boots sunk deep in a swamp of grievance. As the assault on Afghanistan continues, no one should delude themselves that cutting off head or destroying its Afghan lair will put an end to this eruption. Roots of Terror
MaaShaaAllah Sister LadyFatima Your answer was so generous that it taught me few things about the revelaton of Zabur and Towraat, could you please narrate the source for this, I am very interested. As for your answer, you are right, the guest is Ramadan. I once shed some tears after his departure for failing to take advantage of his generosity, and since then I try to take the most advantage of his presence. ® stands for Rahma, Mercy (M) stands for Maghfirah, Forgiveness (N) stands for Naar, Hell (sharteeda Allaha naga dhowro) Nur