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Sister Raxiimah The question you have posed remains unanswered, at least I gave it a shot. The education question is the most fundemental of all of our concerns, yet sadly it is recieving the least interest, and this forum is not an exception in that regard. So the famous four guys and the JOB joke may reflect our deplorable state of affairs: There was a JOB to be done, and there were four stakeholders in the project. 1. Mr. Anybody 2. Mr. Somebody 3. Mr. Everybody 4. Mr. Nobody There was this job that SOMEBODY was supposed to do, but EVERYBODY thought that it is a JOB ANYBODY can do , but at the end NOBODY did the job. Nur
Aleykumu salaam sister Nafisa Welcome aboard, our JAWAHIR tray needs a center Jewel ( NAFISA), inshAllah you will be adding a lot of contributions, ideas, questions, clarifications, comments and special insights. One advice though, make a lot of Dhiker of Allah SWT if you want the following: 1. Soften up your heart ( cleans out rust, so your heart can shine better than Hubble Telescope mirrors to see farther than the constellations and reflect truth from any angle) 2. Begin to Appreciate and love Allah SWT 3. Reduce your worries and liabilities (sins) 4. Be remembered by Allah SWT ( You need a friend in a HIGH PLACE) Walaal, as a participant, after reading this thread, let us know about your thoughts. Nur
Nurtel Old Editions Iman and Sins Relationship Theory. Developed while shopping at a supermarket. I always look for a better way to explain the realtionship of iimaan with sins, sometimes I use analogy from the business world, sometimes from technology and science. I once observed that our faith can be viewed like business profitability. To be profitable a busines has to: 1. Increase it's profit margin 2. Reduce it's costs 3. Sell more products or services Today I will share with you my insights on how to reduce costs. If Islam is our business, Hasanat are our profit margins, then sins are costs or liabilities that need to be reduced for a profitable business. so yesterday, while day-dreaming between isles of a supermarket , I found the model of the relationship between iimaan and sins in order to control profitability of Islam as a business. Here is the model Alah SWT inspired me with: Most readers would recognize the meaning of sins, but iimaan may be kinda difficult to define, so please refer to my old posts, or in case you can not find them let me know, I will repost them again inshaaAllah. iimaan is inversely proportional to sins we commit, according to the following relationship: iimaan = 1 / ( Total sins) The higher your sins, the lower your iimaan reservoir gets. The lesser your sins, the higher your iimaan reservoir gets. Special case is when your sins are cleared on a daily basis by istighfaar and you have fractios left or decimals of sins in the denominator, then iimaan shoots up real high, so high, you begin to see concepts of iimaan much clearer like a soaring eagle. Allah says: " Inna Allaahu laa yahdii al qawmal faasiqiin" So if you want to increase your iimaan, just reduce your sins, and enjoy the happiness of increased iimaan. A good business venture. On the other hand, if your sins increase, they leave dark spots on your heart, your ( Truth Radar), Al BASEERAH, whose function is to help you see truth and follow it, and as they accumulate, they impair your judgement just like alcohol impairs your eye sight. iimaan is also related to Hasanaat ( Good Deeds) by the following relationship. iimaan = ( Ikhlaas coefficient) * hasanaat iimaan is directly proportional to hasanaat times an ikhlaas coefficient ( Sincerity), the ikhlaas coefficient is a multiplier of the hasanat, the higher your level of ikhlaas, the higher yield on a given hasanaat action, for example, according to a hadith, a salat performed alone while travelling on the road can earn you 50 times hasanaat due to the ikhlaas factor, since no one is observing you perform this prayer. So combining the two equations we have iimaan = ((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins) So, what happens when your sins and Hasanaat (good Deeds) are equal? Now if you find yourself at threshhold, the twighlight zone, you'd hope for another cooefficient to prod you up a little, I call it the heavyside coefficient, it is soo heavy, if you have a grain of iimaan, it will tilt your accounts towards the positive side ( MIthqala Dharra). The heavyside factor is : RAXMAH Continuation of Derivation: We derived the general equation of iimaan as a relationship of sins and hasanaat. we said that: iimaan = ((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins) (1) we further postulated that when your hasanaat and sins are equal, you need the Raxmah factor to kick-in so you can save your soul. so the new equation becomes: iimaan = (((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins)) + Raxmah (2) The Raxmah factor is NOT always active, ( we shall discuss what activates Raxmah later), that is why some people who may appear to you to be great Muslims may end up in hell, and vice versa. It is due to the Raxmah factor we are saved,not mere deeeds, because, without the Raxmah factor, no one will be saved. Allah SWT says in suratul Faatir: " Maa yursilillaahu linnaasi mir raxmatin falaa mumsika lahaa" The Raxmah that Allah sends down to people can not be withheld by anyone" It is with this Raxmah that everything good is possible, with Raxmah, our life becomes bearable, our worries reduced our good actions multiply and generally we become more successful witout apparent reason. So how does the Raxmah factor play into this equation? Whenever we do a good deed, it is due a Raxmah from Allah that we : 1. Remembered to do it in the first place. 2. Were provided by the material means to earn such a reward The Raxmah factor is a gift from Allah SWT. It was reported that Messenger of Allah SAWS said no one enters Paradise with mere deeds, even him, unless Allah SWT encapsulates him ( YATAGHAMADUHU) with his RAXMAH. Now let us look at (2) iimaan is therefore a variable quantity, Allah SWT says in suurat Muxamad: "Wa ladiina ihtadow, zaadahum hudan, wa aataahum taqwaahum" "As for those who responded for the guidance (of Allah SWT), (Allah SWT) increased their (level) of guidnace in addition to providing them with a shield of protection from punishment (TAQWAA)" Here we find an amplification and feedback effect, good deeds result in elevated level of imaan, and conversely, an elevated level of iimaan results in better deeds and actions. (3) Likewise, bad deeds result in reduced level of iimaan, and reduced level of iimaan result in earning less hasanaat and more bad deeds. Allah SWT says about the companions who found themselves in distress during the famous Uxud battle after disobeying the orders of the prophet SAWS to stay their grounds: "Innamaa istazzallahumul sheitaanu bi bacdi maa kasabuu, wa laqad cafaa Allahu canhum" " Satan only caused them to sin due some of the bad deeds they have incurred, and Allah has forgiven them" So in general, humans are born with an imbedded level of iiman in the subconscious, it is called Fitra or like I coined it on this forum ( Default State) iimaan quantity. If a person therefore carries out good deeds, and seeks his maker sincerely (ikhlaas), his good deeds will finally lead him to Islam. A good example of this is when a Bedoun asked the prophet SAWS: O Messenger of Allah, before I became Muslim, I used to do good deeds, are these deeds counting for me? The Messenger of Allah SAWS answered him: " Aslamta, bimaa aslafta" meaning "It was those good deeds that led you to Islam". So good deeds are a ticket to finding out truth and Islam. In this thread we shall discuss, ways to decrease sins, increase hasanaat, and as a result increase iimaan, so that we can be guided to the straight path. Your questions and contributions are encouraged to make this discussion a success. Nur 2003 Nurtel Communications syndicate At Nurtel we work harder on Concepts simplification, so you can say " IT IS SO SIMPLE".
Nuune Raxmah Flying Still ( waiting for your input) Jazakumullahu Khairan for your comments, I appreciate it, but, what I would prefer most is an active participation from your part in this discussion. I do not know much about your leisure life, but if I come to a play ground, I like to join the fun, I am not a good spectator, and in this thread we can learn more if we engage every viewer to either: 1. Add to the discussion ( after research of course, or from experience) 2. To ask for clarification by way of a well thought out question, because like they say, a good question is half the answer. The reason I am insisting on participatory foramat of learning is because the old school of teacher centered learning has expired upon the arrival of the hard disk as means of knowledge storage an retrieval, today we need individuals who can skim through heaps of information to build a knowledge by analyses, and this requires participation. So, in order for our Aqeedah discussion to succeed, we need all seven research assistants who signed up for the webinar in addition to other brothers and sisters to stir the discussion with their insights. Consuder me as a facilitator, not a teacher, and that way, I can adda a lot of value and momentum by balancing different observations of the viewers. Nur 2003 Nurtel Communications Syndicate Think Different Today!
Sister Raxiimah Jazaakillahu Khairan for a great article. I only hope that many parents read this and many similar articles written in education. learning by itself may not solve the dilemma Muslims face today, we have many Docors, Engineers and Businessmen, but what we lack most are men and women with vision and that can only be found in Quraan, Sunnah and the gift of reasoning Allah SWT gave us to ponder with and make Tadabbur: Allah SWT says: " Those who mention the name of Allah, standing on their feet, sitting and on their sides, and who THINK in the CREATION of the HEAVENS and EARTH, ( saying) our lord, you have not created al thsi in vain" What we lack is the last term THINKING, which led these men to be at awe with Allah's fine creations, leading them to love him and mention his name in every state they find themslevs in, to become the finest generation who walked on earth. Research shows that kids are very creative in the early years of their lives, as they grow older, society puts their creative minds in pre-formed molding of what is acceptable acording to those who make the news and lifestyle, slowly kids loose their creative power and become conformists who may not contribute much to the humnan experience on our planet. We have just killed talent and a brilliant mind that could have devised a solution to our problems. The advent of Islam some 1400 years ago liberated the world from conformist and stagnant ways of reasoning and learning, the enlightening of Europe and Asia began with the famous confrontation of The Saxaabi warrior at the door steps of the Persian Kings Palace. The Saxaabi, Rabciyun Ibnu Caamir, answered his famous and eloquent answer that radiates a deep understanding of Islam by a libereated mind and a human message from his maker. " What brought you to my Empire?" said the King of Persia to a bare footed with a dusty beard Beduin brandishing a sword and a shield standing on the smooth marble floors of the Kings reception. " Ibtacathanaa Allah, li nukhrija man yashaa u min cibaadih, min cibaaditil cibaad ilaa cibaadatil Allah. Wa min Jawril adyaan ilaa cadlil Islaam. Wa min diiqil dunyaa, ilaa sicatil dunyaa wal aakhirah" Meaning: " Allah has risen us to prominence ( to mankind) to liberate mankind from being subservient to fellow man, so that he is subservient to his creator Allah Alone, and to liberate man from the injustices of the man made ways of life so mankind may rise up to live in the Justice of Islam, and from the narrow perception of (nationalism and one-life-to-live concept), so mankind can enjoy the wider brotherhood of mankind's world and a wider and a better life to come in the hereafter" This great saxaabi, was not a graduate of the ellitest University of Mogadishu, Xuddur, Camuud or Kurtunwaarrey Polytechniic, he simply got an unfiltered message from Allah SWT which freed his soul and mind, and like they say, a mind once expanded with an idea can not be contained in the original volume. Historically, it was the youth who led their nations to salvation, these youth were not conforming to common norms, rather, thay were responsible to radical changes in their societies. For example, think of the Asxaabul ukhduud's story, a young boy trigerred the mass reversion of many people to islam, these people became so strong in their faith that even torture by fire could not force them to change their faith. Our kids can change their faith for an ice cream cone. Another example is the seven sleepers of the cave ( Asxaabul Kahf), Allah says about them " They were a group of youth, who believed in their LORD and we have increased them with Guidnace, by standing up (to falshood) and saying " Our Lord ( the one who we should seek for guidnace and obey in everything ) is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, we shall not seek guidnace from any other source (ilaah), because that would be a grave error" What we need today is to liberate the minds of our kids so that they can think freely, following their Fitrah and the fundemental basices of Islam. Islam can be best served and defended by a generation who can think outside of the box, because we have been boxed up for generations, to the point that we can only see through the dark reflections of the boxes our society has shrouded around our thinking process, whose only result is keeping Muslims like a mushroom, being kept in the dark and fed bull manure. He who lacks knowledge can not pass it on to next generation, training the trainer should take priority in reviving Islamic education. Because if we use the same teachers that educated the present generatin, we can not expect a different outcome in our future. Follow a lesson in a DUGSI QURAN ( MALCAAMAD) Teacher to student : " War ayef dheh! Student : " AYEF" Teacher, irritated : " War AYEF ha dhihinee, ....(A Y E F) dheh" Student: " AYEF" Teacher: Gives up. Kids do not fail, it is their blind teacher who failed to bring up kids with vision. How many brilliant kids have we lost so far? Nur 2003 Nurtel Communications Visions for the next generation
Br. Libaax San Ka Taabte Can you really pull the whiskers of a LION? Let us apply this challenge to the concept of (iimaan) Using your screen name as an example to explain (iimaan concept) to NOMADS who can relate more to LIONS and CAMELS instead of computers, here is an interesting story: A Kenyan tour guide standing next to a LION is explaining to a Western tourist in Kenya's animal reserves " THIS LION is HARMLESS, HE DOES NOT ATTACK, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" STOP HERE FOR A MOMENT: The tour guide has just given to the tourist: 1. Information that is expected to be BELIEVED 2. The action of the tourist will verify this BELIEF. The Tour guide released the lion and the lion walks toward the tourist to be petted ( In sanka laga taabto). The tourist panics, and runs away The tour guide asks the tourist " Did I not tell you that "this LION is harmless", it will not attack? The toursit responds, "yes , but did you tell the LION not to attack?" The above joke and the tourist's action shows that the toutsit FAILED to believe the Tour guide, and therefore his action ( running away) showed that the information given to him did not settele in his head, in order for him to act on it. So, in that Example , (iimaan) is two fold 1. Information to be believed 2. Actions that verify that the infromation was believed. Whenever those two aspects of iimaaan are met, we say that is the proper iimaan which is required for a MUSLIM to have to eneter Paradise. Nur 2003 Nurtel Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Lucky The term (AMN) in Arabic language means SECURITY, the Term (DHULM) in Arabic means INJUSTICE. The term (iimaan) is a derivative of the term (AMN) which can roughly be translated in that linguistic context( not SHARCI legal context) as SECURING SOMETHING. HINT # 2 When you turn a computer on, it's imbedded code checks out all of its components to see if it is all properly configured, and SECURE from unwanted commands. Now imagine yourself as the computer, (ibaadah) as your purpose, (TAWHEED FITRAH) as your PRE-Programmed DEFAULT CODE, (QURAN ) as your latest Executable Command and (Sunnah ) as the Modelling reference for Executing the Quraan Commands. I hope that I have elaborated a bit far short of answering the question in full. Now, in the above parallels, what will (iimaan)mean to you? Wishing you Luck Nur
Caqiidah Xalaqah Assalamu Calykum Walaalayaal: Flying Still, Wardi, Lucky, Muslim Sis, Ilhaam, Serenity, Jawahir. As I suggested before and as you have all confirmed your interest in launching a Aqeedah refresher Webinar on this forum, I will be facilitating this intensive Aqeedah online Webinar ( Seminar) on Somaliaonline, for you for a while ( I may be away from time to time depending on my free time, so make ducaa that I can continue, and in case I am not available, please keep the topic going, many viewers may be benefiting from your discusiion ) Alhamdulillah we've signed up enough interested participants to warrant a special session and a radical new way of learning an important aspect of what makes up our faith. The reason I am very excited about this Webinar is the fact that I passionately want to introduce Aqeedah principles in a novel way that can be digested by the new Internet Nomads who unlike their ancestral Nomadic parents, do not congregate around water holes of the baraaktii reer Qurac, but rather around websites on the net, and in our case, Somaliaonline Islam Page, a turquoise blue oasis of soul quenching virtual congregation ( Xalaqatul Dhiker), may the Angels of Allah SWT shower us all with SERENITY and Mercy, Amen.. The Webinar: Islamic Aqeedah , A Modern Perspective. Objective: An Eye ( and Heart) Opener of Aqeedah in Islam. Venue of Session: Webinar ( every participant will be required to research a topic and contribute, be ready) Facilitator: Br. Nur . Sources: Quraan and Sunnah based materials Only Rules of Engagement: 1. No question is bad ( best Aqeedah lessons were triggered by a silly question) 2. No Cut and Paste from other websites ( please read and then put the idea down on your own words, that way you are actively learning and viewers appreciate your original thoughts) 3. Relax, We need SERENITY in order to be inspired (ILHAAM) to collect the jewels ( JAWAHIR) of any MUSLIM SIS thoughts, that way, with Allah's permission we shall FLY STILL to Rose Gardens ( WARDI) if we are indeed LUCKY group. What is Aqeedah? In the Arabic Language, Aqeedah comes from the root Masdar (CAQADA) meaning to tie a KNOT, in the legal perspective it means BELIEF, because in a sense we tie two entities together, we tie an abstract PRINCIPLE, with REALITY and then STORE that CAQEEDAH to be manifest in REALITY. This leads us to another pivotal term, which is the first topic of our Aqeedah Webinar, this term is called iimaan, but then, what does Imaan mean? What does iimmaan mean anyway? This question is up to you all to figure out but as usual, I am lowering a rope for you to climb up to understand the true meaning of iimaan as the SALAF, the first generation understood it, so try and figure out the following hint to decipher the true meaning of iimaan. HINTS: For those of you who use computers, or understand the basic make up of computers, a computer is a creature that executes commands that serve a purpose, so, it has in its memory a SOFTWARE that encodes logical steps for the operation and execution of commands, these commands are two type: 1. Imbedded commands ( Permanent Encoded Commands to GUIDE the computer to perform an operation) 2. Temporary User Commands ( configurable commands, with limited validity) For the computer to perform well, it needs some sort of control in its input, for example, the input for commands must be a certain format, and from reliable authorized system users. Therefore, if the computer is performing within tolerances and according to manufacturers specs without any disruption from unauthorized users, InshaAllah it will deliver its objective, we call this system a SECURE system. On the other hand, if the system can be hacked by unauthorized users to perform tasks that are not in line with its manufacturers specifications, then that system is NOT SECURE system. Likewise, iimaan comes from the root word amana, meaning to secure something, so in that context, out minds or hearts secure a set of information, and a set of orders. There are two types of informatons and orders: Permanent Set 1. Permanent Information srcripted on our soul, its known as Fitrah, The Wosrhip of Allah alone 2. Pemanent orders, which are necessary for the body to function like instincts of eating, breahing hearbeat breast sucking of child etc. Temporal Set 1. Information sent down by Prophets 2. Orders sent down by Prophets Like computers rolling out of assembly line, programmed with all necesary programs to function as desired, we humans are also born with what is known as INSTINCT, or in Arabic FITRA, we are all born while submitting to Allah figuraively in the fetus position, weak and helpless. We are born Muslims by deafault. Its later in life when our files are corrupted with pirated Satanic software that takes control of our lives away from its original design specifications. That is when we have no iimaan, because our lives has been tampered with, thus not secure. The set of information gives us an abstract picture, while the set of orders translate these abstract concepts to executable commands like Salaat, prayer, Fasting, Kindness, respect of others, honesty in dealing, tolerance and steadfastness in follwing through the orders of Allah SWT. So, if the actions are in line with the information, we say iimaan is complete, the minimum required iimaan by Allah necessary to save a person from punishment of Allah and admit that person in heaven, while the lack of a required actions or the committing of forbidden action exposes that person to punsihment, either in this lifetime, next or both depending on the severity of the violation of the orders of allah SWT. So, if we have an imbedded code of iiman in our hearts, and we translate these codes to executable actions, we say we have secured the connection bewteen belief and action, thus we have iiman, in contrast, if our actions do not show connection with our declared values of imbedded codes and beliefs, then, the link that connects belief and action is not secure, and our safety is in turn not secure. Therefore to be secure, we need to uphold justice, because, Justice is the best security system. Justice with fellow man, and justice with the maker; Allah SWT says in Quraan: ( Alladiina Aamanuu wa lam yalbisuu iimaanahum bi dhulmin, ulaa'ika lahumul amnu wa hum muhtaduun" ( Those who ( Amanuu) and who did not COVER UP, their ( iimaan) with INJUSTICE, Those indeed deserve (AMN) and those are indeed GUIDED) KEYWORDS FOR THE HINT (AMN, GUIDE, SECURE, COMMAND, COVER-UP, DHULM, INJUSTICE) Nur 2003 NURTEL Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Alhamdulillah , That is all good that so many viewers are so interested in getting their Aqeedah fundementals in order. InshaAllah this summer will be memorable for tuning up our aqeedah in a creative way, a cool way to spend the hot season. Nur
Brother Kafi There was several incidents before this surrender. 1. Allah SWT says: Didn't the unbelievers take a note that that the heavens and the earth (all plantets and heavenly bodies) were unseperable, and then we separeted them, and made water abase of all living things, shouldn't they not believe?" That was the result of KUN FA YAKUUN, the big bang later, all creatures of the physicl universe was asked to conform to KUN FA YAKUUN, which is the physical laws of the nature around us, the chemical laws, the bilogical laws of nature, and all things responded that theay are willingly surrendering to their maker. Later, Allah SWT created angels, Jinn, and mankind and animals. Angels are creatures with intelligence, but with no desires. Animals are creatures with desires but no imtelligence. Jinn and mankind have a dual nature, desires and intelligence, which is the essence of accountability and freedom to choose the path of goodness or evil. Satan was a member of the Jinn, he disobeyed Allah arrogantly, he never repented Mankind, in the person of Adam also disobeyed Allah out of passion and lust, he repented later. In conclusion, as humans. our strength is in our ability to repent and surrender willingly, before we are forced to surrender our bodies to bateria. Nur
Nurtel Communications Presents: Are You Depressed, confused, or feel a void or emptiness? Try the following proven recipe for happiness! The most important factor in attaining happiness is resolving issues that matter to one's life, and death. The sooner you resolve these issue, the happier you will get The first of these factors is figuring out your place in this world, your significance and role. Once all the pieces are put together, that is when you will feel relieved. The second factor is knowing your maker, and appreciating his dominion over all things. Any art student can tell you how great a painting is when all you see is couple of colored strokes on a wall, like wise, a Music student can tell you about Bach, Beethoven and Verdi. Unless you appreciate their work you would not be able to appreciate these artists. (Wa lillahul Mathalul Aclaa) (Note: This is for the sake of exaple only, Islam does not promote Music, Sheitan does!) To really know Allah SWT is to really look deeply into his creations which represent the living Book of life with all of its complexities and wonders. The more you immerse your self in this realm, the more you find yourself at awe with Allah SWT. The third factor is beginning to Love and seek Allah and taking the first steps toward his direction. The fourth factor is finding all the answers to all the questions that you may have in the Holy Quraan and the Sunnah of the Messenger SAWS. The Fifth factor is loving Allah SW and the messenger SAWS. The Sixth factor is translating your love for Allah and his apostle to actions that show in your character when dealing with others. Serenity, respect and dignity. The seventh factor is constant remembrance of Allah SWT and Dhiker, and Salaat on the soul of the Rasoul as an appreciation of his delivery of this great Deen to us. The eigth factor is the realization that Allah, your ilaah, is the sole power and the Sovreign ( Samad) who runs everything that you see or hear. Nothing scapes his plan and nothing can outwit Allah SWT. He is the source of all the requirements of his dominion and everything we see happens for a purpose whose secret only Allah fully knows. The ninth factor is, after that realization to think positively about Allah SWT. The tenth Factor of happiness is praying to Allah, making many Duaa to Allah, the only one who can deliver your needs when distressed. Prayers are joyful experience. The 11the factor is controlling your desires and aligning them with the revelation. The more you are in control of your desires, the happier you will feel. Obedience to Allah is in itself a pleasure that only those who safeguard their desires can enjoy. And the joy Allah puts in your heart when you obey him, is indeed a great joy, so good, some Salaf people have described it that Jannah must be good if one can get a feeling as good as enjoying the remembrance of Allah. The 12th factor Making the obligatory Ibaadaat. Like Prayers, Fasting etc. The more you observe, the happier you shall feel. The Morning and afternoon Dhiker. These are prescribed sayings that our Prophet SAWS have taught us to say at dawn and sunset. Saying these adhkaar can put a lot of ease and happiness into your life. It can reduce your sins, increase your hasanaat and protect you from Sheitaan. The 13th factor and by far the most important one is the Tilaawatul Quraan. The recitation of Quraan is a soul filling experience. If you look deeper into the Quraan, you may not be able to stop, it is another world, and it is a joyful world when you meet the good folks mentioned in Quraan. Rest assured, that if you set aside a particular time in your daily schedule for reading Quraan, you will get a great dose of hapiness. Reading Quraan relaxes you, keeps you tension down, eases your preoccupations and belittles you worries, the single most source of Misery. Nur From Old Editions, 2002 NURTEL Propriety Posts NURTEL SOFTWAANO SERIES
eNuri Somali Language Service Oo aad Allah dartii uga tagi kartaa Allah dartii? Presents: Qofkii uga taga waxuu jecelyahay, Allah dartiis. Allah ayaa ugu baddala wax ka fiican. Qiimaha daacadda Allah Mahadoo dhan waxaa mudan Allah oo qudha, waxaan ku sallinayaa suubbanihii Muxammad, ehelkiisa, asxaabtiisa iyo intu raadkiisa ku raacday wanaag. Kadib, Waxaan ognahay in Allah uu ku uumay banii Aadamka labo sifadood oo ah wanaag iyo xumaan, dabadeedna Allah uu nagu abuuray caqli aan ku kala dooranno wanaagga iyo xumaha. Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " Wa nafsin wa maa sawaahaa, fa alhamahaa fujuurahaa wa taqwaahaa, qad aflaxa man zakkaahaa, wa qad khaaba man dassaahaa" Hadaba sida aayadda ay leedahay, waxaa guuleystay kii naftiisa nadiifiya, oo ku qurxiya naftiisa akhlaaqda fiican iyo daacadda Allah, waxaan kahasaaray kii qudhmiyay, oo naftiisa dhigay meel aan u habbooneyn. Sidaa darteed, banii aadanku waa imtixaanan yahay, si loo eego inuu naftiisa ka guuleystay oo uu nadiifayey iyo inuu naftiisa faraha ka qaaday oo uu qudhmiyey. Nafta waxaa lagu qurxiyaa daacadda Allah, waxaana lagu qudhmiyaa in Allah lagu caasiyo. Laakin nolosha adduunka maadaama ay tahay mid imtixaan ah, badanaa in allah la addeeco oo la raaco dariiqa toosan sheidaanku wuxuu dadka u tusaa iney foolxun tahay, sidaa darteed waxaad argtaa nin dhar jeexan oo habaas leh oo uu rasuulku Saws leeyahay ninkan Allah agtiisa meel weyn buu ka joga, isla markaasna, nin kale oo qurxan oo maal leh oo araggiisa iyo ereygiisa uu ka cajabiyo ayaa Allah ku leeyahay Suuratul Munaafiqiin " Waa sida looxyaal meel lagu tiiriyay". Waxaa kaloo la soo wariyey in nin saxaabi ahaa oo lagu xifaaleyn jirey lugo yaridiisa in uu Rasulko SAWS yidhi lugihiisu Allah agtisa wey ka culusyihiin buurta Uxud, ( ama siduu yidhi rasuulku). Hadaba, waxaan isla garannay in nolosha adduunku ay tahay imtixaan, qof walbana waxaa la imtixaanaa qaddar le'e inta iimaan uu leeyahay, sida ardayda loo imtixaano hadba inta cilmi labaray. Sida arday walba uu noloshiisa ku hormaro qaddar le'eg darajada cilmiga uu ka gaadhay, ayaa Muslim walba aakhiro uu ku gaadhaa darajadao iimaankiisa meel u qalanta, laakin waa maruu soo dhaafay imtixaan. Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahay: " ... Dadku ma wexey u maleeyeen in la iska dhaafayo markey yidhahdaan Allah ayaan rumeynay, ayagoon la imtixaanin" . Ardayda markii la imtixaano danta laga leeyahay waa in la ogaado qaddarka cilmiga ah ay gaadheen, sidaasoo kale imtixaanka Allah uu imtixaano muminiinta waxaa Allah sheegay in maadaama asaga uu ogyahay quluubta, in aan annaga is ogaanno kuwa ay ka dhabtahay iimaanka iyo kuwa sheeganaya oo beenlowyaasha ah. Si markaas inta iimaanka leh ay wax u wada qabsato, iskana jiraan, ama u kaalmeeyaan kuwa fitnoobay oo aakhiradooda iibsaday, oo ku iibsaday qiime yar. Ardayda cilmiga barata waxaa lagu imtixaanaa maaddooyin ( Subjects) kala duwan. Sidaasoo kale muminiinta maa daama Allah u sheegay wax ghaib ah sida jannada iyo naarta, waxaa lagu imtixaanaa in la horkeeno oo awood loo siiyo wax laga xaareemeeyay, dabadeed la qoro wexey sameeyeen. 1. Ninka tijaarada ka shaqeeya waxaa lagu imtixaanaa in u run sheego, maalkana uusan ku kasbin xaaraam, markuu kasbo maalkaasna inuu ku bixiyo sida Allah uu raalli ka yahay. 2. Ninka dhallinta yar, ama inanata dhallinta yar, waxaa lagu imtixaanaa in ay dareenkooda uusan ku xamabaarin iney xaaran ku dhacaan. Waxaa kaloo lagu imtixanaa iney waalidkooda addecaan ooy ku sabraan wixii ka soo gaadaha. 3. Qofka haweenta ah waxaa lagu imtixaanaa iney afkeeda ka adkaato, oo ayan haweenka kale xamanin, waan arrin ku adaga haweenta, haseyeeshee hadey Allah dartiis afkeeda uga adkaato, wexy heli kartaa iimaan weyn iyo farxad ka macaan weyey xanta ka heli jirtey. Kuwaasi waa mataal, laakin qof walba waxaa lagu imtixaanay wax walba oo uu sheegto iimaankiisa, marka qofkii ku sabra daacadaa Allah, Allah ayaa wuxuu ugu baddalaa wuxuu ku sabray wax ka fiican. Hadaba qofkii ka kaaftooma baryada dadka, oo foolxun, Allah wuxuu ugu baddala sharaf iyo deeq badan oo u helo, sababta dad badan ay faqir u yihiin waa baryada dadka darteed. Qofkii ka taga beenta , Allah wuxuu ugu baddalaa xikmad, murti badan, caqli, geesinimo iyo sharaf iyo qaddar la qaddariyo. Qofkii ka taga aragtida xaaraanta ah, wuxuu Allah ugu baddalaa aragtida wajiga Allah oo Kariimka ah maalinka qiyaamaha, iyo aragtida wax walbo oo ka farxiya nolosha adduunka, hadaba qofkii doonaya in uusan arkin wax ka nixiya, ishiisa ha ku tababaro ineyan daawan wuxuu Allah xaaraameeyay. Qofkii dhallinyaro ah oo ka hara zinada, iyo fuxshiga, Allah wuxuu ugu baddala wuxuu ka haray wax ka fiican, guur wanagsan, iyo deeq badan, waxaa la sheegay iney faaxishada zinada ay dadka faqiir ka dhigto, sidaan hore meel kale ugu qoreyna faqiirnimada ma aha oo qudha lacagta, laakin waa rizqi yaraan, Rizqigana ma aha oo qudha lacag, laakin wuxuu galaa, caafimaadka, farxadda, cilmiga, xikmadda, xaaska, carruurta, shaqada, iwm., sidaa darteed waxaa dhici karta inaad aragto nin lacag badan oo faqiir ah, maxaa yeelay musiibooyin badan baa ku hareereysan oo kulligood qarash u baahan, taasoo ka dhigeysa faqiir lacag badan, dambi badni darteed. Qofkii ka taga muranka iyo maa laa yacniiga, Allah wuxuu ugu baddala guri ku yaalla Jannada oo daris la ah Rasuulka SAWS. Qofkii ka taga bakhailnimada, waxaa loogu baddalaa jeceylka dadka, oo jeclaada, iyo Allah oo uu u dhowaado, iyo nabada gal uu ka nabad galo walwalka adduunka,. Qofkii ka taga kibirka, waxaa loogu baddalaa in laga kormariyo uunka, sharaf weyn loo yeelo, qaddarkiisana la sare mariyo. Qofkii ka taga cabsida waxaan Allah aheyn, waxaa loogu baddala amaan, raaxo iyo xornimo dhab ah oo uu ka xoroobo wax walboo laga cabsado oon Allah aheyn. Hadaba walaal, maxaad jeceshahay, ood Allah dartiis uga tagi, si Allah uu kuugu baddalo waxaad ka tagtay wax ka fiican? Nur eNuri SOFTWAANO SERIES From my heart, to yours
Nurtel Network News Presents: The War on Terror, The Nomadic View. In This thread, I am sharing my insights with fellow Nomads on current issues that affect our lives, and their far reaching implications. In no way do I imply that I have a solution, rather I am just raising questions as to where the current train of thought on these issues is destined, so that wise men and women, regardless of creed or country can reflect and make a better informed decisions to influence direction of current affairs. Billions of Dollars have been earmarked by Congress to fight the scourge of terrorism after the tragedy of September 11, a new Department was created to secure the nation from this dreaded enemy and a lot of freedoms Americans enjoyed were compromised, in order to protect Americans from the terrorist death and destruction. When a public official was asked the motive of the perpetrators of the 9/11, the official said, " they ( Terrorists) hate Freedom", so, as a response the administration requested Congress to issue laws that will revoke present freedoms enjoyed by Americans given to them by the Constitution so that the administration can fight the terrorists who hate our freedoms. If you are like me, a slow learner, you may come to the conclusion that if indeed the Public Official was right about the assertion that the terrorists hate freedom, by curtailing further freedoms such as right to privacy and right to association without being accused to being guilty by association, that the terrorists have indeed emerged as the winners in this interesting so called war. So, it may be worth our while to look into the effects of this terrorism thing to see if indeed it warrants a reaction so fundemental as to call for repealing basic human rights, International agreements and common sense. What is even more amazing is that, in a time when totalitarianism is going out of fashion, the nation that helped championing human rights for over two hundred years is chopping the freedom bird's wings right in its own backyard. Historically, in the seventies and beyond any armed group that caused a terror act was know as guerillas, they targted governmet installations and even civilians to get their point accross, so, if you go back and read old magazines, you will not find the popular buzz word "terroirsts" anywhere, all you will find is guerillas, rebels and the like. Some of this guerillas were even popular among the youth as heroes fighting against what was termed at the time imperialism and hegemony in the Communist Socialis literature. These guerillas were portrayed in the media as heroes fighting for justice and equality like Che Guevara of Chile, Angela Davis of Communist Party of America, Patrice Lumuba of The Congo, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. These "terror" or "Guerilla" groups were ranging from religiously motivated, like the Jewish settlers of Palestine who were fighting for the establishment of a Jewsish State in Palestine from the British Empire, the Ikhwan Brotherhood of Egypt who wanted to establish an Islamic state in Egypt, to state sponsored or secularly motivated urban Guerillas like the pro-llife groups, California Redwoods Preservationsists , Animal Rights groups, The Japanese Cults, Irish Republlican Army, Spanish Basque, Italian Brigate Rosso, organized crime bosses or Somali Warlords. All these groups had one thing in common, they used illegal or violent means to send a message to intimidate their adversaries to influence a policy. Unfortunately, Their messages always meant human misery, loss of life and destruction of properties. So, the end result of their actions always amounted to death and destruction. Clearly this phenomena or any other that causes human loss of life and properties must be stopped, and in that regard I looked into the statistics of past twenty years of all events that led to loss of human life, legally state sanctioned deaths or illegally committed crimes by terror groups, astonishingly, here is what I found within an hours research. Terrorism: Hoffman a well known expert in this field writes: " Religion has been the major driving force behind international terrorism during the 1990s. As described below, the most serious terrorist acts of the decade--in terms of the number of people killed or the political implications--all have had a significant religious dimension. Hoffman's states: 1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives. (Note: Here the author does not mention that this war was trigerred by the Military who intervened a potential win by Islamists in the elections and rise to power, fatally damaging the democratic process of power sharing, he also does not mention that the government committed massive killings and deception in the process, all available in Archives of International dailies) February 1993: Thirteen car and truck bombings shake Bombay, India, killing 400 and injuring more than 1,000, in revenge for the destruction of an Islamic shrine. ( No International Action taken ) February 1993: Islamic radicals bomb New York City's World Trade Center, attempting to topple one of the twin towers onto the other, reportedly while releasing a deadly cloud of poisonous gas. ( Dubious Framing) December 1994: Air France passenger jet is hijacked by terrorists belonging to the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), who plotted unsuccessfully to blow up themselves, the aircraft, and the 283 passengers on board precisely when the plane was over Paris, which would have caused the flaming wreckage to plunge into the crowded city below. March 1995: Apocalyptic Japanese religious cult releases sarin nerve gas in Tokyo subway system, killing a dozen people and wounding 3,796 others, with reports that the group also planned to carry out identical attacks in the United States.( Japan Was never mentioned as hosting Terror Groups) April 1995: Members of the American Christian Patriot movement, seeking to foment a nationwide revolution, bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. July-October 1995: GIA unleashes a wave of bombings in Paris Metro trains, outdoor markets, cafes, schools, and popular tourist spots, killing 8 and wounding more than 180. November 1995: Jewish religious extremist assassinates Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin, viewing it as the first step in a mass murder campaign designed to disrupt the peace process. ( The victim could not stomach what Sharon is doing) February-March 1996: String of attacks by Hamas suicide bombers kills 60 people and turns the tide of Israel's national elections. April 1996: Machine-gun and hand-grenade attack by Egyptian Islamic militants on a group of Western tourists kills 18 outside their Cairo hotel. June 1996: Religious militants opposed to the reigning al-Saud regime in Saudi Arabia perpetrate truck bombing of U.S. Air Force barracks in Dhahran, killing 19 people. November 1997: Terrorists belonging to the Gamat al-Islamiya (Islamic Group) massacre 58 foreign tourists and 4 Egyptians at the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. August 1998: Attackers believed to have been financed by Saudi Arabian dissident Osama bin Laden bomb U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 257 people, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 5,000 in Kenya, and killing 10 people and injuring dozens in Tanzania. Bin Laden had issued a fatwa, or Islamic religious edict, as part of his worldwide campaign against the United States. An estimated 5,000 adherents throughout the Muslim world allegedly are prepared to follow his summons to battle. The last part of this report by Hoffman is very interesting, Bin Laden, as he claims, has alledgedly 5000 potential followers who may commit spectacular crimes like his ( which has never been proven in any court of law anywhere so far), this allegation if true is indeed horrible for humanity, but shouldn't we look into other similar group's intentions as close as this one? Like state sponsored terrorism , Sharon, who was found responsible for the killing in Sabra and Shatilla by a a competent Israeli court and who has as many followers as voted him into office, but horribly enough, with proven Nuclear capabilitiy. A Somali Proverb says: * ( Oohinta orgiga ka weyn) and its English counterpart says: * "It is but seldom that any one overt act produces hostilities bewteen two nations, there exists more commonly , a previous jealousy and ill will, a predesposition to take offense". (Washington Irving, The sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon) But because Israel is an Ally of USA, attrocities committed by this state in trigerring the mayhem, destruction and international terrorism is seldom addressed by Congress where the pro Israel Lobby viciously attacks any suggestion to control Israel. To this effect Leon Trotsky said : "An ally has to be watched just like an enemy" because at the end, American interests, regardless of its ehnic groups or pressure lobbies shall weigh heavier than any expedient political manuevers if the nation has to exist as the its founders envisioned. Assuming the 5000 zealot theory of Hoffman to be true, I compared these numbers to PROVEN and legally state sanctioned deaths in the USA. America, a nation that prides itself in the preservation of human freedoms, dignity , property and life, I compared the Terror statistics and deaths with statistics from the Departmenmt of Justice on Crime and other statistics of legalized venues and means that cause the same if not worse devastation and horror, but only if cameras were present like the one that scared the hell out of me. No one describes death like the man who killed millions of his subjects in the name of communism and Patriotism: Joseph Stalin said: " A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. ." Here are some of the sobering statistics: 1. Over a million babies are killed in cold blood every year in USA ( Silent Screams) 2. 1000 Americans die of Cigarette related ailment DAILY, 3000 kids begin smoking every DAY. ( Philip Morris should be tried for these crimes against humanity) 3. 15 Million violent crimes are committed in USA annualy ( Murder, Rape, Robbery,Aggrevated assualt etc) 4. 20,000 Americans are murdered every year ( Compared to 2900 in 9/11 Tragedy) 5. 17,000 Alcohol related crimes and 16000 Alcohol related Traffic deaths, 3 Million crimes/year committed by drunk offenders. 6. 1000 Americans are Raped EVRY DAY, and 3 % of all college women are raped ( completed rapes 1.7%) 7. 15000 Robberies annually ( Billions of $$ are stolen, white collar like ENRON or street thieves) So, who should Americans fear most? As much as I abhor anarchism and terrorism, I equally detest what is called war on terror, because like Henry Kissinger said " The conventional army loses if it does not win, the guerilla wins if he does not loset" , I do not see an end to this madness and honestly of it comtinues, The USA will emerge out of this war that may never have a decisive end a weaker and pooree nation that compromised a lot of its centuries old ideals while chasing an elusive enemy of its own creation. The Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu summed it up as: " There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." , The Art Of War. In Conclusion, if securing human life and its quality is the priority of the American Constitution, then there is no better way to achieve that goal other than a comprehensive system of justice that everyone can buy into it, because as long as any segment of the human family is not safeguarded, there will be no equillibrium, or a balance and thus security will remain an illusion at best. Allah SWT referring to Prophet Abraham's plight with his people says : Those who "aamanuu" (became peaceful by surrendering to their maker) and further, who have not cloaked up their convictions( their surrender to Allah) with injustice, those indeed ( deserve ) security and these are indeed the guided ones . Nur 2003 Nurtel News Networks Nomadic News Analyses
flying Still ....and after reading the Tawheed piece, any feedback? , walaashey qimaha badneyd? I need to know if my communication needs further simplification or if its very clear, either way, I would be thankful if you can point any ambiguity that you came across the passage, or any thoughts that you may have, Shukran in advance. By the way, It just dawned on me the far reaching meaning of your tagline, you should add the following: Scientists have discovered,........who can do the Job of five men without a complaint and without boasting how important her job is, and willing to work for half of one man's pay, in addition to raising kids, cooking food and cleaning her family's habitat alone. Nur
This is the second in the Aqeedah series: This article was also prompted by a similar question that I have answered in plain English, My way is always keep things as simple as possible, because the majority of people are indeed simple, not scholarly, again enjoy the simplicity of Aqeedah, brainteasers are not my cup of Caano Geel, so enjooy reading: Levels of Faith. A viewer named Johnny Jake asked me on another thread if there are different levels of being a Muslim: Here is the answer I posted 2 Years ago: Bismillah, wa bihi nastaciin Islam literally means submission to a higher authority. As such, one gives up his power over his life at will, taking direction of how to live from that higher source. To be a Muslim, just like graduating from college, there is minimum requirements. Once these minimum requirements are met, a person is a muslim. Islam is composed of a word to utter and actions to perform The word to utter is further divided into two categories. A. The word of the heart, which is belief in what has been revealed. B. The word of the mouth, which is uttering the manifestation of the singularity of the authority that created the universe and everything in it, and following the course of the messenger who delivered this mesage. Deeds are further divided in to two parts. A. Deeds of the heart, which is the intention that drives our actions. B. Physical deeds, like prayers, fasting etc. If a person does not utter the word of the heart, meaning he does not believe, he is not a Muslim If a person does not utter the word of the mouth, eventough he believes in his heart, he is not Muslim, he is like Sheitan, or Abi talib , the uncle of the prophet SAWS. If a person's heart does not do the deeds of the heart, meaning he has no intention to do something, that person, is not a Mulsim, The prophet said " (Inamaal aamalu bil niyaat) the validity of deeds are conditional to having the right intention(NIYA). That is why manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, because the accused did not intend to kill, no (NIYA). If a person does not do physical deeds, Like salaat, fasting etc. then, we look into what motivates that person to do or not to do what he is been ordered or prohibited from. If he does not do what has been ordered to do, that person is usually driven by disbelief, arrogance, or he is Mentally Challenged (SAFAAHA). All of which make him not a Muslim, except for a Mentally Challenged person, which wholly or partially makes him unaccountable to his deeds ( SAFEEH) If he does something prohibited, he is more likely driven by strong desire or Lust, arrogance, disbelief or being Mentally Challenged( SAFAAHA). All but Lust will make him a non-Muslim, Doing something prohibited because of lust and uncontrollable desire, is called a (MACSIYA) a SIN and it does not make a person by itself a non-Muslim. Accumulation of sins lead to disbelief in the long run though, just like sand pepples form mountains, A Muslim, therefore, does not trivilize sins, but looks up to the importance of the authority that he/she is disobeying. Wa Salaamu Alaa man ittabaca al hudaa. Nur 2000 Nurtel Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Nurtel Aqeedah Old Editions Presents: Aqeedah Basics Note: This topic was generated by a question of a sister on another Forum who asked me if she was a Munafiq since she finds herself doing things that are not in line with her beliefs at times. The answer that I wrote hastely, without even checking punctuation or grammer appears below, and in the days that followed, the piece proved to be originally informative according to many readers who gave me a feedback on my post, so relac and read, and if you have thoughts , please add to it, nothing is complete except the word of Allah SWT." AM I A MUNAFIQ? A sister wanted to know ( Am I a Munaafiq?) This was my answer to the above question, posted 2 years ago. Others may have the same question. Bismillah, wa bihi nastaciin. You have indeed raised a very important question on this forum. I will try to simplify a rather difficult question, please read very carefully: 1. No Soul will go o Jannah who is not Muslim 2. No one can be Muslim without Shahaada 3. Shahaada is information, you are required to believe it 4. The test to see if you indeed believe in Shahaada are your deeds: So our faith is composed of a A. set of information we are required to believe, B. Set of orders we are ordered to obey The extent of your belief in the information that our Prophet SAWS delivered is measured by the extent of orders that you obey. In other words, your obedience to the orders of Allah, is a reflection of your belief in the information delivered to you. So , Islam is a set of information, like Allah, Jannah, angels, etc. and a set of orders such as Salat, Fasting, Justice, etc. The orders are subdivided in to two categories: 1.Orders to do something 2.Orders to stay away from something If Allah orders you to do something, and you fail to don so, the reason could be: a. You do not believe in the information b. You believe it but you are arrogant c. You are MENTALLY CHALLENGED If (a) that is clear kufr If (b) That is also kufr, the type of Sheitan If © You may be the same case like a crazy person, Mentally Challenged, no responsibility. If you are ordered to stay away from something, and you do not, we have the following scenario: a. You do not believe in the information b. You are arrogant c. You can not resist temptation d. You are MENTALLY CHALLENGED All but case © are covered. If case © That is called disobedience (macsiya) a sin and it is what Adam and Hawaa aleyhimaa assalaam have commited. It does not make you a kaafir To generalize the above. If a person does something he is ordered not to do, the driver is more likely weakness against temptation, and that person is not a kaafir, this is the case of Adam and Eve, Aleyhimaa assalaam. If a person refuses to do something he is ordered to do, the driver of his action is more likely arrogance, like the case of Sheitan. Now we visit a new territory; There is a principle for detecting iman levels developed by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah. Called ( Talaazumul Dhaahir wal Baatin)( Synregy of the Apparent actions with Hidden Motives) I will simplify it for you again. The inside and the outside of a person are always working in harmony. Except when an outside disturbance influences that person. When as a result, the outside of that person projects and does contrary of what is supposed to be inside. Meaning. In Systems Science, when we input a signal into a system, we observe an output that reflects the shape of the original signal + the function of the system that operated on the signal. In the absence of outside disturbance, we can always predict the output. But when an outside element disturbs the system, the output will not be predictable. A person who is a kaafir therefore will normally act as a kaafir. Sabeelul kaafireen And a person who is a muslim will always act like a Muslim. Sabeelul Mumineen In general, if you leave anyone alone, what he/she does is reflecting what they believe. But the minute that person feels that he/she is being observed, that feeling will somewhat effect the action of that person. An example is when you catch a child making funny faces on a mirror the child will immediately alter his behaviour to an acceptable manner. This is called conforming. So, when a Kaafir lives with Muslims, he may act like Muslim, to avoid problems. He is called a Munafiq. And a Muslim who lives with Kufaar may at times act like kuffar, to avoid problems. He is called Mukrah. Now, a Somali person who lives in Somalia, US or Europe, is free to practice his faith, so if that person does not practice, his actions are an indicator of what is missing in his heart. In this case the actions or their absence are an indictor of the iimaan inside that person. However a Muslim who lives in tyranny, his actions may not be indicator of his belief. Because, if this person practices his faith, he is afraid for his life. As a result this person conceals his faith portraying himself as non Muslim, when in effect he fully believes his faith and is willing tp practise it to the fullest if he was not afraid. His fear, though could be justifiable or may be unjustifiable, in which case he is in grave error. Allah says : Are they same he who spends all his nights praying and prostrating, alert for aakhirah, and the one who is in darkness..............................." Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin Nur 2000 Nurtel Communications Old Edition Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Khayr No nation becomes mislead until they begin polemics and arguments. Aqeedah, in Islam is very simple, the more one subjects Aqeedah to scrutiny, the more likely they are to create division and confusion. The first generation never took part of polemics, they were busy spreading islam, it was only when the luxury of time and wealth was afforded them that they embarked on non ending philsophical arguments that created hatred and division to this day. To bring that sad history back on these boards, you are only going to help Satan in fomenting a dormant ailment that is better left sleeping. As a constructive gesture, you can suggest that we read and study Quran and sunnah for guidance together, which was the regimen the Prophet SAWs recommeded for those keen in staying the course. When the readers learn the proper Aqeedah through Quraan and Sunnah and actions, they would be able to identify wrong concepts, but not the other way around. To know what is right to filter-out what is wrong is much simpler than to know all what is wrong to learn what is right, because what is right is XAQ is simple, but baadil wears many clothes and comes in many shapes and sizes. Economics teaches managing scarce resources, Islam teaches where to focus these resources before we die. Nur
Br Brother Murad Assalamu Calaykum wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh You write: .......I agree with you Sxb untill here, but to be honest i'm not happy the word Zindiiq, because Zandaqa means to be out of Islam and i think it's very difficult issue and dangerous too to describe someone as Zindiiq," Answer: Where in my post post did I ever say someone is ZINDIIQ? why jump the gun before you understand what I mean? You write: " on the other hand Aqiidah is not more than the IIMAAN and IIMAAN is the six pillars which are well known among the muslims around the world and if you look many Aqeedah books today they ignore most of these pillars and concentrate other minor issues." Answer: The sisters question was simple, why complicate things when she accepted my simple answer? You write: For example you'll find very few books which concentrate YOWMUL QIYAAMA as a part of Aqeedah and even BOOKS of ALLAH or his PROPHETS while they concentrate what even ULUMA, let alone the ordinary muslims, didn't agreed on it. Answer: Your comments are good for a new thread, start one and I will contribute my views. but this thread is about a question by a sister about the beliefs of someone she is thinking in marrying, so to keep the boards focused, please stay on that subject, and keep the issue simple. Sister Flying Still: ZINDIIQ in Arabic means someone who introduces new concepts ( Caqaa id) in Islam not in Line with Quraan and Sunnah, depending on how far that person diverges from Sunnah, he can be classified as mild as a Bidci, all the way to an outright Kafir, so for your infromation, a Zindiiq can perform salat publicly yet believe in Waxdatul Wujuud concept which is a serious compromise on Tawheed. Wallahu aclam Nur
Flying Still Sister Have you read this aqeedah topic yet? Nur
Flying Sis Actions are indicators of aqeedah or lack of it, if a pesron who happens to live in a non Muslim envirenment performs prayers, and conforms to Islamic etiquette ( Akhlaq) it shows that his aqeedah is likely to be correct, to a lesser degree it may signal that he needs a tune up, but I would suspect that he is a Zindiiq, unless I see some clear manifestations in his actions or words. But you are correct to worry about the aqeedah of a possible mate, because like the Chinese say " Open both of your eyes before marriage, and after marriage, close one eye" you should discuss aqeedah issue in a relaxed setting, but never come across that you are examining him for an admission to an Ivy League College, Men like to be in control, some with their spouses permission. My advice to you is before you examine his aqeedah, you should examine yours, but not before you register for a Nurtel intensive summer aqeedah refresher course that can be offered on-line right here on Somaliaonline if you can manage to get five other interested viewers to sign on. At the conclusion of this refresher course, you would be able to know if your future mate's aqeedah is that of ahlul sunnah wal Jamaacah, or if he is a Zindiiq. We can also cover some advice on how to examine his fitness for family harmony and in laws compatibility, tolerance of children, household help, and the possibility of taming the lion in him, but be warned that this last course requires a great share of wisdom from your part. Nur
Baarakallhu feek, Bro. Kaafi, you have realy underscored the most important line, The Importance of Salaat. Raxmah Sis. Jazakellahu Khairan sis A very informative contribution, now we need to walk our talk, with Allah's help we shall be able to focus on our prayers. In our prayers we read Al Fatixa, in which we address Allah SWT with exalted praises and gratefulnes, afterwards, we submit our requests of guidance and two special, specific requests not to fall in a class of people who knowingly resisit the guidance of Allah SWT ( Maghduubi Caleyhim) and a class of people who miss the objectives of service to Allah, and hence go astray ( Daalliin) Now, you can see why Satan interrupts this valuable dialogue we communicate with allah 17 times a day and up to 40 times if we do our Sunnah and nightly naafil prayers. Sheikh Ibn Qayim al Jawziyah has written a great book on two of the most important verses in Faatixa we read daily, ( Iyaaka nacbudu wa Iyaaka nastaciin) and from the topology of the verse, it is a two way street, or a communication circuit, we offer IBAADAH to Allah ALONE, and in exchange we seek HELP, help to stay the course, so we can reach the promised land safely. This verse guarantees that if we offer GOOD IBAADAH, that we will receive HELP to stay the course, and here lies the crux of the problem why the Malcuun Sheitaan is at it everytime we want to communicate with Allah SWT. So, let us pay close attention to what we say, so that we gain Khushuuuc when we pray. To Be continued Nur
Walaal Kaafi I have the same problem, mine is about business, The minute I say Allah Akbar, Satan goes to work to take any fraction of my prayer he can claim. He is even helpful at times, he lures me with new topics that I should write about on this forum, and other times, he proposes good business deals that I can close within days. It only shows how important Salat is, and inshAllah, I will contribute an article on this topic, Jazaakallahu Khairan for your suggestion, an important topic indeed. Nur
Nurtel Publications From Yesteryears Presents: A Special Article Looking back to 1997, when I wrote the following article on a forum, makes me feel very nostalgic, but the past can not be brought back, I pray Allah SWT has accepted this work for his sake, and that He grants me a dose of his mercy to continue on his path, amin. It was six years ago when I wrote this piece, and because of this article, Allah SWT opened endless doors of understanding and wisdom of his Deen to me, I learned that Good deeds lead to one another, and that Allah blesses any work done for his sake, and since then Allah SWT blessed me with insghts that I can not explain other than to say : " Inna salaatii, wa nusukii wa maxyaay wa mamaatii lillah, Rabbil Caalamiin, wa bidaalika umirtu wa anaa awalul Muslimiin" Enjoy the Article: Roadmap to Paradise Take Adam and Eve avenue until you come to the intersection of Habil (Abel) road, and Qabil (Cain) street; merge right on Habil (Abel) and continue for the next twenty miles till you come to Noah's Ferry. Take the ferry to Safety Land, ignore the majority of other travel agencies’ directions, and arrive at Abraham's Super Highway also known as High way One God Only (1). Follow Abraham but avoid the exit of Sodom and Gomorrah townships until you get to Moses lane but pass Gold and Greed bridges and take it to Jesus' Mercy road. Here you will encounter a lot of confusion, streets are not well marked, and many peddlers along the road are giving away maps with conflicting directions to travelers. The Romans have renamed Pagans’ path as Jesus' mercy road. If you are not sure about the authenticity of Jesus' mercy road, review your map. See if Jesus' mercy path is a continuation of Abraham’s Super Highway. If it is a continuation you are fine, but still proceed with caution. If you have diverged, make a U-turn and go back to Abraham’s high way (1) and re-try again. Continue on True Jesus' road, if you do not see the following signs along the path, you should stop and review your map again. Maps for this path have been tampered with, we recommend the Barnabas edition street map to get to the Unity of God congregation, Immaculate conception corner, and Love thy neighbor community center. Avoid to show the Roman Traffic police your Barnabas street map, it is banned, they will confiscate it and you will be forced to use the only authorized official map - the Paul street map which was drawn to direct the motorists to Rome. For that reason there is a lot of lost traffic on this road. On the other hand True Jesus road is found on the Barnabas street map, but only few people have access to this map. Keep on Jesus' Mercy road until you find Muhammad’s sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam Sunnah Expressway. Stay on this expressway and do not be lured to rest areas along the expressway. Beware of the highway robbers, by insuring your vehicle with Dhikr security systems. All vehicles secured with Dhikr Security Systems will be protected from assaults by robbers (Satan). Make sure that you have enough fuel. The highest grade fuel for this long and tiring trip is the Taqwa grade fuel. Make sure you demand this brand when you stop for refueling. Lighten the load on your vehicle, carry only the most important items for this trip: two meters of white cloth, good deeds and prayers of your kids is all you need. Excess weight is allowed only if it is more of the above. Other items will only slow you down or cause you to loose sight of where you are heading, and you risk losing the coverage of Dhikr Security systems, thereby becoming an easy target for the Robbers. You need to check your vehicles safety features periodically by reading your vehicles manual - the Holy Quran. Your steering wheel must be calibrated by the Sunnah Calibration method, batteries must be charged with Iman, the engine needs to be tuned up with Ikhlas and your tires must be properly inflated with Ihsan. Most important of all, you must test the entire vehicle with the tawheed check list. It does not matter if most parts of your vehicle are performing right, if a single part in your vehicle does not perform according to specifications of Tawheed (its conditions) your vehicle will break down and again the robbers will rob you of what is left. The overall performance of your vehicle depends on the performance of the weakest part in your vehicle, so routinely check these weak points, they may be detrimental to your trip. There are many milestones on Muhammad’s road, and these milestones will assure you that you are on the right track. Do not worry that there are not any people on this road; just because you are alone on this road do not think that you are driving the wrong way on a one way street. Loving Allah more than anything else, loving the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam and his companions, who supported him when he was oppressed, following all his teachings, responding with patience and acceptance to lack of worldly goods, hunger, loss of family members are but some of the milestones and glad tidings that you are on the right track. Also this road will be paved with pain, hard work, struggle with yourself and others and Iblis, the Robber, and all things that are not appealing to the soul. Never lay your guard, this trip is not over until it is over. Keep dhikr your guard, good deeds your luggage and do not lose to focus on where you are going, so you may endure the pain of this trip. When you finally arrive to your destination, Al-Jannah, you will forget all the pain. Nur 1997 Nurtel Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
Jazakumullahu Khairan all, well said. I am glad more viewers iney akhrinayaan Af Somaliga, at the same time enjoying Islamic Wisdom, rare to find these days on many boards, laakin waxaan jeclaan lahaa , haddii aad idinkuna aad ku soo biirin leheydeen murti kale, maxaa yeelay sidii laga soo wariyey Suubbanihhii, xadiith macnihiisu yahay " Murtidu waa baadi ka maqan qofka Muslimka ah, meeshuu ka heloba, isaga ayaa ugu xaq leh" Nur
اللهم إنا نسألك زيادة في الدين وبركة في العمر وصحة في الجسد وسعة في الرزق وتوبة قبل الموت وشهادة عند الموت ومغفرة بعد الموت وعفوا عند الحساب وأمانا من العذاب ونصيبا من الجنة وارزقنا النظر إلى وجهك الكريم اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتا المسلمين واشفي مرضانا ومرضا المسليمين اللهم اغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الاحياء منهم والاموات اللهم ارزقني قبل الموت توبة وعند الموت شهادة وبعد الموت جنة اللهم ارزقني حسن الخاتمة اللهم ارزقني الموت وانا ساجد لك يا ارحم الراحمين اللهم ثبتني عند سؤال الملكين اللهم اجعل قبري روضة من رياض الجنة ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار اللهم اني اعوذ بك من فتن الدنيا اللهم اني اعوذ بك من فتن الدنيا اللهم اني اعوذ بك من فتن الدنيا اللهم قوي ايماننا ووحد كلمتنا وانصرنا على اعدائك اعداء الدين اللهم شتت شملهم واجعل الدائرة عليهم اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان اللهم ارحم ابائنا وامهاتنا واغفر لهما وتجاوز عن سيئاتهما وادخلهم فسيح جناتك والحقنا بهما يا رب العالمين وبارك اللهم على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم رجاء من الجميع أن ينشر هذا الدعاء لكي نكسب ثواب نشره .... ولا تنسوا تدعو لي حتى تقول لك الملائكة "ولك بالمثل"....