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Dear Conquest This is the most elaborate effort I have undertaken to write a book, after fifteen pages, I got dizzy and decided to post it instead of dying before anyone had a chance to see it. Let me know what you think. The unfinished Book Iman and Sharia Xiriirka ka dhexeeya Caqiidada Islaamka iyo isku Xukumidda Sharciga Allah Waa Dood Furan Alxamdulilah, kaligiis baan u mahad celineynaa, asagoo quran ayaa kaalmeysaneynaa, asaga ayaan dambi dhaaf warsaneynaa, waxaan ka magan geleynaa Allah SWT xumaha aan sameyno, iyo sharta nafteenna, Qofkuu Allah SWT hadeeyo, qof lumin karaa ma jiro, qofkuu lumiyaana, qof hanuunin karaa ma jiro, waxaan markhaati ka ahay inuusan jirin ilaah loo hoggaansamo oo la jeclaado oo la magan galo oo hiillo gala oon Allah ahayn. Waxaan kaloon markhaati ka ahay in Muxammad SCWS uu yahay kuu noo soo direy nooguna soo dhiibey hanuun iyo ku deysasho habka nolosha iyo habka loo guto addoonnimada Allah SWT aan addoomo ugu nahay. Waxaan kaloon markhaati ka ahay inuusan jirin qof nafci iyo dhib noo haya oon Allah SWT aheyn, waxaan ku sallinayaa kii wax uu Allah SWT uumay ugu khair badnaa , Muxamaddan Rasulluh wa cabduh wa calaa aalihii al tayibiin al tahiriin wa saxbihi al gharr al mayaamiin. Iyo kuwii ku raacay wanaag ilaa maalinka qiyaame, aamiin Allah wuxuu na leeyahay: ( Kuwii Allah rumeeyayoow, Allah iska Jira, iskana dhowra Ciqaabtiisa hana dhimanina idinkoon Muslim aheyn)(Kuwii Allah SWT rumeeyayoow, Allah SWT iska jira, hadal qurxan oo fiicanna ku hadla, (Allah SWT) wuu idiin hagaajin waxaad qabataan, wuuna idiin cafin dunuubtiinna, qofkii Allah iyo Rasuulkiisa addeecana , qofkaasi, wuxuu guuleystay guul weyn)(Kuwii Allah aaminayoow, iska jira Rabbigiinna idinka uumay naf qura, naftaasna ka uumay xaaskeedii, labadaas nafna ka dhaliyey rag iyo haween badan, Iskana jira Allah , kaad dartiis isku heybsataan dartiisna aad xidid ku noqotaan , SWT wuxuu ahaa mid mar walba idinka warhaya) Dabadeed Hadal waxaa ugu run badan Kitaabka Allah SWT, Hanuun la raacana waxaa ugu khair badan hanuunkii Muxammad SCWS, dhacdooyinka waxaa ugu shar badan kuwa aan horey loo oqoon oo diinta laguu soo daro, dhacdo walba oo laguu soo daro diinta, waa abaabul cusub oo diineed, abaabul walba oo diineed oo cusubna waa ka leexasho dariiqa toosan, ka leexasho walba oo laga leexdo dariiqa toosanna wexey dadka ku riddaa naarta. Allah wuxuu ku leeyahay suuratul (Al maidah 14 – 16) " Qaar ka mid ah kuwii yiri waxaan nahay kirishtaan, waxaannu kula heshiinnay ballantoodii, markaas bey ilaaween qayb ka mid ah wixii la xasuusiyey ( oo lagula ballamay), markaas baan isku dirney ( dhax dhigney muran badan iyo isneceyb) ilaa maalinka qiyaamaha, Allhana wuu u sheegi doonaa wexey ku kala tageen" Ahul kitaaboow waxaa idiin yimid rasuulkeenna oo idinn caddeeynaya wax badan o ka mid ah kitaabka ood qarin jirteen, (dambi badanna idin ka cafinaya) . Dhinaca Allah waxaa idinka soo gaaray nuur iyo kitaab wax kala saara. Oo uu Allah ku hanuuniyo qofkii raaca wuxuu raalli ka yahay waddooyinka lagu nabad galo, idinkiisana uga saara mugdiyaasha una saara iftiinka, kuna hanuuniya waddada toosan" Sidaa darteed, qofkii nuurkaas naloo soo dajiyey raaca wuxuu la mid yahay qof heysta iftiin Allah SWT ka yimid agtiisa qofkii diidana ama ka weecda nuurkaas wuxuu la mid yahay qof mugdi ku jira. Waxaan qoraalkaan kaga hadlayaa arrin la isku waafaqsan yahay, taasoo ah in ka ******ada laga fakanayo naarta maalinka qiyaame ay ku xaqiiqoobeyso in lala yimaaddo isdhiibid (islaam) muuqata iyo isdhiibidda qalbiga ee laabta ku qarsoon, Labadaas shardi oo keensanayaa in loo hoggaansamo Allah SWT ka saremaray nuqsaan, lana adeeco rasuulkiisa loo soo direy naxariista caalamiinta darteed oo ku oogaya xujo khalqiga in Allah SWT uu u digay una bishaareeyay khalqigiisa. Guusha aakhiro, Allah SWT wuxuu kuu xiray Islaannimada qalbiga iyo tan muuqata markuu yiri ( Qofkii doorbida waxaan Islaam aheyn inuu dahaqan ka dhigto (diin), laga aqbali maayo, aakhirana wuxuu ka mid noqonayaa kuwa khasaarey) Suuratul Al cimraan Rasuulka Allah SWT SCWS aayaddaas wuxuu ku sugay markuu xaduuthkan, ( Naf aan muslim aheyn jannada ma gasho) waxaa wariyey Axmed, dabaraani, bazzaaz, Imaam Bukhaari wuxuu wariyey (Jannada ma galo qofaan mumin aheyn) Nabad galka dunidana wuxuu ku xirantahay Islaannimada muuqata, maxaa yeelay dhowridda dhiigga iyo maalka wexey ku xiran yihiin Isudhiibidda la isu dhiibo Allah SWT (Islaam) oo muuqata, iyo xaqa islaamka uu ku yeesho labadaas, ha noqoto naf loo dilo naf darteed, ama xaqa Allah oo maalka laga bixiyo. Waxaa marka laazim noqotay in qof walboo raba inuu Allah raalli ka noqdo inuu ku dadaalo siduu u xaqiijin lahaa inuu ku sugan yahay milladii nabi Muxammad SCWS. Waxaa kaloo ognahay in Islaannimada qofka ayan sugnaan karin haduusan ku dhex nooleyn Muslimiin ay isla oogaan Shacaairta sida : (Salaat, Soon etc) iyo Shareecada oo ah Axkaamta kala saarta dadka markey is khilaafaan iyo tan sugta xuquuqda Allah addoontiisa uu ku leeyahay, Taasna waxaa daliil u ah Sunnada nabigeenna SCWS uu noo sunneyay hijradiisii uu ka haajirey Maka, oo uu u haajirey Madina si uu u oogo Hab nololeed oo ku dhisan addoonnimada ALLAH. Arrinta Xukunka iyo Shareecada dajinteeda waa arrimaha ugu muhimsan, aasaaskana u ah mujtamac muslim ah istaagiddiisa. Arrintaani wa mid laga maarmaan u ah jiriddah Mujtamac Muslim ah oo taladiisoo dhan ay ku saleysan tahay addoonnimada Allah SWT. Addoonnimadana waa masalo u gaar ah Allah SWT oo qura, sidaas darteed, ku gaar yeeliddaa Allah SWT in asaga oo qura laga qaato sharciga waa ku gaaryeelid lagu gaaryeelay addoonnimo iyo hoggaansanaan. Ku xukumka shareecadaha waxaa ka dhasha xuquuq iyo waajibaad ay addoontu ayaga isku leeyihiin, iyo mid uu Allah SWT addoontiisa ku leeyahay. Waxaa kaloo ka dhasha xarigga isbaheysiga isku xira muminiinta iyo kan baraa�da laga barii noqonaayo cadowga Allah SWT. Kuwaasoo ah tiirarka ay ku qottonto caqiidada Islaamka. Marka maa daama ay qadiyadaan tahay, qadiyad sidaas u muhim ah, Allah SWT wuxuu arrintaan ka qaaday shaaca, wuxuna ku caddeyay kitaabkiisa iyo afka rasuulkiisa SCWS, Allah SWT wuxuu cadeeyay caddeyn aan khilaaf keeni karin. Haseyeeshee maa daama uu khilaafku yahay sunanka basharka ay ku sifoobeen, taasoo si aad ah uga dhex dacday xataa salafkii saalixiinta ah ee ummadda Nabi Muxammad SCWS, ( Alshuuraa 14) Ibnu Katheer wuxuu ku fasiray aayaddaan (Dadku khilaafka ay khilaafeen xaqa markuu soo gaaray ka dib oo xujjada lagu oogay waxaa ku xambaaray madax adeyg, canaad, iyo garab mar la garab marayo xaqa ( Mushaaqa) taasna waxaa u daliil ah Allah SWT qowlkiisa " Mana kala tagin illa markey soo gaadhay ( Al Bayina) Xaqii" Suuratul ( Al Bayyina 4) Ibnu Katheer wuxuu ku fasirey aayaddaas (waxaa loola jeedaa Kutubada lagu soo dajiyey ummadahii naga horreeyey kadib markuu Allah ku dul oogay xujooyinkiisa cadcad ayey kala tafarruqeen ooy is ikhtilaafeen kana leexdeen muraadkii Allah ka lahaa kutubta loo soo dajiyey. Allah asagoo ummaddan uga digaya wuxuu yiri ( Al Baqara 253) Abu Hureira RAC wuxuu ka soo wariyey Rasuulka SCWS (Waxaan idinka reebay ka hara, waxaan idin amray inaad la imaataanna, kala imaada intaad awooddaan, maxaa yeelay kuwii idinka horreeyay waxey ku halaagsameen su�al badnida iyo anbiyadaooda ooy khilaafeen) Muslim, BukhaariWaxaa kaloo laga so wariyey Rasuulka SCWS , labada saxiix, uu soo wariyey Abuu saciid Al khudri ( Waxaad ku daysan doontaan kuwii idinka horreeyay, (raaci doontaan sunanka kuwii idinka horreeyay) ,............ Xataa haddey galaan god maanso lugaaley, waad ka daba gali doontaan. Wexey dheheen , Rasuulkii Allow, ma waxaad ula jeeddaa Yuhuudda iyo Nasaarada? Wuxuu ku jawaabay, yaa kale? Marka maa daama uu Rasuulku arrintaas uu sheegay, waxaa xaq ah iney dhici doonto, maxaa yeelay Rasuulkeenna kuma hadlo Ahwaada basharka oo kale, Allah wuxuu ku yiri " Kuma hadlo waxa naftiisa doonto " (Suuratul Najm 3) . Sidaa darteed, sida ay Yuhuuddu isu khilaaftay ayey ummaddaanna isu khilaaftay, Ummaddan wexey is khilaafeen kadib markii bayyinaddii xaqa aheyd ay soo gaartay, (baghyan baynahum) xadgudub dhexdooda ah dartiis, isumana khilaafin cilmi yari darteed. Waxaana sabab u ahaa ahwaa iyo shahawaadka ay umadahaii hore raceen oy ku lumeen ( Kuwa raaca shahawaadka wexey rabaan inaad leexataan leexasho weyn (ood ka leexataan dariiqa xaqa ah)) Rasuulkeenna wuxuu noo sheegay iney ummaddaan kuwa fakanaaya iney yihiin kuwa ku sugan wuxuu Nabigeenna SCWS iyo asxaabtiisa ay ku sugnaayeen. Sidaa darteed hadduu khilaaf dhex maro Muslimiinta, oo qaar yidhaahdaan waxaan waa bannaanyihiin , qaarna yidhaahdaan ma bannaana, Allah wuxuu na faray inaan u laabanno Allah iyo Rasuulkiisa garsoor ahaan. U laabashada Allahna waxaa loola jeedaa, u laabasho kitaabkiisa, U laabashada rasuulkana waxaa loola jeedaa u laabashada Sunnadiisa iyo hadyigiisii uu ku noolaa iyo ka qiyaas qaadasho labadaas masdar haddaan aragno mushkilad aan horey u dhicin samankii waxyiga iyo Rasuulka SCWS. U laabashada Kitaabka Allah waxaa ugu horreysa in loo laabto Towxiidka oo wixii khilaafa ay baadil yihiin, taasoo uu nabi Ibraahin Caleyhi Salaam ereygiisii ( waxaan ka nahay Barii, idinka iyo waxaad u hoggaansantihiin oon Allah aheyn , waannu idinku kufrinay, waxaana dhexdeenna ka muuqday colaad iyo is neceyb ilaa aad Allah oo qudha aad rumeysaan ood raacdaan) Kalimaddas baraa'ada ahna Allah wuxuu ka yeelay kalimadda Towxiidka ee mar walba ooy dadka lumaan la faray iney u laabtaan si ay u saxaan caqiidadooda ( Wuxuuna Ka yeelay kalimad waarta (nabi Ibraahim) gadaashiis, si ay (dadku) ugu laabtaan (markey habaabaan) U laabashada Rasuulkana macneheedu waa in Hadduu nabigeenni SCWS dhintay aan ku sugnaanno sunnadiisi carfooneyd oon ku noolaano wuxuu nooga tagay kuna dhimanno milladdiisa. ( Muxamadna ma aheyn qof dhaafsan rasuul hortiis ay le’deen rusul hore, hadaba, hadduu dhinto ama la dilo, ma dib baad uga laabaneysaan (diintiinnii)? , qofkii dib uga laabta (diintiisana) Allah dhibaato uma keeni karo Allhana wuu abaal marin kuwa u mahad celiya) Al cimraan Haddii marka labo qolo iskuqabato arrin , qolo qoloda kale ka xaq leh ma jirto illaa daliil sharci ah oo ku tiirsan labada asal een soo sheegnay ay ku tiirsadaan. Lamana eegayo da’weynaan , cilmi badnaan iwm . Laakiin waxaa la eegayaa daliilkiisa oo qura. Maxaa yeelay Allah qofkuu rabo inuu murtida waafajiyo asaga ayaa doorta, (yutil xikmata man yashaa), kumana xirna da’ weynida, siduu u yiri SWT ( Waxaannu fahamsiinnay Suleimaan ) asagoo taladaas ay ku adkaatay Daauud oo ahaa Nabi Allah. Sidaasoo kale Cumar Ibnu Khattab Allah wuxuu waafjiyey talada toosan oo uu ku keliyeystay markii ay asaga iyo asaxaabta qaarkood ka doodeen wexey ku sameyn lahaayeen gaaladii lagusoo qabtay dagaalka. Cilmi badnidana ayadana daliil ma gasho , maxaa yeelay qofka cilmiga badan hadduu lumo, haddaanan addillada sharciga ah loo wada noqon, dad badan buu luminkaraa, Allah wuxuu noo sheegay ninkii qowmkii Muuse CS oo Allah cilmiga baray hase yeeshee nolosha adduunka ka jecleystay tan aakhiro markaas lumay, dadna lumiyey, Allah ninkaas iyo culimada ka jecleysta nolosha adduunka tan aakhiro wuxuu ku mataalay sida Eyda afka kala heysa xaalo walba ha ku sugnaadaanee. Rasuulkeennana waxaa laga soo wariyey in uu yiri in aakhiro kuwa ugu cadaab weyn ay ka mid yihiin Caalim xumaaday. Wuxuuna Rasuulkeenna nooga digay xadiith kale Ducaatun calaa abwaabi Jahannam, Culimo taagan albaabyada jahannam oo dadka ugu yeera wax khilaafsan wuxuu Allah ka rabay. Marka takliifka u noqoshada Allah iyo raadka rasuulka da’weynaan ama cilmi badnaan in daliil laga dhigto kagama dheceyso cidna, bal masuuliyadda in labada asal la raaco weyba ku sii korortaa kuwaas cilmiga badan ama da’da weyn. Markii la doodayo, waxaa sharafta Islaamka ka mid ah inuu qof walba isku dheeho aadaabta gaarsiineysa muraadka Allah naga lahaa, waana inuu ka fogaada iney naftiisa kala weynaato xaqa, ama in uusan xaqa hadduu u caddado uusan ka iilan dariiqa uu u marayo xaq doonidda, waana innusan ka leexan macnaha laga hadlayo. Intaas waa iga afeef, maxaa yeelay waxaan ogahay in arrinta na hor taal ay tahay mid murankeeda batay, aanan jecleystay in aan Allah uga hortago anigoo isku dayey in xaq dahsoon aan soo bandhigay si uu raalli Allah iiga noqdo. Ku sugnaashada Dariiqa loo maraayo in xaqa la gaaro wexey ku saleysan tahay inaan talada Allah iyo tan rasuulka aan laga hormarinin talo kale “ Kuwii Allah aaminayow, ha ka (talo) hormarina Allah iyo rasuulkiisa” (Al Xujuraat, 1). Kitaabka Iclaamul Muwaqiciin, Ibnu Qayim wuxuu ku fasirey baabka in nalaga reebay in Allah iyo Rasuulkiisa aan talo laga hormarinin. (Ha dhihina (erey) ilaa uu dhaho, hana amrina ilaa uu asaga wax amro, fatwana ha dhiibinna ilaa uu isaga fatwo dhiibo, talana ha goynina ilaa isaga gooyo) Waxaana intaas dheer inuu Allah yiri (Kuwii Allah aaminayow, codkiinna ha ka kor marinina codka Nabiga, si ayan acmaashiinna (oo dhan) u khasaarin) Ibnu Taymia Kitaabkiisa Al Saarimul Masluul, wuxuu ku sheegay in macnaha kalimaddah TAXBADA ay tahay camalkoo dhan oo gubta, taasooy sabab u tahay in la sahladay qaddarka iyo maqaamka rasuulka SCWS uu naga mudan yahay ay keeni karto gaalnimo.……. fiiri Sarimul masluul" Haddii marka codka kor loogu qaado Rasuulka SAWS marka loo yeerayo ay keensan karto in lagu gaaloobo ( Ixbaadul camal) ayadoon la dareynsaneyn, sida aayaddu tilmaameyso, marka ka warran haddii siyaasado, amaa sharciyaal, uu qof ama xeyn keensatay oo ka soo horjeeda sharcigii nabi Muxammad SAWS la xalaaleysto, ama laga aamuso qaladkaas, oo aan la inkirin?. Maxaa lagu sugnaan karaa? Allah wuxuu leeyahay (Muminiintu waa kuwa aaminay Allah iyo rasuulkiisa oon ku dhaqaaqin talo ay isku raaceen ayagoon ka idin qaadan rasuulka). Idin qaadashada waxaa lool jeedaa in Sunnadiisa la raaco, sharcigiisana la howlgaliyo oon la boqno jarin. Haddii marka intuu Nabigeenna uu noolaa sifada iimaanka uu Allah ku fasirey iney tahay in laga idin qaato rasuulka SCWS, waxaa si gaar ah laazim noogu noqoneysa manta inaan u laabanno wuxuu Nabigeenna intuu noolaa uu raali ka ahaa oon ku deysanno. Haddaan u laaban weyno, taladiisa oo ka sugnaatay hanuunkiisa, waxaan u bandhigeynaa in acmaasheenna oo dhan ay ixbaad ku dhaco( la baabi'iyo) taasoo ah daliil in haddan hagranno qaddarka rasuulkeenna, iney keeneyso inaan milladii nabi Muxammad SCWS aan ka baxno annagoon dareemeyn, saa qof gaalnimo u qasda ma jiree. Allah ayaan ka nabad galnay gaalnimo. Taas waxaa dheer in Khairku uu khair dadku ku hadeeyo , siduu Allah u yiri ( Kuwii ii soo halgamay , waxaan ku hadeeyaa dariiqeyga) Caasinimadana wexey dadka u geysaa caasinimo kale, (Sababta uu sheidaanka u simbiriirixiyey wexey eheyd denbi ay galeen datriis), ogow aayaddaas wexy ku soo dagtay saxaabo ku jirey jihaad oo amarkii rasuulka ka jecleystay iney helaan hanti yar oo la qaybsanayay, taasoo u keenaty in cadowga uu ku xoogeysto. Marka manta ka warrama xaalka lagu sugan yahay? Marka haddii hal amar dhibkaas saxaabada uu u keenay, maxaad mooddaa sharcigii Allah oo dhan oo la tuuray? Raacidda shareecada waa muujin in loo hooggaansan yahay addoonnimada Allah oo qura. Allah SWT wuxuu yidhi “ Wexey ka yeesheen baadariyaashooda iyo Xaakhaamadkooda, Rabbiyaal aan Allah aheyn “ Saaxaabigii la oran jirey Cadi Ibn Xaatim oo ahaan jirey kirishtaan ayaa yidhi Rasuulkii Allow ma aannaan caabudi jirin baadariyaasheenna. Rasuulka Allah SAWS ayaa wuxuu warsaday Cadi “ Xalaasha ma idiin xalaaleyn jireen, Cadi wuxu yidhi haa, Ma idinka xaaraameyn jireen wax xalaal ah” wuxuu yidhi haa? Rasuulka Allah wuxuu ku yidhi Cadi, Sidaas ayaad ku caabuddeen” Marka maa daama ay dadkii isaga qaldameen arrimihii, waxaa loo baahday in loo toosiyo caqiidadoodii, si ay ugu sugnaadaan ulajeeddada Allah SWT In Ula jeeddada Allah iyo rasuulkiisa in loo fahmo siduu ula jeeday Allah waxaa lagu gaadhaa siduu ku sheegay Ibnul Qayim kitaabkiisa iclaamul Muwaqiciin ( Muftigu ama xaakimku ma haleeli karaan fatwada iyo xukmiga xaqa ah haddeysan laheyn labo nooc oo garasho ah: A. Nooca Koobaad : Waa inuu qofka wax fataweynaya uu Daliilka Sharciga ah ee waxa la xukminaayo inuu si fiican u yaqaan. B. Nooca Labaad : Waa inuu qofka wax fatweynaya uu fahamsan yahay waaqica manta jira, oo uu waqtigiisa la nool yahay, maxaa yeelay oqoonta waxa maanta dhacaya waa cilmi iskiis u taagan oo u baahan barasho, iyo xeelad., oo uu markaas kala soo bixi karo (qaraa’in) iyo tilmaamoyin caddaynaya xaqiiqada la xukminaayo. Mataal ahaan, qofkii yaqaanna Daliilka sharciga ah ee taxriimka ribada, laakiin aan oqoon Bunuugta addunnka sidey u shaqeyso, ama aan aheyn (Ecomomist, CFA, Certified Financial Analyst iwm.) qofkaas ma xukumi karo waaqica Ribada ee jira maxaa yeelay waxaa ka maqan Daliilka Sharciga ah meeshuu ku oogmi lahaa xukunkaas . Sidaasoo kale, qofkii tijaarada si fiican u yaqaanna, laakin aan cilmiga sharciga ah taxsiilinin, talo ka ma dhiiban karo taxriimka Ribada. Waxaa marka waajib sharci ah noqotay, in mar walba oo mowduuc la niqaashayo inuu qofka muslimka ah hadduusan cilmi u leheyn Daliilka ama meeshuu daliilkaas ku fulaayo inuusan rayigiisa wax ku xukumin, maxaa yeelay Allah wuu xarrimay arrintaas wuxuuna yiri. (Walaa taqfu maa leysa laka bihi cilm) Suuratul Israa� Sheikhul Islaam, Ibnu Taymiya, risaaladiisa la yiraah (Xukunka qofkii baddala sharciyaasha Islaamka), Risaaladaas muqaddimadeeda waxaa ku qoran in Fatwadu ay ku dhisnaato labo asal oo waaweyn.: 1. Oqoon la yaqaan xukunka sharciga ah 2. In la xaqiijiyo oo la sugo meeshuu xukunkaas sharciga ah uu ku fulaayoo, ha ahaato: a. Nass ( Qoraal, Quraan ama Xadiith Saxiix ah) b. Dalaalah ( Wuxuu nassku tilmaamayo) c. Tabiciyah ( Wuxuu keensanaayo, ka tagiddiisa ama raaciddiisa ( IMPACT) ) KU XUKUMIDDA SHARCI UUSAN ALLAH SOO DAJIN. Allah SWT oo abuuray banii aadmiga, wuxuu ogaa meeshay ay ku dambeyn doonto arrin walba. Allah SWT wuxuu usoo saaray umaddaan iney hagajiso wixii ummadihii hore ay qaldeen, markey ka tageen iney isku xukumaan Shareecada Allah ee Injiilka ku jirtay iyo towraadka. Allah SWT wuxuu ku leeyahay suuratul Maidah ” Ku xukun dhexdooda wuxuu Allah soo dejiyey, hana raacin hawadooda, iskana jir iney kaa indhosaabaan wuxuu Allah soo dejiyey qaarkood, haddey diidaan, ogow inuu Allah la damacsan yahay inuu ku waxyeelleeyo danbiyaasha ay galeen qaarkood, dhab ahaanna, dadka badankood waa kuwo xargogoostay” Maidah, 49. Waxaa aayaddaas ka muuqata in rasuulka looga digay in dadka ayagoo raacaya hawadooda ayan rasuulka indhosaabin oo ayan ka leexin xukmigii Allah qaarkiis. maxaa yeelay haddey ku guuleystaan iney Rasuulka ka hoos bixiyaan talada Allah, musiibooyin weyn baa Allah ku soo dejiyaa kuwaa diida iney raacaan sharcigiisa. Digniinta Allah uu u digay rasuulkiisa oo aheyd inuusan dadka hawadooda raacin looguma ekaan, ee Allah nabigiisa waa sugay si diintaan ay u faafto “ Haddaannaan ku sugi leheyna, waxaad u liici leheyd dhinacooda wax yar” , Waxaa kaloo la faray inuu yidhaado " Ku dheh, qof Allah iga dhicin kartaa ma jiro, mana heli karo qofaan asga aheyn oo ilaalin kara " Suuratul Jin. Intaas looga ma harin, isla suuraddas Allah wuxuu sheegay in amaanada rasuulka SCWS loo soo dheebay oo aheyd Quraanka laga soo hormariyey malaa'ig, lana daba dhigay malaa'ig si loo koobo, loona ilaaliyo wuxuu Allah soo dajiyey. Sidaa darrteed, Rasuulkeenna SAWS waa noo dardaarmay inaan raacno Quraanka iyo raadikiisa. Maxaa yeelay, raadkiisa iyo sunnadiisa carfoon waa kuwo Allah uu si adag kala dardaarmay rasuulkiisa, iyo inta raadkiisa dooneysa iney qaaddo. Hadaba Allah sharcigiisana in la raaco ma aha arrin dadku ay xor u yihiin iney qaataan iyo iney diidaan. sababtoo ah, raacidda sharciga Allah SWT oo ah amarkiisa, wexey daliil u tahay in khabarka Allah oo uu nooga warramay aakhiro iyo abaal marinteeda aan dhab u rumeynay. Laakin haddan diidno, waxaa muuqata in aan Allah qaddarkuu naga joogay aan sahlannay. Waxaana caqligu tilmaamayaa in qofkii khabarka aakhiro beeniya, inuusan amarka Allah u hoggaansamin. Taas waxaa u daliil ah Suuratul Qiyaamah 31, 32 ( mana rumeynin (khabarka), mana tukanin (Amarka), laakin waa beeniyay ( Khabarka) waana ka jeestay (Amarka)" Cilaaqaada ka dhexeysa Xukunka Allah iyo Towxiidka. Islaamka wuxuu uu kala baxaa asal iyo furuuc, Asalka Islaamka waa oqoonshaha la yaqaan Allah SWT, Cazza wa Jallah SWT, oo dhab ah oo dhaliya in la jeclaado, laga baqo, loo baxsado, la gaashaanbuureysto, loona hoggaansamo. ASAGOO QURA OON LALA WADAAJIN ADDOONNIMADA IYO DABA KACA QOF KALE. Asalakaas Anbiyada Allah SWT oo dhan isaga mid bey ahaayeen, ASALKAAN WAA KAN ISLAANNIMADA AY KU XAQIIQOWDO, QOF LOOGA CUDURDAARANA OO MUKALLAF AHNA MA JIRO. Furuucda Islaamka, waa fasiraaddii asalka hore oo dhaqan galinaayey asalaka weyn ee towxiidka aan kor ku soo sheegnay, kaasna wuxuu ka koobmaa arkaanta Isaamka oo dhan iyo Suunnada Rasuulka SCWS. Qoraalkaan waxaan uga hadli doontaa Asalka hore ee ah Towxiidka iyo raadkuu ku reebayo nolosheena. Kadib waxaan muujineynaa sida Sharciga Allah iyo Nolosheenna oo ayadana Allah sameeyay ay isu leeyihiin, oo haddii lagu maamulo uunka Allah sharci aan sharcigiisa aheyn, in uunkiisa ay khasaarayaan. Asalaka Islaamka waa Towxiidka oo ka koobma wax la xaqiijinayo iyo wax la inkiraayo, labadaasna waa laazim inuu qofku la yimaaddo si uu Muslim u noqdo. Waa in uu xaqiijiyaa inusan jirin Ilaah aan Allah SWT aheyn, asagoo u fahamsan ilaah, kan nafttisa ay ugu jeceshahay, cabsidiisana ugu weyn tahay. Taasna wexey ka koobantaa: Inuu qiro oo uu sugo inuusan jirin Rabbi ( mid naftiisa awood ku leh, daacadda dhabta ahna ku leh), oon Allah SWT aheyn, waa inuu ilaahaas u sugaa wax walba oo kamaal iyo saremarid ah oo uu Allah SWT isku sheegay, waana inuu ka barii noqdo wax walba oo Allah SWT addoonnimadiisa ku xadgudbay, oo ku raallii noqon waayey iney Allah SWT addoomo u noqdaan. Sheitaankana waligiis wuxuu ahaa mid ka weeciya dadka Towxiidka Allah SWT, inkastoo uu mar walba tabtiisa baddali jirey. Marka uu sheitaanku la tab shirki ah uu la yimaado, Allah SWT ayaa soo saari jirey Nabi caddeeya shirkigaas, dabadeedna, Sheitaanku wuxuu keeni jirey tab kale oo cusub oon la oqoon oo shirki ah, ilaa Rabbigeenna uu soo saaray Nabi Muxammad SCWS kaasoo Allah SWT noogusoo dhiibay Kitaaabkii ugu dambeeyay oo laga helayo xukmiga dhaxdeenna, iyo khabarka umadihii naga horreeyay si aan darsi uga qaadannoo inaan wexey ku dheceen oo gaalnimo ah aanan ku dhicin, tasoo ah naxariis weyn oo ummaddaan loo galay. Sheidaanku Fitnadii ugu horreysay oo gaalnimo looga baxo diinta wuxuu dhax keenay Ummaddanna samankii Abuu Bakar RadiyAllah SWT canhu, Waagaas, dad sheeganaya muslimiin ayaa wexey diideen iney bixiyaan Zakada Allah SWT ku waajib yeelay ayagoo aaminsanaa in uu hadduu rasuulka dhintay aan qof kale ku leheyn, Qalad ayey fahmeen, laakiin Abuu bakar shaki ka ma galin gaalnimadooda, waana uu la jahaaday ilaa ay hoos yimaadeen shareecada Allah SWT. Kooxdaas, ma inkirsaneyn Allah iyo rasuulkiisa, laakin wexey diideen iney hoos yimaaddaan talada Islaamka oo ah diinta Allah. Sheidaanku intaas ku ma ekaan, shubhooyin badan ayuu keenay, waxaana soo baxay firqado lunsan oo mid walba ay hal arrin ku luntay. Waxaa meeshaas ka cad in Lumidda la lumay wexey kulligeed ku saleysneyd ka tagid Qisdi, ama cadli ama u badasho hal dhinac ama miisaankii Rasuulka SCWS oo dhinac looga batay, taasoo la mid ahayd wexey ku lumeen ummadihii naga horreeyay, Yuhuudda iyo Nasaarada oo Allah uu nooga sheegay iney keensadeen Rahbaaniyad aan lagu farad yeelin, taasoo ay haddana xaqeedii ka soo bixi waayeen. Qolooyinka lumay wexey u kala baxeen laba nooc: 1. Kuwo khair doon ku lumay markay ku ekaan waayeen hadyigii Rasuulka SCWS ( Al daalliin) 2. Kuwo xaqii ogaaday , laakin jeceylka adduunka ka doortay kii aakhiro ( Al Maghduubi calayhim) Labadaas qolo waa kuwo waligood jirey, jiri doonana. Allahna naxariistiisa wuu nooga digay inaan labaadaas qolo aan ka mid noqonin, digniintaasna waxaan carrabkeenna ku celcelinaa 17 jeer maalin walba markaan akhrinno suuratul Faatixa. Qolooyinka ka lumay diinta Allah oo isu heysta iney diin ku sugan yihiin, Nasaarada iyo Yuhuudaba, Quranka si aad u ballaaran ayuu u tafaq tirey siyaabahii ay ku lumeen, si ummadda nabi Maxamed ayan ugu daysan, markaasna ayan sidoodii u lumin. Suuratul Baqarah, Maaidah, AL Nisaa, gaar ahaan wexey soo koobaan sheekooyinkii ahlul kitaabka iyo asbaabtay ku lumeen ayagoo sheeganaya iney iimaan leyihiin haddana diiday iney Allah adeecaan markey maqleen amarkiisa. Suuratul Al Baqarah 93 (samicnaa wa caseynaa, biisamaa yamurukum iimankum) Qolyaha hore ee ummddeenna waxaa ka mid ah kuwo ku lumeen iney soo geliyaan diinta wuxuusan Rasuulka jideyn, ayagoo qalad ka fahmay Quraanka ayaa wexey fahmeen in macaasida ay gaalnimo tahay. Qaar kale wexey fahmeen in iimaanku uu yahay rumeynta oo kaliyah oo qofkii qalbiga Allah SWT ka rumeeya uu Muslim yahay xataa haddusan la imaann arkaanta islaamka. Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah fitnadaas wexey uga nabad galeen iney ka istaageen meel dhexe Sheykhul Islam Ibnu Taymia ayaa wuxuu fasirey Nadariyatul Talaazumul Daahiru Bil Baadin: Oo Sheykhu ku fasiray in iimaanku uu yahay Qowl iyo camal. Xiriirka ka dhexeeya labadaasna wuxuu u sameeyay asal ah: 1. Qofka wuxuu aaminsan yahay ayuu mar walba ku dhaqaaqa 2. Qofku wuxuu sameeyo ayuu yahay, camalkiisa iyo qalbigiisa waa isla shaqeeyaan, si darrandoorri ah ( automatic) 3. Hadduu qofku cabsado, ku ma dhaqaaqo wuxuu aaminsanyahay 4. Qofka Muslimka ah ee gaalada la nool, wuxuu muujiyaa macaasida ama ereyada gaalnimo ah si uu uga nabad galo dhibka gaalada waxaana loo yaqaan fiqiga ( Mukrah) 5. Qofka gaalka ah ee Muslimiinta la nool wuxuu muujiyaa muslinnimo si uu u nabad galo waxaana loo yaqaan (munaafiq) Sheikha nadariyaadkiisa towxiidka wexey burburisay murankii firqadihii lunsanaa oo yiri iimaanku qalbiga ayuu ku jiraa, shaqana kuma laha camalka. Nimankaas, oo la oran jirey Murji’a iyo Khawaarijta oo ahaa niman aygana ku soo daray diinta asal aan ku jirin oo ka dhigay macaasida kuwa ka saara dadka diinta, labada qoloba Allah ayaa wuxuu ku damiyey dabkooda xujjada Sheykhul Islaam Ibnu Taymiya. Towxiidku wuxuu dadka ku kaalmeeyaa in ayan ku dhicin dabinta Sheydaanka uu wax maldaho. Sheidaanku marwalba wuxuu wax u maladahaa kuwa shirkiga ku jira, Allah wuxuu leeyahay, “ Asagu (sheydaanka) ku ma laha awood kuwa rumeeyay (Allah) rabbigoodana wakiisha, Wuxuuse awood ku leeyahay kuwa asaga (sheydaanka) saaxiib ka dhigta oo (rabbigooda ) u shariik yeelay.(Alnaxli 99) Sheydaanku sidaa darteed wuxuu dadka ka soo galaa dhowr meel: 1. Cabsida 2. faqriga 3 Raaxo jeceyl Allah wuxuu leeyahy Sheydaanku wuxuu idinku cabsiiyaa faqiirnimo, wuxuuna idiin faraa faaxishada (inaad sameysaan). Allah se wuxuu idiin ballan qaadaa dambi dhaaf iyo fadli” Bal aan is weydiinno , walaalayaal Yaan raacnaa? Sheekada waa socotaa Nur
Dear Walaal Conquest On a serious note, your argument was very sensible. I know for sure that Satan always works against humans, no matter what direction we chose, he makes sure that we go astray, and I am no exception for being a target for his schemes. Walaaal, I am quite busy these days, and I feel very guilty for not giving more time for Dawa work, partially for want to separate my private life and public dawa life which can entangle if I am not careful. You see Walaal Conquest, I set out to write a book a while back, in Somali to be precise, and the topic was Sharia and Tawheed ( I will respost here inshaAllah), Then one day, I thought about the fact that writing a book may not have the same impact as writing on the web, because Somalis do not read books, but out of curiousity, they browse the net, add to this my fear that I may not live long enough to finish a book, I opted to write short articles that can touch many people, and that is how i ended up with my current style of a writer on the web. I normally spend an hour to write an article after I conceive the idea in my head while at work, I develop the scenario and the style all in my head, and I huuriedly write the idea online and send it to the waves. I did this since ninety seven, and I find that this type of Dawa work fits my profile and abilities, and I know that many other sisters and brothers out there to be busy giving lessons in person, speaking in masjids or writing books, so, until my time allows me to have the luxury of writing a lengthy book, I can better serve the community as the Wide World Web Wadaad, so please make Ducaa for me, as I have made ducaa for you, ( I prayed that Allah gathers us together in Jannatul Ferdous, so do not forget your screen name!) Nur
Originally posted by Khayr: Its really disenchanting for any teacher/lecturer etc. when they give a lesson and no questions are asked.It shows a lack of interest!!! So inshallah, what I want to know is whats the difference btwm Sadqa and Zakat? Cause I'm sure many nomads don't know the difference. Help me out here NUR, cause Sadqa was one of the appetizers that you had on your menu. Fi Amanallah [/QB] Answer Dear Kheyr It should not be dishartening for a person asked to deliver the word of Allah swt, but at times I feel that way, the pay day is close, but I would be very happy to get a feed back from time to time to know people are benefiting from my Dawa work. Sadaqah is charity, and it can be any good action that benefits fellow creatures, humans or animals while Zakat is a Prescribed Faridah taken from the rich and given to the poor, it is named Zakat to purify the wealth by giving away the poor share, so wealth does not circulate among the rich only as is the case today. Jazaakallahu Khairan. Nur
Br. Mujahid You write: Originally posted by Mujahid: Salaam 3alaykom brother Nur maashaaAllaah on this article I particularly fancy main dish number b the reading of Quraan lately i been laxing. We always need a boost inshaaAllaah. This article helps. JazakaAllaahu Khayr Brother Nuur for the enlightening text MJ over and out Answer Yes indeed, we all need a boost, Quran is the best for that purpose, Jazakallah khairan for your input Nur
Namads Jazakumullahu Khairan for your compliments, may Allah SWT make our deeds sincerely for his sake alone. Wardi No, I did not see that program, but it would not surprise me, Satan owns these channels. Nur
Nomads who have not seen the Somali Habitat If yo have trouble reading my Somali posts please let me know, I may translate the same article to English, specially this topic. Nur
Flying Still It is the love of Allah that we can not live without it. Living strictly means loving Allah SWT, Loving Allah SWT is the fruity of knowing Allah SWT, and knowing Allah SWT is the fruit of paying attention to his sign posts laid out all around us. But when I Love PIZZA or a person to the point of day dreaming about it all the time, then after one crunch of the PIZZA or a meeting with the loved one, the pleasure is over. On the contrary, if we love Allah SWT, that is the love that last forever as Allah SWT is eternal. Now, what do you say Flying Still? Nur
Silent Sis Flying Still Jazakumullah Khairan for your comments CONQUEST Yes, I did consider writing books once, but because I hate popularity I shelved the idea altogether, There is nothing I enjoy better than being a normal private person, and for that matter too, I shun the spot lights and standing up in public as a motivational speaker as it can take a toll on my ikhlaas by making me thinka that I am better than those who listen to me when I know the contrary coud be true. So Allah SWT provided me with a solution, The Internet as a means to reach and teach without compromising my love for being a normal person in private in order to struggle with my shortcomings and humanness. Nur
Asalamu Calaykum wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh The Following is the light side of my Dawa Work, I published it on Somalinet a while back, it is targeted to appeal to a segment of readers of Nur posts, so be careful when you read. DISCLAIMER The information in the following Post and ideas delivered with it is intended only for the sole purpose of Islamic Edutainment ( combination of entertainment and education), Ideas presented in this post should be discussed cautiously at home with your grandmother as it may contain hilarious material as well as useful knowledge. Any injury, physical, emotional or being possessed by Jinn, resulting from reading this post is the sole responsibility of the reader. Nur, Nurtel, Nutty Professors, Cag Biciid, or any personality appearing in Nur posts can not be sued for more than 500 Somali schillings ( Kaaraan , Puntland and Kismayo currency) which will settle all damages that will include, injuries suffered when laughing out loud. Resending this Post to your friends may pose a health threat if they can crack up easily. If you have read this post by mistake, please contact Moderators for emotional consolation and comfort, and inquire about the character of the writer and his mental condition at the time of writing and immediately drink a cup of Caano Geel to gain back your sanity. If you think that you are not the intended audience of this post, you are given the right to copy, distribute, disclose or to take any action, no mater how funny, or sick including but not confined to body language, throwing up or fainting.. Statements and opinions expressed in this post are those of the the fictional Cag Biciid personality alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Somaliaonline nor of Nur, Nurtel Communications or its subsidiaries. Breaking News! Love bugs identified at NURTERL Labs As SARS bug spreads in Asia and now in Canada and Europe, NURTEL Scientists are struggling with yet another potentially dangerous bug. The scientists at Nurtel Social Engineering Labs at the Naaso Hablood Research Complex, Hargeisa, have identified two love bug strains that goe around stealthy attacking young people who have no idea what this bug can do to them, a bug that is so subtle, it can attack it's non suspecting victims in a split of second, and as a result, it has the potential to change their lives for ever as it may tie victims together forever as spouses. Nurtell scientists are warning its audience that this bug is mostly transmitted in spring time, and as most of you are aware, Spring time is a season of flowers and roses, so beautiful and breathtaking that nature begins to talk to your love bug receptors to receive love signals, just like it talks to the honey bee to collect flower nectar to make honey. The saying goes that you are no bunny, till some bunny loves you. The famous Contemporary Egyptian Poet Sings: " Ataaka arrabiicu talqu yakhtaalu daaxikan, minal xusni xataa kaada an yatakallamaa" Upon you is the open laughing season of spring, it is beauty just stops short of speaking" In that sense, Allah's nature speaks to your imbedded Fitra to respond, causing your heart to miss beats, and for some, ( Qalbi Jileyc) people, the love bug sufferers' stomach lining can be so stressed that they lose appetite of food altogether ( Except for Basra, nothing can come between her and her honey dipped triple layered ice cream) So, in this season, something within you is talking to you, just like it talks to all other creatures on earth after the season of snow and death. A true message that says: "he who manifested the regeneration of life after a season of gloom and winter, will resurrect mankind to a new reality after death". Nurtel scientists always working for the well-being of Somalinet audience are busy identifying the concerns of the Nur posts readers from Tasmania, to Tennessee, and as a result of their painstaking research, the ( Nutty Professors @ Nurtel), Yicib Perfessers have Identified two strains of love bugs. 1. The I-Contact love bug 2. E- Contact love bug First, the I- Contact ( Eye Contact) love bug, which is as common as the common cold can be retracted mostly in open parks, shopping malls, schools, family functions, Reer Qansax get-together parties, but the safest love bug of this strain is the love bug caught right after Friday Prayers at the Masjid's parking lots and the Shish-kebab and sandwich stands attended by gorgeous Sisters and brothers. Some Nur posts readers may have caught the bug at Tacsiyah Funeral functions, which is a deadly mistake that our scientists do not recommend. Most victims of this strain have reported that they got infected after exchanging eye contact with a person of the opposite sex and immediately felt strange ticklish feeling like heart murmur, shortness of breath, and sudden interest to be around the love bug carrying person. The problem of this type of love bug is that the bug temporarily takes control of the victims reasoning faculties, intelligence and in serious cases, the victims faith. Once the Love bug immobilizes the intelligence of the victim, the victim becomes a slave for the love bug, which can lead to complications beyond this posts objectives. The second Love Bug Strain, the E- Contact, the Email version is transmitted through the Internet, specially Somalinet forums. This bug is quite the opposite of the Eye Contact Bug, for starters, the victim usually reads posts of Somalinet and suddenly finds a writer who makes a lot of sense and who shares with the victim a lot in their views of life and faith. E-Contact Love Bug victims are not attracted by looks alone, they are after substance, they begin getting hooked to the writer's posts. This class of lovelorn victims usually have a high IQ, are doing well in their career or school, have faith and are selective of who they want to spend their life with. Nurtel Scientists, feel that the E-Contact Love bug to be like the good cholesterol. To be successful, viewers of Nur posts are advised to manage their exposure of the two strains of love bugs, Nurtel scientists although preferring the E-Contact love bug for the first time ( Love at first log on), they strongly recommend a lively exchange of eye- to- eye sessions to cement stronger relationships that last. In this thread, our Love Bug clinic will attempt to treat both types of victims, our scientists will do their best to take your case seriously, even if it takes to inviting you to the Love Bug Treatment facility, just outside Hargeisa township, where you will be offered strong Solution of Camel Milk and Honey before Mapping your heart with our High-tech ( DRI) Dhiker Resonating Imaging Machine. After which you will discover the Ultimate form of Love, and the highest form of pleasure on earth, The Love Of Allah SWT. You will stop singing " Illinta indhaheyga aan baranee,..... adey awadaa ilmeyaanee" and will begin a love journey to a different dimension, toward Allah SWT, a love experience you have to feel deep inside to soar above it all. Please share with us your Love Bug bouts of late. No more crying' after today! 2003 NURTEL Communications Social Re-Engineering Research Institute
Yes it is halaal, if: Done with your spouse(s) Done without a violation of Akhlaaq, with permission of spouse, during off- menses Period and without any violation of dignity of spouse in any manner. Strongly suggested to be done with Dhiker " Allahumma Jannibnaa Al Sheitaan, wa Jannib Al Sheitaana maa razaqtanaa" Nur
Salaams Nomads I guess most of you Nomad readers have difficulty reading Af Somali. Well, since I do not have that much time in my hands these days, I suggest you print a copy of the article in Somali and ask your Ayeeyo Muraayad, Murriyo, or Isniino, to decipher this article for you, help get her reading glasses, a pot of tea and sit by her gambar and let her tackle the (Shaqal Dheer) and (shaqal gaaban). When she is done reading the article, you have just helped her understand atopic in Islam, and she's helped you become a better Muslimah, so next time you run into one of my Af Somali article, do not dismiss it sayin " One of those Nur Af Somali difficult topics" Nur -------------------------------------------------- Allahumma Salli Calaa Muxammad, wa calaa aali Muxammad.
Walaalayaal As you have read in this thread, earning hasanaat is the one thing that should drive all of our actions, out of Allah's love and devotion. Because once we go to sleep, no telling when we get up, is it going to be a cool scene of paradise, or a horrible scent from hell? We'll die like we go to sleep, and we shall be raised from the dead like we wake up after sleep, but, there are only two places to stay, depending on our efforts while on earth, so let us remind ourselves to strive to do good on earth, not mischief. Nur
iimaan' effect on our actions For those of you who suffer periodic power loss, due to low Octane, here are some diagnstic questinnaire that will pinpoint your problem. 1. Do you perform prayers regualrly? 2. Do you make dhiker regularly (morning, evening)? 3. Do you get up at noght for voluntary prayers? 4. Do you fast voluntary fasting? 5. Do you study Islam on your spare time? 6. Do you read Quraan regularly? ( Juzz-a-day) 7. Do you enjoy helping others? 8. Do you respect those with different opinions? 9. Do you repent when realize that you have done wrong? or are you arrogant? 10. Are you kind to people? These are ten important points to judge your octane level. Nur
Walaal ilhaam your observation on the belief in Allah as provider of Rizq is partially valid, but most people mix between the fact that Allah provides Rizq and laziness in not seeking Rizq. If you have read other threads on this topic, Rizq is a done deal, but how you go about it is a world of difference. The iimaan of Rizq as a driver of our actions was documented in the following piece: Health, Wealth and Wisdom are forms of (Rizq) or sustenance that Allah SWT distributes to his servants. They are like a flowing river, and each one gets as much as she deserves through her actions. The Rizq ( sustenance) are two types. 1. Rizq that you have to seek 2. Rizq that seeks you The first Rizq, will not come-by without working for it. The second Rizq will knock on your door without working for it. The first Rizq is a token of Allah's ( Cadl) justice. The second Rizq is a token of Allah's (Fadl) Generosity. Several factors Rizq factors drive most of our actions: First. Our search for survival ( Food and shelter) Second . Our search for Procreation ( Marriage) Third, Our search for security ( amn) fourth. Our search for Recognition The first one is guaranteed through RIZQ, every living creature will not die untill they consume all of their allotted RIZQ. The second is also another form of Rizq, a Husband, or a wife, a daughter or a son is the fun of life. The third, security, can only be found through WORSHIP, because, iimaan as we have discussed is an offshoot of the word AMN, security, and without a firm belief of Allah one will never feel secure. The fourth driver, dignity and the search to be respected is granted to all mankind when Allah SWT ordered Satan to bow down to Adam, Adam was honored and recognized by all creatures that day, but Satan refused to respect him, thus a rivalry between Man and Satan began and continues to this day. The best way to be recognized is through adherence to Allah's commands and directives, but Satan influnces mankind to seek recognition through other means such as accumulation of vast wealth and power that is used to make mischief on earth. The Messenger of allah SAWS taught us that our Rizq is provided for us, but it is tied with our actions, so when you seek and get Rizq, it was Allah who ( Alhamaka) inspired you to seek and get Rizq. The Hadeeth reads " Jammiloo al talab" SEEK RIZQ with Grace. For examlpe if your Rizq today is couple of hundred schillings, you will get that amount, but the means to get it are your choice for which you will be judged in the day of judgement, you can work for that amount, or you can steal it from someone. Your second observation is excellent, when Allah is observing you,, and you are well aware of the fact, you can not act foolish. Walaal Flying Still I agree sis, the feeling that Allah is your friend is the best outcome of iimaan, because Allah SWT says " Nicmal mawlaa wa nicmal nasiir" What a graceful friend ( Allah is), and what a graceful supporter ( Allah is)" The more we ingrain that feeling in our behaviour, the better our actions, thus iimaan can shine through our actions for Allah and the believers to see. Allah SWT says " Fa qul icmiluu, fa sa yara Allahu camalakum wa rasuuluhu waluminuun" Say, act, so Allah ( the prophet and Believers) will see your deeds" The next question that needs an answer is: The imaan of Allah can take more than ninety nine forms, as much as his SIFAAT, we have picked the Rizq and analyzed it's profound effect on our actions and attitiudes, let us now systematically discuss other SIFAAT and their driving effect on our actions. First. Al Xayy ( The Living ) Any thoughts how this attribute can influence our actions? Nur -------------------------------------------------- Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin Kuwa iga da' yar waa iga dambi yar yihiin
Flying Still Thanks for activating the Xalaqah again, it almost died out while I was away. You write: As you mentioned Iimaan is a belief...belief in allah and his word. I think there were 6 pillars of imaan...I'm a little rusty on my knowledge these days.... Belief in: 1) allah 2) his angels 3) his books 4) his messengers 5)qadar--kheyr wa shar 6) can't remember My question is how does these beliefs influence our actions? For example the belief in Allah, could mean a myriad of things, which belief triggers a specific actions? Again, I will offer a hint: A belief in Allah could mean: 1. That Allah provides Rizq ( sustenance) Could influence your actions when you are seeking to make a living, How would that influence? 2. A belief that Allah is observing you ( Baseer) Now, let us go deeper in the analyses of how each belief can trigger a positive action, and how every Shirk Belief can trigger a sin. Waiting for your answers. Nur ------------------------------------------------ Flying Still, What do you think about this tagline? Q. Why are women not intelligent? A. So they can love their husbands.
Examples on Discussions on Aqeedah topics Responding to a writer called DICK, I responded: Dick You write On 2003-02-04 00:06, DICK wrote: ok how about the other question about an ikhwaan government. i dont think you gave me reply on that apart from srcatching the surface. just explain to me and the rest of us here .....how an Ikhwaan government would govern the land. And please be specific and detailed if possible. and please find comparison with past and present islamic government.eg the talibans,saudis,iranian or pakistanis or the malay/indonasians.or any other past islamic government.And please specify what effect such government would have on somalis and the world at large. and finally why would such government would be better than any other non islamic government. " End Quote Dear DICK When your car is stuck in mud, sometime going back, can help you go forward. Somalis do not have a central government, but they do have governments, if you read my Diatribe on Somalia System 91.0 System Development, on these boards, you can notice how I view the current state of affairs, sarcastically. So let us go back, the question that worries most people is how can a religious people run a government. We shall visit that, the second is, Religion and politics should be separated, we will also visit that topic too, but let me share with you how I see this issue of Sharia in the present circumstances. I believe, without some wisdom, we can be our own enemies. A sister asked me on another thread the need to enforce the stoning of the adulterer clause in the Sharia in our country today, here was my response, please read and reflect, In my next post, you will be ready for my asnwers, here is the text of my response: Islam is a wholesome way of life, it was completed at the time of prophet Muhammad SAWS. Later, the years that followed, Islam as a community, witnessed blossoming, and then slow death that many are betting that it is all over today. The first community of Islam were persecuted in Makkah, they fled to Medina and found sympathy among the people of Medina who supported this new faith and gave it a launching pad. It was in Medina that the laws of stoning were reconfirmed, as the Jews who lived in Medina had the same law in their holy books ( read Suuratul Maaedah). When I say the laws were reconfirmed , I mean that the laws of Moses were binding until Muhammad SAWS appeared, at that point, the new prophet through divine revelation, had the choice to either abolish or sustain that law. ( the law was sustained) Early in the last Century, The Caliphate, represented by Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey was dismantled and a new secular Turkey identifying itself with Europe was born. In a way, the last nail was hammered on the coffin of the Islamic Nation that lasted for 1400 years. Afterwards, nation- states were born and the European nations inherited much of the inheritance of this dead Caliph. Holland Taking Indonesia, and the rest divided in the Berlin Conference that pretty much feasted on the world map as its rightful colonies. As Somalis, we became the property of three colonial masters, The British, Italians and the French. Because of that division, today, we eat fish and chips, spaghetti, and chocolate soufflé respectively. So you can see how united we are as a nation. The last century witnessed the rebirth of Islam, after many Muslim intellectuals dusted out our lost heritage and realized the extent of damage done to our existence as a viable faith and a message for mankind. These intellectuals, from Pakistan to Tunis, called for the rebirth of Islam as a state, not merely as a religion. Because unlike Christianity, Islam was formulated from the beginning as a state for the faithful. The proof of this statement resides in the Library of Congress, not in the card catalogue, but on the Main Dome roof as you walk in, look up the Main Dome Roof to see ISLAM engraved on the roof next to France and Britain as a state among states. A living and a fair testament America is offering the Muslim world for a lasting recognition. Today, Islam is going through tumultuous times to reestablish itself, however, the times have changed not in the sense of technology, but in the sense, that, both Christianity and Judaism, our sister religions have been marginalized and are no longer religions for social change, and Islam is expected to follow suit. Based on that quick background, many Islamic activists who want to reestablish Islam as a state for the faithful differ greatly, just as the Jews who have established Israel have differed on the creation of Israel, each one of them interpreting it his own way. But the Jews ( as a faith and nation ) got their state when Britain's Balfour Declaration gave the Jews Palestine after the holocaust and the fundamentalist Jews were forced to go with the secular interpretation of the creation of Israel. So today Muslims are living in nation states, grouped along geographical and ethnic lines, not faith. The laws of these nations are secular in nature with some honor mentioning of Islam as the official religion of the state, in most so called constitutions. The practical laws of these nations are the European colonial laws, like the French law, which ironically have borrowed some laws from the Hanafi school of thought, specially in the inheritance law. In light of that background, and the fact that Islam as a legal entity is disenfranchised, taking the Islamic law into ones hands will portray Islam very badly to an audience that is in dire need for it. Applying part of Islamic laws in makeshift courts, will alienate those who are sympathetic to Islam, because the beauty of Islam resides in its enforcement of Islamic laws as a WHOLESOME and COMPLETE jurisprudence, not selective pieces and parts. The laws of Islam can only be enforced within a community that is willing to abide by the moral of the law before the letter of the law, and we all know, that such a community, does not exisit today, even if it exists in a geographical terms, it does not yet have the international community mandate or understanding that it needs to declare such a sovereign state. We are thus in changing times, and as times change, we are suddenly finding ourselves again in old Mecca township and village setting, a small world after all, indeed. And as such, we as Muslims have to deal with this new reality wisely by looking into the early Meccan period and the persecutions of the faithful and the Divine strategy of focusing their attention on the spiritual aspect and prayers and not on wars, retaliation and revenge, even when when unjustly attacked, Allah says: ( stop retaliating and establish regular prayers) Quraan. In conclusion, Islam today governs the individual, not the community, so, up until a willing community which can best represent Islam in all spheres of life is born, applying the Islamic law may not serve the best interests of Islam. A spare part for a Ford, will not work on a GM. Nur
Examples of past Discussions on Aqeedah issues: Responding to a writer screen named Mr(X) I wrote: To Mr (x) You write: " I think you are raping the religion. " Answer: Brother, anyone reasonable person who reads my post and this comment may think that you either do not know the meaning of the word RAPE, or RELIGION, I have my doubts that you are a scholar of Religion, so that leaves me have a reason to believe that your usage was not accurate. So clarify, otherwise you may not be credible in your judgement. You Write; " You are behaving like a politician by twisting words to get your points across. " Answer: Alxamdulillah that we agree that you can not trust politicians, I also think the same way about politicians, let us get better people, honest people who will rperesnt our peoples wishes without any personal stake for themselves in this present life. What remains to be clarified is a proof to back up your claims, I clearly wrote that I am not in competition with you on seeking power or money, so where do you get the idea that I am lying? The only goal I have is to appeal to your conscious, which you are too scared to poen up for Allah, relax brother, I am a friend, not an enemy. You Write: "You are describing Somali Xeer or the tribal heads to be sovereigns drawing a sinister picture" Aswer: I am sure that you learned this surah as a kid, let us revisist and understand: " Say Allah is ONE Allah is SAMAD ( SOVREIGN)" Look up your Webster dictionary for the meaning of the word SOVREIGN. After research, you will find that the word means no one has an authority over the SOVREIGN. The Sovreign MUST own a DOMINION, and Allah owns the UNIVERSE, let me know who is challenging this statement. The Sovreign by virtue of his ownership of his Dominion , passes laws. Examples are: 1. The Law of Moses ( Towraat) the ten commandments. 2. The Law of Jesus ( Enjil) 3. The Law of Quraan. This law is superior to any law before, and after. It is in effect and people have the right to disobey, and Allah has the right to punish, in this life and the the next. So, make your move. You write: " The only think clear from here is the ambition of Ikhwans to call the shots. Your group is only interested in power and are in a mission to discredit and finally destroy other power bases" Brother: You are intoxicated with POWER. Why no try humility for a change, like living a simple life, helping the poor orphans and widows, teaching Quraan to the ignorant, counselling troubled teens to be better citizens, helping people live a decent life, advising them against Qat, Alcohol, wild parties, murder, lies, and instead instill in them Good characters ( Akhlaaq) of trustworhiness, truth in speech, dependability etc, some of what the wadaads are attempting to do if you let them. The wadaad, is attempting to carry you on his back to safetyland in the next life by teaching you to live good in this life following Allah's commands, and you want to bite the wadaad, you can kill him, but you will not stay behind for long, and by then, the truth will surface, and it will be too late, there is no UNDO button in Aakhira, Microsoft Corporation products do not operate in that environment. You write; " I cannot start a full diatribe now for I do not have time but I will be back" Answer I can not wait the thriller. Nur
Assalamu Alaykum wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh Dear Virtual Crowd ( welcome Latif and Complex Mind) I am upset that no one is discussing points that I raised in this thread, if this was a football game, you guys left me drippling ball in mid court alone, looking around , I see all of you in next Basketball court. Do you think I can contiune burning my brains out if no one is adding their thoughts to this thread?, asking questions, sharing pesronal experiences to support a point or dispute its validity? Befor I came to Somaliaonline Froum I was a regular at a scumbag gathering at Somalinet, but at least these scumbags refuted my assertions, called me names, but at least they kept an educational discussion going on. Please read below my answers to some readers of my posts on Somalinet forums. I was asked questions that reflect the fear of Islamic sharia and the role of the wadaad in the rebuilding of our fractured country, here were my responses, as an example of educational mission a discussion board should contain ( I selected an Aqeedah discussion). TEXT OF MY ANSWER: Dick You are right brother, my answer was cosmetic at best for a rather important set of questions, so let me attempt the first one: You write: nur " but where would a traditional xeer be at conflict with Sharia " My Answer: Bismillah Xeer, the Somali tribal code of justice for settling differences is an age old accumulated agreements compiled as codes that most tribal followers adhere to, respect and never dare to crsoo its lines. The Xeer, got this stature due to ferocious enforcement of the chiefs, anyone who dares to belittle the xeer, gets spanked, and the enforcement agency for the Xeer is the Tribal Chief whose job is conflict resolution. A joke from the Norh East goes like this: A man was angry at another man, he threatens to kill him and chases him, the victim pleads for mercy asking him to spare his life for the sake of the Prophet, and the angry man continues pursuing him, then he pleads for the sake of Allah and again, it did not help him, then the man envokes Xaaji Jaamac, the tribal Chief as his refuge, and Presto, the angry man says " Meel xun baad iga gashay" The joke delivers some sobering lessons: 1. Xeer is a respectable law 2. Law enforcement Officer, the Chief is Sovreign, in real terms, he is the ruler of the clan, not Allah. 3. Xeer tolerates disobying Allah, but not the Tribal Chief, power center of the tribe. Said all of that, let us answer the question: Where does traditional Xeer be in conflict with Sharia?" You see brother, it all depends how we define the xeer, here are several: 1. A stand alone code of justice ( SAMAD) 2. An administrative directives supporting the adherence to the Sharia, the superior law of the land, an intermediate step in transmitting Allah's law for ignorant tribesmen who may not know Allah very well. The first definition is clearely in conflict with the Sharia, which borrows its legitimacy from the owner of the Somalis and their habitat and everything else, his law is binding and no one is allowed to against them. Allah may allow people not to follow his law if they can find other lands, and can shed their bodies like snakes to have bodies not made by Allah. The second definition is plausible with a lot of care, we have to teach our elders that the Xeer should serve as an enofrcement agency for the sharia, it needs to be amended with clauses that guarantee the sovreignty to Allah alone in every sense possible, all of the Xeer must align with the Sharia, providing a Somali Explanation of Allah's intent in any specific law, it shall act like a travel agency for an airline, the Xeer will only enforce the sharia, the Chiefs need to learn the moral of the Sharia, the engine for the Xeer, which is : 1. Protection of the human life ( all life, including reer Qansax's life) 2. The protection of human property ( for all) 3. The protection of Human dignity ( for All ) 4. The brotherhood of all those who believe in Allah, his messenger and the day of judgemenmt. Allah says in Suuratul Xadiid : " We have sent our messengers with clear signs and we have furthre sent down with them the book and the criteria ( of distinction between good and bad) so mankind may uphold justice" The Sharia thus is sent down for justice, and the justice has two folds: A. Fairness to the creator ( repect him by obedience, and make him not equal with his creatures in no way) B. Fairness with his creatures: Do not deny them the right to life, property and dignity. So, the crux of the problem relies on how the Xeer is defined Your second question is interesting. As the new breed of wadaads, I have learned hard lessons not to Compete with the common man I want to win his heart over for Allah in the direction he is competing: 1. Money 2. Power My example is our prophet Muhammad SAWS, who refused all kind of power and wealth in the beginning of his mission, only to see all power and wealth come to him. My formula is winning hearts and minds for Allah, and very peacefully while doing it, if you slap me, I will not slap you back, I am under dhiker control, all my actions are remotely controlled by Allah, and the only times that I goof, it is because of Ghaflah, not rememnbering Allah in that specific instance. In these troubled times, we need to make compassion, forgivenss, and caring for one another our ideals, because we have seen the other side of the fence and it is not green, a fly trying to get out of a window will die trying hundred times doing the same thing, when some thing does not work, try something different, and in our current debacle, why not give Islam a shot? SISTER ASRAAR WROTE TO ME: Nur, From what you wrote I gather that the'wadaad' has still a long way to go in becoming a deciding voice in Somali politics and power sharing as the 'waranle' It seems the approach of the wadaad is one of creating a national movement that will gain strength through dawa provided there is no division among the Somali ulema/ikhwan. Do you view the wadaad/Islamists as a group are different from the rest of the Somalis who are guided more by clanism rather than an ideology? Asraar. My Answer: Sister ASRAAR The wadaad is definetly different, to solve a problem, one has to rise above the level that created the problem in the first place, and the level the wadaad has risen to is the highest possible, Islam, a total surrender to the will of Allah SWT. Are the wadaads living up to that lofty level? I have my doubts, but at least they are working in that direction, and personally, if I am painting a house for you, I may not follow my pianting manuals and drawings very well, which may confuse you, but I would appreciate that you show me were I missed so I can paint agin, but please do not distablilize and throw me off by pulling my ladder and hiring a blindfolded painter who has only power ( temporary that is) but lacks vision to paint your house. A house built on Taqwa from day one is better.. don't you agree sister? Nur Dear Somaliaonline forum regulars This site is decent, but it should be spontantaneous, inqusitive, imaginitive, suspenseful, and everyone should speak their minds, that way we can all learn from each other in a positive way while helping make the boards what the owners meant it to be " A DISCUSSIONS BOARD" contrary to how i see it now as a " COMMENT BOARD" Finally; Where are those good sceennames who signed up for the summer Aqeedah refresher course ...such as Flying Still, Wardi, Lucky, Muslim Sis, Ilhaam, Serenity, Jawahir and latsly Nafisa.? were they eaten up by sharks at the great barrier reef? or did i let them down by way of my skewed-up sense of posting Islamic articles in an unorthodox presentation? Sorry, that is me, an I can best serve Islam in my unique way, and I am beyond repair if that was what you had in in mind. I need your feedback, Walaalkiin Nur
Old Age (Greeks Religion) :::: Somalia’s Genius Problem
Nur replied to Animal Farm's topic in General
Animal Farm Very interesting reading indeed! Do not apologise, your insights refelect the words of one of the greatest Islamic thinkers ( Ibnu Taymia's time, I can not recall his name0) This thinker, who went very deep in the science of logic or as you call it "intellectualism", repented at the end of his life from indulging in mental acrobatics, saying his famous word " I wish i die with as simple a belief as that of old ladies" I, myself have read very challenging books on philosophy, but I've never found peace except in Quraan and Sunnah. "Alhamdulillah alladii hadaanaa li hadaa, wa maa kunnaa li nahtadii lowlaa an hadaanaa Allah" All Praise to Allah who has guided us to this ( faith) while we were not on the right track if it was not for Allah's guidance" Nur -
Nurtel Summer Programs oo idiin soo bandhigeysaa qoraal hore oo ku saabsan: Qiimaha Danbiga Walaalayaal Dunuubta waaa labo qeybood oo waaweyn 1. Wax Allah ku faray ood la imaan weysay 2. Wax Allah kaa reebay ood sameysay Allah wuxuu noo sheegay inuu qasadka uu ka lahaa abuurkeenna uu ahaa inaad u hoggaansanto asaga. Sidaa darteed wixii qasadkaas weyn: 1. Cidhib tiraya, ama 2. Naaqusinaya, ama 3. ka hor imaanaya Waa Dunuub loo baahan yahay in laga haro. Salaadda waa hoggaansanaan la iska rabo, salaadda haddii si sax ah loo tukado ayadoo wadata waajibaadkeeda iyo sunankeeda wey ku filan tahay iney qofka sameeya ka reebto dunuubta. Hadaba Dunuubta waxaa loo diiddan yahay iney waxyeelleyneyso cibaadada oo ah qasadkii naloo uumay. Cibaadada Allah se waxaa loo farad yeelay Allah dartiis, iyo inaan jeclaanno, kana jeclaanno wax walboo kale, maxaa yeelay waxaan jecelnahay oo dhan asaga ayaa na siiyey, hadduu doonana waa naga qadi karaa. Marka si cibaadada ay u wanaagsanaato, waxaa la iska reebay dunuubta. Dunuubtu wexey leedahay seddex asal 1. Jeceyl waxaan Allah aheyn 2. Carada 3. Shahwadda korka Seeddexdaas waxaa ka dhasha: 1. Shirkiga 2. Dulmiga 3. Fawaaxishta Run ahaantiina markii caqliga wax lagu eego, qofka waxaa u sahlan inuu ku sabro dhibka shahwadda ama carada intuu ku sabri lahaa ciqaabta adduun ama tan aakhiro ooy arrintaas keensan karto. gabadh iyo wiil baa saaxiibey, wexeyna ku dheceen faaxisho, gabadhii wexey qaadday uur, inankiina waa diiday inuu guursado, inantii waa isdishey. Markaad arrintaas u fiirsato waxaad aragtaa intaan aakhiro la gaadhin, in taklifada, ( COST) dambiga uu qaali yahay. Nabi aadan hal jeer buu goostay geedkii jannada ku yaallay taasoo dhashiisii oo annaga ah, maanta na badday dhibka aan ku jirno. Dunuubta, kuma ekaato qofka, laakin wexey dhibkeeda gaadhsiisaa ubadkaaga, hadaba ha yareysanin. Sheydaanna hal sujuud buu diiday taasoo uu uga baxay naxariista Allah, asagoon fileyn cafis, asgana ilaa iyo hadda waa ku maqan yahay dambigaas. Hal xubin oo le'eg hal dhowr (inch) oo xaaraan ku xadgudbay meelaan loo ogoleyn ayaa keentay fadeexo ay gabaddha aan soo sheegnay iney isu dishay, tasooy ka hoorreysay, hal taabasho, hal qosol, hal hadal, hal eegmo, daymo, fiiro. Allah wuxuu na leyahay " kuwii Allah rumeeyayow, ha saan qaadina tallaboyinka sheydaanka" Marka shahwadda in dhibkeeda loo adkeysto oo la is ilaaliyo ayaa ka sahlan in lagu sabro dhibaatada ka dhalan karta in nafta addoon looga dhigo shahwadda. Bal aan isla fiiriinno qiimaha uu qofka caasiga ah bixiyo si uu u guto shahwaddiisa. 1. qoomammo, shallayti, calool xumo, walwal, murug, yaxyax...... 2. Waqti lumis aad wax wanaagsan oo wax tar leh aad ku qabsan kari leheyd adduunkaaga ama aakhiradaada wax aad u hor marsato 3. Maal kaa khasaara ood naftaada wax ugu qaban leheyd ama ehelkaada 4. Sharafta aad ku leheyd qaraabadaada iyo asxaabtaada oo dhacda 5. Nicmad aad ku jirtay oo lagaaga qaado dambiga dartiis, ama cudur kugu dhaca 6. Qof aad isku xumeydeen ood u oggolaato inuu sharafkaaga meel kaga dhaco, kaana saremaro 7. Heybadaada oo dhacda 8. Cilmiga ood illowdo, xasuustaada oo xumaata markaad badsato macsida. 9. Ceeb aan weligaa kaa harin oo ku raacda. 10. Fursad cibaado ood ku baddalatay macsi Intaas waa dhibka adduunka, waxaa kuu raacsan ciqaabta Allah oo aakhiro ku sugeysa. hadda ood intaas fahamtay, waxaad iswarsaneysaa: Meel laga soo noqdo ma jirtaa? Haa walaal, ilaa ay nafta dhuunta gaarto waa kuu furan tahay inaad Allah usoo laabato. Allah wuxuu yidhi " Kuwii Allah rumeeyayow, u soo laabta rabbigiinnan soo noqod wanaagsan" " U soo laabta Allah muminiintiiyey, waa intaasood aflaxdaan" " Allah waa jecel yahay kuwa soo laabta oo is daahiriya" " Tolkeygiiyow dambi dhaaf warsada rabbigiina dabadeedna usoo laabta, wuxuu idiinka soo daadin cirka roob farabadan, wuxuuna idiinku kordhin xooggiinna xoog kale, hana ka jeesanina ( waanadaan) idinkoo dambiileyaal ah" Qaybta Labaad ( Part Two) Walaalayaal Sidaan uga soo hadallay maalmihii tagay, dunuubtu, iska ma tagto. Faylka dambiga waa furan yahay ilaa: 1. Aad towbo keento, ood Allah u soo laabato 2. Ama ciqaab adduun lagaaga jaro waxaad galabsatay oo lagu daahiriyo, taasoo ah naxariista Allah u galo qof dambi galay, kana towbo keeni waayey. 3. Inaad dhimato, oo xisaabta Allah lagaa abaal mariyo, ama lagu cafiyo. Marka waxaa xikmad leh in marka hore aadan naftaada u bandhigin dhibaato aadan u baahneyn. Dambi markuu kaa dhaco, waxaa malaa'igta laguu xilsaaray oodan ka xishoonin ay qoraan waxaad qabatay, waxaana markhaati ay ka dhigtaan xubnaha korkaaga ku yaalla oo sameeyay dambigaas. Si ay maalinka qiyaamaha kaaga markhaati kacaan. Haddii muddo gaaban aadan dambigaas kaga soo laaban, faylkaaga cirka ayaa loo qaadaa, ayadoo Allah ay gaadho, asagoon wax moogeyn waxaad faleyso. Maalinka Khamissta iyo maalinka Isniinta ayaa reportkaaga loo bandhiga Allah SWT asagoon marna wax moogeyn. Marka ka soo qaad inaad dambi gashay, ha noqdo waxaad ku hadashay ama sameysay. Dambigaas waxaad leedahay ( Grace Period) ood kaga soo laabatid dhibaato la'aan. Haddii ay dhammaato waqtigaas, faylkaagana kor loo qaado waxaa waajib noqonaya in lagaa gudo waxaad galabsatay. Allah wuxuu yidhi, "Ma aha waxey naftiinna jecleysato, idinka ama ahlul kitaabka, qofkii xumaan sameeya waa laga jaraa, (ama waa laga abaal mariyaa)" Laakin waxaa naxariistta Allah oo ballaaran ah in dambigaas lagaa jarayo uu naxariis kuu yahaya, maxa yeelay, ciqaabta lagugu xukumay dambigaaga dartiis waa wax yar marka loo fiiriyo waxaad sameysay. Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahay " Wixii idin gaadhaa oo dhibaato ah waa waxaad galabsateen, qaar badanna ( Dambiyaal) wuu idinka cafiyaa" Marka dhibaatooyinka lagugu ciqaabo oon soo arki doonno wexey yihiin kuwo yar, wexey la mid tahay adigoo (Interstate Highway speeding) lagugu qabtay, oo lagugu xukumay 200 oo Dollar, laakin lagaa dhaafay 190, ood bixisay 10 dollar oo keliya. Marka ciqaabta dambiga wexey leedahay dhowr nooc: (Types of Punishment) 1. Naftaada wax dhiba, sida in walbahaar iyo calooxumo badan lagugu ciqaabo, ama cudur lagugu rido. 2. Maalkaaga, inaad ku khasaarto tijaaro, ama lacag lagaa xado, ama barakada laga qaado hantidaada (assets) oo lacagta meeshey ka baxday aad garan weyso, ama iney lacagta kaa lunto. 3. Ubadkaaga, walaalahaa, qarabadaada, iyo reerkaaga oo dhibaato kaaga imaato raaxada kaa qaadda oo mushkilad joogta ah kugu noqota. 4. Kadeed iyo dhib aan dhamaan oodan garan meesha lagaa heysto.( Saa qof Allah heysto, qeyladiisa la ma maqlo) Haddii marka dhibaatoyinkaas kugu dhacaan, ooy kaa nadiifiyaan ooy kaa meydhaan dunuubta waa sidii la rabay. Waana naxariis Allah SWT. Haddey weli wax dunuub ah kugu haraan se, waxaa lagaaga jaraa sakaraatul mowdka, markaad dhimaneyso. Haddii weli dunuub kugu harto waxaa lagaaga jaraa markii Muslimiinta kugu tukaneyso Janaazada ooy Allah kuu warsaneyso cafis iyo masaabax, sidaa darteed raacidda janaazadda iyo in lagu tukado muslimiinta waa ajar weyn, maxaa yelay wixii ku haray oo dunuub ah o qofkaaas la dhintay ayaad Allah u warsaneysaa cafis, waxaana ajar leh in deynka laga bixiyo, maxaa yeelay hadaan laga bixin, xasaanaadkiisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa, kuwaasoo uu u baahan yahay si uu uga nabad galo ciqaabta qabriga. Haddii weli wax kugu haraan, waxaa lagaaga jaraa danbiga Qabriga oo cadaabtiisa ay sahlaneyn. Haddii weli wax dunuub ah kugu haraan, waxaa lagaaga jaraa siraadka marka la marayo, ood gaabiso dadkii kheyrka lahaana sida biriqda ay u duulayaan. Maxaa yeelay dambigaaga ayaa kula harey. Waxaa laga soo wariyey suubbanihii SCWS inuu yidhi " Qofkii u la gaabiyo camalkiisa, ma dadajiyo nasabkiisa" Haddii weli wax dunuub ah kugu hadhaan, waxaa lagaaga jaraa ama laguu cafiyaa xisaabtaas maalinka qiyaamaha. " Dhaalika yawmun majmuucun lahun naasu, wa dhaalika yawmun mash-huud" " Maalinkaas waa maalin dadka loo soo kulmiyey, waana maalin la wada daawanayo" oo dadku Rabbigooda uu xisaabinayo. Walaal, How much apetite do you have now for a Danbi? Marka walaal, Allah u soo laabo laabasho wanaagsan, wuuna ku karaameeyay, ee dulli ha isaga dhigin hana ku adkeysan dunuub aadan ka soo laaban, nmaxaa yeelay waxaad qaadanayesaa deyn aad gudi doonto adoon jecleyn. Nur Nurtel Softwaano Series Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign For Nomads who are NOT MAD.
Some so-called "Muslims" raised in the west with no clue of what Islam stands for, from time to time get confused and suggest off the shelf suggestions to modernize Islam in order to make it a "NORMAL" world religion. One such suggestion caught my eyes once in a discussion board. I responded impulsively, but you can only appreciate my response if you are knowledgeable in Christian history. So be careful when you read this piece, it pushes the envelope of warped imagination of confused "Muslims" to new heights. A Somali forum contributor calling himself "O Jay" posted an article on a discussion boards and Suggested the establishment of an Islamic Protestant Church to modernize Muslims to teach them the benefits of Democracy American version. As a response, I wrote back the following piece to help Mr. O Jay establish his dream of Islamic protestantism Church, all I did was go back in history and rebuild his version of Islam like Christianity was put together, so relax, this depiction is an imaginative lampoon of his funny suggestion. D I S C L A I M E R The following response by no means is intended to belittle ISLAM, The Prophet SAWS, or any of the personalities we hold high, the lampoon intends to magnify the possibility of how our faith can be altered by latter day " Muslims" living in the west if we are complacent, " Muslims", who have only known Christianity in their practical life, who yearn to make Islam identical to Christianity in all aspects, so they can have their cake and eat it too. My Answer to O Jay. " Interesting Idea O JAY Let us see where your Vision and idea takes us. First, we will have the Islamic Nicene Convention, in the Mediterranean Port of Nicaea, near Cyprus, There, we will have President Bush as the Chairman of the Religious Convention, since he is a Southern Baptist, his presence and power can intimidate delegates to adopt Islamic Protestantism. His position will be analogous to the place of Roman Emperor Caesar Flavius Constantine who presided over the First Nicene convention in the second century in which Christians delegates were forced to accept the Deity of Jesus Christ and the concept of Trinity ( the mathematical miracle that says 1+1+1=1 which is analogous to the feeling of True Freedom under an American Occupation Force. Note: Trinity does not say that (1/3)+(1/3)+(1/3)=1 which is mathematically correct, neither does it say that the three godhead are the same, nor does it clarify which part of Jesus was Divine and which part of Jesus was human, nor does it explain which part of Jesus died on the cross, if he indeed died. The delegates who will come from all parts of Muslim world, will be named by your organization, Islamic Protestantism Organization, and because you do not have enough members to make a big difference, The National Institute of Health will CLONE you to be five thousand people who want Islamic Protestantism. Meanwhile, Twenty "backward" clerics like Nur who will disagree with your plan will also be invited for the sake of fairness in the elections. At the end of the Convention, Genetically altered delegates, who are your clones, will declare that Allah is God , Muhammad is Son of God and Ali is the holy spirit, but these three are ONE . Welcome the Islamic Trinity. Now we have the New Muslim TRINITY. Next, The Clones will author some two hundred books of Quraans, each one different version, The authors will have only one name, just like MARK, LUKE and MATHEW no , nobody will bother to verify their original names, and many sects will appear who will begin to fight and cause trouble for the peace of the New World Order. Due to this confusion, the New World Order Government decides to give the Islamic Catholics a small state in Morocco, which will be called Islamic Vatican, where the Muslim Pope sits. He begins to bless people , feed them pieces of PITA Bread, and Islamic wine named ZOMZOM, The Pope will sell to them pieces of Paradise for $1000 per square meter while supplies last for the next century, he will allow all the sinning you can buy for a sizable donation to the Islamic Church, and if you can describe tidbits to the priest during your confession, The Church may even offer you a lucrative Job as the youth counselor, where you have an opportunity to molest kids. The New Islamic Church which you envision, will teach that all you have to do is believe that Muhammad died for your sins, so no more guilty feeling when indulging in your lusts. Islamic Catholics will be able to enjoy good things in life like wine and girl friends. In schools they will have Islamic Choirs, singing, "O my Lord Muhammad please save me". The Islamic Catholics will sell Statues of Muhammad, and Ali, and The Mowliid, Muhammad's birthday will be the Islamic Christmas, when Islamic Catholics will import Christmas trees from Norway and Sweden. The Islamic Nativity sites, In Islamic Catholics Mosques there will be a Statue of Muhammad , Khadija, Fatma etc. At This point many Muslim Catholics who live in Germany will become upset by the Church in Morocco, and its commercialization of the Religion. The Islamic protestantism movement begins, led by one of the decedents of your clones, his name will be Martin Luther O JAY, and the Islamic Protestant church is established. Then the Protestants differ on many issues, so new sub groups are born, Islamic Southern Baptists, Islamic Seven day Adventist, Islamic Methodists, Islamic Mennonites, Islamic Presbyterians, and Islamic Unitarians, etc...and the list goes on. Finally, people become fed up with religion altogether, and become more Secular, Religion will become a big joke, and a one day Services for geriatric old couples in their 90s, while girls and boys will be going to Islamic church to chat and socialize, and plan weekend parties. At the end, your Demonic Dream of Democracy will be realized when Gays and Lesbians are ordained as Islamic Protestant Shaikhs in your Islamic Protestant Church who will make everything under the sun Xalaal. Is that what you had in mind O JAY? Nur 2002 Nurtel Lampoons unlimited
Nurtel Wordcrafts Creations Old Posts Presents: The Qiyaamah Position Finder Calculator I am sure that you use a CALCULATOR for computing numbers, formulas etc. Many disciplies have developd their own calculators, for example, real estate professionals have their quick calculators for computing the amount of Ribaa you have to pay for the next 30 years. Every industry has developed a similar one, and I thought why not one for the next life. I Call it the Qiyaama calculator. It will tell you with precision of your whereabouts in a day that no one has a zip code, A tribe, a nation, A president, a King or a Warlord. That day we would only worry about saving our little rear ends from hot temperatures, and painful torments ( if you have ever sat in a parked car in Berbera, Djibouti, or Kismayo in hot season you can get the idea, 50+ is not rear end friendly). But, how about a calculator for our future worth, I mean, after death, any thoughts bro/Sis? Well I have the calculator for you, it is easy to compute, after entering couple of facts, you will immeidately see your place in the next life. Because you are still here, you can use the UNDO button of this calculator and reset it so that you are on the right track again. It is like traveling to the future, coming back and correcting your mistakes. First Function : To calculate your location in the day of judgement : 1. Enter the ten top important things to you in this life. 2. Answer: Your location in the day of judgement is relative to where you have placed Allah in your list of important things. For example, if in the calculator you have entered Allah in # 7, in the day of judgement, your location will be # 7, relative to other people who placed Allah as # 1., fair enough. If Allah's demands was not in your list of important things, then, your calculator will show ERROR, because Zero in the denominator generates error. Second Function: Path Simulation. You see, your compliance with Allah's commandments is called SIRAADUL MUSTAQEEM. ( The Straight Path) meaning the shortest path that will take you to Allah SWT. There is another Path in the day of Judgement, it is called ( AL SIRAAD) The Path. In the day of judgement, all of mankind will walk on this path toward their final hmoe or jail. Walking on this path is not easy, for starters, it is razor sharp, below the path is balzing fires of hell, hanging on its sides are hooks proportional to your sins committed in this life, so whenever you commit a sin, an error record is generated on your record and a corresponding hook which is proportional to that sin is placed along the path of the day of judgment, that hook will have your name written all over it, and if you do not repent from that specific sin, it will catch up with you when you least expect it and throw you in the pit of fire. So you need a lot of ballance as you walk along this thin and sharp path, so 1. If you were balanced in this life's Path, you will be balanced on that Path in the day of judgement, 2. If you were firm on following the commandments of Allah in this lifes path, Your feet will be firm on that path in the day of judgment, you will not slip and slide away. 3. If you were responsive to the demands of Allah SWT in this Life, The Path will be responsive to your movement, you will move on it like a lightening, on the other hand, if you were reluctant or hesitant to respond to Allah's demands in this life, you will crawl like a beetle on the Path of the day of judgement and good people will be passing you right and left. How much is this calculator you may ask. This calculator is absolutely free. This calculator is handy, easy to use, and it guaranteed to work for you, I have enough quantities to ship, but you may not have enough time to live, so I advice you order your copy today, if you have an interest in a better life than the current one. If you are satisfied with current life and do not see the point in thinking about life after death, you need no order, just stay chill'n. Please submit your order on this thread, the calculator will be shipped to you as soon as I hear from you. Nur Nurtel Old Editions, All rights NOT reserved
Walaal Inaad safxaddan furtay waxaa ka muuqda in qalbigaagu uu ku jiro jeceyl ama inaad ku cusubtahay ood dooneyso inaad ogaato wuxuu jeceylku yaahay. Si walba ha ahaatee, safxaddaan waxaan u furay in looga hadlo jeceylka guud ahaan, iyo Jeceylka gaar aha oon markaas baranno xiriirka ka dhexeeya labadaas jeceyl. Shaki kuma jiro in dadku is jeclaadaan, mataal wuxaa dadka la isugu riday quluubtooda jaceyl aan la fasiri karin siduu ku dhasho, gaar ahaan haweenka iyo ragga iney is jeclaadaan taasoo la'aanteed nolosha adduunka ayan suuro geleyn. Isla markaas jeceylkaas wuxuu leeyahay xuduud hadduu dhaafo ay ka dhalaneyso natiijo ka duwan sababtii quluubta jeceylka loogu abuuray. Jeceylku wuxuu leeyahay qaybo badan. Kan ugu horreya waa kan ragga iyo haweenka la isugu daray Kan ku xiga waa kan ubadka iyo hooyadii ama aabbihii iyo walaaladii la isgu daray. Kan seddexaad waa jeceylka waddanka, iyo qaraabada iyo asxaabta uu qofka la soo koray Kan afraad waa jeceylka shaqada, hantida, ganacsiga iyo daaraha. Kan shanaad waa jeceylka cilmiga ama tacliinta. Kan lixaad waa jeceylka nolosha iyo raaxadeeda. Kan ugu muhimsan jeceyllada oo dhan wa Jeceylka Allah! Su'aasha aan maanta iswarsaneyno mudanayaal iyo marwoyinka daawanaya safxaddaan waxaa weeye. Jeceyllada kale oo dhan waa kuwo aannu khibrad u wada leenahay siyaabo kala duwanba ha ahaadeena, haseyeeshee waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aan iswarsanno : Jeceylka Allah quluubteenna miyuu ku jiraa? Hadduu ku jiro maxaa u daliil ah oo caddeynaya? Jeceyllada aan kor kus oo xusnay, mid walba waxaa lagu gartaa calaamado. Waddanka waa loo hiloobaa. Qofkaad jeceshahay waa la tabaa, waana la qaloodaa markii aad ka fogtahay qofkaad jeceshahay. Ninka haween jeclaada, hadiyooyin badan buu usoo iibiyaa. Qofka shaqadiisa jecel maantoo dhan wuu ka sheekeeyaa oo mar walba waa xusaa, wax walbana shaqadiisa ayuu ka hormariyaa. qofka cilmiga jecel wuxuu jecel yahay inuu la sheekeysto kuwa cilmiga jecel oo qura. Su'aasha meesha taalla waxaa weeye, Jeceylka Allah, nolosheenna ma ka muuqdaa? Dhab ahaan Allah ma u jecel nahay? La kulankiisa ma jecelnahay, mana sugeynaa? Mar walba ma ku fakarnaa sidaan Allah u raalli gelein leheyn? Dartiis ma u caroonnaa? Dartiis oo qura wax ma u xariirinnaa? Dartiis wax ma u bixinnaa? waxna ma u diidnaa? Dadka ma ugu jecelnahay, hadba kan Allah u dhow. Ma jecelnahay Rasuulka Allah uu noo soo diray oon ku jecelnahay jeceylka Allah dartiis? Dadka diinta dadka ugu yeera ma u kaalmeynaa? mana jecelnahay? Allah ma u caabudnaa jeceyl weyn oon u qabno wajigiisa kariimka ah? Mise mushkiladda jirta waa in Dadku ay Allah u caabudaan caado ahaan, iyo ka cabsasho oo qudha, oo ayan u caabudin Allah xiiso ay u qabaan la kulankiisa? 2003 Nurtel Productions, All Rights NOT Reserved Nur
Dear Raxmah you ask: Br. Nur did you like the experiance of scuba diving? [/QB] It is the best hobby i ever had, ( ia have done skeeing on Pennsylvania slopes), however, words can not decribe the pleasure i got from open ocean diving. The first ten meters are the most braethtaking, as colors ar more vivid and crisp, corals, fishes and the rocks are awesome, and then it is all quiet and you feel like you are a soaring eagle in the sky as you dive in a three dimensional space between narrow holes and open depths. Somalia is gifted with some of the richest marine biology coasts in the world, virgin and unexploited, unfortunately, our people have other interests. Nur
Nurtel Wordcraft Presents: Getting high, by going down under There are two ways to go high by going low To experiment with the first one, let us take an imaginative trip to the south of Somalia, ( Sorry Somali Landers, and Puntlandians). Today we go to an archipelago of islands off the coast of Kismayo, known by locals as Chula and Chawaay. In my last visit to that island, the locals, Somali Bajunis who speak Swahili, treated me so well, I almost thought of settling there, extremely generous people who captivated me with their cheerful character and hospitality. One condtion, you must enjoy eating Qubo, the marine turtle, known for its vitality enhancing power. After the morning breakfast, we head to the beach where a small boat is waiting paddled by a dark muscular guy who wears a smile so precious, if sold to depressed people in New York, Los Angeles or Toronto, could easily fetch a million dollar tap. Now we ride the boat with Juma, I say, " Jambo, habariako? " Jambo sana, Nur, habari ya jamayaako, lama goodle"? responds Juma jubilantly. " madaxfalluuq?, I quip. We then go packing our boat with food, our scuba tanks and equipment, and off we go to a nearby reef. Before we go down, we put on our masks, strap our weights, put on our fins, tighten our jackets, read our tank meters, say our dhiker, ( bismillah, twakkaltu calaAllah, wa laa xawla walaa quwata illaa billaah) and splash down, on our back first. What a feeling! subxaanaAllah! Seconds later, everything is calm, down in the warm waters of the Indian ocean , except for sound of blue bubbles, as we descend, we periodically equalize pressure of our eardrums interior with the exterior pressure of the water which is increasing with depth as we descend. Now we come in contact with the inhabitants of the planet down under, a collection of living crustaceans, colorful corals and tropical fish on a background of the turquoise crystal clear water of the Indian ocean decorated by the strong penetrating rays of sunlight creating a 4th of July kind of tantalizing effect. Moments later, a shark is spotted circling around us as we descend, the shark, is sizing us up ( who are these guys?). Like Somalinet Forum Scumbags, a shark will not attack you if you are down under with him, his eye lenses see you a one-fourth bigger than your real size, which in the law of the jungle means ( Ninuusan warankiisu ku gelin, weedhiisu kuma gasho). In contrast, a shark only attacks when you soar above him, in which case he mistakenly thinks you are an easy prey for a kill, a prey that can not defend itself. The shark after few circles, leaves us in peace, not in pieces, Alhamdulillah, compliments of our Dhikr we invoked before we took the dive for which the angels responded ( Hudiitum, wa kufiitum) As we breathe in and out of our compressed scuba tanks while descending, the mixture of air in our tanks creates an interesting effect called Nitrogen Narcosis. ( sarkhaannimada Naytroojiinka). This effect is equivalent to a narcotic effect or an alcoholic intake which impairs judgment below hundred feet. Nitrogen as any Chem one-o-one student knows, is an inert gas, goes in and out of your lungs without any energy transformation effect, but at high concentration, the nitrogen, along with the oxygen and carbon dioxide and other trace gasses, obey Jaalle Dalton's law which causes Oxygen toxicity while at the same time enhancing the effect of other contaminant gasses on your brain which makes a pesron behave funny. As you descend further down, the hallucination increases, and you literally go high while going down, hence the exotic title of this topic, some excited victims of this phenomena were reported to have fought off their rescuers until they sank to their assured death. This effect is similar to the way some Somalinet Scumbags get high by living and posting lowly materials, the lower they go, the higher intoxicated they get, scaring away decent readers and family oriented browsers, until one day they wake up in a non familiar environment, and face an interrogation by two serious angles called Munkar and Nakiir, for their arraignment interview, followed by their subsequent classification and holding in the temporary penitentiary known as Barzakh, after which they will be hauled to their permanent home of misery and pain, so they can pay for their evils on earth which they thought will never catch up with them. A bad calculation indeed. So, to avoid the above horrible scenario, these evildoers can go get high in a different way: The second way of getting high by going- low, is to bow down in prayers, the more times you go down, the higher you get in happiness and self fulfillment, also, Allah SWT will resurrect you in higher rank in the next life when you have gone down on your knees many times out of Allah's love and respect. The prayers will help you avoid evil ways that will cost you dearly, and will help you choose your words and actions for a higher (ROI), and as a result you will be loved for your good actions on earth and fully credited in the hereafter, instead of being feared for your evil ways, like Machiavelli suggested in his famous book, Prince, and as implemented by modern warlords and politicians to rule over and mislead ignorant masses. Allah SWT says: "We have created man in the best of forms ( perfection, when man lives up to the purpose of his creation), and then ( as a result of his failure to live up to his place in Allah's dominion) we demoted (some of mankind) him to the (level of the animals) lowest of the low" Meaning Translation courtesy of Nurtel Tran- Semantics Service. So if you are bottom feeder, and dweller, remember, that you can only go up from where you are if you heed my advice. Literally an uplifting message from a caring paesano. Nur Nurtell Communications Marine Expedition (PPSC) Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign