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ilhaam sis Have I written about Naar? No, I have not, but I should brave myself to do it, it is a fact to face here and now before we face it there and later, because everyone will arrive at Naar, but few will be blessed enough to depart from it safely. Allah SWT says: " Wa in minkum illaa waariduhaa, kaan calaa Rabika Xatman maqdiyaa" There is no one who is not bound to arive at hell" because the Siraat Super Highway on which all humans will walk, passes over Naar, so like Police Radars on Highways, it's sensors pick up signals of passersby with violations to their record, to identify Naar bound people, and allow Good people to pass thorugh, as a filteration process, because in this life, we are all mixed up in a melting bowl, good and bad are all together everywhere, but, in the next life, they will be separated and filtered apart, that is why one of the names of the day of Judjement is called " Yawmul Fasl" The day of Filteration and Separation. Pray for me to be one of those Allah SWT said to their credit " Laa yasmacuuna xasiisahaa, wa hum fiimaa ashtahat anfusuhum khaaliduun" They will not hear it's burning sounds, (instead) they are enjoying all they desire eternally. Amin, amin, amin. Nur
eNuri Past Publications Presenting A Nudist Colony of a Different kind If you have been intrigued by the idea of visiting a Nudist Colony, rest assured that you will, but not necessarily with Club Med. Before you are allowed to visit this colony, you will need to take a trip in which you travel across physical barriers, to the spiritual domain, which make life as you have known it like a big dream, a dream that lasted for dozens of years, and ended suddenly. To cross to the other side of the fence, you would have to shed your entire present body for the bacteria so that the components that were YOU can take a cycle to be reassembled in another useful format, may be more useful then YOU, something like a tree, or a squirrel. As you leave your body behind for weeping relatives, your soul is received at the first station of reception. Here you will be interviewed, your exit interview, you may still be able to hear your relatives, but they can't, and an assessment will be made by the Station officers, of your contribution to life on earth. As you leave this station, the next station will be the General Assembly station, Not the UN, and its hypocrisy and fear for their lucrative salaries, In this Station all mankind who ever lived on earth are assembled in a single grounds, all waiting to know about their results, final accounting exercise, even Arthur Andersen will have to explain about their evaluation of Enron since no one on earth has done it. In this assembly everyone will be naked, and no one has an interest to look at anyone else, it is that bad, what you will see that day will dwarf all your worries in this world. To believe in that day, is not to worry for a worldly loss of any kind, To know your score in the day of judgment, see how much you think about this present life, does it make you happy when you have it?, are you depressed when you don't? If that is the case, then you are in for a surprise, you better not die. That day, will be the beginning of real life, the current life is a mirage, it lasts so short, and before you know, you are standing naked in front of your maker.....This is No joke... Are you prepared to bare it all? To help you with an answer, please read on below Our worries in this life are relative. The more relatives we have, the more worried we will be, because, our relatives tend to compete for our love, attention, time, money and what have you..... Tonight there is hebla's wedding, tomorrow, hebla is graduating from college, yet the day after, other hebel needs qaaraan, he is being held for manslaughter for running over a child near a school, and it goes on and on and on....... We worry about our jobs and money, about relationships, does hebel really love me? we worry about our health, we worry for our favored team, we worry and worry all the time, our worries never seem to end. But one worry seems not to be in our list of worries, and it turns out to be the single most important concern that we should be thinking endlessly. There are two concerns in our lives in this life. 1. Our physical needs 2. Our required deliverable against these needs. Our physical requirements have been budgeted and approved long ago before we were born ( RIZQ), all we have to do is to seek it with grace, not with worries, theft, stealing other nations wealth and oil, or making enemies when we can make friends. Our Sustenance, physical requirements are called Rizq, everyone has his/her share allocated and no else will get it. But the way we seek Rizq varies and hence our worries or happiness. Our Rizq is like a boarding pass, once issued to you, you can take it easy, you don't have to rush to seek your seat on the plane, the hostess makes sure that no one sits on your seat. Rizq is the allocated needs for your well being while on earth, it is not a right, rather it is privilege, generosity ( Fadl) and it requires being thankful to the endower, Allah SWT. Rizq comes in many ways: 1. Wealth 2. Health 3. Friendship 4. Wisdom 5. Family and anything that adds value to your life. Your share of the above are fixed, but what you can do with it is variable, in different combination, the more creative you are, the more your returns on these Rizq. Or you can choose to use the above Rizq against the one who gave you to begin with, if you are very smart. Against all the above Rizq, you have deliverable to deliver as a token of gratitude. This deliverable is called Shukr ( Gratefulness) it's opposite is called (KUFR) The word KUFR in Arabic language has the same Indo-European root like the Latin and English word ( COVER) they even sound closely. KUFR means not recognizing a goodwill you have received, or covering it up by not showing respect to the giver of this RIZQ. So, as you continue receiving the Rizq all your life, and not recognizing the giver by thanking him appropriately, you begin to age and die, if not by sickness or accident, then by old age. Now, your relatives take you to the grave, wiping their crocodile tears, thinking all along about the inheritance, and how to share it. While you were alive, you gave them your time and money, you may even have ruined your health because of worrying about them and not having time to exercise or eat right. And when you die they line up to claim the money that you were so stingy to spend on yourself. Now, after your death, your family can buy all the things you have denied them. Once in the grave, the angels will look up at your deliverable folder, and suddenly, they spot that your file is empty, no deliverable inside, worse yet, a lot of violations are logged on your record. ....And you thought that your traffic record was bad? wait till you see about a record keeping system that misses nothing, I mean zero tolerance, here we are talking about absolute justice, no fake lawyers, no lobbies, no biased media, no politicians. Your worries are just beginning, because in the arrival station, the grave, you will realize that you have neglected your duties, which were in the sphere of your influence, and worried about RIZQ, which was guaranteed to you. Now, you want to come back, to do otherwise, but, the gates are closed and the plane has taken off to another world, flying to the permanent domain of a Just King. At this station, you will be booked, after a quick interview which will highlight what you should expect according to your accompanying manifest, and time stops for you as you take a long nap and depending on your manifest record, you may have several windows open showing future attractions in store for you. Upon arrival of the General Assembly of all of Humanity. You will have a new body, and you find yourself in a new world, you will notice that it is not the same sun or skies, not the same people, you wouldn't believe if what you see is real or if you are dreaming, but that day your sight will be as sharp as steel. You will realize that the only thing that counts that day is how much truth you have with you. How much good have you delivered against the opportunity that was furnished to you? That day, it will not matter if you were a Hawiyeh, Issaaq or ******, woman or a man, rich or poor, king or a shoe shining boy, everything evaporates that day, except one currency: 1. Belief 2. Good Deeds You will be able to see your final home, or jail. And because the horror of what you see that day, you will not be able to notice that everyone around you is naked, this is not CLUB MED, it is CLUB DEAD. Clothes cover you from the elements, but it is TAQWA, ( Literally meaning to prevent yourself from the Punishment of Allah) that one should wear in this life, so that he/she does not become unprotected from being punished. As Allah SWT Says in Quraan " Wa Libaasul Taqwaa, Dhaalika Kheyr" And the mantle of Taqwaa, That is indeed better ( for protection) Why should you then expose yourself, when you can get a free coverage? Think, before you sink! Nur 2003 eNuri (Nurtel) Old Sotwaano Editions Why expose yourself to undue Risk? Look Into Islam!
Nurtel Somali Language Publications Presents: Xasuusta Allah SWT ( Remembrance of Allah ) Walaalayaal; Waxaan shaki laheyn in wax walba loo uumay sabab, haddii waxaas sababtii loo uumay uu ku sugan yahay, waa sidii la rabay, haddii kale se oo wixii loo uumay uusan ku sugneyn, ama uu la yimaaddo hwol cusub, dhibaato ayaa laga fishaa ama cudur meeshii laga filan lahaa waxtar. Qalbiga banii aadanka, waxaa loo uumay jeceylka iyo xasuusta kii abuuray, inta uu qalbigaasugan yahay xasuusta kii uumay, qalbigaas lagama yaabo inuu ka baxo jeceylka Allah iyo daacadiisa. Qalbigu waa xubinta ay u hoggaansan yihiin xubnaha kale ee korka, haddii markaas qalbiga laga waayo xasuusta Allah iyo jeceylkiisa, korka intiisa kale lagama yaabo in ay Allah u hoggansamaan sidii ku habbooneyd Allah SWT. Xasuusta Allah wexey dhalisaa jeceylka Allah, sidaasoo kalena jeceylka Allahna wuxuu dhaliyaa, xasuustiisa. Xasuusta Allah ama Dhikrigiisa waxaa noo faray Allah markuu yidhi ( i xasuusta, waan idin xasuusane, iina mahad celiya, hana ismoogeysiinina nicmadddeyda ( Takfuruun) ) Xasuusta Allah SWT waxaa ku jirta waxtar badan, oo aan ka soo qaadaneyno intii noo suuro gasha wexey culimadu sheegeen. Dhikriga Allah SWT: 1. Wuxuu eryaa sheydaanka. Qofka intuu carrabikiisa ku hayo xasuusta Allah sheydaan uma soo dhawaado. 2. Allah ayuu raalli geliyaa 3. Walwalka iyo murugta ayuu ka qaadaa qalbiga 4. Wuxuu keenaa farxadda 5. Wuxuu xoojiyaa qalbiga 6. Wajjiga ayuu nuuriyaa 7. Arzaaqda ayuu furaa 8. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiya qofka Allah xasusta haybad, iyo karaamad 9. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiya qofka xasuusta Allah inuu Allah iska jiro. 10. Allah ayuu ku dhoweeyaa 11. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiyaa jeceylka Allah oo ah ruuxa Islaamka 12. Wuxuu furaa fahamka diinta iyo culuumteeda 13. Wuxuu ku dhaxalsiiyaa in Allah uu ku xasuusto. 14. Dhikrigu waa nolosha Qalbga, qalbi aan Allah xasuusneyn, waa kalluun biyaha laga saarey. 15. Dhikrigu waa quutka, ama cunnada qalbiga. 16. Qalbiga ayuu ka nadiifiyaa midhidhka iyo dunuubta 17. Wuxuu kaa shuqliyaa xanta iyi danbiga 18. Meeshha Allah lagu xusu waxaa imaata malaaigta 19. Wuxuu kaa nabad gelyaa walwalka maalinka qiyaamaha, maxaa yeelay ma jirto saacad ku soo martay oodan Allah ku xasuusan oo aan aakhiro ka shallaynin inaad Allah illowday. 20. Qofka ku mashquula xuska Allah waxaa la siiyaa waxaan la siinnin kuwa Allah barya. 21. Waa cibaadad ugu sahlan, uguna fadli badan qofkii ka faaideysta 22. Xasuusta Allah waa abuurka jannada. Maanta intaas ayaan ku joojineynaa, si tafaq tiranna hadduu Allah yidhaado ayaan uga hadli doonnaa faaidooyinkaas iyo kuwa kale. Nur
eNuri Past Publications Revisited, for a new audience From eNuri Archives ( Somaliaonline edition, some changes appear from original version for clarification) Fourteen centuries ago, Allah SWT sent a Messenger(SAWS) to mankind, A man who was raised in Makkah, present day Saudi Arabia, and who belonged to a tribe called Quraish, the decendants of Prophets Ismail and Abraham (aleyhimaa assalam). The Messenger of Allah was sent to an Arab speaking people, and naturally, he communicated with them in Arabic language. Every messenger also did communicate with his people by way of their respective language and culture with examples they could understand and relate it to their lives. The reason is that Allah intended the message to be understood, and his teachings followed. Whe we fail to address people with analogies they understand we fail to deliver the true meaning of our message and confusion shrouds our minds. That is why some of our respected Ulema fail to convince the new generation of Muslims and non Mulsims, because the Ulema are "NOT CONNECTED" to the same media, nor speak the lingo of the times, as a result, a great deal of knowledge remains untransmitted, and not utilized. Based on the above prelude, I am about to convey the history of Tawheed with analogoies that cann be understood by residents of North America, and to an extent most westernized Somalis, specially my cousins in Qurac Dheer, Somali Peninsula, who listen to Heavy Metal in their tents. The Arabian Tribe Quraish was the center of attention of all Arabs at the time as it controlled the holly shrine Kaaba, which represented a tribute erected by Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail for the remembrance and reverence of Allah ALONE on earth. These days, life was simple, there was no TV, Radio, newspapers, sitcoms, tabloids and Somaliaonline. So people communicated one-on-one and they enjoyed poetry and oratory in public places, similar to the ancient Greeks and Romans lavish theaters. They mastered the language early in their childhood, and as adults they were quick to understand the meaning of every spoken word. When the prophet SAWS called them for Islam, they asked him about the essense of his message. The prophet told them ( My message is laa ilaaha illa Allahu) A bedouin responded, (then all Arabs and non Arabs wil fight against you). The bedouin knew the meaning of the word ILAAH in Arabic language. In Suuratl Jinn, aayah 19, Allah says " And when the Abdullah Servant of Allah stood up to calling for his (ilaah), (the polytheists) almost ganged up against him" This brings us to the core issue, TERMINOLOGY. understanding these terminology the way the SALAF understood it, will make us do what they did. The Salaf were proficient in their language, lived their times and fulfilled their commitment to their best. Can the same be said about us? When we speak about Islam do we live our times? are we taking our responsibilities seriously as they did to make Islam interwoven throughout our lifestyle? are we fulifilling our responsibility to Allah? or are we wishy washy people? SALAF were not a group of people, it was a period of time in history, in which Islam blossomed, and the word of Allah reached the corners of the world. Generally it is referred to the first three generations of Saxaabah and the taabiciin, and taabicu taabiciin. Today we are trying to understand what used to drive these people to do monumental achievements recorded to their credit in every sphere of life. They were more pious in ibaadah, more involved in community and political environment, more accomplished in jurisprudence Fiqh, sciences, the arts, and business, they were leaders for humanity, they freed Europe from darkness and corrupt Kings and Church leaders, they traded with asia with honesty and fairness which resulted mass conversion of Asians to Islam, the religion of common sense. The key to understanding what motivated these Salaf generation lies in the components of the very word that changed history The Word was : " Laa ilaaha Ilaa Allah)" Once Quraish heard the word, they became alarmed. why? because they understood its far reaching meaning more than most muslims understand today. This strategy to present this Word before all the detais of Islam's social change was not the choice of our prophet Muhammad SAWS. Nor did it happen thoughtlessly. The Messenger was commanded to do it that way. And there is a wisdom for us to ponder. In contrast, today, the first thing we tell non Muslims is the Hijaab, or Sharia, we fail to set up the right comminications link between man and his maker, the link of Tawheed, laa ilaaha ilaa Allah, which can transform the human being from a defiant to a humble person. Imagine, the Messenger SAWS sitting on the corner of Yamaaniyah of the Kaaba, making ibaadah (worship), and around him ther are circumventing female naked pilgrim women making tawaaf and all he is asking people to do was " SAY , LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ALLAH" not to cover up their bodies, because he was ordered to address the root cause of man's rebellion against his maker which is his ignorance of his maker. He knew if they accept this word, and its requirements, that all evil will be wiped. and in twenty three short years, it was. So, We may ask, how was it possible that the decendants of the father of TAWXIID, Prophet Abraham, Peace be upon him, The honorable tribe of Quraish, put three hundered and sixty idols asnaam (Gods) inside a house dedicated to the sole reverence of Allah, the one and only god? It is all about terminology. Just like Satan persuaded Adam and Eve, to eat from the forbidden tree, calling it ( Shajaratul Khuld), Satan inspired Quraish to worship extensions of Allah through what they have claimed as his daughters, just as Christians today ascribe a son to Allah as an extension of the Real Ilaah (subhaanahu wa tacalaa camma yaquuluuna culuwan kabeera). So Satan inspired them to select the names of these goddesses from the root name of Allah, to make it easy for people ta accept it (like copying a trade mark with slight change, like naming your supermarket SAFESTWAY instead of SAFEWAY, or naming your autopart shop TRECKAUTO instaead of TRAKAUTO). So they named the first godess ( Al Laata, from Allah and Al Uzza, From Al Azeez etc.) This tactic in Arabic language is called ILXAAD, Allah mentioned in the Quraan saying " Inna ladeenu yulxiduuna fee asmaa'ih laa yakhfowna calaynaa)". (Those who change the purpose behind the meaning of His Names, are not hidden from our view) Therefore Ilxaad It means changing the purpose behind the meaning of a word, just like Sodomy is called GAY today. Just like unsuspecting SAFEWAY Supermarkets customers can shop at a phony store cashing illegaly on someone else's trade mark, by naming his supermarkets SAFESTWAY, The decendants of Abraham were tricked by SATAN to worship others beside Allah therby satan scored a point to support his promise to to Allah that he will mislead mankind. When Prophet Muhammad came with his message, he challenged the tribe of Quraish that all but Allah is fake as an ILAAH. This caused a major problem. But what does ILAAH mean. The root meaning of the word ILAA caomes from the Arabic word (ALIHA) the masdar of this word means among others: 1. To seek a protection ( Like an infant seeks mother's love , wormth and protection) 2. To seek a rescuer ( in times of distress) 3. To seek the highest authority, no one scapes from ( Jurisdiction and Sovreighnty). 4. It meant leadership. ( ZACIIM UL QOWM) 5. Any thing one follows even desires is called ilaah Now when all these meaning were assigned to Allah alone, Quraish had a reason to be alarmed. After all they were the masters of the Arabs at the time. They controlled the trade routes, the Pilgramage and the business it created, The slave trade, Gambling, fornication, drinking and all social evils. They were the losers if the system changed and Muhammad came with a very radical view of the world and how it should be run. They offered him to lead Quraish as their Zaciim, if he stops this word. They offered him money, and most beautiful women. But Mohammad SAWS was not looking for power, presidency, good life, rather he had a mission and a message to deliver, and against it nothing could distract him, so he said his famous statement " If they place the sun on my right palm, and the moon on my left palm, to stop my mission, I would not stop preaching the message that man should surrender to his creator willingly) (note that all creatures are submiting to Allah unwillingly since they have no control over their creation and death and all natural causes that are limiting their freedom). " and then Allah ( ISTAWAA) on the heavens while it was smoke ( Dust particles) and said to them and the earth "surrender willingly or unwillingly" they said, we surrender willingly,....." Before Mohammad SAWS, Prophet Jesus (aleyhi salam) delivered the same message, and the Romans with the help of Jews, planned for his murder, but Allah lifted him up to the heavens and saved him from their wickedness. Today, the Tawheed word exists, but there is no correspondense between this word and the reality of those who say it, hence, saying shahaada today is like a tenant signing a rental agreement he did no understand, Is such a document binding? scolars say NO. A further proof for the above observation is that this word has not stirred in our lives, what it has stirred in the lives of the SALAF AL SAALIX, before us. They said the word, and its effects were detected in their lives and the entire world. We also said the word, and it has no significant effect on our lives. A wise person shouldn't then fool themselves that the King has still some clothes. A good way to measure understanding of this word, is a measure of actions it creates in our lives. If the actions are not there. It may mean that there is no gold reserves in the Bank to validate the currency in circulation. The root cause, the meaning of the word and the belief may not be there. Nur 2003 eNuri Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Salaamu Calaykum walaalayaal Meeye dadka u xiiso qaba Jannada? Mise dadka badankiis Somalia iney ku noqdaan bey uga xiiso weyn yihiin? Waa dood u furan in looga hadlo Jannada, iyo dadkeeda, allah naga dhigee. Ha hagran rayigaaga, waxaa suuro gal ah in qof aad u faaideyso. Nur
Salamu Caleykum walaalayaal Meeshan miyaan ku soo qaldamay mise malaa ig baa daggan? Maxaa dunuubta looga hadli la' yahay? mise waa la wada xishooanayaa? Xishood waxaa mudan Allah mar walba na arka xaalad walba oon ku sugan nahay, ee halkan ha la isugu kaalmeeyo in laga wada hadlo dhibaatada dunuubta iyo sidii loo yareyn lahaa. Dooddani waa furan tahay, kaligey isla ma doodi karo, ee meesha ha igu cidleynina. Nur
Salaams all looks like you all are high octane powered brothers and sisters huh? No one bothered to add to this thread, why? boring subject or what? well, this is the second chance for discussing one of the most important issues a Muslim must worry about, our Level of iimaan. Because if you ignore keeping your eyes on the console that drives your faith and reacting to straighten things accordingly you may crash for lack of iimaan fuel. Let us hear your feelings on this issue Nur
My Dear Sisters and Brothers Quick responses Siman ( May Allah give you a balanced life and faith so you can walk the tight Siratul Mustaqeem Rope with confidence, a day when some people's feet will slip and slide all the way to Jahannam) Lucky ( May Allah make you Saciid/a, lucky enough to make it to Jannatul Ferdous al Aclaa) Asraa (May Allah raise you to the high heavens as a mercy and compensation for his love and obedience) Indho Deeralay ( May Allah make you the Xuurul Ceyn for a lucky Brother) Alpus ( May Allah reward you for your encouragement a reward much heavier in weight than the Alps Maountains, The Rockies, and the Himalayas put together) And Finally for Conquest ( May Allah SWT give you the power to conquer your Nafs, and then Satan so that you smile your way to Jannatul Ferdous, near to those Allah have blessed) By the way, I also start writing while smiling, but then at times, I end up with tearful eyes. Nur
Asraa Nuune Wardi Walaalayaal, Allaha idinka wada aqbalo ducada aad ii duceyseen, waa iga ilmeysiisay waxa an akhriyey, Allah ayaa daalacda waxaan qorno ama sameyno iyo quluubteenna, Allaha khaatimada noo hagaajiyo, Dunida nolosheeda oon la filaneyn naxariista Allah ayaa cadaab dadka ugu filan, waa Allah mahaddiis inuu na waafajiyey iimaan, na siiyay basiiro aan xaqa ku garanno, asaga ayaan warsaneynaa inuu nagu garab qabto shukrigiisa, xasuustiisa, iyo cibaado wanaagsan oon wajigiisa oo kaliya ku dooneyno. ilaahayow inta safxaddan akhrisatay oo ku jecel, kaana baqaya, ku kaalmee waxaad jeceshahay, kuna arzaaq macaanka iimaanka, iyo iney ku guuleystaan iney daawadaan wajigaaga kariimka ah ee quruxda badan maalinka aad noo ballan qaadday la kulankaaga oo Runta ah. Aamin Walaalkiin idinku wada Jecel Allah dartii Nur
Ducada Walaal, sidaan wada ognahay, xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya dadka iyo Rabbigooda wa cibaadada, taasoo macnehhedu yahay in loo hoggnasamo kii na uumay oon jeclaanno, kana cabsanno. Cibaadadu hadaba waa xarigga nagu xira Rabbigeenna, xariggaasna waa Ducada, oo ah qoraalkan maanta waxuu ku saabsan yahay. Ducada waxa ku so arooray Quraanka: " Rabbigiinna wuxuu yidhi, i barya, waan idiin dhago nuglaanee ( aqbalayaa ducadiinna), kuwa iskala weyn iney ii hoggaanasmaan, Jahannama ayey gali doonaan ayagoo ku waaraya " " Haddii ay adoonteydu i kaa wareysato ( Maxamadoow), Anugu waan dhowahay, waan ajiibaa ( u yeelaa wexey doonayaan) baryada kan ii barya, hadaba (addoonteyda) ha ii dhago nuglaato, hana i rumeeyaan, waa intaasooy waddada toosan qabsadaanee " Ducada waxaa ku soo arooray Sunnada SAWS ee carfoon. 1. Cibaadaduba waa Ducada, Rabbigiinna wuxuu yidi " i barya waan idiin dhago nuglaanee " 2. "Rabbigiinna, Barakeysanoo Saremaray, waa xishhodaa, waana deeqsi, wuu ka xishoodaa in addoonkiisu uu gacmihiisa kor u taago inuu soo celiyo faro madhnaan". 3. Ma jiro qof Muslim ah oo Allah ku barya duco ayan n ku jirin dambi falid ama qaraabo jarid, oon Ducadaas Allah ku siinin seddex midkood: a). In loo soo dadajiyo ducaadaas oo la siiyo wuxuu Allah ka baryay . b) In aakhiro loogu keydsho c) In looga celiyo ducadaas wax u dhigma uu dhibaato ku soo socotay" . Markaasey ( saxaabadii yidhahdeen) " Hadaba ( ducada) waan badineynaa" Markaasuu Rasuulku SAWWS yidhi " ( Allah ka badan ( waxaad dooneysaan)" Aadaabta Ducada: 1. Ikhlaas : Iney kaa dhab tahay oo Allah oo qudha aad ula jeeddo 2. Inaad ku bilowdid Mahadnaqa Allah, faankiisa, iyo Nabiga ood ku salliso 3. Allah oo qudha inaad rajeyneyso, kuna kalsoontahay inuusan qofaan asaga aheyn wax kuu qaban karin. 4. Ku celcelin badan ( Allah ma daalo, adiga ha daalin, kumana ku dhibsado, ee ducadiisa ha dhibsan) 5. Qalbigaaga oo ku foojigan Ducada aad ku duceysaneyso 6. Inaad duceysato marwalba, hanoqoto inaad wanaag ku jirto, ama aad dhibaato ku sugan tahay. 7. Qofaan Allah aheyn ducadaada wax ha ku warsan ( Mataal: "ilaahayow, iyo sheekh Awliyoow", waa dambi ) 8. Ducada ha ku habaarin reerkaaga, maalkaaga, dhallaankaaga, iyo naftaada: Macneheeda waa ha is habaarin, maxaa yeelay Allah waa naxariis badan yahayee ee warso caafimaad iyo wanaag. Nin Gabayaa ah oo la odhan jirey Al Mutanabi ayaa wuxuu ku gabyay: " Kafaa bika daa' an, an taral mawta shaafiyaa. Wa xasbul manaayaa an yakunna amaaniyaa " Waxaa cudur kaaga filan inaad daawo mooddo geerida, geeridana xumaan waxaa ugu filan iney noqoto wax la hiigsado " 9. Markamla duceysanayo oo codka hoos loo dhigo, hana u dhexeeyo codkaagu kan qeylada ah iyo kan qarsoon. 10. Inaad qirsan tahay dambiyaashada, ood dambi dhaaf Allah warsato, iyo inaad dareensan tahay nicmooyinka aad ku jirto ood Allah ugu mahadnaqeyso 11. Markaad duceysaneyso, inaad is liiddo, madaxaagana hoos u dhigto 12. Haddad dad soo dhacday inaad u celiso xaqooga, ama aad niyeysato inaad celindoonto mar dhow. 13. Qiblada ood u jesato 14. Gacmaha ood cirka u taagto 15. Inaad weyso qabto 16.Inaadan qof Muslim ah aadan ku habaarin ducadaas ( Mataal ahaan inaadan odhan "Allow reer Qansax cadaab ") 17.Marka hore ducada naftaada ka billow, dabadeed waalidka, dabadeed dadka kale ( Rabbi ighfir lii wa li waalidaya ) Allow ii dambidhaaf aniga iyo waaldkeyga. ( dayaaradah marka la raaco, marka hore suunka waa inaad adiga xidhataa, dabadeed aad u xidhaa carruurta ) 18. Allah inaad ku bariso magacyadiisa qurxan ( Asmaa'ul Xusnaa), ama ad magacowdo camal wanaagsanood samyesay Allah wajigiisa, ( Mataal: ilaahayow, haddaan dartaada bililiqada dadkii lahaa u celiyey, maal xalal ah i sii ). 19. Inaad hubiso intaadan duceysan inaad xalaal cunto, xalaal cabto iyo inaad xalaal xidhato.. 20. Inaadan Qaraabo jarid ku duceysanin . 21. Inaadan dambi ku jirin, ku fakareyn inaad sameyso ama aadan dad fareyn iney dambi falaan. Waqtiyaasha Ducada Allah aqbalo: 1. Leylatul Qadr 2. Sag baddhka, intiisa dambe 3. Salaadaha faradka aha dabadood 4. Adaanka iyo iqaamada inta u dhexeysa 5. Saacad ka midah habeenka ( lama yaqaan, sida leylatul Qararka) 6. Marka la addimayo 7. Marka Roobka uu da'ayo 8. Marka dagaalka Allah dartiis cadowga Allah la is hortaagan yahay 9. Saacad ka mid ah maalinka Jimcaha ( waxaana culimada u bateen iney tahay casar gaabadka maalinka Jimcaha, qaarna wexey u badiyeen marka la khutbeynayo, ama slaatul Jumcaha nafteeda) 11. Markaa cabeyso biyaha Zamzam 12. Markaad Sujuudsan tahay 13. Markaad saqbadhkii soo toosto od u soo fadhiistao baryo Allah ood allah ku bariso ducooyinka ka sugnaaday Suubbanihii. 14. Markaad ducadaada raaciso aaydda " La ilaaha illla anta, subxaanaka inni kunto mina dhaalimiin" 15. Ducada dadka markuu qof dhinto 16. Ducada markaadAllah u mahadiso, ood Nabigana Ku salliso, taxiyaadka dambe 17. Markaad Allah ugu yeedho Magaciisa Weyn, oo haddii loogu yeedho uu aqbalo, oo haddii wax lagu warsado oo siiyo 18. Markuu qof Muslim ah qof kaloo Muslim ah ooy kal fogyihiin isu duceeyaan 19. Ducada maalinka laa taagan yahay CARAFA 20. Ducada Bisha Ranadaan 21. Ducada markii dad Muslim ah ay isugu imaadaan meel ay Allah ku wada xuseen 22. Markii musiibo kugu dhacdo ood ducadaada ku bilowdo" Innaa lillahi wa innaa ileyhi raajicuun, Allahumma ajirnii can musiibatii wa khluf lii kheiyran minhaa" Allah ay na leh, asaga ayaan u laabanayenaa, Allow, ajar iga sii dhibaatada igu dhacday, iigana daba mari kheyr" 23. Ducada markaad dareento ikhlaas badan, iyo iimaan macaan, ama aad la dhacdo aayad Quraan ah, ama Xadith 24. Ducada qofka la dulmiyey la ma celiyo 25. Ducada waalidka uu u duceeyo ubadkiisa, ama habaarka uu habaaro ubadkiisa 26. Ducada qofka safarka ku jira 27. Ducada qofka sooman ilaa u afuro, iyo markuu afurayo 28. Ducada qofka dhibaateysan, oon qofkale leheyn 29. Ducada Taliyaha Caadilka ah 30. Ducada ubadka baarriga ah ee uu u duceeyo waalidkiis 31. Ducada ka dambeysa weysada oo lagu duceysto ducooyinka ka sugnaaday Suubanihii SAWS 32. Ducada marka la soo tuurto Jamratul Sughraa, Jamratul Wustaa ( Minaa) 33. Ducada lagu duceysto Kacbada Makka dhexdeeda 34 Ducada lagu duceysto Buurta Safa, iyo Marwa, iyo Mashcarka Xaraam Kuwaasi wa kuwo lagu gaar yeelay foojignaan, laakin qofka Muslimka , xaalad walba iyo meelwlba oo daahir ah waa looga aqbalaa inshaallah ducadiisa.. Walaal, qoraalkan gaadhsii intaad jeceshahay, anigana ii soo ducee, maxaa yeelay ducada labada kala maqan waxaa sugnaatay in la aqbalo, iiguna soo ducee Al Firdows Al Aclaa, iyo inuu Allah ii barakeeyo howsha aan jeclahay oo ah inaan uunka ugu yeedho iney cibaado ku garyeelaan kii uumay. Walaalkiin Nur 2003 eNuri Somali Language Service Powered By Quraan and Sunnah Ducadu Waa Qalbiga Cibaadada
Macaanka iimaanka Walaal Haddaad mar hore dhadhamisay macaanka iimaanka, laakin aad waayahan dareemi la'dayhay, ogow inaad ka tagtay wax wanaagsan ood sameyn jirtay, oo ku dhadhansiiyey macaanka iimaankaas. Qoraalkan waxaan ugu tala galay sidii marlabaad aad usoo ceshan leheyd macaanka imaanka eed soo dhadhamisay. Maanta waxaan halkan is xasuusineynaa sidii aan ku hanan laheyn macaanka iimaanka haddaan marlabaad ku guuleysanno inaan dhadhamino, iyo sidaan ku xaqiijin laheyn macaankaas. Dadka bartay cabbidda khamriga, ama daroogada oo dhadhansada , wexey ku dadaalaan sidey mar walba dareenkaas u heli lahaayeen, wexeyna u huraan wax walba si ay dareenkaas u gaadhaan ayagoo og inuu u jar ka tuurayo, ama inuu halaagayo. Waxaa kaloo la soo wariyey in Bilaal Ibnu Rabaax, Mu'addinka Rasuulka SAWS la wareystay sababta uu ugu adkeystay oo uu ugu sabray iimaankiisa cadaabta lagu caddibay bacaadka Makka ee kulul, wuxuu ku jawaabay: " Waxaan isku daray xanuunka cadaabta iyo macaanka iimaanka, waxaa soo dul martay macaanka iimaanka" taasoo macnaheedu yahay, in macaanka iimaanka haduu qofku dhab ahaan u dhadhamiyo, inuu wax walba siisanayo, maxaa yeelay Allah ayaa ka iibsaday muminiinta naftooda iyo maalkooda oo ka iibiyay Janno. Hadaba, qofkii ay u dhabowdo macaanka iimaank, wuxuu helay jannadii adduunka sidii uu yidhii Sheikh Ibnu Taymia markii lagu xidhay xabbiskii Qalcada " Haddii la i xidho, waan khalweyn, xasuusta Allah iyo cibaadadiisa ayaan waqti u heli, haddiii la i dhoofiyo, waan jihaadi, haddii la i dilo, waa shahhidnimo, Jannadeydu wexey iigu taallaa laabteyda, cadowgeygu maxey igu fali?" Mar uu Rasuulku SAWS wareystay nin saxaabi ah " Maxaad ku barisay?" ninkii saxaabiga ahaa wuxuu ku jawaabay " waxaan ku ku bariistay muumin-nimo", markaasuu Rasuulku SAWS yidhi, maxaa muujinaya iimaankaaga?" ninkii saxaabiga ahaa wuxuu yidhi " waxaa ii muuqda reer jannaadkii oo isa soo salaamaya, waxaa ii muuqda ahlu naarkii oo is eedaya" rasuulkii Allah SAWS wuxuu markaa ku yidhi ninkii, " Waad haleeshayee, ee ku mitid" rasuulku wuxuu kaloo tilmaamay iimaanka " wax qalbiga ku jira oo uu dhabeeyo waxa la sameeyo" Hadaba waxaad is warsaneysaa, sidee baan iimaan ku helnaa, dabadeedna u hanannaa? Jawaabtu wexey ku xidhan tahay hadba qiimaha uu kula leeyahay iimaanka, taasoo keensaneysa howshaad ku gaadhi leheyd iimaankaas. Waxaa lagu hantaa iimaanka: 1. Sabirka : Allah SWT wuxuu yidhi " Kuwa sabraa, waxaa la siiyaa ajarkooga xisaab la'aan" 2. Ixtisaab: oo macnehhedu yahay in waxaad sameysneyso OO DHAN aad ku raadineyso wajiga Allah oo qudha 3, Ducada: Taasoo ah qallbiga cibaadada 4. Soonka Sunnada ah; ( Khamis, iyo isniin, iyo maalmaha caddaha ah, lixda shawaal, carafa, caashuuraa) 5. Quraankoo la khatimo bil walba hal jeer ( salaad walaboo la akhriyo afar bog) 6. Salaadaha oo loo dhakso loogu dhaksado ( Tabkiir bacdal aadaan oo kaa saaraya munaafiqiinta) 7. Ilaalinta sunnooyinka Rawaatibta ah. ( guri janno ayaa laguugu dhisaa) 8. Ku dadaalidda labada rakcdood ee Salaadda barqaha ( duxaa, taasoo xubnahaaga ka bixineysa sadaqada) 9. Ku dadaal maalinkii oo dhan inaad ku sugnaatid weysoqab, ( caajiska iyo sheitaanka ayey kaa fogeysaa) 10. Ku dadaaal labada rakcadood oo sunnada ah aadaanka dabadiis 11. Ku dadaalidda adkaarta subaxa iyo kuwa fiidka ( Faaiido cajiib badan ayaan ka dhaxlay) 12. Labo rakcadood oo intaadan seexanin aad tukato ayadood u niyeyesato Qiyaamulleil 13. Akhrinta Quraanka iyo ku cibro qaadashada sheekooyinkiisa 14. Sunnada habeenkii ee Shafciga iyo watriga 15. Habeenkii intaadan seexan ood is xisaabisid ( maxaan maanta korosaday, maxaan khasaaray, maxaa iga dhiman?) 16. Dambi dhaaf ood Allah ka bariso si joogto ah. 17. Ku fakaridda uunka Allah iyo yaabkiisa ( abuurka cirka iyo cajaaibta dhulka) 18. Qalbiga oo laga meydho ( dhaqo) cudurrada ( xasadka, dakanaha iwm) 19. Dadkood ugu yeedho waxaad aaminsantahay ( Taasoo iimaanka si weyn u kordhisa) 20. Macsida Allah oo laga tago ( macsidu wexey nusqaamisaa iimaanka) 21. Waalidka oo baarri loo noqdo. 22. Qaraabada soke ( rixinka) oo la xidhiidhiyo ( loo kaalmeeyo, lagana warhayo) Nur
From the eNuri Archives of yesteryear Nurtel (eNuri) Communications Presents: A Wild Story Enjoy this story. Once upon a time there was this man in the jungles, enjoying a nice day watching the equatorial lush green foliage and the exotic animal life. Suddenly, the man heard the movement of a lion behind him, he runs for his life, but the sounds gets closer and closer, and the man keeps up running as fast as he could for his life. The man came face to face with the lion, and to his right a there is a deep well, his options are narrowed between drowning in the well and being chewed by a hungry lion, the man decides to jump in the well hoisting himself with a rope tied to the top of the well for drawing water. As he reached the bottom of the well, the man sees a huge man-eating snake taking a nap at the bottom, the man pulls himself up to the middle of the well, suspended between a hungry lion on the top and a sleeping snake at the bottom. Meanwhile the man notices that two mice, one black and one white are chewing the very rope he was hanging on, making it thinner and thinner. The man begins reacts by swinging with the rope hitting the sides of the walls of the well periodically, and as hits one of the walls, he feels a sticky stuff on his shoulder, he examines the stuff, he finds that it is honey as there was a beehive colony on the wall of the well, the man starts licking the honey to his satisfaction up until he remembers where he is and jumps out of bed. The man was dreaming. The man went to consult a Sheikh to interpret his dream: The sheikh in laughter, asks the man : "Don't you understand the meaning of this dream?" The man replied "No sir, I do not, please interpret it for me" "The lion that was chasing you is the angel of Death ( Malakul Mowt)" "The well which housed the snake is your grave " "The Rope in the well that you were hanging on, was your life timeline ticking away" "The Rodents chewing your Rope , black and white mice are the day and the night" The man asks "The honey, Sir, What is the honey in the dream" The sheikh says : "The honey is the life of this world ( Dunyaa), its temptations which made you forget that there was death behind you and a grave ahead of you. You end up in your grave while savoring the taste of the honey up until you find yourself standing on trial for your deeds in a court of law of the most just kind" Think Different Today Stop Swinging, licking honey, wake up voluntarily, before you wake up in chains! Repent Nur 2003 eNuri Softwaano Series Dunyaa, it's lawful enjoyment are up for an audit, it's illegal fun are up for Punishment!""
Salaamu Alaykum Nomads Who Have only seen camels in the Zoo. I was expecting a response to the above wisdom in Somali language, but no one bothered, I posted to help you sharpen your Somali Language comprehension skills, because there is slight possibility that one day, you may find your self standing near Baraaktii Reer Cag Biciid. Learning Somali is very helpful to retain your cultural background, that way, when you finally relocate back to Qurac Dheer, you will be able to communicate with Ayeeyo Cambaro and adeer Waraabe Wareeriye, who would love to hear your stories in ardi gaalo, but without saying, " FUN badan baan heysannay". Nur
Walaalalayaal Xadiithkan waan tirtiray sababtoo ah in laga soo xaqiijiyey culimada inuusan aheyn Xadiith saxiixa ah inksatoo faaiidoo badan ka muuqato, Allah ayaan ka baryeynaa cafis haddaan ku degdegay qoraalkiisa iyo tarjumaaddisa, asaga ayaa ka warhaya laabteenna waxa ku jira, hanagu manneystoo deeqsinnimadiisa. Amin Nur ----------------------------------------------------------- Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga da' yar waa iga dambi yar yihiin.
Ganacsade_Sheexa ( Sorry taking the freedom of changing your screen name to reflect a better meaning like a SHY BUSINESSMAN) You ask: Originally posted by gangsta_shawty: asalaamu aleey kum i just had one question what is the person your giving money to is a poor kufaar(gaalo)will i still get ajar for giving them somthing? Answer: Yes, you will get a great Reward from Allah for giving money or help to a non believer , sometimes more than the reward you get in aiding a fellow Muslim as this gesture makes the non Muslima friend of Islam and potentially his chance of understanding our faith. Nur
Tamina sis No, I do not give speeches, I took a speech class once and I found out that I can captivate an audience with my stand up speech, so much that I become the center of attention instead of the topic. My companion , you know who, ( Satan) would love to propel me to the podium amidst the glare and lights of stardom, which undoubtedly can potentially take a toll of my Ikhlaas, the key to enter Jannah, so, I found seclusion and writing quietly on these boards the best way to communicate my thoughts to separate my faulty human character from the great concept of Islam which I enjoy preaching. This way, I get the rewards for my work while keeping Satan safely at bay, inshaAllah. I am very busy these days, can you make a duaa for me for the Tawfeeq of Allah in my worldly endeavors? Nur
If kids can talk, the pain of Divorce. Nurtel Social Engineering is Bringing you another imaginative rendering. This time we will explore the pain a divorce victim has to endure at tye ripe age of three. A Nurtel Story about a fictitious Somali immigrant family Divorce in North America. When a Marriage breaks down. A Letter to Dad. Dear Dad, It has been a while since I saw you and mommy holding hands, you may not realize but at age 3, I follow and understand what is going on between you and mom, I just can articulate myself. As you are well aware, I did not choose to come to this world and suffer because the two individuals who are responsible for my presence on this planet have parted ways. It kills me to know that I will be a statistic as most social misfits happened to be the victims of a family breakup. So, what does it mean for me that you and mommy finally decided to bring an end to this relationship that nourished me and gave me hope to amount to something like a Doctor, Engineer, a Businessman etc, when I grow up. Dad, last night, when you and mom where yelling at each other I was so scared, I ran for cover form flying dishes mommy threw at you when you spit on her face and pushed her against the wall, for a moment, that picture of abuse to my mommy got me so angry, If I had a gun I would not have hesitated to shoot you in the head. That picture is implanted in my subconscious forever, and I can not reconcile it with earlier rosy pictures in our family album. In our family album, I see you and mommy just married, big smiles and cheering relatives, mommy looking like a queen, slim tall and beautiful, and you looking like an ideal father, complete with an innocent looking smile that speaks kindness and love, a potential father who will raise a great family, in the next page, I see mommy pregnant and see you caring for her, holding her hand coaching her for her expected child birth. I see uncle Ducaale and aunt Maan-u-Roon, niknamed Maano congratulating you and mommy for my birth, little did they knew what you were about to do to their sister. Everyone in my moms family used to talk well about you, you were an example to the rest of my mommies younger sisters, now look what you have done. In just two years in your marriage you lost focus to walk your talk for promises you made for the two individuals in this world who loved you the most, and for which you are responsible. Dad, Mommy used to tell me that you were a devout Muslim, and used to tell me that she wanted me to be like you when I grow up, your community involvement was a testament to what mommy told me, you even went out of your way to help teach Islamic classes on Sundays to Somali kids in community Center for newly arrived refugees. As you got involved in the center, your absence took longer and longer, forgetting that a wife and a toddler where at home waiting to see their Papa come home to share historic and lasting family moments, and later, as you became busy with your business, you would not even show up at the center for prayers let alone giving lessons. Whenever I ask mommy about your whereabouts, she would tell me that you are busy working for yourself in some business projects. As A kid, I resented that you stopped hugging and kissing me, whenever I see you come home, you look like adrained, angry and irrespective of the dearest person in the world to me, mu mommy. Yesterday, when mommy picked me up from the daycare alone for the first time, she had tears in her eyes, she was regretting her choice for a husband, she told me that she has chosen you among many successful bachelors who were after her, she selected you against her families wish after they felt uneasy about your ways, but you have calmed mommy down by saying that your love for her would overcome everything, unfortunately, that love failed to overcome your character, a Somali proverb says, " Wad qardhaaso la yaab, dhalanna, waano la yaab" gone are the happy days, when you rocked me in the carousel at Chuck- e- Cheese, the days when I would wait the doorbell to ring so I would open the door and you'd hug me and have chat with me, tickling my feet with feathers, days when, you would look at me with warmth and love taking very long stares at my face as if you could see yourself in the reflection of my tiny eyes, unfortunately, time has changed, and today, neither me nor mommy are factors for your happiness, worse yet, from the way you treat mommy, the woman who sacrificed so much to marry you, is your avowed enemy. But what was my fault? Why wouldn't you consider me as part of the stakeholders in this marriage, a third party to be considered, and for once, why wouldn't you think to remain married for my sake? Dad, I plead with you for the last time, come back, we need you, you need to erase that ugly picture that you have left in my memory with love and compassion. I can not see another man with mommy, it will be very difficult for me to see another man in our house, If you choose not to come back, All I can say, is " Maa facalahul jaliil, fa huwa jamiil", may be, Allah will present a better father than you for me and a great husband for mommy, I know she deserves one. Your son Cag Biciid, Junior 2003 NURTEL Communications Syndicate Touching Moments
Stokholm lady Originally posted by STHLM_Lady: lool @ princess sexy... Nur..you mean ...nin kudhali karo ayaa kudhaqdo? To be honest, I am not that sure that this wsidom works these days in Sweden, but in Somali Baadiye, it still does Nur
Silent sis lol. I was not doin any shukansi, just trying to shake out western ( Russian) beliefs out of the forum, so we can claim back our identity and values. That does not mean that I do not highly regard our Lady of the Fibers, Athena was indeed a great city when I visted, I haed the food, Greeks can't cook. After reading your piece I am posting an old post of mine in the same meaning, please enjoy it. Nur
Athena walaal you write: ' to each is his own" Couldn't agree more with you, but does it mean that you stopped growing? Flying still My pleasure walaal, your input is valuable and a good feedback Nur
Athena sis I can't get over with your tagline, I believe Somali men are good with counting, just like their western counter parts. George Burns, a famous comedian and actor in his nineties , was asked why he was attracted to younger women? he answered: " Because I can't find women my own age, they are all dead" so in that sense, grandpas who marry women in their teens need not know how to count age, they need to be able to count their steps when they walk. I also feel that some younger women who marry older men, old enough to be their grandads, do so with counting a different unit than age, They reason that the older a man gets, the wealthier he is, and the more secure the younger women would be if she marries him, why do you think trembling Yasser Arafat married that younger woman, or King Hussein of Jordan's American Queen? So, blame goes both ways if there is any. Nur
Stkhlm Lady, Modesty Jazakumullahu Khairan for your support Link and Ameenah It is very interesting that each one of you have witnessed at least one version of Satanic possession of human souls. My intention in this thread was, as one of your names imply, to LINK the two versions as two faces of the same coin. If you see a woman in Somalia dancing for SAAR or a Rock Concert, only the scale and the wealth is different, bothy groups are possessed by Satan, our arch enemy. Nur --------------------------------------------------Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, kuwa iga da'yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
Dear GM That is good to hear brother, a marriage in the horizon, that is one less unhappy Somali couple in the southern hemisphere. By the way, the suggested Somali Men Improvement course will not work without sisters as volunteers. After all as the Business Development and the architect of such institution, I am planning with the goal mind, the goal being that Somali men gain acceptability by Somali Sisters again. As such, the school will hire part time and full time distance-learning female instructors who will provide online mentoring to the clumsy Somali men to perform their domestic duties to an internationally acceptable level. But GM, Let me warn you that you are making a mistake by not signing up for the course, just because you are in the seventh heaven in love does not avail you of the sisters observation, someone told me that when a shy Somali sister looks down, she is in fact checking out how clean your shoes are, so be careful brother, if I were you, I would take special crash courses just in case. Nur
Saaxib you write: Gabar waa lagu siinayaa sxb!!! xaggaasi dadka dega gabdhaha waa lais siyaa! reer abtigeey baan kaaga raadinayaa. I am honored beyound words! I take off my cimmaamad for you. Let me know how I can help you develop your business, I have ideas beyound your imagination for development, but, we need some peace before we emobark on any ambitious Development plans. Nur
Walaal Baadiyow, I am really touched by your welcome, specially on the back of a Donkey, I can not express my jubiliation and gratitude for a Rer garam Garam's hospitality, I can picture myself landing from the 1973 Russian DAALLO plane, and as I look below, I see, a late model Donkey waiting to drive me off to my Hotel in The reer Garam Garam land. I ahave always known you as hospitable people, but your fascination with the Donkey Philanthropy left me speachless. Anyway, after reading your post, I feel we belong to the same breed, a rare breed indeed, and if anything has to be preserved, it should be people like me and you, not donkeys. Technically speaking though, Donkey meat is Xaraam ( Forbidden) in Islamic Sharia, it was made Xaraam by a Xadith of the Rasul SAWS. But Horse meat is xalaal ( Allowed), if you can find it. Now , I am all for philanthropy, but don't you think starting with Donkeys business is kinda weird, brother? I have many enterpreneurial ideas, such as irrigation and power, let me know what we want to accomplish, I will be able to add more to it. With one condition, as you promised me before, I will need the hand of the Reer Garam Garam Chiefs Daughter for marriage, if a reer Qurac man is acceptable. I can elctrify the whole village with Nur Lighting, the village will never be the same, so let me know what you think. Much Love for The People of Garam Garam From Reer Qurac This is cag Biciid, signing off.